which side do you support *watch the whole series before voting including the specials*
Aug 22, 2015 11:10 AM
It's not real I know that and I strongly side with the shiki because I can understand them why they did it. I bring reality and other shows in to this to try and get you to understand but sadly it's not getting though |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Aug 27, 2015 3:26 PM
xKula said: if you really want to seriously discuss about the right and wrong in this anime you should at least read some Philosophy book instead of watch other fictions, ( but it seems like you never even touched one). since this show is about Perspective, thought provoking, Philosophy itself. From what i saw, i see the same points as Gensan, there's no right or wrong in this anime. try to see things from every character perspective and you'll get what he's saying. but well, that non of my business :P Oh I saw it from all the characters.... And I didn't like it from the humans point of view... Before the shiki even came to the village.... they was arrogant selfish people who thought everyone should do as they say and they also mocked migumi which was sad...... If the happened to me I would defiantly do what she did..... an it serves those damn humans right. I mean those who side with the humans are.......... well...... idiots. In facr I really dislike their comments and thoughts on this subject..... Ok everyone has a opinion which I respect...... really I do........... BUT WHEN other people says that your opinions suck and says that your a fucking idiot for siding with the shiki.... I just get so angry with the ignorance these human supporting bastards.... I mean they don't even put them selfs in the shikis shose....... Example Why didn't sunako and her family ask the humans if they can stay in the village and told them who and what they are........ Cause if we have a look at her past her family abandon her because of what she has become and...... but what do the human supporters say.... OH THEY ARE MONSTERS THEY DID IT BECAUSE THEY ARE MONSTERS THEY HAVE NO FEELINGS..... an this is what I'm talking about.......... An look at when they brutally killed migumi.... dude I just felt so sick when I saw her die.. I wanted her to get away and see the city and get away from those damn hicks who made fun of her.... I could feel that she was out casted in the village that they mocked her she didn't feel like she belonged there.... And to be honest when human supporters say.... hahahahaha take that bitch or good riddance that spoiled little bitch died or something along those lines..... I just want to smack them. Not to mention those human supporting idiots just completely ignore the facts of what they did to they shiki.... they go ...oh it's justice hahahahah kill the shiki......kill kill kill. You know what fron what I see in the comments from human supporters..... they sound like monsters to me......... They don't even understand why the monk choose to be on the shikis side... so they see is a traitor without even understanding why he choose to be on there side........ ... they remind me of Lelouch fan boys..... they hate suzaku because he gets in Lelouchs way and thats the only reason they hate him without even trying to understand why he hates Lelouch. It's the same with the monk they hate him because he sided with them without understanding why. I hate the doctor because of what He did to his wife and he meet natsuno and talked to him that he didn't want a co existence..... He let his hatred consume him. Let me ask you something what if you family turned in to shiki would you kill them or help them...... since they are my family so of course I would help them and if any humans tried to kill them then I'd kill the humans without mercy And if my family died because of the shiki.... Well since I saw why the shiki did what they did in order to live I still would be angry an I'd probably hate them..... however I do understand why because I saw it fron there point of view to why they did it.... they feared humanity because of what they are.... which I can understand ... I have been in those shose before.... not the killing part but I understand that people hurt others because of our difference and culture and religion and skin colour ect......... now look at the world for a sec... what do you see... You have wars Hate groups Religious nut balls Ect People out there Hate anything that isn't like them and fear what they don't understand..... It's the same as the shiki... they are something humans haven't seen before Also look how they treated migumi they mocked her and mad fun of her because of what she wore and acted..... I can understand how she feels being in a place where she doesn't want to be and being made fun of. Also look at the monks father... He was forced to become the next head monk of the temple by the village and even when he had a stroke they threatened him to carry on....this is in the manga. Also the villagers wanted the young monk and doctor ....when they was kids to be the next successors for the village.... now instead of asking what these two kids wanted they just forced it on to them. These villagers are horrible people and when the hunt started or even before it started they showed there true colours... some left the village because they didn't want to kill and the rest of the villagers enjoyed killing and tormenting the Shiki....... now your telling me that there are morons who actually support these arse holes. Let me tell you something...... the humans was the real monsters in this series.... And yes I don't agree what the shiki did but I understand why they did it..... You have your views on this and I have mine and you might not like my views but that's what makes us unique ...... some people don't see it from others peoples views... And trust me I know this because I have dealt with idiots like this for years........ What about the wrong the humans did in this.... are you going to ignore that... I don't need a philosophy book because I have lived my experiences and I can put my self in peoples or characters shoes it's called empathy. And il say this....WHY DON'T YOU SEE IT FROM THE SHIKIS POINT OF VIEW .... |
geekfreak17aAug 27, 2015 3:33 PM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Aug 29, 2015 11:50 AM
Dear god, everytime I see a post by you I know it is gonna be a good and entertaining nonsense... :D |
Aug 30, 2015 8:00 AM
Quetzaly said: Dear god, everytime I see a post by you I know it is gonna be a good and entertaining nonsense... :D Like the nonsense with the doctor in the series he was complete nonsense. -_^ |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Sep 2, 2015 10:49 PM
for someone from the UK your ability to write in the English language is abysmal. That said anyone who would support shiki's would have to be fairly unintelligent. |
Dont be a chitogetard!!!! |
Sep 3, 2015 8:06 PM
Sep 6, 2015 3:06 PM
catullus said: for someone from the UK your ability to write in the English language is abysmal. That said anyone who would support shiki's would have to be fairly unintelligent. I have Asperger's syndrome its hard for me to concentrate and write at the same time .....I mean I know what I want to write I just cant put it in to a good sentence........ its a weak point of mine you wanker.... I support the shiki because I understand why they did it....... now this doesn't mean I agree what they are doing to the villagers....... even tho the villagers deserve it but because I can see it from their point of view....... they are in a village full of old people who wants to keep everything the same..... very religious I might add. I mean think about it do you expect the villagers to say oh yeah of course you can stay oh course we will give you blood we understand your very welcome here. yeah I call bullshit on that. look at sunakos back story ,,,,, her parents abandoned her because she turned in to a vampire...... her own family. so what are the chances of a whole village full of religious nutters who wants to keep everything the same who threatens a old man who had a stroke to continue his job as head monk...... a job he didn't want. and mocks a girl because of what she wears and acts sorry but if anything.... human supporter are the unintelligent ones here .... I mean you guys don't even understand why the shiki did what they did...... sunako In one ep said she and her family tried a co existence once somewhere else (I cant remember which ep it was ) but it ended pretty badly. so I don't blame her for not trusting humans. peace out |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Dec 14, 2015 6:51 PM
Neither. They're both justified for what they did. Both humans and Shiki are only trying to survive. The anime tries too hard to emphasize monstrosity in humans towards the end. A lot of emotion for the Shiki because they were once human. |
Dec 24, 2015 9:40 PM
How does the virus work in your opinion invades the body and feeds on it, until patient die and the virus die with him, but in this case the Shiki cas the virus use the will of the infected to feed from other human just for extend it's life, in the end it will be extinection, and life cycle cut off. Therefore, since there's no cure It is better to treats as the plague was treated in ancient times Man dies only once |
Jan 13, 2016 6:49 PM
Both sides are terrible. But Shiki are worse. Lets look at this rationally. SHIKI AND HUMAN ARE SAME IN THOUGHT When the human dies (after he is bitten by a Shiki), their thoughts and memories from their previous life are still apparent. As seen in the show, all of the Shiki characters have the same personality as their previous life had. Basically, Shikis have the same conscience as they did when they were human. If a psychopathic serial killer becomes a Shiki, he will nonetheless, carry the same behaviors as he did when he was a human; murder and kill. He will care for no one but himself. He would kill other Shiki. He would be selfish. So how will his behavior of being Shiki make him any different from his behavior as being a human? This person would have a physicality of a monster. He would have regenerative abilities, superhuman strength and enhanced smell for blood. So how would a Shiki be less perceived as threat? Sure how humans are terrible, what they do to each other is terrible, but how does this justify the Shiki being different from a human when they are alike, and they would do the same to any other? WOULD THE SHIKI ACT ANY DIFFERENT FROM THEIR HUMAN COUNTERPARTS. Since Shiki are shown to have the same conscience has their previous life, consider what would happen if Shiki attacked a city. What would happen if Shiki attacked everyone on sight? Not only would they kill innocent civilians but they would also be killing prisoners, rapists, pedophiles, thugs etc. And majority of those who were killed would come back to life, APPARENT of all the behaviors they would have had in the past. HOW WILL SHIKI BRING BENEFIT TO THE WORLD? Sure you can root for Shiki, no one will impede you on your choice, but in what way will they bring good to the ecosystem? Humans don't bring good either but Humans can rationalize and focus their goals to help improve the Ecosystem, which is why we have many environmental organization programs like Green Peace, World Nature Organization, United Nations Environmental Program, etc. Humans would be able to rationalize themselves to the goal of bettering the ecosystem. They wouldn't have to worry about attaining a food source. How would Shikis be able to rationalize that goal? Shikis are more focused on attaining a food source. CONSIDER THIS. After the entirety of the Human race has been wiped out, Shiki are left consuming the blood of any living organism left. Shiki are overcrowded and have to come up with a solution to prevent the extinction of their race. What will they do? Perhaps they will cannibalize each other, a behavior that is no different than what humans have done in the past. And in what way would this... look... right...... this is a scenario that is worse than what humans did to each other at the temple considering how the anime exaggerates the amount of gore and brutality TL;DR Rationalizing all the outcomes, Humans are terrible but I side with them. What I don't seem to understand is why people consider Shiki "sentient" creatures that don't deserved the way they died, after the fact that they themselves are not apparent from human behavior which are not devoided of a reason to kill, like jealousy, as we seen with Megumi who committed atrocious things because she was jealous. What would Megumi do if she saw Natsuno flirting with another Shiki Girl? She would kill that Shiki Girl. So how does this make Shiki any better than humans by thought when they are alike? Are Shiki's saints after their human counterpart dies?? Seriously WTF. |
Mtaddict33Jan 13, 2016 7:27 PM
Jan 18, 2016 3:59 AM
Mtaddict33 said: Both sides are terrible. But Shiki are worse. Lets look at this rationally. SHIKI AND HUMAN ARE SAME IN THOUGHT When the human dies (after he is bitten by a Shiki), their thoughts and memories from their previous life are still apparent. As seen in the show, all of the Shiki characters have the same personality as their previous life had. Basically, Shikis have the same conscience as they did when they were human. If a psychopathic serial killer becomes a Shiki, he will nonetheless, carry the same behaviors as he did when he was a human; murder and kill. He will care for no one but himself. He would kill other Shiki. He would be selfish. So how will his behavior of being Shiki make him any different from his behavior as being a human? This person would have a physicality of a monster. He would have regenerative abilities, superhuman strength and enhanced smell for blood. So how would a Shiki be less perceived as threat? Sure how humans are terrible, what they do to each other is terrible, but how does this justify the Shiki being different from a human when they are alike, and they would do the same to any other? WOULD THE SHIKI ACT ANY DIFFERENT FROM THEIR HUMAN COUNTERPARTS. Since Shiki are shown to have the same conscience has their previous life, consider what would happen if Shiki attacked a city. What would happen if Shiki attacked everyone on sight? Not only would they kill innocent civilians but they would also be killing prisoners, rapists, pedophiles, thugs etc. And majority of those who were killed would come back to life, APPARENT of all the behaviors they would have had in the past. HOW WILL SHIKI BRING BENEFIT TO THE WORLD? Sure you can root for Shiki, no one will impede you on your choice, but in what way will they bring good to the ecosystem? Humans don't bring good either but Humans can rationalize and focus their goals to help improve the Ecosystem, which is why we have many environmental organization programs like Green Peace, World Nature Organization, United Nations Environmental Program, etc. Humans would be able to rationalize themselves to the goal of bettering the ecosystem. They wouldn't have to worry about attaining a food source. How would Shikis be able to rationalize that goal? Shikis are more focused on attaining a food source. CONSIDER THIS. After the entirety of the Human race has been wiped out, Shiki are left consuming the blood of any living organism left. Shiki are overcrowded and have to come up with a solution to prevent the extinction of their race. What will they do? Perhaps they will cannibalize each other, a behavior that is no different than what humans have done in the past. And in what way would this... look... right...... this is a scenario that is worse than what humans did to each other at the temple considering how the anime exaggerates the amount of gore and brutality TL;DR Rationalizing all the outcomes, Humans are terrible but I side with them. What I don't seem to understand is why people consider Shiki "sentient" creatures that don't deserved the way they died, after the fact that they themselves are not apparent from human behavior which are not devoided of a reason to kill, like jealousy, as we seen with Megumi who committed atrocious things because she was jealous. What would Megumi do if she saw Natsuno flirting with another Shiki Girl? She would kill that Shiki Girl. So how does this make Shiki any better than humans by thought when they are alike? Are Shiki's saints after their human counterpart dies?? Seriously WTF. ^ I have to agree with this as well. Lets say that Shiki do win and they'll eventually have to kill all humans for blood. Once everyone is a Shiki except for those that haven't risen, they're pretty much screwed. How are they gonna survive once there's no more humans? Also, shouldn't those that are dead stay dead as well? I can't accept the fact that these Shiki continue to live. Yes they feel guilty when they have to suck human blood but isn't it better to just die and not have to suffer? |
Jan 20, 2016 12:47 PM
they dont need to kill to get blood. humans are stupid things that are scared of anything that they cant explain like in other media xmen wolf children spice and wolf naruto 4400 dance in the vampire bund do you honeslty think those red necks would just say yes to letting them stay if sunako just told them who they are what they are what they need where they came from i dont believe they would cause in the manga those red necks are bastards in the manga. the manga explains in to more detail why the shiki are doing this and it isnt because they are evil but because of what they are. if my brother turned in to one of these shiki id help him and if a human tried to kill him id kill them before they did anything i can see me in migumi she hated being in that village they made fun of her and i know how it feels to be in a place where you dont want to be. fuck those red necks in the manga they are worse that bearded bastard was enjoying killing even humans. hell the humans in the village was threatening a old man who had a stroke to contiune his work as the head monk a job he was forced to take and his son tried to kill him self because his life wasnt his own its those red necks that are the bastards and the worst .... i feel sorry for people who side with the humans ...... |
geekfreak17aJan 20, 2016 12:53 PM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Jan 20, 2016 1:34 PM
I'd rather read the novels than the manga. She and her husband are really good writers. |
Demi Valentine Website: Nika 'n Asia Follow me on social media! Facebook | Instagram | Twitter |
Jan 21, 2016 11:44 AM
Demi_V said: I'd rather read the novels than the manga. She and her husband are really good writers. actually i wouldnt mind that, in my opinion i think the manga was less biased then the anime they show why they shiki are doing it and shows why sunakos plan wouldnt work and migumis death was less gruesome. and i think has the best killlings of humans when one of the shiki blew them selfs up to take down a bunch of humans.... its was funny as hell the stupid bastards didnt see it coming lol |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Jan 31, 2016 6:26 PM
Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! |
Feb 1, 2016 1:04 PM
IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 4, 2016 6:48 PM
Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them you are a human yourself If you believe what you say you shouldent watch a human-made anime and should eat a human made food you shouldn't even exist go cry to your human-mom idiot! Now suck my D cause you are using internet witch is invented by humans ...and just to know I havent went to the doctor 22 years now and I make my own food the same years.I work for my food I pay for eat and I personaly cook it! |
Feb 4, 2016 6:50 PM
Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them And just to be clear you Dkhead if animals started talking and killing people it would be a battle of survival witch human would win! and if shiki ever existed they would be all dead in 2-3 days all of them! Cause earth can't have more than one inteligent being! |
Feb 4, 2016 8:04 PM
Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them Hmmmm. Let me get this straight AnimeFreak, are you saying that ALL humans are terrible? When you mentioned Trigun (Greatest Anime Ever) you forgot about Rem, who was in fact human, and she perceived Vash and Knives differently. You forget that only one (Steve) out of the five of the crew members had harbored intolerable intent towards Vash and Knives. The actions of 1 person does not account to the rest of the crew members because a majority of them were very fond of Vash and Knives. Hence, the actions performed by a few humans does not account for the rest of them. There are humans that have the capability of understanding. And I dislike how your innate hatred for humans are just because of "they fear what they don't know", even though those are emotions that any creatures have. If a spider or insect would crawl on your back, you would unintentionally shake it off or swat it. Fear is an emotion, a Mother Bear would aggressively kill anyone that gets near her cub because out of fear, she wouldn't know what kind of predator is out to kill her child. "you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior." -AnimeFreak. There are already animals that are capable of killing humans, and there is a large history of humans being killed by animals. Bears, snakes, Komodo Dragons, Lions, Alligators etc. In this argument you seem to be unaware that there is a food chain. According to your logic, animals like chicken, pigs, deer, zebras should become best friends with lions, wolves, and hyenas. You forget that animals are also killers. If humans did not exist, lions, wolves, and hyenas would be on top of the food chain. I guess by inputting your logic in this scenario, lions, wolves and hyenas should be condemned. "i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.." -AnimeFreak. You're also forgetting that there are many instances where Shiki cared little for themselves, and there are certain points when Shiki enforced their concept of survival onto the newblooded Shiki. For instants Tatsumi forces new blooded Shiki into the choice of drinking blood and if they would refused, Tatsumi would kill them on the spot. And I think you mean to say conformity, not socialites, there is a difference. The original Shikis from the mansion tried to conform other Shikis towards their way. There was also that particular scene with Masao Murasako, the very pale character with long black hair whom nobody in the end cared for. Other Shikis found him very irritating. When Megumi and Masao were trying to escape from the massacre, Masao proposed to Megumi that they should run away together, but Megumi harshly rejects him. and even MAASAO was an outcast among the Shiki. Very much of what you are trying to say is in contradictory to what you are trying to point out. And before you insult me, by calling me "stupid" or a "human supporter" which you have appeared to have done to other members you should know that I too sympathized with the Shiki and the Humans. But after reading your posts, to me it seems like your are trying to make Shiki out to be fairies, or mystical happy creatures like ponies, as if they do not have sadistic nature. |
Mtaddict33Feb 5, 2016 6:21 AM
Feb 5, 2016 8:27 AM
IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them you are a human yourself If you believe what you say you shouldent watch a human-made anime and should eat a human made food you shouldn't even exist go cry to your human-mom idiot! Now suck my D cause you are using internet witch is invented by humans ...and just to know I havent went to the doctor 22 years now and I make my own food the same years.I work for my food I pay for eat and I personaly cook it! oh look insulting me because my opinion is different from your own what a surprise. also i bet your one of those fools who believes humans are superior in the universe which is a highly ignorant thought |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 5, 2016 9:26 AM
Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them Hmmmm. Let me get this straight AnimeFreak, are you saying that ALL humans are terrible? When you mentioned Trigun (Greatest Anime Ever) you forgot about Rem, who was in fact human, and she perceived Vash and Knives differently. You forget that only one (Steve) out of the five of the crew members had harbored intolerable intent towards Vash and Knives. The actions of 1 person does not account to the rest of the crew members because a majority of them were very fond of Vash and Knives. Hence, the actions performed by a few humans does not account for the rest of them. There are humans that have the capability of understanding. And I dislike how your innate hatred for humans are just because of "they fear what they don't know", even though those are emotions that any creatures have. If a spider or insect would crawl on your back, you would unintentionally shake it off or swat it. Fear is an emotion, a Mother Bear would aggressively kill anyone that gets near her cub because out of fear, she wouldn't know what kind of predator is out to kill her child. "you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior." -AnimeFreak. There are already animals that are capable of killing humans, and there is a large history of humans being killed by animals. Bears, snakes, Komodo Dragons, Lions, Alligators etc. In this argument you seem to be unaware that there is a food chain. According to your logic, animals like chicken, pigs, deer, zebras should become best friends with lions, wolves, and hyenas. You forget that animals are also killers. If humans did not exist, lions, wolves, and hyenas would be on top of the food chain. I guess by inputting your logic in this scenario, lions, wolves and hyenas should be condemned. "i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.." -AnimeFreak. You're also forgetting that there are many instances where Shiki cared little for themselves, and there are certain points when Shiki enforced their concept of survival onto the newblooded Shiki. For instants Tatsumi forces new blooded Shiki into the choice of drinking blood and if they would refused, Tatsumi would kill them on the spot. And I think you mean to say conformity, not socialites, there is a difference. The original Shikis from the mansion tried to conform other Shikis towards their way. There was also that particular scene with Masao Murasako, the very pale character with long black hair whom nobody in the end cared for. Other Shikis found him very irritating. When Megumi and Masao were trying to escape from the massacre, Masao proposed to Megumi that they should run away together, but Megumi harshly rejects him. and even MAASAO was an outcast among the Shiki. Very much of what you are trying to say is in contradictory to what you are trying to point out. And before you insult me, by calling me "stupid" or a "human supporter" which you have appeared to have done to other members you should know that I too sympathized with the Shiki and the Humans. But after reading your posts, to me it seems like your are trying to make Shiki out to be fairies, or mystical happy creatures like ponies, as if they do not have sadistic nature. all im saying is that a majority of people a huge majority of people on this planet are scared of the unknown. when vash and knives was found the... which by the way i wounder who made them, the crew was going to destroy them but rem saved them. and what about the people who was on that seed thing in the series, when the ship crashed everyone blamed vash and even the girl who had a crush on him left him.... which by the way your right it is the greatest anime ever. about your bear thing.. if a bear killed someone your loved because it was protecting its cub would you forgive it or kill it. animals kill to feed humans kill out of sport and fun... yes we kill them for food dont get me wrong i know the food chain. but we humans dont always do this, we dont respect nature or the lives of animals or plants. we take them and put them in zoo for our entertainment we kill them for entertainment.... dont say we dont because we do. we are responsible for thousands of thousands of animals gone or going extinct, we have a responsibility to help preserve these beautiful creatures but what are we doing.... killing them for money, entertainment, or for fun...... food is one think but anything other then this is wrong. well of course they took action they needed to take action to make there flawed plan work whic would of never worked in the first place. the shiki who came to the village had no choice but to do what they did they was trying to make the village theres. Masao was annoying like that doctor or natsuno who never rose as a shiki in the novel he was put in there for a younger audience. i wasnt going to call you stupid human supporter in fact i only do that to those who are ignorant and hates the shiki and never sees it from there point of few but your different you havent called me names yet. its the extremests i hate. sure the shiki had there selfish moments but i do understand them more. think about it for a sec. if the shiki could co exist with humans it would of happened years ago but like i said in my other comment a majority of humans fear whhat they dont understand. i highly doudt those rednecks would let them stay even if they said who they was. i might sound like one sided but im not im actually very passionate about this subject. they arent happy creatrues but actully sad ones who have no choice but to live in the shadows away from humans or live among them disguised as humans. what are the chances of them beiing accepted by humans and what are the chances that no one would want them dead. you looked at my trigun comment but what about the others. zakuro spice and wolf dance in the vampire bund xmen 4400 rognorok the animation wolf childern there are loads of series and movies that have this subject in them. ok not all humans are bad but many humans are ignorant and look down on others because of there skin colour religion nationality culture territory disputes ect i have seen these sort of people all becuase of something petty like this. let me ask you this let say for example you have a good friend you have been with for years and you get along very well and then one day you meet someone who is...... ether gay jewish black Asian a person who comes from a different country what ever take your pick. and he or she was a nice person and you became friends then your other friend comes out and says he doesnt like this person because his one of the things i said.... what would you say to him. im going off subject here. the point is i sympathies with the shiki more and even tho i hated the humans i did understand how they felt but they was ignorant before the shiki came along. i felt sorry for only a few of them like that red haired woman or the temple people. but as for the rest of the humans ..... i just laughed at them at the end cause they lost it all. please try and see it from my pointof few. i really hate people who side with the humans.... not becuase they side with them but becuase they are extremely one sided they dont even understand why the shiki did what they did. look at the voting thing there are people who dont side with ether, theose who side with the humans and those who side with the shiki. the majority side with the humans for many reasons. oh the shiki are evil i hate sunako i hate the monk he betrayed his own kind i hate migumi many people hate them for many other reasons. the people who sided with nether just dont care or saw them as bad as each other which im glad they did.. then you have us the shiki side. you have people who felt sorry for them you have people who saw how bad the humans was you have people who understand why the shiki did what they did they wasnt evil listen im all open to debate about this with anyone who is ready to talk to me. but there are those who no matter what you say no matter what your argument is there is always those who hates your views and sees you as stupid. i have delt with human supporters for ages. when i say oh i felt sorry for migumi, human supporters call me a idiot when i say i felt sorry for the shiki human supporters say.... you felt sorry for those monsters,.... are you sick or something . yes i have had my ups and downs as you can see from my previous comments but thats becuase human supporters have given me such a hard time that at one time i became the one thing i hated...... an extremist one sided elitist. now as for casuals im ready to talk to you cause you seem like someone who is ready to talk to me. il talk to you in good manner as long as you are going to talk to me in a good manner. i didnt start this thread becuase i hated others opinions i started this thread so i could get people to understand why the shiki arent monsters and are misunderstood. all i want is people just to talk about this i might sound like a asshole who hates humans but really i just want people to understand why i made my choice. but there are others out there who just down right hates my views. is this the rant of a idiot who would say stuff like this. im not like the other dude who has been insulting me. so come on lets talk ok what do you say |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 5, 2016 8:01 PM
Animefreak17a said: Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them Hmmmm. Let me get this straight AnimeFreak, are you saying that ALL humans are terrible? When you mentioned Trigun (Greatest Anime Ever) you forgot about Rem, who was in fact human, and she perceived Vash and Knives differently. You forget that only one (Steve) out of the five of the crew members had harbored intolerable intent towards Vash and Knives. The actions of 1 person does not account to the rest of the crew members because a majority of them were very fond of Vash and Knives. Hence, the actions performed by a few humans does not account for the rest of them. There are humans that have the capability of understanding. And I dislike how your innate hatred for humans are just because of "they fear what they don't know", even though those are emotions that any creatures have. If a spider or insect would crawl on your back, you would unintentionally shake it off or swat it. Fear is an emotion, a Mother Bear would aggressively kill anyone that gets near her cub because out of fear, she wouldn't know what kind of predator is out to kill her child. "you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior." -AnimeFreak. There are already animals that are capable of killing humans, and there is a large history of humans being killed by animals. Bears, snakes, Komodo Dragons, Lions, Alligators etc. In this argument you seem to be unaware that there is a food chain. According to your logic, animals like chicken, pigs, deer, zebras should become best friends with lions, wolves, and hyenas. You forget that animals are also killers. If humans did not exist, lions, wolves, and hyenas would be on top of the food chain. I guess by inputting your logic in this scenario, lions, wolves and hyenas should be condemned. "i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.." -AnimeFreak. You're also forgetting that there are many instances where Shiki cared little for themselves, and there are certain points when Shiki enforced their concept of survival onto the newblooded Shiki. For instants Tatsumi forces new blooded Shiki into the choice of drinking blood and if they would refused, Tatsumi would kill them on the spot. And I think you mean to say conformity, not socialites, there is a difference. The original Shikis from the mansion tried to conform other Shikis towards their way. There was also that particular scene with Masao Murasako, the very pale character with long black hair whom nobody in the end cared for. Other Shikis found him very irritating. When Megumi and Masao were trying to escape from the massacre, Masao proposed to Megumi that they should run away together, but Megumi harshly rejects him. and even MAASAO was an outcast among the Shiki. Very much of what you are trying to say is in contradictory to what you are trying to point out. And before you insult me, by calling me "stupid" or a "human supporter" which you have appeared to have done to other members you should know that I too sympathized with the Shiki and the Humans. But after reading your posts, to me it seems like your are trying to make Shiki out to be fairies, or mystical happy creatures like ponies, as if they do not have sadistic nature. all im saying is that a majority of people a huge majority of people on this planet are scared of the unknown. when vash and knives was found the... which by the way i wounder who made them, the crew was going to destroy them but rem saved them. and what about the people who was on that seed thing in the series, when the ship crashed everyone blamed vash and even the girl who had a crush on him left him.... which by the way your right it is the greatest anime ever. about your bear thing.. if a bear killed someone your loved because it was protecting its cub would you forgive it or kill it. animals kill to feed humans kill out of sport and fun... yes we kill them for food dont get me wrong i know the food chain. but we humans dont always do this, we dont respect nature or the lives of animals or plants. we take them and put them in zoo for our entertainment we kill them for entertainment.... dont say we dont because we do. we are responsible for thousands of thousands of animals gone or going extinct, we have a responsibility to help preserve these beautiful creatures but what are we doing.... killing them for money, entertainment, or for fun...... food is one think but anything other then this is wrong. well of course they took action they needed to take action to make there flawed plan work whic would of never worked in the first place. the shiki who came to the village had no choice but to do what they did they was trying to make the village theres. Masao was annoying like that doctor or natsuno who never rose as a shiki in the novel he was put in there for a younger audience. i wasnt going to call you stupid human supporter in fact i only do that to those who are ignorant and hates the shiki and never sees it from there point of few but your different you havent called me names yet. its the extremests i hate. sure the shiki had there selfish moments but i do understand them more. think about it for a sec. if the shiki could co exist with humans it would of happened years ago but like i said in my other comment a majority of humans fear whhat they dont understand. i highly doudt those rednecks would let them stay even if they said who they was. i might sound like one sided but im not im actually very passionate about this subject. they arent happy creatrues but actully sad ones who have no choice but to live in the shadows away from humans or live among them disguised as humans. what are the chances of them beiing accepted by humans and what are the chances that no one would want them dead. you looked at my trigun comment but what about the others. zakuro spice and wolf dance in the vampire bund xmen 4400 rognorok the animation wolf childern there are loads of series and movies that have this subject in them. ok not all humans are bad but many humans are ignorant and look down on others because of there skin colour religion nationality culture territory disputes ect i have seen these sort of people all becuase of something petty like this. let me ask you this let say for example you have a good friend you have been with for years and you get along very well and then one day you meet someone who is...... ether gay jewish black Asian a person who comes from a different country what ever take your pick. and he or she was a nice person and you became friends then your other friend comes out and says he doesnt like this person because his one of the things i said.... what would you say to him. im going off subject here. the point is i sympathies with the shiki more and even tho i hated the humans i did understand how they felt but they was ignorant before the shiki came along. i felt sorry for only a few of them like that red haired woman or the temple people. but as for the rest of the humans ..... i just laughed at them at the end cause they lost it all. please try and see it from my pointof few. i really hate people who side with the humans.... not becuase they side with them but becuase they are extremely one