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May 25, 2009 1:27 AM
Apr 2009
matdavhans said:
Yeah... speak for yourself. I didn't read the manga, and I hated this ending. Claymore went from being one my most anticipated series around halfway through to an attitude of "let's just get this over with" near the end.

I thought a lot of the episode was cheesey, and I'm usually a sap for these kinds of things. And I love how Easley could have just slewn them all, but he didn't feel like it for some reason, so they all live and the anime ends.

I had hoped for more out of this series, but I ended up sorely disapointed.

This, the ending was very dissatisfying. I thought at least Raki would die.

But this encourages me to read, hopefully buy, the manga.

I'm giving it a 6, since the second half to me was badly executed. The battle scenes got too repetitive.
Jun 7, 2009 11:13 AM

Apr 2009
Guess I'm gonna have to read the manga...
End sucked... I wanted Priscilla to die... Dx
Stupid Raki.... =.=""" ><""
deadoptimist said:
Though I think shit-flinging should also have standards - no personal, no behind the scenes.
Jun 22, 2009 8:11 AM

Jun 2009
I honestly though something was wrong with the last two episodes it felt like the story was going wildly out of synch with the characters. I am reading the chapters now and I see that my instincts were correct.

The anime was great don't get me wrong I just wish they would have been truer to the Manga and the studio had more funds to make more episodes.
Jul 3, 2009 2:29 PM

Sep 2008
I think the show as a whole is 8/10, easily. For sure, I liked the first half way more, with the constant flow of new backstory in basically every episode. Towards the end, they just fought for hours which became a bit dull.

I think the ending was decent, but then I'm taking a second season for granted. Felt kinda obvious to me. Sure, everyone was basically going back to square one (except for Jeane) but I think the future developments of the remaining characters could prove very fruitful indeed.

But if the anime stays as it is, well, then the ending was a total waste of animation.
Jul 14, 2009 6:11 AM
Jan 2008
Really, I loved like most of the series until like the final moments.

I thought Raki was going to have some development at all, but no he's still whiny. We need Bright Noa to slap his face back into reality. Or if he got decapped, Clare would have a reason to kill again.
Jul 22, 2009 2:30 AM

Jul 2007
Hurvilo said:
I think the ending was decent, but then I'm taking a second season for granted. Felt kinda obvious to me. Sure, everyone was basically going back to square one (except for Jeane) but I think the future developments of the remaining characters could prove very fruitful indeed.

Except that they went out of the way to do an anime-original ending and have no intentions of doing a continuations.

Seriously, if they wanted a continuation they would have went with manga storyline instead of creating such a shitty 6-episode filler to end the series.
Jul 22, 2009 9:36 PM
Apr 2009
Still giving it a 9/10 cause 95% of the anime was AWESOME. I can ignore the last 2 episodes, and won't drop the score by 3-4 for that like everyone does... which IMO, is pretty freaking stupid : Anime that I rated 6 I basiclly completly hate. This was amazing, although the last 2 episodes were bad. But 95% of the anime was amazing... Don't change the score so quick. Although I gotta admit it was bad lmao :....

I don't like how strong clare gets without training.. She went from sucky.. to better, to defeating number 4... to like, fcking defeating legendary people the rest couldn't defeat...

And it was just stupid and rushed how prisccilla was defeated lol... She is number 2 awakened into a superb monster.. Clare is 47 (ok prob as strong as a single digit, but prob not as strong as priscilla was) and bamn she defeats her pretty damn easy without even fully awakening yet..

And what about south attacking north? where is that other dweller at ? : And wasn't the other dude the boss? Man.. although this REALLY hints towards a second season, which I guess is good... No one died, bosses are still alive, number 1,2,5 hasn't been seen in action yet (comeone, there suppose to be cool and strong T_T) and wtf is up with the company, they knew they would die, and it would be a hard battle. If they freaking send number 3 and 2, they prob would have finished all this, which is I guess what the organisation doesn't want..

