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The Irregular at Magic High School (light novel)
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May 4, 2014 9:37 AM
Aug 2012
Takuan_Soho said:
This is a bit off topic, and the answer to my question should be a spoiler (so please tag).

From the conversation in episode 4 it sounded as if no one really understands how magic works, they can use it, but like electricity, they don't have a complete understanding of the theory behind it.

According to the current "standard model of magical theory", while Tatsuya has strength now he is at his limit at what he can do, his accepting this is what drove him to study alternative magic such as ninjitsu. So as a high school student he is powerful, but because everyone thinks he is at his limit they don't want to waste scarce teaching resources on him. This is why he is a weed. In other words, he is like a star high school basketball player who stops growing at six feet. Great at the beginning of high school, will be surpassed in college through no fault of his own, so of course the coach will focus on the player with talent still growing.

However, due to his being outlier and alternative training, has given Tatsuya a hint that the "standard model" is wrong, and that he is on to a truer understanding of magic, which if he is successful, would allow him to become much more powerful.

Is this basically true or not?

Well i will try my best in regarding to those question but i am not very good at explanations so forgive me if anything seems too confusing.

May 4, 2014 9:59 AM

Dec 2012
Cliffhanger episode.

Looks like time for action next episode. I really want to see the what can Tatsuya really do.
May 4, 2014 10:21 AM

Jun 2013
alcrowny said:

nice explanation, really helpful to anime viewer only

basically, magician has 3 standards
Invocation Speed
Spell Type Structure
Target Information Rewriting Strength

Tatsuya has 'Different Ability' which cost his ability to those 3 standards become lower than average magician

If you notice, he never use big spell (at least until eps 5) . Slow cast, low damage, which is pretty ineffective to be used
That's why he always use basic spell with some modification but effective for combat (when vs hattori or kirihara)

In anime we cannot see it clearly because it's too fast and not enough information. Not best adaptation but not bad either

can't wait next week
comochiMay 4, 2014 10:27 AM
May 4, 2014 10:25 AM
Mar 2014
It doesnt always has to be action all the time.

It doesn't always have to be action all the time, but when you have characters sitting/standing and talking almost every five minutes to explain what just happened to the other characters/audience or give some information, all without really moving the plot forward, it is kind of a problem. The thoughts and dialogue should not be the only key ways for the plot to move along, but what the characters do should be the main one--which boils down to action. Does not mean bombs blowing up all the time, but we should have characters doing things instead of talking about things. Even if the dialogue/thoughts do move the plot forward, it still is a problem. As with everything, balance is key.
May 4, 2014 11:31 AM

Feb 2014
Quite a good episode. Nice build up to the raid scene.
May 4, 2014 12:00 PM

Apr 2009
This shows' values about equality, its approach and its underlying message are offensive and I think the author must be 14-year old nationalconservative Redneck retard to come up with the stuff. This entire episode is offensive and what's even worse is the fact that Tatsuya has to narrate every action that takes place as well because apparently both the author and the staff do not trust the intelligence of the viewers enough to comprehend it.

You should feel bad for liking this reactionary and potentially racist bullshit. This is like FOX News.
NidhoeggrMay 4, 2014 12:04 PM
Steel Ball Run anime when?
May 4, 2014 1:00 PM
Oct 2013
O wow people from different cultural back ground has different opinion on equality, they must be retarded!!!

The whole point of the ep was really to point out the fact that the so call anti discrimisation group are just pawns, they don't know wtf they even doing. This mirrors real life pretty well, you get shit ton of people protesting shit but when you ask them wtf they want or if they have any solution they don't know shit. Coz they being used by other people who just want them to cause trouble.

Also the only discrimination that really happens is students looking down on each other, sorry that shit happens in real school too, popular kid discriminate against less popular kids, school can't do shit about it. As for the teacher, there isn't enough teachers basically is the deal, In the LN its stated that out of the 9 magic high school only 3 has 200 students (per year), all the other 6 school only carry 100. (per year).
RexZShadowMay 4, 2014 1:06 PM
May 4, 2014 1:02 PM

Nov 2012
Looks like things are starting to get serious! Finally though, this show was very slow paced up until now.
May 4, 2014 1:09 PM
Jun 2010
The flaw with these type of episodes, is that they rely more on the character's subtle actions but mostly their personality to carry the episode. Also, the way information is convey is extremely important.

Mayumi, and Erika are my favourite characters in this series, but the way MadHouse made them so utterly boring really irks me.