sided they dont even understand why the shiki did what they did. look at the voting thing there are people who dont side with ether, theose who side with the humans and those who side with the shiki. the majority side with the humans for many reasons. oh the shiki are evil i hate sunako i hate the monk he betrayed his own kind i hate migumi many people hate them for many other reasons. the people who sided with nether just dont care or saw them as bad as each other which im glad they did.. then you have us the shiki side. you have people who felt sorry for them you have people who saw how bad the humans was you have people who understand why the shiki did what they did they wasnt evil listen im all open to debate about this with anyone who is ready to talk to me. but there are those who no matter what you say no matter what your argument is there is always those who hates your views and sees you as stupid. i have delt with human supporters for ages. when i say oh i felt sorry for migumi, human supporters call me a idiot when i say i felt sorry for the shiki human supporters say.... you felt sorry for those monsters,.... are you sick or something . yes i have had my ups and downs as you can see from my previous comments but thats becuase human supporters have given me such a hard time that at one time i became the one thing i hated...... an extremist one sided elitist. now as for casuals im ready to talk to you cause you seem like someone who is ready to talk to me. il talk to you in good manner as long as you are going to talk to me in a good manner. i didnt start this thread becuase i hated others opinions i started this thread so i could get people to understand why the shiki arent monsters and are misunderstood. all i want is people just to talk about this i might sound like a asshole who hates humans but really i just want people to understand why i made my choice. but there are others out there who just down right hates my views. is this the rant of a idiot who would say stuff like this. "im not like the other dude who has been insulting me. so come on lets talk ok what do you say Hahahah I'm glad, you are more understanding then. I find your profound sympathy for Shiki delightful, but remember they are fictional. I would like to say this however, there should be sympathy for humans too because they are the most tragic of any creatures. Like in Shakespeare's Othello, the play's ending is harsh and cruel, but it is reality. And reality is the concept of what humans face their whole lives. Only humans have the consciousness or self-awareness of reality, and because of this, I think humans suffer the most. Like in Megumi's world (when she was still human), her reality was; being stuck in a village that is obviously not free from gossip, rumor, or being judged. Looking at her character overall, her life is tragic. Her change biologically was still not satisfying for her. Even when she became a Shiki, she was still unsatisfied. But to me, she would've been better off being human, many reasons: -She could leave the village safely, unlike being a shiki, which would obviously cause many unethical reasons to occur among human society to others and her alike. -Her views could change when she leaves the village, by Megumi leading a more peaceful or successful life; one that meets many of her needs. Megumi being human just gave her much more possibilities of what kind of life she could lead if she see things positively and in being able to think better of herself and others around her. I feel she could've done better dynamically by leaving the village. She could've have more glee of exploration or wonder in what's beyond the village and take action in doing so then just moping around. And being a human gave her those possibilities. Because she lived in a small village, it narrowed much of her outlook on life. I see your point. Humans are most definitely evil, I can relate to you with the misanthropic view. I too have seen a fair share of superiority complex and it is the plague of the earth. I'll also answer one of your questions, In my situation if I did have a friend that was in opposition to another friends ethnicity nor beliefs, I would not agree or disagree with that friend. I would simply say "Ok thats what you think." hahaha I don't know if you might see that as good, cause it can be seen as bad if you were more assertive, but most of my beliefs stem on Buddhism; avoid all conflicts, and maintain serenity with anyone of any nature. I would also like to include Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, another great anime, might be seen as overrated to other, but it does go over much of human conflicts. In FMAB we can see many humans committing atrocious acts. Humans are also looked down upon by homonculus. But near the end of the Anime, the Homonculi are actually very envious of humans, because it appears that there are many qualities of being a human that are joyful. Bonds, emotions, connections, and love, like Maes Hughes ^_^. Let me ask you this though, have you seen Daybreakers? Another movie, not anime, but it revolves very much around vampire society. Much of their society is going to be extinct because of the low amounts of blood being produced. and in more context, humans are very outnumbered. The vampires propose a solution by making humans cattle. It is ironic for the humans to be put in that situation. but much the nature of the Vampire society do not factor the ecosystem. Do you think that human beings should become cattle for vampires? Woman and children? What if the Shiki created a society that is worse than human society. In a solution for Shiki to maintain their lives, Human cattle would be the only sufficient way to attaining blood. What if they come up with a system where all the men are killed, and only woman and children are only being kept alive as a blood source. And once the children come of age like the males, they would be more susceptible to being killed because they are more agressive. In this scenario wouldn't this make the Shiki as bad as a human? They would be doing the same atrocious things. I know that humans would practically do the same to Shiki but what makes you think that Shiki are any different? The Shiki would be making themselves like humans because they too would also have to be creating their own society, a society that is not going to be very different from human society. Which is why I would like to tell you this, any creature that is capable in thought, or have a developed consciousness, is capable of evil. Shiki could kill humans for sport, or even animals. In George Orwell's Animal farm ( A book I recommend), Orwell gives characteristics, personalities and consciousness to animals. Throughout the book the animals commit atrocious acts among each other. They would sell each other out, they would betray their own kins. Most notable, the pigs; who were deemed the most intelligent because they were able to read, do arithmetics, and they were also very charismatic. By the end of the book their personality is very comparable to that of notorious socialist leaders or very greedy corporate men. So looking at this from a bigger perspective, I think the Shiki are capable of being very evil as to humans are. Any creature with consciousness. Sorry for the TL;DR wall of words but much of this topic is interesting. I thank you for making this poll. |
Mtaddict33Feb 5, 2016 9:04 PM
Feb 5, 2016 11:27 PM
Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them Hmmmm. Let me get this straight AnimeFreak, are you saying that ALL humans are terrible? When you mentioned Trigun (Greatest Anime Ever) you forgot about Rem, who was in fact human, and she perceived Vash and Knives differently. You forget that only one (Steve) out of the five of the crew members had harbored intolerable intent towards Vash and Knives. The actions of 1 person does not account to the rest of the crew members because a majority of them were very fond of Vash and Knives. Hence, the actions performed by a few humans does not account for the rest of them. There are humans that have the capability of understanding. And I dislike how your innate hatred for humans are just because of "they fear what they don't know", even though those are emotions that any creatures have. If a spider or insect would crawl on your back, you would unintentionally shake it off or swat it. Fear is an emotion, a Mother Bear would aggressively kill anyone that gets near her cub because out of fear, she wouldn't know what kind of predator is out to kill her child. "you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior." -AnimeFreak. There are already animals that are capable of killing humans, and there is a large history of humans being killed by animals. Bears, snakes, Komodo Dragons, Lions, Alligators etc. In this argument you seem to be unaware that there is a food chain. According to your logic, animals like chicken, pigs, deer, zebras should become best friends with lions, wolves, and hyenas. You forget that animals are also killers. If humans did not exist, lions, wolves, and hyenas would be on top of the food chain. I guess by inputting your logic in this scenario, lions, wolves and hyenas should be condemned. "i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.." -AnimeFreak. You're also forgetting that there are many instances where Shiki cared little for themselves, and there are certain points when Shiki enforced their concept of survival onto the newblooded Shiki. For instants Tatsumi forces new blooded Shiki into the choice of drinking blood and if they would refused, Tatsumi would kill them on the spot. And I think you mean to say conformity, not socialites, there is a difference. The original Shikis from the mansion tried to conform other Shikis towards their way. There was also that particular scene with Masao Murasako, the very pale character with long black hair whom nobody in the end cared for. Other Shikis found him very irritating. When Megumi and Masao were trying to escape from the massacre, Masao proposed to Megumi that they should run away together, but Megumi harshly rejects him. and even MAASAO was an outcast among the Shiki. Very much of what you are trying to say is in contradictory to what you are trying to point out. And before you insult me, by calling me "stupid" or a "human supporter" which you have appeared to have done to other members you should know that I too sympathized with the Shiki and the Humans. But after reading your posts, to me it seems like your are trying to make Shiki out to be fairies, or mystical happy creatures like ponies, as if they do not have sadistic nature. all im saying is that a majority of people a huge majority of people on this planet are scared of the unknown. when vash and knives was found the... which by the way i wounder who made them, the crew was going to destroy them but rem saved them. and what about the people who was on that seed thing in the series, when the ship crashed everyone blamed vash and even the girl who had a crush on him left him.... which by the way your right it is the greatest anime ever. about your bear thing.. if a bear killed someone your loved because it was protecting its cub would you forgive it or kill it. animals kill to feed humans kill out of sport and fun... yes we kill them for food dont get me wrong i know the food chain. but we humans dont always do this, we dont respect nature or the lives of animals or plants. we take them and put them in zoo for our entertainment we kill them for entertainment.... dont say we dont because we do. we are responsible for thousands of thousands of animals gone or going extinct, we have a responsibility to help preserve these beautiful creatures but what are we doing.... killing them for money, entertainment, or for fun...... food is one think but anything other then this is wrong. well of course they took action they needed to take action to make there flawed plan work whic would of never worked in the first place. the shiki who came to the village had no choice but to do what they did they was trying to make the village theres. Masao was annoying like that doctor or natsuno who never rose as a shiki in the novel he was put in there for a younger audience. i wasnt going to call you stupid human supporter in fact i only do that to those who are ignorant and hates the shiki and never sees it from there point of few but your different you havent called me names yet. its the extremests i hate. sure the shiki had there selfish moments but i do understand them more. think about it for a sec. if the shiki could co exist with humans it would of happened years ago but like i said in my other comment a majority of humans fear whhat they dont understand. i highly doudt those rednecks would let them stay even if they said who they was. i might sound like one sided but im not im actually very passionate about this subject. they arent happy creatrues but actully sad ones who have no choice but to live in the shadows away from humans or live among them disguised as humans. what are the chances of them beiing accepted by humans and what are the chances that no one would want them dead. you looked at my trigun comment but what about the others. zakuro spice and wolf dance in the vampire bund xmen 4400 rognorok the animation wolf childern there are loads of series and movies that have this subject in them. ok not all humans are bad but many humans are ignorant and look down on others because of there skin colour religion nationality culture territory disputes ect i have seen these sort of people all becuase of something petty like this. let me ask you this let say for example you have a good friend you have been with for years and you get along very well and then one day you meet someone who is...... ether gay jewish black Asian a person who comes from a different country what ever take your pick. and he or she was a nice person and you became friends then your other friend comes out and says he doesnt like this person because his one of the things i said.... what would you say to him. im going off subject here. the point is i sympathies with the shiki more and even tho i hated the humans i did understand how they felt but they was ignorant before the shiki came along. i felt sorry for only a few of them like that red haired woman or the temple people. but as for the rest of the humans ..... i just laughed at them at the end cause they lost it all. please try and see it from my pointof few. i really hate people who side with the humans.... not becuase they side with them but becuase they are extremely one sided they dont even understand why the shiki did what they did. look at the voting thing there are people who dont side with ether, theose who side with the humans and those who side with the shiki. the majority side with the humans for many reasons. oh the shiki are evil i hate sunako i hate the monk he betrayed his own kind i hate migumi many people hate them for many other reasons. the people who sided with nether just dont care or saw them as bad as each other which im glad they did.. then you have us the shiki side. you have people who felt sorry for them you have people who saw how bad the humans was you have people who understand why the shiki did what they did they wasnt evil listen im all open to debate about this with anyone who is ready to talk to me. but there are those who no matter what you say no matter what your argument is there is always those who hates your views and sees you as stupid. i have delt with human supporters for ages. when i say oh i felt sorry for migumi, human supporters call me a idiot when i say i felt sorry for the shiki human supporters say.... you felt sorry for those monsters,.... are you sick or something . yes i have had my ups and downs as you can see from my previous comments but thats becuase human supporters have given me such a hard time that at one time i became the one thing i hated...... an extremist one sided elitist. now as for casuals im ready to talk to you cause you seem like someone who is ready to talk to me. il talk to you in good manner as long as you are going to talk to me in a good manner. i didnt start this thread becuase i hated others opinions i started this thread so i could get people to understand why the shiki arent monsters and are misunderstood. all i want is people just to talk about this i might sound like a asshole who hates humans but really i just want people to understand why i made my choice. but there are others out there who just down right hates my views. is this the rant of a idiot who would say stuff like this. "im not like the other dude who has been insulting me. so come on lets talk ok what do you say Hahahah I'm glad, you are more understanding then. I find your profound sympathy for Shiki delightful, but remember they are fictional. I would like to say this however, there should be sympathy for humans too because they are the most tragic of any creatures. Like in Shakespeare's Othello, the play's ending is harsh and cruel, but it is reality. And reality is the concept of what humans face their whole lives. Only humans have the consciousness or self-awareness of reality, and because of this, I think humans suffer the most. Like in Megumi's world (when she was still human), her reality was; being stuck in a village that is obviously not free from gossip, rumor, or being judged. Looking at her character overall, her life is tragic. Her change biologically was still not satisfying for her. Even when she became a Shiki, she was still unsatisfied. But to me, she would've been better off being human, many reasons: -She could leave the village safely, unlike being a shiki, which would obviously cause many unethical reasons to occur among human society to others and her alike. -Her views could change when she leaves the village, by Megumi leading a more peaceful or successful life; one that meets many of her needs. Megumi being human just gave her much more possibilities of what kind of life she could lead if she see things positively and in being able to think better of herself and others around her. I feel she could've done better dynamically by leaving the village. She could've have more glee of exploration or wonder in what's beyond the village and take action in doing so then just moping around. And being a human gave her those possibilities. Because she lived in a small village, it narrowed much of her outlook on life. I see your point. Humans are most definitely evil, I can relate to you with the misanthropic view. I too have seen a fair share of superiority complex and it is the plague of the earth. I'll also answer one of your questions, In my situation if I did have a friend that was in opposition to another friends ethnicity nor beliefs, I would not agree or disagree with that friend. I would simply say "Ok thats what you think." hahaha I don't know if you might see that as good, cause it can be seen as bad if you were more assertive, but most of my beliefs stem on Buddhism; avoid all conflicts, and maintain serenity with anyone of any nature. I would also like to include Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, another great anime, might be seen as overrated to other, but it does go over much of human conflicts. In FMAB we can see many humans committing atrocious acts. Humans are also looked down upon by homonculus. But near the end of the Anime, the Homonculi are actually very envious of humans, because it appears that there are many qualities of being a human that are joyful. Bonds, emotions, connections, and love, like Maes Hughes ^_^. Let me ask you this though, have you seen Daybreakers? Another movie, not anime, but it revolves very much around vampire society. Much of their society is going to be extinct because of the low amounts of blood being produced. and in more context, humans are very outnumbered. The vampires propose a solution by making humans cattle. It is ironic for the humans to be put in that situation. but much the nature of the Vampire society do not factor the ecosystem. Do you think that human beings should become cattle for vampires? Woman and children? What if the Shiki created a society that is worse than human society. In a solution for Shiki to maintain their lives, Human cattle would be the only sufficient way to