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Mar 9, 2009 6:41 AM

Jul 2008
Wow, this was definitely my favorite episode from this serie ! There were so much feelings on it and characters were amazing ! And Melo-Melo was looking cute ~~ And the ending was nice :-----------)

Mar 9, 2009 2:07 PM

Jan 2009
Yeah Kakeru wasn't that big of a jerk like he was in the last episode. Once again, though time was limited Gigolo was funny as always...
Mar 18, 2009 8:46 PM

Aug 2008
Wow that ending was so misplaced. Why not just make an entire episode revolving around a costume party?

Invisi-Gigolo was the best part of this episoe. Najimi is a ridiculously selfish person not letting Yell get a job because she needs a maid. And Melon isn't so much Tsundere as she is a spoiled bitch.
Mar 18, 2009 9:00 PM

Nov 2008
This is one of my favorite episodes of the whole series. It was probably one of the more romantic ones that's for sure. I liked the "I'm talking to myself" banter that went down between Kakeru and Melon lol. It was kind of sad seeing all of Melon's unsent messages, learn to use a phone you idiot.

I don't understand how the ending is misplaced. They alluded to it throughout the episode, and obviously a whole episode based on a costume party would be fairly bland...

Najimi didn't want Yell to get a job because she didn't want her exherting herself, yet Yell did anyway. I'm glad they didn't go with the whole "Chi gets a shady job" angle in the end :P

Aren't most Tsundere spoilt bitches? I don't really even classify Melon as one anyway lol. Anyone would react that way to Kakeru and he always provokes the situation hah. She is slightly Tsundere. - My AMV's. I would really appreciate any comments and ratings :]

Mar 18, 2009 9:04 PM
May 2008
So far this was my favorite episode also, it seemed to have the most development between the characters.
Dead Account
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Mar 18, 2009 9:07 PM

Aug 2008
Oh, that's the Yuririn Najimi was talking about? I had to go back into the show just to find it.

I meant like during the party someone had a fight or a misunderstanding like always then people stormed out and the others went to go find them. Like how most party episodes go.
Mar 18, 2009 10:08 PM
Jul 2007
guys GIGOLO-kun is totally my favorite character

it srsly took me like 2 minutes to realized he were there in the back during one of the scenes
Mar 18, 2009 10:51 PM

Oct 2008
A job that works her body at night... ah such perverted imagination. Yeah, this episode was more romantic than I expected, not that there's anything wrong with that. I still got a couple chuckles: Gigolo as ghost and the aforementioned imagining of Yell's work. Too bad Kakeru wasn't as blatantly dirty this episode, those are usually my favorite parts. Nice Najimi pantsu service and the party costumes too.
Mar 18, 2009 11:09 PM

Jul 2008
i think a lot of people would get the wrong idea about "a job at night"; those akikans seem to cause a lot of emotional problems lately... anyways that party was pretty funny, celebrating a witch's birthday on halloween, especially with those costumes, and najimi getting drunk.
so the next episode is about the free time of the akikans, but why have they only shown 3 so far, aren't there more?
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Mar 18, 2009 11:17 PM

Nov 2007
why is it so dumb.

"im such a vile person"

and who the hell complains about being lonely when the write all those txt messages but never sends them. also who's idea in the entire world would catch be throwing the ball away and then running after it. if you are going to play with a baseball bounce it or just throw it into the air and catch it.

kakeru being ridiculous is the only reason why i still watch it and this episode didn't have it. bah.
direblissMar 19, 2009 12:37 AM
Mar 18, 2009 11:50 PM

Jun 2007
I love this show. Especially Kakeru's hug dive and the unsent messages bit.

Swiftstylez said:
"Chi gets a shady job"

^I was thinking the exact same thing. Yell is kinda like a lesbian Chi. Speaking of which, does what Najimi said to Yell mean that they're an official couple now?
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 19, 2009 4:10 AM

Jan 2009
Torisunanohokori said:

^I was thinking the exact same thing. Yell is kinda like a lesbian Chi. Speaking of which, does what Najimi said to Yell mean that they're an official couple now?

