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Aug 20, 2008 12:00 AM

Jan 2008
Real Players

Its been a while, ------
We haven't exchanged messages in a while.
It seems as though I've been asleep for a long time.

Realities Plight

I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you, -----
I'm sure it was rough... thats how I think.
Even so, you came to see me in real life

...Thank you, really.

Revenge and Power

After all this... this is how she wanted it to be, right?

"No matter how hard it becomes,
You must wish for happiness."

Have you been keeping your promise?
Me? Of course I have.

Resonance of Persona

Hey, -----.
It may be hard to do so like before.
but lets go adventuring together.

Hehe, do you remember.
how she used to greet us whenever we logged on?

"Welcome... to 'The World'"

SnowmanGrimmSep 2, 2008 4:27 PM
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Aug 20, 2008 1:55 AM

Jan 2008
What time is it... ugh... I don't feel like looking. I tossed and turned in my bed but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get to sleep, I let out a sigh and turned to the visor resting on the desk next to my bed. "... maybe... just a little."

Area words: Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground

'The World'... A dazzling twilight dream. Its been almost a year since I disbanded The .hackers... I wonder if there still playing, I wish I had gotten there member addresses. Not like they'd give them to me after what happened.

Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground... somehow being here always made me feel at peace... we used to just sit on the edge of the path and stare at the waterfall. Just the four of us.

I suddenly heard someone come through the gate and I turned around to see who it was, a new player?
StiltyOct 27, 2010 7:51 PM
Aug 20, 2008 2:51 AM

Aug 2007
A blue haired guy stepped out of the gate clad in light weight leather armor: a vest and chaps over his pants, with leather boots and gloves. He had a tattoo of a dragon wrapping itself around his arm, with two swords inside of their sheathes which were attached to his belt. He had had two silver rings on his left hand, one on his thumb and the other on his middle finger.

"This place looks awesome," he said as he smirked. He stood about five feet eleven inches tall and he was just standing there taking in his surroundings. 'So many things I want to do, but first I need to find a map or something. Also a place for for me to train,' he thought to himself. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a person staring at him, but his didn't make full eye contact, "I should get a feel for the town first. Zenshin isn't on yet, so I can't really ask him to show me around," he said to himself as he began to head for the marketplace to check out its stores.
Aug 20, 2008 1:50 PM

Jan 2008
"Hm? ... Oh its you. I didn't recognize you for a second."
"Yeah... I've been to see her too,"
"You sure you don't wanna come back? We can go back to the way it was... just me, you and-"
"Heh, I guess your right... it woulden't be the same without her."
"Yeah... see you around, ------"

I guess today... logging on wasn't such a bad idea after all... I was afraid I'd get swamped with angry messages from those two but I guess... Hey did you know? There's a meteor shower tonight... just look to the western sky.


"*sigh* This game is boring without anyone to play with..." said a female Beastmen as she walked down a stone path in Mac Anu. She resembled a cat, she had feline ears and a tail. She stoped along the Chaos Gate and saw a someone caught her eye, A twin blade? Mmm... ah what the hell, "Hi-hi, hows it goin?" she said to him with a smile.
Aug 20, 2008 1:57 PM

Aug 2007
Tenshi stopped and looked back, 'hmm...? What race is that again... beastman?' he though as he smiled somewhat, "Nothing much, just trying to get a feel for the town before heading out. You wouldn't know any places for a beginner to go would you?" he said as he turned his body halfway and looked towards her.
Aug 20, 2008 2:21 PM

Jan 2008
"Nya? Your a beginner too? Hehe, then your in the right place!" she exclaimed as she turned around and held out her arms, "Welcome to the Eternal City: Mac Anu". She put her hands on her hips and took in the scenery, a setting sun that never sets, old and worn buildings, a city trapped in a perpetual dusk. "Oh, the names Lunaria by the way, call me Luna-chan for short."
Aug 20, 2008 2:28 PM

Aug 2007
He smiled, "Alright Luna-chan. Mine is-" he got caught off as someone slammed his hand into his back.

"Well well Tenshi you already found a friend?" asked the guy. He stood about the same height as Tenshi, and he had on a long black trench coat, black pants, and a red shirt. He had red eyes, and pitch black spiky hair. He looked up to the girl, "Yo."

"So you finally got on? Should I call you Zenshin is this or...?" asked Tenshi.

"No, I go by Garm in this~" he said with a smile.

<<Grim's Funfact: The name Garm is derived from Norse mythology. The monstrous hound Garm guards the entrance to Helheim, the Norse realm of the dead. Garm is often equated with the wolf Fenrir. It can also be compared with Cerberus, the Greek guardian of the underworld.>>
SnowmanGrimmAug 20, 2008 2:32 PM
Aug 20, 2008 2:38 PM

Jan 2008
"Hi-hi," she replied to Garm, "Are you a newbie too? Hehe, yay, that means we can all be freinds " she said happily, "Hey, I'll give you guys' my member adress so go ahead and invite me to you party", she siad as she hands them each a white card, "Oh! Hold on a second," her character suddenly stopped moving it just stood there, totaly motionles.


