Feb 1, 2009 2:00 PM
Feb 1, 2009 3:49 PM
I really like Road and Allen though for some reason Lavi and Road isn't bad either in my mind (yeah I'm strange). As for yaoi I'd go for Lavi and Allen. I can't think of any yuri pairing either since the only girl that I like is Road |
Feb 2, 2009 8:18 AM
My fave yaoi pairing is definietly Lavi/Kanda. Although I love Kanda/Allen and Lavi/Allen too. Road and Allen ftw =P Lavi and Road are actually cute together so I wouldn't mind it. I like Bak/Fou too but I can't imagine then as a couple - they're better as friends. ... DGM seriously needs more awesome females =O |
Feb 3, 2009 10:30 AM
I like; LavixKanda (MAYBE KandaxLavi), LavixDeak (Or other way around), AllenxLavi, KandaxAllen and TykixLavi! But the most, I love threesome (LavixKandaxAllen) XD It's just hawt! And foursome (TykiXLavixKandaxAllen) is good as well! XD Yaoi pairings!<3 |
Feb 5, 2009 2:51 AM
frii-chan said: I like; LavixKanda (MAYBE KandaxLavi) Uke Kanda = <333 |
Feb 5, 2009 4:15 AM
frii-chan said: I like; LavixKanda (MAYBE KandaxLavi), LavixDeak (Or other way around), AllenxLavi, KandaxAllen and TykixLavi! But the most, I love threesome (LavixKandaxAllen) XD It's just hawt! And foursome (TykiXLavixKandaxAllen) is good as well! XD Yaoi pairings!<3 O.O threesome, foresome, way too much people if you ask me. I am sticking with the actually pairings, 2 people XD |
Feb 6, 2009 11:38 AM
I mainly support Komui x Miranda. It doesn't make much canonical sense, but would be SO cute~ for yaoi, I support: Tyki x Allen Kanda x Lavi Tyki x Kanda Kanda x Allen |
Ich verstehe nicht |
Feb 6, 2009 5:09 PM
for the first time I've watched d.gray-man I'm madly in love with Lavi x Allen pairing, and can't see them with someone else <3 other yaoi pairing I support is Komui x Bak. for hetero, I'd say Tyki x Miranda. cute <3 and oh, I pair Lenalee with Kanda, because I somehow can't see him with another boy, and it's only in fanfiction and good imagination, so annoying Lena CAN be not-so-bad actually ;d |
Feb 7, 2009 12:24 PM
I like AllenxRoad, TykixRoad, LavixKanda, BakxFou, LavixChomesuke, and LavixMiranda. Wow... I like alot of pairings with Lavi in them o.O He's not even my favorite character. XD |
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Feb 7, 2009 12:43 PM
I was tempted to write Tyki/Road as well but didn't since my preference of incest couples is kind of creepy to some people XD But I guess that pairing is nice as well, although Allen/Road is definitely way better, those 2 are a perfect fit if you ask me |
Feb 11, 2009 5:27 PM
Okay, so, usually I'm not the biggest fan of yuri/yaoi pairings. xD But... if I had to pick... Oh geez, I'm not sure. >w< If I had to pick, probably MirandaxKrory. xD I don't know where I got that, but they remind me so much of each other ;m; Now, I could make a big list about the pairings I hate. :| |
Feb 13, 2009 8:03 AM
bunnyMONSTER said: Now, I could make a big list about the pairings I hate. :| Which ones? Just wondering =P |
Feb 18, 2009 8:35 PM
Tina-chan said: Which ones? Just wondering =P Well... xD 1) Allen x Lenalee. I can't stand it. I seriously want to kill Lenalee every time she goes near Allen. 2) Lavi x Lenalee. 3) Kanda x Lenalee. 4) Tyki x Lenalee. 5) Jasdebi/any other Noah x Lenalee. 6) You know what? Anybody x Lenalee XDD 7) Crack pairings like Lenalee x Anita or Road x Lulubell. :\ 8) Yuri pairings. D: 9 )Yaoi? xD That's a small list, I'm really, really lazy so I don't want to name the rest...... it's pretty much #6. >w< By the way, has anybody noticed how Allen is the 14th Noah (or something like that?) and is supposed to kill someone he loves? Yeah. It's Lenalee. I read it somewhere, I think? xD *probably providing false information* But he's like, not telling Lenalee about how he's going to kill her one day because of their "deep emotional bond". So I was just like *cough* bullshit *cough* and I'm actually hoping he doesn't kill her, because that would mean that Allen loves her ;A; Plus he would probably commit suicide afterwards for killing the "person he loved the most". God, she's such a Mary-Sue it's not even funny. sorry about that. D: |
