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Nov 6, 2008 6:18 PM

Jul 2008

Uhhh, wow much? Absolutely fantastic episode, sadly we're left off in a little of a cliffhanger(as if that's much of a surprise). The tension between Toua and the owner only grows in this episode, which is awesome. I can't wait for the next episode in the least, and I have to say I never thought I'd enjoy fictional baseball as much as I enjoy real baseball. Sadly, the one thing it lacked was even an appearance of Kojima, he was nowhere to be seen the entire episode, however it had so much Toua I think I can live. The only thing I could think of throughout the entire episode was "Damn Toua, I love this guy." He's really starting to show just how much of a beast he is. Hope you guys enjoyed this as much as me :3
BakayaroNov 6, 2008 6:33 PM

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Nov 6, 2008 7:22 PM

May 2008
Yes this episode was great. It relieved me that they found more ways for Toua to play his mindgames besides just pitching.
Nov 6, 2008 8:40 PM
Oct 2007
best anime of the season BY FAR.
Nov 6, 2008 9:09 PM
Oct 2008
Love this show great episode toua is alot like akagi and this reminds me of both akagi and kaiji because of how toua is and well that and madhouse has done all 3 and yuzo sato directed them as well, the endings are full of cliffhangers that just keeps you watching more what will the shortstop do is he going to try to mess things up or realize how good this team is and want to help them win we will see
Nov 6, 2008 11:30 PM

Jun 2008
What an Owner making his team loose,anyway great episode
Nov 7, 2008 4:04 AM
Jul 2018
Ah, delicious corruption.
Nov 7, 2008 4:17 AM

May 2008
With this episode I'm finally confident in saying this should definitely be a good series. It proved to me that it will do more than just have Toua beating everyone with ease and that it can continue to make the games and the Owner vs. Toua struggle more interesting as it goes on. Plus it actually made something involving baseball watchable, a feat rarely accomplished.
Nov 7, 2008 5:14 AM

Dec 2007
Can anyone explain to me, what exactly happened with this Imai triple play?
Third baseman caught the ball and then run to second base, and... ??
And what about the guy who was already at third, why didn't he tried to run home?

Please bear with me, as my knowledge about baseball is very superficial.
Nov 7, 2008 9:08 AM

May 2008
Fuck yeah, Toua!

Damn, I still hyped-up about this episode. It was fun watching the owner rage about his failed attempt to make some profit out of the loss. Ah, sweet, sweet torture.

However, about the cliffhanger I have my doubts. I get this feeling that Yoshida might do what the old geezer told him and after the game he'd be all guilty and all. I just get this feeling. Because, as much I freaking love Toua, its not fun if he'd get the prize every time he gets an opportunity.

PS: I love the way his eyes are drawn. They're like haws ready to devour its prey.

Nov 7, 2008 11:31 AM

Nov 2007
BlickWinkel said:
Can anyone explain to me, what exactly happened with this Imai triple play?
Third baseman caught the ball and then run to second base, and... ??
And what about the guy who was already at third, why didn't he tried to run home?

Please bear with me, as my knowledge about baseball is very superficial.

The ball didn't touch the ground before Imai caught it which means that runners shouldn't leave their base before it is caught. But I think that the runners thought it was going through so they left their bases already. Imai touched 2nd base before 2nd runner was able to come back and got him out. Then Imai ran for the first base runner and tagged him out. If 3rd base runner (Okabe) left the base before the ball was caught, he would have to go back before running home again. I suppose Imai got to the 1st base runner before Okabe got home.
Nov 7, 2008 12:03 PM

Jun 2007
This ep was really good! i also enjoyed it a lot
im glad i decided to pick this up
Absolutely_Steve said:
It proved to me that it will do more than just have Toua beating everyone with ease
that :D
Nov 7, 2008 12:32 PM

Jul 2007
Metro said:
best anime of the season BY FAR.

Yeah, I thought this ep would be boring but IT'S fucking awesome! Can't wait arg~!!

Nov 7, 2008 5:22 PM

Dec 2007
evirob said:
The ball didn't touch the ground before Imai caught it which means that runners shouldn't leave their base before it is caught. But I think that the runners thought it was going through so they left their bases already. Imai touched 2nd base before 2nd runner was able to come back and got him out. Then Imai ran for the first base runner and tagged him out. If 3rd base runner (Okabe) left the base before the ball was caught, he would have to go back before running home again. I suppose Imai got to the 1st base runner before Okabe got home.

