Nov 2, 2008 5:47 PM
The sound of the busy streets filtered into the rickety guildhall. The sun just barely managed to trickle through the boarded up windows, giving light to darkened room. Of what was visible, all that one could see was a man lying face down on a straw bed and dust covered tables. Most of the chairs where broken, and vermin could be heard scratching at the walls, or scampering across the room. A rapping at the front door awoken the man as he lazily rolled off the and fell onto the floor. Slowly picking himself up he stumbled and drudged towards the door. The rusted hinges sung as the door opened as the man peeked outside only to be temporary blinded by the light of the rising sun, "Welcome to the Crimson Knights guildhall... currently the hall is closed and won't be accepting any new missions until the members, or rather sole member, me... oh wait... you probably don't know me... Fayt's the name, recovers from the last mission. I am sorry to disappoint you..." he said as he squinted his eyes to get a better look at the person who knocked at the door, "Madam number one, but please come back in one weeks time, or rather... have another guild fulfill your request," he said as he slowly closed the door and turned back towards the direction of his straw bed. The man had nothing but pants and a leather belt on, his bare chest had scars from previous scrimmages from wolves, ogres, trolls, and other beast that roamed the land. On his lower back was a seal of unknown origin or purpose that had been tattooed there since as long as he could remember, and the scope of his memories isn't that large in the first place. He can only recall the last twelve years of his life, most of which was him failing the entrance exams to every single guild in the guild city of Crandor, also known as the heart of the Kingdom of Misthalin. Also during the time period that he can recall, he formed the guild known as the Crimson Knights, and to date he is the sole member. The Knights, or Knight, takes on various missions from all the other guilds, or to put it into other terms, missions that all the other guilds had denied. The main reason why the guilds didn't want him because of his inability to cast Arts, or the fact that he doesn't have a Seal on either of his hands that houses the Arts of said guilds. However, the fact that he lacks a seal, and how he also lacks any Arts, his mastery of the sword is a mystery in and of itself. As Fayt stretched his arms and let out a giant yawn, he heard rapping at the door again. Irritated, he turned around and marched towards the door yet again. Flinging it open to reveal the young woman from before, "Look... I'm tired can't you see that? This guild isn't taking on any requests... so can you puh-lease find a different guild to take on your request," he snapped at the woman. He stood there for a second until he realized that she had a seal on her hand, and that it had the logo of the Warriors guild on it. The young woman also had a sword sheathed at her side, "So sorry... but what I said earlier applies to Warrior guild members as well... I'm not taking on any of your chump missions not matter how many times you piss and moan, I'm not a fucking lackey for your guild..." he said with an irritated expression on his face. [Sorry for those of your that don't like long posts lol... My writer instincts kinda took over, and by the time I realized it, this is what I had typed =p I think I'm gonna use the story I created and make it into a book lol. Damn.. I'm just overflowing with ideas lately =p] |
SnowmanGrimmNov 2, 2008 5:59 PM
Nov 2, 2008 6:35 PM
[I don't mind long posts. Your writer inscincts are quite admirable, Grim-san. ^_^] Michi stood in front of the door to the Crimson Knights guildhall impatiently knocking on the door. She needed someplace to go and thought she had found one. A man who looked like he had just woke up opened the door and spoke to her. Before she had a chance to speak he closed the door and left. This is frustrating... She thought and started knocking on the door again. The man, Fayt, opened the door again and started to ramble on. After he finished Michi finally got her word in. Michi banged a fist against the door and started yelling before he would start speaking again.. "Will you please listen? I am not here to ask you for a request. Actually well maybe I am but I just need a place to stay, alright? You wouldn't mind having another member would you? It'll just be the two of us. Thats not too much. Now let me in!" She shoved her way in and sat down on the nearest chair she could find that hadn't been smashed. She then put her hands on her lap and stated, "I, Michi, now declare myself an official new member of the Crimson Knights." |
lambNov 2, 2008 8:06 PM
Nov 2, 2008 6:49 PM