It's anyone's guess with this show, but I figured Yurika was enough. Guess they felt the need to add more tension that route. Hell can't blame her switching, with Kakeru either ignoring her attraction to him or just plain oblivious to it...
Mar 19, 2009 5:14 AM

Nov 2008
WTF LOL How is Chi a lesbian when she worked out that she wanted to be with Hideki? You may have a claim for bisexual, but even that is pulling at your freya fantasies. - My AMV's. I would really appreciate any comments and ratings :]

Mar 19, 2009 7:33 AM

Nov 2008
663 seems that Najimi officially became a bi...I think in the end we've got "double pairings"...So KakeruXMelonXNajimi and NajimiXKakeruXYell...and Yurika showsn some interest towards "Gigolo".
Mar 19, 2009 8:18 AM
Mar 2008
Lol at dude being invisible all the time. Cool episode, made me want my own MeloMelo. Liked how she doesn't really know how to play baseball but is a huge fan.
Mar 19, 2009 8:40 AM

Nov 2008
haven't watch it yet
Mar 19, 2009 9:43 AM

Feb 2008
too much sap, not much substance.

we need more budoko. she is more fun.

gigolo is pretty much still the invisible man.
Mar 19, 2009 10:03 AM

Oct 2007
noteDhero said:
I meant like during the party someone had a fight or a misunderstanding like always then people stormed out and the others went to go find them. Like how most party episodes go.
I don't know how many more times they want me to repeat watching this same plot. Now I am grateful about my past that I used to watch sailor moon killing monster everyweek, it was far superior than this shit.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Mar 19, 2009 10:07 AM

Aug 2008
Lol, I know, but that is how the show would have done it. Anything for more Gigolo screen time, I say.
Mar 19, 2009 10:18 AM

Aug 2008
I might be alone with this but for me every time Akikan tries to be something else than a highly perverted comedy it shows its shallow side and looses the only thing that can pull it above mediocrity. At that point not even Najimi can stop the boat from sinking.

I'm not saying this was a horrid episode, just that I didn't find any eminent qualities in it.
Mar 19, 2009 10:40 AM

Aug 2008
I agree with you completely, and I would venture to say that his episode was horrid. But honestly, the people who post in this discussion don't really want to see the show for any of its faults, so I've given up on trying to bring it up.
Mar 19, 2009 12:20 PM

Jun 2008
Didn't like this episode much. Romance is not my thing.
Mar 19, 2009 1:01 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
I agree with you completely, and I would venture to say that his episode was horrid. But honestly, the people who post in this discussion don't really want to see the show for any of its faults, so I've given up on trying to bring it up.

Which is precisely why you're bringing it up here and now. For the fourth time in this discussion alone. Hypocrisy much?

Swiftstylez said:
WTF LOL How is Chi a lesbian when she worked out that she wanted to be with Hideki? You may have a claim for bisexual, but even that is pulling at your freya fantasies.

I said Yell was "kinda like a lesbian Chi" i.e. what Chi would have been like as a lesbian (and her roomie were a girl and not a guy). I stand by my earlier statement. Obviously she's not a lesbian if she likes a straight guy, though it might be more ambiguous if it was Bunny-san.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 19, 2009 1:12 PM

Jan 2009
Haha what an ED ^_^ Average episode, though. Some mediocre drama and few funny moments. Nothing special.
Mar 19, 2009 1:25 PM

Aug 2008
Torisunanohokori said:

Which is precisely why you're bringing it up here and now. For the fourth time in this discussion alone. Hypocrisy much?

Huh?? When did I say anything about this episode being bad besides in that post? My previous comments were about liking Gigolo, the weirdness with the ending, Najimi being selfish, and wanting a separate costume party episode.

Mar 19, 2009 1:49 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
Huh?? When did I say anything about this episode being bad besides in that post? My previous comments were about liking Gigolo, the weirdness with the ending, Najimi being selfish, and wanting a separate costume party episode.

