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Jan 13, 2009 4:04 AM

Feb 2008
Man, if Jil ends up with Kaaya I'm gonna throw my pc against the wall!
(even if they shove in some lame plot twist where Kaaya turns out to be sacrificing herself-fact remains she's a devious bitc*..i mean, no way it had to be his freakin' brother)
...Okay, so its obvious that I've been jilted before...Is anyone else REALLY pissed off at Kaaya? I mean, its a fucking anime and my heart rate won't go down from anger. Anyone else feel that??? (I wana know if its the anime or just me who feels like this...since i've been suckered by a woman recently....)
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Jan 13, 2009 5:42 AM

Jan 2008
Yeah, it was quite dissapointing and rather frustrating how the last episode of the previous season ended up, had a feeling that "something" was going to happen but never really saw that coming.

But then, if you notice, in probably all anime series characters are very forgiving, regardless of what was done to them.
Jan 13, 2009 5:45 AM
Apr 2008
i think he should be with fatina i mean no matter what happens kaaya is a bitch ...but this is anime where 1/10 series end up with the person going for the main girl . so ...jil X kaaya awaits unless they go super secial awesome and make me happy jil X Fatina 1088962163516%
Jan 13, 2009 7:21 AM

Jan 2008
Or maybe it should just turn into an harem-type... ha ha ha :P
Jan 13, 2009 9:09 AM

May 2007
I honestly expect Kaaya to die, so he could hook up with Fatina and forgive Kaaya.
My anime list
Jan 13, 2009 5:26 PM

Jan 2009
If Kaaya showed more than two types of facial expressions I'm sure she would have moar fans. But as it is, FATINAAAAAAAA!
Jan 13, 2009 5:44 PM
Mar 2008
I think Jil is too focused on Kaaya and should open his eyes and see what hes got in front of him. I'm all for Fatina.
Jan 13, 2009 6:53 PM
Oct 2007
fatina tried, but will not succeed

im just hoping half the characters die so we do not have to make such decision
Jan 13, 2009 6:57 PM

Apr 2007
If the director has a soul, it will be FatinaxJil end.

As it should be.
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Jan 13, 2009 7:35 PM

Apr 2007
I think Fatina will die, Kaaya will become the next Kai, and Jil will live all alone as the next king.

Or something like that.
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Jan 13, 2009 7:41 PM

Apr 2007
Siing said:
I think Fatina will die, Kaaya will become the next Kai, and Jil will live all alone as the next king.

Or something like that.

I think you have a fucked up imagination, bro.
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Jan 13, 2009 10:07 PM

Jan 2009
Neverender said:
Siing said:
I think Fatina will die, Kaaya will become the next Kai, and Jil will live all alone as the next king.

Or something like that.

I think you have a fucked up imagination, bro.

Jan 13, 2009 10:12 PM

Jul 2007
Neverender said:
If the director has a soul, it will be FatinaxJil end.

As it should be.


I totally hated Kaaya
so, Jil'd try to give an opportunity to Fatina, but as many animes
i guess that wont happen ): and I'll hate it
Jan 15, 2009 7:45 PM

Nov 2007
Fatina > Kaaya. Kaaya probably did what she did for a "greater purpose" which we'll find out later, but she's still a bitch.

Plus, Fatina is totally cuter.
Jan 15, 2009 7:49 PM

Sep 2008
well look at it this way who would u rather piss off, A buff/Support class like Kayaa or a Fire mage like Fatina, If u pissed off Fatina enough she would probably fry your balls off, Kayaa on the other hand, what she gonna do Heal you to death?

Remember once u pick um, u gotta live with um.... and we all have our little tiffs once and a while..
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jan 15, 2009 8:48 PM

May 2008
Kaaya must die. ALL HAIL JIN X FATINA!

Jan 15, 2009 8:50 PM

Apr 2007
yamakasi said:
Fatina > Kaaya. Kaaya probably did what she did for a "greater purpose" which we'll find out later, but she's still a bitch.