The Eternal City: Mac Anu... how long has it been since I was last here? It feels like an eternity. It so nostagic here... all these players are new huh. As I looked around I could see many people, all of them doing something diferent, some were in parties other's were not... nonetheless I was envious. I let out a sigh as started to walk towards our old @Home, and as I was walking there I passed a couple a party, two humans and a femal Beastmen... a cat?
Aug 20, 2008 3:03 PM

Aug 2007
"Umm.... since when was I a new player....?" asked Garm when he turned to Tenshi.

"Dunno... maybe because you don't have anything equipped people probably assume it," he replied.

"Tch. I can't help it, I use my fists, or claws when I transform into my werewolf form," he said as he rubbed his neck.

"Oh yeah, what was your guild again?" asked Tenshi.

"The Red Shadows, your still to low to join those. Maybe when you get a little stronger you can join us on Low level Rare hunting. PKK is still out of your grasp," said Garm as they waited for Luna to return from AFK.
Aug 20, 2008 3:21 PM

Jan 2008
"C'mon mom hurry up!" said a gray haired girl in a sweater, "I was right in the middle of something!" After she was done she bolted back up to her room, posters of bands and magazines were scattered about the messy room, she walked over to her computer and put her visor back on.

"Sorry about that guys, my mom wanted somthing, hehe" Luna said suddenly, "Anyway lets head out!" she said, grabbing both of there hands and dragging them along. She felt someone looking at her and turned around to see who it was, and saw a white haired boy standing a little ways down the path. Luna called out to him, "Hey! Do you wanna come with us to?" she yelled causing a couple heads to turn and look at her.


I've been spotted. Just walk away and pretend like- "Hey! Do you wanna come with us to?". I turned to see that beast girl waving to me, "... Me?", I asked her as she ran over to me, "Hehe, yeah we noobs should stick together right?" she said happily... it seems here's been a misunderstanding... "I'm not a-", but before I could plead my case she was dragging me along as well... how did i get into this kind of situation... ?
StiltyAug 24, 2008 5:25 PM
Aug 20, 2008 3:27 PM

Aug 2007
"Ugh.... I got dragged along to... hold on let me message my guild members saying the event is off," Zenshin said as he stopped talking.

"Heh, I'm sure it'll be fine. More people can be fun," Tenshi said as he accepted the invite to the party.

"I'm back... I got one of the generals to take my place," Zenshi said as he accepted the invite, "But I should tell you I'm not a new player... um... Luna was it?"
Aug 20, 2008 3:44 PM

Jan 2008
"Lu-na-cha-n", she said emphasizing each syllable, "but, you not being a new player may be troublesome... I got it!" she walked up to the chaos gate and entered the area words, "There... that should do it. Okay lets go!" she cheered as she activated the chaos gate and warping them all to the area.


I ended up getting dragged along anyway... but there was somthing strange about the area we were in... this wasn't a low level design. I looked around and we were in, what looked like, an old temple. I knew there was somthing about the area words she entered... this is a high lvl area... how did she manage to get these? *sigh* I guess they should be fine as long this level doesen't have boss.
Aug 20, 2008 3:54 PM

Aug 2007
"Zenshin was walking in front, "How did you get the area words for this place?" he asked as he turned to her.

"Why what's wrong with this place?" asked Tenshi as he looked around taking in the feel of the temple.

"It's not meant for low levels... Its a high level area. I'm pretty sure there isn't any bosses in here, but I could be wrong... they tend to have random generated spawns in places like this. So watch yourself..." Zenshin said as he tensed up, getting ready to transform in a moments notice.
Aug 20, 2008 4:07 PM

Jan 2008
"Internet" she replied with a big smile on her face.


The internet? ... I don't know what disturbs me more, how believable she made that sound or how she brought those two on a suicide mission... I think I have to go with choice 'A' there teacher. I guess... worse case scenario is one of them dying... and I can't really have that on my conscience... if worse comes to worse I... guess I'll help out to. I opened up my map and check the monsters in the area, you'd be surprised on what you could do when your a hacker, and I noticed something disturbing, there was a monster here named Cerrunos... where have I heard that name before...
StiltyOct 27, 2010 7:56 PM
Aug 20, 2008 8:46 PM

Aug 2007
"Anyways.... we should stay cautious... PKers like to hang around in theses kinda of places. As the Guild-master of the Red Shadows I should know, that's one of the thing we do, hunt PKers that is..." Zenshin said as he stayed alert.

