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Dec 6, 2007 11:44 AM

Oct 2007
Haha an awesome start of a new ark.
Yesterday Ichinose moved almost to the top of my favorite charackters list and it's so awesome to see more from her.

"Nande yanen"

I laughed so hard i choked. Ichinose says so much funny I probably shouldn't watch Clannad while I'm sick like now. I can't add all of ichinoses comments but seriously:


Dec 6, 2007 11:14 PM

Nov 2007
Tomoya-kun konichiwa. XD

I really liked this episode. However, I'm not familiar with manzai so most of the dialogue pertaining to it went over my head.
Wheelman56Dec 6, 2007 11:18 PM
Dec 7, 2007 12:43 AM

Apr 2007
With just this episode Ichinose jumped from the bottom of my favorite to #2. In terms of comedy i think this is the best episode...just couldn't stop laughing the whole episode.

"Ijimeko?" plus Kotomi's violin skills are amazing...manging to break the lights and windows and trying to teach Kotomi Tsukkomi was the best

and go Tomoyo!

The Red Truth is the only truth in the world
Dec 7, 2007 1:25 AM

Oct 2007
xD Awesome episode! :3

LOL. Lots of air time from Kotomi-chan <3 She's jumped into my faves now ><

Can't wait for the next episode! :D
Dec 7, 2007 5:17 AM

Oct 2007
A lovely episode indeed :P

Ichinose is very cute like that, lovely character... awful violin skills :P

Anyone else got the impression that Kyo is into Tomoya-kun???
FriendlysoulDec 7, 2007 5:23 AM
Dec 7, 2007 6:23 AM

Nov 2007
Ahh Kotomi was just to cute.
Great episode there where allot scene's I just couldn't stop laughing and now I know for sure that Kotomi is my fav =D.

I got also the impression that Kyo likes Tomoya yes, when she said something about another person and in the preview of the next episode it looks allot like that also.
Dec 7, 2007 6:25 AM

Oct 2007
Nadeshiko said:
Ahh Kotomi was just to cute.
Great episode there where allot scene's I just couldn't stop laughing and now I know for sure that Kotomi is my fav =D.

I got also the impression that Kyo likes Tomoya yes, when she said something about another person and in the preview of the next episode it looks allot like that also.

Mhm. I noticed that too >< Awh, Kyou~ Could it be true? Or maybe something else... :o
Dec 7, 2007 10:41 AM

Dec 2007
OMG, those are mad violin skills XD Suddenly i got the impression that Kotomi might have the strogest attack out of them all...
You know, like in those fighting games. Tomoyo uses her kick, Kyou attacks with her Tsukkomi then Kotomi comes out with violin... everyone escapes from arena :D

Also her "Ijimeko" together with "tomoya-kun, konnichiwa..." ruled XD

I make a prediction! Kotomi's problems are about her parents ;P

-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
Dec 7, 2007 1:11 PM

Nov 2007
Great begining of a new arc. I'm still sad about Fuko though and it's also really sad that everyone forgot about her anyway. I still don't know if she really died or not (though I hope she didn't cause shes my favorite charicter). I'm also still wondering what's up with the girl and the robot thing. Guess we'll find out later in the series.
Dec 7, 2007 2:03 PM

Jun 2007
Friendlysoul said:
Anyone else got the impression that Kyo is into Tomoya-kun???

I kind've got that impression, but I think she's actually looking out for her sister. I think Ryou likes him. Because Kyou said something to Ryou in the club room later in the episode about chances or something.

Dec 7, 2007 2:35 PM
Aug 2007
O man this episode was funny. Kotomi just jumped up 2 my favs in Clannad really hilarious haha and so cute and innocent
Dec 7, 2007 3:29 PM

Dec 2007
I'm still sad about Fuko though and it's also really sad that everyone forgot about her anyway.

Well here goes Kanon/Air series. Heart-breaking tragedies hidden under cover of silly anime comedy with cute girls >.>

-=Real, 100% Lelouch Lamperouge Zealot=-
Dec 7, 2007 4:08 PM

Sep 2007
Great and hilarious episode :) Tomoya- kun, is she a bully? and the tomya- kun konichiwa. It was really hilarious XD

But so sad that everybody, inc. Nagisa and Tomoya, have forgotten about Fuuko again.. :(

Dec 7, 2007 4:18 PM

Feb 2007
I'm so happy that the Kotomi arc has started! I've liked her from the very first scene she appeared in. With Noto Mamiko doing her voice, she really comes to life beautifully.