[Thanks ^^] Fayt yawned, "Do as you please... I can't offer you any Arts if that's what you are here for, seeing as how I can't use any," he said as he lifted his hand, which had no seal. It was nearly impossible to find someone without one, everyone was given a seal when they were born. Dropping his hand to his side as he pulled up a chair across from her and sat on it. Resting his chin on the dusty table, he looked in her direction, "You know... I only have one bed... and their isn't any food, nor is there money for food. You can catch a rodent or whatever is crawling around here, but I can't exactly guarantee the taste of it..." He yawned yet again and rested his left side of his face on the table this time, "Mishi was it? I don't mind the idea of having a female guild member, nor am I one to ask why you already have the Warriors guild Arts on your seal, but do you think it's safe for a woman to live with a man that she knows nothing about? Giving your features... I'd say that we are the same age... no? You are eighteen, am I correct?" asked Fayt. His appearance as of now looked nothing like that of an eighteen year old. He hasn't shaved in weeks, and he hardly eaten anything besides scraps here and there for the last few weeks as well. His blue eyes were bloodshot from sleepless nights, and his blue hair was a mess, and filled with dust from the table. |
Nov 2, 2008 7:14 PM
Michi got a closer look around the place and at Fayt. "I'll sleep on top of the table if I have to. Food? I can probably find some on the streets. Some townspeople know me well enough to hand me leftovers. Although I do have a bit of money left. But don't expect anything from me though. Just cause I'm living here doesn't mean I'm going to share all the time. I need to take care of myself first," she said. Michi looked right at Fayt's eyes. They would be striking if they weren't so bloodshot. Then she added with a fierce look, "Oh and if you lay a finger on me, this sword will cut through your stomach." "But you don't seem like you'd do anything anyway," she continued, "Plus I'm glad you know not to ask questions about me. I won't about you either. And you are correct, I am eighteen." |
lambNov 2, 2008 8:07 PM
Nov 2, 2008 7:34 PM
"If you do go into town, just don't say that you are a part of this guild, or the people will treat you like the lowest of the low in ranking. I, or now I should say we, have the lowest rep in the town, and only get the most degrading jobs," he said as he pushed his chair back and stood up, "You can take the bed, I'm fine sleeping anywhere. It'd be best for you to find a house in the town, because this guildhall doubles as my house," he said as he picked up a really expensive looking sword that was lying underneath his bed. He pulled a blue tunic on and grabbed a bag of gold coins that was on a barrel by the bed and tied it to his belt. He then sat on his bed and put on a ratty pair of brown leather boots. Finally he stood up and slid the belt attached to his sheathed sword over his shoulder so that he would be able to draw it with his left hand. "That's good to know... but even if you asked, I can't remember much about myself in the first place besides my mastery of swords," he said as he scooped water out of a tub and dumped it over his head, getting rid of all the dust and messiness of his dull blue hair, which was now somewhat now alive looking. He grabbed a towel and dried it off, "Well then, it's not like I'll be able to go back to bed, and I was just acting lazy before when I said I'm not doing any work... so I'm going into town," he said lazily as he walked towards the door, "You coming?" |
SnowmanGrimmNov 2, 2008 7:40 PM
Nov 2, 2008 7:47 PM
"Do you think I would come here if I had a choice? I've already heard about this place and I don't have anywhere else to go. I alreasy said I'm fine with sleeping whereever so you can take the bed cause I don't want you to be uncomfortable and try to kick me out. The townspeople may seem nice sometimes but they are greedy.." She said as she watched him get ready. "Okay so and I'll tell you that I've been denied by the Warrior Guild even with this seal on my hand!" She said as she lifted up her hand and pointed to the mark. "Maybe tomorrow I'll try to clean this place up a bit. Make it more homey. For now I'm following you into town." |
Nov 2, 2008 7:59 PM
"Well I suppose we should go check out the notice board outside of the Warriors Guild then, seeing how it's one of the only guilds that lets me work for them... maybe they'll have a job that requires us to catch petty bandits or slay an ogre or something..." Fayt said as he opened the door, "We should also check the general stores so that we can restock on supplies, and see if they have a sleeping bag or something.," he added as he yawned yet again, even after pouring that ice water over his head. |
Nov 2, 2008 8:51 PM