Thank you for explanation.
I guess my problem is I didn't know there are some kind of restrictions, i.e. that you shouldn't leave the base before ball is caught - this is really new for me, I always thought you could (I guess that's what have to be done if you want steal the base... or not?)
Nov 7, 2008 5:30 PM
Apr 2008
Nov 7, 2008 5:43 PM

Nov 2007
BlickWinkel said:

Thank you for explanation.
I guess my problem is I didn't know there are some kind of restrictions, i.e. that you shouldn't leave the base before ball is caught - this is really new for me, I always thought you could (I guess that's what have to be done if you want steal the base... or not?)

I'm not sure of the case for stealing bases, since that's generally when the ball is being pitched. But that rule of not running before it's caught is so that runners don't all run home while the ball is still in the air, which can be awhile if it's a long pop fly to the outfields. And I think they can run if the ball hit the ground first. Not 100% sure though. I'm not familiar with all the rules of baseball either.
Nov 7, 2008 10:14 PM

Jul 2008
BlickWinkel said:
evirob said:
The ball didn't touch the ground before Imai caught it which means that runners shouldn't leave their base before it is caught. But I think that the runners thought it was going through so they left their bases already. Imai touched 2nd base before 2nd runner was able to come back and got him out. Then Imai ran for the first base runner and tagged him out. If 3rd base runner (Okabe) left the base before the ball was caught, he would have to go back before running home again. I suppose Imai got to the 1st base runner before Okabe got home.

Thank you for explanation.
I guess my problem is I didn't know there are some kind of restrictions, i.e. that you shouldn't leave the base before ball is caught - this is really new for me, I always thought you could (I guess that's what have to be done if you want steal the base... or not?)

A stolen base occurs when a baserunner leaves their base, for the next while the pitcher is still pitching to the plate. This however, was impossible because the bases were loaded, and no more than one player can be on any base at any time.

The way the triple play worked was explained by rob, but to clarify. The ball was caught before reaching the ground, which prevents baserunners from advancing, and they have to go back to their last base to "tag up". Thinking Imai was stationary at third, he aimed for the gap between second and third which would usually be covered by the shortstop, who was sitting off to the side.

Imai in an act of desperation somehow managed to catch the ball, causing the other runners to have to tag up. It's implied that the second base runner had long been runningfor third by the time Imai caught the ball, putting Imai closer to the second base bag making that an easy second out. It's also possible that the first base runner tagged up and reached second, though I'd argue it's more likely he simply didn't expect the ball to be caught, hence the look of fear on his face as he ran into Imai. One, two, three outs, triple play. I am somehow surprised that the guy on third didn't make it home though, but I'm not complaining :D Go Lycaons!

Also, to clarify one other thing rob said, the reasoning behind tagging up, is that pop flies can take a while to come back down, and if you could just sink those and allow people to run home... Well, it'd make the game a lot less interesting. As long as a ball is caught before it reaches the ground, it is an out, and all runners have to tag up. However, they can't always run if the ball hits the ground first. If it lands outside of fair territory(first/third base lines), it's a foul ball which constitutes a strike, unless the batter already has two strikes, at which point he can't get a strikeout via a foul ball hit, unless he attempts to bunt and it goes foul.

Of course, I'm not sure on the rule variations between NA/JP Baseball, so this could vary, though I'm not sure. Meh.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Nov 8, 2008 6:08 AM

Dec 2007
Bakayaro said:
A stolen base occurs when a baserunner leaves their base, for the next while the pitcher is still pitching to the plate. This however, was impossible because the bases were loaded, and no more than one player can be on any base at any time.

Ah, exactly, one question here - before Okabe stole the 2nd and 3rd base (after another SS failure) Toua threw ball to catcher - why there wasn't any strike/ball decision? You can throw ball to catcher anytime you want or what? I know you can to any field players (to prevent base stealing) allright, but to the catcher when hitter is waiting in the box?

