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Attack on Titan: No Regrets
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Apr 11, 2015 11:17 PM

Nov 2013
Definitely better than manga, and surprisingly, I like this more than the anime series itself
I'm too weird to live but much too rare to die.

Apr 12, 2015 3:17 AM

Dec 2012
Great episode, the berserk mode was incredible. For the first time, we saw Levi cry.
Apr 12, 2015 3:53 AM

Dec 2014
tragedylover said:
i want more levi in s2
8/10 for this ova

oh there will be a lot more of him (that is if they keep going along with the manga)
Apr 12, 2015 6:46 AM
Apr 2015
I liked the episode, it did some things well like when Levi sees his friends and the sudden silence hit, I think that was really effective.
But my main problem with OVA is when they cut out most of Erwin and Levi's dialogue at the end because people are now seriously disliking Erwin because of it. In the manga for that scene he explains everything and Levi understands but from the anime's perspective it just looks like Levi is blindly following Erwin for no apparent reason. They kind of just skipped all the character development in exchange for short, dramatic effect.
Apr 12, 2015 7:19 AM
Jul 2013
Lichtspiel said:
eucliwood1 said:
Really great episode, but I was kind of sad because they didn't animate these scenes:

They did leave out a lot of scenes...unfortunately.

Avok said:
It is out in spanish but the quality is awful... Probably gonna watch it like that though.

Yes, but I don't speak Spanish ^_^ I was jus referring to the English one. Sorry.

Yes it was rushed. Could've had another episode and put some fillers :V
Apr 12, 2015 11:14 AM

May 2010
Apr 12, 2015 11:50 AM
Aug 2012
Narutotaku said:
Lichtspiel said:

They did leave out a lot of scenes...unfortunately.

Yes, but I don't speak Spanish ^_^ I was jus referring to the English one. Sorry.

Yes it was rushed. Could've had another episode and put some fillers :V

I watched an interview with the animation staff somewhere, and I remember them saying that there were a lot of scenes that could not be animated because they were too grotesque. I wonder if these were one of those scenes. I remembered theses scenes from the manga as well so it was kind of sad that they were not included in the anime.
Apr 12, 2015 11:52 AM
Aug 2012

did anyone notices the green light like things that Levi saw when he was passing the walls. He looked up (to see the sky, i'm assuming) but looked up when he was inside of the walls. The top of the inside of the walls were green lights. I don't know if I'm just thinking into that scene too much, but could that be some foreshadowing to the next season...?
Apr 12, 2015 11:53 AM

Jul 2014
Very Good Episode but it's so sad levy friends is death :'
Apr 12, 2015 3:35 PM

Jan 2015
Awesome episode, as always!!

P.S.: Anyone know what this text that appears in the end means?
Apr 12, 2015 4:36 PM

May 2014
Man, I was really starting to like Isabel and Farlan... I knew what was going to happen to them in the end but how it branched up to that moment throughout the episode was just done so well. Seeing a character who usually keeps his cool just want to start crying is just truly sad. I could tell that Levi was really happy to have them as friends then he has to experience such trauma which has led to him becoming the Levi that we know in the series.

I just feel so bad for Levi. :/
But glad he was able to move on.
Apr 12, 2015 8:44 PM

Aug 2012
MingottiBBM said:
Awesome episode, as always!!

P.S.: Anyone know what this text that appears in the end means?
It's just copyright notice
Apr 13, 2015 12:24 AM

Jan 2013
Well, was better than the original anime.
Though I liked more the first OVA because it was underground, but it was nice to see Levi going berserk.
Apr 13, 2015 7:25 AM

Jul 2013
Oreo_Assassin said:
Was there something up with that Titan? Looked very unique

The dying soldier fired a black flare. The titan's an Abnormal.

DancerHope said:

did anyone notices the green light like things that Levi saw when he was passing the walls. He looked up (to see the sky, i'm assuming) but looked up when he was inside of the walls. The top of the inside of the walls were green lights. I don't know if I'm just thinking into that scene too much, but could that be some foreshadowing to the next season...?

It's a scene of the trees in a forest. Don't know what that means though.