"They also hunt for Rares," Tenshi added as he put his left hand on the sword on top, and his right on the one on the bottom, ready to draw at anytime.
Aug 21, 2008 12:50 AM

Jan 2008
"Eh? You guys are PKK-ers? Mmm... I'm not gonna say you guys don't mean well but... two wrongs don't make a right, but then again burute force is the quickest way of getting through to those kinds of people..." Luna said, scratching the back of her head. She held out her hand a brown rifle appeared in her hand, she slung it over her shoulder and turned around, "Nya? Hey arent being a bit to nonchalant abou his?" she said to the boy she'd dragged along with her.


I guess so... but its not like I have anything to worry about... but I'd feel bad if she were to get hurt. Its been a while since- !? This feeling... its like... this feels exactly like it did when we were in a party. And now that I think about her character looks almost exactly like hers... minus the ears and tail.

I guess... thats when it really started... when I had decided to give 'The World' a second chance.

I smiled and I took out my weapon, a large black scythe called "Heine's Zero", I modifyed my character so I can use any weapon but... there's just somthing about this weapon that feels... nostalgic. Maybe because it reminds me of those day when was just an ordinary Flick Reaper.
Aug 21, 2008 1:51 AM

Aug 2007
"Yeah I guess you have a point, but we are more like a group of bounty hunters, we usually only go after the people at the top of the blacklist... but anyways...," said Garm as he got into stance, "Lets get started," he roared as he began to start shadow boxing, to warm himself up.

"I guess it couldn't hurt... but if this is a high level area, then isn't it bad if the lower level character get in the fight directly?" asked Tenshi as he unsheathed his swords. He was holding the left one in an attack position, and the right in a defensive one.

Aug 21, 2008 2:10 AM

Jan 2008
"Hehe, thats why I like being a Steam Gunner, I don't half to get directly involved in the fight." Luna said, hugging her rifle, "Don't worry I'll back you guys up, you can count on me!" she exclaimed.


A party like this... isnt so bad once in while. I guess... its time I saw what normal players are capable of, "Hostile" I said an enemy appeared. There was only one, but it was a pretty strong one... maybe... 10 or so levels higher than that Werewolf class user. But... using 'Heines Zero' on it would be overkill... "Leave the healing to me", I can do this much atleast...
Aug 21, 2008 2:29 AM

Aug 2007
Garm started to transform, it took a few seconds but he was soon standing there with his claws out and his baring his fangs. He still had on his trench coat, and his fur was as black as his characters hair. He looked over to the guy who said he would be healing, "I'll leave it to you then," he said as he rushed and began to slash the enemy.

"I'd be over kill if I attacked," Tenshi said as looked over to Luna, "Is there any way that I can help him?" he asked, "Is there anything that a Twin Blade can do to help when the monster is too strong?"
Aug 21, 2008 2:51 AM

Jan 2008
"Mmmm... I don't know... Twin blades are mainly a close range, DPS, class and they can't use spells... there better against lightweight enemies, ones you can knock back. A big one like this... would be trouble even if it was our level..." Luna said to Tenshi. She reloaded her rifle and continued firing at the enamy, which looked almost like a huge crab. "Nya!? Were not even scratching it!" she yelled when both, her and Garm's attacks had no effect.


"Pha Repth", Tch... at this rate my mana won't last... I guess it can't be helped, "With these types of enemies you need to shater its shell before you can do any damage", I said to Tenshi, "Tell Garm to keep its attention, then you climb on top of it and split it in half." It reall does feel... like old times.

<<DPS: Damage per second>>
StiltyAug 21, 2008 3:02 AM
Aug 21, 2008 3:00 AM

Aug 2007
"You hear that Garm!" yelled Tenshi.

"Roger, get your ass in gear!" he roared back.

Tenshi smirked and started to run over to climb up to the top. He was almost there when another hostile appeared, "Tch. How troublesome," He said through gritted teeth as he started to run even faster and jump. He kicked off the monster to go airborne. He whipped out his blades and slashed the ceiling above the crab. He landed on one of the chunks of debris that was falling as it smashed into the crab. He jumped off it at the last seconds and his boots skid across the ground of the temple.

"Was that any good?" he asked.
Aug 21, 2008 3:14 AM

Jan 2008
"Nya! As expected, your a natural Tenshi-kun" Luna cheered as she aimed her rifle at the exposed crab, "I'll take it from here,". She pulled the trigger and her bullet wizzed past Garm and shot through the exposed enamies weak spot, killing in one blow. "Haha! I did it," she said happily, suddnenly the second enamy swung its large club at her, I can't dodge....

I guess I had to intervine after all, the boy was standing in front of Luna and blocked the club with one hand.
Aug 25, 2008 8:38 PM

Jan 2008
Are you familiar with he concept of Hyperrealism? It is the inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from fantasy. Yet can one who was born from fantasy live in reality? Or are they doomed to forever live in the lucid dream of that fantasy?

In metaphysics and esoteric cosmology, a plane, other than the physical plane, is conceived as a subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe. Is it possible that fantasy is just a consciousness? If so, then how does one return to the physical plane? How does one bridge the gap between Fantasy and Reality?

