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Jan 10, 2014 7:32 AM
Apr 2013
Finally some Yuri. Considering this was the first episode i really hope the situation escalates later on...if you know what i mean.
Jan 10, 2014 7:32 AM

Nov 2010
xchee said:
Mizusi said:
I'm waiting for it to miraculously sell well (ahah, right)

We can only hope. I wonder what Japan thinks of episode 1.
so I can get serious yuri anime afterwards.

Girl Friends? :3

YES, Girl Friends is the best choice. ;)
Jan 10, 2014 7:37 AM

Nov 2012
If only it didn't have so much uncessary fan service...
Jan 10, 2014 7:42 AM

Aug 2012
it stood up at that part.. it was too lewd....

oh i mean "I" stood up!

god i can't stand watching this... this kind of anime is really.. really... really good..

too many lewd scene! xD \

and i was eating while watching this.. it felt great!
"I don't like Megane, I love them"

Jan 10, 2014 7:42 AM

Sep 2012
Xinisterad said:
If only it didn't have so much uncessary fan service...

How is fanservice unnecessary?
Jan 10, 2014 7:46 AM

Sep 2010

Jan 10, 2014 7:47 AM

Sep 2013
Loved it! Was certainly not expecting so many kiss scenes but hey I'm not complaining xD. Well, at least the fan service is not your usual fan service. Fan service in a yuri anime = WIN!
Jan 10, 2014 7:47 AM

Nov 2012
Litrydow said:
Xinisterad said:
If only it didn't have so much uncessary fan service...

How is fanservice unnecessary?

It makes it less serious but that's about it.
I expected a more serious and inoccent romance, but I guess I set my expectations too high.
Jan 10, 2014 7:55 AM

May 2012
Eh, that OP got really annoying to me for some reason.
So it looks like they kiss but not much else develops as far as their relationship goes. So, unfortunately, we don't have anything like Aoi Hana going on here. No matter, this is still more than I could have hoped for.
Jan 10, 2014 7:57 AM

Dec 2008
LMFAO! Oh my god. Sakura Trick really is AotS at least. Too funny. Too adorable. Gawd I missed legit yuri anime. NO NEED FOR YURI GOGGLES!

Jan 10, 2014 8:02 AM

Aug 2008
Ahem.. That was err.. Yeah, well.. Sweet..
Jan 10, 2014 8:11 AM

Oct 2012
It was... it was... I can´t even describe it with no stalker-lolicon words (?)
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 10, 2014 8:22 AM

Aug 2010
Xinisterad said:

I expected a more serious and inoccent romance.

I also hoped for that kind of development, the fanservice could have been toned down a bit. Falls more on the "lewd" than on the "sweet" side for >Me<
Jan 10, 2014 8:33 AM

Nov 2011
Well... at least they slept together in episode 1.

But yeah, it wasn't what I was hoping for. I'll probably stick around for a while, but I'm more interested in Akuma no Riddle now...
Jan 10, 2014 8:33 AM
Apr 2013
I was seriously looking forward to this, since real yuri and loving feelings between two women isn't exactly common in anime. I found myself pretty disappointed, though.

It was just leg and boob shots and weird moaning kisses that were way lewder than they needed to be. The "humor" also left something to be desired for me.

I love Yuru Yuri, but hated this. Why? Maybe because I was expecting an innocent romance story for lesbians and just got fanservice for dudes.
Jan 10, 2014 8:46 AM
Jan 2014
Best anime in the history of the world god damn it best anime ever 100/100 thank you based japan for the greatest anime to ever exist
Jan 10, 2014 8:51 AM

Nov 2011
MrsKotobuki said:
I was seriously looking forward to this, since real yuri and loving feelings between two women isn't exactly common in anime. I found myself pretty disappointed, though.

It was just leg and boob shots and weird moaning kisses that were way lewder than they needed to be. The "humor" also left something to be desired for me.

I love Yuru Yuri, but hated this. Why? Maybe because I was expecting an innocent romance story for lesbians and just got fanservice for dudes.

Is it that hard to check what magazine its published it?

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Jan 10, 2014 8:56 AM

Apr 2011
I got turned on by their kiss.

I feel like I'm in heaven...
Jan 10, 2014 8:57 AM

Feb 2012
This exceeded my expectations. I thought they'd go easy on the kissing and Yuri, but wow they're kissing left and right. Giggity. Judging from the OP the main characters aren't the only couple ( hopefully I'm right ) which makes it even more amazing!