But very quick how priscciall died.. And while clare was talking for 10 minutes, she was laying on the ground naked (hot kinda though : D) instead of transforming back and kicking her ass (if she could, didn't seem really damaged)

and raki is kinda useless.. lol... he keeps moaning about protecting her, but from the beginning I thought '''Shut up, you couldn't even kill a normal swordman. Lets stand the lowest rank claymore which can move 10x as fast as you, has a 3x bigger sword then you, and has 10x the power as you'' but meh..

I LOVED teresa though.. damn that was the best part of the anime.. I wish they continued the story from that.. she looked good, was just awesome.. and so baddass.. didnt even transform and could beat 2-5 easily without trouble.. These all turn to monsters to do something, which is not really cool. [Ill prob rewatch teresa part]

Stupid is they didn't do nothing with the currect top 5 but oh well |: It kinda hints to a new season, or not? lol..

I can continue endlessly about the faults bt meh..

Still a 8... Or 9 I guess.. If I think about giving it a 8, I think it deserves it, but when I see me rating others a 9-10 : meh

9/10 for me I Guess

Edit: I gotta say though, it felt like they were in massive timeneed.. I wish they gave the contract like... 10 more episodes, to fully do everything they wanted, cause this felt really rushed and squished in. Like they had no choice.
SsjbryandoJul 22, 2009 9:57 PM
Jul 23, 2009 6:12 PM

Mar 2009
Pretty good ending. She should've pwnd Pricilla though!! An amazing show, I'll definitely be rewatching this one a few times. Just wish it was longer!! Urahara Out!!
Sent with Mal Updater
Aug 18, 2009 6:27 PM
Feb 2009
Oh god, the last few episodes of Claymore sooo turned into DBZ...
The ending wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be, just wasn't good or up to my expectations.

Overall, alright show.
Aug 21, 2009 7:22 PM
Jul 2009
I was quite disappointed by the ending. 85% of it was a great.
Aug 22, 2009 7:13 PM

Jan 2009
It was weird ==
I say 7.5/10 lawl
Too much flashbacks
Annoyed me lawl
Aug 23, 2009 2:02 PM
Aug 2009
To someone that wants to continue to follow the story, what chapter should I start to read in the manga? I read that the anime deviates somewhere, lol
Aug 27, 2009 9:13 AM

Feb 2008
the problem with anime based on continuing manga have to stop eventually. it rally was not necessary to deviate from the manga. it would have been a good stopping point to be faithful to the manga while the manga continues. The anime itself was good up to this point. after having read the manga, i just don't see why they would do that since it completely messes up any possible starting point for an S2 should they make one.
Aug 27, 2009 9:13 AM

Feb 2008
the problem with anime based on continuing manga have to stop eventually. it rally was not necessary to deviate from the manga. it would have been a good stopping point to be faithful to the manga while the manga continues. The anime itself was good up to this point. after having read the manga, i just don't see why they would do that since it completely messes up any possible starting point for an S2 should they make one.
Aug 30, 2009 3:03 AM

Aug 2008
I really enjoyed this show, especially from the flashback arc (with teressa) onwards, but it took a total nosedive with the last few eps. While there have been elements before, it turned way too shounen in the end with powerlevel talk, endless talks about how they want to kill their opponents and 1001 useless repeated flashbacks.

8/10. Too bad, I wanted to give it a 9. I think I start reading the manga
Aug 31, 2009 5:13 AM

Jun 2009
WinterNightsFall said:
Meh. I love the drop in quality. Oh yes.

Claymore will still be one of my favorite anime, mainly because of Clare and Teresa, but....meh, even I'm dissappointed. >.<

Guess I'll have to go start reading the manga and see how much more kick ass it is than the anime. ^_^

Yeah! *High fives*

sig by MAL secret santa , ty <33
Sep 8, 2009 6:46 AM

Apr 2009
Would have retained it's 10 from me if gayish Raki hadn't stopped Clare from killing Priscilla. Jeez.
Sep 22, 2009 4:47 PM

Jun 2009
Rocky could not have been more of a faggot. Like he takes the cake when it comes to faggots. Hands down.
Sep 25, 2009 1:51 PM

