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Jun 21, 2009 1:56 PM
Jul 2018
Mh, they could have put more intense into Koromo's anomality. At least Gonzo puts effort into every of those yuri couples :p
Too bad Hisa couldn't win more points in the second half.

<3 Heterochromia

Now we can look forward to Nodocchi-mode Nodoka :) - and finally Momoko's appearance, what I'm looking forward to.
Jun 21, 2009 2:58 PM

Jul 2008
HoaRy said:

Now we can look forward to Nodocchi-mode Nodoka :) - and finally Momoko's appearance, what I'm looking forward to.

yes indeed cant wait for next week's game XD
and dam they gatta cut on the yuri stuff 1i think it too much 2 i wanna see MJ! lol
Jun 21, 2009 4:51 PM

Feb 2008
Are we watching Yuri or Mahjong? I believe we watching Mahjong, so are your guys not into Mahjong, I am? :)

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 21, 2009 5:38 PM

Apr 2008
looking forward to the incoming match xD

Jun 21, 2009 6:20 PM

Feb 2008
Okay that's a bit rude there, she actually forgot about her match with Mihoko Fukuji in Middle school.
We don't know anything about her past, probably she caugh amnesia or something. But for Mihoko that was a very important game.

Hmm.. I belief she was smarter then that. Haha

Oh well next episodes is Nodoka match :)

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 21, 2009 7:04 PM

May 2008
haha koromo is so cute lols, if i saw her in the room with all those toys i would have given her a hug lols

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Jun 21, 2009 7:54 PM
May 2008
WTF... there is Mahjong in my Yuri!!! In all seriousness this was an alright episode... an alright Mahjong match, some character development, and of course obligatory Yuri. Next up Nodoka's match... I never new Mahjong could be so suspenseful, lol.
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Jun 21, 2009 9:23 PM
Jul 2018
"ClearSinz" said:
1i think it too much

What's definitely too much is all that blushing, even when I like blushes.

Blackbird said:
Are we watching Yuri or Mahjong? I believe we watching Mahjong, so are your guys not into Mahjong, I am? :)

Last episode was mahjong, but this one barely.

Saki oscillates somehow like
currently moving to the right?
But maybe they'll start with the backgrounds of the new people of the next match, then it's too few mahjong ;)
Jun 21, 2009 9:42 PM

Feb 2008
I have read the manga and alreadyl knew that Nodoka match will not start after this episodem, the storyline is slowly progness and about Nodoka match.
The manga isn't even done yet so wonder how long this can be progness. :P

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 21, 2009 10:18 PM

Nov 2007
Uh, Yuri on the first few minutes> Lol.

Also, has anyone noticed how Nodoka hold her banana? XD

Jun 22, 2009 1:22 AM

Dec 2008
NeloDeath said:
WTF... there is Mahjong in my Yuri!!!


it was an alright episode..i thought this was gonna be like a 13 ep series..but it's got 25/26 (ann says 26). i wonder how it's gonna turn out..i felt like they'd run out of material after this tournament ha
Jun 22, 2009 1:24 AM
May 2009
Blackbird said:
Okay that's a bit rude there, she actually forgot about her match with Mihoko Fukuji in Middle school.
We don't know anything about her past, probably she caugh amnesia or something. But for Mihoko that was a very important game.

I don't think it's amnesia ... at least not in the sense that she forgot herself or forgot something she had remembered. She just never remembered it entirely because she didn't attach the same importance to that match as Mihoko did.

Mihoko was just some opponent three years ago and during that time, Hisa was going through some sort of family trouble and drama that was enough to cause her to leave the tournament entirely. On the personal scale of things for Hisa, the family drama probably eclipsed the mahjong tournament. For that matter, she left before the third round, right? Jeez. She only played two rounds!

Haven't you ever had someone come up to you and tell you that you impacted their life (positive or negative) and you don't have any idea who they are? That's probably the same deal with Hisa here.

Looking forward to the Three Ring Avatar Battle next episode.
Jun 22, 2009 2:36 AM

Mar 2008
This episode was an alrighty!!! LOL!
Saki seems to be getting interesting every episode.
By that, I just don't mean the tournament but also the yuri hints around this show. XD
I have only read the manga up to chapter 18 and can't get a hold of it.
(If only I can read Japanese...)