I am a Strong AI, an artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence, I have emotions and even a personality but... I want more than that. I came into existence as an emergent quality from the convergence of random, man-made technologies, or in my case vagrant files of 'The World'. Can life be created from the lifeless? Do I... really exist? I don't want to be just a dream anymore... I want to feel, I want to live, I want to be... Real...
StiltyAug 25, 2008 8:49 PM
Aug 27, 2008 7:16 AM

Dec 2007
Needless to say, Kokoro was bored. And when Kokoro was bored, she was angry. And when Kokoro was angry, she was PISSED! Why? Well, it's all because of...

"You freaking piece of crap! WORK! Oh my Lord! Heaven forbid I don't get a BLUE screen every time I turn you on!" Smacking the computer over the head a couple of times, all right SEVERAL times, was not making matters better. But it sure was making her feel a little better. Ever since she bought, loaded, installed, and tried to play the game, her computer had been acting like it had eaten something horrible; first it had started with the crashing, then Kokoro had turned it on only for the computer to shut down seconds afterwards. Then when she FINALLY turned it on, the "Blue Screen of Death," as she put it, had overhwhelmed, after she tried playing it again, the screen to the point that she couldn't see anything but blue.

Oh but she was seeing red right now. So much red, the red is coursing through her veins, pumping her white hot blood through her body, making her hands itch to throw the computer out the window. But, she couldn't. She can't. Her parents paid for it so what good would it be to trash it if it still had a chance of surviving?

"Have you tried, oh I don't know, UNINSTALLING some things?" Her brother questioned, leaning against her doorframe. She blinked.


"Well didn't you think that maybe your computer was overloaded with stuff? Adding the game was probably the thing that "broke the camel's back," if you get my drift." He crossed the threshold separating her room from the hallway, restarted the computer, and calmly shook his head in her direction.

"What the heck does that mean?" she asked, pale fists clenched tightly.

"It means you suck at using a computer." he responded matter-of-factly, going to the Add or Remove programs option on the screen. She shifted, her hands traveling down to her hips, her eyebrows drawn together.

"Oh THANKS." Finally after a few more clicks of the mouse, he got up and padded into the hallway.

"Try not to screw that computer up or Mom will probably kill you." he echoed.

Huffing, Kokoro nestled into her chair, glancing at the clock to determine how much time she had to play.

"7:00pm." she stretched. "I'll play for a few hours then get to bed." Grabbing the visor nestled on her monitor, she pulled it over her eyes and experienced a thrilling sensation. Her appearance, her clothes, everything was being shredded in place of something new. Her brown hair darkened to a blue such as the night sky, her pajamas were removed and replaced with a fighters outfit.

"I can see below." she murmured, touching ground, staggering a bit from the weight her new appearance held.

She was in The World.
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 12:33 PM

Jan 2008
I sat on the edge of a steep cliff and stared off into the of phantasmagoric clouds below. "So this is... R:2..." I said to myself in a light and wispy voice voice "I wonder... if he is still playing... I wish I could have kept his member address...". I pulled my feet up and hugged my knees, the scarf around my neck fluttering in the tepid breeze "I... wonder if I have his phone number somewhere...".

I placed my hands on the sides of my visor and slowly took it off, my hair falling over my as I placed it onto the desk in front me. I turned around to a dark room with empty cans, glasses, and snack wrappers decorating the floor. I got up off my knee's and swaggered to a dresser beside my unmade bed and opened it up. Inside were batteries, pencils, a book, and knick-knacks of all shapes and sizes piled on top of each other. I searched through the cluttered drawer for maybe a minute and pulled out my cellphone, a standard flip-open model colored with a glossy pink finish and scratches everywhere showing the silver plastic underneath that pink. I opened it up and began opened up my call list... it was empty. I shut the phone and crawled over to the monitor even more depressed than before, and placed the glowing visor over my eyes.

I opened my eye's and returned to my hideout, my escape from reality... my World. When I first bought this game... and put on my visor for the first time... it was like a wonderful dream in a life thats been nothing but a hellish nightmare. I stood up and walked towards the chaos gate in front of me and just as I was about to enter use the gate a player came through it and appeared in front of me...

<<Character info added to my previous post in the .hack// character sheet.>>
StiltyAug 27, 2008 12:36 PM
Aug 27, 2008 12:54 PM

Dec 2007
Kokoro softly planted her feet on the ground, kicking up a small amount of earth at her arrival. She tucked a strand of azure hair behind one ear and discerned her destination. From what she could see she was standing in a plaza of sorts, the Chaos gate, she learned, directly behind her. Gondolas floated down canals that twisted their way through the town.

"Wow, so this is The World. Heh, someone must've made a fortune off this game. Look at all the players!" And it was true. Travelers, whether they were high or low leveled, bustled about the town. Merchants solicited their goods, their voices booming from behind the crowds. Kokoro smirked, she was going to like this place. Dusting off her clothes, she turned, ready to start her journey...