They got to the notice board in the plaza and Fayt scanned the board quickly and ripped one of the fliers off the board, "I found mine. It's a one man only job, and seems like its something easy to do. We split up here, so take whatever job you want," he said as he slide the flier into his pocket. It was for the extermination of some monster that had was living in the sewers. He stopped and turned back, "I don't know what time I'll be back either, so just make yourself at home if you get back before me," he called back and then vanished from sight as he began to blend in with the crowd. He scanned the flier he took, "7500 gold as a payment for a one star job huh? It seems a little fishy for a job to pay that much for such a risk level... oh well, it will get me a sleeping bag and food for a week," he said as he chuckled to himself. |
Nov 3, 2008 8:16 AM
"Err. Sure. Okay. Bye." Michi murmured as she was scanning the board. She tore a flier off the board walked towards the woods. "Kill off an already wounded wolf for 6000 gold. Lets get this over with. Hm." She said. |
Nov 3, 2008 12:55 PM
"Damn... I knew that his job would be troublesome... no wonder it reeked from the moment I saw it on the board... but then again, I guess it's my job to take care of these types of missions, it's all about experience I suppose," Fayt said as he unsheathed his sword and watched the giant monster rise up from the ground. It's yellow eyes piercing the darkness as it's thin tongue stuck out and began to hiss, "Snakes... I always hated these damn things... how troublesome..." he said as he squinted his eyes and rushed towards it. He jumped into the air to dodge the head of the serpent as he lunged towards where he was standing, and while he mid-air he spun so he could slice cleanly through the head. His feet landed on the slippery scales of the mammoth snake and he ran along it, dragging his sword down it's back creating a huge gash. Jumping down from it and back into the sewer water that came up to his ankles he cut off it's head as proof of him finishing the job, and used his shirt to clean off his sword before re-sheathing it, "Easy money," he said with a smirk as he picked up the head and headed for the exit ladder. |
Nov 3, 2008 1:18 PM
"This job is too easy," Michi thought aloud as she approached the wounded wolf. "It's leg is already damaged." She unsheathed her sword and took a quick slash at the wolf. The wolf jumped up at Michi with a snarl. "Oh! Now let's not get too excited." She said as she took another slash at the wolf making it crash on the ground. "Dead." Michi then walked around and found a little lake where she washed off her sword. "What a mess that made," she said with a sneer. She re-sheathed her sword and walked back to town. |
Nov 3, 2008 1:28 PM
"As I thought..." Fayt said to himself as he carried the mammoth head of the serpent while he walked through the town, "People are staying away from me because I smell like the sewers..." he said to himself again as he sighed. He noticed Michi out of the corner of his eye and waved to her, "How'd your mission go?" he asked as he adjusted his grip of the mammoth head. He was dragging it by it's mouth and he was covered in blood, the head also left a trail of blood. The fangs of the serpent were in a makeshift sash by his side, perhaps he could make some nice cash on the side by selling them to a weapons dealer after having an apothecary drain the venom out of them. |
Nov 3, 2008 1:39 PM
Michi noticed Fayt waving at her. She waved back and looked him up and down. "It went well. I'm guessing yours did too taking that your covered in blood and that also," she said pointing at the perpents head. "Geez your a mess." |
Nov 3, 2008 1:47 PM
"Yeah, I guess I am a little bit of a mess, but skinning that snake to make this sash was annoying. Oh well, at least I took it down in one slash. Clean down the middle. Pretty good for a person that doesn't use Arts huh?" he asked with a smile, "I'm gonna go drop this off at the Warriors Guild and claim my reward," he added, "and probably jump into a lake or something after that to get rid of the smell and the blood," he added. |
Nov 3, 2008 2:11 PM
"Yeah, yeah. You go do that. I've already claimed my award," Michi said holding up a bag full of coins. "Nice huh? And that lake is a good idea. You really wreak," she said waving one hand in front of her. |
Nov 3, 2008 3:19 PM
"Geh... you could have said it nicer..." Fayt said as he sulked off towards the guild and got his reward of 7500 Gold, then sold the poison for 500, and the fangs for 1000 a piece, landing him a total of 10,000 Gold from all of it. He bought a new tunic and pants in the general store along with a sleeping bag , leaving him with 7000 Gold. He sighed and headed off to the lake. |
Nov 3, 2008 3:24 PM
"Hey. I didn't mean it to sound so harsh. Sorry, okay? I mean it." Michi said with a slight smile. |
Nov 6, 2008 8:18 PM
