papsoshea said:What is this series? Lol, every week its something new. Is it dark? Is it comedic? Is it
immature mature? Or is it harem time? What is this scene? Feels like I'm watching some Slice of Life.
Lol, well hello
big titties tonal dissonance.
What was the point in this scene? Why in the bathing area? There is numerous way to chronicle her scars. Who here thinks this is PTSD? Lol, it's not if the author wanted to add a psychological aspect to the story then we would have seen a character who is a victim of rape have an introspection about their life, goals, career etc. And look where this scene takes place lol doesn't it occur to anyone that the atmosphere, the scenery and the nakey waifu's are undermining the actual tone of what its trying to tell you as the audience? Bombshell Bimbo: When I tell most people, they just say, "I'm sorry."Lol, smh, the author can't write for shit! Are these characters incapable of not just being there to talk about Goblin Slayer? Are they incapable of talking about themselves and their own issues? Seriously, remove Goblin Slayer from the series and what do you have? You have cardboard cutouts who follow Goblin Slayer because 'reasons' (uninteresting). The dialogue though lol it's so abysmal that it's hilarious, in a bad way. Especially this part,
High Elf: What is that?
Self-Insert Protoganist: You don't know what a bird is?
Annoyed Kawaii Elf: Of course I do!
CG Tin can: It's a canary.
Generic Tsundere angry Elf: I told you, I know what it is!
Walking Mary Sue: I see.
And then the transition lol Its cringe you can hear that choppy change in the background noises. What is up with this dialogue? This is something that Tommy Wiseau would come up with lol we get like 6 or 10 minutes (feels like it) of exposition, the cardboard cutouts ask questions because they hardly know anything and Goblin Slayer has all the answers, so contrived. Everything is going to plan 'conveniently' for Goblin Slayer, its like he is reading the script! Up to the point of where the goblins bust down that door. The atrocious CG continues but there is this one CG sequence! And it wasn't bad, probably the best use of it so far and then use of the matrix bullet time effect. Still, the choreography is very lacking so far within 7 episodes and action is suppose to be a big highlight of the show.
2 episodes ago, this complete novice was able to deflect fireballs and shit from the ogre who is way more OP but last episode and this episode, she struggles to hold up a shield when it's only weak-ass goblins and some arrows this time around? lol and they are so dumb, they all rely on Goblin Slayer just to do basic things, its like they need him to do the thinking for them.
And how on earth did Goblin Slayer not die after getting hit like that? Lol, this guy is internally bleeding, his bones should be crushed from impact from the club and wall, his armour is supposed to be weak, but you know, plot armour. And then just like in episode 1, all the goblins ignore the priestess when she's just standing there defenceless. So what happened to her having great character development from episode 1? She just regressed to how she was in episode 1. Goblin Champion is big enough to kill a human with one bite but proceeds to not do so when he snatches up the Priestess and then stands there doing nothing long enough that... Uh oh! Edge! Here he comes from the brink of death, Edgemaster T-600 gets a random surge of a powerup because of 'feels' and flashback! Here is this Goblin Slayer's only defining characteristic - the edgy glowing red eye! The problem here with this scene is that it's undeserved, look at it from a meta point of view - these characters have been Mary Sueing the entire time, winning every fight and encounter they run into when it was all conveniently laid out for them. On top of that, none of these characters is truly developed. Priestess gets thrown to the side and the goblins continue to ignore her because of plot armour. And since Goblin Slayer is back in action, the whole group is back in action lol despite nearly being butchered and raped (High Elf) they have enough time to have a macho LOL cutesy pie dialogue amongst all this chaos while they are still in a life or death scenario XD this scene doesn't even need dialogue, just show through the action smh the writing of this show, 100/10!
You'd think this would be the part where the characters take a step back and evaluate the situation and contemplate about leaving Goblin Slayer, that this shit is not for them - even if it doesn't happen, at least show us something about these characters as individuals but no, these characters are just going to follow Goblin Slayer because of 'reasons'. These characters, especially Priestess, cares about Goblin Slayer more than they care about their own well-being lol and wtf is this shit? Lmao, what in the blue hell is this cinematography just go straight to the black screen for credits, and the sad song boo hoo well not really because what reasons does the show give to the audience to care about Goblin Slayer or any characters here? None! And in the next episode, Deus Ex Machina!
so basically this episode just a poor writing, over drama,just an excuse for what will happen in next episode (if you know what i mean)