Plus, Fatina is totally cuter.

she is dude

when you consider the moe appeal of each one, Fatina clearly has the advantage
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Jan 15, 2009 11:52 PM

Dec 2008
mugwump said:
Man, if Jil ends up with Kaaya I'm gonna throw my pc against the wall!
(even if they shove in some lame plot twist where Kaaya turns out to be sacrificing herself-fact remains she's a devious bitc*..i mean, no way it had to be his freakin' brother)
...Okay, so its obvious that I've been jilted before...Is anyone else REALLY pissed off at Kaaya? I mean, its a fucking anime and my heart rate won't go down from anger. Anyone else feel that??? (I wana know if its the anime or just me who feels like this...since i've been suckered by a woman recently....)

Jesus Christ!!! Not only did my blood boil, but my veins bursted to pieces, and my eyes buldged till it popped. I knew it was gonna happen, but.... If Kaaya loved Jil and a had any decency left in her, she shouldn't have kissed Jil in the first place, knowing that she's gonna betray him anyways... Why give hope to the man, and just stab the mother f*ck*rs' heart by running off with the older brother!!! THE OLDER BROTHER FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!

I would've loved Kaaya if she didn't pull that kissing stunt. I mean Jil didn't like the girl, till she effing kissed the son of a b*tch. Why!? WHY DID YOU DO IT KAYA!?

So, like the rest of you, I wish her body would be creamated into a nice crisp and her soul, incarcerated in hell.


<(^O^)> HAPPY VIEWING, YALL!!! <(^O^)>
(and no, i'm not mad, nuh uh, not one bit *eyes twitches.)
LazaforthJan 16, 2009 12:00 AM
"I am a Zel Guardian! I shall proctect those in battle."

click my siggy and discover a whole new world.
Jan 18, 2009 6:59 AM

Nov 2008
I think i will love more the Fatina X Jill end...but i think a KaayaxJill end would be acceptable if Kaaya will do enough to forgive her.
Jan 18, 2009 8:45 AM

Jul 2007
It would be great if they did the whole elfen lied thing to piss off people that hate Kaaya. Nonetheless, I actually would prefer a Fatina x Jil end, if for no other reason than the tension between Jil and Kaaya.
Jan 18, 2009 12:55 PM

Oct 2008
They are both great people, except that Kaaya had betrayed everyone while Fatina got betrayed by Neeba who is also the lone accomplice of Kaaya. If you judge by this, Fatina is definitely a better partner for Jil.

Then again, I am picking Fatina for 2 obvious reasons. (^_^)
Jan 18, 2009 1:54 PM

Nov 2007
i really don't like kaaya bc of what she did and fatina x jin is awesome, but i don't like the idea of fatina downgrading to the younger brother.

also jin's brother needs to absolutely die, i've hated him and his attitude since the first time i saw him.
Jan 18, 2009 3:54 PM

Jan 2009
crazy_eights said:
i really don't like kaaya bc of what she did and fatina x jin is awesome, but i don't like the idea of fatina downgrading to the younger brother.

also jin's brother needs to absolutely die, i've hated him and his attitude since the first time i saw him.

Yes, Neeber Neeba's also a raging homo.
Jan 18, 2009 4:34 PM

Nov 2008
Remember:Jill's first crush(and only...cause the thing beetween Jill and Kaaya started as love as it started) were Fatina...even to the tought of marriage! So:Maybe Fatina not so hopeless in the fight for Jill's love...the only thing that can intercept that if the NeebaxFatina line strenghtens...
Jan 19, 2009 6:03 AM

Dec 2007
While I must admit Fatina is very hot in 2nd season, Kaaya is still better. And I believe there must be some kind of reason why Kaaya did what she did in first season, so before listening it I can't condemn her.
Jan 19, 2009 9:45 AM

Nov 2008
There IS a reason: because she loved Jin and she knew that he follow her to the dephts of hell. But most likely if someone enters to the upper tower then there's no way out.
Jan 19, 2009 12:11 PM

Jan 2009
BlickWinkel said:
While I must admit Fatina is very hot in 2nd season, Kaaya is still better. And I believe there must be some kind of reason why Kaaya did what she did in first season, so before listening it I can't condemn her.