As for the rest, I think i get it - almost - all, thank you :)
Two things are still unclear for me: one, I'm surprised that third runner didn't make it home too, second - when Imai was doing his desperate run I wonder what was second baseman doing? Enjoying his picnic? :)
Nov 8, 2008 10:15 AM

Jul 2008
No, you can't. I'm actually rewatching the episode, and I'm not seeing this. If you're refering to the ball he threw as Okabe went running, it's the same play. It's likely they(the producers of the show) didn't bother showing the call since they didn't really view it "relevant".

Now, in order to prevent stealing, you do have the option to pick off a base runner. Basically, a runner can lead off of the base, in order to have a shorter distance to run to the next one. It's a double edged sword, because if you lead off too far the pitcher can easily throw the ball to first base and beat you to it, or if you choose to run to second, you're likely to get stuck in a pickle, or rather a rundown. Basically, you can throw it to any infielder provided they have a baserunner at their base.

As for the second baserunner, I wouldn't say enjoying his picnic. That's a hell of a ball to catch, and it probably rather caught him offguard that a "stationary" player moved.

Basically, First and Third baseman typically play pretty close to their bases. However, in the case of a second baseman, they generally play off the bag, towards first. What this does is it creates a gap at second base. To help remedy this some, you have the shortstop playing parallel to the second baseman on the other side of the field.

Without the shorstop there, the first baseman was cover a bit more of second, and second was trying to cover shortstop, but only so much can be done. It's probably more likely that he had an enormous leadoff, and by the time Imai made it to where the ball would be, Imai was closer to second whereas the runner was closer to third. This is speculation though, and pretty much damn near impossible as far as I can think about it or tell.
BakayaroNov 8, 2008 11:14 AM

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Nov 8, 2008 11:13 AM
Jun 2007
oh God, this show just keeps getting better after each episode. I concur with Metro's sentiment, this is the best show of the season. Toua continues to own every batter he faces and at the same time, gaining the respect of his teammates, one by one. I do hope for more awesome feats from the guy, not to mention when Kojima returns to the line-up, the team would be so much better. Everything the owner has done should have blown up in his face by then.

oh, and I lol'd at the guy who got caught for the 3rd out in the Triple Play by Imai. The Eagle player screaming at the top of his lungs before he got tagged was just hilarious. :D
Nov 8, 2008 1:09 PM
Jan 2008
Another question for people who understand baseball -

Toua isn't the captain of the team, right? So how much authority does he actually have on the pitch? If Yoshida had simply ignored him and stayed at ...err... shortstop, what could Toua have done about it? Or is it one of those things that is simply *not done*?
Nov 8, 2008 2:42 PM

Jul 2008
Toua basically has no authority. He's just a toolbag, which is why I love him. That, and Yoshida knew it would hurt the team more than him just missing balls, so he was more or less following orders from the owner. Generally, it's not often a baseball team will have a "captain" either, at least not in NA. So, had Yoshida decided to stay there for whatever reason, Toua couldn't have done much of anything.

"I'd suck you~" Berri||Desu Ne?
Nov 8, 2008 8:09 PM

Sep 2007
The whole "Closed glove/Open glove" weakness was pretty unconvincing. I'm pretty sure anyone (let alone a pro-pitcher) would suspect something was up after having five balls hit in a row. Even if you couldn't figure out Toua's plan, the obvious answer would be to sometimes open the glove intentionally, sometimes not, at random, until you figured out the pattern.

Also, the team manager is hilariously stupid. Sure, profits might be going up (10% apparently) the way things are, but imagine if you had a pitcher that didn't let a single batter on base for an entire season. You'd be able to rake in so much cash exploiting how invincible Toua is that it would more than make up for his steep salary. It's retarded that he hasn't figured this out yet.
Nov 9, 2008 4:34 PM

Dec 2007
naikou said:
Also, the team manager is hilariously stupid. Sure, profits might be going up (10% apparently) the way things are, but imagine if you had a pitcher that didn't let a single batter on base for an entire season. You'd be able to rake in so much cash exploiting how invincible Toua is that it would more than make up for his steep salary. It's retarded that he hasn't figured this out yet.

Maybe he hasn't maybe he has, but it doesn't matter now. What matters now is owner's wounded ambition and resentment. "How such taken from nowhere as*hole like Toua dares to make me a fool? He definitely needs a lesson"
It's not logical alright, but it's very human like.
Nov 9, 2008 4:47 PM

Sep 2007
Well... maybe, but we've already been told that the manager is motivated by one thing, and one thing only: Money. He's been perfectly happy to sell his pride in the past, why should that change now? I agree that revenge is a very human motive, but it's not consistent with the manager's character.