[A few hours later] Fayt opened the door to the guildhall and saw that the candles and lanterns around the room had already been lit. He walked in and set the sleeping bag next to the bed. He was a late because after his skinny dipped in the ice cold lake, it was in the center of the woods that no one entered outside of town, he warmed himself up by getting some sword practice on the monsters around the lake. He walked to the table and placed a large wrapped item on the table that seemed to pique Michi's curiosity. He reached into his pocket and places a few sphere's on the table and unwrapped the item. It was the raw meat of a brown bear that attacked him. He slowly removed his tunic, which revealed his scar-riddled body that had began illuminated by the candlelight. He picked up a red sphere that he had placed on the table and held it against the strange tattoo (seal) on his lumbar region (lower back). The sphere began to glow red and moved inside his body, then a red orb of light that was under his skin quickly moved to his left hand. "Ignis!" he chanted as the red orb of light turned into a red arcane symbol, and fire came blazing out of his hand, roasting the bear meat, but also leaving a burn mark on his hand. The symbol that had appeared on his hand had vanished, as did the red orb of light, "Pretty neat huh?" he asked, half out of breath from what he just did, "A friend of mine that I knew since I tried to take the test at the Mage's Institute made them for me. I have another fire, ice, water, and lightning one left until she can make some more for me..." he said with a smile, "Since I can't use any Arts, she makes these for me. They're called Art Spheres that even a guy like me can use..." he added as he wobbled over to the kitchen and got a few plates and tableware, "Only thing that's bad about them is the fact they drain my energy a little, so I can't use them recklessly... and they way I have to pay for them is... well I'll leave it at interesting for now," he said as he sat down at the table and handed her a plate. This is what his current equipment looks like: Sword - Backstrap - 2" Ring on Leather Belt Loop - Boots - Leather Bracers (sometimes) - Long sleeve white linen shirt - brown pants - blue tunic (similar to Link's) - chainmail shirt (under the linen shirt) - iron breastplate (rarely) |
SnowmanGrimmNov 6, 2008 10:21 PM
Nov 10, 2008 4:28 PM
Michi was sitting at one of the tables with her head resting on her hand; then she gave a yawn. She was tired out for the day. After coming back to the guildhall, she had been trying to clean up the place as much as possible. Michi found it hard when she had nothing to clean with. It wasn't sparkling but it was something and most all of the broken furniture had been fixed. She had learned carpentry somewhere. Fayt had walked in and placed an item on the desk. "Hmmm?" She wondered out loud. She watched as Fayt did something that seemed related to Black Arts, cooking a piece of meat. "Interesting. I wish I was able to practice using Arts more. And I wonder why it is you weren't born with a seal. Well, that makes you special." Michi said a bit thoughtlessly. She took the plate from Fayt. |
Nov 10, 2008 5:07 PM
"Dunno why..." He said as he took a large bite out of the meat, "But this isn't technically using Arts... It's more like using my life force to use spells. Normals Arts draws from the mana around you," he said as he leaned back in his chair. |
Nov 11, 2008 1:06 PM
"Sounds scary if you say it like that.." Michi said as she watched him swallow and took another bite herself. |
Nov 11, 2008 5:08 PM
~`~ Meanwhile ~`~ Somewhere in Crandor ~`~ The sound of metal clanking filled the deserted side streets of the populated streets. A teenager with white hair was running as he was illuminated by the golden light of the streetlamps. Four or five metal bound guards were in hot pursuit. They looked as if they were palace guards. The seal on the teen's hand began to glow, "Boost!" he exclaimed as arcane symbols appeared around his body, "Legs!" he finished as he stopped and kicked off the ground and landed soundly on the nearby roofs. He had shook off the guards by jumping from street level to roof level. The sound of footsteps across the roof of the old guildhall made Fayt curious, until the teen busted through the front door, "Hello!" exclaimed the teen with white hair, "I now pronounce that I'm a member of...! Um... what is this guild called?" he asked. "Crimson Knights..." Fayt said blankly as he looked at the now broken front door. "A member of the Crimson Knights!" said the teen with a smile as he rushed to the table as he saw the meat. Grabbing a piece and biting into his looked over to Michi. After washing it down he greeted her, "Hello, I'm Felix. Felix Griffin," he said with a smirk as he red eyes lit up. |
Nov 12, 2008 1:28 PM