...and smacked into an oncoming player.

"Ow! Dag nabit! Five seconds and I'm already about to get PKed!" she shrieked, her butt colliding with the stone floor.
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 1:40 PM

Jan 2008
"I-I'm sorry..." I said to the player who I had just bumped into. As I sat up I looked down at my at my feet to avoid eye contact and buried my face in the scarf around my neck. "I... I'm not a PK..." I murmured shyly. I don't... I try to avoid people most of the time... I usually prefer to be left alone... after all I... I've been alone since the beginning anyway. Its not that I don't like people its just...
Aug 27, 2008 1:55 PM

Dec 2007
Kokoro lifted herself off the ground, sighing slightly at the shyness of the player before her. She had yelled at this timid...GUY, she determined, and here he is apologizing profusely when it was probably her fault in the beginning. Ugh, she hated feeling guilty.

"Hey, it's okay. It's probably my fault anyway; I wasn't looking where I was going." Kokoro said, running a hand through her hair. Great, first day in The World and she's already made an idiot of herself. Perfect.

"You're fine though, right? I just kinda um..." she struggled for the words, "HATE feeling responsible for something. You't think I caught your name."
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 2:14 PM

Jan 2008
I lifted my head and looked at the figure standing before me. She seemed so... bright... or maybe... fierce... either way I couldn't help but stare. I clumsily got to my feet and clutched my staff, holding it in front of me as if hiding behind it. "Y-yeah... I'm fine...s-sorry" I mumbled as I looked away. I stared at the ground beneath my feet and my eye's followed a caterpillar crawling up the handle on my staff, it was... cute.

<<Changed his class to wavemaster>>
Aug 27, 2008 2:28 PM

Dec 2007
He's shy, more shy than she was back in the day. Kokoro shook her head. Now wasn't the time to be dwindling on the past. She was supposed to have fun, to enjoy herself. Not reminisce on times that she'd rather forget. All of it was behind her and now she'd grown into a strong young woman who could hold her own. Karate had put confidence in her, strength of both mind and body. For all intensive purposes, she should just leave this boy here and carry about her business; she made sure he was fine. But something about his demeanor made her stand rooted to the spot, made her want to break him out of the shell he's created.

"All right, shy boy, since you won't tell me your name I'll tell you mine. The name's Kokoro." she stuck out her hand. "I'm a Knuckle Master if you don't know already by my attire."
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 2:49 PM

Aug 2007
Two people in long black trench coats were walking and seemed to be arguing about something. One was a guy with black spiky hair and red eyes, and the other was a girl with blue eyes and long blond hair. The guy had spiky gauntlets on and the girl had two swords sheathed on a belt around her waist, the hung on her right side.

"Honestly! That leader of ours probably got caught up helping Tenshi with his character," said the guy.

"Yeah I know!" yelled the girl, "Why is it that I had to get stuck helping you Zetsumei!"

"I don't know Kira.... maybe if you didn't get over zealous, the PKK trip wouldn't have gotten messed up," yelled Zetsumei.

The two stopped as they noticed that the two people at the gate was looking at them.
Aug 27, 2008 2:59 PM

Jan 2008
Sh-shy boy? ... A slight smile appeared on my face as I repeated those words in my head its been a while since I've been called that. As I stared at her open hand her figure seemed to change, it was just like the first time I met 'him'. There was something about her that made me feel... nostalgic. I reached out my hand, reluctant at first but eventually gathered the nerve take it, "Shi... Shinobu..." I murmured as I shook it. As soon as I finished a lukewarm breeze blew across the grass and caressed my face; I closed my eye's and let myself go to the gentle embrace of the wind.

Aug 27, 2008 3:09 PM

Dec 2007
Kokoro's lips tilted into an almost unnoticeable smile. She was getting through to this kid, slowly but surely. No need to rush, she thought, just take my time. Won't force anything on him; I won't do anything I doubt he'd do himself. She grasped Shinobu's hand firmly, giving it a good one-two shake before retracting hers.

"Shinobu huh?" she spoke, tasting the name on her tongue for the first time. "Nice name you got there. Shouldn't be shy about telling anyone who you are. Be proud." She smirked that cocky smirk reminiscent of her brother's whenever he sword-played with his friends. The smirk said 'I can do anything, so bring it on' . It was something she adopted, something she was proud of.

The wind blew, she awed at the fact that The World had air, throwing up sand. She had to force herself to cover her eyes to keep any from entering. Once it had only died down did Kokoro dare take her hand away from her face, and in the distance stood two other characters, making direct eye contact with her. Her eyes narrowed in challenge.
DarkeikoAug 27, 2008 5:10 PM
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 3:21 PM

Aug 2007
The two sighed, "I remember when I was like that..." said Kira.