Apr 13, 2015 8:09 AM

Feb 2015
very good episode especially that Titan fatality from Levi holy shit man. I never read the manga and kinda knew they wouldnt make it... but holy mother of god when they showed Isabel and Farlan i fucking lost it even more after I saw Levi about to damn near cry ;A;
Apr 13, 2015 8:45 AM

Jan 2013
That was a beautiful 2 part OVA.
I was kinda expecting them to die, mainly because we didnt hear of them in the original anime.
Still poor Levi though :/

Apr 13, 2015 9:41 AM

Sep 2011
Wow. Now that's how you do a fucking backstory.
Apr 13, 2015 2:19 PM

Oct 2011
LEVI T__________T

Crying my eyes for him and what he went throught


That's the same face Levi made when "she" died
Apr 13, 2015 3:01 PM

Apr 2011
Awesome OVA. Loved Levi 's backstory he really went through a lot.
Apr 13, 2015 10:36 PM
Jun 2009
I fail to see how people think this is better than the anime.
Everything is so predictable... whereas most things in the serie weren't without seriously paying attention. I liked these OVAs but they lack any surprise so I rate them quite lower than the episodes.
Apr 14, 2015 12:30 AM

Oct 2013
Erwin is pretty messed up, but his desire to make humanity persist is strong. Dem feels for Levi. Ouch. Ouch.
Apr 14, 2015 12:44 AM
Jun 2009
Kitoge said:
Erwin is pretty messed up, but his desire to make humanity persist is strong. Dem feels for Levi. Ouch. Ouch.

Why is he messed up?
Apr 15, 2015 8:15 AM

Dec 2014
I have a lot of mixed feelings about this.

Though I do know that all books turned into movies/tv series never stay completely true to the book, I was a little disappointed when they didn't include funny parts such as when Levi first met Hanji. They also didn't stay completely true to Levi's perspective of when he saw Isabel and Farlan. He saw them die...he didn't see them dead.

However on the other hand Levi's voice acting in that scene was great. I give props to Hiroshi Kamiya on this one. If they are going to dub this, Mercer has a lot of work cut out for him (No offense but Mercer just doesn't have the...deepness of Levi. He sounds a little too cocky. Though overall, not a bad choice.) I absolutely loved how they did his rage. To be honest I teared up a little. I am biased to Levi, but this character development was totally needed to get a better understanding of Levi on why he's such an ass sometimes. I mean, if my two best friends that I trusted fully died, I would probably do the same thing.

Overall, the pros beat out the cons, so it was a fantastic OVA.
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Apr 15, 2015 7:08 PM

Jun 2007
tarklovishki said:
I love the deviations from the manga; in the manga, all I could gather was that after slaughtering the titans that killed his friends, he was upset. Here, I could tell just how much Levi loved Farlan and Isabel because more of an effort was shown to prove it. I mean, Levi wanted to go alone so that he could protect the two of them.

I finished the manga after watching the OVA, and in the manga Levi didn't even seem that bothered. No emotion. The artist was clearly afraid of altering his character and decided to keep him as a killing machine that was only slightly annoyed. Plus, since what happened was seen both by the reader and Levi (as he moved in slow motion, or sumat), it took away from the WTF NOOO Levi conveyed in the anime, which was rammed home terrifically by Isebal's detached head/her eyes. The voice acting added another dimension, as well: for the first time, I could relate to Levi as a character. He was acting on raw emotion.

Even in ep1 the adaptation fixed the manga's failings: exploring the underground setting in a human, believable way. The manga started with the opening Erwin chase scene and that was that. I think this has to go down as one of the best adaptations ever, if not the best, simply because it fixed the manga failings. Only Death Note's adaptation can compare.

Also: that guitar vocal track was a nice touch that made the OVA distinguishable from the main series. Fucking awesome.
Apr 16, 2015 12:15 AM
Jul 2018
Wow Levi's rampage was on point, and amazing.. Just when the OST stopped when he's staring at his friend's severed head, I froze in silence "No way.."

Enjoyed this OVA
Apr 16, 2015 3:24 AM

Jan 2008
SnK always manage to amaze me. Great to know about Levi's story.
Apr 17, 2015 3:34 PM

Jan 2014
Well fuck that was brutal. I almost wish I hadn't read the manga first because I kind of think the anime did it better :p I mean that moment of silence when levi saw her head was just WOW

Side note: is this the same voice actor for Levi as the series? I haven't had any AoT for so long I've forgotten what they sound like xD
Apr 17, 2015 7:29 PM

Aug 2012
lilypippili said:
Well fuck that was brutal. I almost wish I hadn't read the manga first because I kind of think the anime did it better :p I mean that moment of silence when levi saw her head was just WOW

Side note: is this the same voice actor for Levi as the series? I haven't had any AoT for so long I've forgotten what they sound like xD
Yes of course they used the same voice actor for Levi
Apr 18, 2015 12:55 AM

Jan 2009
damn we did not see how those 2 friends of Levi die, but brutal body leftovers nonetheless, that slicing combo of Levi is awesomely animated though i hope we see more animation like that in the second season
Apr 18, 2015 4:42 AM

Jun 2013
That was fucking amazing, my expectations were so low i didn't expect to like it this much.
Apr 18, 2015 1:09 PM

Oct 2008
waiting for 2016.