attaining blood. What if they come up with a system where all the men are killed, and only woman and children are only being kept alive as a blood source. And once the children come of age like the males, they would be more susceptible to being killed because they are more agressive. In this scenario wouldn't this make the Shiki as bad as a human? They would be doing the same atrocious things. I know that humans would practically do the same to Shiki but what makes you think that Shiki are any different? The Shiki would be making themselves like humans because they too would also have to be creating their own society, a society that is not going to be very different from human society. Which is why I would like to tell you this, any creature that is capable in thought, or have a developed consciousness, is capable of evil. Shiki could kill humans for sport, or even animals. In George Orwell's Animal farm ( A book I recommend), Orwell gives characteristics, personalities and consciousness to animals. Throughout the book the animals commit atrocious acts among each other. They would sell each other out, they would betray their own kins. Most notable, the pigs; who were deemed the most intelligent because they were able to read, do arithmetics, and they were also very charismatic. By the end of the book their personality is very comparable to that of notorious socialist leaders or very greedy corporate men. So looking at this from a bigger perspective, I think the Shiki are capable of being very evil as to humans are. Any creature with consciousness. Sorry for the TL;DR wall of words but much of this topic is interesting. I thank you for making this poll. *i read the whole thing^ you have left me with no choice but to ask if i could add you as a friend..... that is if you'll have me lol. see this is the sort of thing im talking about * we are talking this is what i want* i do apologies for my rude behaviour i just get very passionate and let things as stupid as a anime get me riled up so please find it in your good natured heart to forgive this fool.... which is me lol. i guess ever since ii made this thread maybe im a reble without a cause but now i would like to think iv grow up a bit.... fingers cross lol well to some of them yes but * in my opinion * its when they did stuff like * smiling while they let the shiki burn in the sun * or when they forced the hand monk who had a stroke to contiune his work even tho he didnt want it. *mocking migumi * killling them in the most horrific way.... migumis death will haunt me for the rest of my life. point is i only felt sorry for only a few humans. i did feel sorry for the humans in the beginning but they turned out to be as bad or even worse then the shiki. i just dont like there attitudes especially, and yes i know i souldnt take things from another media to justify what happned in the anime but if you read what the manga says it actually brings up good points, im not sure but i think it takes more elements from the novel..... if you want go read the manga which in my opinion is better then the anime, like you know that blue haired kid who was a shiki, when he fell in that hole with natsuno he didnt get blown up he died by impalement and he told natsuno who was dying him self that he knew sunakos plan wouldnt work, so that gives you a little bit of a option to read the manga. the shiki have a consciousness and self awareness, in fact if you took away the fact they need blood and sleeps in the daytime. they aret any different from humans, and i know what your going to say...... then why are you siding with them if they are like humans.... well the thing is you know in school when there is someone in your class who ether.. talks different or has the same name of a cartoon character or believes in another religion or anything like that. well its just that people tend to lock out people who are different from them or they just want to pick on them. its like sunakos family, even tho she turned in to a shiki she was still tthe same daughter they always knew but all they saw wasnt there daughter but a monster and they locked her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years, even tho she was still thinking about them they left her becuase of what she became.... its kinda like the xmen, some familys will outcast there kids becuase of what they are or protect them. but sadly sunako got the short end of the stick and got the family who left her. get what im saying, if you dont then i apologies il make it clear if you ask me. about migumi..... you are absolutely 100% completely right, she would of been happier if she didnt turn in to a shiki she could of left when she grew up. i dont think her views would of changed about the village i mean there are i think about 5 or 6 people who hated the village even as grown ups. i agree with everything you said about migumi well execpt the part where she would change... wel the part where she hated the village wouldnt change. that part lol but thats my opinion. i wouldn't say all humans are evil ( sounds hypocritical coming from me lol) yes i hate humans but thats only those who look down on others because... there beliefs looks and such believe it or not im a person whp sees everyone as equals no matter what or who they are but sadly the majority of humans dont see my point of few. i couldnt care less if you was gay or you believed in something i dont believe or belonged to a diffrent culture or poor or rich non of that matters to me i dont care about anything like that so even tho i dont believe in a god i do share your views on Buddhism. i find your intriguing you seem very nice. your right about FMABH. in my opinion i think maes huges end was better in the original i liked him i thought the homuculi did have some sympathetic complexities becuase of there sins greed wanted friendship envy was jealous of human bonds glottony loved lust wrath.... actully i cant remeber what his issues was in BH lust... we didnt get to see hers but she was good in the original so yeah i agree i havent seen daybrakers. and to be honest i dont know if humans should or shouldnt be cattle for vampires its a complcated issue. have you seen from the new world watch that and pay attention i think you might like that. i dont know what te shiki would do. but i do know for a fact te shiki just want a home somewhere tobe accepted and thats why i side with them. its horrible being singled out because your diffrent from everyone around you thats why i sympathise with them, but if they did become worse as human then i guess i would feel the same for the shiki but feel sorry for a few of them..... its a complacated topic as you can see. again your right about that but like i said i symathies for the shiki because all they wanted was to be accepted for what they are and that is what got me there support. people want to be accepted who they but your aways going to get people who will fear or outcast you because of your differences and i can relate to that in so many ways...... you unsderstand right i saw that film and the moral of the story is power corrupts absolutely i know the story. yes you are right the shiki are capable of evil acts just like human or anything with a consciousness. but what is evil..... sure they are evil acts like killing for enjoyment or hatred and such but in the eyes of other people the most simple thing like.. being gay eating a certiain |
geekfreak17aFeb 5, 2016 11:31 PM
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 6, 2016 12:09 AM
Animefreak17a said: Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them Hmmmm. Let me get this straight AnimeFreak, are you saying that ALL humans are terrible? When you mentioned Trigun (Greatest Anime Ever) you forgot about Rem, who was in fact human, and she perceived Vash and Knives differently. You forget that only one (Steve) out of the five of the crew members had harbored intolerable intent towards Vash and Knives. The actions of 1 person does not account to the rest of the crew members because a majority of them were very fond of Vash and Knives. Hence, the actions performed by a few humans does not account for the rest of them. There are humans that have the capability of understanding. And I dislike how your innate hatred for humans are just because of "they fear what they don't know", even though those are emotions that any creatures have. If a spider or insect would crawl on your back, you would unintentionally shake it off or swat it. Fear is an emotion, a Mother Bear would aggressively kill anyone that gets near her cub because out of fear, she wouldn't know what kind of predator is out to kill her child. "you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior." -AnimeFreak. There are already animals that are capable of killing humans, and there is a large history of humans being killed by animals. Bears, snakes, Komodo Dragons, Lions, Alligators etc. In this argument you seem to be unaware that there is a food chain. According to your logic, animals like chicken, pigs, deer, zebras should become best friends with lions, wolves, and hyenas. You forget that animals are also killers. If humans did not exist, lions, wolves, and hyenas would be on top of the food chain. I guess by inputting your logic in this scenario, lions, wolves and hyenas should be condemned. "i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.." -AnimeFreak. You're also forgetting that there are many instances where Shiki cared little for themselves, and there are certain points when Shiki enforced their concept of survival onto the newblooded Shiki. For instants Tatsumi forces new blooded Shiki into the choice of drinking blood and if they would refused, Tatsumi would kill them on the spot. And I think you mean to say conformity, not socialites, there is a difference. The original Shikis from the mansion tried to conform other Shikis towards their way. There was also that particular scene with Masao Murasako, the very pale character with long black hair whom nobody in the end cared for. Other Shikis found him very irritating. When Megumi and Masao were trying to escape from the massacre, Masao proposed to Megumi that they should run away together, but Megumi harshly rejects him. and even MAASAO was an outcast among the Shiki. Very much of what you are trying to say is in contradictory to what you are trying to point out. And before you insult me, by calling me "stupid" or a "human supporter" which you have appeared to have done to other members you should know that I too sympathized with the Shiki and the Humans. But after reading your posts, to me it seems like your are trying to make Shiki out to be fairies, or mystical happy creatures like ponies, as if they do not have sadistic nature. all im saying is that a majority of people a huge majority of people on this planet are scared of the unknown. when vash and knives was found the... which by the way i wounder who made them, the crew was going to destroy them but rem saved them. and what about the people who was on that seed thing in the series, when the ship crashed everyone blamed vash and even the girl who had a crush on him left him.... which by the way your right it is the greatest anime ever. about your bear thing.. if a bear killed someone your loved because it was protecting its cub would you forgive it or kill it. animals kill to feed humans kill out of sport and fun... yes we kill them for food dont get me wrong i know the food chain. but we humans dont always do this, we dont respect nature or the lives of animals or plants. we take them and put them in zoo for our entertainment we kill them for entertainment.... dont say we dont because we do. we are responsible for thousands of thousands of animals gone or going extinct, we have a responsibility to help preserve these beautiful creatures but what are we doing.... killing them for money, entertainment, or for fun...... food is one think but anything other then this is wrong. well of course they took action they needed to take action to make there flawed plan work whic would of never worked in the first place. the shiki who came to the village had no choice but to do what they did they was trying to make the village theres. Masao was annoying like that doctor or natsuno who never rose as a shiki in the novel he was put in there for a younger audience. i wasnt going to call you stupid human supporter in fact i only do that to those who are ignorant and hates the shiki and never sees it from there point of few but your different you havent called me names yet. its the extremests i hate. sure the shiki had there selfish moments but i do understand them more. think about it for a sec. if the shiki could co exist with humans it would of happened years ago but like i said in my other comment a majority of humans fear whhat they dont understand. i highly doudt those rednecks would let them stay even if they said who they was. i might sound like one sided but im not im actually very passionate about this subject. they arent happy creatrues but actully sad ones who have no choice but to live in the shadows away from humans or live among them disguised as humans. what are the chances of them beiing accepted by humans and what are the chances that no one would want them dead. you looked at my trigun comment but what about the others. zakuro spice and wolf dance in the vampire bund xmen 4400 rognorok the animation wolf childern there are loads of series and movies that have this subject in them. ok not all humans are bad but many humans are ignorant and look down on others because of there skin colour religion nationality culture territory disputes ect i have seen these sort of people all becuase of something petty like this. let me ask you this let say for example you have a good friend you have been with for years and you get along very well and then one day you meet someone who is...... ether gay jewish black Asian a person who comes from a different country what ever take your pick. and he or she was a nice person and you became friends then your other friend comes out and says he doesnt like this person because his one of the things i said.... what would you say to him. im going off subject here. the point is i sympathies with the shiki more and even tho i hated the humans i did understand how they felt but they was ignorant before the shiki came along. i felt sorry for only a few of them like that red haired woman or the temple people. but as for the rest of the humans ..... i just laughed at them at the end cause they lost it all. please try and see it from my pointof few. i really hate people who side with the humans.... not becuase they side with them but becuase they are extremely one sided they dont even understand why the shiki did what they did. look at the voting thing there are people who dont side with ether, theose who side with the humans and those who side with the shiki. the majority side with the humans for many reasons. oh the shiki are evil i hate sunako i hate the monk he betrayed his own kind i hate migumi many people hate them for many other reasons. the people who sided with nether just dont care or saw them as bad as each other which im glad they did.. then you have us the shiki side. you have people who felt sorry for them you have people who saw how bad the humans was you have people who understand why the shiki did what they did they wasnt evil listen im all open to debate about this with anyone who is ready to talk to me. but there are those who no matter what you say no matter what your argument is there is always those who hates your views and sees you as stupid. i have delt with human supporters for ages. when i say oh i felt sorry for migumi, human supporters call me a idiot when i say i felt sorry for the shiki human supporters say.... you felt sorry for those monsters,.... are you sick or something . yes i have had my ups and downs as you can see from my previous comments but thats becuase human supporters have given me such a hard time that at one time i became the one thing i hated...... an extremist one sided elitist. now as for casuals im ready to talk to you cause you seem like someone who is ready to talk to me. il talk to you in good manner as long as you are going to talk to me in a good manner. i didnt start this thread becuase i hated others opinions i started this thread so i could get people to understand why the shiki arent monsters and are misunderstood. all i want is people just to talk about this i might sound like a asshole who hates humans but really i just want people to understand why i made my choice. but there are others out there who just down right hates my views. is this the rant of a idiot who would say stuff like this. "im not like the other dude who has been insulting me. so come on lets talk ok what do you say Hahahah I'm glad, you are more understanding then. I find your profound sympathy for Shiki delightful, but remember they are fictional. I would like to say this however, there should be sympathy for humans too because they are the most tragic of any creatures. Like in Shakespeare's Othello, the play's ending is harsh and cruel, but it is reality. And reality is the concept of what humans face their whole lives. Only humans have the consciousness or self-awareness of reality, and because of this, I think humans suffer the most. Like in Megumi's world (when she was still human), her reality was; being stuck in a village that is obviously not free from gossip, rumor, or being judged. Looking at her character overall, her life is tragic. Her change biologically was still not satisfying for her. Even when she became a Shiki, she was still unsatisfied. But to me, she would've been better off being human, many reasons: -She could leave the village safely, unlike being a shiki, which would obviously cause many unethical reasons to occur among human society to others and her alike. -Her views could change when she leaves the village, by Megumi leading a more peaceful or successful life; one that meets many of her needs. Megumi being human just gave her much more possibilities of what kind of life she could lead if she see things positively and in being able to think better of herself and others around her. I feel she could've done better dynamically by leaving the village. She could've have more glee of exploration or wonder in what's beyond the village and take action in doing so then just moping around. And being a human gave her those possibilities. Because she lived in a small village, it narrowed much of her outlook on life. I see your point. Humans are most definitely evil, I can relate to you with the misanthropic view. I too have seen a fair share of superiority complex and it is the plague of the earth. I'll also answer one of your questions, In my situation if I did have a friend that was in opposition to another friends ethnicity nor beliefs, I would not agree or disagree with that friend. I would simply say "Ok thats what you think." hahaha I don't know if you might see that as good, cause it can be seen as bad if you were more assertive, but most of my beliefs stem on Buddhism; avoid all conflicts, and maintain serenity with anyone of any nature. I would also like to include Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, another great anime, might be seen as overrated to other, but it does go over much of human conflicts. In FMAB we can see many humans committing atrocious acts. Humans are also looked down upon by homonculus. But near the end of the Anime, the Homonculi are actually very envious of humans, because it appears that there are many qualities of being a human that are joyful. Bonds, emotions, connections, and love, like Maes Hughes ^_^. Let me ask you this though, have you seen Daybreakers? Another movie, not anime, but it revolves very much around vampire society. Much of their society is going to be extinct because of the low amounts of blood being produced. and in more context, humans are very outnumbered. The vampires propose a solution by making humans cattle. It is ironic for the humans to be put in that situation. but much the nature of the Vampire society do not factor the ecosystem. Do you think that human beings should become cattle for vampires? Woman and children? What if the Shiki created a society that is worse than human society. In