Definitely my favorite episode in a long time, favorite episode since the elf arc ended. I think that the battle was very cool to watch and it was very well thought out. That being said, I think that while the animation had some cool moments, the art suffered. I think that we are seeing some discourse about that here in the thread. Some people are saying that this episode was magnificent and some saying it was awful. I can understand the two viewpoints, but I don't think it's as extreme as either of the two. I think that in comparison to the recent episodes we have seen, especially if we are looking pre-war, the episodes have been lackluster and weak.
Up until Spade Kingdom actually invaded I would say, as a hardcore Black Clover fan, that Black Clover wasn't that good anymore. I think that the war battles really picked things up, but this episode in comparison to all of the battles in the war arc was more impactful, long, and animated. All of the peons that quickly overwhelmed the spirit users, then were quickly bashed by clover, then revived, it all happened so fast. There wasn't any stakes in those battles except in the Megicula and Dante fight. I think that's actually a negative for the series, but I understand by Black Clover felt the need to brush past these fights. It's just a shame that they skipped these episodes when these side characters finally came to the forefront and we thought they would be important. I'm not saying that they will be important again, but I am saying this season ends in two episodes, and that's not enough time for them to be important this season. A lot of hype up for seemingly nothing. But in the Megicula and Dante fight, there were real stakes and of course, the impact, duration, and animation would match that sort of switch. In comparison to everything else we have had recently, the Megicula and Dante fights are really refreshing.
That being said, I think that elf black clover and pre-elf black clover were much better. I understand why people might say this episode is awful if they don't compare with what happened recently, but in black clover as a whole. I think that the Zagred fight was super cool and impactful, and he's a devil which isn't as powerful as Megicula and Dante. That being said, I know Zagred was the climax of the whole arc and that this arc isn't even close to being over. That being said, I think that the pre-Zagred fights on that arc were on another level than this fight. Another thing I would like to say about this fight is that I felt the art was super weak. Not the animation, but the art. There were a lot of moments in this episode where the characters were still, which to be clear is fine, but if your characters are going to be still, make sure they look good. I don't really care about blur and in-between shots looking janky, I think there is a place for Naruto Pain. That being said, if you are purposefully still, make it look good, jankiness is not the place. You are not portraying motion there. There were several places in the episode where I thought to myself, eh, that really could've been better. And that is out of the kindness of someone who actually really enjoys Black Clover. From episode one. (Yeah, I know I'm trash.) So if I was looking at the art and still think stuff like that, from a person who is less of a fan already, art like that could just be awful. I also think that while the fight was obviously well thought out, sometimes watching it was a bit confusing to grasp the whole picture.
In any case, I completely understand both sides of the argument. While enjoyable, I personally do not think that this episode should be used to highlight the quality of the show. |