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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Dec 21, 2019 5:23 PM

Apr 2015
Lizbeth's speech was great, this girl got her time to shine after so many years!

This is turning into a proper war now!

Pretty great episode, eventho it was more buildup than I had expected!
Dec 21, 2019 5:23 PM

Aug 2016
Nice episode. Too much nonsense but finally made sense.

All the best people are crazy!
Dec 21, 2019 5:26 PM

Oct 2018
final battle is coming.........

it will be all like sao season 1 ....... ^_^
“You can always die. It's living that takes real courage." - Himura Kenshin”

Dec 21, 2019 6:12 PM

Feb 2013
KuuhakuDesu said:
What the fuck did I just watch?
I'm genuinely impressed by the sheer amount of bullshit they were able to cram into a single episode. Way to go, SAO.

This doesn't make sense at all. Isn't the Soul Translator needed to be able to enter Underworld?
If that's so, did Rath really had an infrasctructure set up to accomodate tens of thousands of players like any other Seed-based VRMMORPG? 'Cause I can't beleive the attackers set up all that shit so quickly.

I gotta say though, Reki Kawahara must love the fact that he created Yui, so he can bend and retcon the shit out of the plot whenever he needs.
Lizbeth's speech was nice, at least up to the point were, out of nowhere, they jst started throwing in that not only SAO survivors, but VRMMORPG players as a whole suffered from prejudice in their society. Like, what?
Also, guilt tripping people into helping them and make them ignore so many risks is great, right?

Ugh... I've already lost all hope with the rest of this arc.

I explained that on the same page but here's it again:

The Dive machine by Rath is only needed if you want the full immersion and for the healing process via Fluctlights. Since the Underworld was basically built on top of the Seed Engine used by the Original SAO and countless VR games, it makes sense that it can be rigged to accept accounts from other Seed games, though not on the same level of functionality or immersiveness as the dive machines that Kirito and Asuna are using right now. As an example, since the Americans are using their amusphere it means that the underworld to them just looks like a normal vr world (so a game) and not super realistic like how Kirito and Asuna see it, as both of them are using STL instead which makes you think that this looks like reality instead of a video game like the other VRMMORPG.

Another thing is the difference of STL and Amusphere. Rath Dive Machine STL allows you to sync with the Underworld directly. Basically, your brain/soul is translated into a Fluctlight so that it could experience things just as the Fluctlights in the Underworld do. This means that things like the time acceleration and that System Call Generation system and Incarnation system are usable by those in the STL. Normal VR Dive machines can't do this.
Also, they would not experience the massive desync issues when the Underworld is accelerated. That's why this episode was also partly focused on having the Underworld and the Real World's time be on sync. Any deviation from the normal time would introduce massive lag to non-STL dive machines and would eject their users once the time starts accelerating as the Amusphere isn't capable to do that on that speed of time of UW, only the STL. Which is why they had to make Underworld and Real world have the same timeframe, to make all the ones without stl to be able to enter.
brzzcodeDec 21, 2019 6:16 PM
Dec 21, 2019 6:14 PM

May 2019
Alvaritoterreos said:
The writer went crayz af and remembered that Liz exists lmao

That was just the only relevant thing Lizbeth did since her episode in the Aincrad first arc.

And that was not a little thing, since she pretty much sumarized all what SAO story is about.


My pure spoiler-innocent guesses:

- Since SAO remember us ALL THE TIME that SAO is about REAL LIFE in virtual "game-mmo" world, the braindead Kirito possible will lost his phisycal body and become a 100% virtual existence. Are you prepared to accept this?

- Bercouli is the avatar of the father of that Singer girl from Ordinal Scale. Bercouli being the oldest living person, the "mole" who made Quinella learns the code, the weird flashback, the return of Eiji at this point, everything matches.
Rob7Dec 21, 2019 6:19 PM
Dec 21, 2019 6:33 PM

Feb 2008
Call me old, but I really didn't like Liz speech at all. Too long and too boring to be honest. It's a bunch of pixels anyway.

I still don't know how that speech is gonna make the ALO players switch to the underworld just like that. Didn't even convince me. Anyways, I have enjoyed this season a lot even if I started it on monday. It's always great to see Alice on camera.

Hoping for a great ending next saturday. Love both OP and ED as well.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Dec 21, 2019 6:54 PM

May 2019
She just had to convince the guild leaders.