This episode felt like being in a lecture hall with a boring professor giving his lecture with a monotone voice while the materials are moving at a snail pace.
LazyLuongMay 4, 2014 1:15 PM
May 4, 2014 1:11 PM

Jun 2013
Dialogs in this anime are killing me....
Ad Astra Per Aspera
May 4, 2014 1:30 PM

Jul 2013
Pretty good episode again this week. I'm looking forward to the action next week.

So far the adaptation has been pretty good in my opinion. I still prefer the novels, but I have no complaints about the anime.
May 4, 2014 1:35 PM

May 2013
RexZShadow said:
O wow people from different cultural back ground has different opinion on equality, they must be retarded!!!

Asians don't actually want equality? Good to know, so all those people we Europeans subjugated and exploited had no actual problem with it. They just revolted from time to time, because they simply couldn't understand how hard our ancestors had worked to be born caucasian and how that made them obviously superior. Stupid fools!

Now I never have to feel guilty again.
VentrisMay 4, 2014 1:39 PM

May 4, 2014 1:36 PM
Oct 2012
RexZShadow said:
O wow people from different cultural back ground has different opinion on equality, they must be retarded

Well, some concepts of "equality" are retarded, it really depends on the source of the inequality and whether there is a reason for the inequality.

Lets take three examples. For instance NBA players earn millions of dollars a year because, for the most part, of a genetic inheritance. If someone were to demand equality of NBA players so that there should be an equal number of players below 5'10 (avg for US) as above the vast majority of people would think that person was retarded. Likewise there is a reason for this inequality, namely that millions of people will pay money to watch NBA players compete.

However, if 250 years ago, nobility was thought to be naturally superior to the "avg" human, but there was no natural source for this superiority, nor was there any real reason for them to be treated as superior, so someone taking to task a proponent that the Nobility are actually superior would not be retarded.

In the case of this series, the question is which "inequality" are we talking about: are magicians closer to NBA players or Nobility.

The third example is instructive: medical doctors earn far more than the average worker because they both have a source for inequality (years of medical school) and a reason (we like medical service). So is it retarded to argue that doctors shouldn't be treated equally?

I would say yes, because the person complaining sure isn't willing to refuse medical treatment, nor do they appreciate how hard it is to become a doctor. They want the benefit, but refuse to accept the cost. In this world, Magicians are somewhere between NBA players and Doctors, they are not closer to "nobility". They have a unique genetic inheritance that has a real value to the world, for which they must sacrifice (i.e. risk their lives). As such there is both a source and a reason for the inequality.

Some people's attacks on the show haven't paid attention to anything this show has said about Magicians, they are not simply "the rich" or the "99%"

However, given that the show has gone on at some length about how the weeds do feel inferior, to expect a simple speech to turn the tide on their resentment isn't going to happen either.

Mod Edit: offensive characterization removed
rodacMay 4, 2014 6:28 PM
May 4, 2014 1:59 PM
Oct 2013
Ventris said:
RexZShadow said:
O wow people from different cultural back ground has different opinion on equality, they must be retarded!!!

Asians don't actually want equality? Good to know, so all those people we Europeans subjugated and exploited had no actual problem with it. They just revolted from time to time, because they simply couldn't understand how hard our ancestors had worked to be born caucasian and how that made them obviously superior. Stupid fools!

Now I never have to feel guilty again.

Aisas are pretty merit based when it comes to this shit. If your talented, if your smart you get better treatment simple as that. Why so many people in Asia who grow up in poorest area in the country can get in to the best university because they work hard to get there. You don't throw sap stories to get in to universities like you do in US. For every sap story here, there about 100 more in just China that over come much greater diffculties and still comes out with better grades.

@Takuan_Soho that was more poke at Nid, I do agree some thoughts on equality are stupid like your examples. And as for the resentment yes it won't change over night but it does help . Also you have to remember its high school, for the first years they just got there, for the older students its 1-2 years. It sucks but its not that long of a time, ans as we saw while weed is look down upon, its more of a seperation, the 1st course hang with 1st course and 2nd course hang with 2nd course and unless people are breaking that boundry it snot like all 2nd course are bully constantly that would leave heavy resentment.
May 4, 2014 2:09 PM

Sep 2012
RexZShadow said:

Aisas are pretty merit based when it comes to this shit. If your talented, if your smart you get better treatment simple as that. Why so many people in Asia who grow up in poorest area in the country can get in to the best university because they work hard to get there. You don't throw sap stories to get in to universities like you do in US. For every sap story here, there about 100 more in just China that over come much greater diffculties and still comes out with better grades.