In the end, though, the manager has completely screwed himself over, and still doesn't realize it. He can:
A) Kick Toua off of the team, in which case the fans will be extremely angry, probably damaging profits
B) Not use Toua in a game again - with probably the same result
C) Let Toua play, and pay him a fortune

Now, the manager is supposed to be a smart guy when it comes to money (he calculated the results of Toua's contract nearly instantly). I just don't understand why he can't find a way to pay Toua and take advantage of his skills.
Nov 11, 2008 12:33 PM
Nov 2008
Just because he's smart about money doesn't mean he also does not have an ego. Remember that in Japanese business culture that pride and protocol weigh heavily. You have this disrespectful punk showing you up. What's worse is that not only is he making the owner look like a fool, but he's also crushing his bankroll in seemingly impossible situations.

As for your scenarios...

A. First off we don't know the terms of the contract and if he can just fire Toua outright. More than that, should he fire Toua, the guy personally brought in by his best bat, he too may bail on his own contract. With both of their stars out of the team, you can bet the Lycaons fan base would surely rebel.

B. Not using Toua may result in the same thing regarding the guy who recruited him, but moreover it means that Toua won. By not exposing Toua to further games then the owner would have lost out on all that money. The owner looks like a fool for giving that huge contract,and looks bad to his peers since they don't realize how killer Toua is on the mound. Just like the owner initially thought, the other owners would just say run him up there X number of times and you get back your investment - 2 wins anyone can get.

C. Let Toua play. Yup, he'll make a fortune. But by making that one move and potentially getting the first championship in 30 years he'll be lauded as a god for making that contract. When you have a rabid fan base like that, sure you can make steady profits. You could however levy that as you say into a dynasty to leech off of for quite some time. I'm sure in the end the profits could be there in the long term, but it's the loss of face that really pisses off the owner. A player dictated his terms and won against management. Bam.

Honestly, i think the manager's character as a complete dirtbag is spot on, if a bit comically extreme. It's an anime though and I can buy it.
Nov 11, 2008 4:25 PM

Oct 2007
Wow, this show is certainly going to make the wait for Kaiji season 2 a little less painful. Fantastic Stuff!!

And yes, the owner is a total A-hole in not really caring if his team wins or loses. I can certainly relate to feeling that way about the Philly owners until the Phillies finally won this season, lol.
Nov 12, 2008 1:41 AM
Oct 2008
Owner doesnt care about the team as long as it turns in a profit to cover for the weak construction industry. Therefore, wins or losses do not matter to him.

However, if he were smarter, he would realize that the more wins equals more profits.

As for his loss with Toua, not letting him play is a heavy loss to the owner, so the only solution is to let him PLAY. he let toua rest so the other teams could analyze touas pitch and have a higher chance of scoring against him. (like how okabe got tips).
Nov 14, 2008 11:04 AM

Nov 2007
backlash said:
However, if he were smarter, he would realize that the more wins equals more profits.

That is true... just to touch on the manager situation, while his team was batting he seemed to be angry that they were coming back, how would that be relevant to his Toua hate? It's not like the team coming back to win the game would be losing him anything, it is one thing to wish that Toua gives up runs, but it doesn't make any sense that he just wants his team to lose in general.
Nov 14, 2008 2:56 PM
Nov 2008
Well there's a couple problems with the rally back. First, if Toua were to rally the team to tie it up and go to extra innings, then Toua would have to be paid more for his extended outing. Second, should Toua contribute to a win in an impossible situation, then the owner will be pressured to continue to send Toua out for more games. He's losing his chance to really cut bait with this miracle comeback in the works.
Nov 14, 2008 4:50 PM

Sep 2007
...but it doesn't make any sense that he just wants his team to lose in general.

Xaintrix said:
Well there's a couple problems with the rally back. First, if Toua were to rally the team to tie it up and go to extra innings, then Toua would have to be paid more for his extended outing.

