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Dec 14, 2008 9:22 PM
Jul 2018
Yomi's killing tour goes on, barely anyone is left ~.~
Tsuchimiya survived her cut, but soon died and Kaguya now got Ga-rei Byakuei!
Ayame's fighting wheelchair was nice, I wonder if its the power of Sesshoseki that makes Yomi nearly invulnerable

next episode is the last, and I anticipate epic fighting of Kaguya vs. Yomi
Dec 14, 2008 10:06 PM

Nov 2008
This is crazy and again anime made me cry a tons! Kagura's father and the assistant with the wheel chair, Nabu. So much.

Ok this episode also needs a awesome review because much tears of mines were present during this episode just like at ED of first episode. Let's give it what it needs!

First thing is the battle of Kagura's father against Yomi. That was excellent! Raguen VS Byakuei! Was so impressed Kagura's father could control Byakuei and fight with the chain against Yomi! Also Kagura's father can use a dagger with magical properties on top of his chain.

Then the worst comes, Yomi ordering Raguen to fire at Kagura! O_O Though it would over but then to my surprise Byakuei came to save Kagura at the price of harm caused to Kagura's father because it's just as I though the GaReis being attached to ones physical body in terms of pain receiving.The worst then had to come to me and the start of emotions running rampant. Kagura's father gets cut by Yomi sword when he saved Kagura from Raguen's blast. Kagura's father T_T it was actually very painful to see him being so badly slashed. The gore was so much! The blood lost was so much. It was as bad as Sakuraba Kazuki's bleeding. O_O Kagura's father, I got very worried about him at this stage.Got even freaked out when Kagura's father blood splashed back at Yomi's face. That was freaky.

Then more surprises, Kiri Nikaido and the president Jinguji Ayame! Kiri was amazing! With her invisible super fishing lines. At that point the Sesshouseki of Yomi started to act up so she retreats.

The next part shows the obvious. Sesshouseki controls her to the point that she cannot kill herself. After seeing all those flashbacks of how she killed everyone, I would kill myself for the dishonor caused. Unfortunetely the butterfly's Sesshouseki controls Yomi such that not even killing herself was permitted by her. Now if only we could do something like that against those who commit suicide.

Iwahata and Nabu/Nabu looking at Noriyuki and how pitiful he is made me pissed! I mean why not get off his ass and help them somehow? Yes? I know and understand his trauma but nothing will come out of this! So it would have been better if Noriyuki joined them but he did not alas.

It was a good thing Kagura's father survived that blow of Yomi although I though he would be dead, I always though that his Sesshouseki would somehow heal him.

Most painful----------------------> The whole bed scene with Kagura and her father/suffering at the same time due to some reaction of his Sesshouseki. That was so painful T_T My hate for butterfly guy just got tense at that time.

More shock, to come was when Yomi killed those three shrine maidens. They were innocent them she says something then kills. O_O another shock.

THe fight after that was EPIC! Really epic! Iwahata/Nabu & Nabu/Ayame/Kiri VS Yomi & Raguen! Excellent! Most impressed with the fight! The first attack was wack. Yomi dodging Kiri and going for Aayame but what a surprise from the wheel chair! Ayame with a chain gun in one leg, the wheel chair having blades and the wheel chair having rocket boosters! Epic! Once again.

The best was when Kiri used her super fishing lines to set them up for mass attack. Basically it was to kill Yomi through steam attacks and her being blinded. It worked but what came was another shock Kiri gets stabbed with Yomi's sword! Kiri T_T Even after doing all this to Yomi it was not enough. Yomi came back with Raguen and killed Ayame, although they do not show it I am sure the president is dead. T_T more more tears for death people in anime.

Let's not forget, the battle that happened at the same time with Raguen VS Iwahata and Nabu/Nabu. It had also lot of my T_T that is on top of me T_T during that fight with Yomi VS Kiri/Ayame. Iwahata fough well with his drills. I though at one time they kill Raguen but Raguen broke the drills of Iwahata! The worst came after that when Raguen got Iwahata and his eyes with the snakes that were on his tail end. I did not know Raguen had such powers. O_O Shocked again but even more shocked that one of the Nabus took on like a tiger Raguen! O_O It was not enough and he got bitten to death. More T_T, especially when the other Nabu howled while holding his brother. More and more T_T.