You're sidestepping the point of what I said, which is that you're clearly eager to get involved in spending time discussing the show you admittedly hate (pretty much since episode 1). Time which you could be spending watching anime you actually like.

That aside,
noteDhero said:
Wow that ending was so misplaced
noteDhero said:
(in response to a post saying it was shit) Lol, I know
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 19, 2009 2:01 PM

Aug 2008
I don't think I'm sidestepping the point. You said that I brought up the show being bad for discussion four times. Yet you can only give two "examples" where I'm talking about the ending in specific and agreeing to what Siva said. Moreover, once Swift told me that it had been brought up earlier in the episode it stopped there when I could have continued.

Now, don't try to start arguments over something like why I am watching a show. I'm not disrespectful towards anyone on this website, so as far as I'm concerned, I can post whatever I like. If you don't care to discuss the show, but rather talk about what you enjoyed, don't get mad at others for posting their confusion or any other (seemingly) passive aggressive comments.
Mar 19, 2009 2:12 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
I don't think I'm sidestepping the point. You said that I brought up the show being bad for discussion four times. Yet you can only give two "examples" where I'm talking about the ending in specific and agreeing to what Siva said. Moreover, once Swift told me that it had been brought up earlier in the episode it stopped there when I could have continued.

Now, don't try to start arguments over something like why I am watching a show. I'm not disrespectful towards anyone on this website, so as far as I'm concerned, I can post whatever I like. If you don't care to discuss the show, but rather talk about what you enjoyed, don't get mad at others for posting their confusion or any other (seemingly) passive aggressive comments.

You had posted 4 times prior in this thread, and have been bashing this show ever since the episode 1. Maybe it would have been better to say that you posted 4 times in this thread, but that's getting particular about details when you have already bashed the show in several previous posts. Not saying you don't have a right to hate (I do that often enough), but you're going a bit past that when you say you've given up trying to talk to fans about why a show is shit, dissing said fans in the process, when saying (another example for your pleasure)
noteDhero said:
(t)his episode was horrid
in the very same post.

Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 19, 2009 2:26 PM

Aug 2008
Yes, I have posted 4 times in this thread, and 2.5 posts have been about me liking Gigolo and my wanting a costume party episode separate from this episode.

It's not about talking about why a show is shit, or dissing fans. It's a fact that for whatever reason people are much more defensive in this discussion when I bring up ridiculous/bad things that happen in an episode and quickly jump as a defense mechanism to the trite "you don't have to watch it" than in any of the other shows. There is no room for talking about it in here.

It's not a diss, it's an observation. I met that observation by not saying anything overly negative/flameworthy since episode 4 or 5 with a slip up in episode 6.

I don't think I'm going past the point of bashing when I say this episode was horrid. If you would like to have a discussion on why I think so, I would be more than obliged to give my reasons.
Mar 19, 2009 2:43 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
Yes, I have posted 4 times in this thread, and 2.5 posts have been about me liking Gigolo and my wanting a costume party episode separate from this episode.

It's not about talking about why a show is shit, or dissing fans. It's a fact that for whatever reason people are much more defensive in this discussion when I bring up ridiculous/bad things that happen in an episode and quickly jump as a defense mechanism to the trite "you don't have to watch it" than in any of the other shows. There is no room for talking about it in here.

It's not a diss, it's an observation. I met that observation by not saying anything overly negative/flameworthy since episode 4 or 5 with a slip up in episode 6.

I don't think I'm going past the point of bashing when I say this episode was horrid. If you would like to have a discussion on why I think so, I would be more than obliged to give my reasons.

I apologize if you feel that you've been impugned by people who went after your posts. Most people feel at least a little defensive when they see the shows they like bashed, and if you do post in a public forum, it's reasonable to expect people to respond. Because this show is more iffy in the enjoyment area, it's reasonable to expect more discussion, and I like to hear different opinions on series even when they disagree with mine. I also like to hear those who disagree with those people, and those who disagree with those people, etc.