"Ehh, Michi." She stated as she looked up at the guy, dazed because she had too many thoughts running through her head such as how the guild now apparently had three members as if she wasn't a new member herself. |
Nov 13, 2008 7:40 AM
"I SAID I WAS SORRY!!!!" I yelled back to a mob chasing after me through the who was chasing me through the streets. I don't what I did to piss them off so much! All I did was... never mind that's not the point! The point is that I need some one to "HEEEELP MEEEEE!!!!". I turned a corner and ran down the street to my left, dodging and weaving around a couple street vendors, "Excuse me, pardon me", I said politely as I brushed patrons aside and bumped into the vendors carts. I could still hear the angry shouting of the mob chasing after me though. I turned another corner into a more open street and before the mob could come around the corner as well I ran into the nearest building, who's door just happened to be open, and shut myself in. With a sigh of relief I fell back against the door and tried to catch my breath. I then realized that I wasn't alone... |
StiltyNov 13, 2008 7:43 AM
Nov 14, 2008 2:45 AM
Fayt's eye twitched as he saw yet another person barge into his little slice of heaven. Sighing heavily he walked over and threw back on his tunic, then turned to Michi, "I'm going to go hit the bar... um... since you are second in command," he said because she was basically the first person to join after he had the guild functioning, "Watch over the troops," he said as he left to see a mob of people. Lacing his fingers on the handle of his sword he let out another sigh, but this time one of annoyance, "First people come into my guildhall as they see fit, now a bunch of assholes are standing outside of it with their weapons brandished?" he asked as he drew his halfway and glared at them, "If you are looking for someone to f-" he started as he got cut off as the palace guard came down another alleyway. Lovely... they must be after the first guy...' he thought as he leaned against the door and had a tired look on his face as he watched the mob and the group of guards converse with one another. When he knew they didn't notice him any longer, he slipped by and headed to the Rusty Edge Tavern. |
Nov 14, 2008 1:23 PM
"What?! You're leaving me here? Suddenly saying I'm second in command and pushing the responsibility onto me? Well, thanks." Michi said with a hint of sarcasm at the end. Before she finished speaking, Fayt had left. "And I expect you want the door fixed by tomorrow too," Michi muttered. She was cranky since she hadn't got any rest. Michi turned around to see two apparent new members. "Well, you heard him. I'm second in command. Welcome to the Crimson Knights with members, four. You can call me Michi. That guy who just left is Fayt, and then there’s you two," she said glancing at both. "Here you will find nothing. No food, no money, and no place to sleep (since Michi took up the bed and left Fayt sleeping in a sleeping bag). We are also the lowest ranking guild and get treated with no respect in this town so I don't know what you guys are doing here but your welcome to stay." She said with a slight dejavu. "Now, I think I know you're name, Felix Griffin," she said pointing at the white haired boy, "but what about you?" She asked the guy standing beside him. |
Nov 14, 2008 9:15 PM
I shall explain myself, if possible I would like to avoid the pitfalls of misunderstandings, "U-um... Rin... Misaki..." is about as much as I could get out unfortunately. So... am I all of a sudden a member of a guild? Whatever... I really don't care anymore. Some might call me a pessimist... and I won't argue, but that's just scratching the surface. I may not look it but I'm actually a much darker person than that, its not like I'm one of those people who dresses in all black and pierces there body everywhere or collect torture devices in my spare time. How am I dark then? I'll leave that up to your imagination. |
Nov 15, 2008 12:36 PM
"Can I just call you Rin? You're a guy right?" Michi asked now noticing his girly appearence. "Ack! Sorry don't hold it against me now. Well, I'm going to get some rest, finally..So see you!" Michi continued with a slight smile and clambered off into bed. |
Nov 15, 2008 3:58 PM
"Second in command huh? Does that make me third?" asked Felix with a smile on his face as he hide out of the line of sight from the doorway. He didn't have to worry about the windows because they were boarded up, "So what are we gonna do about that mob and the palace guards?" he asked as he and with his back against a wall and his hands tucked under his legs. |
Nov 18, 2008 12:30 PM
"Yes... I'm a guy... thanks for noticing..." I said back to the girl, no matter how many times I get asked that question it still pisses me off immensely. But whatever, in response to the other ones question, who is apparently third in command, I would prefer to avoid anything actions hazardous to my life expectancy. But then again I do need to vent all this pent up frustration, I usually just suppress it where it can fester in the back of my mind as a mental illness but this is a rare opportunity. I stood up and motioned towards the door, "... after you" I said to the other two. |