Overall, this gets a infinity/infinity score from me. I'm so hyped for an actual Yuri anime! Now I just hope this sells well so it encourages studios/publishers to make more.
Jan 10, 2014 9:16 AM

Jul 2012
it's been a while since there was new yuri, so this is alright; not what i wanted, but alright.... girl friends would have been better, though.
"Let's make a miracle happen using the power of friendship."
"If that was all it took, there'd be no need for training arcs!"

"Normal rabbits don't carry guns!"
Jan 10, 2014 9:17 AM
Dec 2012
I was so hyped for this after reading the manga.A yuri manga... getting an anime. Furthermore, a rom-com! The manga has always made me chuckle up to volume 3, patiently waiting for volume 4.

It was good but not as good as I expected due to the well... motion of the chests of Haruka and Kotone. I'm glad that they followed the humour parts in the manga. Aside from the exaggerated motions of the chests, everything else was kind of fine and made it a 5. (God those kissing scenes)
Jan 10, 2014 9:19 AM
Apr 2013
rederoin said:
MrsKotobuki said:
I was seriously looking forward to this, since real yuri and loving feelings between two women isn't exactly common in anime. I found myself pretty disappointed, though.

It was just leg and boob shots and weird moaning kisses that were way lewder than they needed to be. The "humor" also left something to be desired for me.

I love Yuru Yuri, but hated this. Why? Maybe because I was expecting an innocent romance story for lesbians and just got fanservice for dudes.

Is it that hard to check what magazine its published it?

I probably should have. Man that was awful.
Jan 10, 2014 9:22 AM

Nov 2011
MrsKotobuki said:

I probably should have. Man that was awful.

We try our best.

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Jan 10, 2014 9:36 AM

Nov 2013
Oh wow. What even was that? That was the most adorable thing I think I've seen all year! And those kisses...if only Chitose from YuruYuri could see this show, there'd be nosebleeds all over the place xD After Pupa and Z/X: Ignition had (in my opinion) crappy starts, it's great to know the new batch of shows has produced something decent.
Jan 10, 2014 9:40 AM

Nov 2009
xchee said:
Mizusi said:
I'm waiting for it to miraculously sell well (ahah, right)

We can only hope. I wonder what Japan thinks of episode 1.

Just don't keep your hopes up though since it could go downhill from here...

Yuri animes like Aoi Hana previously flopped in sales despite being a serious yuri title, yet animes like YuruYuri sold a lot more and became a successful show. It only had yuri tones but had a lot of great comedy elements.

Right now, we are seeing both of those elements combined here in Sakura Trick. It's both slightly serious and has comedy elements. You don't get to see girls kissing on the first episode in this type of yuri title everyday.
MagicFlierJan 11, 2014 1:02 AM
Jan 10, 2014 9:42 AM

Nov 2011
...sigh, will people ever stop using 'shoujo-ai'?

I can dream, can't I?

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Jan 10, 2014 9:52 AM

Apr 2013
I can't breath. I've been waiting for it since a long time. I can die happily now! **
Jan 10, 2014 10:00 AM

Sep 2008
It was decent. Animation was a lot better than I expected.

Some parts were quite funny and there were some hnnng moments here and there as well. Might have been better with less boob shots, though.
Jan 10, 2014 10:16 AM

Jan 2014
10 days into the year, I'm just hoping that the anime's this year aren't all fan-service/harem animes.

But, I'd be lying if I didn't like this particular one show.
Jan 10, 2014 10:38 AM

May 2012
Man...Cute girls doing cute yuri much more can you ask for?

It's like the best fusion of genres ever!!!
Jan 10, 2014 10:41 AM

May 2010
dropped. i have zero interest in yuri shows.

and ppl who say this has good animation quality..dont fool yourself. its just the kisses.
Jan 10, 2014 10:50 AM
Apr 2013
Kerozinn said:
dropped. i have zero interest in yuri shows.

and ppl who say this has good animation quality..dont fool yourself. its just the kisses.

I may not have liked the show but uh...did you not think this would be yuri? Do you go into anime that blindly?
Jan 10, 2014 10:58 AM

May 2011
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Low sample count and the crowd that likes this sorts of thing also happens to be the kind of crowd that tends to be fanatical about it with no sense of dignity or higher standards involved. I mean you're combining romance so you get shipper types, slice of life so you get the moe crowd and then yuri on top of it for the fan service crowd. Three of the most fervent and easy to please audiences around. Shows like this don't even really have to do much for the audience they cater to other than just follow the checklist and try to find obvious gimmicks, gags and turn ons to get people to talk about at least something in the episode.