Except that the Weeds in this show are denied any instruction, so they don't have the opportunity to work harder and get ahead. And the problem isn't that the Blooms get better treatment, it's that they treat the Weeds like dogs. They were about to stop someone from walking home with their fucking brother because he was a Weed.
May 4, 2014 2:27 PM
Oct 2013
Popka said:
RexZShadow said:

Aisas are pretty merit based when it comes to this shit. If your talented, if your smart you get better treatment simple as that. Why so many people in Asia who grow up in poorest area in the country can get in to the best university because they work hard to get there. You don't throw sap stories to get in to universities like you do in US. For every sap story here, there about 100 more in just China that over come much greater diffculties and still comes out with better grades.

Except that the Weeds in this show are denied any instruction, so they don't have the opportunity to work harder and get ahead. And the problem isn't that the Blooms get better treatment, it's that they treat the Weeds like dogs. They were about to stop someone from walking home with their fucking brother because he was a Weed.

Well fact remain that they lack staff, its not said in the anime but in LN it say there total of 9 magic high school, only 3/9 takes 200 students all the other takes only 100 students. There is not enough teachers for these schools, and all the 2nd course students enter the school knowing that. Their choice was your only good enough to join 2nd course or don't come. They new it from the start it won't change due to external forces.

AS for the treatment, again same shit happens in normal school with popular and unpopular kids too. Say its the same situation but instead the sister is like really pretty surrounded by popular kids who look down up one her brother coz he ugly or unpoplar or something. Same shit would happen but no one would go make the school do anything about it. The fact is the whole weed/bloom discrimiation is created by the student body, there is nothing the school can do to change people's view.

@Ventris thats coz America has better high lvl education system, why else do you think so many people in Asian country want their kids to go to school in America. And yes the rich and powerful get you in to school but so is america. If your family is super rich and donates your going to get in to the top schools even if your grades aren't great.
May 4, 2014 2:34 PM

Sep 2012
What idiot thought it was a viable solution to lacking staff to completely deny a whole group of students the very reason they came to the school in the first place? And of course it's obvious that bullying happens in real life, except in real life the students aren't divided into groups by the school in which one is designated to receive poor treatment. And I don't see how nothing could be done to change the mistreatment when the president's speech seemed to have a pretty big impact. Not to mention that there's no way to tell if there's nothing the school could do about it since they never bothered to show that even a small attempt was made to enforce the rules against bullying up to that point.
PopkaMay 4, 2014 2:38 PM
May 4, 2014 2:38 PM
Oct 2013
The lack of staff can't really be fixed there isn't enough teachers to teach that many students. Only other choice is to just cut out all course 2 students period.

As for the discrimiation well when you end up in this stat it will happen sadly but idk what the school can do about it, the students are the only ones who can change it not the school.
May 4, 2014 2:39 PM

Sep 2012
And when the students tried to change it they were all portrayed as idiots who were being manipulated and just whining to the student council to do all the work for them.
May 4, 2014 2:43 PM

Apr 2009
Guess the prestigious magic highschools have such low prestige that nobody wants to work for them then...
Steel Ball Run anime when?
May 4, 2014 2:44 PM
Aug 2013
It seems that finally, next week something interesting will happen. So far, this show has been the most boring piece of shit of the season, but I still hope after what seems an eternal "enrollment arc", the show will get interesting.
May 4, 2014 2:51 PM
Apr 2014
Popka said:
And when the students tried to change it they were all portrayed as idiots who were being manipulated and just whining to the student council to do all the work for them.
no it is not portrayed they are manipulated by someone to do this
May 4, 2014 2:58 PM
Oct 2013
guestlol said:
Popka said:
And when the students tried to change it they were all portrayed as idiots who were being manipulated and just whining to the student council to do all the work for them.
no it is not portrayed they are manipulated by someone to do this

This, its basically pointing out the fact that they are being used and it becomes much more clear why they so strongly believe in the cause too. Explained in ep 6.

Nidhoeggr said:
Guess the prestigious magic highschools have such low prestige that nobody wants to work for them then...

