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Mar 17, 2012 4:52 PM

Sep 2011
Its up to you if you want to read it or not. I just made this for people who are having trouble understanding the ending. No one is right, and no one is wrong in my opinion. Its all speculation.

Here is a copy and paste of my blog entry explaining the ending. (my take on it with pictures, quotes, and evidence)
funkotakuOct 8, 2012 10:46 AM
Pages (4) [1] 2 3 » ... Last »
Mar 17, 2012 5:04 PM

Feb 2012
Again, excellent explanation and interpretation of the ending. It was a really interesting read. (it was also cool how you added all the other possible possibilities as well) =p
Apr 5, 2012 7:11 AM

Dec 2011
Awesome post.
But this is strange, Elen said:
"These memories are enough for me to continue living"

and after she comitted suicide using the poisonous flower..
Apr 5, 2012 12:13 PM

Sep 2011
Glub said:
Awesome post.
But this is strange, Elen said:
"These memories are enough for me to continue living"

and after she comitted suicide using the poisonous flower..

I'm pretty sure she poison herself several months, maybe even years after she said that. She probably felt it was okay to live on at the moment, but as time passed by, it wasn't worth it. She made enough memories with him so it doesn't even matter anymore. (plus Inferno is still after her and she rather kill herself than have Inferno kill her off on their own)

Again, just my opinion. xD
Apr 6, 2012 12:48 AM
Aug 2007
This is just a stupid addition and distasteful addition to the anime just to add a "shock" factor to the ending of the anime

This never happens in the VN. Rest assured, they both live happily live ever after. Seriously, Zwei, an infamous assassin and survived impossible life and death situations and who can dodge bullets like dodging rain in a storm, is somehow found in the middle of who knows, Mongolia and caught off guard? Yeah right. Just a extremely bad way to shock viewers. Nothing more, nothing less.
Apr 7, 2012 9:08 PM

Sep 2011
OriginANIME said:
Its up to you if you want to read it or not. I just made this for people who are having trouble understanding the ending. No one is right, and no one is wrong in my opinion. Its all speculation.

Here is a copy and paste of my blog entry explaining the ending. (my take on it with pictures, quotes, and evidence)

funkotakuOct 8, 2012 10:47 AM
Apr 8, 2012 9:45 PM
Mar 2012
I'm calling a double-suicide. Both were haunted figures, and both "lived for each other". Probably after they both found what they wanted, they atoned for their sins.
Apr 9, 2012 2:35 AM

Sep 2011
Venneria said:
Awesome OriginANIME. you gave me alot of great information. to think i knew this little about one of my top five. thanks.

Haha no problem, glad I can help! Thanks for reading. :)

Oh and feel free to leave a message on my blog entry everyone! Much appreciated, thanks guys!
funkotakuApr 9, 2012 2:38 AM
Apr 9, 2012 6:14 AM

Apr 2011
Nice. OriginANIME, thank you for sharing, very interesting. :)
May 25, 2012 5:24 AM

Jul 2011
Excellent analysis! Your thoughts are really compelling and does a great job expanding the end's meaning. Thanks for the share!
"It is the emptiness that make the stars bright."

"If you've known pain and hardship, it is easier to be kind to others."
May 30, 2012 5:17 PM

Sep 2011
Haha thanks, and no problem! Glad I can help. :)
May 30, 2012 6:59 PM
Aug 2010
hahah wooow your'e a genius
Jun 13, 2012 11:05 PM

Jan 2012
i agree with your later interpretation. I too believed she lost the will to continue to live, so ended up killing herself after Reiji's death
Jun 19, 2012 3:33 AM
Jan 2012
well no matter the end is the end it was a good show so cant complain the ending just made it all the more better to which it would have been nice to kill a shit loads of people from inferno "thats what i would have done" take people with me that old plot but it was still a good show to which and i hope they make more like this
Jun 23, 2012 8:26 AM

Jul 2009
Thank you so much for that explanation. I was sure that that flower had some sort of special meaning in the end, but I seriously had no idea that it was so poisonous.
Phantom is one of the greatests series I've watched this year. Seriously, thank you so much once again for explaining the ending. Dramatic anime serie, all the way 'til the bitter end.
Jul 5, 2012 7:37 AM

Jun 2011
Disregarding all the haters (no offense intended here), I think your explanation is probably the one of the most coherent ones posted on MAL. Great job!

