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Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- (light novel)
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Jul 8, 2020 9:58 AM

May 2018
Nothing too much happened in this episode except for introducing new Sin Archbishops and Subaru not being able to reset the time as he planned to. It was weirdly slow-paced o.O
Granted, we didn't know how exactly Rem would end up forgotten, but we already knew that it would happen, so I don't consider the fact that it happened "new".

This Regulus guy seems interesting tho..
Inanna_201Jul 8, 2020 10:08 AM

Jul 8, 2020 9:59 AM

Apr 2017
Ok I'm gonna be suffering these following weeks haha what way to start off this new season! Can't wait for the next episode.

PD. Emilia hugging Subaru at the end was one of the cutest scenes I've ever seen :D

Jul 8, 2020 10:00 AM

Oct 2019
Finally, after a long time, we have S2. And man, was I so pissed that Rem was forgotten. But that raises a question. Why is no one questioning Subaru as to why only he remembers Rem?

Mod edit: Added a spoiler to the other screenshots. Please only use one screenshot in the future.
DeadlyRavenJul 9, 2020 4:19 AM
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

Jul 8, 2020 10:01 AM

Oct 2018
Very strangely paced, especially for a first episode back. The fight was alright but I do hope the show becomes more consistent in how the story is presented later on.

Jul 8, 2020 10:02 AM
Feb 2020
FireRifle64 said:
Finally, after a long time, we have S2. And man, was I so pissed that Rem was forgotten. But that raises a question. Why is no one questioning Subaru as to why only he remembers Rem?

Because he pretty much just saved their asses, helped kill the white whale with them and they can clearly tell he s almost breaking down just from looking at her?
Jul 8, 2020 10:03 AM

Jun 2020
-Aincrad- said:
AnimeIsCartoon23 said:

she is a manipulative backstabby bitch type of character, I hate characters/people like that, and generally there is not a single good thing I can say about this whore

@-Aincrad- whats the point of your reply?

Nothing, just like your comment.
I mean, randomly sh*tting on a character like she is the worst thing ever happened to exist. What's the point of that?

well in my opinion she is the worst thing to ever wxist
and sorry didnt know we can only say good things about the show:/
Jul 8, 2020 10:03 AM
Sep 2008
Man, this greed dude is sooooo whiny lol
Jul 8, 2020 10:04 AM
Feb 2020
Gilliesss said:
Very strangely paced, especially for a first episode back. The fight was alright but I do hope the show becomes more consistent in how the story is presented later on.

To be fair this was supposed to be the ending of season 1. (arc 3)
North25Jul 8, 2020 10:09 AM
Jul 8, 2020 10:05 AM

Nov 2015
I like the new Regulus character a LOT!!
Was an okay first episode, nothing special tbh, maybe a bit disappointed imo.
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Jul 8, 2020 10:07 AM

Dec 2018
This episode is a demonstration why Emilia is in fact best girl
Jul 8, 2020 10:07 AM

May 2016
Regulus, I love his design.🥵

I just finished watching it with subs. I like the end scene a lot. The dialogue. It gives me that buzz.
TeamDalaiLanaJul 8, 2020 10:15 AM
Down on the West Coast

They got a sayin'
Jul 8, 2020 10:09 AM

Apr 2017
HayaseNagatoro said:
I like the new Regulus character a LOT!!
Was an okay first episode, nothing special tbh, maybe a bit disappointed imo.

I forgot to mention this before but for some weird reason the first time I saw Regulus behaviour he kinda looked like a badass version of Subaru manipulated by the witch cult

Jul 8, 2020 10:09 AM
Sep 2008
SomeGuyWithHair said:
It's been a good 4 year break for you Subaru but it's time for you to go back and suffer again. The fight between Rem and Emilia continues but this time Rem is a vegetable and it's Emilia's turn be on the spotlight.

I'm sorry but is this how Re:Zero always looked? It looks like they cut a lot of corners this episode and I'm sure the animation for season 1 was much better.

the intro of greed had me cackling at the animation

rakp333 said:
Advice to anime-only people:

A lot going on here and don't take this scene lightly. Lol.

when I saw this scene, I'm like is Puck gonna sac himself to stop some shit? Where ya going Puck, you remember Rem, you aren't gonna console Subaru?

Mod Edit: Merged duplicated posts; please use the edit button.
DeadlyRavenJul 9, 2020 4:20 AM
Jul 8, 2020 10:12 AM

Jul 2016
Regulus kinda acting more like Pride.
Jul 8, 2020 10:13 AM

Aug 2016
The essence of Re: Zero did not change at all, it is the best isekai in all the history that I saw in my life, subaru you must open your eyes, rem did a lot for you.
Jul 8, 2020 10:13 AM

Dec 2014
FMmatron said:
The new season has finally started, let's see what we got

10% development

90% Rem! Rem! Remuuu!