Watch this be like the next big thing in Japan to. It's just so shameless and so completely obvious about it's pandering, has the typical assortment of cutesy/ditzy characters that will probably get minimal development and characterization and that sort of zany visual cues thing that is all the rage nowadays that it has all the right tools it needs to succeed with those types. Want to really grab peoples attention, just include a scene with some unusual camera angle or slow motion technique of something otherwise mundane or silly happening and watch as people call it genius.

I get where you're coming from, mate. But this kind of thing is unavoidable in anime. If an anime can market to the lowest audience to make money, it will. This trend has been around for a while, and this should be treated as any other pander oriented anime. Just because this anime happens to know how to pander to a larger crowd, doesn't mean it should be bashed any more than usual for doing so. And who cares if it makes more money in the process, there will still be better anime airing in the future. Sure, they won't be frequent; but when have they ever?

This anime is bad quality, but the perks are fantastic for its intended audience. I personally find a great amount of enjoyment from it. Plus, if this works, we might see better Yuri manga adaptions (like Girl Friends). My expectations going into this were fairly on the mark. I was expecting the romance to be poorly developed and an inclination for this to focus mostly on fanservice. The PVs made that much fairly obvious.
-Kenshin-Jan 10, 2014 11:02 AM
Jan 10, 2014 11:05 AM

Jul 2010
That was really cute >///<
Jan 10, 2014 11:10 AM

Apr 2013
Didn't expect kisses right from the first episode O_O
Jan 10, 2014 11:10 AM

Feb 2012
Kerozinn said:
dropped. i have zero interest in yuri shows.

and ppl who say this has good animation quality..dont fool yourself. its just the kisses.
Then why did you even watch it? It doesn't take long to realize this is a Yuri show.

Look at the damn genre. It says YURI.

If you learned how to read you'd save yourself so much trouble.
Jan 10, 2014 11:20 AM

Oct 2007
kenshin_sama said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Low sample count and the crowd that likes this sorts of thing also happens to be the kind of crowd that tends to be fanatical about it with no sense of dignity or higher standards involved. I mean you're combining romance so you get shipper types, slice of life so you get the moe crowd and then yuri on top of it for the fan service crowd. Three of the most fervent and easy to please audiences around. Shows like this don't even really have to do much for the audience they cater to other than just follow the checklist and try to find obvious gimmicks, gags and turn ons to get people to talk about at least something in the episode.

Watch this be like the next big thing in Japan to. It's just so shameless and so completely obvious about it's pandering, has the typical assortment of cutesy/ditzy characters that will probably get minimal development and characterization and that sort of zany visual cues thing that is all the rage nowadays that it has all the right tools it needs to succeed with those types. Want to really grab peoples attention, just include a scene with some unusual camera angle or slow motion technique of something otherwise mundane or silly happening and watch as people call it genius.

I get where you're coming from, mate. But this kind of thing is unavoidable in anime. If an anime can market to the lowest audience to make money, it will. This trend has been around for a while, and this should be treated as any other pander oriented anime. Just because this anime happens to know how to pander to a larger crowd, doesn't mean it should be bashed any more than usual for doing so. And who cares if it makes more money in the process, there will still be better anime airing in the future. Sure, they won't be frequent; but when have they ever?

This anime is bad quality, but the perks are fantastic for its intended audience. I personally find a great amount of enjoyment from it. Plus, if this works, we might see better Yuri manga adaptions (like Girl Friends). My expectations going into this were fairly on the mark. I was expecting the romance to be poorly developed and an inclination for this to focus mostly on fanservice. The PVs made that much fairly obvious.

I understand that, I guess I'm just routinely shocked at how big and passionate the audience for this kind of dreck is. The fact is this dumb moe moe dime a dozen fanservice anime is probably going to be more highly praised and worshiped than things with some actual merit and sense of decency to it this year. It just really irks me that it's that easy to get peoples praises at this point in the history of the medium and how low peoples standards continue to be. It's really not a good look either for anime or the fanbase.

Toppys said:
10 days into the year, I'm just hoping that the anime's this year aren't all fan-service/harem animes.

But, I'd be lying if I didn't like this particular one show.

Spring doesn't look to be like this, but Winter is just brutal for it. Not that it seems to bother most people, but I'm pretty much drowning here metaphorically.
PeacingOutJan 10, 2014 11:23 AM
Jan 10, 2014 11:23 AM

May 2010
Yvese said:
Kerozinn said:
dropped. i have zero interest in yuri shows.

and ppl who say this has good animation quality..dont fool yourself. its just the kisses.
Then why did you even watch it? It doesn't take long to realize this is a Yuri show.

Look at the damn genre. It says YURI.

