- Last OnlineJun 8, 2024 11:01 PM
- BirthdayOct 8, 1989
- JoinedDec 25, 2007
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![]() Well, so, I haven't been here for a long time. Okay, I admit, a REALLY long time. Nowadays if I come on MAL, I usually just peruse the site for minutes at a time to look up characters from certain anime just to remember what I've read. It's been a while, MAL. *sighs* I kind of missed you. The door slowly creaks open revealing a figure illuminated by the light of a computer monitor. The figure's mouth is pursed into a thin line, her determined eyes shaded by dangling locks of maroon. Her hands are adept and quick, clicking at the keyboard with ease. Every once in a while, a voice would comment from the speakers of the screen, sending her into a dizzying typing frenzy. Noone other than the players in the game would know for sure what the FLIP she was saying. As the monitor grows a weary blue, the girl taps a few keys and lounges back in her chair contentedly. "Ahh, another good instance." she smiles and swivels around to meet your gaze. At first she is a little shocked by your sudden appearance, but she waves it off muttering something along the lines of, "Need to get those damn locks replaced." Of course you cannot hear her because this is her dialogue and she has made it so. Slowly she gestures to the single bed in the corner, signalling you to "sit the flip down so she can tell you about herself." "Ahh, um. Where do I start? I've never done these dialogue stories in a profile so I'm at a loss. Well, introductions are as good a start as any, correct?" The girl grins and extends a hand of welcome, her jade eyes glimmering in the darkness. "Ello, the name's Darkeiko. Of course you can call me any number of names. Some of which are Eiko, Keiko, Dark, Darkie, Darky, or the very rarely used, Taquito. Although the last one I really wouldn't suggest it unless you want a bump on the noggin." Swiveling from your view, the girl proceeds to point to a lovely stack of old and used game cartridges and cases. Most are either scratched, have been left askew, or are lying any which way. "There's the game pile. I won't really call it a stack per se considering it's not exactly neat. Not all of these games are mine though, so I'm not going to be bothered. They're my brother's and I own an amount of two games. One of which I've had for years and doesn't work. The other is in perfect working condition. I swear though when I get my own games I'm throwing all this crap out and setting up my nice pile. Stupid flipping brothers." The girl goes about emerging from her chair, hovering slightly over said pile, grumbling at the idiocy of her brother. Of course you don't exactly care much for her irate demeanor but it is amusing to say the least. Especially when she flails her arms in the air and starts screaming at the top of her lungs in indignation. But we'll leave what she says to your imagination. Stalking over, she grabs you by the scruff of your shirt and points from the gaming pile to the monitor several times over. "I like RPGs, Fighting games, Online games, and the occasional FPS. If you don't know what the definition of RPG and FPS is, I suggest grabbing a dictionary because I sure as heck am not going to tell you." You're a little annoyed that she had just ruined the collar of your favorite shirt, but considering she has a sword in the other corner of the room and a 4-point shuriken on lay away, you don't want to be taking any chances. It was a terrible shirt, right? Right. As you glance about the room, you notice the girl straightening a few pictures tacked onto the wall. You can distinctly hear her saying, "These are my favorite characters...at the moment. They are subject to change but right now they are kick-arse." The girl backs away from the sheets of paper, satisfied, and turns the doorknob. "What do I look like? A flipping tour guide? Read the rest of the profile because I'm too lazy to tell you everything about myself. Geez. Slackers." She smiles, waves, then proceeds to slam the door in your face with a resounding click. "Frigging tourists." she mutters before returning to her online gaming. Favorite Colors: Blue, black, red, green, purple and silver. Favorite Mystic Animal(s): Dragon, Phoenix. Clothing style: Hmm, ranges from patterned clothes to artsy. Favorite Gaming Heroes: Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisaragi. Favorite Band(s): Evanescence, M.O.V.E, Linkin Park, Rock, Alternative, Classic Rock, J-pop, J-rock, and other Heavy Metal bands I have yet to name. Favorite Anime: Yu Yu Hakusho Favorite Genre: Action, Comedy, Horror, Romance, Possible Gore, and anything