a solution for Shiki to maintain their lives, Human cattle would be the only sufficient way to attaining blood. What if they come up with a system where all the men are killed, and only woman and children are only being kept alive as a blood source. And once the children come of age like the males, they would be more susceptible to being killed because they are more agressive. In this scenario wouldn't this make the Shiki as bad as a human? They would be doing the same atrocious things. I know that humans would practically do the same to Shiki but what makes you think that Shiki are any different? The Shiki would be making themselves like humans because they too would also have to be creating their own society, a society that is not going to be very different from human society. Which is why I would like to tell you this, any creature that is capable in thought, or have a developed consciousness, is capable of evil. Shiki could kill humans for sport, or even animals. In George Orwell's Animal farm ( A book I recommend), Orwell gives characteristics, personalities and consciousness to animals. Throughout the book the animals commit atrocious acts among each other. They would sell each other out, they would betray their own kins. Most notable, the pigs; who were deemed the most intelligent because they were able to read, do arithmetics, and they were also very charismatic. By the end of the book their personality is very comparable to that of notorious socialist leaders or very greedy corporate men. So looking at this from a bigger perspective, I think the Shiki are capable of being very evil as to humans are. Any creature with consciousness. Sorry for the TL;DR wall of words but much of this topic is interesting. I thank you for making this poll. *i read the whole thing^ you have left me with no choice but to ask if i could add you as a friend..... that is if you'll have me lol. see this is the sort of thing im talking about * we are talking this is what i want* i do apologies for my rude behaviour i just get very passionate and let things as stupid as a anime get me riled up so please find it in your good natured heart to forgive this fool.... which is me lol. i guess ever since ii made this thread maybe im a reble without a cause but now i would like to think iv grow up a bit.... fingers cross lol well to some of them yes but * in my opinion * its when they did stuff like * smiling while they let the shiki burn in the sun * or when they forced the hand monk who had a stroke to contiune his work even tho he didnt want it. *mocking migumi * killling them in the most horrific way.... migumis death will haunt me for the rest of my life. point is i only felt sorry for only a few humans. i did feel sorry for the humans in the beginning but they turned out to be as bad or even worse then the shiki. i just dont like there attitudes especially, and yes i know i souldnt take things from another media to justify what happned in the anime but if you read what the manga says it actually brings up good points, im not sure but i think it takes more elements from the novel..... if you want go read the manga which in my opinion is better then the anime, like you know that blue haired kid who was a shiki, when he fell in that hole with natsuno he didnt get blown up he died by impalement and he told natsuno who was dying him self that he knew sunakos plan wouldnt work, so that gives you a little bit of a option to read the manga. the shiki have a consciousness and self awareness, in fact if you took away the fact they need blood and sleeps in the daytime. they aret any different from humans, and i know what your going to say...... then why are you siding with them if they are like humans.... well the thing is you know in school when there is someone in your class who ether.. talks different or has the same name of a cartoon character or believes in another religion or anything like that. well its just that people tend to lock out people who are different from them or they just want to pick on them. its like sunakos family, even tho she turned in to a shiki she was still tthe same daughter they always knew but all they saw wasnt there daughter but a monster and they locked her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years, even tho she was still thinking about them they left her becuase of what she became.... its kinda like the xmen, some familys will outcast there kids becuase of what they are or protect them. but sadly sunako got the short end of the stick and got the family who left her. get what im saying, if you dont then i apologies il make it clear if you ask me. about migumi..... you are absolutely 100% completely right, she would of been happier if she didnt turn in to a shiki she could of left when she grew up. i dont think her views would of changed about the village i mean there are i think about 5 or 6 people who hated the village even as grown ups. i agree with everything you said about migumi well execpt the part where she would change... wel the part where she hated the village wouldnt change. that part lol but thats my opinion. i wouldn't say all humans are evil ( sounds hypocritical coming from me lol) yes i hate humans but thats only those who look down on others because... there beliefs looks and such believe it or not im a person whp sees everyone as equals no matter what or who they are but sadly the majority of humans dont see my point of few. i couldnt care less if you was gay or you believed in something i dont believe or belonged to a diffrent culture or poor or rich non of that matters to me i dont care about anything like that so even tho i dont believe in a god i do share your views on Buddhism. i find your intriguing you seem very nice. your right about FMABH. in my opinion i think maes huges end was better in the original i liked him i thought the homuculi did have some sympathetic complexities becuase of there sins greed wanted friendship envy was jealous of human bonds glottony loved lust wrath.... actully i cant remeber what his issues was in BH lust... we didnt get to see hers but she was good in the original so yeah i agree i havent seen daybrakers. and to be honest i dont know if humans should or shouldnt be cattle for vampires its a complcated issue. have you seen from the new world watch that and pay attention i think you might like that. i dont know what te shiki would do. but i do know for a fact te shiki just want a home somewhere tobe accepted and thats why i side with them. its horrible being singled out because your diffrent from everyone around you thats why i sympathise with them, but if they did become worse as human then i guess i would feel the same for the shiki but feel sorry for a few of them..... its a complacated topic as you can see. again your right about that but like i said i symathies for the shiki because all they wanted was to be accepted for what they are and that is what got me there support. people want to be accepted who they but your aways going to get people who will fear or outcast you because of your differences and i can relate to that in so many ways...... you unsderstand right i saw that film and the moral of the story is power corrupts absolutely i know the story. yes you are right the shiki are capable of evil acts just like human or anything with a consciousness. but what is evil..... sure they are evil acts like killing for enjoyment or hatred and such but in the eyes of other people the most simple thing like.. being gay eating a certiain Indeed. What is really deemed evil? Society determines what is right and what is wrong. What is good and what is evil. I have not seen From a New World. I just looked at it. Hmmmmmm I'm not very fond of dramas cause I tend to fall asleep watching them. There are only a few anime that keeps me intrigued such Spice and Wolf, and the excellent dialogue between the wolf and the merchant kept me awake lol :p. |
Feb 6, 2016 4:49 AM
Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: Mtaddict33 said: Animefreak17a said: IntziSenpai said: Animefreak17a said: I support the shiki and I'm on there side The shiki are only feeding them selfs and didn't ask to be shiki, There not being controlled and are still them selfs when they was human They don't kill out of malice or hate but to keep on living like we humans kill animals to live on. I feel sorry for migumi cause all she wanted was to get out of the village and can see her point of view on the villagers being strange I feel sorry for little vampire girl who's family abandoned her and i can see her point of view I hate how the villagers handled the shiki and I hate the doctor for what he did to he's wife I hate how the villagers killed the people in the temple and pipes and the old man and let the shiki Burn in the sun in the special Even tho most of the shiki are dead the remaining humans lost everything family, there property, homes and village which burned to the ground at least the monk and vampire girl got away..........which is a slap to the face to the villagers lol And that old bearded bastards got killed by the monk ( in the manga he's death was way more funnier ) And there was a few humans who accepted the shiki for who they was like the monk and the guy with the big gun. And if a family member of mine was turned in to a shiki I'd help them escape from the evil humans So yeah I support the shiki Man you realy are a kid... 1st of all "shikis" can't live without humans, athough humans surely can ! 2nd of all Even if they could live without us then why the F*ck did they killed so many innocent people? destroyed fammilies? cause of a litlle b*tch? Personaly I would KILL them all by myself I and I would pray for that litlle kid to go to hell...If I was a victim... If I was a shiki I would kill myself either report it to a doctor early and tell him everythink I know and ask him for blood in excange for information! eitherway shikis personality shows that they are F8cked up psychopaths...when they rule they dont give a F*Ck and laugh at dead people who have done nothink to deserve a suden death! But when shikis are close to death then they are like... NO please and stuff like that...Im for the rule Eye for an Eye in this kind of sitcuation. And anyway just to know Since shiki cant live without humans but kill them mindlesly that makes you and me a livestock THEN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING KIDO? GO KILL YOURSELF! shut it human supporter go kiss that doctors ass and that bearded bastards ass..... which by the way the monk killed ..... lol the reason why the shiki resorted to killing humans was because the shiki who came to the village knew they wouldnt be accepted by humans, and to be honest i can see why they wouldnt be accepted in that hick little village everyone in it are ass holes who only care about what they want and even mocking a girl who wore clothes they thought was strange. also they threatened a old man who had a stroke to continue his work as head monk.... a job he never wanted in the first place he was raised to do that job like his son the monk who tried to kill him self in collage because he knew he had to become the next head monk for those red necks he had to stay behind to make sure his father was ok he didnt want to leave him. hell even that hypocrite doctor siad to him when they was kids not to let the village tell them how to live there lives, by the way he didnt even love his wife.... fuck him. again they didnt trust humans because they knew they wouldnt be accepted. if anyone in my family turned in to a shiki i would help them and if anyone tried to kill them i would kill them if they tried ... that includes you. humans are very stupid things that fear the unknown. and i feel sorry for the shiki. i dont blame sunako at all.. also the humans was even worse then the shiki especially that bearded bastard. hell in the manga they was even worse then the shiki.. i hate people like you an eye for an eye is terrible. let me ask you this you know the temple people who was murdered by the villagers should the monk kill them for what they did to his mother..... cause if you say an eye for an eye then he has that right. an eye for an eye makes the world go blinde ... and i feel sorry for you for being a fucking idiot. your just a fool who doesnt underrstand anything at all. look at xmen evolution. the xmen was in school for ages and everyone knew them and got along with them and then when they was exposed as mutants everyone outcasted them because of there powers even the people who was attracted to them like scot. dance in the vampire bund. the queen of te vampires wanted peace with the humans but the humans hated and feared her kind even tho she wanted peacel...... hell the humans even killed other humans because they was getting along with vampires. wolf childern the mother in this film kept the fact that her kids can turn in to wolfs from everyone and the reason is becuase she didnt want her kids to be taken away from her or be outcasted by society. naruto. there has been people with kekki genki or had a tailed beast in them who was hated and outcasted by society even tho they didnt do anything wrong. trigun we saw where vash and knives came from and they was beaten by a man named steve becuase they wasnt humans and kept calling them monsters .... yeah you can blame a human for turning knives in to a killer. the 4400 was outcasted by society tiger and bunny ragnorok the animation spice and wolf from the new world elfen lied i could go on forever. now i know what your thinking ... wait why are you brining other series that has nothing to do with this series. well im trying to get you to understand what im talking about. in real life we have wars becuase of religion racial hatred nationality pride cultural differences different ideals just like you and me... i side with the shiki and you side with the red necks. dont get me wrong i dont agree with them killing humans or trying to take over the village but i do understand why thy did it, it wasnt out of hatred or becuase they was evil or anything like that but becuase they had no choice. i mean come on do you honestly think that if sunako just told them. who they are what they are why they came here told them the whole story where they came from what they need ect do you honestly believe that these red necks would just say. oh yeah of course you can stay oh of course we will give you blood your welcome here lets go have a party to celebrate your welcoming in the village. this isnt one piece where everything can be resolved but explaining everything.... if anything your the child here not me.. you dont look any deeper in to this you just see good and evil when its in the gray. again humans are very stupid things we hate anything that is different from our selfs even each other. those red necks got what was coming to them and im glad they lost it all and sunako got away with the hero monk lol i bet that pissed you off lol you sad little boy. by the way the monk was human and they didnt attack him and that was becuase he understood them and they understood him.... and you cant say.... oh the viilagers would of accpted them if they did they same. well let me ask you this what are the chances of the humans of attacking them if they said no, hell they wouldnt stand a chance a full village and 4 shiki and a human...... yeah sunakos foster father was a human .... up yours. its unlikely they would accept them for who they was. i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.. and you know what they dont even need to kill in order to live the can bit one person once and move on with out killing them.. and before you say... that im lying then go rewatch the series again it takes 4 bits to kil them or turn them. and i know what your going to say .... o well they should of come to the village and bit one person and left them to recover then everything would be fine..... problem with that is that the shiki dont age and if they was to stay for 5 or 10 years and they dont see sunako age thy are going to put 2 and 2 together. i know how it feels to be outcasted becuase your different from other people and i can understand the shiki thats why i side with them. let me ask you this. you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior. again i dont agree with sunakos plan which was explained by the blue haired kid in the manga..... he knew it wouldnt work sunako might not of aged and she has lived for a 100 years but she never grew up inside it was a childs dream for having a family of her own again a place where she can be accepted for who and what she is...., which by the way he human family abandoned her when she turned in to a shiki and left her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years.... if that doesnt make you see why she doesnt trust humans then i lose all hope for you to understand the shiki. also i cant remember which but in the manga or anime she said she tried a co existence once and it failed... i cant rememebr which one it was... the manga the novel or the anime if anything you should shut the fuck up go watch it again and try to see it from there point of view you one sided arse hole. and before you call me a one sidee ass hole i have this to say. at one point i did side with the humans at one point but after hearing how selfish the humans are and wanting everyone to do what they want in there red neck village and how they forced a old man to contine his work and hearing that they are assholes and when they started killing the shiki with a smile and for sport they became even worse then the shiki. yes i understood that they was angry at the shiki but you know what i sided with the shiki more becuase they needed to in order to contiune living the humans killed and started to enjoy it and even killing there fellow humans. the humans are worse then the shiki fuck them Hmmmm. Let me get this straight AnimeFreak, are you saying that ALL humans are terrible? When you mentioned Trigun (Greatest Anime Ever) you forgot about Rem, who was in fact human, and she perceived Vash and Knives differently. You forget that only one (Steve) out of the five of the crew members had harbored intolerable intent towards Vash and Knives. The actions of 1 person does not account to the rest of the crew members because a majority of them were very fond of Vash and Knives. Hence, the actions performed by a few humans does not account for the rest of them. There are humans that have the capability of understanding. And I dislike how your innate hatred for humans are just because of "they fear what they don't know", even though those are emotions that any creatures have. If a spider or insect would crawl on your back, you would unintentionally shake it off or swat it. Fear is an emotion, a Mother Bear would aggressively kill anyone that gets near her cub because out of fear, she wouldn't know what kind of predator is out to kill her child. "you know the animals of the world and the ones we eat to live .... how would you feel if they started killing us because we kill and eat them and then the tables tuned and they started killing and eating us..... how would you feel then.... or is your human pride telling you to kill them all becuase you think humans are superior." -AnimeFreak. There are already animals that are capable of killing humans, and there is a large history of humans being killed by animals. Bears, snakes, Komodo Dragons, Lions, Alligators etc. In this argument you seem to be unaware that there is a food chain. According to your logic, animals like chicken, pigs, deer, zebras should become best friends with lions, wolves, and hyenas. You forget that animals are also killers. If humans did not exist, lions, wolves, and hyenas would be on top of the food chain. I guess by inputting your logic in this scenario, lions, wolves and hyenas should be condemned. "i hate socialites like them who wants everyone to be like them and if they do anything that isnt part of that sociality they outcast them... and its happned in real life too.." -AnimeFreak. You're also forgetting that there are many instances where Shiki cared little for themselves, and there are certain points when Shiki enforced their concept of survival onto the newblooded Shiki. For instants Tatsumi forces new blooded Shiki into the choice of drinking