Feb 19, 2009 3:38 PM
lol you just pretty much hate every pairing with Lenalee. It's the same thing here though. I think that I hate Road x Lenalee more then Allen/Lavi x Lenalee, dunno why. I hate Allen x Kanda since I dislike Kanda and I think those are all the pairing I don't like. Yeah well they did say in the anime if I remember right that he's 14th though about that part with killing someone that he loves that did mention that, but only later in the manga. And ofc he won't kill Lenalee...we'll still get a speech of his love for her though >.< Just imagining that makes me puke, my shounen anime turning into shoujo, do not want. |
Feb 19, 2009 5:30 PM
Lol yeah, that works too. xD Tixy said: And ofc he won't kill Lenalee...we'll still get a speech of his love for her though >.< Just imagining that makes me puke, my shounen anime turning into shoujo, do not want. A speech? From Allen? Declaring his love for Lenalee? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;A; Wow, that's it, I'm dropping. xD I find it kind of rare when Shounen Jump publishes a manga from a female author. I wonder when Hoshino's going to be released from her job working with them, the manga's too girly. My brother asked what the show was about. xD I was like "Simple. There are exorcists. They have special powers called "Innocence" and crap like that. They have to kill these monsters called "akuma" to clean their souls and free them." Then he replies ".... So it's BLEACH." XDDD I never noticed that it was similar to Bleach until now. They're characters are my interesting, in my opinion. Heck, even the characters who are large-chested and show heavy cleavage (lol such as Rangiku) aren't looked at as whores from my eyes. And Lenalee just somehow, blows my whore-detecting meter. |
Feb 19, 2009 6:12 PM
bunnyMONSTER said: A speech? From Allen? Declaring his love for Lenalee? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ;A; Wow, that's it, I'm dropping. xD Well it didn't happen yet but I am guessing that it will. bunnyMONSTER said: I find it kind of rare when Shounen Jump publishes a manga from a female author. Yeah the only other female mangaka that's publishing their work in Jump is Amano Akira who does Reborn and that was is awesome. It might be a bit weaker in the plot department but it makes up by not having any Mary Sues. Actually, all the important female characters are likable and the ones that aren't that good just simple aren't important that much. Male characters are pretty nice and the plot never gets emo. bunnyMONSTER said: ".... So it's BLEACH." Hahaha your brother wins internet XD I too never realized the similarities until now. I always though that Dgm is somewhat similar to FMA though. Rangiku is great since she's pretty funny and has a cool ability. And there are no girls in short skirts, there's the emotionless girl but her skirt is pretty decent. Still Dgm will always be superior to Bleach becuz of the plot. |
Feb 19, 2009 8:32 PM
Tixy said: Well it didn't happen yet but I am guessing that it will. ... Boy, I can't wait to see how that goes. :| Tixy said: It might be a bit weaker in the plot department but it makes up by not having any Mary Sues. Actually, all the important female characters are likable and the ones that aren't that good just simple aren't important that much. Male characters are pretty nice and the plot never gets emo. Sounds decent, maybe I should start reading it. :3 Tixy said: I always though that Dgm is somewhat similar to FMA though. I remember hearing long rants about that all over the internet. XD Edward: tired to bring his mother back, lost his body parts because of it, nearly died, his right arm was now a destructive weapon, child prodigy. Allen: tried to bring his father back, was cursed because of it, nearly died, now his left arm is a destructive weapon, also child prodigy. XD I love