Most likely the cutest part of Kagura being with her father when she said "Okasa, oshiete kudasai" (means about my mother, please tell me more). T_T I cried so much the pain is still a lot when I think about that. Then the father passing away and giving Byakuei along with the Sesshouseki to Kagura. More pain and T_T but then I said to myself "Kagura go kill Yomi and do what you must." So I am hoping for that although we shall see that in #12. I liked that she put the Sesshouseki in her ear reminded me My-Hime a little.

The part that made me happy and say that Kagura will win more than her father is that Michael sensei came! He gives Kagura Michael #13! :D With that sword Kagura will kill Yomi I know I can only hope but that weapon is way better than Kagura's father chains. The reason is that while Byakuei is fighting she can defend and kill others that interfere with her during that time with more ease since Kagura has excellent sword skill far above Yomi.

5/5 and so much T_T this one, I would put it 10/5.
I really get emotional ever since watching anime so that is why my posts now have more of my emotions. Sharing that on MAL is a great experience even if some people might dis me about it

1.Yomi and her father for the last time. T_T Uwaaaaa, I cried a lot there.
2.Finally the Sesshouseki is within Kagura! Now go kill Yomi!



1.Kiri's death T_T
2.Nabu's death T_T
3.Iwahata damaged bad T_T
4.Kagura's father death T_T
5.Shrine maidens death T_T
In spoiler

BTW I respect dead people even in anime. Must be my Christian side.
slayer545-samaDec 24, 2008 1:11 AM
please report all angel999 duplicate accounts to the mods asap
Dec 15, 2008 2:58 PM

Aug 2008
Last time, it was Noriyuki's turn to be lame; this time, it's Kagura's turn to be lame. Wtf? She just stood there while her dad was telling her to finish off Yomi? And then when her dad died because of her weakness, she acts like a little wimp! God, why does this show have two wimps? Noriyuki being a wimp is forgivable because he wasn't that important, but Kagura? Well, we already know she's kind of a wimp, but still, since she's the main character, I find that very annoying.

The wheelchair lady was AWESOME!! I didn't even think it was possible to fight and act so cool while in a wheelchair.

I hate the fact that Yomi is portrayed as invincible, though. Dodging machine gun bullets? Wtf?

Next episode will be climatic, though :)

Thanks, person who gave me this on another site a long time ago, lol.
Dec 23, 2008 9:37 PM

Oct 2008
"Will you kill someone you love, because of love?"
this phrase pops up everywhere in this show noriyuki, kagura and others

oh man, what an awesome fight between the dad and yomi.. but soooo god dam short..
I WANNA SEE MORE Ranguren vs Byakuei!

this show is really good at cliffhangers and getting to a climax
wheel chair lady pwns...
Nabuu #1 down.. noooo

if i thot the dad/yomi fight was good... im pretty sure kagura vs yomi #2 is gonna be better
!!!sub faster pweasseeee!!!
Dec 23, 2008 11:24 PM
Mar 2008
Have been waiting for Kagura to get out of her pathetic slump and be as bad ass as Yomi, hopefully she can finally pull it off.
Dec 24, 2008 12:22 AM

Jul 2007
I dont get it isnt Byakuei the STRONGEST spiritual beast. Then why did it seem to have an even match with Raguen. Kinda odd since this whole time they have been hyping how amazing Byakuei is.
Dec 24, 2008 12:58 AM

Oct 2007
skullking123 said:
I dont get it isnt Byakuei the STRONGEST spiritual beast. Then why did it seem to have an even match with Raguen. Kinda odd since this whole time they have been hyping how amazing Byakuei is.
Even it is just 0.1% stronger, you can still call it the strongest. And the fact that Kagura's father+Byakuei was stronger than Yomi+Raguen in that battle.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Dec 24, 2008 1:02 AM

Mar 2008
I thought it would have been more of a epic battle between the Kagura's father and Yomi, but it was only like 3-5 minutes >_< but Kagura now inherits the Byakuei ^_^
Dec 24, 2008 1:14 AM

Aug 2007
Hmm I think they deviated from the manga a bit concerning the father's death, but eh I guess things are still somewhat faithful to it.