"The hell is this!?" Kotomi can't play the violin well? Aww...
Dec 7, 2007 5:34 PM

Nov 2007
What did Kyou mean when she told Ryou that she 'made this opportunity' for her and she 'better take a step forward'? Did I miss something or has the meaning of this yet to be foretold?
Dec 7, 2007 5:56 PM

Aug 2007
Kotomi is made of win and love

RosencruezDec 7, 2007 6:18 PM
Dec 7, 2007 6:16 PM

Mar 2007
"Nande yanen!" Ahahaha. I think I'm really going to like Kotomi's arc... The hug with Tomoyo was just so cuuuute~ And of course she got in her usual kick-Sunohara-ass scene.

But... D: The reference to Fuko's arc early in the episode broke my heart. I wonder if they'll ever remember her again?
Dec 7, 2007 6:20 PM

Nov 2007
that was cute, it's a veri nice episode very enjoyable~
Dec 7, 2007 6:21 PM

Oct 2007
dreamscape said:
Friendlysoul said:
Anyone else got the impression that Kyo is into Tomoya-kun???

I kind've got that impression, but I think she's actually looking out for her sister. I think Ryou likes him. Because Kyou said something to Ryou in the club room later in the episode about chances or something.

I see what you mean, and i thought about it also...
But i think he was
a) Looking out for Ryou as she was about to make a friend (Itchinose-chan)
b) Ryou is not a main character, so it would be weird trying to put a story for her when we have 5 girls already!!!
Dec 7, 2007 6:26 PM

Nov 2006
Dec 7, 2007 6:52 PM

Aug 2007
dreamscape said:
I kind've got that impression, but I think she's actually looking out for her sister. I think Ryou likes him. Because Kyou said something to Ryou in the club room later in the episode about chances or something.


"Is she bullying?" "The hell is this!"

roflmao. the preview for next ep was great too
Dec 7, 2007 6:56 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
My favorite part had to be the hug with Tomoyo - sooo cute. And I loved the random pic of Sunohara in his pink pjs in the beginning xD

"Since when have I started calling you Nagisa?" Now if she'll only call him Tomoya again! I'm glad they put in the reference to Fuko; it was nice that she wasn't completely gone, even though they don't remember her.

This was a great beginning to a new arc. Looking forward to more :D
Dec 7, 2007 7:04 PM

Jul 2007
Great episode, seems like Tomoya picked up a new "project" haha
Anyway, its great seeing the story concentrate on Kotomi, she's awesome.
I also loved the Sunohara scene; "Don't move from there! I'll get my rezombie on you!" xD

TrieNov 7, 2009 9:14 PM
Dec 7, 2007 7:11 PM

Aug 2007
God I loved this episode,
Kotomi has always been my favorite character in the Clannad series, she's so airy and her motions are awkward,
this episode really brought out her character, but I feel like they're trying to cut Kyou into the action, merging the Kyou and Kotomi arch into one, not that this is a bad thing but I don't want her steaking Kotomi's thunder
Dec 7, 2007 7:40 PM

Nov 2007

I keep hearing that the scene was a lot more touchy in the game. Shame that we didn't get it in the anime.

And Tomoya got all Lucky-Star like in the theater room; did anyone else catch that?

Love the new arc so far, but Kotomi hasn't surpassed Fuuko just yet. Might take a little more.
Dec 7, 2007 7:58 PM

Nov 2007
I think I missed the park with the REZOMBIE. I'll watch it again later.
Dec 7, 2007 8:06 PM

Aug 2007
Hellmonkey said:
I think I missed the park with the REZOMBIE. I'll watch it again later.

I think it was different between the two subbing groups. The one I saw said something like "revonge"
Dec 7, 2007 8:34 PM

Nov 2007
<3 ichinose XD
Dec 7, 2007 9:16 PM

Nov 2007
haha i loved this episode
the animation in the beginning of the episode was beautiful and kotomi is so cute
also i just noticed kyou and kotomi has the same hair and eye color

yuichii2Dec 7, 2007 9:21 PM

Dec 7, 2007 9:37 PM

Oct 2007
awesomeness....but I didn't undestand that part with the jab in the theater room quite well...both what tomoya and ichinose said...I missed something =( *feels stupid*
Dec 7, 2007 10:07 PM

May 2007
yuichii2 said:
also i just noticed kyou and kotomi has the same hair and eye color

Sometimes, you just can't predict Kyou. This episode is win!
Dec 7, 2007 11:03 PM

Sep 2007
Kyoto Animation never fails me.