Cuz size does matter.
Jan 19, 2009 9:51 PM

Apr 2008
Just like BlickWinkel, I support Kaaya over Fatina(I don't especially like Fatina, I just find her "Hot", not cute but that's my opinion :3).

In the first season, Kaaya often had a sad face and was hurt because she knew she had to betray Jil for w/e reason even though she loved him and thought he was really nice. I don't understand why you guys consider Kaaya as a "bitch". It was clearly shown that she was hurt and that she loves Jil so she probably had a reason for that betrayal (From the beginning there were hints that she was going to betray them just like how much she likes him).

Also, I don't think Jil x Fatina is going to happen because from episode 1 of 2nd season of Druaga, we could see that both of them were trying to forget Kaaya and Neeba but Fatina, just like Jil, was shaking while saying that (meaning they both still think about Kaaya and Neeba).There is also the reason of Jil going to climb the tower when he saw the fate that Kaaya was going to have (Kaaya crucified with a sword piercing her heart >< and Neeba lying on the ground dead) if he didn't climb the tower(1st episode of 2nd season at the end ^^) .

Anyways, I don't hate nor like Fatina (from my point of view I only see her clinging on Jil because she found him nice on the first season and as a way of forgetting Neeba) and love Kaaya. If chibi Kai wasn't in the group I would be pretty sad as there is no Kaaya T^T. I really really really love chibi kai though ~! ^^.
Seeing all the hate toward Kaaya, I felt the need to post and try to defend her ;;. Just giving my opinion like you all so no flame and no hate !

<3 Jil x Kaaya~
LuxoJan 19, 2009 10:05 PM
Jan 20, 2009 6:43 AM
Jun 2008
well i've not seen much of this anime but really i think much better there would be some truth to be told.

& geez the whole fatina (yui horie) vs kaaya (fumiko) really who will end with jil i say before that maybe fumiko got some explaining to do first?!
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Jan 20, 2009 3:38 PM
Jan 2009
Unyuu said:
Just like BlickWinkel, I support Kaaya over Fatina(I don't especially like Fatina, I just find her "Hot", not cute but that's my opinion :3).

In the first season, Kaaya often had a sad face and was hurt because she knew she had to betray Jil for w/e reason even though she loved him and thought he was really nice. I don't understand why you guys consider Kaaya as a "bitch". It was clearly shown that she was hurt and that she loves Jil so she probably had a reason for that betrayal (From the beginning there were hints that she was going to betray them just like how much she likes him).

Also, I don't think Jil x Fatina is going to happen because from episode 1 of 2nd season of Druaga, we could see that both of them were trying to forget Kaaya and Neeba but Fatina, just like Jil, was shaking while saying that (meaning they both still think about Kaaya and Neeba).There is also the reason of Jil going to climb the tower when he saw the fate that Kaaya was going to have (Kaaya crucified with a sword piercing her heart >< and Neeba lying on the ground dead) if he didn't climb the tower(1st episode of 2nd season at the end ^^) .

Anyways, I don't hate nor like Fatina (from my point of view I only see her clinging on Jil because she found him nice on the first season and as a way of forgetting Neeba) and love Kaaya. If chibi Kai wasn't in the group I would be pretty sad as there is no Kaaya T^T. I really really really love chibi kai though ~! ^^.
Seeing all the hate toward Kaaya, I felt the need to post and try to defend her ;;. Just giving my opinion like you all so no flame and no hate !

<3 Jil x Kaaya~

I dont see where the love comes into the discussion. Kaaya's actions seem to suggest she was using Jil to accomplish her ends.

1. Kaaya needed to reach the top of the tower so she gathered together a bunch of people who wanted to reach the top for their own reasons.