I can't begin to explain how accurately this sums up the episode. xD

It was a pretty good start to S2.
Crusch. :((
Poor Rem. Those wishes of her though, damn.

It was interesting seeing the new sins of the Witch's cult. Looking forward to how they are dealt with.

Last scene with Emilia giving Subaru her support was the best scene for me.
Jul 8, 2020 10:16 AM
Aug 2018
swordmaster2551 said:

when I saw this scene, I'm like is Puck gonna sac himself to stop some shit? Where ya going Puck, you remember Rem, you aren't gonna console Subaru?

If you've seen Frozen Bonds OVA maybe you'll have some idea.

And from the anime Season 1 its pretty obvious he doesn't care much about people other than Emilia (he is Emilia's spirit, he goes berserk when Emilia dies) so Nope he is not going to sacrifice himself to save Rem, nor is he going to console Subaru. Lol.

Emilia comes to console Subaru so yeah that's better.
Jul 8, 2020 10:17 AM
Dec 2018
A relatable and honorable request

Mod edit: Added a spoiler to the other screenshots. Please only use one screenshot in the future.
DeadlyRavenJul 9, 2020 4:20 AM
I know now that I know nothing.

Jul 8, 2020 10:17 AM

Feb 2014
Well, it's finally here, and it seems it going to be pretty good.
Jul 8, 2020 10:21 AM

Jul 2016
dc22 said:
So? They are still using the same large scale amnesia twist again.

Are we suposed to care? Cus it's been 4 years, not like the last episode aired last week. They should have finished this arc in 2016.

So? The plot still goes forward. Showing two times the same power in a series doesn't make it bad. Author used the same gimmick viewers to establish links between two villains of the main source, not for variety. Stop watching the series if you don't want overarching plot lines and seeing an enemy/power appearing twice. In fact I wonder how you're still watching Re:Zero after "they have been using the same [Return by Death] twist again" for so many times already.

And you're right, this episode is literally the end of arc 3. However as the end of a season I'd still prefer having the "happy ending" we got in 2016, especially when not knowing there will be a season 2 (like the animators when they made the series back then).
Jul 8, 2020 10:22 AM

Apr 2015
swordmaster2551 said:
rakp333 said:
Advice to anime-only people:

A lot going on here and don't take this scene lightly. Lol.

when I saw this scene, I'm like is Puck gonna sac himself to stop some shit? Where ya going Puck, you remember Rem, you aren't gonna console Subaru?

I think Puck doesnt remember Rem too.
Jul 8, 2020 10:22 AM

Jul 2014
QcDiablo said:
Jul 8, 2020 10:24 AM

Jan 2020
Ngl, I wasn't really fond of the first season. Had a lot of factors which affected my enjoyment

But this season has a really good start imo.
Great first ep.
Loved that underlying tension and heavy undertone. Didn't really expect the plot to pick-up so fast which was a good surprise.

I think this ep deserves a 5/5
Jul 8, 2020 10:26 AM

Jul 2013
Well, only 13 minutes and Subaru is already suffering, lol. Never change Subaru. Overall good start for the season. Rem gets wrecked, Crusch also gets wrecked but still remaining a top tier waifu, the new archbishops were cool (well, Regulus was, the other was way too edgy) and last scene was beautiful. Definitely hyped for the coming events.

Bernkishi07 said:
Ley crushing the dreams of 38416+ people on MAL, always a satisfying sight to watch.
We can say he eat out Rem almost literally ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Jul 8, 2020 10:27 AM
Nov 2015

Jul 8, 2020 10:28 AM

Jul 2014
rakp333 said:
Advice to anime-only people:

A lot going on here and don't take this scene lightly. Lol.

Oh, I've missed that. Nice foreshadowing.
Jul 8, 2020 10:29 AM

Feb 2014
Great first episode! I am so glad this show is back. Can’t wait to see how this will all go down. Finally we get to see what happened to Rem animated. I loved the fight and seeing her memories before she got eaten. This season is going to be one hell of a ride!
Jul 8, 2020 10:30 AM
Mar 2010
So, first episode and they already wrote off my most liked character for god knows how long. For me, this definitely, not the most exciting way to start watching the second season.
Jul 8, 2020 10:30 AM
Jul 2018
Season 2 is a slight step up from season 1: as it FINALLY portrays a permanent consequence for all the "tragedy" by turning Rem into a vegetable, rather than having pointless gore. Although it would've been far more interesting and ballsy if she died.