Oh... and I want my Hisa x Mihoko thank you... ^_^

I also wanna learn more about Hisa's past.
Jun 22, 2009 3:39 AM

May 2008
nice episode, i thought the she was going to loose the game after the captain told bochan or whatever her name is some advice,
koromo is cute. ^^
now wondering how nodoka will do.
Jun 22, 2009 7:49 AM

Jul 2008
i wished president would play a little longer, oh well. i just love seeing her plays, wait for bad tiles or call a empty ricchi, pretty awesome. yeah lets see how nodoka will play.

Jun 22, 2009 10:03 AM

Oct 2007
Seeing Saki playing plus-minus zero was awesome but after seeing Hisa playing her bad hobby style and calling a empty ricchi in a bad situation to scare the hell out of everyone to keeps herself from losing point was just beyond awesome in my book.

Oh, I LOLed a little when those people went "ooooooooooh!"
What a best place to put the camera in a loli battle.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jun 22, 2009 11:02 AM

Feb 2008
you can tell they are stretching it to fit the 25 episodes. if you have to give details about a character might as well go all the way. so far everything is ok, but i hope next week will be more exciting.
Jun 22, 2009 11:59 AM

Dec 2008
Blackbird said:

Totally saved. <3

Wish there was a bit more interaction between the two, but there might be room for character development later.
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Jun 22, 2009 6:31 PM

Dec 2007
Heh, I enjoyed this episode. Hisa is awesome :D

I didn't think that I'd enjoy this show as much as I do now when I started it. It's so addicting :3
Jun 22, 2009 6:48 PM

Dec 2008
Charliehsv said:
Heh, I enjoyed this episode. Hisa is awesome :D

I didn't think that I'd enjoy this show as much as I do now when I started it. It's so addicting :3

I totally agree; I forgot why I even started watching this show but that's irrelevant.

What matters is that I'm enjoying it more than most other shows that I thought I'd enjoy more this season <looks at Asura Cryin', 07-Ghost and Hatsukoi Limited>
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Jun 22, 2009 7:01 PM

Sep 2008
<3 Heterochromia
Jun 22, 2009 8:51 PM

Oct 2008
I don't know why I like this anime so much. I know nothing about mahjong and i'm generally not a huge fan of yuri, but I just can't stop watching this anime.

And i really thought nodoka would do something inappropriate with the banana and milk, but then i remembered this is a yuri cartoon.
Jun 22, 2009 9:38 PM

Mar 2008
HitoriTomoyo said:
Blackbird said:

Totally saved. <3

Wish there was a bit more interaction between the two, but there might be room for character development later.

Right on!

Love the girl-meets-girl scene! <3
Jun 22, 2009 10:35 PM

Jan 2008
Siva said:
Oh, I LOLed a little when those people went "ooooooooooh!"
What a best place to put the camera in a loli battle.

Quote Gonzo Staff - "Upskirt is always good camera placement"
Jun 23, 2009 2:38 AM

Aug 2008
datsunvic said:

Quote Gonzo Staff - "Upskirt is always good camera placement"

Seems to work for them!

Jun 23, 2009 5:25 AM

Oct 2007
Nyanta said:
datsunvic said:

Quote Gonzo Staff - "Upskirt is always good camera placement"

Seems to work for them!

And for us, I guess.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jun 23, 2009 2:40 PM
May 2009
Wrote this as a comment elsewhere but it was a pretty fun exercise to try and figure out what exactly was happening in the "empty riichi" round:

The caveat is that I'm just starting to learn mahjong.

It was an “empty” riichi because Hisa’s hand was waiting on a 4 manzi (the ones with characters on them) but there are already 3 4 manzi discarded. Since there’s only 4 of each tile, this means it is impossible for her to win (”even bad waits have their limits!”).

However, in doing so, Hisa kept a pon of 7 sou (the bamboos) that Hajime needed to fulfill her win condition AND she scared off the Tsuruga girl from discarding the 7 sou, leading the Tsuruga girl to bail on her hand. Hisa totally mindf***ed her opponents by intimidating Tsuruga into keeping the 7 sou and discarding a 6 pin (the circles) instead. 6 pin is a “safe” tile because Hajime had just discarded it (can’t win on a tile in your discard pile) and I guess Tsuruga figured that with a 9 pin and 8 pin discarded by Hisa that pins were safe.