2. She never shared her reasons for wanting to reach the top despite multiple chances.

3. She allowed and encouraged Jil to develop feelings for her DESPITE the fact she knew that she would be leaving him behind. These feelings tied Jil closer to Kaaya and the pursuit of her goal (although Jil would have gone to the top regardless of these feelings, regardless of if Kaaya was there).

4. When things looked the worst, after a party member died, and a last ditch plan to kill the Guardian came to fruition, she kissed Jil. This would have served as further encouragement for Jil to succeed. She even talks about "if this is a one-way ticket" which again would have strengthened Jil's resolve to succeed. She needed Jil to succeed to carry out her goal.

5. The whole time she never admits anything to Jil. She is never truthful with him. Love cannot be based on lies. At the end, she simply walks way. Betrayal hurts far worse than full knowledge that a relationship will end in permanent separation. She did the worst, most painful thing (besides outright killing Jil) that she could have done to Jil by simply ignoring him and leaving with his brother.

Had she honestly cared for him, she would have tried to spare his feelings or at least lessen the impact of the final separation. She did neither of those things. She simply used Jil to further her own goal.

Despite all that, most anime is naive when it comes to love. So it will probably end up being JilxKaaya anyway.
Jan 20, 2009 5:43 PM

Apr 2008
Love does come into the discussion.

1. Yes, she did use them to get to the top of the tower but in the way she developed feelings for Jil. By watching the last episode of 1st season it becomes quite obvious.

2. When Ahmey died, she did say that Kaaya should not carry the burden alone (whatever the burden is since we don't know it yet) so with that said, she probably does not want to involve the others by not telling them the reason of going to the top of the tower because she does not want them to die.

3. Can't see where Kaaya "encouraged" Jil to develop feelings for her Dx. Also Kaaya was probably 100% sure that they would not be able to follow her to the top of the tower (if Kai was not there, would they ever be able to find a way to the top of the tower? I dont't think so :p).

4. I don't think she kissed Jil for the reason of him succeeding (Heck, I don't even think she was thinking about that at all : kiss as increasing the possibility of Jil succeeding). She kissed Jil while talking about the "one way ticket". The "one way ticket" was a probability of everyone dying after fighting the guardian so she wanted to be "truthful" and true to herself about her feelings to Jil, so she kissed him. She did cry after seeing how Jil thanked her and how kind he is. Before kissing him and while crying, she said that she had so much things to apologize to him and that because Jil was such a nice guy and that she loved him, she could not lie to him anymore. Why would she bother to say all that if she just wanted encourage him into succeeding?

5. The reason for never saying anything to Jil was probably to not involve him any further. I would say that love plays a part in this: by not being "truthful", Kaaya does not want to involve the others into a path that she thinks that there is no certainty of living (she probably thinks that by telling him the truth, Jil will follow her and die along the way).

I think she honestly cared about him, she said she loved him and kissed him but that was BECAUSE they might all die, so she wanted to deliver her true feelings. Lessening the impact has nothing to do with the kiss and confession.
I'll agree with you that most anime are naive about love but this anime doesn't really focus on love at all, it's an adventure anime but there is still some love going around :p.
Jan 22, 2009 1:34 AM
Jan 2009
if I remember it right, during the fight against druaga and when they seems to be losing, she encourages jil to leave the party and continue to go to the tower. that proves that what is more important is her goal than her comrades and she's just using jil. i still want jil and fatina, the only thing is it seems like jil is fatina's scape goat to forget what happened. let's see if fatina's feelings are true if ever she meet neeba again.

What ever the reason is, I still don't like kaaya for what she did. She's a traitor, and I'd rather want to see jil die than seeing jil and kaaya together in the end.
Jan 22, 2009 2:58 AM

Feb 2008
screw that. Fact remains she used Jil and tossed him aside. So what if she developed feelings for him? In the end she still betrayed him, making it worse.