Kotomi is too adorable in this episode. Even Nagisa, Ryou, and Kyou seemed cuter around her. I look forward to how this arc will unfold.
Dec 7, 2007 11:31 PM

Sep 2007
a great episode to introduce kotomi and alot of kyou.
imo kyou is really liking tomoya.
especially after the preview, or when she was jealous because of nagisa.
i am really looking forward to this arc and how it will develop
Dec 7, 2007 11:51 PM

Jan 2007
Kotomi <33333333333333333333333333333333333

I liked her before but man we she awesome this episode. The rezombie part was hilarious. And Kotomi in the scene with Kyou was so cute. But the preview was just pure win with Kotomi's "what the heck"
Dec 8, 2007 2:12 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Oh man, what a great episode. And I just got reminded why Kyou is my #1 Clannad character, not that I'd ever forget, heh.

Kotomi is awesome, I'm so looking forward to more.




[H+] ³  
Dec 8, 2007 2:47 AM

Nov 2007
Guidan said:
awesomeness....but I didn't undestand that part with the jab in the theater room quite well...both what tomoya and ichinose said...I missed something =( *feels stupid*

Don't feel stupid. ^^ It's a Japanese culture thing. The boke/tsukkomi (funny man/straight man) style of comedy.

The tsukkomi usually carries a harisen (those giant paper fans) to hit the boke with whenever he says something stupid. If you've seen Full Metal Panic, Kaname whacks Sousuke with it many times. Kyou instead kicks Tomoya in the face. ^_^

Konata and Kagami from Lucky Star are a similar Manzai duo.
Dec 8, 2007 3:40 AM

Jul 2007
dreamscape said:
I kind've got that impression, but I think she's actually looking out for her sister. I think Ryou likes him. Because Kyou said something to Ryou in the club room later in the episode about chances or something.

I think so too ^^

I think it's sad that they forgot about Fuko at the end ._.
But I really like Kotomi x3 First I thought she's just a genius who can't interact with others...and somehow she's this way xD but the way how she is it, i just have to like her xD
Tomoya-kun, konnichi wa~
I'm looking forward the next episode :3
Dec 8, 2007 4:12 AM

Aug 2007
Kotomi vs violin Lol'd
Dec 8, 2007 4:23 AM

Nov 2007
Being the genius girl she is, she played five songs on it -simultaneously-. So it sounds beautiful to her, but dissonant to regular ears.

(This is probably not true, as it is not possible on a violin, but it's neat anyway, isn't it.)

I would hope Kotomi gets better. ^^; Based on the OP I was totally looking forward to something really pretty, so the shockwaves really surprised me. I think since there's talk of a recital, it should get good. I'm looking forward to it.
Dec 8, 2007 4:27 AM

Nov 2007
Did anyone get the impression that Kotomi knew how to play the violin well?

On another note I realized that Kotomi is pretty "well-endowed" shes probably a C or D cup.

And the flash of Fuko @ the beginning of the episode was great D:
KY791Dec 8, 2007 4:31 AM
Dec 8, 2007 6:50 AM

Aug 2007
dreamscape said:
Friendlysoul said:
Anyone else got the impression that Kyo is into Tomoya-kun???

I kind've got that impression, but I think she's actually looking out for her sister. I think Ryou likes him. Because Kyou said something to Ryou in the club room later in the episode about chances or something.

I don't think so, I think the whole chance part was referring to Ryou having a chance on Nagisa, remember the episode about them earlier? : )
I also think Kyou likes Tomoya.

My favorite part of this episode was probably the hug between Kyou and Ichinose. Win!

Thanks De-Jay for my claim picture : ).
Dec 8, 2007 7:03 AM
Dec 2007
I dunno why everyone is acting oblivious here. Kyou likes Tomoya, sure, but she's been setting up her sister for a while now which is why she also got mad when Tomoya tricked Ryou into meeting Nagisa. Ryou may not be a main character, but what's that got to do with anything? You don't need to be a main character to affect the story in some way (and the way things look, Kyou's arc will probably be merged with Kotomi's with a decent amount of Ryou in there for good measure).