Nov 18, 2008 6:43 PM
"Ehh? Palace guards? You really got yourself into a mess. Alright then no use hiding. Let's go!" Michi said with a smirk as she walked towards the door. |
Nov 18, 2008 6:56 PM
Fayt was sitting on the rooftops of the building across from guildhall, "Now then... let's see what they are made of," he said with a smirk as he lifted mug and placed the rim by his lips and smirked. Felix sighed and stood up and the seal on his hand began to glow, "Yeah... I guess your right," he said as he clenched his fists and bolted out the door, "Boost!" he roared as the arcane symbols surrounded him, "Arms!" the symbols wrapped themselves around his arms and he cocked his right arm back. Swinging it with full force as if it was a rocket, it impaled one of the guards in the stomach, in turn launching him back knocking over a few other guards, "Legs!" he roared as they then moved from his arms to his legs and he kicked off the ground and onto the roof of the guild. |
Nov 19, 2008 2:22 PM
I followed behind the third in command out the door and raised my hand above my head and grasped the air, "Kori-Kei" I yelled out as the seal on my chest began to expand cracking my skin and revealing a layer of mana beneath it. One reason I don't like fighting much is because, even trough it heals as soon as I deactivate my seal, the cracking of the skin hurts like hell. "Rei; Zero", a chill could be felt in the air and ominous gray clouds began to blot out the sky. Finally being in the cold again felt good, to say the least all I need to do is wait for the temperature to drop to a comfy absolute zero. I looked to the sky and snowflakes were already starting to fall, and it was already cold enough for a tin layer of snow to build up. I saw the third, my new nickname for the other guy, jump onto the guilds roof, and saw that as my opportunity,"Diamond Dust" I said under my breath as the layer of snow beneath my feet began to sublimate into a thick fog. The only downside to this, the fog is too thick for even me to see through so I'm pretty much blind firing with the razorice I have whizzing through the fog right now. I heard a solder scream out further into the fog, looks like one o them is hit its mark. |
Dec 3, 2008 6:45 PM
[[SORRY for the late post >_<]] Michi looked around at Felix and Rin already well into the fight, although Rin had disappeared in a cold fog. "Okay..Let's try this.." Michi said hesitantly. Soon she saw a guard running towards her and instinctively yelled "Boost!". A odd seal enveloped around her then she yelled, "Legs!" and the seal wrapped around her legs. She thrust her leg up and swung it, striking the side of the guard's face and with him flying towards the wall of the guildhall. |
Dec 4, 2008 12:44 PM
Fayt jumped up as he saw the guard fly into the wall of the guildhall, "What the hell!" he yelled to Michi. He stood up and drew his sword. The moonlight bounced off its steel as he slowly drew it, "Assassin's rush," he said calmly as he blasted off the roof down to street level and ran through the mob, "Dance of Blades," he said as he quickly turned and struck every person he passed by with the blunt edge of his sword. It took him 30 seconds to run through the large mob, and he stopped next to Michi, "Just because this is a fight, please leave the guildhall out of it," he said to her as he sheathed his sword, and after it clicked almost the entire group collapsed. He dusted off his hands and walked into the guildhall, but not before glaring at the remaining stragglers, "Please leave," he said menacingly. Startled, the remaining members took of into the night. |
Dec 8, 2008 6:31 PM
Felix's jaw dropped open as he saw what the guild leader Fayt unleashed, "Whoa...." [just a tiny post this time.] |
Dec 8, 2008 7:00 PM
"Sorry Fayt. Didn't mean to damage the guildhall." Michi said softly upset by Fayt's anger. Then to hide her shock, she added, "Where were you anyway? You just left and then appeared out of nowhere. Did you expect the guildhall to be great with this mob here fighting?" |
Dec 8, 2008 7:16 PM
"I was observing from above," he said with an expressionless face as he pointed to the rooftop across the ways, "I wanted to see how my new guild mates performed, but I guess I lost it when I saw my guildhall become a further victim. Tomorrow is gonna be a busy day..." he said as he turned back and headed inside and started to mumble to himself, "This is gonna be a pain in the ass to fix... who kicks down a door in the first place? And the walls.... don't even get me started on the walls..." he said as his voice got more distant as he walked further inside, kicked the sleeping bag for it to roll open and collapsed onto it falling asleep almost instantaneously. |