How is she any different from Neeba? HOW?! Both of them tricked their companions, knowing FULL WELL that they would be risking their lives for THEM, and NOT for the magic rod.
No matter how important, it takes a cold fucking bitch to do that. Fair enough if she told them at the beginning "I need you to help me save the world, you wont get anything out of it but hey, its a good cause".
No one has the right to do that. This bullshit about the "greater good", blinds people from their actions and makes any trechery acceptable.

Unyuu said:
Love does come into the discussion.

2. When Ahmey died, she did say that Kaaya should not carry the burden alone (whatever the burden is since we don't know it yet) so with that said, she probably does not want to involve the others by not telling them the reason of going to the top of the tower because she does not want them to die.

5. The reason for never saying anything to Jil was probably to not involve him any further. I would say that love plays a part in this: by not being "truthful", Kaaya does not want to involve the others into a path that she thinks that there is no certainty of living (she probably thinks that by telling him the truth, Jil will follow her and die along the way).
Jan 22, 2009 1:35 PM

Apr 2008
One betrayal is all you guys need to completely despise and hate a character? It is obvious that she has reasons for that "betrayal". Kaaya also does care about her comrades, she's not as cold as you all asume she is, I think there are reasons behind lots of things she says (she is clearly not like Neeba, who is cold by nature).

Mugwump, she did not exactly "betray" them totally; on the first true episode DVD special, she did clearly say that she needed companions with the same goal as her and she even mentioned 2x-3x times on the 1st season, which is to climb the tower. Where did you see that she was using them and risking their lives? They all had the same goal, which was to CLIMB the tower, so they helped each other. For example you could say the same thing for any party or any character. They were searching strong people to climb the tower, in brief, they were "using" each other. They were ALL using each other if you think about it, but had different goals to reach the tower. You did not see that I would assume, from your reply( she is a "cold fucking bitch" ? They were all RISKING THEIR LIVES for their own GOALS, otherwise what would be the reason to climb the tower?). I really think you guys are all misunderstanding kaaya, she is just a normal girl (quote from Ending song, love ending song ~ :D).

Also druaga, This show will probably end with Jil x Kaaya ^^ (from watching opening and ending song, where you can see Kaaya and Jil together, obviously) or the other possibility is one of them dying.
LuxoJan 22, 2009 4:44 PM
Jan 22, 2009 6:23 PM

Jun 2007
You all call Kaaya a bitch but you have absolutely no idea why she did what she did. What if it was to save everyone? What if the winner didn't actually win anything good but In-staid they where cursed? She clearly didn't want to hurt Jil. She was constantly depressed every time the subject of what everyone would do once they made it to the top came up. Sure at the start her goal was probably just to reach the top but you can see as things progress she falls in love with Jil and doesn't really want to hurt him. Take the pinball game for example. She could have just said the hell with it and given up on the game but she knew kai would be able to open the gate for Jil and that would be how they could see each other again.

Fantina on the other hand loved Neeba because he was powerful and cool. She rejected Jil at the very start because he was weak and uncool. Now that Neeba ditches her, whats she do? She jumps to the strongest guy she knows who happens to be Neebas brother. If anything Fantina is the bitch. Jil got betrayed yet he still has strong feelings for Kaaya. Fantina got betrayed yet she wants to hop in the sack with Jil. Not to mention she constantly tries to get him to forget about Kaaya.

Now back to the thread question. Who do I want Jil to end up with? Probably both. Assuming this is a game it would be cool if Jil was with Kaaya in RL and Fantina in the game :P.

Jan 22, 2009 6:28 PM

Apr 2007
Fatina is hotter than Kaaya.

Therefore, Kaaya is the bitch.
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Jan 22, 2009 8:23 PM
Mar 2008
wee all know that kaaya is going to end up with jil but is good to dream even if she did it for the greater good i would of liked that she tell me why she did it befor she left not just stand there
Jan 22, 2009 11:49 PM

Jan 2009
Its like choosing between Maxim's #1 blonde 32-D bombshell... or the girl next door.
Jan 23, 2009 2:51 AM

Sep 2008
cop out, predictable, boring ending will be Jil x Kaaya, knowing gonzo is will probably happen.