Funny and decent opening episode for the new arc. The first part was a good bridge between the two arcs (so sad they forgot about Fuko), and Kotomi is just funny. I also got the impression she could play the violin, but I think it was just the Opening that deceived us into thinking that.

Dec 8, 2007 8:15 AM

Oct 2007
Skarith said:
My favorite part of this episode was probably the hug between Kyou and Ichinose. Win!

I second that!!!

Kotomi-chan is simply lovely


Here you go Kotomi-chan and Kyo-san!!!

Kyo is actually a bully :P

Kotomi being bullied was a win also.. she can defend herself :P

And of course we present the Violin...
Dec 8, 2007 9:05 AM

Sep 2007
haha Kotomi's attempt at a jab was too cute ^.^

Dec 8, 2007 9:16 AM

Apr 2007
o_o this thread got big quickly this time...

Anyway, episode thoughts!

I take back what I said about Kotomi. She's just sooo cuute! Her violin skills scared the hell out of me. I was expecting her to be awesome in it, but being forced to study because of her parents. But no! LOL.

I can see the improvement between Nagisa and Tomoya. They just keep getting closer and aren't aware of it. Isn't that just like love happens? I am so glad for how their story is progressing, I just want MORE.

Looks like we're having Kyou's Arc after all. She said "She has yet another rival." I'm sure she means Ryou. I wonder how that will turn out...

I'd also like to point out how I love the animation in the Dream World. There are more frames in the animation, makes it more fluid and eerie. It just fits so nicely, it makes my eyes shine.

Oh! I also like how we just didn't "step over to the next arc," and still have reminiscences of Fuko's arc. Shows just how greatly build the plot and the characters are.

Also, Kyou totally likes Tomoya. She's just a tsundere and wants her sister's happiness more than her own. Come on guys, it's obvious.

"My hobby is bullying weaklings." <-- I LOL'ed so hard.
MaxwellLilyDec 8, 2007 9:24 AM
Dec 8, 2007 9:52 AM

Aug 2007
I enjoyed this episode.

I was thinking they would try to get her out of the her shell, and they did the scenes really well. She was already my favorite characters in the series.
Dec 8, 2007 12:15 PM

May 2007
This anime is pure win.
She's just sooo cuute! Her violin skills scared the hell out of me.

I damn agree with ya

Looks like we're having Kyou's Arc after all. She said "She has yet another rival." I'm sure she means Ryou. I wonder how that will turn out...

I think that now its Kotomi´s arc, then Kyou/Ryou arc will come.

I'd also like to point out how I love the animation in the Dream World. There are more frames in the animation, makes it more fluid and eerie. It just fits so nicely, it makes my eyes shine.

Yeah same here.

Oh! I also like how we just didn't "step over to the next arc," and still have reminiscences of Fuko's arc. Shows just how greatly build the plot and the characters are.

Yeah, this anime really is something. There are alot of other harems which simply have * plots

Also, Kyou totally likes Tomoya. She's just a tsundere and wants her sister's happiness more than her own. Come on guys, it's obvious.

Yeah. you are probably right. But, maybe Tomoya is right, maybe Kyou is Bi lol

"My hobby is bullying weaklings."

Dec 8, 2007 1:29 PM

Nov 2007
Another heart-warming episode. i can relate to Tomoya trying to teach Kotomi about manzai.
Dec 8, 2007 1:37 PM

Nov 2007
Aw~ I liked this episode a lot :3 I first thought Kotomi were just a silent genius o.o Aw dont know how to say this~ but now I think shes funny :3 I like her hair XDDD And I come to like kyou more x33~
Aw and the preview for the 11th ep was so funny xDDD "what the heck"~

I'm looking forward to the next ep =3

Dec 8, 2007 2:29 PM

Nov 2007
Kotomi's arc seems like it'll be pretty good, but not as sad as Fuko's, i hope.
When Kotomi was about to play the violin I though it would be either really good, or awesomely horrible. I'm glad they picked the funnier of the two. It makes me wonder how the recital will go in the next episode.

Of couse everyone likes Tomoya, it makes everything more interesting that way. I'll even bet that Kyou and Ryou confess to Tomoya in the same episode.
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