Coz the government takes most of the top magician and put them in military leaving small amount to be teachers. And not all magician are equallified to be teachers. There also the magic univeristy too that has higher priority for teachers as well.
May 4, 2014 3:07 PM

May 2010
RexZShadow said:
O wow people from different cultural back ground has different opinion on equality, they must be retarded!!!

The whole point of the ep was really to point out the fact that the so call anti discrimisation group are just pawns, they don't know wtf they even doing. This mirrors real life pretty well, you get shit ton of people protesting shit but when you ask them wtf they want or if they have any solution they don't know shit. Coz they being used by other people who just want them to cause trouble.

I think you have a fundamental problem to contend with if this is how you think of the world.
May 4, 2014 3:13 PM
Oct 2013
wrenchbread said:
RexZShadow said:
O wow people from different cultural back ground has different opinion on equality, they must be retarded!!!

The whole point of the ep was really to point out the fact that the so call anti discrimisation group are just pawns, they don't know wtf they even doing. This mirrors real life pretty well, you get shit ton of people protesting shit but when you ask them wtf they want or if they have any solution they don't know shit. Coz they being used by other people who just want them to cause trouble.

I think you have a fundamental problem to contend with if this is how you think of the world.

Implying its not true, just look are how much the US does this shit to other countries. Granted not everyone protest is like it but its not like it doesn't exist.
May 4, 2014 3:15 PM

Sep 2012
I said they were being manipulated. However, I don't call them idiots because they were being manipulated. I call them idiots for coming to a pre-arranged meeting with the Student Council and they still having not come up with any specific demands. Apparently none of them could think of an answer when asked what they wanted.

Of course, this is assuming that the reason they were able to be manipulated was because they felt bitter about being treated horribly for so long. If it's for a different reason like the strong reason you refer to that would be explained in episode 6, then I just don't have enough information to talk about this show and you should forget what I have to say.
May 4, 2014 3:47 PM
Oct 2013
Popka said:
I said they were being manipulated. However, I don't call them idiots because they were being manipulated. I call them idiots for coming to a pre-arranged meeting with the Student Council and they still having not come up with any specific demands. Apparently none of them could think of an answer when asked what they wanted.

Of course, this is assuming that the reason they were able to be manipulated was because they felt bitter about being treated horribly for so long. If it's for a different reason like the strong reason you refer to that would be explained in episode 6, then I just don't have enough information to talk about this show and you should forget what I have to say.

Its explained in EP 6 and makes much more sense.

May 4, 2014 4:00 PM
Dec 2008
To drop, or not to drop.
May 4, 2014 4:08 PM
Oct 2013
LGHyourinmaru said:
To drop, or not to drop.

That is not the question.
May 4, 2014 4:12 PM

Jul 2013
Nidhoeggr said:
Guess the prestigious magic highschools have such low prestige that nobody wants to work for them then...

It has been stated (in the Light Novels at least, I can't recall if it has been mentioned in the anime) that there aren't enough magicians in Japan to be able to provide faculty for all of the students in magic high schools.
May 4, 2014 4:18 PM
Oct 2012
Popka said:
And when the students tried to change it they were all portrayed as idiots who were being manipulated and just whining to the student council to do all the work for them.

Try this for the distinction. Don't know if the writer knows Chesterton, but I have learned never to assume the Japanese haven't heard of any particular thing, even if it is something most Americans don't know.

Lefty112 said:
Nidhoeggr said:
Guess the prestigious magic highschools have such low prestige that nobody wants to work for them then...

It has been stated (in the Light Novels at least, I can't recall if it has been mentioned in the anime) that there aren't enough magicians in Japan to be able to provide faculty for all of the students in magic high schools.

One can also assume that most magicians are allocated to national defense and for every magician assigned to teaching that is one less magician that is available for defense. And from what the show suggests, maintaining high defenses isn't a luxury, it is a necessity.

Mod Edit: Double post combined.
rodacMay 4, 2014 6:19 PM
May 4, 2014 5:27 PM
Apr 2014
They skip a whole scene with honaka and shizuku ...sigh
The manga adaption was good, so Why is the anime so boring? episode 4 and 5 going down the hill. They make it so bitter; I just hope they improve this shit starting next episode. Even if a few episode sucks as long as they can make overall series good and that what matter most.
May 4, 2014 5:35 PM

Apr 2013
Something happened.
Other than that, however, it was the same shit as usual: boring, boring, BORING dialogue, more of Miyuki's relentless, possessive brocon, etc.
Really hope this picks up.
May 4, 2014 5:41 PM
Oct 2013
arouseddragon said:
They skip a whole scene with honaka and shizuku ...sigh
The manga adaption was good, so Why is the anime so boring? episode 4 and 5 going down the hill. They make it so bitter; I just hope they improve this shit starting next episode. Even if a few episode sucks as long as they can make overall series good and that what matter most.