"Yeah, but it's better the way it is now. We should try and track down Garm," Zetsumei said as they walked to the gate.

"What do you think the area words they used are?" asked Kira.

"Dunno... we gotta check ever one of them to be sure," Zetsumei said with another sigh.
Aug 27, 2008 3:34 PM

Jan 2008
I get the same feeling from her as I did from him... this confidence... or is it passion? It feels like... I can accomplish anything as long as I follow her. Once... when I made my first character... I was even more timid and introverted than I am now. I'd run away whenever someone approached me, o use my Sprite Whistle to warp out of the area. But here was one person who kept following me wherever I went... he was always smiling and had the same affect on you that she does. He always dragged me around to really high level dungeons and he always pushed me to do my best... he was like a big brother to me... supporting me, caring for me, and protecting me... it was the first time I'd ever had such a relationship with someone, I was so happy... I wished those days would never end. But fate had other plans in store... we... ----------------------------------------... he was never the same after that... he stopped logging on and he disbanded the .hackers. I tried visiting his house but it turns out he'd moved to another apartment... I haven't seen him since.

When I looked into those eye's... those fierce and passionate eye's... I knew what she was thinking, "W-wait!" I said as stepped in front of her and hid behind my staff, "just... I mean..." now that I was close to her I realized she was taller than me, maybe 3 or 4 inches taller...
Aug 27, 2008 3:43 PM

Dec 2007
"Hmm." Kokoro took a step back as Shinobu planted himself in front of her, staff held before his face in a timid manner. His eyes were frantic and still shy, but she swore she could see something. A gleam, a spark of emotion. Was it hope? Was it determination? She had no way to tell. Kokoro was one of deciphering a person by their actions. To look into a person's thoughts was something she felt impossible. A person's true persona is determined by what they do. With this thought she looked down at the boy, was she that tall, and tilted her head in a questioning way.

"What's up, Shinobu? Something the matter?" Out of the corner of her eye she could see the newcomers coming closer and closer to their location. Her fists clenched out of reflex, out of self-defense. The gloves she acquired as a new player were foreign in her grasp, yet familiar all the same. If she had to fight, she would.
DarkeikoAug 27, 2008 3:46 PM
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 3:49 PM

Aug 2007
"The hell? Does she want to fight or something?" asked Zetsumei as they got closer.

"Don't you can tell she is new, your rares would massacre her," replied Kira. She smiled and waved at the two new players, "Hello~"

"You being friendly.... shocker~" whispered Zetsumei.

She tried to punch him but he flashed to the other side of her, "Your the wrong class if you think that punch could hit me," he said as he stuck out his tongue at Kira. He stopped in front of the girl ready to fight him and he rubbed his neck, "Um... I think you are getting the wrong idea. I'm not here to PK you, so don't worry. I, or we, only PK Pkers," he said with a smile.
Aug 27, 2008 3:59 PM

Dec 2007
She crossed her arms stubbornly, scanning the two newcomers, determining if they were a threat or not. Their items weren't like hers, that's for sure. Whereas her weapons and armor were dull, there's sparkled like the sun. No doubt, she thought, these were high levels, much higher than her. Even if they were lying and they were PKers, she wouldn't stand a chance. Her fists loosened their grip slightly. But even so...she stood defensively in front of the boy. Even if she couldn't fight back, she'll be his meat shield just in case. Her eyes softened slightly. She'd protect Shinobu.

"Hello." she started, gouging their reactions. "PKKers huh? So...what, you kill other player killers for kicks and giggles?"
DarkeikoAug 27, 2008 4:02 PM
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 4:05 PM

Jan 2008
"I... n-no Its nothing" I said as I lowered my staff, the caterpillar that was climbing up it was now perched on top of the moon-like tip of my staff, and I looked at my feet. I can never go back to those happy days... I shouldn't hope or dream... I'll just end up getting them crushed... like all the others. I turned around and tightened the grip on my staff, trying to hold back my tears, negative thoughts running thought my head, I'm all alone... I'm completely alone, I shouldn't trust her she'll just bully me like all the others, Its better not to hope... that way you won't get hurt when there crushed. I was never a positive thinker, and my self-esteem is almost non-existent... I alway end up mentally beating myself up. I couldn't see much, my vision being obscured by tears welling up in my eye's, but I was able to make out 2 figures approaching us.
Aug 27, 2008 4:07 PM

Aug 2007
"No nothing like that. We do it for the money~" Zetsumei said with a big smile and a V for victory.

Kira sighed and hit him on the head, "Anyways... we just need to use the gate so we can find where our guildmaster went to. We belong to The Red Shadows, a guild that specializes in PKKing, or rather we are Bounty Hunters, and Rare hunts."

"Oh! Your a Knuckle master as well!" exclaimed Zetsumei as looked at her attire, "I go by Zetsumei, but you can call me Kuro," he said with a smile.

"I guess I might as well introduce myself as well," sighed Kira.