Apr 19, 2015 2:27 PM

Jul 2014
LEVI SHOWING EMOTIONNNN--> WHUUTTTTT??/ :O Didn't know that was possible xD
Awesome episode~ !
Apr 19, 2015 4:57 PM

Aug 2007
What's the name of the track that played during the roof top night scene? Is it an unreleased track?
Apr 19, 2015 9:14 PM

Dec 2012
What definitely lacked in this OVA was how we did not get the chance to care about the characters, any of them. The last scene where Levi's friends brutally killed by a titan was not really impactful because of that(it could have been so much better). And what about his friend who got treated by the corrupt government official? No explanation? All in all, this is a mediocre OVA. Forced drama, lack conclusion, we did not learn much about Levi despite this backstory(if this is actually a canon. & I really hope this is not a canon), & trying too hard to make Levi cool.

6/10 from me. It had potential, but fell flat.
Pat_To_Do-ListApr 20, 2015 4:55 AM
I like anime.
Apr 20, 2015 4:23 AM

Aug 2012
peacecraft said:
What's the name of the track that played during the roof top night scene? Is it an unreleased track?

So ist es Immer 進撃の巨人
Apr 20, 2015 5:20 AM

Mar 2014
Pat_To_Do-List said:
What definitely lacked in this OVA was how we did not get the chance to care about the characters, any of them. The last scene where Levi's friends brutally killed by a titan was not really impactful because of that(it could have been so much better). And what about his friend who got treated by the corrupt government official? No explanation? All in all, this is a mediocre OVA. Forced drama, lack conclusion, we did not learn much about Levi despite this backstory(if this is actually a canon. & I really hope this is not a canon), & trying too hard to make Levi cool.

6/10 from me. It had potential, but fell flat.

Exactly my thoughts on these two OVA episodes. They were pretty disappointing.
Apr 20, 2015 6:02 AM

Jun 2014
Apr 20, 2015 6:26 PM

Aug 2011
Love it, love it!!! Seeing this animated gave me a natural high.

Levi is the man and... now, I see why he is the man he is. Loved the emotion from Levi; he reminded me of a pissed off Mikasa protecting Erin. Can't wait for the RLA movie!!
Apr 20, 2015 7:39 PM

Dec 2012
Tsuyu_no_Inochi said:
Levi is the man and... now, I see why he is the man he is.

You mean why he turned from a very serious & always angry man to a very serious & always angry man? Wait . . .
I like anime.
Apr 21, 2015 8:09 AM

Apr 2011
I was speechless at the latter part...

That scene where Levi went berserk and turbulent, it is too intense O.O

Apr 22, 2015 6:11 PM

Mar 2012
This was BEYOND EPIC...

Poor Levi ;_;
Apr 23, 2015 1:19 AM

Aug 2014
Just notice that Araki directing this made me think of this scene in the OVA

reminded me of the Blue vs Red image of

"I am going to be the God of the new world" - Light
Apr 24, 2015 6:38 AM

Jun 2008
I loved the episode but i wish it could have more episodes so more things could have been expanded and more character development for Isabel and Farland that could have been added ;_; and i always welcome more SNK :S
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Apr 24, 2015 6:38 AM

Jun 2008
Paperbag266 said:
Just notice that Araki directing this made me think of this scene in the OVA

reminded me of the Blue vs Red image of

Good Observation. Good Old' Araki :P
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Apr 25, 2015 1:05 AM

Nov 2014
Always knew that Levi had experienced loss of everyone he cares about, explaining how strong he is now in controlling his emotions. Yet, watching this was still heartbreaking :(
Totally loved these two OVAs
Apr 25, 2015 5:14 AM

Nov 2012

good OVAs though....

Apr 26, 2015 8:52 AM
Jul 2018
Wow that was awesome!!! Especially the part when Levi went berserk!! I really hope he doe somewhere down the line in the original manga because its such a waste if it doesn't happen again. Kamiya Hiroshi is awesome!!

I would've enjoyed to see the things they didnt animate tbh but its still amazing, now the wait for 2016 is 100000x harder than it used to be.
Apr 26, 2015 6:51 PM
Sep 2010
Even though I knew what was going to happen, I still enjoyed the episode. To me this OVA is way better than Ilse No Techou. Can't wait for the second season.
Apr 27, 2015 12:15 AM

May 2013

Now it makes sense what Levi said to Eren about his squad. Glad to see more depth and development to his character because maaaaaaan. 8/10
The world shall know the truth soon.
Apr 28, 2015 4:42 AM

Jan 2014
Holy shit. The part when Levi went berserk.. made me shiver. This is the first time I felt this while watching Shingeki.

Wonderful. Only downside to this was the DVD quality.
"The one true, unchanging righteousness in the world is..cuteness! Cute makes right! All our needs, desires, and instincts seek cuteness, and it is for cuteness that we will give everything we have! That's just the way men are!" - Sora
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