blood and if they would refused, Tatsumi would kill them on the spot. And I think you mean to say conformity, not socialites, there is a difference. The original Shikis from the mansion tried to conform other Shikis towards their way. There was also that particular scene with Masao Murasako, the very pale character with long black hair whom nobody in the end cared for. Other Shikis found him very irritating. When Megumi and Masao were trying to escape from the massacre, Masao proposed to Megumi that they should run away together, but Megumi harshly rejects him. and even MAASAO was an outcast among the Shiki. Very much of what you are trying to say is in contradictory to what you are trying to point out. And before you insult me, by calling me "stupid" or a "human supporter" which you have appeared to have done to other members you should know that I too sympathized with the Shiki and the Humans. But after reading your posts, to me it seems like your are trying to make Shiki out to be fairies, or mystical happy creatures like ponies, as if they do not have sadistic nature. all im saying is that a majority of people a huge majority of people on this planet are scared of the unknown. when vash and knives was found the... which by the way i wounder who made them, the crew was going to destroy them but rem saved them. and what about the people who was on that seed thing in the series, when the ship crashed everyone blamed vash and even the girl who had a crush on him left him.... which by the way your right it is the greatest anime ever. about your bear thing.. if a bear killed someone your loved because it was protecting its cub would you forgive it or kill it. animals kill to feed humans kill out of sport and fun... yes we kill them for food dont get me wrong i know the food chain. but we humans dont always do this, we dont respect nature or the lives of animals or plants. we take them and put them in zoo for our entertainment we kill them for entertainment.... dont say we dont because we do. we are responsible for thousands of thousands of animals gone or going extinct, we have a responsibility to help preserve these beautiful creatures but what are we doing.... killing them for money, entertainment, or for fun...... food is one think but anything other then this is wrong. well of course they took action they needed to take action to make there flawed plan work whic would of never worked in the first place. the shiki who came to the village had no choice but to do what they did they was trying to make the village theres. Masao was annoying like that doctor or natsuno who never rose as a shiki in the novel he was put in there for a younger audience. i wasnt going to call you stupid human supporter in fact i only do that to those who are ignorant and hates the shiki and never sees it from there point of few but your different you havent called me names yet. its the extremests i hate. sure the shiki had there selfish moments but i do understand them more. think about it for a sec. if the shiki could co exist with humans it would of happened years ago but like i said in my other comment a majority of humans fear whhat they dont understand. i highly doudt those rednecks would let them stay even if they said who they was. i might sound like one sided but im not im actually very passionate about this subject. they arent happy creatrues but actully sad ones who have no choice but to live in the shadows away from humans or live among them disguised as humans. what are the chances of them beiing accepted by humans and what are the chances that no one would want them dead. you looked at my trigun comment but what about the others. zakuro spice and wolf dance in the vampire bund xmen 4400 rognorok the animation wolf childern there are loads of series and movies that have this subject in them. ok not all humans are bad but many humans are ignorant and look down on others because of there skin colour religion nationality culture territory disputes ect i have seen these sort of people all becuase of something petty like this. let me ask you this let say for example you have a good friend you have been with for years and you get along very well and then one day you meet someone who is...... ether gay jewish black Asian a person who comes from a different country what ever take your pick. and he or she was a nice person and you became friends then your other friend comes out and says he doesnt like this person because his one of the things i said.... what would you say to him. im going off subject here. the point is i sympathies with the shiki more and even tho i hated the humans i did understand how they felt but they was ignorant before the shiki came along. i felt sorry for only a few of them like that red haired woman or the temple people. but as for the rest of the humans ..... i just laughed at them at the end cause they lost it all. please try and see it from my pointof few. i really hate people who side with the humans.... not becuase they side with them but becuase they are extremely one sided they dont even understand why the shiki did what they did. look at the voting thing there are people who dont side with ether, theose who side with the humans and those who side with the shiki. the majority side with the humans for many reasons. oh the shiki are evil i hate sunako i hate the monk he betrayed his own kind i hate migumi many people hate them for many other reasons. the people who sided with nether just dont care or saw them as bad as each other which im glad they did.. then you have us the shiki side. you have people who felt sorry for them you have people who saw how bad the humans was you have people who understand why the shiki did what they did they wasnt evil listen im all open to debate about this with anyone who is ready to talk to me. but there are those who no matter what you say no matter what your argument is there is always those who hates your views and sees you as stupid. i have delt with human supporters for ages. when i say oh i felt sorry for migumi, human supporters call me a idiot when i say i felt sorry for the shiki human supporters say.... you felt sorry for those monsters,.... are you sick or something . yes i have had my ups and downs as you can see from my previous comments but thats becuase human supporters have given me such a hard time that at one time i became the one thing i hated...... an extremist one sided elitist. now as for casuals im ready to talk to you cause you seem like someone who is ready to talk to me. il talk to you in good manner as long as you are going to talk to me in a good manner. i didnt start this thread becuase i hated others opinions i started this thread so i could get people to understand why the shiki arent monsters and are misunderstood. all i want is people just to talk about this i might sound like a asshole who hates humans but really i just want people to understand why i made my choice. but there are others out there who just down right hates my views. is this the rant of a idiot who would say stuff like this. "im not like the other dude who has been insulting me. so come on lets talk ok what do you say Hahahah I'm glad, you are more understanding then. I find your profound sympathy for Shiki delightful, but remember they are fictional. I would like to say this however, there should be sympathy for humans too because they are the most tragic of any creatures. Like in Shakespeare's Othello, the play's ending is harsh and cruel, but it is reality. And reality is the concept of what humans face their whole lives. Only humans have the consciousness or self-awareness of reality, and because of this, I think humans suffer the most. Like in Megumi's world (when she was still human), her reality was; being stuck in a village that is obviously not free from gossip, rumor, or being judged. Looking at her character overall, her life is tragic. Her change biologically was still not satisfying for her. Even when she became a Shiki, she was still unsatisfied. But to me, she would've been better off being human, many reasons: -She could leave the village safely, unlike being a shiki, which would obviously cause many unethical reasons to occur among human society to others and her alike. -Her views could change when she leaves the village, by Megumi leading a more peaceful or successful life; one that meets many of her needs. Megumi being human just gave her much more possibilities of what kind of life she could lead if she see things positively and in being able to think better of herself and others around her. I feel she could've done better dynamically by leaving the village. She could've have more glee of exploration or wonder in what's beyond the village and take action in doing so then just moping around. And being a human gave her those possibilities. Because she lived in a small village, it narrowed much of her outlook on life. I see your point. Humans are most definitely evil, I can relate to you with the misanthropic view. I too have seen a fair share of superiority complex and it is the plague of the earth. I'll also answer one of your questions, In my situation if I did have a friend that was in opposition to another friends ethnicity nor beliefs, I would not agree or disagree with that friend. I would simply say "Ok thats what you think." hahaha I don't know if you might see that as good, cause it can be seen as bad if you were more assertive, but most of my beliefs stem on Buddhism; avoid all conflicts, and maintain serenity with anyone of any nature. I would also like to include Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, another great anime, might be seen as overrated to other, but it does go over much of human conflicts. In FMAB we can see many humans committing atrocious acts. Humans are also looked down upon by homonculus. But near the end of the Anime, the Homonculi are actually very envious of humans, because it appears that there are many qualities of being a human that are joyful. Bonds, emotions, connections, and love, like Maes Hughes ^_^. Let me ask you this though, have you seen Daybreakers? Another movie, not anime, but it revolves very much around vampire society. Much of their society is going to be extinct because of the low amounts of blood being produced. and in more context, humans are very outnumbered. The vampires propose a solution by making humans cattle. It is ironic for the humans to be put in that situation. but much the nature of the Vampire society do not factor the ecosystem. Do you think that human beings should become cattle for vampires? Woman and children? What if the Shiki created a society that is worse than human society. In a solution for Shiki to maintain their lives, Human cattle would be the only sufficient way to attaining blood. What if they come up with a system where all the men are killed, and only woman and children are only being kept alive as a blood source. And once the children come of age like the males, they would be more susceptible to being killed because they are more agressive. In this scenario wouldn't this make the Shiki as bad as a human? They would be doing the same atrocious things. I know that humans would practically do the same to Shiki but what makes you think that Shiki are any different? The Shiki would be making themselves like humans because they too would also have to be creating their own society, a society that is not going to be very different from human society. Which is why I would like to tell you this, any creature that is capable in thought, or have a developed consciousness, is capable of evil. Shiki could kill humans for sport, or even animals. In George Orwell's Animal farm ( A book I recommend), Orwell gives characteristics, personalities and consciousness to animals. Throughout the book the animals commit atrocious acts among each other. They would sell each other out, they would betray their own kins. Most notable, the pigs; who were deemed the most intelligent because they were able to read, do arithmetics, and they were also very charismatic. By the end of the book their personality is very comparable to that of notorious socialist leaders or very greedy corporate men. So looking at this from a bigger perspective, I think the Shiki are capable of being very evil as to humans are. Any creature with consciousness. Sorry for the TL;DR wall of words but much of this topic is interesting. I thank you for making this poll. *i read the whole thing^ you have left me with no choice but to ask if i could add you as a friend..... that is if you'll have me lol. see this is the sort of thing im talking about * we are talking this is what i want* i do apologies for my rude behaviour i just get very passionate and let things as stupid as a anime get me riled up so please find it in your good natured heart to forgive this fool.... which is me lol. i guess ever since ii made this thread maybe im a reble without a cause but now i would like to think iv grow up a bit.... fingers cross lol well to some of them yes but * in my opinion * its when they did stuff like * smiling while they let the shiki burn in the sun * or when they forced the hand monk who had a stroke to contiune his work even tho he didnt want it. *mocking migumi * killling them in the most horrific way.... migumis death will haunt me for the rest of my life. point is i only felt sorry for only a few humans. i did feel sorry for the humans in the beginning but they turned out to be as bad or even worse then the shiki. i just dont like there attitudes especially, and yes i know i souldnt take things from another media to justify what happned in the anime but if you read what the manga says it actually brings up good points, im not sure but i think it takes more elements from the novel..... if you want go read the manga which in my opinion is better then the anime, like you know that blue haired kid who was a shiki, when he fell in that hole with natsuno he didnt get blown up he died by impalement and he told natsuno who was dying him self that he knew sunakos plan wouldnt work, so that gives you a little bit of a option to read the manga. the shiki have a consciousness and self awareness, in fact if you took away the fact they need blood and sleeps in the daytime. they aret any different from humans, and i know what your going to say...... then why are you siding with them if they are like humans.... well the thing is you know in school when there is someone in your class who ether.. talks different or has the same name of a cartoon character or believes in another religion or anything like that. well its just that people tend to lock out people who are different from them or they just want to pick on them. its like sunakos family, even tho she turned in to a shiki she was still tthe same daughter they always knew but all they saw wasnt there daughter but a monster and they locked her in a barn for 20 years and she went looking for them for 50 years, even tho she was still thinking about them they left her becuase of what she became.... its kinda like the xmen, some familys will outcast there kids becuase of what they are or protect them. but sadly sunako got the short end of the stick and got the family who left her. get what im saying, if you dont then i apologies il make it clear if you ask me. about migumi..... you are absolutely 100% completely right, she would of been happier if she didnt turn in to a shiki she could of left when she grew up. i dont think her views would of changed about the village i mean there are i think about 5 or 6 people who hated the village even as grown ups. i agree with everything you said about migumi well execpt the part where she would change... wel the part where she hated the village wouldnt change. that part lol but thats my opinion. i wouldn't say all humans are evil ( sounds hypocritical coming from me lol) yes i hate humans but thats only those who look down on others because... there beliefs looks and such believe it or not im a person whp sees everyone as equals no matter what or who they are but sadly the majority of humans dont see my point of few. i couldnt care less if you was gay or you believed in something i dont believe or belonged to a diffrent culture or poor or rich non of that matters to me i dont care about anything like that so even tho i dont believe in a god i do share your views on Buddhism. i find your intriguing you seem very nice. your right about FMABH. in my opinion i think maes huges end was better in the original i liked him i thought the homuculi did have some sympathetic complexities becuase of there sins greed wanted friendship envy was jealous of human bonds glottony loved lust wrath.... actully i cant remeber what his issues was in BH lust... we didnt get to see hers but she was good in the original so yeah i agree i havent seen daybrakers. and to be honest i dont know if humans should or shouldnt be cattle for vampires its a complcated issue. have you seen from the new world watch that and pay attention i think you might like that. i dont know what te shiki would do. but i do know for a fact te shiki just want a home somewhere tobe accepted and thats why i side with them. its horrible being singled out because your diffrent from everyone around you thats why i sympathise with them, but if they did become worse as human then i guess i would feel the same for the shiki but feel sorry for a few of them..... its a complacated topic as you can see. again your right about that but like i said i symathies for the shiki because all they wanted was to be accepted for what they are and that is what got me there support. people want to be accepted who they but your aways going to get people who will fear or outcast you because of your differences and i can relate to that in so many ways...... you unsderstand right i saw that film and the moral of the story is power corrupts absolutely i know the story. yes you are right the shiki are capable of evil acts just like human or anything with a consciousness. but what is evil..... sure they are evil acts like killing for enjoyment or hatred and such but in the eyes of other people the most simple thing like.. being gay eating a certiain Indeed. What is really deemed evil? Society determines what is right and what is wrong. What is good and what is evil. I have not seen From a New World. I just looked at it. Hmmmmmm I'm not very fond of dramas cause I tend to fall asleep watching them. There are only a few anime that keeps me intrigued such Spice and Wolf, and the excellent dialogue between the wolf and the merchant kept me awake lol :p. i liked spice and wolf the first season was good, the second wasnt so much on holo. in that case i hate no choice mushi shi emma the first season moribito clannad hope you can check out my channel. by the way thanks for adding me as a friend :) i like talks like this hit me up on a message some time ok mate |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 20, 2016 12:26 AM
There's neither good nor evil in this anime, i suppose that was what the author wanted to tell us. I planed to argue with OP about how he said Humans are evil and Shiki is not in his first post but well, guess his opinion already changed. So i'll place my vote. In this anime i'll choose neither side. Both side had their own reasons. Unless you're biased, it's hard to choose one side in this anime. But this discussion also had some what if this happens in real life. I dont have complex character like Muroi, So obviously i'm on human side. whether we will co-exist or not, human must stay on top food chain, that's for sure. |
Ceren-Feb 22, 2016 9:34 AM
Feb 21, 2016 2:36 PM
Xilly said: There's neither good nor evil in this anime, i suppose that was what the author wanted to tell us. I planed to argue with OP about how he said Humans are evil and Shiki is not in his first post but well, guess his opinion already changed. So i'll place my vote. In this anime i'll choose neither side. Both side had their own reasons. Unless you're biased, it's hard to choose one side in this anime. But this discussion also had some what if this happens in real life. I dont have complex character like Muroi, So obviously i'm not human side. whether we will co-exist or not, human must stay on top food chain, that's for sure. Why on top.... why not a co existence |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 22, 2016 6:10 AM