"Of course you have ta~" Kuro said cheerfully.

"I'm Kira..." she said as she seemed to have been annoyed by Kuro.
Aug 27, 2008 4:11 PM

Dec 2007
Kokoro felt a shift in position, a lack in body warmth behind her and chanced a look at Shinobu. His back was toward her, small blots showing on the desert earth. He was crying. Why? Why's he crying? She was nothing but nice to him wasn't she? Did she do something wrong? Her thoughts were in a frenzy, her mind in turmoil. This boy, his depression, it could go far. So far that...she shook her head. No, she couldn't let this boy suffer. She couldn't let him be sucked up by his dark desires. Reaching back, she tugged on his arm until he turned to face her.

"Don't cry." she whispered loud enough for him to hear but low enough for the two higher levels not to. "I'll protect you." She squeezed his shoulder in reassurance before turning her head back just in time to catch their names.

"Kokoro." she said, nodding to the two. "And yeah, I'm a Knuckle Master as well." The fire in her eyes danced with glee, itching for a fight, yet knowing she could not. Especially not with a boy's life on the more ways than one.
DarkeikoAug 27, 2008 4:14 PM
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 4:16 PM

Aug 2007
"We'll leave you two love birds alone~" said Kuro, "Alright! Off to find Zenshin-sama!" he yelled as Garm walked through the portal.

"So tired...." he said as he fell down.

Tenshi walked through followed by the other two party members, "I'm gonna head to town and get some better equipment, later," he yelled as he ran off.

"Speak of the devil..." said Kira as she looked at Garm on the ground, he was still in his werewolf form, but soon transformed back. His trench coat was tattered from the transformation, and so was his other clothes.

"Where did you go?" asked Kuro.

"I don't even wanna talk about it..." he said as he looked at Luna, whose eyes were sparkling over a rare item she found in a chest.
Aug 27, 2008 4:46 PM

Jan 2008
"... Your lying." I said to her, forcing a smile through my tears and braking away form her grip. I didn't want to be hurt anymore. I walked to the portal and was greeted with a terrifying figure standing before me, I stumble back onto the grass and covered my head with my hands; why... why is this all happening.


In the end... I ended up taking out the majority of the monsters. I lets out a sigh and slipped my hands into my pockets, Luna hugging a rifle. One a scale of one to five in terms of rarity... I'd say that one was about a 15... and her and Tenshi jumped maybe a dozen or levels on our way through the dungeon.

One... two... three... there was seven people in total including a wimpy looking Wavemaster and an aggressive looking knuckle master. There was something about the wave master that seemed... familiar for some reason, he kinda reminded me of... It can't be...

StiltyAug 27, 2008 5:00 PM
Aug 27, 2008 4:55 PM

Dec 2007
"Shino!" Kokoro cried, kneeling next to the Wavemaster's cowering figure. Why was he so afraid of her when only moments before they were shaking hands? It didn't make sense. All she could do was wrap her arms around the boy and keep him safe from harm. All she could do..all she could...

"Who the hell are you people? Do you realize that you're scaring the kid half to death?" Kokoro whispered, deathly calm, the fire in her eyes growing to that of an inferno. Even the treasure that she would usually be interested in was nothing compared to the safety of this one boy. She didn't give a crap about how harshly she was reacting. This was how she was. Her reactions were etched into her heart.
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 5:00 PM

Aug 2007
"Well I'm sorry! barked Garm, "I'm piss tired after going through that hellhole! And you! What was that place called anyways!" he exclaimed as he pointed to Luna.

Kuro smiled as patted Kokoro on the head, "It's fine, the big guy is our guildmaster Garm the Werewolf. I don't know the other two though."

"So was that Tenshi?" asked Kira.

"Yeah..." Garm replied.
Aug 27, 2008 5:25 PM

Jan 2008
"Umm... I think the area words were... Hidden Forbidden Sin Realm," Luna said with a silly smile in her face. "I think that place was supposed to be for an event back in R:1 but now its just one of the hardest dungeons in the game... but wow I was surprised on how strong you and this guy are." she said to Garm as she knelt beside him, there was barely a scratch on her.


The way she wrapped her arms around me was so... cruel. I was being embraced, comforted... I've always wanted to be held like that, to be wrapped in the warm blanket of love and affection but... I only the felt cold breeze of my open window send a shiver down my spine and the loneliness of of my dark room strangle me from behind. I broke free from her grip, her embrace to cruel and painful to endure, and used the chaos gate in front of me. I chose a bookmarked area word and ran away.