Dec 8, 2008 8:30 PM
She snickered softly, gliding through the shadows of the guildhall. So far so good. Nothing less from a member of the Thieves' Guild. She had stayed in her position for some time now, witnessing the spectacle before her with somewhat amusement. But now that her prey was exhausted from battle, it was time to strike. Her eyes peered from her place on the wall, absorbing the scene before her. 'Hm...a female swordsman. She may be a formidable opponent should I get caught. No, I believe I won't take a chance with that one. Neither shall I risk the chance with the swordsman and ice man. They are far too powerful.'' She looked around, slowly resting her gaze on...Felix, they said? She nodded. Yes, she was sure they said Felix. His eyes were different than the others. Inexperience, fear. Second rule of thieving: Always look at the eyes. The eyes betray a person's true countenance. Smirking, she made her way towards the teenager's shadow, reaching over and carefully pickpocketing any money and potions he carried. ' Pilfer,' she thought. |
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"![]() |
Dec 8, 2008 8:50 PM
Fayt slowly opened his eyes, but didn't turn towards the presence he felt, "Now then... I wonder how my pups will deal with this one," he thought to himself as he laid their motionless, "Thieves guild has a lot of courage entering my guildhall." Felix yawn as he went to go sit down. He reached for his sack of pieces. He felt nothing was there, "My money? Where did it go?" he asked as he searched his body relentlessly for the pouch that held his money, a total of 11 tin pieces. He noticed the flask he was carrying was also gone. It was something he stole from the castle. Mead that he hide in an empty flask that once held some restoration medicine that you could buy for 20 pieces at the church. [Pieces is the name of the currency. Tin Pieces are the base which is 1, Copper Pieces are worth as much as 10 Tin, iron is 100, silver is 1000, gold is worth 10000, platinum is 100000, and crystal is worth 1000000. Btw, the amount of money Felix is carrying is a noob amount lol] |
SnowmanGrimmDec 8, 2008 8:54 PM
Dec 8, 2008 9:00 PM
'What the hell is this? 11 Tin pieces...and a Mead flask?! Doesn't this guy have better stuff?!' Yuffie pocketed her findings grumpily, traveling through the shadows towards the second weakest. 'I didn't want to do this, but I'm not leaving here with just a few pieces and a crappy flask. May be risky...but what's thieving without a little risk?' The thief eagerly slid from one shadow to the next, eventually making her way to the female swordsman's shadow. Slowly, and carefully, she reached a hand from the darkness, grabbing hold of the swordswoman's hefty pouch. Yuffie smirked. Jackpot! Time to reel in her winnings. |
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"![]() |
Dec 8, 2008 9:11 PM
The sleeping bag that Fayt was lying on was empty. He was standing next to Michi glaring at the shadows in the corner of the room she was in, "What the hell are you doing in my guildhall?" he asked the shadows, "Even the lowest members of guilds know the punishment of infiltrating other guilds Shadow-chan," he said with a menacing smirk, "It goes against the guild's treaties. Sure this may be the lowest guild on the food chain, but that doesn't mean we are lack with the rules..." he said as he was still crouch down. The moonlight that peeked in from the boarded up windows illuminated his icy blue eyes. His movement was unnoticed until the second he spoke up, he was as stealthy as any of the thieves' guild members. |
Dec 8, 2008 9:38 PM
Yuffie's pupils dilated to the size of peanuts. When the HELL did that guy get over here? Wasn't he just sleeping a second ago? Great, now that the smartass spoke up all the other lovely guildies are sure to take notice. 'Shit, shit, shit, shit! Time for Operation : Get the hell outta here!' Regretfully dropping her would-be earnings, Yuffie wrapped herself in darkness eyes peering out hatefully at Fayt. This guy ruined her! She wasn't about to up and leave without giving him a taste of what it meant to mess with her. Quickly she outstretched an arm of darkness towards Fayt, successfully pulling him within her shadow. "You couldn't leave me alone, could ya? Just HAD to run your mouth. Now you'll feel the pain of my Shadow Dance ." Withdrawing her damascus', she came at Fayt with uncanny speed, pausing just for a moment in front of him before slashing in an X formation across his chest. (Sorry for the cursing Grim. @_@) |
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"![]() |
Dec 8, 2008 9:58 PM