both characters though. They're just so admirable. Tixy said: Rangiku is great since she's pretty funny and has a cool ability. And there are no girls in short skirts, there's the emotionless girl but her skirt is pretty decent. Still Dgm will always be superior to Bleach becuz of the plot. lol, yay. XD I found Bleach first, same with FMA, so it's always going to beat DGM for me. D: I love D. Gray Man's story though. Bleach confused me later on in the chapters and FMA was kind of puzzling too. I liked DGM because I understood the story from the beginning and Hoshino explains the story bit by bit rather than having a little bit here and then a little bit there. I love DGM. Except for Lenalee. But hey, Allen, Lavi, and the rest of the gang can make up for her patheticness. xD |
Mar 10, 2009 11:08 AM
Let's make this thread alive too 8D |
Mar 12, 2009 5:33 PM
Tina-chan said: Let's make this thread alive too 8D The "Why do you hate Lenalee?" thread is swimming in comments, let's start on this one too! Shall we? ... would anybody like the honours... ? >w< |
Mar 13, 2009 2:58 PM
Let's share our hatred towards Lenalee here too ^^ How about talking about crack couples? O_o |
Mar 19, 2009 6:29 PM
Tina-chan said: Let's share our hatred towards Lenalee here too ^^ We shall! xD Tina-chan said: How about talking about crack couples? O_o Does LenaleexCross count as crack? e________e I don't like LenaleexRoad, I've seen quite a few shippers of that. |: AllenxLenalee counts as crack in my opinion cause I still can't believe that anybody would even think of those two being together :P -Allen Walker fangirl moment- omfg, LenaleexKomui xAx freakin' incest people... and... well, there's more, but I'm gonna just list those down for now :3 Yes, AllenxLenalee is the most popular pairing in the show but DAMNIT he can do better >:C |
Mar 21, 2009 6:09 AM
bunnyMONSTER said: Does LenaleexCross count as crack? e________e Definietly... one of the worst ones >.> Same with LenaRoad. Road deserves someone better! Same with Allen. AllenxRoad <33 CrossxKanda? O____O;;; The biggest crack ever xD |
Mar 21, 2009 9:59 AM
Tina-chan said: How about talking about crack couples? O_o A crack pairing with Lenalee?! There's no such thing since we already know that everyone once to bang her, thus making the Lenalee x Cross not crack but rather pretty possible. Tina-chan said: CrossxKanda? O____O;;; The biggest crack ever xD Odd, definitely wouldn't like to see that one XD a question for you all, have you ever come across a dj or some pictures or simply someone that actually likes some crack pairings, and if you did what was the pairing. I cannot think of any right now, dgm doesn't have such a large fan base like naruto for example (oh how I love all the crack pairings from that show people come up with) so we are less likely to have a lot of retarded fans. |
Mar 22, 2009 6:49 AM
Tixy said: have you ever come across a dj or some pictures or simply someone that actually likes some crack pairings, and if you did what was the pairing. I don't think so. Or wait, I've seen LaviMiranda, KandaMiranda, TykiMiranda (lol, everyone with Miranda? xD) - those can be counted as crack pairings I guess? Tixy said: dgm doesn't have such a large fan base like naruto for example (oh how I love all the crack pairings from that show people come up with) so we are less likely to have a lot of retarded fans. Yeah, compared to Naruto, amount of DGM characters is so small xD I found making crack pairings because of that too =S |
Mar 22, 2009 5:41 PM