that has a good plot. Hopefully with time I'll get to know everyone on this site better. To future friendships! Cheers! *clink* I've become...A ROLEPLAYING ADDICT....and I LIKE it! *grins* My Loveable Claims Quote of the Week! "I watch you play...very intently." "O.o...should I be flattered?" - Me "yes, very flattered." "uhhhhhhhhhhh huh" "sheesh cocoa, I'm just playing with ya; that would be creepy anyways" "i'd be all like, "yeah, prayer of mending harder" "and i'd be like...'INNUENDO!'" - Me again. "rofl, that's why they made shadow protection right?" "rofl but it only lasts 20 minutes!" "sometimes, that's all you need" "XD that's uhhhhh very quick O.o" "yeah, it really is; better make it 21 minutes" "*snickers* well at least fortitude lasts an hour" "we need our strength" "yeah, stamina helps" "XD" "you just end up with 20 minutes of protection" "most kids don't even use it these days so no worries" "my, that turned dirty quick" "bad eiko...get your mind out of the gutter" "XD" - Conversation between myself and a friend about priest spells in World of Warcraft. "Don't underestimate me! I have a magical umbrella!" - Nhat Vien from the manga, Little Monk. ~Awesome Lines from a Fanfiction~ “Oh there is a small pit and we dared him to jump in it.” “That’s all?” Shizuru asked. “I was hoping for something better. A small hole in the ground isn’t too much.” Kuwabara chuckled a bit, “They call the place Rattlesnake Pit.” Instantly smirks and grins spread across the room. Yusuke’s ears burned in embarrassment--they all were going to be torturing him with his new phobia. The bastards. “We kept telling him how all the snakes hibernate there and if you make a noise all their rattles will begin shaking and they will slowly creep out of their dark nests, hidden beneath the earth and slither their way towards those who are disturbing their peace.” Callie had a creepy look on her face as she glared at Yusuke who was covering his ears, trying his best to ignore the words. “What’s the matter, Yusuke?” Hiei mocked. “I’m thinking of a song! I can’t hear you!!” “They’re camouflaged and perfect hunters. You can’t see them as they blend in with the rocks surrounding them.” Callie continued her voice dark as if she was telling a ghost story. “Their tongues flickering out--tasting the air…your sweat, your fear, your flesh…they inch closer and then…” A rattle was heard. “GAAAH!! GET IT AWAY!!” Yusuke screeched and then promptly fainted. “Huh,” Callie blinked, “That worked out better then I expected.” She gave a thumbs-up to Genkai. “Nice work.” Genkai grinned, “God, I love this girl.” “The love is returned ten-fold!” -Excerpt from Wit and Courage by BlackBelt Link is HERE! ---> http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4175386/2/Wit_and_Courage ] Mah adorable pets ![]() ![]() ![]() Personal Quotes "We sometimes take our lives for granted, never noticing how our simple actions can cause drastic changes. We never consider how respecting someone could change their views on living or how our concern for a stranger allows that person to open their doors to a range of possibilities never shown before. Then there are those times where we get angry or upset, making those who are close to use feel the exact same way. Or how we sometimes jeer at someone for being different than society deems as the norm, how that person feels so lost, so fragile, so willing to take their own life. We never truly consider the consequences to our actions until we sit down and view our whole life in our mind's eye, taking the people we've met and comparing them with who they are today." "Love is like religion. You must have a good amount of faith and trust." "Don't act because society deems that is right. Do it because you KNOW it is right." "When people die, they just.....go away. There's any place a soul would go, it's in your memories." -Kaim Argonar (Lost Odyssey) "What is better? To be feared or loved?" - Machiavelli "As we come to the crossroads in our life, one path may lead to the ultimate truth while the other may lead to the ultimate hoax. We must inevitably decide which path we are going to take. However, how do we know where the truth begins and the lies end?" "How do we know when to look beyond what we see? What if what we see is what we get? How do we know when this is true?" My most personal quote ---> "I was once told that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings, and reunions.' But how could you part with someone if they're always there in your heart?" "Sometimes we get those people you just can't help but forget. Their faces and the memories you have with them are so vague, the images so blurry. And during these