So I usually keep a low profile about critics I disagree with. But what gets to me is when people say "I hate this show/episode", and then go on to say "but I'm not gonna say it/talk about it" in the same breath, which is what you did. Personal flash point there - if you're going to go on a public forum and state your opinion repeatedly (especially if its unpopular), either be prepared to defend it repeatedly or just stop making repeated declarative statements and let the one time you posted your opinion stand for itself.

If you think this show's horsemen of reaction are bad, you should see how defensive Haruhi fans get. Gott in Himmel...
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 19, 2009 3:02 PM

Aug 2008
Well, I do expect all of those things to happen, but it doesn't happen in this show. I'm fully prepared to explain myself, but like I said, every other time I've done that, I don't get discussion in response. There is relatively no discussion in Akikan's forum. It's a list of what each person liked in the episode. That's why this show (in my opinon) is bad. The show tries to do too many things while not having a discernable plot.

If you look at any of my other posts outside of Akikan (and Sora Kake Girl, which is almost just as bad), my blog entries, and my about me slot on my profile, then you'd see that I really like to discuss the good and bad points of shows that I like and dislike evenly. I thought that you knew that but I might be mistaking you with someone else who has the same avatar.

I don't know about Haruhi, since I haven't witnessed terrible discussion on it, but Clannad and Toradora can get ridiculous. The difference there is that for the most part, people come prepared with evidence from the show as well as personal feelings.
Mar 19, 2009 3:53 PM

Jan 2009
I really enjoyed this episode, heck the music was even touching during the emotional scenes when Kakeru and Najimi where realising the extent of their relationship with there Akikan.

It tries to add some emotional depth to a otherwise lighthearted series and thus imo was a nice change of pace.

The invis Gigolo gag was amusing though, in beginning I thought it was bad sub quality until he suddenly "phased" back in.

Also the flames/trolling is boring in these discussion threads, just google internet arguement images for my opinion on it. Also from the posts I read in this thread, it mostly been show specific comments so far par the obvious flaming. I'm sure I already told haters not to troll or to spend there time doing things they enjoy instead of posting nonsense.

Also after the emotional part, you got the lol bday/halloween episode, with the bondage wrap yell and "drunk" Najimi gag.

Maybe its cliche but at least you know Akikan isn't trying decieve you or anything like other so called "better anime" (I'm look at you SR)
AlliedGMar 19, 2009 3:56 PM
Mar 19, 2009 5:50 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
Well, I do expect all of those things to happen, but it doesn't happen in this show. I'm fully prepared to explain myself, but like I said, every other time I've done that, I don't get discussion in response. There is relatively no discussion in Akikan's forum. It's a list of what each person liked in the episode. That's why this show (in my opinon) is bad. The show tries to do too many things while not having a discernable plot.

If you look at any of my other posts outside of Akikan (and Sora Kake Girl, which is almost just as bad), my blog entries, and my about me slot on my profile, then you'd see that I really like to discuss the good and bad points of shows that I like and dislike evenly. I thought that you knew that but I might be mistaking you with someone else who has the same avatar.

I don't know about Haruhi, since I haven't witnessed terrible discussion on it, but Clannad and Toradora can get ridiculous. The difference there is that for the most part, people come prepared with evidence from the show as well as personal feelings.

I don't profile-stalk people or peruse their ratings, so that might be why I don't know your anime philosophy. I only know of you from the OO discussion. Where, granted, you have been fair enough if not always agreeable.

From what you're saying, it sounds like your main gripe is more with Akikan's lack of plot which merits a back-and-forth discussion. Typically, type-1 (depth-free, ep-by-ep) romcoms don't have the kind of plot which really merits discussion beyond saying what you did/didn't enjoy and ship wars. Akikan isn't really popular enough to have the shipper wars, so the posts have become largely lists of what viewers enjoy (and what they don't). True, there's also potential discussion in what makes the jokes funny, but those discussions bore people of any alignment.