Unfortunately, season 2 still suffers from the problems I have with season 1:

-The overly hammy dialogue
-The over the top, cringe villains who are voiced as though the voice actors never showed emotion, so they're just yelling and acting crazy in a desperate attempt to portray emotion.
-Subaru yelling for no reason, although it's done less this time around.
-Overly dramatic scenes for characters who had no development or proper screentime.

And most of all, the identity crisis the tone of this show has:

Does Re: Zero want to be a dark psychological story? Or does it want to be a light-hearted waifu-bait anime? It wants to be both, to appeal to as many people as possible. I can't take this story seriously when it looks like a generic go-happy isekai anime. The contrast between the art style and shifting tones do not work. I can't take the scene with Felix seriously, when Felix is a fetishized crossdresser.

It's easy to see why Re: Zero is so popular: it has a cool premise, lots of big dramatic scenes, and the MC's power ensures that the dramatic stuff that happens is almost never permanent, so that way viewers aren't turned off by how "dark" and edgy the show is.

Nevertheless, I'm going to continue watching season 2, if only because this dumpster fire is interesting and kinda entertaining. Kinda like eating a donut that tastes mediocre, but is still addicting. I hope to make a video on season 2 when it ends.

Miglota said:
So, first episode and they already wrote off my most liked character for god knows how long. Definitely, not the most exciting way to start watching the second season for me.

I least something bad permanently happened. At least Rem turning into a vegetable was permanent, instead of happening temporarily, before the MC's broken power fixes everything, rendering the dramatic scene and the crying useless.

North25 said:
FireRifle64 said:
Finally, after a long time, we have S2. And man, was I so pissed that Rem was forgotten. But that raises a question. Why is no one questioning Subaru as to why only he remembers Rem?

Because he pretty much just saved their asses, helped kill the white whale with them and they can clearly tell he s almost breaking down just from looking at her?

Even so, it'd be common sense to question why Subaru knows these things. Come to think of it, much of that happened in season 1: where Subaru knew something was going to happen to the other characters. Which made sense to us, the viewers, since we know about his power. But it shouldn't make sense to the characters. They should be very wary and suspicious of Subaru at this point.
If someone I know popped up by my house to give me a free PS5 (one may only dream), I would question why they were doing it.
removed-userJul 8, 2020 10:34 AM
Jul 8, 2020 10:33 AM

Jun 2014
Enjoyable first episode, even though the Archbishop of Gluttony's voice acting grates my eardrums like it's swiss cheese. Regulus looks like a bro tho.

But why is nobody surprised that only Subaru remembers Rem? If I was in their shoes I'd be confused as hell.
PernodiJul 8, 2020 10:41 AM

Jul 8, 2020 10:36 AM
Sep 2008
Cmterio said:
swordmaster2551 said:

when I saw this scene, I'm like is Puck gonna sac himself to stop some shit? Where ya going Puck, you remember Rem, you aren't gonna console Subaru?

I think Puck doesnt remember Rem too.

Puck was all "I have a connection to this girl too ya know. It's not strange for me to pop in and check"

Puck remembering the connection is a pretty huge indicator
Jul 8, 2020 10:37 AM

May 2020
Regulus and gluttonty seem like interesting vilains, especially Regulus. Damn Subaru really can't get a break, poor guy couldn't even use his power to go back and fix everything. While the best scene of this 1st episode was definitely Emilia hugging Subaru while he was crying, such a nice scene to see. Very strong 1st episode, the hype is on!
Jul 8, 2020 10:41 AM

Jul 2014
fullofregrets09 said:
Note: All the questions I ask are rhetorical, I don't want any spoilers, obviously.
I hope my answers will not contain any spoilers (even unintentional).

fullofregrets09 said:
Why did Ley not eat Crusch's name either?
If I remember correctly from the LN, he eats only what he thinks of as "delicious". It wasn't stated in the LN, I think, but I assumed Crusch's name was not "delicious" enough for him.

fullofregrets09 said:
I wonder what Regulus's Authority is, he just looks at something and destroys it with an energy blast or something. I have no idea how the power and greediness relates, if it has something to do with greediness.
It will be answered in season 3, if it's ever made.

fullofregrets09 said:
Also, I wonder if there's a significance with all the Archbishops so far being male, is it because bishops are supposed to be male or is it because they all love the Witch that much?
This will also be answered in season 3.

Jul 8, 2020 10:42 AM
Aug 2018
mozgow said:
rakp333 said:
Advice to anime-only people:

A lot going on here and don't take this scene lightly. Lol.

Oh, I've missed that. Nice foreshadowing.

Yeah I feel many people will miss that. Although it's pretty important.
Jul 8, 2020 10:44 AM

Dec 2013
It's been 4 years!!!