Tina-chan said: Definietly... one of the worst ones >.> Same with LenaRoad. Road deserves someone better! Same with Allen. AllenxRoad <33 Oh definitely ♥ Though I still feel bad and am refusing to let Allen get paired. xD Tina-chan said: CrossxKanda? O____O;;; The biggest crack ever xD lol YAOI WIN! :D Tixy said: A crack pairing with Lenalee?! There's no such thing since we already know that everyone once to bang her, thus making the Lenalee x Cross not crack but rather pretty possible. You... are a freaking idol towards Anti-Lenalee fans. All hail! xD Tixy said: a question for you all, have you ever come across a dj or some pictures or simply someone that actually likes some crack pairings, and if you did what was the pairing. I cannot think of any right now, dgm doesn't have such a large fan base like naruto for example (oh how I love all the crack pairings from that show people come up with) so we are less likely to have a lot of retarded fans. errrmmphh... I think there's a person on YouTube who makes a bunch of DGM vids with crack pairings, she loves Lenalee though xAx I believe her username was... xxplasticplue? Something like that? She made a LenaleexAnita video and a LenaleexMiranda vid, those count as crack... no doubt... ? There was a LenaleexRoad one too, as well as a LulubellxMimi... Does that count as crack? xD Here's her page, if anyone's interested. |
Mar 27, 2009 2:14 PM
bunnyMONSTER said: Though I still feel bad and am refusing to let Allen get paired. xD I can understand you. I've got similar feeling about my fav bishies xD bunnyMONSTER said: errrmmphh... I think there's a person on YouTube who makes a bunch of DGM vids with crack pairings, she loves Lenalee though xAx I believe her username was... xxplasticplue? Something like that? She made a LenaleexAnita video and a LenaleexMiranda vid, those count as crack... no doubt... ? There was a LenaleexRoad one too, as well as a LulubellxMimi... Does that count as crack? xD Here's her page, if anyone's interested. Damn, so much Lenalee Dx But I'll check them out anyway, maybe they're nicely done. Thanks for the link :D |
Mar 27, 2009 9:43 PM
Tina-chan said: Damn, so much Lenalee Dx But I'll check them out anyway, maybe they're nicely done. Thanks for the link :D What saddens me is that xxplasticplue hates Allen DX She says that he "fills the show with awful toxic crap" ;m; ... I wish she would say the same about Lenalee. XD |
Mar 28, 2009 11:00 AM
Ok I cannot even imagine what mental disorders this girl has. I mean, hating Allen and loving Lenalee, that makes no god damn sense! Also the video where she's talking about making another account - if I saw something like that, regradless if that person loves/hates or doesn't even know who Lenalee is, I'd think that she isn't really that smart. Amvs themselves aren't that bad, aren't that good either. "I'm not afraid to cry" - bwahahaha I'm pretty damn sure you are not by now |
Mar 28, 2009 2:52 PM
Tixy said: hating Allen and loving Lenalee, that makes no god damn sense! Second that. If she both hated Allen and Lenalee - well, that's a shame she hates Allen but he has some haters who are saying he's too plain for being main character etcetc so... I wouldn't be so angry since Lenalee deserves to be hated. But hating Allen and LOVING Lenalee?! I cannot help but lol. Tixy said: "I'm not afraid to cry" Congrats Lena but it's nothing new. |
Mar 29, 2009 2:50 PM
Tina-chan said: Tixy said: hating Allen and loving Lenalee, that makes no god damn sense! Second that. Third. :D I couldn't look at a world where people hate Allen and love Lenalee. I. Can't. STAND Lenalee. What the Hell's so good? Goddamnit, I'm || that close to ranting about how much I hate her. Tixy said: Also the video where she's talking about making another account - if I saw something like that, regradless if that person loves/hates or doesn't even know who Lenalee is, I'd think that she isn't really that smart. Apparently she's been doing it because some person is spamming her videos and reporting them. According to xxplasticplue, they're doing it because they "don't like Lenalee". She told them they sucked and stuff, lol. Tina-chan said: I wouldn't be so angry since Lenalee deserves to be hated. But hating Allen and LOVING Lenalee?! I cannot help but lol. Abso-freakin'-lutely. XD She also writes on the majority of her videos not to bash Lenalee on it cause, if you do, she'll kill you or something like that. Apparently she doesn't care if you put down