Personally, I would have much liked a discussion tangent focusing on how having a confessed and OTT perv as the protagonist and the useless guy as the other male alters the traditional harem comedy dynamics (which is my main reason why, art aside, I enjoyed this show more than any recent purveyor of its genre). But there was too much bandying of clever jokes about the better-than-Ten art in the first several episode threads, and fans of the show's comedy did spend their time refuting that. So the time for discussion on series dynamics passed on without one occuring.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 19, 2009 6:03 PM
Jun 2008
I am enjoying Akikan somewhat, despite its faults. I like Anime romance, so the possible relationship between Melon and Kakeru is welcome. However, I am concerned that I'm going to end up with yet another series that ends without really ending. The Akikan elect was supposed to be a major focus, and there are obviously more of them. Will they cram that into the remaining 3 episodes or will I get a second season (although I can't see this show getting one).
Mar 19, 2009 7:20 PM

Aug 2008
This one was a little too dramatic to me. I'm still waiting for a Budoko (grape-chan) episode.
Mar 19, 2009 7:28 PM

Aug 2008
Torisunanohokori said:

I don't profile-stalk people or peruse their ratings, so that might be why I don't know your anime philosophy. I only know of you from the OO discussion. Where, granted, you have been fair enough if not always agreeable.

From what you're saying, it sounds like your main gripe is more with Akikan's lack of plot which merits a back-and-forth discussion. Typically, type-1 (depth-free, ep-by-ep) romcoms don't have the kind of plot which really merits discussion beyond saying what you did/didn't enjoy and ship wars. Akikan isn't really popular enough to have the shipper wars, so the posts have become largely lists of what viewers enjoy (and what they don't). True, there's also potential discussion in what makes the jokes funny, but those discussions bore people of any alignment.

Personally, I would have much liked a discussion tangent focusing on how having a confessed and OTT perv as the protagonist and the useless guy as the other male alters the traditional harem comedy dynamics (which is my main reason why, art aside, I enjoyed this show more than any recent purveyor of its genre). But there was too much bandying of clever jokes about the better-than-Ten art in the first several episode threads, and fans of the show's comedy did spend their time refuting that. So the time for discussion on series dynamics passed on without one occuring.

Actually, it started out as a lack of plot, but as the episodes have gone on, it really is a lack of any depth at all. It's missing depth (or consistent thought, rather) in characters, plot, and tone. Like I said. This show tries to be an off-the wall comedy, then tries to be a sappy, heartfelt romance, and then tries to frame it all inside a high school shounen action show with elements of parody. However, since it didn't take care to introducing characters, everything except for the over the top comedy with Kakeru falls flat.

I tried to talk about it when they introduced that ridiculous backstory with Kakeru and Najimi, and again, no one cared to really discuss it. There is a terrible sense of pace when switching between tone and genre. The thought that you can just toss in something like "you saved me from gunpoint at school, because I'm really rich, and you shot the kidnappers" is crazy. And then to not really have that show up again is just a weird attempt at characterization.

I said last week that Yell was so grossly out of character that it was shocking. They really have made her into something different from how she was introduced to fit this weird semi-love story between her and Najimi.

Then we have Najimi's actions in this episode. Is this supposedly sweet girl really so selfish and self-absorbed that she wouldn't let Yell have a job? Or was I the only person really taken aback by her reaction to what Yell wants.

It just seems like everytime they introduce a scenario for the main characters, they don't act any way indicated when they're in default mode. They are all slaves to the "plot."
Mar 19, 2009 9:09 PM

Jul 2008
I don't see the point of arguing about this series. I mean, it is afterall about cans turning into girls after you drink the juice. I don't see the point of having a serious argument or even a discussion for that matter about a show that isn't really meant to be taken too seriously in the first place. Except for the episodes about the relationships between cans and owners like in this one.

On that note, I didn't like this episode, too much seriousness. Najimi acted like a brat with her line of "If you collapse than there will be no one to be the maid" to keep Yell from getting a job. I thought those two already progressed to being friends, but that doesn't really sound like a friendly think to say. And then, when Takeru saw all those unsent messages in Melon's phone. It's like they couldn't really think of another way to get it through his thick skull that she was lonely.
Mar 20, 2009 8:59 AM

Dec 2007
patient_senses said:
Najimi acted like a brat with her line of "If you collapse than there will be no one to be the maid" to keep Yell from getting a job.