Their CGIlized followers don't even have a face, what to say about free will.
Dec 21, 2019 6:58 PM
Oct 2018
American stereotypes... smh
Dec 21, 2019 7:05 PM

Mar 2014
Lisbeth: There is no pain absorber, so if you die in the game, you'll feel like dying
Everyone: *inaudible*

Lisbeth: And, if you convert your data, your chara might be lost
Everyone: *loses their minds*

Don't get me wrong, it's a good episode to hype up the final. Can't wait for next week!
Dec 21, 2019 7:28 PM

Oct 2019
I made goosebumps
Dec 21, 2019 7:52 PM

Apr 2010
zeroj said:
I still don't know how that speech is gonna make the ALO players switch to the underworld just like that. Didn't even convince me.

It doesn't convince a lot of people in that crowd either. Something like over 80% of the audience just fucks off and walks away after that.
Dec 21, 2019 8:00 PM
Oct 2014
Uh...didn't people have to use STL to enter Underworld?
Like Underworld is only compatible with STL.
So how did those VRMMO players enter Underworld with their Commercial FullDive Console I didn't get it.
Dec 21, 2019 8:23 PM

May 2014
This episode was a blast.
More harem shit, more nonsensical explanations and more asspulls.

The holy trinity all in one.
Dec 21, 2019 9:06 PM

Nov 2008

Go Liz. It makes sense she was chosen; Silica probably isn't aggressive enough in front of a crowd and Leafa didn't play the original SAO so she couldn't get quite as upset.


Gaff said:
Lisbeth: There is no pain absorber, so if you die in the game, you'll feel like dying
Everyone: *inaudible*

Lisbeth: And, if you convert your data, your chara might be lost
Everyone: *loses their minds*

I also grinned at this because gamers in reality
ChiibiDec 21, 2019 9:10 PM

Dec 21, 2019 9:12 PM

Feb 2014
Lizbeth finally got her time to shine... It took long though. This was the only time she became relevant after the Aincrad arc.

Dec 21, 2019 9:23 PM
Oct 2019
My hand suddenly cutting onions after lisbeth's speech
Dec 21, 2019 9:27 PM
Dec 2019
So I see a lot of people asking who the guy and the fairy are at the end, and everyone is saying it's Eiji and Yuna. My question is, where are you guys getting that info? I didn't read the LN but I was under the impression that they weren't canon to it, but I did know that the movie is canon to the anime. So those two being Eiji and Yuna, I get and I'm down for, but I would just like some clarification on how we know this to be true.
Dec 21, 2019 9:37 PM

Feb 2013
KuuhakuDesu said:
Nemesis16 said:

I explained that on the same page but here's it again:

The Dive machine by Rath is only needed if you want the full immersion and for the healing process via Fluctlights. Since the Underworld was basically built on top of the Seed Engine used by the Original SAO and countless VR games, it makes sense that it can be rigged to accept accounts from other Seed games, though not on the same level of functionality or immersiveness as the dive machines that Kirito and Asuna are using right now. As an example, since the Americans are using their amusphere it means that the underworld to them just looks like a normal vr world (so a game) and not super realistic like how Kirito and Asuna see it, as both of them are using STL instead which makes you think that this looks like reality instead of a video game like the other VRMMORPG.

Another thing is the difference of STL and Amusphere. Rath Dive Machine STL allows you to sync with the Underworld directly. Basically, your brain/soul is translated into a Fluctlight so that it could experience things just as the Fluctlights in the Underworld do. This means that things like the time acceleration and that System Call Generation system and Incarnation system are usable by those in the STL. Normal VR Dive machines can't do this.
Also, they would not experience the massive desync issues when the Underworld is accelerated. That's why this episode was also partly focused on having the Underworld and the Real World's time be on sync. Any deviation from the normal time would introduce massive lag to non-STL dive machines and would eject their users once the time starts accelerating as the Amusphere isn't capable to do that on that speed of time of UW, only the STL. Which is why they had to make Underworld and Real world have the same timeframe, to make all the ones without stl to be able to enter.

I read what you wrote before and also took a triip to the wiki, since I didn't read the LN.
It does make sense, although I hardly remember if the explanation given for the STL in the anime. My understanding about it and how it works was (or still is) limited, I gotta admit. Reki Kawahara, you're safe this time (kind of).
But it doesn't make it less confusing when they just throw it at you like they did, at least for anime-only.

I'm still curious about how Rath has an infrastructure to support that many concurrent players, since the Alicization project was know by very few people and possibly with no plans on expading for massive access (not that it couldn't, but why would it?).
But Yui's bullshit is still up. Her knowledge and capabilities seem all too convenient, even if she's an AI from the original Cardinal system. She's literally a hack.