Lenalee on other peoples' videos since they aren't hers, but if you say something like "Lenalee's a slut" on one of her vids she just SNAPS. Tina-chan said: Tixy said: "I'm not afraid to cry" Congrats Lena but it's nothing new. She's a huge Kanalee/LaviLena fan. .... eh. I understand a character crying. Very much. I fucking hate the emo character who's a professional attention whore that enjoys flaunting the little bit of worthless shit that she has on her body and has every single character with a penis drooling all over her, blushing, getting boners, fapping, and hoping to God that they can hit on her without fear of her brother kicking their asses. Yup. c: |
Mar 31, 2009 1:14 PM
bunnyMONSTER said: I. Can't. STAND Lenalee. I usually try to be tolerant when it comes to female characters and like them somehow. But it's impossible in Lenalee's case. IMPOSSIBLE. bunnyMONSTER said: According to xxplasticplue, they're doing it because they "don't like Lenalee". She told them they sucked and stuff, lol. Well, I can understand hating her but I think bashing someone who like a character so much isn't a good idea. It's a character we hate after all, not the person. Even if I don't like the fan of her anyway I just keep myself shut xD bunnyMONSTER said: Apparently she doesn't care if you put down Lenalee on other peoples' videos since they aren't hers, but if you say something like "Lenalee's a slut" on one of her vids she just SNAPS. I can kinda understand that too - if someone said good reasons for hating one of my favourite characters I could bear with it but if someone just said "she sucks", I'd be mad. bunnyMONSTER said: I understand a character crying. Very much. I fucking hate the emo character who's a professional attention whore that enjoys flaunting the little bit of worthless shit that she has on her body and has every single character with a penis drooling all over her, blushing, getting boners, fapping, and hoping to God that they can hit on her without fear of her brother kicking their asses. Yup. c: The best summary of Lenalee ever <3 |
Apr 1, 2009 6:10 PM
Tina-chan said: I usually try to be tolerant when it comes to female characters and like them somehow. But it's impossible in Lenalee's case. IMPOSSIBLE. Oh yes. :C Tina-chan said: Well, I can understand hating her but I think bashing someone who like a character so much isn't a good idea. It's a character we hate after all, not the person. Even if I don't like the fan of her anyway I just keep myself shut xD I'm not sure if anybody has ever bashed the video maker herself, but only the characters she's been working with. But either way, you have a good point xDD Tina-chan said: I can kinda understand that too - if someone said good reasons for hating one of my favourite characters I could bear with it but if someone just said "she sucks", I'd be mad. It's mostly "Lenalee's a crying whore who can't do anything and always needs Allen and them to help her"... I think. I'm not sure, I never am 100% positive on anything xD *has tomatoes thrown at her* Friends or xxplasticplue herself sometimes reply with them saying "you're the slut" or something like that. Tina-chan said: The best summary of Lenalee ever <3 Why, thank you very much dearie xDD |
Apr 2, 2009 12:34 PM
bunnyMONSTER said: It's mostly "Lenalee's a crying whore who can't do anything and always needs Allen and them to help her"... I think. I'm not sure, I never am 100% positive on anything xD *has tomatoes thrown at her* Friends or xxplasticplue herself sometimes reply with them saying "you're the slut" or something like that. Okay, now it's xxplasticplue who is mean 8D Everyone has got their own opinions, she shouldn't go and call them "sluts" =S |
Apr 5, 2009 5:15 PM