Right and honorable ending will be Jil X Fatina, Maybe might happen

Rash, don't give a fuck, wanna piss people off ending, Jil X Nobody, I can kinda see this one coming too.
JigeroJan 23, 2009 2:57 AM
It doesn't think, it doesn't feel, it doesn't laugh or cry..... All it does from dusk till dawn is make the soldiers die.
Jan 23, 2009 3:45 AM

Jan 2008
Fatina, Fatina, Fatina and moar Fatina pls.
Jan 23, 2009 11:01 PM

Jun 2007
TonySayz said:
Unyuu said:
One betrayal is all you guys need to completely despise and hate a character?

Well you know what they say... Once a bitch, always a bitch.
DeathfireD said:
You all call Kaaya a bitch but you have absolutely no idea why she did what she did. What if it was to save everyone? What if the winner didn't actually win anything good but In-staid they where cursed? She clearly didn't want to hurt Jil. She was constantly depressed every time the subject of what everyone would do once they made it to the top came up.

Because she was depressed that makes everything okay? If all you need to do in order to be a good person is feel bad about doing bad things then there would be no need for people to watch their actions. Good people don't do bad things if they think they are bad. At the very least, they would give a warning or discuss possible options.

I'll admit I don't think she is the worst person ever but whatever intentions she may have don't absolve her of all her blame. She got Jil's hopes up and then screwed him without warning and that was a bitch move. You can't deny that. She may be a bitch with good intentions or a bitch who feels bad about being a bitch but regardless, she knowingly chose to be a bitch because she thought that was her only option. It's like when people say I know I'm being a hard ass but I think in the end you'll thank me. Except Jil's still going to risk his life saving her so she was a bitch without a cause.
DeathfireD said:

Fantina on the other hand loved Neeba because he was powerful and cool. She rejected Jil at the very start because he was weak and uncool. Now that Neeba ditches her, whats she do? She jumps to the strongest guy she knows who happens to be Neebas brother. If anything Fantina is the bitch. Jil got betrayed yet he still has strong feelings for Kaaya. Fantina got betrayed yet she wants to hop in the sack with Jil. Not to mention she constantly tries to get him to forget about Kaaya.

Your point? Any guy can confirm this, it doesn't matter how you get the girl, as long as she is with you in the end. Who cares if she liked Neeba first. Girls naturally like cool handsome guys at first. What else do they have to judge you on at first? But when she realized she was wrong about Neeba and she realized what a great guy Jil was (which she did before Neeba's betrayal) she fell for him instead. If anything, Fatina would learn from her mistake with Neeba and be more guarded with Jil. She was never really a bad person, she was just foolish and now she is wiser.

If you remember Jil had no reason for making it to the top other then to Kill druga and to become a hero. Jil didn't lose anything or get betrayed in that aspect of the series. Sure Kaaya took his place and went through the portal but Jil didnt care. he just wanted to be with Kaaya in the end and was sad that she left him. She clearly did it for a reason, if she didnt have a reason then she wouldn't have spent all that time on the mini game to free Kai. So it's wrong to automatically label her as a back stabber without knowing the whole story.

As for your comment on Fantina, just because most high school girls jump from one popular guy to the next doesn't mean it makes her any less of a slut. Sure she's hot but thats about all shes got going for her. I don't see how shes any wiser from before. Her attitude right now is "Jil run away with me I never wanna see Neeba again" but we know damn well when Neeba shows up she's gonna want to find out the same shit Jil does.
Jan 23, 2009 11:04 PM

May 2008
Fatina is just so <3
Jan 24, 2009 12:25 AM

Feb 2008
See, this guy knows! Right on brother.

TonySayz said:
Unyuu said:
One betrayal is all you guys need to completely despise and hate a character?