Aug 2009
The end pissed me off. The last 4 episodes were wayyyyyyyy too rushed. Overall, the series gets an 8/10. It was amazing up to episode 22 and then it got incredibly fast. Eh. Still is a good show though.
Sep 26, 2009 8:54 AM
Jul 2009
gyaeck said:
Apparently I was quite fortunate to have not read the manga yet, becuase I really enjoyed this episode/series. It seems that if I start reading the manga, I'll have not only watched a damn good anime series, but I'll (according to most of the people who have read the manga) be reading a damn good manga too. I suppose most people who have read the manga might be disappointed, but I'm only basing these claims on the past episode discussions, and Kayr's post.

As for me, I'm pleased with the series, even giving a 10. I'm looking forward to reading the manga as well, because if the show can be this good and gain such a negative response from the readers of its manga, I can't imagine how good it must be...

I completely agree. I thought the anime was great, and it had a very good ending. It was very emotional though. I must say, I am very pleased with this anime show.
And it seems that the dwellers of the deep will never die.
Oct 26, 2009 5:19 PM

Oct 2009
Wow, I am not happy. The end was just bleh. She didn't even beat anyone but that stupid lion guy. And that was lame too. I'll probably have to read this manga that everyone says is better so I can forget the crap I've been watching for the last hour and a half.
Nov 10, 2009 9:27 AM
May 2007
Well, this was a surprisingly good anime. At first I thought, "Hmmm.... an entire organization of blond amazons with really tight clothes.... I wonder if this will be good for anything apart from fanservice..." but I found some great depth and badass fighting, so I'm pleased.

The ending was pretty good, in my opinion. The flashbacks were right, the battle was rather good (by Claymore standards, which is, by normal standards, AWESOME) and Raki stopping Clare right when she was about to kill Priscilla was the right choice, although it does make me wonder why he didn't lift a finger when Priscilla was butchering Clare. I too didn't care too much for Clare's inexplicably epic power boost near the end. Also, the fact that she went powerful enough to beat a force equivalent to the entire organization, being only half-Claymore, and didn't even awaken... that's, well.... a little too convenient. But aside from these two glitches, and the part where Clare kissed Raki (WTF? PedophileO_0") this anime ROCKED.

The conclusion was, well... open, and my only concern is what became of Priscilla after this fight.
Nov 20, 2009 4:09 PM

Jul 2009
Pure awesomeness for the 20 first episodes. The ending.. It was so horrible I really don't even wanna talk about it
Nov 24, 2009 5:26 PM

Jun 2009
Sure, the ending and last few episodes weren't nearly as good as the rest. But, still, Claymore was good anime none the less. If it had kept it's pace I would have given it an 8, but with the very DBZ like last episodes I'll have to drop it down to a 7. See how the last few episodes only made me drop the score by one point? You can't let the last few episodes make you forget how great the ones before it were, you just can't.

"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 25, 2009 4:14 AM

May 2009
w3452432 said:
I'm Sorry but that was one of the worst anime endings I have ever seen.
What was the point of everything.. everyone would've been better off if Claire didn't go after Priscilla at all.
agee worst ending ever! i really hate that Raki
Dec 12, 2009 10:09 AM

Nov 2008
saizo6 said:
That ending was really lame...they all went off and lived happily ever after. But then again it was to be expected because the last couple of episodes was crappy too. This is getting a 7/10 at most.

Lame seemed to have a second season, but it doesn't have any. There wasn't even any appearance of number 1 and 2. Also those 3 "big" bosses didn't stand out. And what about the organization? To think what really happened, nothing has changed. Priscilla is alive, the "main" villains aren't dead...We are just at the starting point again. This anime was pretty good, but the ending was just absurd.
Dec 12, 2009 10:37 AM

Feb 2009
I have to admit at first I really thought the ending wasnt that bad until I read the replies here. After thinking about it, there are a lot of plotholes and things that could have been done better. I still gave the anime a 9/10 since I havent read the manga and don't know what actually happens in the manga.