Tina-chan said: Okay, now it's xxplasticplue who is mean 8D Everyone has got their own opinions, she shouldn't go and call them "sluts" =S Yeah... I mean, nobody has ever bashed one of her videos [like, her AMV-making skills... then I think it would be perfectly normal for her to lash back] but when they bash the characters... I dunno, I don't think there's a reason to get worked up unless you're completely obsessed. I respect Lenalee lovers- it doesn't matter, there are still haters, so I'm cool with it. It's not like Lenalee is xxplasticplue's character, either, so bashing shouldn't be necessary. |
Apr 10, 2009 5:12 AM
bunnyMONSTER said: I don't think there's a reason to get worked up unless you're completely obsessed. *coughcough* I'm not suggesting anything, really... xDDD Yeah, it's okay with me if someone likes Lenalee. That's their choice anyway. But I remember I came across some profilce once which had all my hated/disliked characters in faves. I wasn't sure how should I react so I just closed it xD |
Apr 10, 2009 5:30 PM
Tina-chan said: Yeah, it's okay with me if someone likes Lenalee. That's their choice anyway. But I remember I came across some profilce once which had all my hated/disliked characters in faves. I wasn't sure how should I react so I just closed it xD ....seriously? XD You didn't spazz? Not even a little bit? D: rofl XDD Is it just me or have we stopped ranting about Lenalee >_> It was great at first but... wow, she's so uninteresting now that the anime's over and that she hasn't made an appearance in any of the recent chapters [she was uninteresting in the first place but.... blaaahhh >:]. Lol, I am hoping that Katsura brings Lenalee back. JUST so I could drive a nail through my computer and then come on here to rant XD ..... Not in that order D| lol. |
Apr 11, 2009 9:23 AM
bunnyMONSTER said: ....seriously? XD You didn't spazz? Not even a little bit? D: I was angry. I had to calm down a little so I quickly closed the browser. Otherwise, I'm not sure what I would do next... X_x Come to think of it, Polish people tend to be very forceful with their opinions. So yeah, I wonder what would I do xD bunnyMONSTER said: Is it just me or have we stopped ranting about Lenalee >_> It was great at first but... wow, she's so uninteresting now that the anime's over and that she hasn't made an appearance in any of the recent chapters [she was uninteresting in the first place but.... blaaahhh >:]. Lol, I am hoping that Katsura brings Lenalee back. JUST so I could drive a nail through my computer and then come on here to rant XD Indeed, it's so boring when she's not appearing in the chapters. We don't have anyone to rant about xD But as I said already in other thread - just click the link in the club's comments. You'll lol for sure. |
Apr 14, 2009 1:08 PM
Yaoi: Lavi/Allen Lavi/Kanda Tyki/Lavi Cross/Allen |
Apr 19, 2009 10:19 AM
Tina-chan said: Indeed, it's so boring when she's not appearing in the chapters. We don't have anyone to rant about xD But as I said already in other thread - just click the link in the club's comments. You'll lol for sure. Will do, sir XD Away I go~! |
Apr 23, 2009 5:13 AM
She's so damn slutty there, I swear >.>;;; |
Apr 23, 2009 8:24 PM
Tina-chan said: She's so damn slutty there, I swear >.>;;; I know right? D:< |
Apr 24, 2009 3:32 AM
Why the heck all the awesome guys want to rape her but there's no poor, dirty guy from the street that does?! D: |
Apr 29, 2009 10:54 AM
yaoi (seme x uke) Lavi x Allen <3 my big, big love. Komui x Bak. Hetero Kanda x Lenalee Tyki x Miranda. Cross x Anita. but she's already dead TT Link x Emilia. Tina-chan said: Why the heck all the awesome guys want to rape her but there's no poor, dirty guy from the street that does?! D: who knows... D: |
yuucchiApr 30, 2009 6:01 AM
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Apr 29, 2009 7:04 PM
mc said: yaoi (seme x uke) Lavi x Allen <3 my big, big love. Komui x Bak. Hetero Kanda x Lenalee Tyki x Miranda. Cross x Anita. but she's already dead TT zapomniałaś o Linku i Emilii xd mc said: Tina-chan said: Why the heck all the awesome guys want to rape her but there's no poor, dirty guy from the street that does?! D: who knows... D: I'm sure there is, but they don't want to show it xd |
Apr 30, 2009 6:00 AM