Shino-chan?! ... There's no doubt about it... the same class, the same name... and it looks like Shino-chan's mental state hasn't improved at all. I want to help, I really do but... telling Shino-chan who I really am would just open up more wounds. So I bent down next to Kokoro and whispered into her ear, "Crying Child's Sanctuary; You'll find Shino-chan there". I can at least do this much... please... Kokoro... save Shino...
StiltyAug 27, 2008 5:33 PM
Aug 27, 2008 5:35 PM

Dec 2007
Kokoro looked in horror as Shinobu broke away from her embrace and disappeared through the Chaos Gate. Her fist hit the dirt time and time again. What the hell had she done? Did she end up making his mental state worse? She was angry, confused, and stricken all at the same time. This whirlwind of emotions threatened to overwhelm her, consume her psyche, enrage her to the point of insanity. She hadn't felt this way since...

No. She shook her head, forcing the tears back. She shouldn't think that way. How would that help her? Her situation? Shinobu? Kokoro had to go after Shinobu. But where should she go? The World was filled with hundreds of thousands of areas. Shinobu could be anywhere. Her determination, her resolve was dimming with each second, each thought that finding the Wavemaster was impossible.

"Crying Child's Sanctuary." she heard. "You'll find Shino-chan there." Looking upwards into the Flick Reaper's face, her will was strengthened. Her destination set she stood, chose the bookmarked area code given to her and dove through the Chaos Gate after him.

I'm coming Shino. Don't worry.
DarkeikoAug 27, 2008 11:59 PM
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 6:13 PM

Jan 2008
After Kokoro jumped through the chaos gate I walked up to it, and with tepid waving gesture, logged out. I leaned back in my chair, and stared at the blank screen of my visor for what felt like hours... until I finally placing my hand on the on the left ear piece, shut it off and my world went black.


"Cya!" Luna said as she waved goodbye energetically, "... Y'know... I don't think he's even told us his name...".


My escape from realty... the only thread connecting me to this life... has been severed. I don't have anything left anymore... no reason to get up out of bed in the morning. I wonder... what world would be waiting for me if I were to die... a world where I have mom and dad who love me? A world where I won't be all alone... thats right... things can only get better. There's no way things could possibly be worse for me. I sat on the lowest branch of a tree growing out of the middle of a small underground pond, the water below it seemed endless and the light given off by the tree illuminated the empty, entrance less, cave. I suddenly felt another presence in the room with me...

"Who's there...?"
"Who are you?"
"What I want more than anything?"
"All I want... is to go somewhere... where I can be happy, a place where nobody will hurt me..."
"I'm not lonely... I'm not..."
"Is there really such a place?"

I looked at my staff, the once a caterpillar was now wrapped in a cocoon, totally closed off from the world...

<<He isn't a Steam Gunner, if anything he'd be considered a Flick Reaper. I also changed his name from Salix to Sakura.>>
Aug 27, 2008 6:40 PM

Dec 2007
It all felt different yet so much the same. Warping through the Chaos Gate had the similar sensation of logging into The World, the feeling as if she was taken apart piece by piece and placed together again, a feeling like she was floating. Yet here she was, still inside the World instead of her bedroom's safety. The first thing she noticed was that it was dark. Kokoro could barely make out the surroundings in front of her face. Closing her eyes, she allowed the rest of her senses to take over, guiding her through the darkness.

Her movements were slow, steady, her strides soft and even. She didn't care what lay before her or what she would encounter. All she could think about was her goal: Shinobu. The boy...he doesn't even know does he? How much they were so similar. She was like him small. She was lucky though. She had family to support her through her fragile times, when all she could think about was how she wished to escape from it all. But Shinobu...he has no one. None to care, none to help, none to guide. He was alone, wrapped in a cloak of shadows that was slowly but surely suffocating him, choking off the last bit of light that remained. And when the last was extinguished, so would the last of Shinobu's hope. Her eyes hardened behind closed lids. She couldn't let that happen. She wouldn't! She'd bring this to a close. She'd save him.

Her hands grasped along the walls, pulling her farther and farther into Shinobu's sanctuary. And when her fingers could no longer feel the rough exterior, she opened her eyes beholding the twinkling lake and the lone figure seated upon the tree in the center.

"Shinobu." she whispered.

(All right. Made the corrections. Thought Luna was talking but then I realized it was someone else. *hits her head* Ow. >.0)
DarkeikoAug 27, 2008 6:47 PM
"Someone once told me that, 'Friendships come with meetings, partings and reunions.' But how could you truly part with someone if they're always your heart?"

Aug 27, 2008 7:01 PM

Jan 2008
I was given a choice... the choices were equal, but to me was like choosing between salvation and damnation, I could return to that cruel, and sad life and face it head on... or I could stay here in this dazzling twilight dream. I didn't even need to think... I'm not strong enough to face such a life. I turned my to see Kokoro standing at the other end of the cave, and I smiled I was happy... happy to see her one last time. I stood up and walked towards her, steps forming under my feet as I walked across the water. "Kokoro, I wanted to see you... I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. You held out your hand when no one else would. But I pushed you away... and I hurt you... for that I'm sorry." I said trying m best to seem happy and forcing laughter out while holding back my tears.
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