Well you know what they say... Once a bitch, always a bitch.
DeathfireD said:
You all call Kaaya a bitch but you have absolutely no idea why she did what she did. What if it was to save everyone? What if the winner didn't actually win anything good but In-staid they where cursed? She clearly didn't want to hurt Jil. She was constantly depressed every time the subject of what everyone would do once they made it to the top came up.

Because she was depressed that makes everything okay? If all you need to do in order to be a good person is feel bad about doing bad things then there would be no need for people to watch their actions. Good people don't do bad things if they think they are bad. At the very least, they would give a warning or discuss possible options.

I'll admit I don't think she is the worst person ever but whatever intentions she may have don't absolve her of all her blame. She got Jil's hopes up and then screwed him without warning and that was a bitch move. You can't deny that. She may be a bitch with good intentions or a bitch who feels bad about being a bitch but regardless, she knowingly chose to be a bitch because she thought that was her only option. It's like when people say I know I'm being a hard ass but I think in the end you'll thank me. Except Jil's still going to risk his life saving her so she was a bitch without a cause.
DeathfireD said:

Fantina on the other hand loved Neeba because he was powerful and cool. She rejected Jil at the very start because he was weak and uncool. Now that Neeba ditches her, whats she do? She jumps to the strongest guy she knows who happens to be Neebas brother. If anything Fantina is the bitch. Jil got betrayed yet he still has strong feelings for Kaaya. Fantina got betrayed yet she wants to hop in the sack with Jil. Not to mention she constantly tries to get him to forget about Kaaya.

Your point? Any guy can confirm this, it doesn't matter how you get the girl, as long as she is with you in the end. Who cares if she liked Neeba first. Girls naturally like cool handsome guys at first. What else do they have to judge you on at first? But when she realized she was wrong about Neeba and she realized what a great guy Jil was (which she did before Neeba's betrayal) she fell for him instead. If anything, Fatina would learn from her mistake with Neeba and be more guarded with Jil. She was never really a bad person, she was just foolish and now she is wiser.
Jan 24, 2009 10:52 AM

Apr 2008
I could argue against what TonySayz said but that would be a waste of time since you guys are so one sided :3. Once you guys see one bad thing that someone did, you guys can't forgive and are only going to see that person as what she did and can't think the reasons that are behind it. The same could be done to Fatina but meh.

In the end I don't think there is going to be Fatina x Jil and there are reasons behind it ;p. Not gonna reply again. Let's enjoy the rest of the season.
Jan 25, 2009 12:10 AM

Jun 2007
Unyuu said:
I could argue against what TonySayz said but that would be a waste of time since you guys are so one sided :3. Once you guys see one bad thing that someone did, you guys can't forgive and are only going to see that person as what she did and can't think the reasons that are behind it. The same could be done to Fatina but meh.

In the end I don't think there is going to be Fatina x Jil and there are reasons behind it ;p. Not gonna reply again. Let's enjoy the rest of the season.

Ya apparently in this thread people think hot girls (Fantina) are excused form being real sluts and semi-normal girls (Kaaya) are considered whores becuse of something they did that known of us have a real answer to. I hope Fantina jumps the Jil ship and hooks up with Neeba in the end just so I can see what everyone in this thread will say.
Jan 25, 2009 12:01 PM

Jan 2009
DeathfireD said:
Unyuu said:
I could argue against what TonySayz said but that would be a waste of time since you guys are so one sided :3. Once you guys see one bad thing that someone did, you guys can't forgive and are only going to see that person as what she did and can't think the reasons that are behind it. The same could be done to Fatina but meh.

In the end I don't think there is going to be Fatina x Jil and there are reasons behind it ;p. Not gonna reply again. Let's enjoy the rest of the season.

Ya apparently in this thread people think hot girls (Fantina) are excused form being real sluts and semi-normal girls (Kaaya) are considered whores becuse of something they did that known of us have a real answer to. I hope Fantina jumps the Jil ship and hooks up with Neeba in the end just so I can see what everyone in this thread will say.