Animefreak17a said: I dont mean it in "Shiki must be below human" way I mean it in "Human must stay at top" (regardless whether shiki will stay on top with us or not).Xilly said: There's neither good nor evil in this anime, i suppose that was what the author wanted to tell us. I planed to argue with OP about how he said Humans are evil and Shiki is not in his first post but well, guess his opinion already changed. So i'll place my vote. In this anime i'll choose neither side. Both side had their own reasons. Unless you're biased, it's hard to choose one side in this anime. But this discussion also had some what if this happens in real life. I dont have complex character like Muroi, So obviously i'm on human side. whether we will co-exist or not, human must stay on top food chain, that's for sure. Why on top.... why not a co existence Reason is because of Risk. Shiki is born from human, some human are greedy, selfish, violent etc. Now imagine if that kind of person has turned into Shiki. That person will have the power to hypnosis on the top of greedy act and such. Lets say hypnosis power has granted to terrorists and such, now imagine the damage that will cause. In the worst case. they will make human into food slave. (possibility probably low but still cant be denied.) (I'm not sure how to put this into word, but i guess you get what i mean by now) btw sorry there's typo in last post. i want to write "i'm on human side", not "i'm not human side" |
Ceren-Feb 22, 2016 9:38 AM
Feb 22, 2016 6:27 AM
Mushmallow said: They can all die. I didn't support either, but the end clearly wanted to make us support the shiki. Animefreak17a said: The doctor isn't a hero......He's a genocidal psychopath ^yes I do not necessarily agree with this statement, because I think you could make a case for both. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
Feb 22, 2016 6:30 AM
I am going to go on the side of neither. The Shiki did some messed up things especially the way they played with the Dr. which came back to bite them in the end. Also the humans lost their minds and self control. It's a classic case of choosing the lesser evil but I don't feel one was less than the other in this instance. By the end I could definitely sympathize with the little Vampire Girl but she could have lived a sheltered life she didn't have to come and try to take over the whole city the way she did. They could have blended in to society and lived a quiet relatively peaceful life. The Humans didn't need to kill one another the way the did at the end. I understand part of this was due to the fact they didn't know that you didn't turn until after you died but it really hammered home the fact that people are scared of that which they do not know about or that which is different from them. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
Feb 22, 2016 8:00 AM
logic340 said: I am going to go on the side of neither. The Shiki did some messed up things especially the way they played with the Dr. which came back to bite them in the end. Also the humans lost their minds and self control. It's a classic case of choosing the lesser evil but I don't feel one was less than the other in this instance. I dont think the method is messed up. that's good strategy to take over the village if we look it from Shiki POV. tho i agree non of them are less evil. logic340 said: Nope, Dont blame her.By the end I could definitely sympathize with the little Vampire Girl but she could have lived a sheltered life she didn't have to come and try to take over the whole city the way she did. They could have blended in to society and lived a quiet relatively peaceful life. You should've noticed already how many years had she been living as shiki. and if we ask ourselves why did she just act now after all those years? Then we can guess that she does try to live normal but that's not easy as saying. it isnt a city, it's a country side far away, then why did she choose this place? because try living with real people is impossible, they dont accept her, then she had more member, family. thus she wanted to have a place for her family. she's not planning to take over the world or something, she just wanted that small village to become all shiki. it's easy to live like that. it wont be hard to fool human since people rarely visit that place. logic340 said: tbh what the author did at the end was a bit over the top,The Humans didn't need to kill one another the way the did at the end. I understand part of this was due to the fact they didn't know that you didn't turn until after you died but it really hammered home the fact that people are scared of that which they do not know about or that which is different from them. Anyways No, we aren't just scared of unknown thing. we're scared of unknown thing that has potential to kill us. TL;DR i agree with some of your points and disagree with some. |
Feb 22, 2016 8:32 AM
Xilly said: logic340 said: I am going to go on the side of neither. The Shiki did some messed up things especially the way they played with the Dr. which came back to bite them in the end. Also the humans lost their minds and self control. It's a classic case of choosing the lesser evil but I don't feel one was less than the other in this instance. I dont think the method is messed up. that's good strategy to take over the village if we look it from Shiki POV. tho i agree non of them are less evil. logic340 said: Nope, Dont blame her.By the end I could definitely sympathize with the little Vampire Girl but she could have lived a sheltered life she didn't have to come and try to take over the whole city the way she did. They could have blended in to society and lived a quiet relatively peaceful life. You should've noticed already how many years had she been living as shiki. and if we ask ourselves why did she just act now after all those years? Then we can guess that she does try to live normal but that's not easy as saying. it isnt a city, it's a country side far away, then why did she choose this place? because try living with real people is impossible, they dont accept her, then she had more member, family. thus she wanted to have a place for her family. she's not planning to take over the world or something, she just wanted that small village to become all shiki. it's easy to live like that. it wont be hard to fool human since people rarely visit that place. logic340 said: tbh what the author did at the end was a bit over the top,The Humans didn't need to kill one another the way the did at the end. I understand part of this was due to the fact they didn't know that you didn't turn until after you died but it really hammered home the fact that people are scared of that which they do not know about or that which is different from them. Anyways No, we aren't just scared of unknown thing. we're scared of unknown thing that has potential to kill us. TL;DR i agree with some of your points and disagree with some. I can definitely see where you are coming from and I do not expect everyone to agree with me. I was just trying to show that both sides handled the events poorly and neither appeals to me as a side I would take. |
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC |
Feb 22, 2016 7:40 PM
Xilly said: Animefreak17a said: I dont mean it in "Shiki must be below human" way I mean it in "Human must stay at top" (regardless whether shiki will stay on top with us or not).Xilly said: There's neither good nor evil in this anime, i suppose that was what the author wanted to tell us. I planed to argue with OP about how he said Humans are evil and Shiki is not in his first post but well, guess his opinion already changed. So i'll place my vote. In this anime i'll choose neither side. Both side had their own reasons. Unless you're biased, it's hard to choose one side in this anime. But this discussion also had some what if this happens in real life. I dont have complex character like Muroi, So obviously i'm on human side. whether we will co-exist or not, human must stay on top food chain, that's for sure. Why on top.... why not a co existence Reason is because of Risk. Shiki is born from human, some human are greedy, selfish, violent etc. Now imagine if that kind of person has turned into Shiki. That person will have the power to hypnosis on the top of greedy act and such. Lets say hypnosis power has granted to terrorists and such, now imagine the damage that will cause. In the worst case. they will make human into food slave. (possibility probably low but still cant be denied.) (I'm not sure how to put this into word, but i guess you get what i mean by now) btw sorry there's typo in last post. i want to write "i'm on human side", not "i'm not human side" humans kill and destroy each other because of beliefs and ideals isis the nazis kkk humans are just as scary also we have something simular to hypnosis ... its callled brainwashing we humans fear anything thats diffrent from our selfs even among each other religious beliefs.... isis skin colour.... kkk culture ... the nazis trust me i know how humans are like when it comes to this sort of thing. i trust animals then i do humans |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 22, 2016 8:26 PM
Animefreak17a said: see? now add hypnosis power to all those people. and see what will we become. food slave of course.Xilly said: Animefreak17a said: Xilly said: There's neither good nor evil in this anime, i suppose that was what the author wanted to tell us. I planed to argue with OP about how he said Humans are evil and Shiki is not in his first post but well, guess his opinion already changed. So i'll place my vote. In this anime i'll choose neither side. Both side had their own reasons. Unless you're biased, it's hard to choose one side in this anime. But this discussion also had some what if this happens in real life. I dont have complex character like Muroi, So obviously i'm on human side. whether we will co-exist or not, human must stay on top food chain, that's for sure. Why on top.... why not a co existence Reason is because of Risk. Shiki is born from human, some human are greedy, selfish, violent etc. Now imagine if that kind of person has turned into Shiki. That person will have the power to hypnosis on the top of greedy act and such. Lets say hypnosis power has granted to terrorists and such, now imagine the damage that will cause. In the worst case. they will make human into food slave. (possibility probably low but still cant be denied.) (I'm not sure how to put this into word, but i guess you get what i mean by now) btw sorry there's typo in last post. i want to write "i'm on human side", not "i'm not human side" humans kill and destroy each other because of beliefs and ideals isis the nazis kkk humans are just as scary also we have something simular to hypnosis ... its callled brainwashing we humans fear anything thats diffrent from our selfs even among each other religious beliefs.... isis skin colour.... kkk culture ... the nazis trust me i know how humans are like when it comes to this sort of thing. i trust animals then i do humans (You dont expect isis to become Buddha after turing into shiki right?) |
Feb 22, 2016 9:16 PM
Xilly said: Animefreak17a said: see? now add hypnosis power to all those people. and see what will we become. food slave of course.Xilly said: Animefreak17a said: I dont mean it in "Shiki must be below human" way I mean it in "Human must stay at top" (regardless whether shiki will stay on top with us or not).Xilly said: There's neither good nor evil in this anime, i suppose that was what the author wanted to tell us. I planed to argue with OP about how he said Humans are evil and Shiki is not in his first post but well, guess his opinion already changed. So i'll place my vote. In this anime i'll choose neither side. Both side had their own reasons. Unless you're biased, it's hard to choose one side in this anime. But this discussion also had some what if this happens in real life. I dont have complex character like Muroi, So obviously i'm on human side. whether we will co-exist or not, human must stay on top food chain, that's for sure. Why on top.... why not a co existence Reason is because of Risk. Shiki is born from human, some human are greedy, selfish, violent etc. Now imagine if that kind of person has turned into Shiki. That person will have the power to hypnosis on the top of greedy act and such. Lets say hypnosis power has granted to terrorists and such, now imagine the damage that will cause. In the worst case. they will make human into food slave. (possibility probably low but still cant be denied.) (I'm not sure how to put this into word, but i guess you get what i mean by now) btw sorry there's typo in last post. i want to write "i'm on human side", not "i'm not human side" humans kill and destroy each other because of beliefs and ideals isis the nazis kkk humans are just as scary also we have something simular to hypnosis ... its callled brainwashing we humans fear anything thats diffrent from our selfs even among each other religious beliefs.... isis skin colour.... kkk culture ... the nazis trust me i know how humans are like when it comes to this sort of thing. i trust animals then i do humans (You dont expect isis to become Buddha after turing into shiki right?) yeah those sort of people but heres the thing. in the manga sunako had a shiki killed because he was killing children so really they aren't that bad if anything im sure if a shiki like nazi shiki came along they would kill them. isis are a cult. well think about nukes if they fell in to the hands of crazy people we would be in trouble.... altho crazy people like lelouch is a good example. i mean the monk and sunakos foster father didn't become food slave they are humans |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 22, 2016 9:42 PM
Animefreak17a said: yeah those sort of people but heres the thing. in the manga sunako had a shiki killed because he was killing children so really they aren't that bad if anything im sure if a shiki like nazi shiki came along they would kill them. That was because she is Sunako, there's no Sunako in real world. the other thing is in this fiction Sunako wasnt greedy and the village she wanted to take over is small thus it was easy for her to manage the new member. But here we're talking about real life, there's no Sunako in real world. Animefreak17a said: i mean the monk and sunakos foster father didn't become food slave they are humans First that was fiction. second that was because the fiction Sunako doesnt have ill-intention. and here we're talking about "what if there's shiki in real world?" Sorry, i'm not sure what you're trying to tell me here, so i'll ask again You dont expect isis to become Buddha after turing into shiki right? Animefreak17a said: well think about nukes if they fell in to the hands of crazy people we would be in trouble.... altho crazy people like lelouch is a good example. Not sure what does this has anything with what i was saying, But thanks i'll use this as example Now, imagine the shiki power(hypnosis) as nukes. what happen if they fell into the hands of wrong people?. We must stay at top food chain to prevent such a thing. |
Ceren-Feb 22, 2016 9:52 PM
Feb 23, 2016 3:56 PM
No in shiki manga sunako had a newly made shiki killed because he was killing children go read the manga. What does isis have to do with Buddhism. So what if shiki was real in real life we humans would be hunting them out of sport..... If they was real I'd help them out... what If your loved one's turned in to one of them... I'd gladly help my sister's or brother if they turned. Humans are terrible things we need to fall but that's ok we will destroy our selfs sooner or later because of our greed I trust a animal more then humans |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 23, 2016 6:23 PM
Animefreak17a said: Don't know what does this has anything to do with what i brought up. sorryNo in shiki manga sunako had a newly made shiki killed because he was killing children go read the manga. My point still stand
I think you're mixing the reality and fiction in this debate. please think of them separately. My question supposes to mean, do you think isis will become a good guy, stop all their killing after becoming shiki? Animefreak17a said: This is irrelevant. what i was talking about is "we must stay at top" not "whether we're going to support them or not".So what if shiki was real in real life we humans would be hunting them out of sport..... If they was real I'd help them out... what If your loved one's turned in to one of them... I'd gladly help my sister's or brother if they turned. And you just do a generalization here. I'm sure many people won't approve of such an action. unless Shiki starts the kill spree first, which is unlikely. Animefreak17a said: Humans are terrible things we need to fall but that's ok we will destroy our selfs sooner or later because of our greed Hmmm So? you think those terrible will stop being terrible after turning into shiki? I think you just generalize some part of human as terrible(or at least i hope so, 'cause dont forget that your family also human) I think you already knew, but i'll remind you of this fact
Let me reverse the subject. Do you want shiki to be on top food chain? ( on top of human?) If No, i can't see what you're tying to tell me here. :/ |
Feb 25, 2016 6:35 PM
Feb 26, 2016 5:11 AM
Xilly said: Animefreak17a said: Don't know what does this has anything to do with what i brought up. sorryNo in shiki manga sunako had a newly made shiki killed because he was killing children go read the manga. My point still stand
I think you're mixing the reality and fiction in this debate. please think of them separately. My question supposes to mean, do you think isis will become a good guy, stop all their killing after becoming shiki? Animefreak17a said: This is irrelevant. what i was talking about is "we must stay at top" not "whether we're going to support them or not".So what if shiki was real in real life we humans would be hunting them out of sport..... If they was real I'd help them out... what If your loved one's turned in to one of them... I'd gladly help my sister's or brother if they turned. And you just do a generalization here. I'm sure many people won't approve of such an action. unless Shiki starts the kill spree first, which is unlikely. Animefreak17a said: Humans are terrible things we need to fall but that's ok we will destroy our selfs sooner or later because of our greed Hmmm So? you think those terrible will stop being terrible after turning into shiki? I think you just generalize some part of human as terrible(or at least i hope so, 'cause dont forget that your family also human) I think you already knew, but i'll remind you of this fact