Most of what I said was explained on the anime on the first episodes, but it was on the beginning of last season so that's probably why most people don't remember it. But I put more details as well since I have the information about the LN, which unfortunately, the anime don't do a good job many times to convey all the relevant information (which is why I began to read the LN after the first season of Alicization, as I saw that there was much more and some information was lacking, including characterization, worldbuilding and other details)

And Rath can use all of this because they are using a supercomputer in their base to be able to do all of this process for the Fluctlights on the cluster, the STL and all the process of Underworld.
Dannny said:
This episode was a blast.
More harem shit, more nonsensical explanations and more asspulls.

The holy trinity all in one.

I don't know what episode you saw if that's your thinking.

madmonkskillz said:
So I see a lot of people asking who the guy and the fairy are at the end, and everyone is saying it's Eiji and Yuna. My question is, where are you guys getting that info? I didn't read the LN but I was under the impression that they weren't canon to it, but I did know that the movie is canon to the anime. So those two being Eiji and Yuna, I get and I'm down for, but I would just like some clarification on how we know this to be true.

The movie is canon and it's between Mother Rosario and Alicization. It's being incorporated into the anime in Alicization but it wasn't on the original source since the movie was launched like 10 years after Alicization began lol
Dec 21, 2019 9:45 PM

Dec 2015
Daniel_Naumov said:

Hylianticipated said:

Lol this. The story and antagonist of this season is so retarded it hurts. "Oh no! Help! The Americans! REEEEE!" It's so annoying. The same story would have been much more compelling if they didn't make the SDF vs US military so black and white and instead made it a very gray battle with equally compelling viewpoints, and these kids just got tangled up in it. And yeah, that ED is amazing and that speech was corny as hell.

Wait what? SDF vs US? Where?! Are we watching the same series? "a very gray battle"? SDF and U.S.A. army are a definition of grey. But wait there is more... "compelling VIEWPOINTS"?! The guys are a military! They are either socially worthless or utterly retarded and should be filling prisons or labour camps or are psychopaths. Antagonist, if you have failed to perceive, is a psychopath, and is not going to turn Alice over to U.S. either way..... .... Ooooh I get it. You are upset about U.S. army being portrayed as villainy as it is. Okay then, you almost had me. Just for you, on this special occasion, words of wisdom:

"Nationalism is a puny man's solace - only lacking and hollow take pride in being a part of a group, for which they have done nothing to help make it something to be proud of".

Are you kidding or are you just genuinely retarded? You know nothing of good writing if you are defending this shit. The entire problem IS that they have to make every antagonist a psychopath because they can't write a compelling narrative that actually draws in the reader/watcher. All of the current and past antagonists are just brainless villains with no motives whatsoever aside from being evil, leaving nothing but a bland reason to fight. "Oh no, mr baddie has appeared! Yay, Kirito and friends will save the day!! Such friendship and love! They can do it!" The whole scenario and the series as a whole is ridiculous, unrealistic, filled with plot holes, and is perpetually lacking self-awareness. It's stupid and childish, and so are you.
Dec 21, 2019 9:46 PM

Feb 2013
Hylianticipated said:
Daniel_Naumov said:

Wait what? SDF vs US? Where?! Are we watching the same series? "a very gray battle"? SDF and U.S.A. army are a definition of grey. But wait there is more... "compelling VIEWPOINTS"?! The guys are a military! They are either socially worthless or utterly retarded and should be filling prisons or labour camps or are psychopaths. Antagonist, if you have failed to perceive, is a psychopath, and is not going to turn Alice over to U.S. either way..... .... Ooooh I get it. You are upset about U.S. army being portrayed as villainy as it is. Okay then, you almost had me. Just for you, on this special occasion, words of wisdom:

"Nationalism is a puny man's solace - only lacking and hollow take pride in being a part of a group, for which they have done nothing to help make it something to be proud of".

Are you kidding or are you just genuinely retarded? You know nothing of good writing if you are defending this shit. The entire problem IS that they have to make every antagonist a psychopath because they can't write a compelling narrative that actually draws in the reader/watcher. All of the current and past antagonists are just brainless villains with no motives whatsoever aside from being evil, leaving nothing but a bland reason to fight. "Oh no, mr baddie has appeared! Yay, Kirito and friends will save the day!! Such friendship and love! They can do it!" The whole scenario and the series as a whole is ridiculous, unrealistic, filled with plot holes, and is perpetually lacking self-awareness. It's stupid and childish, and so are you.

And yet you are here after 70 episodes watching this anime that you clearly hate instead of dropping it. Amazing. Boggles my mind how people like you exists on this community and that loves to lose their time with such things instead of using your time with things you like. But no, let's see over 70 episodes for a thing that you clearly hate since the beginning. Like I said, amazing that such a comportment exists, makes me wonder if people like you are a masochist.