Sadly, we'll never know what the *real* ending was.
Jul 11, 2012 6:19 PM

Sep 2011
Dissent said:
Disregarding all the haters (no offense intended here), I think your explanation is probably the one of the most coherent ones posted on MAL. Great job!

Sadly, we'll never know what the *real* ending was.

Haha thanks, and yeah, we'll never know what the "real" ending was. Everything is just an assumption made with some solid evidence, but still an assumption nonetheless. =p
Jul 31, 2012 5:49 AM
Jul 2012
Im pretty sure that in the ending scene, they were not together at the same time. And Zwei did get shot from an assassin from inferno and some may think that Zwei should be able to dodge it, but why should he? He fulfilled his promise to her and didnt really have much a reason to go on. And then we see Ein crouching and touching one of the purple flowers, that we can assume is a mongolian poison flower (belladonna flower) and she also felt that she didnt have a reason to go on and she took the pedal that we see is missing. And at the very end we see a bullet lying on the ground, thats separate from the scene with Ein. Im pretty sure that it is the shell from the bullet that killed Zwei.I can't say that it is this way but im pretty confident in this. and sorry for my bad english
freddan127Aug 16, 2013 6:56 PM
Aug 25, 2012 3:23 PM
Jun 2012
what about the manga? does the manga explained how elen and reiji died in the end?
Sep 3, 2012 5:37 AM

Aug 2012
Nice condensed explanations... Still doesn't explain how the fuck could Reiji dies by a mongol bullet whereas he danced with yakuza and mafia bullets through out all the anime meh.

I wonder how are the endings in the Visual Novel. I should give it a go.

Sep 13, 2012 6:46 AM

Sep 2012
The biggest flaw I see here is the bullet casing and how you express it must be her own because it was too far from the road. That's not a problem at all. It's very easy for casings to be launched 10, 15, even 20 feet away from where they were fired. Especially in the case of a round fired through a suppressor, which chokes the gas that is released when a round is fired, which in turn creates more back pressure which will exit out of the ejection slot with the spent casing.

What I think happened is that Reiji finally helped Elen find the place that would make her whole. A past; an existence outside of a life of death and despair. He knew inferno was tracking him, and having finally fulfilled the promise he made to one of the people he loves the most, could finally stop running. He stepped away from Elen because he knew his time had come, and didn't want her to bear witness to his end and ruin their final moment together, when she finally smiles. The man in the cart kills Reiji, and when Elen discovers him, she ends her life. She says the memories of him are enough for her to continue living, but earlier in the series she also says she has nothing and noone if Reiji dies, and could not go on to live without him. She has her memories and that will never change. Her entire will to live was driven by the love she developed for Reiji, and their plans together. Having killed the man who put her in a state of pure despair, escaping with the one she loves, and finally finding her home, where she came from, she can die in peace and forever be with Reiji. They've finally found peace.
ShiveronSep 13, 2012 7:07 AM
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Praise the Oppai ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Sep 27, 2012 3:39 AM
Mar 2012
i just watched it yesterday and damn it was good.
firstly big thanks for the infos origin rly good i would never have thought these flowers where poisened rly interesting.
well i cant say for sure she killed herself a month, a year or right after his dead herself but i know for sure that raiji was killed by elen.
the thing is we didnt saw thats right but thats the thing we saw the old man riding by the whole time and he didnt do shit so he cant be it. on top if she wasnt it she would stil have heard the shoot and would have turn around or at last she would have turned to raiji when he was falling. maybe she wanted to grant him is only wish in the end so he could forgive himself at last a bit.

good anime ^^
Sep 27, 2012 4:45 PM

Sep 2012
drakere said:
This is just a stupid addition and distasteful addition to the anime just to add a "shock" factor to the ending of the anime

This never happens in the VN. Rest assured, they both live happily live ever after. Seriously, Zwei, an infamous assassin and survived impossible life and death situations and who can dodge bullets like dodging rain in a storm, is somehow found in the middle of who knows, Mongolia and caught off guard? Yeah right. Just a extremely bad way to shock viewers. Nothing more, nothing less.