Decent episode with the expected result of nearly everyone in the Ministry of Environment Supernatural Defense Squad? being killed by Yomi. Though what wasn't expected is that rather awesome (ridiculous) wheelchair by the director. I mean just damn I want one of those! xD
Dec 24, 2008 3:20 AM

Jul 2008
I enjoyed this episode, and I agree that the fight between papa Tsuchimiya and Yomi was too short. The director's wheelchair awesomeness was unexpectedly nice. I know I couldn't be that nice with a wheelchair.
Dec 24, 2008 5:53 AM

Jun 2008
I felt that the episode finished so quickly.

Damn so many people died.
Dec 24, 2008 6:23 AM

Oct 2007
Anyone know who can control Ranguren? Mei and Yomi could use it back and fourth, so I'm wondering if it's just the the director could have taken when she saw yomi come back? :/
Dec 24, 2008 6:43 AM

Oct 2007
Pretty good episode. Father wasn't a total ass. I'm looking forward to the finale. Anyone read the manga and can verify if it is as bad as everyone claims it is? It's truly a shame if its bad since that anime has made me really want to read it.

"I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees." By Emiliano Zapata
Dec 24, 2008 7:01 AM
Dec 2008
wheelchair of death, i need one of those :)

Looks like ep12 will be a Yomi vs Kagura final, I so can't wait to see that eventhough I love both of em somehow.

Great episode
Dec 24, 2008 2:41 PM

Oct 2007
awesome episode XD

also very moving aswell between Kagura and her father, with the burden of inheriting Byakuei. great action from Ayame kicking ass in her wheelchair 0__0

looking forward to the last episode!!
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Dec 24, 2008 2:46 PM

Nov 2007
Woah lots of events happening this episode, can't believe the director can actually fight O_O, but that is one kick ass wheelchair I have to say, so she killed her husband? Now I did not expect that.

Final showdown! Kagura vs Yomi, Byakuei vs Ranguren going to be awesome =D
Dec 24, 2008 6:31 PM

Dec 2007
Jeez, such a depressing episode. Even though I already knew that almost all of them were going to die, it still was sad to actually see it.

And lol, ep 1 had bike-fu, this one had wheelchair-fu.

And to whomever asked if the manga was as bad as everyone says it is...nah. I like it. Sure, the basic plot itself isn't really special, but it has awesome characters,I love the art, good comedy and kaguraaaa! Manga Kagura > Anime Kagura by far. But if you liked most of the feel of this anime then maybe the manga isn't for you since it's not nearly as dark as the anime.
Dec 24, 2008 10:19 PM

Nov 2006
random QUALITY invasion? why now? D:
Dec 24, 2008 10:25 PM
Jun 2007
windy said:
random QUALITY invasion? why now? D:

lulz. all that bloodshed was offset by that screencap. kudos for posting it. :D

that was some kickass wheelchair action by Ayame, even more awesome than Chapel the Evergreen in Trigun Maximum. I would have prefered to see the slaughter of all the members of the disposal team, it raises Yomi's delicious-ness exponentially for every frag she gets.
Dec 25, 2008 12:01 AM

Jun 2007
for some reason I found the amputee director to be super hot in this episode lol. I didn't see her having a rail run attached to her leg though haha. That was a bit unexpected.
Dec 25, 2008 2:11 AM

Jul 2007
Wow, such a sad and amazing episode, can't wait for the last one.. although it's pretty clear how it's gonna end :(

Sent with Mal Updater
Dec 25, 2008 4:50 AM

Jun 2008
I was glad to see the director fighting at least once, I was afraid she'd be killed without resistance.

All necessary deaths are set for the synchro with the start of the manga, even one of the Naboo brothers fell, so all that's left is the final showdown and maybe a transitional ending, which I hope they won't spend half the episonde on.

It would also be nice to have a glimpse of Kensuke under the anime's character design style.
Dec 25, 2008 11:56 AM

Oct 2008
Great episode. I really liked the fight between Yomi and Kagura's father as it demonstrated that while he was stronger overall, having someone to protect ended up being his downfall.

Yumi wiping out nearly every other person also sets up the last episode for being a Yumi vs kagura epic (with maybe some help from yumi's old boyfriend).

I dont really understand people saying characters are weak for not killing yumi. Unless someone is really blood thirsty or heartless, you can't really expect them to kill the person they love most in the world like they're stepping on an ant. Not to mention how every one of her fellow exorcists/friends screwed her in her hour of need, even Kagura.