Just where the hell did you get that line from.
"But Yell, if you work ever harder, you'll collapse" - concern
"Who'd do the housework if you collapse?" - typical Najimi's kiddy talk, yet it is still concern about Yell, because it's Yell as Akikan who has strong need to be helpful to her owner - not Najimi who desperately need someone as her personal maid (she lived earlier without her and was doing just fine)
Either way, Najimi didn't want Yell to have another job because she cares of her, not because she is brat who thinks only about who'll do the chores.
Mar 20, 2009 9:16 AM

Aug 2008
It could be construed that way based off of dialogue alone, but the tone in Najimi's voice was devoid of worry. It was genuine confusion. Like she was thinking: "I said you were going to be my maid...if you have another job, then you can't be my maid." Najimi so far has not proven to be considerate for other people. She has proven to be aloof, obsessive, and possessive over Kakeru. She has had little concern for Yell.

Do you remember what her apartment looked like before Yell. She needed someone to clean up after her.
Mar 20, 2009 9:56 AM

Nov 2008
it was funny and sad
Mar 20, 2009 10:18 AM

Dec 2007
LOL I see we've not only read different subtitles but also been watching different anime. Just as reminder - few seconds earlier Najimi was proposing Yell money, as "at the very least she can do for her (Yell's) hard work". And few seconds later when Yell said to Najimi to forget about that, Najimi asked her "is that really okay" with voice soaking with care.
Now, you may still insist that her tone was devoid of worry there (I see it totally different) but with all happened in this dialouge - Najimi as brat simply does.not.compute
And yes I agree, Najimi wasn't considerate for other people and she was (and still is) big kid - but people sometimes change and grow up, and you can't deny Najimi has changed since sixth episode when she tried to get rid of Yell in her typical spoiled kid way.
Mar 20, 2009 10:35 AM

Aug 2008
Again, what you're saying is true when you're writing out the dialogue, but I see it as differntly given a) the character, and b) the tone. There was a total lack of understanding that Yell wanted to do something for herself (which still turned out being for Najimi). And she guilted her (you might collapse, who'll do the chores) in to closing the subject. If anything that is an inconsistency in the actress' delivery, but that's just the way I see it.

I would say that she hasn't grown up. Look at the way she snapped at Yell when she found her. It's the same ups and downs as before, except now its about a job and not about being an Akikan.
Mar 20, 2009 2:00 PM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
Actually, it started out as a lack of plot, but as the episodes have gone on, it really is a lack of any depth at all. It's missing depth (or consistent thought, rather) in characters, plot, and tone. Like I said. This show tries to be an off-the wall comedy, then tries to be a sappy, heartfelt romance, and then tries to frame it all inside a high school shounen action show with elements of parody. However, since it didn't take care to introducing characters, everything except for the over the top comedy with Kakeru falls flat.

Weren't you saying that you enjoyed the Gigolo gags too earlier?

I think the genre blending is actually advantageous for Akikan a a show, as it makes the outcomes of a given situation more unpredictable. Sure, I'm going to get hit with a cliche or two no matter what route the writers take, but at least I'll have a fair chance of being pleasantly surprised.

noteDhero said:
I tried to talk about it when they introduced that ridiculous backstory with Kakeru and Najimi, and again, no one cared to really discuss it. There is a terrible sense of pace when switching between tone and genre. The thought that you can just toss in something like "you saved me from gunpoint at school, because I'm really rich, and you shot the kidnappers" is crazy. And then to not really have that show up again is just a weird attempt at characterization.

As I recall, the original goal of the kidnap flashback scene was to flesh out the impression of Kakeru as a pervy yet capable guy. As far as rich people having assassin squads sent after them, I think that's simply a cliche which I'm able to live with, one which Akikan didn't invent. I'm honestly glad that they don't flash back to "that day" constantly as the primary driving force behind the characters, as that would be generic and quite boring. The past is rarely as interesting as the present.
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 20, 2009 2:34 PM

Aug 2008
That's also what I said earlier in the discussions. That Akikan would be a lot better if they stuck with the off-the wall humor led by Kakeru and sometimes shared with the gay guy and Gigolo. If the show didn't try to take itself as seriously as this and the previous episode and try to be more of a parody the effect of a lot of what's going on would be increased multiple times.