We're back with even more witch cultists! Betelgeuse seems like a joke compared to these 2 with their introduction.
Jul 8, 2020 10:45 AM

Dec 2013
It's FINALLY here and I already love it! I've read arc 4 of the web novel already so it's awesome to see this being animated. Can't wait to see Echidona in action this season!

Jul 8, 2020 10:47 AM

Apr 2019
Great first episode. This season is initially gonna be hated because of Rem, but I like where this is headed already.

Just glad to see my boy Subaru back.
my life was made with mematic.
Jul 8, 2020 10:49 AM

Oct 2018
Starting off the new season with Subaru suffering. Never change Re:zero, never change.
Jul 8, 2020 10:51 AM

Apr 2020
Great start. That last conversation between Subaru and Emilia made me really like Emilia. I was ambivalent about her before.
Jul 8, 2020 10:52 AM

Jun 2014
Nice to have this show back after a few years away, and the episode wasted no time getting right back into the action. More witch cultists to cause trouble and now Rem has been forgotten by those around her. I'm looking forward to what more we'll get from this season!

No OP/ED, but that's expected from this show at this point lol. I wonder how many times we'll actually see the OP and ED.....maybe in only like half the episodes lol.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jul 8, 2020 10:57 AM

Feb 2020
So Subaru has to save Rem. Witch's cult has shown 2 more bishops. Emilia is behind Subaru 100%. Yup, this gonna be good
Jul 8, 2020 10:58 AM

Apr 2015
swordmaster2551 said:
Cmterio said:

I think Puck doesnt remember Rem too.

Puck was all "I have a connection to this girl too ya know. It's not strange for me to pop in and check"

Puck remembering the connection is a pretty huge indicator

tbh i think he assumes that! Because he knows gluttony's powers.
kinda straighfoward
Jul 8, 2020 11:00 AM

Jun 2019
So... here we go again. Our boy Subaru still suffering through a lot as this time from the beginning of the season. I almost feel so bad for him. Rem is still the most adorable character. She's just too precious. Lost her memories and potentially in a coma right now. but let's see what's gonna happen in the series. Great first episode.
Jul 8, 2020 11:01 AM

Jul 2016
mozgow said:

I know :P and I've wrote it this way using the term "power" intentionally as well. It was to avoid to spoil too much.
Jul 8, 2020 11:03 AM
Dec 2015
Can subari save rem?
Nc entrance
I want more 4/5
Jul 8, 2020 11:04 AM

Apr 2012
This first episode was so bad, every1 was talking the whole episode without anything happening.
The only relatable character i saw was Crusch because she was the only1 who tried to make at least 1 character (aka greed) stop talking.
Jul 8, 2020 11:04 AM
Aug 2018
JuzuX said:
Re:Suffering Life in Another World Episode 26 - Each One's Promises

Damn. That grand entrance of Sin Archbishop of Greed, Regulus and Sin Archbishop of Gluttony, Ley was awesome. Crusch hand gets cut, Rem died and Ley ate her memories and name, and so does Rem. That's why Emilia and others can't remember her. Oh shit, Subaru's throat stab was so painful (though I liked it). Will watch it again on Crunchyroll later Felis hated Emilia now because of what happened to Crusch. But, it's seems like she he calmed too (Oh god, why he was he!?).

Damn yes! No cliffhanger. Next time, we will get an op and ed. Kudos, White fox!

Earlier, it's Hanazawa and Ono's marriage announcement. Now, Emilia and Subaru's back hug. Damn, lucky bastards.

Edit: I forgot to add the flashbacks of Rem before she lost her memories. Here it is. Damn, really F for Rem.
I saw this and thought, 'isn't this a nod to the spin off novel where Rem and Subaru run off and have kids together?'

Mod Edit: Modified quote of edited post.
DeadlyRavenJul 9, 2020 4:23 AM
Jul 8, 2020 11:07 AM

May 2011
Rem falling into REM.

Jokes aside, after 4 long years of waiting, finally we got S2, and i must say white fox did a decent job animating some of the important scenes. Adding the IF part into the flashbacks before rem's memory got chewed by ley was definitely a plus. Although they did chop of quite abit of stuff here and there.

Lots of foreshadowing here and there, and i must say it's sad to see our beloved blue hair maid go out of commission in the first episode. I was hoping she would have at least 2 or 3 episodes of screen time but it seems like one is all she's getting.

Now to the long awaited arc 4, which is by far the longest arc and the arc with most character development. Hopefully white fox delivers.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Jul 8, 2020 11:11 AM

Mar 2019
So finally it is back! And what an epic start into the new season. All the scenes were great! The drama was great, everything.
I guess everything has already been said here before, so just hyped for the next episode!
Jul 8, 2020 11:12 AM

Jun 2016
As always, watching Re:Zero feels like time flies so fast.
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