If you learned how to read you'd save yourself so much trouble.

the OP was more than enough to tell me its blatand yuri . did u really think i watched the whole episode? ..please
Jan 10, 2014 11:23 AM

May 2012
Kaioshin_Sama said:
kenshin_sama said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Low sample count and the crowd that likes this sorts of thing also happens to be the kind of crowd that tends to be fanatical about it with no sense of dignity or higher standards involved. I mean you're combining romance so you get shipper types, slice of life so you get the moe crowd and then yuri on top of it for the fan service crowd. Three of the most fervent and easy to please audiences around. Shows like this don't even really have to do much for the audience they cater to other than just follow the checklist and try to find obvious gimmicks, gags and turn ons to get people to talk about at least something in the episode.

Watch this be like the next big thing in Japan to. It's just so shameless and so completely obvious about it's pandering, has the typical assortment of cutesy/ditzy characters that will probably get minimal development and characterization and that sort of zany visual cues thing that is all the rage nowadays that it has all the right tools it needs to succeed with those types. Want to really grab peoples attention, just include a scene with some unusual camera angle or slow motion technique of something otherwise mundane or silly happening and watch as people call it genius.

I get where you're coming from, mate. But this kind of thing is unavoidable in anime. If an anime can market to the lowest audience to make money, it will. This trend has been around for a while, and this should be treated as any other pander oriented anime. Just because this anime happens to know how to pander to a larger crowd, doesn't mean it should be bashed any more than usual for doing so. And who cares if it makes more money in the process, there will still be better anime airing in the future. Sure, they won't be frequent; but when have they ever?

This anime is bad quality, but the perks are fantastic for its intended audience. I personally find a great amount of enjoyment from it. Plus, if this works, we might see better Yuri manga adaptions (like Girl Friends). My expectations going into this were fairly on the mark. I was expecting the romance to be poorly developed and an inclination for this to focus mostly on fanservice. The PVs made that much fairly obvious.

I understand that, I guess I'm just routinely shocked at how big and passionate the audience for this kind of dreck is. The fact is this dumb moe moe dime a dozen fanservice anime is probably going to be more highly praised and worshiped than things with some actual merit and sense of decency to it this year. It just really irks me that it's that easy to get peoples praises at this point in the history of the medium and how low peoples standards continue to be. It's really not a good look either for anime or the fanbase.

Could you stop insulting people just because they enjoy something you don't? It's not very nice :(
Jan 10, 2014 11:26 AM

Feb 2012
Kerozinn said:

the OP was more than enough to tell me its blatand yuri . did u really think i watched the whole episode? ..please
You could have saved yourself the pain of watching the icky OP if you bothered to read the genres of this show. It takes less than 5 seconds.
Jan 10, 2014 11:36 AM

Dec 2008
Dropping a series without even WATCHING the first episode. Some people have serious issues.

Don't bother even going near the series if it isn't your cup of tea ffs.
Jan 10, 2014 11:40 AM
Jul 2018
Obvious pandering is obvious. The site I watched this on had a seinen tag attached to it, which was appropriate considering it felt like it's sole purpose is to appease the male audience. Looks like the Strawberry Panic Yuri Crown is safe.
Jan 10, 2014 11:41 AM
Jul 2018
If I hadn't read the first few chapters of the manga already, I'd probably be totally surprised about the high amount of yuri and kisses.
But since I already did, I'm just very happy they actually stuck to the manga so closely.
It was truly a great start for a show like this and I'm pretty sure the amount of yuri won't go down for a while or probably for the whole run of the show.
In short, I just love it, especially those great kissing scenes~
Jan 10, 2014 11:41 AM
Mar 2009
Barion-Zara said:
Dat Yuri *A*...Definitely a keeper :D
The Veranda jumping scene fabulously defied all logic hahaha

Yes, and they showed it from so many angles, to make you stop thinking and just accept their "cartoon physics". So I can't fault them, it did entertain and suspend my disbelief.

No matter how impossible.....
Jan 10, 2014 11:42 AM

Oct 2007
sarroush said:
Dropping a series without even WATCHING the first episode. Some people have serious issues.

Don't bother even going near the series if it isn't your cup of tea ffs.

No, people are going around like this is the greatest masterpiece ever just because it has some yuri and gimmicky art direction. If there's anything this show needs it's some dissenting opinions right now because it's kind of ridiculous. Maybe you know some people aren't super hardcore weird otaku that are aware of things like yuri and the like and just jumped into a show and weren't interested in what they saw in the end and had something to say about it.
Jan 10, 2014 11:42 AM

Aug 2010
I've been reading some positive reviews since the first episode aired and was promptly scared that I would get my hopes up and be disappointed. I'm happy to say this wasn't the case and enjoyed every second of it. As someone before me has so aptly put it, this is how Love Lab should have been. And on the topic of comparisons, it feels like watching a mixture between SonoHana and Hidamari Sketch (I'm looking at you footprints representing people walking).