All in all, i am really looking forward to the next episode and i hope they make an anime out of the continuing manga as well, otherwise i will probably have to check that out since the anime did such a good job advertising it.
Dec 25, 2008 1:58 PM

Sep 2007
This is totally one fo the best series of the season, and this was an awesome episode. I'm extremely excited with the last one *.*

Dec 25, 2008 3:41 PM
Dec 2007
Falatorx said:
Great episode. I really liked the fight between Yomi and Kagura's father as it demonstrated that while he was stronger overall, having someone to protect ended up being his downfall.
This is precisely what happened. Byaukuei is also extremely overhyped. Being the strongest of the Ga-rei means that Byakuei is also the hardest to control. He isn't a completely subservient beast, like Ranguren. On the contrary, he's chained down both figuratively and literally.

Now, regardless of how much of a pain in the neck Byakuei is to control, Tsuchimiya-dono handled his fight excellently. Yumi resorted to attacking Kagura to deviate their attention and they still won handily. His defeat was completely Kagura's fault and his father's belief that she could actually shake her doubt and finish her. BTW, this is a minor detail but I never noticed Ranguren had snakes for a tail.

I dont really understand people saying characters are weak for not killing yumi. Unless someone is really blood thirsty or heartless, you can't really expect them to kill the person they love most in the world like they're stepping on an ant. Not to mention how every one of her fellow exorcists/friends screwed her in her hour of need, even Kagura.
100% agreed ! Seriously, the theme of the anime is the fight between duty and friendship/love, pretty much driven into our heads with the "Will you kill someone you love, because of love?" catchphrase.

Liken the situation to something more realistic here. If someone close to you, say a friend or family member, ever murdered someone, what would be your first though? Would you be in denial or would you actually accept it willingly just like that? Now say it was the person you loved most. Would you still have doubts even after showed all evidence? If you are like most people, you would be in denial or completely break down. It's human nature.

Dec 26, 2008 3:36 AM

Apr 2008
Ga-rei Zero ep. 11... I think it had everything. It was really emotional. I even stopped the ep a couple of times. I hope that the last episode will be epic. In addition, I hope that soon we will see Ga-Rei animated ( KEN-CHAN BANZAI ) and that where everything begins :)
Dec 26, 2008 4:26 AM

Jan 2008
Oh my. This is a heavy ep. There's the good fight scenes between Yomi and the director, those sad scenes after the fights, and the touching moment with Kagura and her father.
Dec 27, 2008 10:15 AM

Dec 2007
The incredible difference between the Yomi scenes and the Kagura scenes!!

Next is last!!
Hope it finishes well!!

My Claims:
Dec 28, 2008 3:44 AM

Jan 2008
Kotori said:
Wow, such a sad and amazing episode, can't wait for the last one.. although it's pretty clear how it's gonna end :(
I know, but still hoping for an end where both won't die D:
Dec 28, 2008 6:30 AM

May 2008
From episode one when i first picked up because of (mainly) the artwork, which shocked most people, to this episode, i've enjoyed thoroughly. I even read the manga series and been loving them both so much. Even the OP and ED songs are amazing. I listen to the OP song everyday!
If i remember correctly, alot of people considered dropping this anime series and probably did after first few episodes. (and i understand why) I hope they decide to watch these again!
I cannot wait till last ep's subs are finished ;_;
Where are you old granny director (or chairwoman?)!?! I bet she could've finished Yomi D;

p.s. evil or not, Yomi's so hot '~'
Dec 29, 2008 5:41 PM

Jun 2008
How come that Kagura is now in control of Ga-Rei without that ritual her father had to do - she just took the Death Stone and that's it ?
Dec 29, 2008 9:57 PM

Apr 2007
pretty good episode. too bad I'm too lazy to finish the series right now, eh, I'll do it tomorrow.

last episode better be good. D:
Jan 5, 2009 11:49 AM

Nov 2007
All of the designs in this series are so ridiculously cool, from the motorcycle fight in 1 to the wheelchair mashing in this episode, hell, even Kagura piercing her ear to put in the stone was just cool. The show is also not afraid to kill characters, which is typically a huge plus in my enjoyment of something as it always leaves avenues open. Great lead up to a final fight, and excellent development of all of the main people involved. Awesome episode.
Apr 19, 2009 5:33 AM

Jul 2008
now everything build up for the last episode. gonna finish it now><

May 8, 2009 9:22 PM

Dec 2008
im guessing they are both going to die.
yomi doesn't really seem like she will live in peace after what she has done to every one.
and kagura doesn't really seem like she will be able to save her.
and she will be alone after that.

the best i would expect would be that they both die happily. or at least die together.
May 16, 2009 8:20 AM

Jan 2009
Time of last fight is coming... How would it be???
Sadly that this story is without happy end, but in spite of this, I like Ga-Rei -Zero- very much - good plot, music, interesting characters and every episode makes you feel exited.