Let me reverse the subject. Do you want shiki to be on top food chain? ( on top of human?) If No, i can't see what you're tying to tell me here. :/ i bring that up because sunako isn't bad in fact she tried a co existence once in her eariler life as a shiki but it failed.. i cant remeber if this was the anime or manga. what imm getting at is sunako isn't evil. of course she is fictional im not a idiot but i do feel what its like to be alone because your different from other people i sympathies with her... its because of what she is that she won't be accepted and thats all she ever wanted and this happens in real life too.... not the shiki thing but the fact people outcast others because of our differences its not the character her self but what she represents.... its kinda like xmen she wakes up one morning and finds out she isn't human something she didn't want her family abandons her no one wants her she has to hid in the shadows this sort of thing happens all the time in real life not vampires or mutants but people who looks down or hates people becuase they come from a different culture country religion what you look like and the villagers are a representation of the very things i hate about humans. they threaten a old man who was forced to become the new head monk a job he didnt want ... and when he had a stroke the villagers threatened him to continue his job as head monk for them. and his son had to follow suit the young monk.... which by the way is a bad ass becuase he was going to live his life how he wanted it not what others wanted it. the doctor was a hypocrite he told his former friend the monk that they shouldn't do what the villagers want them to be but he became the village doctor and the young monk became the next future head monk.... hell he tried to kill him self because his life was't his it was those red necks. they mocked a girl who hated being in that village because of what she wore and acted .. i felt so sorry forr migumi i know how it feels to be laughed at because of what you like..... anime for example ..... and don't you say oh no one monks anyone because they we like anime, dude it has happened to people. sometimes a anime or cartoon represents life and i will give a few examples xmen where people will mock you because your different from others but xmen teaches us to be our selfs dragonball series teaches us if we keep trying we can over come anything naruto friendship emma class doesn't matter if your in love actually i want you to watch this,d.d2s the point is that many of these shows anime or cartoons or whatever aren't just entertainment they teach us things like acceptance why a person is doing what they are doing be your self different points of view fixing your mistakes there are many of these lessons and sunako and migumi and the rest of the shiki are misunderstood beings that humans fear cause humans fear what we don't understand. let me ask you this if sunako just went stright up to the humans and told them everything about them selfs and why they cam to the village do you honestly think that these red necks would just say yes even if sunako said they had the blood asking under control in my opinion no because this is a village of people who are simple and wants everything there own way.... infact they are worse then the shiki they even killed the temple people. understand now . humans are more scary then the shiki. what if someone you loved turned in to a shiki or werewolf would you help them..... i would help mine 100% and if anyone tried to kill them id kill those who would try to kill them its that simple.... likee if you was hunting them and tried to kill my shiki sister then id kill you before you did. of course not im saying is people want to be accepted but these red necks are too ignorant you can be a bad human or a bad shiki.... but let me ask you this.. if you had a choice between a good shiki and a bad human which one would you side with.... a bad shiki and a good human is a obvious question but what if you had a choice between a good shiki and a good human... what then what if that shiki was someone you loved ... or what if that shiki was someone you hated as a human or what if a human was killing out of enjoyment and letting them burn in the sun with smiles on there faces....... think about it i might hate humans but i hate the majority of humanity not all.... what if your family turned in too shiki then what..... stupid question i know but im asking what would you do if that was the case.... i know this is unlikely but just answer me... your shiki family or humans. actully for our ignorance i want humans to be hunted by titans. it solves so many things if this happens. |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Feb 26, 2016 6:20 AM
This is confusing. Are we talking about "anime" or "real world"? You can't take fiction character as example and compared it to real people. Please not that i can make thing up and write a few paragraphs on how much good guy isis actually is. Animefreak17a said: i bring that up because sunako isn't bad in fact she tried a co existence once in her eariler life as a shiki but it failed.. i cant remeber if this was the anime or manga. what imm getting at is sunako isn't evil. If this what you are trying to say then you dont need to bring this up anymore. I've been saying she's a good person, she isnt evil nor having ill-intention. i've been saying since the first post. Animefreak17a said: Bro, where are you going now :/ I'm not catching up with you, I thought we were talking about "Human on top food chain".....of course she is fictional im not a idiot but i do feel what its like to be alone because your different from other people i sympathies with her... its because of what she is that she won't be accepted and thats all she ever wanted and this happens in real life too.... not the shiki thing but the fact people outcast others because of our differences its not the character her self but what she represents.... Animefreak17a said: this sort of thing happens all the time in real life not vampires or mutants but people who looks down or hates people becuase they come from a different culture country religion what you look like Well, there are people like that but dont generalize all human to be the same as them. at least most of the people i know isnt like that. Back to subject, let's say that really is the case. will they stop looking down on each other after they turn into shiki? No, theirs origin is human. they will carry their nature no matter what they have became. Good thing. i dont really like the people in anime too. Animefreak17a said: Thanks i'll bookmark that and watch it later :)actually i want you to watch this,d.d2s Animefreak17a said: The human in this fiction wont accept her, this has been show a few times, i dont think you need to ask.let me ask you this if sunako just went stright up to the humans and told them everything about them selfs and why they cam to the village do you honestly think that these red necks would just say yes even if sunako said they had the blood asking under control Nope, Shiki and human are the same. Shiki born from human.. unless shiki is born from something else, it's hard for me to see your point here. But if you mean to say Humans in this fiction are scarier than Shiki, then Ok. Animefreak17a said: what if someone you loved turned in to a shiki or werewolf would you help them..... i would help mine 100% and if anyone tried to kill them id kill those who would try to kill them its that simple.... likee if you was hunting them and tried to kill my shiki sister then id kill you before you did. I dont think you read my post. because if you do, this should have been answered without the need of my reply. why do you think i said "human need to stay at top food chain in the first place"? Because i'm afraid the bad shiki will harm me and people around me. now you're asking me what will i do if people around me turn into shiki? Obviously i'll do whatever it take to protect them, because i, myself know that they're a good person, even if they happen to turn shiki then they're a good Shiki. But i cant say the same for stranger that i dont know. Animefreak17a said: Isnt it obvoius? why do i want to live with a bad one? if you had a choice between a good shiki and a bad human which one would you side with.... Yeah, this kinda of question is obvious. ( btw, If you chose bad shiki let's just stop this debate.) Animefreak17a said: This was already answer above.but what if you had a choice between a good shiki and a good human.. what then what if that shiki was someone you loved Animefreak17a said: So, this is the question for me to choose between Bad shiki and Bad human?... or what if that shiki was someone you hated as a human or what if a human was killing out of enjoyment and letting them burn in the sun with smiles on there faces....... think about it My choice will depend on context/situation. Animefreak17a said: This was already asked and i've already answered. My family.i might hate humans but i hate the majority of humanity not all.... what if your family turned in too shiki then what..... stupid question i know but im asking what would you do if that was the case.... i know this is unlikely but just answer me... your shiki family or humans. P.S Let me apologise, there's some line that i dont reply because i can see it would derail the thread into literature book or political stuff and the like after a few post. |
Feb 27, 2016 5:05 PM
Xilly said: This is confusing. Are we talking about "anime" or "real world"? You can't take fiction character as example and compared it to real people. Please not that i can make thing up and write a few paragraphs on how much good guy isis actually is. Animefreak17a said: i bring that up because sunako isn't bad in fact she tried a co existence once in her eariler life as a shiki but it failed.. i cant remeber if this was the anime or manga. what imm getting at is sunako isn't evil. If this what you are trying to say then you dont need to bring this up anymore. I've been saying she's a good person, she isnt evil nor having ill-intention. i've been saying since the first post. Animefreak17a said: Bro, where are you going now :/ I'm not catching up with you, I thought we were talking about "Human on top food chain".....of course she is fictional im not a idiot but i do feel what its like to be alone because your different from other people i sympathies with her... its because of what she is that she won't be accepted and thats all she ever wanted and this happens in real life too.... not the shiki thing but the fact people outcast others because of our differences its not the character her self but what she represents.... Animefreak17a said: this sort of thing happens all the time in real life not vampires or mutants but people who looks down or hates people becuase they come from a different culture country religion what you look like Well, there are people like that but dont generalize all human to be the same as them. at least most of the people i know isnt like that. Back to subject, let's say that really is the case. will they stop looking down on each other after they turn into shiki? No, theirs origin is human. they will carry their nature no matter what they have became. Good thing. i dont really like the people in anime too. Animefreak17a said: Thanks i'll bookmark that and watch it later :)actually i want you to watch this,d.d2s Animefreak17a said: The human in this fiction wont accept her, this has been show a few times, i dont think you need to ask.let me ask you this if sunako just went stright up to the humans and told them everything about them selfs and why they cam to the village do you honestly think that these red necks would just say yes even if sunako said they had the blood asking under control Nope, Shiki and human are the same. Shiki born from human.. unless shiki is born from something else, it's hard for me to see your point here. But if you mean to say Humans in this fiction are scarier than Shiki, then Ok. Animefreak17a said: what if someone you loved turned in to a shiki or werewolf would you help them..... i would help mine 100% and if anyone tried to kill them id kill those who would try to kill them its that simple.... likee if you was hunting them and tried to kill my shiki sister then id kill you before you did. I dont think you read my post. because if you do, this should have been answered without the need of my reply. why do you think i said "human need to stay at top food chain in the first place"? Because i'm afraid the bad shiki will harm me and people around me. now you're asking me what will i do if people around me turn into shiki? Obviously i'll do whatever it take to protect them, because i, myself know that they're a good person, even if they happen to turn shiki then they're a good Shiki. But i cant say the same for stranger that i dont know. Animefreak17a said: Isnt it obvoius? why do i want to live with a bad one? if you had a choice between a good shiki and a bad human which one would you side with.... Yeah, this kinda of question is obvious. ( btw, If you chose bad shiki let's just stop this debate.) Animefreak17a said: This was already answer above.but what if you had a choice between a good shiki and a good human.. what then what if that shiki was someone you loved Animefreak17a said: So, this is the question for me to choose between Bad shiki and Bad human?... or what if that shiki was someone you hated as a human or what if a human was killing out of enjoyment and letting them burn in the sun with smiles on there faces....... think about it My choice will depend on context/situation. Animefreak17a said: This was already asked and i've already answered. My family.i might hate humans but i hate the majority of humanity not all.... what if your family turned in too shiki then what..... stupid question i know but im asking what would you do if that was the case.... i know this is unlikely but just answer me... your shiki family or humans. P.S Let me apologise, there's some line that i dont reply because i can see it would derail the thread into literature book or political stuff and the like after a few post. sorry i get confused alot and have a bad habbit of repeating my self sorry its not intentional . sorry lets start again |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Mar 19, 2016 5:03 AM
I'm loling at the amount of passion that has gone into this shiki vs humans debate. I'm team Shiki, although I understand both sides clearly I just felt more sympathy towards the shiki. I believe this to be the case because I couldn't stand any of the human characters. The doctor was cool up until the point he tortured his wife though I do understand his intentions behind it. Don't even get me started on natsuno, I couldn't stand that popped collar mr. Cool d bag. Even though megumin was annoying I still felt pretty bad about the way he treated her. I was very happy to see her haunting his ass in the beginning of the series. I felt very annoyed with her over the fact she still was looking out for him and I guess somewhat tried to protect him. Monk was cool as he looked out for sunako and seemed to be different the the villagers. All of the Shiki main characters were cool in my opinion. Tatsumi, sunako, and the other two were alright in my book. After hearing Sunakos story on her life as a human and afterwards I felt bad for her and understand exactly what she is saying as she kills so she doesn't starve to death. Now let's say the personalities were switched there would be a chance that I would of sided with the humans kn this anime.It's like Tokyo ghoul as I was always team ghoul with that series. Now if this was real life I'm sure my opinion would be drastically different lol. |
Tylermn93Mar 19, 2016 5:16 AM
Mar 24, 2016 7:06 PM
I started watching this anime since last week and ive read the manga can say that the shiki or vampires should be exterminated because first they were risen against their own will, second if the villagers who were victims had a choice of not going against their family members but the really evil there is not sunako is the people around her for example tatsumi he was an evil bastard he was a sadist he used threats to his fellow shikis to attack their own family in some cases he lied to them because nao she wanted to be with her family but she thought that by killing all of them all will rise in the end it didnt happened, third the cycle will continue if there were no villagers left alive because they were still going to kidnap people because they need the blood supply so in the end is better to exterminate them although they had their personalities when they were alive they were like zombies because the desire to feed was too intense in the end the dead should stay with the dead. |
Mar 24, 2016 8:58 PM
Animefreak17a said: sorry i get confused alot and have a bad habbit of repeating my self sorry its not intentional . sorry lets start again The only thing that we didnt agree is
Anyway discussing this topic will go further than anime related so i'll refrain from doing so. nekobaka24 said: Human also born against their own will(more or less). We don't choose to be born but we're born and choose to live.I started watching this anime since last week and ive read the manga can say that the shiki or vampires should be exterminated because first they were risen against their own will, nekobaka24 said: First you need to realize what is their goal. It was to find an isolated place for her family. Thus the village must be completely overtaken to reach the goal and any method must also applied to reach the goal.second if the villagers who were victims had a choice of not going against their family members but the really evil there is not sunako is the people around her for example tatsumi he was an evil bastard he was a sadist he used threats to his fellow shikis to attack their own family in some cases he lied to them because nao she wanted to be with her family but she thought that by killing all of them all will rise in the end it didnt happened, And please. Shiki is not saint, they lie, they kill but they do have their own moral and principles. Those thing are a must for their survival. Following your logic, human should be exterminated because we lie, thorough the history, even the history itself filled with winner's fiction. and even now we live with lie. nekobaka24 said: With this it's confirm that you dont even try to see things from their viewpoints.third the cycle will continue if there were no villagers left alive because they were still going to kidnap people because they need the blood supply so in the end is better to exterminate them although they had their personalities when they were alive they were like zombies because the desire to feed was too intense in the end the dead should stay with the dead. First of all
Apr 5, 2016 1:30 PM
humans. i haven't read the manga (i definitely intend to) but i bet i will still be with them. the shiki are out of line for killing people. |
Apr 7, 2016 3:20 PM
TomDay said: humans. i haven't read the manga (i definitely intend to) but i bet i will still be with them. the shiki are out of line for killing people. Humans are the lowest life forms that need a to go extinct.... the hero monk ducks over those red necks |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Apr 8, 2016 11:23 AM
Animefreak17a said: Humans are the lowest life forms that need a to go extinct.... the hero monk ducks over those red necks i never once stated that humans are better. if the shiki do the same thing as humans do then they're no better. |
Apr 8, 2016 4:00 PM
TomDay said: Animefreak17a said: Humans are the lowest life forms that need a to go extinct.... the hero monk ducks over those red necks i never once stated that humans are better. if the shiki do the same thing as humans do then they're no better. but its understandable why they are doing what there doing ......think about it. do you honestly believe it if they they just asked those red necks if they could stay and they came in peace and told them there situation...... cause i certainly dont |
I dislike lelouch vi Britannia. im a shiki supporter my YouTube channel Just past the 1500th Mark bitches I approve this video |
Apr 28, 2016 4:57 PM
Animefreak17a said: but its understandable why they are doing what there doing ......think about it. do you honestly believe it if they they just asked those red necks if they could stay and they came in peace and told them there situation...... cause i certainly dont think of it this way. even if the shiki were to kill the humans, there's currently about 7 billion people on the earth. taking into account that some humans can turn into shiki (around 7 out of 10 times a person turned shiki in the show), that would bring even more shiki into the world. the doctor has already confirmed that shiki cannot multiply asexual or sexually, so while the human deaths would go up, the shiki population would go down eventually. here's the math. the shiki eat once a night. that's 365 meals a year. there are about 7 billion people on the planet. if they eat them all up that's around 19 million meals in one year, but of course it would be over the span of years. but we also have to take into account that those meals aren't in a whole - some humans become shiki and they will have to divide the food between them. let's say that 7 out of ten times someone is a shiki. that would be 70% of the earth. we can even put it lower and say 4 out of 10. that would be 40. dividing all that up, i would give them say 800-100 years, maybe 1500, before they've eaten all the people and then they're extinct. it's better to just kill shiki instead of having a vacant planet. |
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