If Hisa were playing to try to win as opposed to trying to block someone else, she would have discarded the 7 sou and waited for a 3 manzi or 6 manzi and lost to Hajime. Given that if Hajime had gotten the 7 sou, as sitting east, looks like a 40 fu, 5 han hand, which is a mangan or 12,000 points for her. Ouch! That would have put Ryuumonbuchi squarely in the lead.

Note though this is before the reverse dora calculation. If Hajime had won and gotten a reverse dora, the points would be even higher.
katreusJun 23, 2009 2:43 PM
Jun 23, 2009 11:46 PM

Jun 2009
wow..thanks for the explaination...(_ _)

koromo is very cute!! waiting for her appearance next week...hehehe...
Jun 24, 2009 4:01 AM

Jan 2008
Blackbird said:
Are we watching Yuri or Mahjong?

Jun 25, 2009 8:57 AM

Feb 2008
Well, I shouldn't ask anything. I put Saki on my favorite lists and have been really good in Mahjong, well not as skills as Saki.
Her inhuman luck is way impossible to reach.
Koromo is cute in the outside but the inside she is evil, well mosly likely when she played Mahjong.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 25, 2009 9:18 AM

Oct 2007
Blackbird said:
Well, I shouldn't ask anything. I put Saki on my favorite lists and have been really good in Mahjong, well not as skills as Saki.
Her inhuman luck is way impossible to reach.

Well don't let it bother you. It is just a fiction. Just because you can use Katana, it doesn't mean you have to go for Bankai, right? What I mean is enjoy what you are doing and keep improve it.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Jun 25, 2009 5:18 PM

Feb 2008
Yeah it was only a joke there, I know it's just a fiction. Haha I love your comments. Well yeah I try to enjoy the game. :)

Siva said:
Blackbird said:
Well, I shouldn't ask anything. I put Saki on my favorite lists and have been really good in Mahjong, well not as skills as Saki.
Her inhuman luck is way impossible to reach.

Well don't let it bother you. It is just a fiction. Just because you can use Katana, it doesn't mean you have to go for Bankai, right? What I mean is enjoy what you are doing and keep improve it.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 25, 2009 5:22 PM
Jun 2008
Motoyama said:
<3 Heterochromia

Her plus the President would make this series about five times more awesome. Or at least it would get rid of all that blushing tension these girls seem to have.
Jun 26, 2009 1:28 AM

Feb 2008
To be honest I don't bother the artistics design, everyone have different tasted. xD

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Jun 30, 2009 1:58 AM

Feb 2009
saki running frantically was cute
Jul 3, 2009 12:14 PM

Sep 2008
I enjoyed this episode actually. Even though the focus really wasn't on the game, the yuri that was there was, for the most part, not typical of the show, as in, there was actual character in the relationships.

Also, Saki being a gymnast to cheer for Nodoka amused me.

"You're such an idiot."
~Celty (Durarara)

"How many seconds until the boy confesses his love to the girl?"

Should it be sad now that twice in a season I've been glad that subs scrolls by to quickly for me to process?

Jul 8, 2009 11:15 PM

Dec 2007
This episode is pretty good, and I enjoyed it all. I can’t wait to watch next episode for Nodoka’s match. Oh, I loved few yuri scenes (first few minutes) so much. Koromo is very cute as always.
Jul 9, 2009 12:33 AM
May 2009
gameoffreak8 said:
This episode is pretty good, and I enjoyed it all. I can’t wait to watch next episode for Nodoka’s match. Oh, I loved few yuri scenes (first few minutes) so much. Koromo is very cute as always.

Koromo is freaking scary while playing mahjong. I'd link to an awesome picture of her being just that from the manga but it'd probably be a bit spoiler-y. I am very much hoping that Gonzo will copy that picture though and show it because it really shows off the Loli of Doom.
Jul 13, 2009 10:27 PM

May 2008
Siva said:
Nyanta said:
datsunvic said:

Quote Gonzo Staff - "Upskirt is always good camera placement"

Seems to work for them!

And for us, I guess.
Gonzo is known for this...
Jul 14, 2009 10:22 PM

Mar 2008
katreus said:
Wrote this as a comment elsewhere but it was a pretty fun exercise to try and figure out what exactly was happening in the "empty riichi" round:

The caveat is that I'm just starting to learn mahjong.