Regardless, of course you won't understand anything and think there's plot holes when all the information is on the original material as the anime loves to cut down important information that creates plot holes like in last season when they cut down the development of Eugeo and his family.
brzzcodeDec 21, 2019 9:51 PM
Dec 21, 2019 10:04 PM

Dec 2015
Nemesis16 said:
Hylianticipated said:

Are you kidding or are you just genuinely retarded? You know nothing of good writing if you are defending this shit. The entire problem IS that they have to make every antagonist a psychopath because they can't write a compelling narrative that actually draws in the reader/watcher. All of the current and past antagonists are just brainless villains with no motives whatsoever aside from being evil, leaving nothing but a bland reason to fight. "Oh no, mr baddie has appeared! Yay, Kirito and friends will save the day!! Such friendship and love! They can do it!" The whole scenario and the series as a whole is ridiculous, unrealistic, filled with plot holes, and is perpetually lacking self-awareness. It's stupid and childish, and so are you.

And yet you are here after 70 episodes watching this anime that you clearly hate instead of dropping it. Amazing. Boggles my mind how people like you exists on this community and that loves to lose their time with such things instead of using your time with things you like. But no, let's see over 70 episodes for a thing that you clearly hate since the beginning. Like I said, amazing that such a comportment exists, makes me wonder if people like you are a masochist.

Regardless, of course you won't understand anything and think there's plot holes when all the information is on the original material as the anime loves to cut down important information that creates plot holes like in last season when they cut down the development of Eugeo and his family.

People like you are the worst. "If you don't like it then why are you here?" Shut the fuck up. Just because someone has valid criticisms of a show/series with objective flaws doesn't mean they hate the entire thing. Not everyone is a blind sycophant like you who will defend every aspect of your favorite manga/anime regardless of its problems. You're the same kind of person that gets offended when people DO drop an anime after a single issue. If everyone followed your advice and dropped every anime, manga, movie, show, game, etc. after a single thing they didn't like, big or small, then nobody would be critical of entertainment and it would stagnate.

It boggles MY mind how people like YOU still exist. I can't criticize any anime without one of you damage-control freaks telling me to just leave if I don't like it and that I must be a "masochist" to continue watching. I'm not a masochist, I just don't ignore flaws when I see them. You should try it sometime.
Dec 21, 2019 10:04 PM

Sep 2019
Great speech, great hype, not so cheap twist and thrill

And, great eps.

I've always wondering how do other players really think about SAO survivors, and there we go...

Gabriel is no more a human (I wish I had known this earlier)

But still, there are a few details that it should have done more properly....

Can't wait until next week.

Hikari. Sounds promising.
Dec 21, 2019 10:27 PM

Jan 2013
as much as i enjoyed seeing the friends again, i completely zoned out on Lisbeth's speech when it was obvious at the end anyway
Dec 21, 2019 10:31 PM

Feb 2013
Hylianticipated said:
Nemesis16 said:

And yet you are here after 70 episodes watching this anime that you clearly hate instead of dropping it. Amazing. Boggles my mind how people like you exists on this community and that loves to lose their time with such things instead of using your time with things you like. But no, let's see over 70 episodes for a thing that you clearly hate since the beginning. Like I said, amazing that such a comportment exists, makes me wonder if people like you are a masochist.

Regardless, of course you won't understand anything and think there's plot holes when all the information is on the original material as the anime loves to cut down important information that creates plot holes like in last season when they cut down the development of Eugeo and his family.

People like you are the worst. "If you don't like it then why are you here?" Shut the fuck up. Just because someone has valid criticisms of a show/series with objective flaws doesn't mean they hate the entire thing. Not everyone is a blind sycophant like you who will defend every aspect of your favorite manga/anime regardless of its problems. You're the same kind of person that gets offended when people DO drop an anime after a single issue. If everyone followed your advice and dropped every anime, manga, movie, show, game, etc. after a single thing they didn't like, big or small, then nobody would be critical of entertainment and it would stagnate.

It boggles MY mind how people like YOU still exist. I can't criticize any anime without one of you damage-control freaks telling me to just leave if I don't like it and that I must be a "masochist" to continue watching. I'm not a masochist, I just don't ignore flaws when I see them. You should try it sometime.

Huh, the girl is really angry, scray, even put out things on profile. :) Btw, none of what you said is a "objective flaw or problem", everything has an explanation and I said it with the information of the own anime and others from the original material. Not my fault if you can't remember things or didn't take your time to look if many of those things didn't appear before.