As for Raki, I didn't like his part in the ending and it would have been nice if she did slash him but I changed my mind about that after thinking about when he told her he loved her.
Jan 19, 2010 2:47 PM

Jul 2009
The episode was good but they rushed it imo. They rushed all the last few episodes. The battle should have taken longer. I also wonder why Clare didn't kill Priscilla. Stupid Raki jumped in front of her. I'd say push him away and swing that sword. Priscilla is a yoma after all, and in the state she was in she could have still died as human, for a bit. That might have provoked Easly tho.
Nevertheless, it still was a kickass episode.
Jan 24, 2010 4:10 AM

Aug 2009
Skipped through most of the comments

I enjoyed the anime immensely over anything I have watched in a while so I wasn't really disappointed in anything because I knew the manga would continue.

Kind of the reaction I had with BERSERK. So off to the manga where only more awesomeness can occur .
Jan 24, 2010 5:42 PM

Nov 2009
it wasnt that bad comparing to other endings but i would like to see who are the #1 and #2 they didnt show it and why clare is #47 i wish the second season if it comes could explain this things and we also dont know who is the other powerfull bad girl
Jan 31, 2010 10:12 AM
Jan 2010
I agree with you, gyaeck. I rather enjoy watching a series before reading, as reading before hand often leads to disappointment when you watch. This is, perhaps, solely my opinion, but I really enjoyed the ending. In fact, I even cried. I am also probably in my own boat when I say this, but I feel really sorry for many of the Awakened Beings, especially Priscilla, because many are overwhelmed by the nightmares of their past and don't all realize what they are doing.

Anyway, although I am enjoying the manga much more, I rather enjoyed the final episode and would gladly watch it again.

gyaeck said:
Apparently I was quite fortunate to have not read the manga yet, becuase I really enjoyed this episode/series. It seems that if I start reading the manga, I'll have not only watched a damn good anime series, but I'll (according to most of the people who have read the manga) be reading a damn good manga too. I suppose most people who have read the manga might be disappointed, but I'm only basing these claims on the past episode discussions, and Kayr's post.

As for me, I'm pleased with the series, even giving a 10. I'm looking forward to reading the manga as well, because if the show can be this good and gain such a negative response from the readers of its manga, I can't imagine how good it must be...
Feb 10, 2010 7:14 PM
Jan 2010
I rate this 9/10 only because of the ending. Raki crying all the time sorta got old and truly at the end i wanted her to just chop through Raki and kill them both. 10/10 for episodes 1-23 and hopefully they make a next season and it doesn't go completely downhill like a lot of shows that have a great 1st season
Mar 10, 2010 3:33 AM

Feb 2010
everyone has their opinion.
i, for one, loved the ending. 15/10
the open-endedness of it, even if there is no second season, leaves one to imagine. and that makes me happy. i can think whatever i want from here on it, and no one can prove me wrong. it did have it's (few) low-points.... but overall...
absolutely fantastic.
<a href=""><img src=""/></a>
Apr 9, 2010 8:25 PM

Feb 2010
Wow. Shoot me in the FACE. What a poor excuse for an ending! I feel violated. Ugh.

If someone had told me that Claire decides to stop... and possibly "try again later" at the end, I'd be like... you're kidding ... and walk away... no..


This ending might have possibly been successful if there was any character development in ANYONE. The only person who had good character development was Teresa. And she's dead.

Raki is a douche. Claire is predictable... all those who were complex and interesting (teresa, irene-gave claire her arm-...etc) are dead or have little to no exposure. Like, no Isley backstory...etc???

There are sooo many plot-holes it's incredible.

If I was basing my opinion on the first 19 episodes, this would be AT LEAST be a 8/10 or 9/10.

What was the point of Irene giving Claire her arm?? Or Ophelia telling claire to kill priscilla...

...and screw Pricilla. She's so conflicting illogically.