What scene? they don't do shit till second arc o.o
May 4, 2014 5:54 PM
Apr 2014
the source material has most of this in the first arc so it does get boring because it has alot of talking which is pretty boring and explaining which most or some people dont get what so ever and they cut some scene which is some what important plus how the character is portray in the show which make them look bland properly because of limited time or they just dont give a damn on how well it do here because they are showing it in japan not america or any western country and dont give a damn on how u people think of it here
May 4, 2014 6:23 PM

Jan 2013
guestlol said:
because they are showing it in japan not america or any western country and dont give a damn on how u people think of it here

Mahouka is the most domestic LN/manga/anime ever, yet there are so many fans outside Japan (at least here on MAL).

Anyway, know that your logic applies to fanboys too, not just haters. You're basically saying that MAL and other anime communities should just shut down.
May 4, 2014 6:27 PM

Jan 2013
guestlol said:
the source material has most of this in the first arc so it does get boring because it has alot of talking which is pretty boring and explaining which most or some people dont get what so ever and they cut some scene which is some what important plus how the character is portray in the show which make them look bland properly because of limited time or they just dont give a damn on how well it do here because they are showing it in japan not america or any western country and dont give a damn on how u people think of it here

Implying that kung fu is more entertaining than talking.

Whether Tatsuya is kicking the shit out of weak enemies or telling his girlfriends how he kicked the shit out of them, it's still boring as fuck.
May 4, 2014 6:49 PM
Apr 2014
RexZShadow said:
arouseddragon said:
They skip a whole scene with honaka and shizuku ...sigh
The manga adaption was good, so Why is the anime so boring? episode 4 and 5 going down the hill. They make it so bitter; I just hope they improve this shit starting next episode. Even if a few episode sucks as long as they can make overall series good and that what matter most.

What scene? they don't do shit till second arc o.o

No they did do some shit this episode that were cut, go back and read that scene. It should it be chapter 8 right after talking with mizuki, Tatsuya help leo and erica with their practice, Miyuki along with honaka and shizuku came in and had a little chat
May 4, 2014 7:09 PM
Apr 2014
DawnJ said:
guestlol said:
because they are showing it in japan not america or any western country and dont give a damn on how u people think of it here

Mahouka is the most domestic LN/manga/anime ever, yet there are so many fans outside Japan (at least here on MAL).

Anyway, know that your logic applies to fanboys too, not just haters. You're basically saying that MAL and other anime communities should just shut down.
no even if i want to u guys u wont also anime communites wont shut downs because of one guy oh if that was the case than this wouldve gone down long time ago and i know there are many people that like it here but how many do u think the most is a only few ten thousands not even compare to its real sizes but u guy will write essays and essays of how much u hate it which i find u guys are pretty delicate in hating this series but u know i kind of like u hater for hating this series because i was worries i wont be able to read the novel because it will get licenses but i just sound really stupid now
oldguestMay 4, 2014 7:34 PM
May 4, 2014 7:09 PM
Apr 2014
SolviteSekai said:
guestlol said:
the source material has most of this in the first arc so it does get boring because it has alot of talking which is pretty boring and explaining which most or some people dont get what so ever and they cut some scene which is some what important plus how the character is portray in the show which make them look bland properly because of limited time or they just dont give a damn on how well it do here because they are showing it in japan not america or any western country and dont give a damn on how u people think of it here

Implying that kung fu is more entertaining than talking.

Whether Tatsuya is kicking the shit out of weak enemies or telling his girlfriends how he kicked the shit out of them, it's still boring as fuck.
are u saying action is boring and yes i do find talking boring (unlike u guys i dont treat it as anything special even if it is relevant to the story unless it is funny) because u keep complaining it is boring so u must not like quick action or talking because i find fight that drag out for way to long is boring so i like quick end to it and it is better than a guy trying talk the enemies out of what they do which sound pathetic which i dont get like some main character do
oldguestMay 4, 2014 7:29 PM
May 4, 2014 8:02 PM
Mar 2014
Finally some action !