Also, I love how I'm the "psychopathic" fanboy here when I hate Fairy Dance and only find Aincrad and Phantom Bullet fine. And of course, you made it private now but you gave bigger scores for many seasons of SAO compared to me, like the first one which I gave 6. lmao Really shows how I am a "fanboy" when I pretty much only really like arcs like Alicization and Mother Rosario, which the first one much more due to the Light Novel content than the anime itself.
Dec 21, 2019 10:41 PM

Dec 2015
Nemesis16 said:
Hylianticipated said:

People like you are the worst. "If you don't like it then why are you here?" Shut the fuck up. Just because someone has valid criticisms of a show/series with objective flaws doesn't mean they hate the entire thing. Not everyone is a blind sycophant like you who will defend every aspect of your favorite manga/anime regardless of its problems. You're the same kind of person that gets offended when people DO drop an anime after a single issue. If everyone followed your advice and dropped every anime, manga, movie, show, game, etc. after a single thing they didn't like, big or small, then nobody would be critical of entertainment and it would stagnate.

It boggles MY mind how people like YOU still exist. I can't criticize any anime without one of you damage-control freaks telling me to just leave if I don't like it and that I must be a "masochist" to continue watching. I'm not a masochist, I just don't ignore flaws when I see them. You should try it sometime.

Huh, the girl is really angry, scray, even put out things on profile. :) Btw, none of what you said is a "objective flaw or problem", everything has an explanation and I said it with the information of the own anime and others from the original material. Not my fault if you can't remember things or didn't take your time to look if many of those things didn't appear before.

Also, I love how I'm the "psychopathic" fanboy here when I hate Fairy Dance and only find Aincrad and Phantom Bullet fine. And of course, you made it private now but you gave bigger scores for many seasons of SAO compared to me, like the first one which I gave 6. lmao Really shows how I am a "fanboy" when I pretty much only really like arcs like Alicization and Mother Rosario, which the first one much more due to the Light Novel content than the anime itself.

I said sycophantic not psychopathic. Learn to read, they are very different words. Speaking of illiterate, if you're stalking my profile you should know that I'm a dude. And congrats, you're just proving my point that I can like a series and still criticize it when it is being retarded. And yes, people like you don't deserve an opinion when you say shit like that. I've felt that way for a long while, you're just the latest brainlet to inspire me to write about it on my account since I'm currently logged in. You're welcome, stalker princess.
Dec 21, 2019 10:44 PM

Nov 2008
Just because someone has valid criticisms of a show/series with objective flaws doesn't mean they hate the entire thing.


Er...not to start anything but when one says "the series as a whole is stupid and childish", it does sound like you hate the entire thing.

If you don't, that sentence is a tad misleading.

Dec 21, 2019 10:50 PM

Nov 2014
That was some real cringe-worthy speech by Lizbeth right there.
Dec 21, 2019 10:52 PM

Dec 2015
Chiibi said:
Just because someone has valid criticisms of a show/series with objective flaws doesn't mean they hate the entire thing.


Er...not to start anything but when one says "the series as a whole is stupid and childish", it does sound like you hate the entire thing.

If you don't, that sentence is a tad misleading.

It was said in the context of their antagonists through the entire series. Even the seasons I liked they were stupid and childish with how they wrote the story, particularly the villains. I say all the time that SAO and other anime are genuinely not very good from a narrative and character standpoint, but they are fun and easy to watch so I enjoy them regardless of their flaws. Besides, ever heard of "it's so bad it's good"? SAO isn't quite that level of bad, but it's not misleading to say you like something that is dumb.
Dec 21, 2019 10:58 PM

Nov 2008
Hylianticipated said:

It was said in the context of their antagonists through the entire series.

Oh ok.

sure, this season's Choujin Koukousei-tachi is really stupid trash and I love it lmao

Dec 21, 2019 11:35 PM

Sep 2013
Famegher said:

For Kirito is because they need stl, amusphere can’t help because it hasn’t what is necessary

.It don’t pass too much time, I think it depends on a perspective in time.

The things of give to the American players the chance to login is part of the plan, the war until now is part of Vector plan to take time until Critter do this. It takes to him around 5 hours like the blond computer scientist said.

This project run over the seed, the tecnology developed by Kayaba so I think it’s possible give to others the right to login using the functionality of cross-platform of the seed.

For the 1st one, if you watch properly you can see there's two Soul Translator machine in one of Rath branch that visited by Sinon and Leafa so what Kuroimi's said is correct about the plot hole in my opinion.