(lol it's okay) Fayt's heart began to speed up as adrenaline rushed through him. Everything began to slow down to him as he moved his body a little to the left, "Assassin's Rush" he said coldly as he hit her left hand with back of his wrist, disarming her left left hand. He did the same to her right hand. This opened up a several openings on her, and he delivered a series of quick strikes to her pressure points located at her shoulders and then a final strike to her abdomen. She fell forward and he caught her, "Even though this is the lowest guild in Crandor.... I'm still a guild leader, and it isn't very smart to try and exchange blows with one," he whispered in her ear, "Plus, don't forget hesitation on the battlefield can lead to death." [he hit the pressure points by her shoulders with his index and middle finger, and her abdomen with the palm of his left hand.] |
Dec 8, 2008 10:11 PM
"Dammit, let go of me!" she screamed, thrashing her head from side to side. With her body disabled, her Meld technique went with it popping both herself and Fayt out of the shadows. Great, now EVERYONE knew what she looked like. The Thieves' Guild is going to have a field day with this. She could FEEL it. "What the hell did you do to me? I swear, if you don't let me go you're going to have a damascus shoved where the sun don't shine!" However, even she knew these threats fell on deaf ears. Whatever this man did to her rendered her body completely useless. |
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"![]() |
Dec 8, 2008 10:25 PM
"Fine," he said with as chuckle as he let her go and she fell to the ground, "I struck your pressure points to disengage you. It should wear out in a few hours and you'll be able to move again. It's a little trick I picked up from watching the high ranking thieves in your guild spar. I just applied their movements from their Arts and modified one of my technique on the spot," he said as he picked up Michi's coin purse and tossed it back to her. He turned back to Yuffie, "It was the first time I ever tried Assassin's Rush like that, and without a weapon on top of that. Oh... and since I didn't use Arts on you, I haven't broken any of the rules of The Oath," he said with a grin. |
Dec 8, 2008 10:45 PM
"Ouch!" she yelped, landing on the concrete floor in a heap. "You asshole! Once I'm able to move, you are going to be in for a WORLD of hurt! Don't care if you're the guild leader or otherwise! You are GOING DOWN!" She stuck her tongue at him, stubbornly tuning the rest of his speech out. Something about rules and oats...great now she just made herself hungry. Yuffie gave her stomach a stern look. You better not...I swear you will not...STOMACH IF YOU GRUMBLE I'M GOING TO HURT YOU! Gurgle ...Crap. Shifting until her back was facing Fayt, she narrowed her eyes. No way in HELL will she accept food from her captors. No siree. No way. Not a snowball's chance! |
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"![]() |
Dec 8, 2008 10:59 PM
Fayt smirked as he heard her stomach and he glanced as the meat that was half finished. It was a little cold because they had ate a while back but he pulled out a red sphere and slowly tossed it up and down, "Hungry eh?" he said with a devious smile. He lifted the back of his shirt and pressed the sphere against the strange seal on his lower back. It slowly slid in and the red markings on his body appeared again, "Ignis!" he exclaimed as fire shot out of his hand and heated up the meat. The markings disappeared from his body and he walked over to the meat. Picking up one of Yuffie's damascus on the way. He slashed the blade through the meat and dropped it on a plate, and placed the place a little out of her reach, "Now then... what did you say you were going to do shadow-chan?" he asked as he stabbed the damascus he was holding into the wooden floorboards next to the plate. |
Dec 8, 2008 11:10 PM
Crap, crap, crap, crap. That meat was so tempting. She could literally feel her mouth water at the sight. Why did her stomach have to gurgle? WHY?! When, and if, she got out of this mess, she's going to have a stern talking with it about shutting the hell up in situations like this. Especially when they can butcher you or make you starve depending on your answer. Her eyes darted between the charred meat, her damascus stabbed into the floor, and the swordsman's wicked smile. What was she going to do? Give in? Oh god, she was so freaking hungry. All she wanted to do was give in and devour that meat whole. But what about her pride as a thief? Wasn't her recognition and pride as a thief worth more than a piece of meat? Pride. Meat. Pride.Meat. Pride.Meat. Pride.Starving.Meat. Pride.Kicked from the guild.Starving.Meat. Pride.Kicked from the guild.Starving.Meat.Death. Stabby McStab. ...Dammit. She, albeit reluctantly, nodded toward the meat. least she wasn't going to starve. ...Shut up Optimism. |
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"![]() |
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