Personally I think the ending was great. I feel that maybe after months of feeling he was free, Reiji let his guard down. I think that maybe he knew death was coming for him and instead of worrying about survival (something that Inferno and Sythe used to control him) he tried to enjoy what time he had left with Elen as an act of defiance for the two years he spent as their slave.

I also belive that Elen was shot. Overall great anime! I need to find a U.S. copy of the video game that started it all :)
Sep 27, 2012 4:52 PM
Sep 2012
Its so meaningless for Reiji to be hit by the man that passes...They just arrived here , a setup/trap like that can't be built that fast.

So here is what i think...

"We don't have to go ... any further"
"Are you sure?"
"We don't have to go any further...I remember this sky...I've seen in it many times in my dreams.That's enough..."

And than...Reiji just moved away after those words with a smile.After that ....

They were not talking there on the field.Voices were coming from background.

They already had that talk before.We just heard it on that moment.

"We don't have to go ... any further"..."It's meaningless to leave like that , if you have to kill for your freedom"...

When i mix those sentences...Only one thing comes to my mind...They completed their journey...There is nomore place to go to search for them...One kept his promise and forgave himself , other one understanded what's really making her who she is , not her past but her present...

Ein shot Reiji ( as we can see from that bullet casing drop ) and than killed herself...Slowly faded away and that last scene that she was lying down there , she was already dead on this scene...

Just check that bullet drop.It's exactly sits between where Reiji died and Eien lie down.Brown part in front of mountains is the road that man passed.So Reiji been shot in front of that road.bullet is in front of Reiji.And where Ein lie down is in front of bullet which is not viable on this scene.

Finally they can be together as free peoples on the other life...

The man passes just was a deception to mix up our minds...

Everything and final scenes behind that was an awesome anime.I just wished that Cal wasnt killed by Reiji...I know that it was Cal's only try to have them last special moment with Reiji...But i just wished that...

They were gonna be "Happily ever after" after all...I can't still hold my tear drops while i type this...
matrax2002Sep 27, 2012 5:00 PM
Sep 27, 2012 7:26 PM

Aug 2009
This thread is stupid. You can't kill yourself by eating a geranium. The worst you could get is some nausea or irritations.
Sep 28, 2012 11:19 PM
Laughing Man

Jun 2012
Ha, thanks. I was like "da hell just happened?"

I'm level on MAL-Badges. View my badges.
Oct 1, 2012 5:17 AM
Aug 2012
That ending made me so mad I stormed out of my living room! I really appreciate your thoughts on the ending because I was lost. I never understood the missing petal just assumed it was a symbol for losing Reji but your idea makes more sense. It would have been nice to have a happy ending but the bitter sweet and more realistic ending was needed. I know they are just characters but I really wished they could have grown old together.
Oct 1, 2012 5:19 AM

Feb 2012
hhickey said:
That ending made me so mad I stormed out of my living room! I really appreciate your thoughts on the ending because I was lost. I never understood the missing petal just assumed it was a symbol for losing Reji but your idea makes more sense. It would have been nice to have a happy ending but the bitter sweet and more realistic ending was needed. I know they are just characters but I really wished they could have grown old together.

This show put forth effort in showing how fucked up the world can be at times so it's only fitting they didn't get a happy ending. Fact is most people like them never do.

btw Geraniums aren't even deadly if eaten lol
AvereOct 1, 2012 5:29 AM
Oct 1, 2012 5:20 AM
Aug 2012
matrax2002 said:
Its so meaningless for Reiji to be hit by the man that passes...They just arrived here , a setup/trap like that can't be built that fast.

So here is what i think...

"We don't have to go ... any further"
"Are you sure?"
"We don't have to go any further...I remember this sky...I've seen in it many times in my dreams.That's enough..."

And than...Reiji just moved away after those words with a smile.After that ....

They were not talking there on the field.Voices were coming from background.

They already had that talk before.We just heard it on that moment.

"We don't have to go ... any further"..."It's meaningless to leave like that , if you have to kill for your freedom"...

When i mix those sentences...Only one thing comes to my mind...They completed their journey...There is nomore place to go to search for them...One kept his promise and forgave himself , other one understanded what's really making her who she is , not her past but her present...