Jul 16, 2009 7:49 PM

Aug 2008
Heck... the fight between the Spiritual Beasts was so short!!! I never expected that Yomi would have been able to brush off the old Tsuchimiya-dono so easily... But hey just as some of you said... I guess he lost the battle all because he had some one to protect.... Yomi+Ranguren versus Tsuchimiya+Byakuei was pretty nice.... Tsuchimiya-dono was a pro exorcist for sure... too bad he had to die in such a painful way.. at least he had a last talk with his daughter and Kagura inherited the Seisshouseki just in time... in time to control our dear Byakuei and prepare our dear Kagura to her last battle against Yomi.... My the anime is filled of emotions for sure... I love it... only one complain... Don ya think it was too convinient for Master Michael to show up in that precise moment with a new sword for Kagura? XD Michael 13 huh... sounds cool for me... I bet Michael-sensei made the Wheelchair of Death for Director Ayame too!! XD My one Nabuu is dead!!! Not fair... Oh my... wha will happen from now on?

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Jul 29, 2009 12:05 AM

May 2009
I hereby rename this show Battle Wheelchairs
Oct 9, 2009 6:20 AM

Aug 2008
LagTag said:
I hereby rename this show Battle Wheelchairs
I'd totally watch a full series of the Director being badass.

Dem wheels man.

What an episode.
Dec 5, 2009 11:53 AM

Aug 2009
Sad, touching moments.. loved this episode alot =D
Jan 11, 2010 6:45 PM
Soldier 1stClass

Mar 2008
Another good and emotional episode. Really looking forward to the next. I'm anticipating the finale even though I think it will be a sad one.
Jan 13, 2010 8:06 PM

Dec 2009
Only good thing about this episode is Kagura reconnecting with her father
Jan 17, 2010 5:24 AM
Feb 2009
Tsuchimiya-dono is bad ass
Feb 4, 2010 10:50 PM

Nov 2009
Sweet all is going well, i hope yomi kills kagura now too =D
Feb 16, 2010 5:43 PM
Feb 2010
That was an amazing battle between Yomi and Tsuchimiya. Too bad it was too short... but sweet nonetheless. ^_^

I'm expecting an EPIC battle next episode.
Mar 31, 2010 1:14 AM

Oct 2008
Ayame is such an awesome fighter in the wheelchair..

And Kagura has inherited Byakurei. o.o
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Aug 10, 2010 5:15 AM

May 2009
Some heartbreaking scenes here.
When Yomi regained her "conscious" and remembered what she had done, when she tried to commit suicide.. gawd. I can't come to hate anybody in this show. They are all human. They fault. Even Kagura, who runs away from Yomi at the hospital.

Other that that - this is turning into a bloodbath. This show has so many likeable characters, I'm getting teary at their deaths...
And DAMN the Director can fight! Don't think she's just a weak woman in a wheelchair :D

So it's going to come down to a one on one fight between Kagura and Yomi?
Expected, enjoyable.

Oh, and as soon as Master Michael showed up, with his twisted accent, I couldn't help but lol. It blew the whole seriousness of the situation away..
Aug 10, 2010 8:49 PM

May 2010
Is it just me or is anyone wondering how Michael just showed up out of no where? A half nude man just poped up.
Sep 20, 2010 7:57 AM

Dec 2009
I shall never underestimate somebody in a wheelchair anymore.
Dec 4, 2010 5:14 AM
Jan 2009
Siva said:
skullking123 said:
I dont get it isnt Byakuei the STRONGEST spiritual beast. Then why did it seem to have an even match with Raguen. Kinda odd since this whole time they have been hyping how amazing Byakuei is.
Even it is just 0.1% stronger, you can still call it the strongest. And the fact that Kagura's father+Byakuei was stronger than Yomi+Raguen in that battle.

If not mistaken kegura father winning but got distracted in saving kagura... BTW as whole so far i find the whole anime has very touching and good character build up from the begiining... I can't wait to read up the manga after watching the last episode
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