Nemesis16 said:

No, because the pain that you feel is inside the game/Virtual world. It's not a pain going to your body but being given to you by the system itself as there's nothing blocking the pain. So for example if you lose your arm, you will feel as if you lost, but only there.In the real world, you won't feel anything to your body. It's different than it was in SAO, where there was pain absorbers in the game so you almost didn't feel pain but the Nervegear had a system where you would die if you had it removed and if your avatar died.

For the second point, yes, it's confirmed. Amusphere was created based on the nervegear of SAO. Which is why it had pain absorber and all the other games had it as well, because they were games being sold to the market. But Underworld isn't a game, it's a secret project of a virtual world simulation using the seed as the engine to create that world, so not only they don't need to use pain absorbers but to make it more real, they didn't implement it, to make the fluctlights think that they are living in a real world.

It seems like our logic isn't on the same page.

My logic is : You feel pain inside the Underworld -> the pain sensation was sent to your brain which's connect to the real world -> your real body feel the stimulation from the signal that sent from your brain. Because even if you're in a dreaming state, normally your body will get stimulate like for example if you got a bad dream naturally your real body will get stimulate which would resulting a heavy sweat. Another easier example would be what happen to Oberon after having a taste of zero pain absorber.

Thank you for keep answering my question though. Really appreciate it.
CaltsioDec 21, 2019 11:56 PM
"... Now you're looking for the secret... but you won't find it, because of course you're not really looking. You don't really want to know. You want to be fooled."
Dec 21, 2019 11:43 PM

Oct 2008
because of the sudden change of events! NOW I'M TOTALLY HOOKED!
damn! the time ratio became 1:1 and players from other countries can dive-in! plotted by the antagonists! that's a real problem, but again it matched-up this is the time were Kirito's long loyay friends and all other VMO players (ALO) will be involved!
OH GOD! I ALWAYS TALK SHIT WITH THE EVENTS OF CURRENT SAO arc but forgive my talkshit cuz i really like the events that will unfold!

Gorochu said:
Kirito: Harem, assemble!

haha i totally get this!

So Sinon & Suguha would have specialised god accounts as well since they'll go STL but Liz and the other are not? i thought the whole party is gonna be in it? or maybe Yui just decided that since Suguha & Sinon are more closer to Kirito rather than the rest of Liz & others???
matias067Dec 22, 2019 12:10 AM

Dec 21, 2019 11:58 PM
May 2017
Nemesis16 said:

Yup, Alicization was written in 2005 to 2008. While SAO began in Aincrad in 2001 and was published on 2002.

Whoa seriously?! At this rate Unital Ring will get animated at least 10 years from now
Dec 22, 2019 12:00 AM
Oct 2017

"I'M SO SIGNING UP FOR THIS BETA!" - Man with U.S.A on his t-shirt, in case you didn't know he was American
djdivileDec 22, 2019 12:04 AM
Dec 22, 2019 12:13 AM
Apr 2016
aulode said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
Wait what? SDF vs US? Where?! Are we watching the same series? "a very gray battle"? SDF and U.S.A. army are a definition of grey. But wait there is more... "compelling VIEWPOINTS"?! The guys are a military! They are either socially worthless or utterly retarded and should be filling prisons or labour camps or are psychopaths. Antagonist, if you have failed to perceive, is a psychopath, and is not going to turn Alice over to U.S. either way..... .... Ooooh I get it. You are upset about U.S. army being portrayed as villainy as it is. Okay then, you almost had me. Just for you, on this special occasion, words of wisdom:

"Nationalism is a puny man's solace - only lacking and hollow take pride in being a part of a group, for which they have done nothing to help make it something to be proud of".

I feel like you’ve just jumped to the conclusion that anybody who disagrees with how brazen and ridiculous the plot has become must automatically be an Eagleland nationalist. Coming from someone who is anything but a nationalist, I agree with Hylianticipated’s viewpoint, because so far, it’s very black and white in it’s portrayals.
Reki Kawahara has been criticized in the past for his fundamental lack of understanding when it comes to the topics he’s writing about, and in the case of Sword Art Online, it’s apparent that he wrote SAO with a relatively limited knowledge on video games, much less MMOs, and gaming communities as a whole. Considering how much video games have changed since SAO was first written, it’s somewhat forgivable, but what isn’t forgivable is the ineptitude in how he handles the believability of his works. His portrayal of video gaming is already laughable, but for a series that relies so heavily on suspension of disbelief, how he handles the subjects of domestic and international politics, espionage, and military operations is so abhorrently unsubtle and clumsy that it’s comparable to the average Call of Duty game, but even those can still leave the suspension of disbelief intact. With how he portrays the foreign characters (American, Chinese, Korean), I’m wondering if he made any attempt at all to make them seem like real, believable people or just went with typical stereotypes and convenient tropes for a faceless, villainous army of foreigners. What’s really the point of involving them? Having read the novel, Kawahara doesn’t even make an attempt to resolve the conflicts he establishes so brazenly. I could go on even more about the inconsistencies and lack of depth in SAO as a whole (don’t even get me started on how he “handles” the issue of Alice).