Ein shot Reiji ( as we can see from that bullet casing drop ) and than killed herself...Slowly faded away and that last scene that she was lying down there , she was already dead on this scene...

Just check that bullet drop.It's exactly sits between where Reiji died and Eien lie down.Brown part in front of mountains is the road that man passed.So Reiji been shot in front of that road.bullet is in front of Reiji.And where Ein lie down is in front of bullet which is not viable on this scene.

Finally they can be together as free peoples on the other life...

The man passes just was a deception to mix up our minds...

Everything and final scenes behind that was an awesome anime.I just wished that Cal wasnt killed by Reiji...I know that it was Cal's only try to have them last special moment with Reiji...But i just wished that...

They were gonna be "Happily ever after" after all...I can't still hold my tear drops while i type this...

I really liked your view of the ending....idk if that is completely accurate but I like it :)
Oct 7, 2012 3:26 AM

Jul 2012
Sorry for butting in, but quick question. Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom has like a Mafia setting so I was wondering if you guys think it's better in dubs or subs ?
"However, by that point you'll have been torn into pieces."
Oct 7, 2012 12:34 PM

Sep 2011
Thanks again everyone for both positive and negative feedback, I really do appreciate it! I fixed a few things so feel free to check it out! :)

- OriginANIME

Matthew671 said:
Sorry for butting in, but quick question. Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom has like a Mafia setting so I was wondering if you guys think it's better in dubs or subs ?

Subs definitely better, though that's just my opinion.
funkotakuOct 7, 2012 12:40 PM
Oct 12, 2012 7:26 PM

Jan 2008
Geraniums aren't toxic T . T though I like that as the idea of Elens death better.
Oct 16, 2012 11:56 AM

Feb 2010
how do we even know if hes dead? they kind of cut it off with out explaining i though it was the cart driver O_o who was stalking them at the ending. why! do we have to think hes dead? maybe he was tired and passed out?
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Oct 16, 2012 12:06 PM

May 2010
thank you for posting this, that was fun xDDD
Oct 17, 2012 3:05 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Thanks originanime. Your theory makes sense. They're both dead for sure. Such a sad end, yet fitting for a series that is entitled "Requiem for a Phantom"

Good, I wish people who read VN's would get it through their heads that things can change from one medium to the other.
FarabeufOct 17, 2012 12:11 PM
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 17, 2012 7:55 PM

Sep 2012
hazerddex said:
how do we even know if hes dead? they kind of cut it off with out explaining i though it was the cart driver O_o who was stalking them at the ending. why! do we have to think hes dead? maybe he was tired and passed out?

Yeah he's really tired. So tired that he's taking a dirt nap :p
Nov 3, 2012 1:37 AM
Nov 2012
This is a descent explanation don't get me wrong. But i see it a little differently. Those flowers were there when she got to Mongolia, the sky and the flowers are what she said were now hers. It was who she was and after zwei was killed I think it was a way for her to finally live the life he wanted her to. His goal and promise was to find where she came from and to make her smile. When he succeeded he died happily. Since nothing hinted towards poison i feel like thats just going to far out of the story to find a resolution. I just think the flowers represented happiness a very simple yet fitting outcome to the entire story. Of course i can't prove this either , but it seems a little far fetched for the writers to bring something so far out of the story line such as a poisonous flowers to resolve a story such as this.
Nov 7, 2012 3:40 PM
Jul 2012
I guess Rejji and Eren didn't die.
Nov 10, 2012 6:36 AM

Oct 2011
I really liked this show, however I would like to know how Elen got out of the water when she was "killed" by Reiji.

Your explanation of the ending was really good, Origin, because it helped me to get over the first shock ;)

Well my opinion, after I rewatched the ending: Elen and Reiji found that place together. There are scenes where they are definately together and talking to each other, up to the point when he gets shot. I think Inferno found them (things have to be done...), shot Reiji. We don't see how Elen escaped, but she did. Then she gets back to that point, thinking about the time with Reiji. And she decides to live on for him, holding the memories. I don't think she killed herself. She failed to do so before and she evolved her mind up to that point. So my opinion is, that she lives on to fulfill Reijis dream: that she can live a happy life.
The bullet shell could be the old one, from the shot that killed Reiji.