But that's what I'm saying. There were a million ways to try and characterize Kakeru that way without drastically changing the tone of the show. Those events cleary still had an affect on him given the way he reacted to Najimi's little stroll down memory lane. Why would you specificaly choose that dark of a flashback and then not roll with it. It was just terribly out of place.

But really though, what motivates Kakeru? It isn't his past, and it isn't sex (evidenced by the many times Najimi has forced herself on him). Those are the only two things we know about him. It's weird to be so in the dark about a main character.
Mar 20, 2009 10:44 PM

Nov 2008
crazy_eights said:
why is it so dumb.

"im such a vile person"

and who the hell complains about being lonely when the write all those txt messages but never sends them. also who's idea in the entire world would catch be throwing the ball away and then running after it. if you are going to play with a baseball bounce it or just throw it into the air and catch it.

kakeru being ridiculous is the only reason why i still watch it and this episode didn't have it. bah.

Are you drunk? It would seem that your knowledge of phones is even more limited than Melon's. The messages didn't send properly. You know how you don't have reception sometimes and it doesn't go through? Or maybe she just didn't know how to send them properly?

She didn't CHOOSE not to send them..

Which explains why all her feelings regarding baseball etc were unrequited at the start. Because Kakeru wasn't aware of how "lonely" she was.

As for her PITCHING the baseball to herself, that is what you do in baseball. I am not an expert at all in baseball but I know that throwing it into the air is definitely not the same as a pitch and you wouldn't get much better at it. It'd be alright to practice catching but.

Torisunanohokori said:
noteDhero said:
I agree with you completely, and I would venture to say that his episode was horrid. But honestly, the people who post in this discussion don't really want to see the show for any of its faults, so I've given up on trying to bring it up.

Which is precisely why you're bringing it up here and now. For the fourth time in this discussion alone. Hypocrisy much?

Swiftstylez said:
WTF LOL How is Chi a lesbian when she worked out that she wanted to be with Hideki? You may have a claim for bisexual, but even that is pulling at your freya fantasies.

I said Yell was "kinda like a lesbian Chi" i.e. what Chi would have been like as a lesbian (and her roomie were a girl and not a guy). I stand by my earlier statement. Obviously she's not a lesbian if she likes a straight guy, though it might be more ambiguous if it was Bunny-san.

Lol that Bunny guy is so whack.
AnistylezMar 20, 2009 10:55 PM - My AMV's. I would really appreciate any comments and ratings :]

Mar 21, 2009 7:07 AM

Jan 2009
lol the serious discussion of akikan, its like another ef =p
Mar 21, 2009 8:36 AM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
That's also what I said earlier in the discussions. That Akikan would be a lot better if they stuck with the off-the wall humor led by Kakeru and sometimes shared with the gay guy and Gigolo. If the show didn't try to take itself as seriously as this and the previous episode and try to be more of a parody the effect of a lot of what's going on would be increased multiple times.

But that's what I'm saying. There were a million ways to try and characterize Kakeru that way without drastically changing the tone of the show. Those events cleary still had an affect on him given the way he reacted to Najimi's little stroll down memory lane. Why would you specificaly choose that dark of a flashback and then not roll with it. It was just terribly out of place.

But really though, what motivates Kakeru? It isn't his past, and it isn't sex (evidenced by the many times Najimi has forced herself on him). Those are the only two things we know about him. It's weird to be so in the dark about a main character.

I agree with you about the sentimentality to an extent - I could care less about suddenly lesbian Yell and her relationship with Najimi. But I find the sentimental bit in Akikan to be a refreshing, if minor, subversion of the Tsundere formula. Normally when a guy gets involved in a romantic situation with a Tsundere-type girl, the scene gets all awkward and they just stand there for a while before the girl takes back everything she said and nukes the bejeezus out of the guy ala ZnT (where the relationship never, ever progresses). With this show, we still get the tender moments and the Tsundere warmup, but, thanks to Kakeru's pervy dives and general competence at being serious when he needs to be, the moment actually ends on a semi-positive note and the relationship advances a little bit.