times you may believe that these memories are probably not worth remembering if you could not obtain them off the top of your head. However, consider these memories in a different light. Perhaps these memories aren't that have not left their mark, rather, they are memories that have left the most permanent mark of all on your mind. Wouldn't you want to remember them now? Wouldn't you want to wrack your brain until those experiences spill from that locked door within your psyche? People may say that memories you cannot remember are probably worth forgetting. But maybe these memories are better off remembering, so that you may use them in the future." "Pie is almost always dessert food...unless you take a five-hour nap, it's 10 pm, you didn't eat any dinner, and there's nothing else in the fridge except for pie. THEN, it's dinner food. Of course, remember to dispose of the evidence when you're finished." "Before you study for a final, make sure you have all your study materials. Study materials may include: Books (ooo that's helpful), Notebooks, a Pen (Wow!), a Pencil (Possibly), and, most importantly, some food. When you're studying for three hours and you're forbidden to hop on the computer, take your anger out on the food. It'll do you good!" "(Solitude) I don't want to be alone anymore." - Eiko Carol (Final Fantasy IX) "If you want your materia, you have to STEAL it? Get it? Steal!" - Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy VII) (Not quoted word for word) "Being the one is like being in love. You don't know you're in love you just feel it, through and through, balls to bones." - The Oracle from "Matrix" "This love of mine is all sustaining. It shall never fade from my sight, from my heart, from my soul. This ever-beating muscle beats strongly in my ears reinforcing the truth of my compassion." "I'm tired of being underestimated. Whenever the cards are in the process of being dealt, I am always foreseen as the one who's about to fold. Well not anymore. I'm tired of it, tired of being looked down upon, tired of the assumptions that I'm going to fail, that I'm going to fall. I'll prove myself to all of them, to every single one. I shall succeed." "How dare you tempt me with your sugary goodness Mr. Cupcake. For that I think you need to be eaten." - From Grim_Angel_PJ "He didn't just break down any ordinary wall. He broke down the wall called common sense." -3rd Examiner from Hunter x Hunter Works in Progress Autumn Leaves - Yu Yu Hakusho fanfiction. Chapter Six in progress... Crimson Tornado - " ." Chapter Five in progress... Bloodshed - World of Warcraft fanfiction. Chapter Four in progress... Title Pending - Original Novel Chapter 00: Prologue - In Progress ONLY 38 PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CAN READ THIS...CAN YOU? I Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!if you can raed tihs rpsoet it. OLNY PUT THIS ON YOUR PRILOFE IF YOU CAN RAED TIHS. CNAHGE THE NMUERBR AT TOP TGOHUH, "ONLY __ PEOPLE IN THE WORLD CAN READ THIS...CAN YOU?" Go up a nmuber if you can raed it...lte's see how hgih we can get ![]() "If you love something, set it free. If it comes back it's yours to keep. If it doesn't, it was never meant to be." |
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 32.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries292
- Reread0
- Chapters3,125
- Volumes643
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (5)
Manga (5)
Character (10)
Lawliet, L
Death Note
Kinomoto, Sakura
Cardcaptor Sakura
Mikagami, Tokiya
Rekka no Honoo
Kisaragi, Yuffie
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Valentine, Vincent
Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Kirisawa, Fuuko
Rekka no Honoo
Kurama, Mutsuki
Barajou no Kiss
Dragon Ball GT
Mordio, Rita
Tales of Vesperia: The First Strike
All Comments (121) Comments
Writing and Reading Lovers Club
The Voting is up for the Short Writing Contest
A new contest is up so Check it out
Also Mini Tournament - Round 3 match 1 is up so
Writing and Reading Lovers Club :3
(actually i've been workin my butt off trying to get people to join)
Yeah, I think you should save waking up early for a specific day during the weekend. Especially if Alice is still up for going to China Town for figures! :3
Hope you had a good week, mine was really busy. >_>
Ah, at least give us a warning the next time you're gonna be booted off. We thought you died on us. :P
Yeah, I got home just fine, I was the only one on the bus for a good 20 minutes. :P
You're gonna main Litchi? She's actually one of the more advanced characters, so I give you credit. Can't wait to pummel you into the ground once again! :3
I had a blast by the way. ^u^