Just waiting for that Erika vs Mubi from the OP
May 4, 2014 8:25 PM
Oct 2013
arouseddragon said:
RexZShadow said:
arouseddragon said:
They skip a whole scene with honaka and shizuku ...sigh
The manga adaption was good, so Why is the anime so boring? episode 4 and 5 going down the hill. They make it so bitter; I just hope they improve this shit starting next episode. Even if a few episode sucks as long as they can make overall series good and that what matter most.

What scene? they don't do shit till second arc o.o

No they did do some shit this episode that were cut, go back and read that scene. It should it be chapter 8 right after talking with mizuki, Tatsuya help leo and erica with their practice, Miyuki along with honaka and shizuku came in and had a little chat

O ya they cut that whole scene out, it wasn't even in the same scene that was show at the start of ep 5.

For anyone wondering that scene was Tatsuya, Leo, Erika, Miziuki was in class and Leo and Erika couldn't pass and Tatsuya give them both each some trick to pass than Miyuki, Honaka, and Shizuku bring lunch over and they ask Miyuki if their class is any different, she said they do the same thing and they ask her to do the same excerise and she scores something thats like amazing XD
May 4, 2014 9:40 PM
Aug 2012
arouseddragon said:
RexZShadow said:
arouseddragon said:
They skip a whole scene with honaka and shizuku ...sigh
The manga adaption was good, so Why is the anime so boring? episode 4 and 5 going down the hill. They make it so bitter; I just hope they improve this shit starting next episode. Even if a few episode sucks as long as they can make overall series good and that what matter most.

What scene? they don't do shit till second arc o.o

No they did do some shit this episode that were cut, go back and read that scene. It should it be chapter 8 right after talking with mizuki, Tatsuya help leo and erica with their practice, Miyuki along with honaka and shizuku came in and had a little chat

That's chapter 17 and the last 2 episodes were much better than the first 3, boring as it may seem.

@guestlol: Some people will always complain especially these 2. Don't bother, no matter what you say, they will say the same lines. They have to feel superior than the fans right? Well let them.
Dragon_Slayer_XMay 4, 2014 10:03 PM

May 4, 2014 10:01 PM
Oct 2013
I'm not sure if that scene is such a big deal beside the fact show how much better Miyuki is, other than that I guess its interesting but not really needed.
May 4, 2014 10:22 PM
Nov 2012
LGHyourinmaru said:
To drop, or not to drop.

I decided to drop. The show just feels like it's going nowhere.
May 4, 2014 11:34 PM

Jan 2014
This will offend people who like this show but, I actually fell asleep during this episode...

:/ Not gonna lie, I found it really boring and just stopped halfway through, sleept then watched the next part. I'm thinking of dropping this if it doesn't get any better by the next episode.
May 5, 2014 12:01 AM

Dec 2010
Good episode, it clearly feels like something is wrong with Blanche people, they are clearly lacking reasoning.
May 5, 2014 12:07 AM

Dec 2011
Can't wait for the battles to start. Although Tatsuya is still strong as hell. Can't wait to see someone who can match him or give him lots of difficulty.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
May 5, 2014 12:15 AM

Dec 2011
arouseddragon said:
RexZShadow said:
arouseddragon said:
They skip a whole scene with honaka and shizuku ...sigh
The manga adaption was good, so Why is the anime so boring? episode 4 and 5 going down the hill. They make it so bitter; I just hope they improve this shit starting next episode. Even if a few episode sucks as long as they can make overall series good and that what matter most.

What scene? they don't do shit till second arc o.o

No they did do some shit this episode that were cut, go back and read that scene. It should it be chapter 8 right after talking with mizuki, Tatsuya help leo and erica with their practice, Miyuki along with honaka and shizuku came in and had a little chat

It was an interesting scene in the LN, and would help the viewers to understand Miyuki and also the difference between Course 1 and Course 2 better, but I don't see how it would help Honoka and Shizuku characters.
I'm also a bit sad that they cut the scene, but it was mostly talking, and people would get bored by that & would somehow ruined the pace of the episode.
May 5, 2014 1:18 AM

May 2013
The Student Council President's speech was inspirational. So hmmm what will happen next week based on the attack.

IMO, Mizuki here is like 'kininarimas~', hohohohoho.
The world shall know the truth soon.
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Stark700 - Sep 13, 2014

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Jan 31, 6:56 AM

Poll: » Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Episode 23 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Sep 6, 2014

189 by almightybismarck »»
Jan 30, 8:15 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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