And I'm done...
Apr 22, 2010 10:21 AM
Apr 2010
Frankly I liked the anime ending and got annoyed by the manga. At first I preferred the manga one because the anime just stopped without a proper conclusion but to be perfectly honest after reading the manga I came to prefer the "fake" one. You see for me Priscilla is an awful character whose sole purpose seems to be to murder much more interesting characters (like Riful, Alicia and Beth, and in the next chapter probably Dauf). The creator is making Priscilla ridiculously powerful and in this rate he won't be able to find a convincing way to kill her off, she is a character that broke the manga by ruining any conflict. You can't have a few fighting groups when one so outmatches all others that it loses all meaning. Her character is a tumor to the plot and frankly I would love the ending to the anime to continue as an alternate universe if only to sate my desire to see that bitch lose a fight for once instead of continuing to exist for the sake of making every other character obsolete. Rant Over

P.S: No offense meant at people who like the manga, just sharing my own opinion. But honestly I really hate seeing Priscilla wantonly murder much more engaging villains for no real reason.
Apr 25, 2010 11:41 AM

Apr 2010
I know the Manga ends differently and that the Anime was reaching it's climax before a structured ending of the Claire/Priscilla storyline had materialized in the Manga but still it seemed like they rushed the ending and should of just done the obvious and let Claire kill Priscilla I understand there is the 'deeper' meaning of Claire choosing not to kill Priscilla but in the nature of the type of Anime Claymore is it should of happened.

For me Claymore was a case of the obvious ending should of been the one chosen. Imagine what Death Note would of been like if they all met up in the Warehouse and then Light decided to change his wicked ways and just go off into the sunset. Thankfully that didn't happen!

Apr 29, 2010 9:56 AM
May 2009
I just finished watching the episode and even though this show has it's flaws, I thoroughly enjoyed it from beginning to end. Although I would have loved to see Clare slash Priscilla to pieces instead, I'm not completely disappointed with the ending. I understand the deeper meaning that they wanted to get across and can appreciate that. In my opinion, I feel that Clare followed in the footsteps of Teresa. Teresa had the opportunity to kill Priscilla more than once when she was alive but she didn't, even though Priscilla was trying to kill her and ultimately did. And it was the same thing with Clare. There's something admirable about being able to take the high road when it's easier to be vengeful. I have mixed feelings about the ending being so open but I would love to see a second season if they ever decide to do it. Also, it would have been pretty predictable for her to kill Priscilla even though it would have been satisfying. Either way, I'm pleased with the series as a whole and I would love to read the manga as well if it's different.
May 1, 2010 4:31 PM

Dec 2009
In the Beginning i wasn't sure if i would like Claymore that much.

Then in the middle of the series it became one of my favorite anime.

By the end, i knew that the anime had a different end than the manga, but that didn't bother me, because i believed they would give us CLOSURE.

But everything changed when i witnessed this final episode. Not only did the fight end somewhat too fast ( i taught priscilla was supposed to be the strongest ... ) Raki also became the biggest pain in the ass, he's like an invincible fly you just can't get rid off.
When you sum it all up, THERE'S NO FREAKING CLOSURE AT ALL !!!
Now they make you wait for a second season and if they ever make one they won't be able to follow the manga, plot holes will only multiply ...
All in all, i really like this series, but the end made no sense.
May 4, 2010 1:20 PM

Dec 2009
Nice way to ruin an anime . All the repetitive -Clare gets saved then her saviors get hurt then she becomes the strongest and defeats the enemy- , -Raki cries- , - lots of sentimental moments - blah blah and , to ruin it even more , after Priscilla is defeated Clare DOESN'T kill her ! just because Raki wants a world made of rainbows and pink fluffy hearts where nobody dies , nobody gets hurt and yomas are pets for five years old kids....
...was a waste of time...
May 15, 2010 12:14 PM
Mar 2010
The episode had it's moody moments. But I still felt cheated. Priscilla's ultimate form made me feel dirty. Lots of unanswered questions in the series. The Raki's sentimental moment was the final kick in the bollocks, not the mention ultra cliché. I think I'll check out the manga some day. Or maybe they'll continue the series in a good way. If that happens, I'm going to check it out even if it will be painful. Damn, during the middle it felt like this series could be one of my favourites. What a shame.
May 19, 2010 4:29 PM

Dec 2009
Ick. I dunno what else to say I'm joining the disappointed party.