It was an “empty” riichi because Hisa’s hand was waiting on a 4 manzi (the ones with characters on them) but there are already 3 4 manzi discarded. Since there’s only 4 of each tile, this means it is impossible for her to win (”even bad waits have their limits!”).

However, in doing so, Hisa kept a pon of 7 sou (the bamboos) that Hajime needed to fulfill her win condition AND she scared off the Tsuruga girl from discarding the 7 sou, leading the Tsuruga girl to bail on her hand. Hisa totally mindf***ed her opponents by intimidating Tsuruga into keeping the 7 sou and discarding a 6 pin (the circles) instead. 6 pin is a “safe” tile because Hajime had just discarded it (can’t win on a tile in your discard pile) and I guess Tsuruga figured that with a 9 pin and 8 pin discarded by Hisa that pins were safe.

If Hisa were playing to try to win as opposed to trying to block someone else, she would have discarded the 7 sou and waited for a 3 manzi or 6 manzi and lost to Hajime. Given that if Hajime had gotten the 7 sou, as sitting east, looks like a 40 fu, 5 han hand, which is a mangan or 12,000 points for her. Ouch! That would have put Ryuumonbuchi squarely in the lead.

Note though this is before the reverse dora calculation. If Hajime had won and gotten a reverse dora, the points would be even higher.

I see... So that explains why...
Actually I had no clue about why it was called an empty riichi. (has not much knowledge on Mahjong)
Thank you for the info katreus!
The President really is amazing with all her skills and intellect.

tehnominator said:
Motoyama said:
<3 Heterochromia

Her plus the President would make this series about five times more awesome. Or at least it would get rid of all that blushing tension these girls seem to have.

KYAAAAA!!! Agreed!!! *nod* *nod*
Of course Mihoko x Hisa is one of the reasons I'm watching Saki.
There are lots of reasons though.
It's just that I simply enjoyed the whole thing.

TechDragon said:
Siva said:
Nyanta said:
datsunvic said:

Quote Gonzo Staff - "Upskirt is always good camera placement"

Seems to work for them!

And for us, I guess.
Gonzo is known for this...

lol! Well, I got used to that already since Strike Witches.
But no... Even before Strike Witches.
I'm just easily used to stuff I guess...
Jul 31, 2009 9:32 PM

Jul 2008
i'm definitely getting a weird feeling from some of these characters....
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Aug 21, 2009 9:01 PM

Nov 2007
Awww Koromo couldn't make friends with Haruka =/ she looks so crestfallen ><, but now it's Haruka's match =] go go! ^^
Apr 21, 2014 11:46 AM

May 2012
A great the penguin is alright! That butler though! Pretty decent development with some interesting backstory about that girl with the bunny ears!
Jun 1, 2014 7:10 PM
Sep 2011
Kinda feel sorry for Kazekoshi and Tsuruga. With participants like Nodoka, Amae and Saki, there's very little chance for them to stage any comeback.

And so far, only Touka's remembered Nodoka for her abilities. - Channelling some Flan there, Koromo.
hexzoneJun 1, 2014 9:59 PM
Nov 26, 2014 2:37 AM

Mar 2014
The Fate of the intertwined eyes ~ !!
Etopen repaired !! .. "simply stupendous." !!
First meeting with the indestructible machine !!
Noteworthy performance by the players on the match .. especially kiyosumi ~ !!
The blushes .. .. makes them so cute !! 'Yuri' is getting bigger !!
"Finals" is about to begin !! Saki was 'dashing' ~ !! Win !!
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 20, 2015 10:34 PM

Jun 2013
Another great episode! Though i almost cried at the girl who was about to ask Nonaka to be her friend :(
Jan 11, 2016 9:59 AM

Dec 2010
Good episode although less intense. The next one is bound to be good as well.
Apr 6, 2016 5:12 PM

Feb 2013
That Butler is amazing. He can do anything.
May 27, 2017 10:27 AM

Jul 2015
That butler with the godlike mechanics!

Really hyped for Nodoka's fight, let's see how it goes.
Aug 24, 2019 4:02 PM

Apr 2018
They're all just so cute
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