And as others already said: Geranium can not kill you and even is used for medication ;).

With this explantion...I am okay :D
Great show!
Nov 10, 2012 9:45 PM
Nov 2012
The ending was nicely done in my opinion after a life of killing and running away from then inevitable they both realized that scythe was right about them never being able to get away from inferno they were in too deep to be able to get away, some think that Eren shot reijii but that is absolute ludicrous why would she go on about keeping him alive to kill him by her own hands and don't forget about her not wanting to reach freedom by killing, they both knew that the cart driver was after them and so reijii accepted that he kept his promise and could now be at peace with death and Eren wanted to find her memories and she said its enough for me to live on as in she was able to accept life including death they were both shot in my opinion why would the driver only shoot one of the assassins? It makes no sense they were both targeted the petal represented the end of life when a peddle is seperated from the flower it dies. And the reason there was only one is because and I quote eren she repeated several times throughout the series, "we are one, I am you and you are me" they lives as one and died as one reijii being Japanese had a strong belief in karma and finding her place of birth and having her find joy was enough for him to accept his fate and eren accepted her fate after finding peace with her lost memories and she found freedom by accepting death and stop running away any longer. After escaping scythe they gave up the title of assassin
And Someone said the bullet shell was in the flower patch but if you look closely it was on the dirt path near dead grass implying they we shot by the cartman
AlchemyMondaysNov 10, 2012 9:49 PM
Nov 17, 2012 12:01 AM

Mar 2008
Hyunckel said:
Nice condensed explanations... Still doesn't explain how the fuck could Reiji dies by a mongol bullet whereas he danced with yakuza and mafia bullets through out all the anime meh.

I wonder how are the endings in the Visual Novel. I should give it a go.

even great assassins have their blind spots.. that's where assassins find their chance, when your on your lowest guard.. this just shows that he's still human

and btw.. i really think origin's idea is close.. though Reiji's place of death differs from Elen, (Reiji's area somewhat looks like a cliff or close to a cliff)
tounoyaboysNov 17, 2012 12:14 AM
Nov 20, 2012 5:59 AM
Feb 2011
I am pretty sure the man in the cart was the one that killed renji... i mean come on he was shot with the man in the cart behind him. If it was eren would't like the man on the cart be shocked or something?
Dec 30, 2012 7:21 PM

Jun 2012
The ending was pretty obvious since the start of the anime, it's not even worth telling my interpretation of it.
Jan 30, 2013 3:07 PM
Jan 2013
Guys? It's pretty obvious.. U know how Eren kept saying they were one and stuff? none of that matters, she said that because they were a team and had to work together. Another explanation of that is that she really tought they were one. We can make two conclusions, there was never any zwei. he was only in her mind to protect herself from going mad. U know how zwei allways kept telling her what to do, they had the exact same friends.. they were never seen killing anyone when together. Just kidding guys, this is just bullshit.

The ending is obvious, zwei died, ein died. either the cartman shot both of them... or they killed themselves. The thing about one missing petal is because they were one, no need to take two petals off the flower. She would never have known it was poisonous, so she eating it to die is bullshit. She didnt remeber anything but the sky, she might have gotten a warning from her mother: don't eat the flower petals, but she wouldnt remember.U see how zwei is standing up even after being shot? She could have done the same, picking off the flower and stood up.
Feb 2, 2013 7:26 PM
Sep 2012
OriginANIME said:
Its up to you if you want to read it or not. I just made this for people who are having trouble understanding the ending. No one is right, and no one is wrong in my opinion. Its all speculation.

Here is a copy and paste of my blog entry explaining the ending. (my take on it with pictures, quotes, and evidence)

Awesome explanations, thanks a lot :-). This anime is vying in my head for top spot. In the past, St. Luminous Mission High School was uncontested, but now I'm not so sure. They're very different types of animes, but I just can't get some of the scenes from Phantom out of my head. My favourite scene in the anime (actually, probably in any anime) is the scene starting at about 21:35, where a certain someone is revealed to definitely still be alive and well:

I play the musical piece in that scene on a regular rotation these days.
Feb 4, 2013 2:03 PM

Apr 2012
The bullet casing is among the flowers, is it impossible it to have just been a murder suicide thing? I know that's morbid but I think that the way they avoided showing the shooter or the shooting exactly is slightly suspect and that fact that he didn't call out to warn her is also pretty odd. A large part of Ryuji's prowess in fighting was that he had excellent instincts and to whoever said that they would be hunted for the rest of their lives by Inferno, I would've thought that two of the strongest assassins in the world could've killed the man in charge.