MusashiRose said:

If I was basing my opinion on the first 19 episodes, this would be AT LEAST be a 8/10 or 9/10.

I agree with this. This series could have landed a 8 or 9 if it had continued to get better but for some reason it went downhill.

Nothing that I wanted resolved by the end of the series resolved. Creepy organization guy didn't receive tons of bad karma, Priscilla is still alive and well and presumably going to be trained to get stronger, Raki is still a wuss... What's worse is that I bet if there were another 3 episodes we'd still be here with the storyline.

Did they intend at all to do another season? If so I hope they get a better writer.

This would probably be a 6.5 for me but I'm rounding down.
Such junk...
May 22, 2010 5:07 AM

Apr 2010
Hm, I really stared to like Claymore but the final fight ruined everything. It wasn't even a final fight, it was some kind of crappy version of an open end!

Still, overall it was great though the many flaws. The background music really got on my nerves, it wasn't fitting at all, especially" 覚醒への乱れ". It appeared in episode 4 or so and I hoped from then it wouldn't appear anymore! But... they used it over and over. Well, at least the art was nice.

Too bad no second season or extras exist though... I guess I'll start to read manga.
May 25, 2010 7:29 AM

Jan 2009
this anime is cool hope that a second season will be made because the manga is still ongoing and that the anime ending is kinda open ended
May 28, 2010 3:13 PM

Mar 2010
God damn, we need an S2.
May 31, 2010 2:50 AM

May 2010
Ending wasnt that bad like everyone is saying, though the manga is still much better...
Jun 19, 2010 9:30 PM
Feb 2009
Well, it was a great arc ending. Raki finally got together with Clare, Jeane died in selfless sacrifice to return Clare to normal like she did earlier to Jeane, Priscila returned to her human form and was retrieved by Islay, and everybody deserted the organization because they think it's just wrong to send Claymores to the death like that and other reasons of a similar nature...

...oh wait, that was the series finale?

Whelp, guess that means reading the manga :3
Jun 19, 2010 9:46 PM

Jun 2010
Why are people pissed that Raki stopped Clare from killing Priscila? If that would have happened more people would have been even more pissed that it deviated even further away from the Manga. The whole Pieta thing could be overlooked and fixed, but the death of Priscila couldn't. Although annoying, I find it believable that a little kid who's family was eaten by monsters would be drawn and attached to the person who saved him, and has the power to protect him. And in exchange he wants to be able to protect her since he couldn't save his family. Raki also becomes more of a badass and less annoying after 7 years anyways. People are so hard to please!
Jul 17, 2010 6:44 PM

May 2010

Raki doesn't meet Clare in Pieta. In fact he is like an adult in volume 15 and still hasn't met her. Although Priscilla is still with him. She pissed me off in the manga and when I watched the anime she certainly didn't impress me. I still hate her for killing Teresa. *flips Priscilla off* I'm stilling reading I have to read the 16th volume. Lame huh?
I am apart from everything and a part of everything.

Frozen Fire, Tim Bowler
Jul 17, 2010 6:47 PM

May 2010
Welcomehome said:
Why are people pissed that Raki stopped Clare from killing Priscila? If that would have happened more people would have been even more pissed that it deviated even further away from the Manga. The whole Pieta thing could be overlooked and fixed, but the death of Priscila couldn't. Although annoying, I find it believable that a little kid who's family was eaten by monsters would be drawn and attached to the person who saved him, and has the power to protect him. And in exchange he wants to be able to protect her since he couldn't save his family. Raki also becomes more of a badass and less annoying after 7 years anyways. People are so hard to please!

I agree. Well put.
I am apart from everything and a part of everything.

Frozen Fire, Tim Bowler
Aug 2, 2010 8:59 AM

Apr 2009
Nabarimaniac15 said:

Put it in a spoiler tab next time.

I haven't read the manga (although I will give it a go now), but even I felt there was something missing from the end, a spark, per say. This did drop the rating down a bit.

Nevertheless, the show was very enjoyable for non-manga readers. Might change my score if the manga puts it better in my eyes.
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