ladyAre said: mc said: yaoi (seme x uke) Lavi x Allen <3 my big, big love. Komui x Bak. Hetero Kanda x Lenalee Tyki x Miranda. Cross x Anita. but she's already dead TT zapomniałaś o Linku i Emilii xd ożfak, racja xd ladyAre said: mc said: Tina-chan said: Why the heck all the awesome guys want to rape her but there's no poor, dirty guy from the street that does?! D: who knows... D: I'm sure there is, but they don't want to show it xd niahaha, we'll so happy when they show it us XD |
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May 1, 2009 7:47 PM
Tina-chan said: Why the heck all the awesome guys want to rape her but there's no poor, dirty guy from the street that does?! D: D: You. Are. A. HERO! Cause it's true... It's like: "oh you're not an exorcist or cool or anything and you aren't 15-18 or have a nice face, you don't get to love Lenalee D:<" It's never ugly people that love Lenalee [no offense to the wondrous charas of DGM] It's always our boys.. that we love ever so dearly... that are swooning to her. lol the people who are all like "there are dirty guys that want her", they rock XDDD |
May 2, 2009 12:29 AM
we can sent a some old perverts to do something bad her XD |
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May 2, 2009 11:14 AM
mc said: we can sent a some old perverts to do something bad her XD I'm all for this plan >D bunnyMONSTER said: It's like: "oh you're not an exorcist or cool or anything and you aren't 15-18 or have a nice face, you don't get to love Lenalee D:<" It's never ugly people that love Lenalee [no offense to the wondrous charas of DGM] It's always our boys.. that we love ever so dearly... that are swooning to her. That's the sad truth T___T If Hoshino wants them to worship someone, why can't it be someone else? ._. |
May 2, 2009 1:50 PM
Tina-chan said: mc said: we can sent a some old perverts to do something bad her XD I'm all for this plan >D but she 'can take care of herself', as she said with her irritating 'don't worry about me' thing, and your poor old perverts will be surely all beaten by her beautiful and oh-so-magnificent legs D: don't be that cruel, even for old perverts. bunnyMONSTER said: It's like: "oh you're not an exorcist or cool or anything and you aren't 15-18 or have a nice face, you don't get to love Lenalee D:<" It's never ugly people that love Lenalee [no offense to the wondrous charas of DGM] It's always our boys.. that we love ever so dearly... that are swooning to her. just a few changes - manga title from 'd.gray-man' to 'Lena-hime's harem', end up all of the Akumas/Millenium Earl plot, and then we'll have a shitty shoujo love comedy, that dgm is slowly becoming. Tina-chan said: That's the sad truth T___T If Hoshino wants them to worship someone, why can't it be someone else? ._. good question. and what about other female characters? what about Miranda? she should have more cute scenes with boys (she has actually just one, with Marie). I don't care she is only a support character, and I'd like her to be the main instead of Lenalee. I was happy to see Emilia... and happy that she stays in the Order. (and want her to be with Link. yeah) it's sad that a REALLY WORTHY and GOOD females are ignored, or just dead... in that manga, there's only Lenalee. everyone loves Lenalee. everyone want to save Lenalee. Lenalee - the greatest of great friends, the most loyal, caring, loving, cute and beautiful girl in the whole world. haunted by her terrible past, fighting for the sake of her world, her friends. little, frightened girl who learned to be strong, loved by people around her. just one word - BULLSHIT. |
isibealMay 2, 2009 1:55 PM
May 3, 2009 9:39 AM
ladyAre said: but she 'can take care of herself', as she said with her irritating 'don't worry about me' thing, and your poor old perverts will be surely all beaten by her beautiful and oh-so-magnificent legs D: don't be that cruel, even for old perverts. what you think about kidnapped her boots? *o* |
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