Daniel_Naumov said:
I'd join on Japan's side to wreck those gasoline chuggers like for real. Long overdue.

Nice to see you’re so open about your biases. Consider how that might undermine some of your arguments.

Yes, of course, you are welcome to describe why is it so "black and white", because all I am seeing is fifty shades of you know what. Unless you are able to do so, well... Eagleland the landfill. @Hylianticipated he will also want to hear that. If I were to depict my appreciation of how well he had done this Alicization story, then the first season before mercenary attack, it (the appreaction) was walking up the hill, while this season my appreciation is slowly sliding down a slope.
I am in no way defending this particular season, or how the author does not do thorough research while writing. The fault, however, is nowhere near that childish U.S.- S.D.F. subplot. The worst thing I can see here, in terms of logic, is how S.D.F. got bribed by American intelligence. Otherwise, the whole thing makes sense from the perspective of reality, how U.S.A. army does things and its overall portrayal in art. Unless you are what I accused you of, fanatical nationalists with as many braincells as there are vowels in the name of the nation, you are welcome to explain me, in terms more appropriate than "look how stupidly he writes, this whole plot is stupid", why the whole plot is stupid.
Daniel_NaumovDec 22, 2019 12:16 AM
Dec 22, 2019 12:22 AM

Jun 2017
Hylianticipated said:
Chiibi said:


Er...not to start anything but when one says "the series as a whole is stupid and childish", it does sound like you hate the entire thing.

If you don't, that sentence is a tad misleading.

It was said in the context of their antagonists through the entire series. Even the seasons I liked they were stupid and childish with how they wrote the story, particularly the villains. I say all the time that SAO and other anime are genuinely not very good from a narrative and character standpoint, but they are fun and easy to watch so I enjoy them regardless of their flaws. Besides, ever heard of "it's so bad it's good"? SAO isn't quite that level of bad, but it's not misleading to say you like something that is dumb.

You are still here with the laughably bad criticism and you are watching something that is clearly making you upset and unwell. We're just giving you helpful advice by telling you to stop watching.
Dec 22, 2019 12:38 AM

Feb 2013
Rytakahashi09 said:
Nemesis16 said:

Yup, Alicization was written in 2005 to 2008. While SAO began in Aincrad in 2001 and was published on 2002.

Whoa seriously?! At this rate Unital Ring will get animated at least 10 years from now

To be fair, that was the web novel which was written from Aincrad to Alicization between 2002 and 2008, with alicization itself being the last arc from 2005-2008. The light novel itself began in 2009 based on this content written before, with differences but mostly the same. It was all from the WN until volume 21 after almost 10 years adapting what was written before which when Unital Ring began, which since you know UR, you know that it's a completely new arc not based on something older.

And yeah, since Unital Ring has just two volumes so far since 2018 when volume 21 was published and the new one with Unital Ring came just this month, I think we'll get it animated only in like 10 years depending on how big the arc will be, and ofc, the schedule for the launch.
Dec 22, 2019 12:55 AM
Oct 2017
Great buildup episode! Glad to see all of the characters again!

Great speech at the end by Lisbeth! I loved it when they all bowed in front of everyone.

Also, I wonder who that purple guy was with his fairy. I don't recognize them. Maybe its Eiji and Yuna???
My Candies:
Dec 22, 2019 12:58 AM
Dec 2019
Dracobladeex said:
Great buildup episode! Glad to see all of the characters again!

Great speech at the end by Lisbeth! I loved it when they all bowed in front of everyone.

Also, I wonder who that purple guy was with his fairy. I don't recognize them. Maybe its Eiji and Yuna???

me too I am unable to find anything about the purple guy and his fairy
Dec 22, 2019 1:23 AM

Aug 2013
Did I miss something? I know it's a plot device, but how the heck can anybody from outside connect to their network?
There's no way that thier system wasn't operating on isolated network. And if I remember correctly, core settings couldn't be changed from control room, because they were cut off.
HidenNinpoDec 22, 2019 1:27 AM
Dec 22, 2019 1:30 AM

Jan 2013
ngl, as a fellow mmo player, rika's speech was f-ing cringy lel.
Dec 22, 2019 1:48 AM

Dec 2014
real life conflict mixed in... nice really like this
Dec 22, 2019 1:51 AM
Apr 2018
This show lacks ECCHI. :3
Dec 22, 2019 2:28 AM

Dec 2015
Most of the time this season was better than the previous season (and first hafl of Alicization). Almost on par with the first halves of season 1 and 2 - which were the best parts of SAO.