Precisely. This anime has a lot of good ideas, but it misses some glaring contradictions, which ruins the whole effect. If the writers of this anime want me to believe Toua is a genius, they better start putting more thought into the things he does. Let's hope next episode clears up most of the issues.
Nov 18, 2008 8:41 PM

Sep 2008
This guy is a demon. I'm glad it went this route than someone better than him showed up. I can't wait to see how this whole series turns out. I'm so excited I just can't wait to watch the next ep. :)
Nov 20, 2008 7:34 PM

Jun 2007
It's good to see Toua not throw strikes every time. I'm happy they mixed it up more and made it more of a team thing and not just about Toua. I think I might end up liking this show as long as they keep it going like this episode but also toss in a loss or two.
Nov 24, 2008 10:26 PM

Jul 2008
Good episode. I'm anxious to see what the shortstop does, I don't trust him, but I think Toua will make him irrelevant.
Jan 1, 2009 11:45 PM

Jun 2008
I got to say Imai putting out 3 people was sweet. ^^ The owner of the team is such an idiot all he cares about is money. -_-
Jan 23, 2009 11:13 AM

Apr 2008
Brilliant episode!!!!! I know zero about baseball, so I'm glad they're not focussing on specific plays or superhuman feats, but the mindgames! Lol at the owner, at this point its not just about the money, it's about pride, ego and winning... nobody wins but I!!! XD

I kinda felt sorry for Mizuhashi, the pincher for the other team ... maybe not!!!

But another cliffhanger!!!!!! I'm glad I picked this up late, all this suspense would be bad for my health. ^^
Mar 13, 2009 4:03 PM

Aug 2007
Damn it... I think I need to marathon this show to make sure I don't die at the end of every cliffhanging episode.

fantasticly done. I knew what toua was up to though :D yay.

The Owner isn't that much of an evil guy... just business savvy and greedy... if they didn't add the red background and evil grins, he'd be any sports owner :P
May 16, 2009 7:09 PM

Mar 2009
oh man again....*bows down to Toua*
Sep 3, 2009 9:33 PM

Feb 2008
explanation of how he screwed over that pitcher was longer than it needed to be, but I'm assuming that's because they're assuming that we're stupid :/

liked this episode overall, wonder if the short stop will betray the owner :)
Oct 11, 2009 5:03 AM

Jul 2009
Damn, they all fall to Toua's trap! all of them, Devil's trap
May 29, 2010 6:04 AM

Mar 2009
Another great episode. Toua rules.
Jun 13, 2010 6:54 PM

Feb 2010
Really liked this episode.
Seems like Toua is gonna fight the hardest battles against his teammates/teamowner..
I probably regret this post by now.
Feb 27, 2011 3:51 PM

Feb 2009
Haha,he just chased out the shortstop.And the owner is such a douche...

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Apr 18, 2011 4:34 PM

Nov 2009
Toua let him back on, but he must have a plan I think. Knowing him, I doubt he'd fall into the owner's trap, instead it's the other way around.

I loved his plan, he really messed with that pitcher, it'll probably mess his game up for the other games he ends up playing against other teams :o
Apr 20, 2011 12:16 PM

Dec 2009
Toua is a great tactician.Now he really looks like Hiruma.

Jul 18, 2012 1:52 PM

Jul 2011
Toua is a great tactician indeed. He's getting cooler by the minute. XD
Sep 13, 2012 11:23 PM

Mar 2012
That unassisted triple play was funny. The owner of the team reminds me of the owner from Major League.
Sep 14, 2012 12:38 PM

Apr 2008
That owner is such an asshole.
And Toua is a genius xD

Oct 16, 2012 4:19 PM

Jul 2008
Wow, the owner is actually trying to tank the team and make them lose? Not only that but he pays off his players, manager, and personnel to do so? What a douchebag.

Take him for all he's worth Toua!!!!!!!!
Oct 29, 2012 9:45 PM
Oct 2010
Another beast ep Toua was beast again and I really hate the owner not caring if his team loses if hes gaining profit makes me sick.
Apr 11, 2013 8:28 PM
Jul 2012
Great episode.
Man I hate the owner. Making the team lose 11 games, and setting up Toua make him lose. I will trust Toua since I knew he will win through this.
I hope he didn't get the ball and screwed the whole team up. That will be bullshit.
How in the heck did he get triple play? I need a replay of that.
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