This isn't exactly the first time we've been relatively in the dark about a main character. All we ever knew about Kintaro Oe was that he gave up his degree to pursue a more varied program of "studies" (aside from his miscellaneous mad skills). He certainly wasn't a consistent pervert, at least not when the lover girls came calling. George Kodama's motivations in Kaze no Yojimbo were explained only in the last 5 episodes of a 25-ep series. And Akagi Shigeru gained a large fanbase while having an unknown past enough so that he got an entire prequel explaining him after Ten finished publishing. And his early beginnings are still kept hidden in that prequel. Some characters are just meant to act in a particular way with an uncertain backstory, to give the audience cause for speculation, especially if that character manages to garner fans without a backstory. It could also be that explaining his backstory would cause him to appear less of a pervy badass.

It could also be said that not all high school students have deep driving motivations and some just act impulsively (remember, they all have underdeveloped frontal lobes).
Shameless Blog Plugging:
Mar 21, 2009 9:24 AM

Aug 2008
Losing the sentimentality all together wasn't what I meant, but we definitely don't need two episodes in a row about relationshps. I agree with you're thoughts on the Tsundere formula, but with Kakeru most of that staleness could be avoided with a preverted comment.

Well, I haven't seen any of the shows you are talking about besides Golden Boy, and that show was absolute garbage. Much worse than Akikan, so bringing that up doesn't enforce anything positive for you in my mind. But I do somewhat understand what you are talking about, and for me, when the writing doesnt bother to give a proper understanding of the main character the show as a whole will fail to some degree. There is nothing wrong with characters being multi-faceted. Especially in comedy where there is a danger of them being one-note.

Again, I agree with you, but for this sake of a show, you have to go one of two directions: Go completely over the top, or do the drama/romance and make the characters more consistent. Toradora (up until the last few episodes) did a good job of making characters act impulsively but with consistency in their character.
Mar 21, 2009 9:36 AM

Nov 2008
kind of boring this episode hope the next one will be hilarious
Mar 21, 2009 11:47 AM

Jun 2007
noteDhero said:
Losing the sentimentality all together wasn't what I meant, but we definitely don't need two episodes in a row about relationshps. I agree with you're thoughts on the Tsundere formula, but with Kakeru most of that staleness could be avoided with a preverted comment.

Well, I haven't seen any of the shows you are talking about besides Golden Boy, and that show was absolute garbage. Much worse than Akikan, so bringing that up doesn't enforce anything positive for you in my mind. But I do somewhat understand what you are talking about, and for me, when the writing doesnt bother to give a proper understanding of the main character the show as a whole will fail to some degree. There is nothing wrong with characters being multi-faceted. Especially in comedy where there is a danger of them being one-note.

Again, I agree with you, but for this sake of a show, you have to go one of two directions: Go completely over the top, or do the drama/romance and make the characters more consistent. Toradora (up until the last few episodes) did a good job of making characters act impulsively but with consistency in their character.

I would say Full Metal Panic would be a good counterexample to that last idea, the drama or OTT one. One of the reasons why I enjoyed the original season more than either of the sequels was that it had a good ratio of comedy to drama which made both more enjoyable. Both of the sequels were way heavy on one end, which weakened both to some degree by making them way too predictable (nothing important happened in Fumoffu, while nothing light-hearted happened in TSR).

I see no problem with one-noted comedy characters, so long as it's uncertain who wins an exchange. The only one-note characters I find really objectionable is those who always get the best of everyone else and have no weaknesses (ala certain older sister types), thereby breaking all interesting plot. Akikan, to my mind, has mostly one-note characters, but the group dynamic saves it in that all of the characters have taken something of a comedic smackdown at least once. This bumps up the hilarity for me because it means that any two characters together could result in some new outcome each time.
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