This isn't a particularly well written response but if I leave it 'til later I'll just end up leaving it.

I don't think that Elen and Ryuji would've split up, they were practically living for each other. The part with Elen fading away after Ryuji was shot also makes me thing that she shot him and then ate the poisonous flowerpetal and died.
I would've liked for them to have survived to be honest, I think that they could've had a decent life together and that they would've been able to escape Infero or destroy them if they had chosen to. I also wish they hadn't killed Cal, I really felt for her and I think that they could've worked things out if they'd made an effort to... Still, I enjoyed the series and I'm glad I saw it.
Hachikuji: Araragi-san, you don't look even the least bit apologetic. You should at least say something after touching a girl's delicate chest!
Araragi: *Clueless look* Thanks?

Bakemonogatari, Episode 5.
Feb 12, 2013 9:54 PM

Oct 2012
I was really enjoying the anime, the ending is the segment you should always execute well, unfortunately it wasn't.
A prime example of a failure to execute a last second twist ending.

No matter how I interpret the ending, considering any theory (which you've done a good job on) it was still lackluster and disregards everything else; a shame, I was excited to watch this after seeing Nitroplus made this, after they handled Chaos;head (the VN) so well.
BeryllusFeb 12, 2013 10:22 PM
Feb 15, 2013 7:59 AM
Feb 2013
Guys, I'm pretty sure they were dead as soon as they were shot and fell into the ocean in one of the earlier scenes.

I believe they returned as ghosts (or just Elen) in order to find their memories (in Ryuji's case, to fufill his promises). You can find plenty of allusions to being "set free" and reaching the "end of your path" throughout the series.

Pay attention to all of the subtle things that happen. The swing set with the shadow of Elen? The comments about being "ghosts with nothing to haunt"? And the deaths at the end. After Elen could live with her own memories of her existence, she was set free. This was explained in episode 25. When she said that she could continue living, that didn't mean she was going to. She had just found what she wanted to find while she was alive, and now she was able to return to the afterlife.


Ryuji survived the orignal fallout with Scythe Master, but his conscience rebirthed Elen within his own mind (perhaps the guilt he felt from killing Elen). Ryuji may have truly been responsible for all of the killings that Elen supposedly did. He was at the scene every time. This also explains why Elen could not survive without him, why she only existed if he had memories of her.

After Ryuji fulfilled his promise to Elen, he could die peacefully. Elen was in his mind the entire time, completing him as a person.


Also, do not forget that in one of the first episodes during Ryuji's first test, Elen "woke him up" by shooting him. At the time, it seemed she had shot a different spot, but how would that "wake him up" ? And why did he fall over like he had been shot, only to get back up with strange eyes and a clear mind?

There was also a vague explanation at the beginning that the Phantoms were already dead, just stuck between being human and being ghosts. They also exhibited supernatural powers. Look at all the subtleties and it becomes obvious that Elen and Renji died at one point in the show, and were ghosts for the duration.


Requiem: Noun
(esp. in the Roman Catholic Church) A Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead.
A musical composition setting parts of such a Mass, or of a similar character.
FluxtyFeb 15, 2013 8:26 AM
Feb 23, 2013 7:08 AM
May 2012
This ending was really depressing, it was a huge twist at the very end, I came here immediately to see what others had to say, well what I can say I fell better, but true it was a bitter sweet realistic ending.

Feb 23, 2013 3:07 PM
Feb 2013
I just watched the last episode . Horrible ending have to say.
We all know they wouldn't have had long lives ,but still...
And about the killing part,i haven't seen anyone say anything about McGuire.Why is it that he always seems so carefree.Maybe he was the best assasin of them all ,jumped in an airplane ,onto the cart and bam,shot the 2 phantoms.Now that's what i m willing to accept :P
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