Despite being a bit insane (which usually is annoying unless used for comedy like with the nobles in first half) Vecta is nice. Especially because of his voice actor.

What I didn't like was the harem in last episode and the "bitch wars" between Asuna and Alice. Alice is soo much better. Now they want to have the sister (annoying as well) and Sinon (she is nice) join too ...

And the writing seems a bit bad at this point. Just as if the author suddenly had gotten the idea to send in some other chars and made something up with the time synchro stuff and the convertion of chars. Seems pretty easy to do this ... and the hacker of the intruders can just have the us players join and connect without problems. At the same time he can't just extract Alice without having to be ingame.

Very convenient for the plot.

The english dialogues were fun though.
"I'm so signing up for this beta" :D
Dec 22, 2019 2:39 AM

May 2019
Liz speech:

Expectation: "MMO game IS LIFE! Let's kick the asses of that american gta psychos!"

Reality: "Wtf i am doing to my life? Time to pause with this, and i should be sleeping now"
Dec 22, 2019 2:44 AM

Jun 2017
OH my oh my, looks like things are becoming more entertaining(for us, lol). With the login of those tens of thousand of players, it is going to be more action packed now.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Dec 22, 2019 2:48 AM

Jan 2017
That was soooooo bad... One of the worst SAO episodes ever.

Hey guys let's save some people lives and maybe save the world from WW3 but you will MAYBE lose your virtual game characters in this and feel some pain.

Yeah no, fuck you and fuck Earth! I won't grind again! My lvl 100 character is more important!

Also Underworld is based on the STL stimulation so how gamers from outside will be able to connect with standard VRMMORPG hardware?

And I don't know, why not call the fucking ARMY (JSDF) because they are at the verge of WW3? But nooooo let's send 2 JK into a world simulation to save the real planet..........

This saison was very good until the ep10, now we are getting the same issues/crappy story as in SAO 1, 2 and OS.
Dec 22, 2019 3:04 AM
Dec 2019
Famegher said:
FullyCharged said:
Every time I hear a Sakamoto Maaya voiced character talking about death, it feels kinda weird...especially if she uses the same tone of Void... xD

Amazing speech at the end of episode.
It's one of those "you hate it or love it" speech
Die hard fan of SAO? Love
Die hart hater of SAO? Hate
Neither? If you're a huge nerd or otaku in anything, you can relate with it and you'll love it, otherwise it will feel super lame, cringy and nonsensical to you.
Just don't say it's bad just because you can't relate or you blindly hate SAO (yet you still watch it xD)

What is sure is that the haters of sao will watch every single episode because they need to watch it lol
I’ve always found hilarious this thing from when I heard that from one of that called ‘haters’ haha

Haters ≠ people who dislike.

Hating something when you doesn't know about is blind hating, right? So we watch every single episode so we can reasonably hate it. You guys love the show with a passion, haters hate the show with a passion, people who dislike would not probably be here since they've probably dumped the show since fairy dance or something like that.

Edit: Also, the last two episodes were craps. I hoped the show would change, but everything came back to being a harem sh*t storm after Asuna login. I'm not saying that the show is not enjoyable, I enjoy hating it...
ndgnuhDec 22, 2019 3:10 AM
Dec 22, 2019 3:44 AM
Dec 2019
This episode is just kinda boring. That last speech singlehandedly took half the episode. Bruh
Dec 22, 2019 4:02 AM

Jun 2016
too much talk , make me sleepy watching this episode ..

Dec 22, 2019 4:34 AM

Oct 2019
ndgnuh said:
Famegher said:

What is sure is that the haters of sao will watch every single episode because they need to watch it lol
I’ve always found hilarious this thing from when I heard that from one of that called ‘haters’ haha

Haters ≠ people who dislike.

Hating something when you doesn't know about is blind hating, right? So we watch every single episode so we can reasonably hate it. You guys love the show with a passion, haters hate the show with a passion, people who dislike would not probably be here since they've probably dumped the show since fairy dance or something like that.

Edit: Also, the last two episodes were craps. I hoped the show would change, but everything came back to being a harem sh*t storm after Asuna login. I'm not saying that the show is not enjoyable, I enjoy hating it...

Another account created just today. What you say is just hilarious, what a waste of time to watch something only to hate it, I can' believe that.
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