Its not that most people don't like Kaaya, its more of Fatina being overwhelmingly orgasmic. also JilxFatina is a recipe for more fanservice because nothing cool happens with JilxKaaya.
Jan 25, 2009 12:02 PM

Apr 2007
rawfulmao said:
also JilxFatina is a recipe for more fanservice because nothing cool happens with JilxKaaya.

Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 25, 2009 5:24 PM

May 2008
Neverender said:
rawfulmao said:
also JilxFatina is a recipe for more fanservice because nothing cool happens with JilxKaaya.


Feb 1, 2009 3:13 PM

Jan 2009
this is a little off topic, but imo Fatina deserves a hotter character display picture.
Feb 1, 2009 3:53 PM

Jun 2007
TonySayz said:
Unyuu said:
I could argue against what TonySayz said but that would be a waste of time since you guys are so one sided :3. Once you guys see one bad thing that someone did, you guys can't forgive and are only going to see that person as what she did and can't think the reasons that are behind it. The same could be done to Fatina but meh.

Seriously, you guys completely miss my point. I don't care if she's hot. Whether or not you forgive Kayaa is a personal decision and you will never convince someone otherwise. But by saying forgiveness you already admit that she's done something wrong that needs forgiving. That's the point I was trying to make. Thank you for supporting this view.

You guys make her out to be a saint when she's not. She's not a total bitch who is out to screw Jil either. Your arguments go from one extreme to the other so its no wonder you feel it's no use. I'll take out the labels to make this easier for everyone to understand.

Kayaa made a mistake and her mistake hurt people whether her intentions were for good or not. You can either forgive her mistake because she did it with good intentions or you can say that one mistake is all it takes to lose someone's trust. Either way, you concede that she made the mistake. That's the issue in the nutshell.

DeathfireD said:
If you remember Jil had no reason for making it to the top other then to Kill druga and to become a hero. Jil didn't lose anything or get betrayed in that aspect of the series. Sure Kaaya took his place and went through the portal but Jil didnt care. he just wanted to be with Kaaya in the end and was sad that she left him. She clearly did it for a reason, if she didnt have a reason then she wouldn't have spent all that time on the mini game to free Kai. So it's wrong to automatically label her as a back stabber without knowing the whole story.

First of all, Jil's reason was to protect his party. That's the whole theme of the show. He wanted to protect Kayaa no matter what but he couldn't protect her and fufill his duty in the end because she took that choice away from him. The guy was hurt and he obviously cares about Kayaa. Kayaa knew that but figured the only way she could stop him is by leaving him high and dry.

I never said she was a back stabber. I said she was a bitch. Betrayal was the term the show used so there is no problem mentioning it that way. And anyways you aren't understanding the labels correctly. Just because you overlook her mistake doesn't mean she didn't betray them. For argument's sake we'll say she betrayed them to protect them. You may think such betrayals are just but that doesn't mean she didn't do it in the first place. And besides, your judgement was based on a point further along in the story while judging based on the current circumstances makes the most sense.

Betrayal and Backstabbing mean the exact same thing. And if you rewatch the first season he had no reason other then to make it to the top and fight druga. He even says this several times through out the whole series. Now lets say his goal was to protect his part it makes so sense to say he failed because Kaaya decided to go to the very top with Neeba. If anything Jil succeeded in getting them to the top and killing Druga.

I cant argue that Kaaya knew it would hurt Jil but there's still more to the story that we haven't been told. It's pretty clear she wanted him to come get her later on using Ki's power that she spent hours unlocking in the game. theirs a purpose for it and she wouldn't have done it if she was planning to just ditch him in the end.

So I guess in your opinion because Kaaya had a bigger goal then Fantina, she's a bitch? That's pretty idiotic considering Fantina just wanted to hook up with Neeba. Something Jil also wanted to do by the end of the series which makes him an idiot as well.
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