Cute, heartwarming, funny and yuri-filled episode. Perfection. 5/5.
Jan 10, 2014 11:43 AM

Mar 2012
vampko said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
kenshin_sama said:
Kaioshin_Sama said:
Low sample count and the crowd that likes this sorts of thing also happens to be the kind of crowd that tends to be fanatical about it with no sense of dignity or higher standards involved. I mean you're combining romance so you get shipper types, slice of life so you get the moe crowd and then yuri on top of it for the fan service crowd. Three of the most fervent and easy to please audiences around. Shows like this don't even really have to do much for the audience they cater to other than just follow the checklist and try to find obvious gimmicks, gags and turn ons to get people to talk about at least something in the episode.

Watch this be like the next big thing in Japan to. It's just so shameless and so completely obvious about it's pandering, has the typical assortment of cutesy/ditzy characters that will probably get minimal development and characterization and that sort of zany visual cues thing that is all the rage nowadays that it has all the right tools it needs to succeed with those types. Want to really grab peoples attention, just include a scene with some unusual camera angle or slow motion technique of something otherwise mundane or silly happening and watch as people call it genius.

I get where you're coming from, mate. But this kind of thing is unavoidable in anime. If an anime can market to the lowest audience to make money, it will. This trend has been around for a while, and this should be treated as any other pander oriented anime. Just because this anime happens to know how to pander to a larger crowd, doesn't mean it should be bashed any more than usual for doing so. And who cares if it makes more money in the process, there will still be better anime airing in the future. Sure, they won't be frequent; but when have they ever?

This anime is bad quality, but the perks are fantastic for its intended audience. I personally find a great amount of enjoyment from it. Plus, if this works, we might see better Yuri manga adaptions (like Girl Friends). My expectations going into this were fairly on the mark. I was expecting the romance to be poorly developed and an inclination for this to focus mostly on fanservice. The PVs made that much fairly obvious.

I understand that, I guess I'm just routinely shocked at how big and passionate the audience for this kind of dreck is. The fact is this dumb moe moe dime a dozen fanservice anime is probably going to be more highly praised and worshiped than things with some actual merit and sense of decency to it this year. It just really irks me that it's that easy to get peoples praises at this point in the history of the medium and how low peoples standards continue to be. It's really not a good look either for anime or the fanbase.

Could you stop insulting people just because they enjoy something you don't? It's not very nice :(

But insulting people based on anime taste is what being an animu fan is all about!
Jan 10, 2014 11:47 AM

Dec 2008
Kaioshin_Sama said:
sarroush said:
Dropping a series without even WATCHING the first episode. Some people have serious issues.

Don't bother even going near the series if it isn't your cup of tea ffs.

No, people are going around like this is the greatest masterpiece ever just because it has some yuri and gimmicky art direction. If there's anything this show needs it's some dissenting opinions right now because it's kind of ridiculous. Maybe you know some people aren't super hardcore weird otaku that are aware of things like yuri and the like and just jumped into a show and weren't interested in what they saw in the end and had something to say about it.

And these dissenting opinions should be coming from people dropping the series before even watching it and going "boring yuri crap, pass" ?

If people are going to give opinions, whether it's for or against something, at least have the knowledge before hand. You know, watch the episode, go "not my cup of tea" and THEN put it in your dropped list.

Or you know what? If you're not even going to watch the episode, don't put it in your dropped list at all. And this isn't to you by the way. I'm referring to Kerozinn. Unless you did the same thing. In which case, kudos to you.
Jan 10, 2014 11:49 AM

Apr 2010
Haruka is a drama queen but besides that things where pretty nice in this anime, i did read a few chapters or the manga a while back and the anime follow it largely from what i can tell.
The characters seem nice and it's been a while since a saw a yuri anime so looking forward to next week.
Also see some clear bonds already among the characters.
Jan 10, 2014 11:49 AM

Nov 2009
sarroush said:
MagicFlier said:
rederoin said:
...sigh, will people ever stop using 'shoujo-ai'?

I can dream, can't I?


Shoujo-ai is an "american" term. In Japan it roughly translates to liking underage girls.

I thought that any female that's under-aged here are those that are still in high school, and this is about a high school life here. Did I get my terms wrong?
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