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Nov 28, 2011 4:25 PM

Jul 2010
Finished watching the raw. Finally get to see Karen and Bazett. Haven't had a chance to play Fate/hollow ataraxia though. Anyhoo, Bazett was wearing some pretty revealing clothing. Hawaiian shirt Lancer is great as usual. Tsukihime characters get more screen time this time around. Nice little episode to tide us over till Season 3 of CP. Bunch of random screens I took from the episode:

Nov 29, 2011 7:35 AM

Apr 2010
Lol, a bunch of Lens.
Nov 29, 2011 6:24 PM

Apr 2007
Bazett <3 Caren <3 LIL GIL <3

d'awww he has such a cute voice. I like that Kotomine's figure appeared behind Caren in a couple shots lol. The parts with Aoko were so hilarious too. Overall it was another fun episode :3
Dec 1, 2011 7:34 AM

Feb 2009
Caren <3
Bazett <3

'My name is Nvrnqsr Chaos.'
'Uhm, how do you spell that?'

An extended Phantasmoon segment with Kaleido Ruby as well. Was hoping that Magical Amber and Caren appeared but oh well.

Aoko parts were hilarious. Keikaku doori :D
The AokoxShiki doujin immediately popped in my mind when she jumped on Shiki xP

Really great episode.
S3 pls kthx.
Dec 2, 2011 11:20 PM

Feb 2010
Caren!!! My favorite character in Fate series.

Caren is = Money+Bandage+Sadist+White Hair+Priestess+Cosplayer (skirtless suit?)

Bazette: I didn't expect that she'll be this cute when not wearing a formal suit.

Aoko=Shotacon. It does explain a lot. ROFL at the Doraemon reference.

Shiki waking up at night really takes me back. Now we realize what Wan-wan Panic really is.
ratratrat098Dec 2, 2011 11:24 PM
Dec 3, 2011 8:20 AM

Oct 2010
The beam of light makes no fucking sense, this is a DVD is it not? Ah whatever it's good this has an entry at least.

Funny episode is funny.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Dec 3, 2011 12:29 PM

Sep 2008
Love this XD
Lancer don't die first time (Yes yes yes...)
Lancer x Bazett Moment (Yes yes yes)
Caren voice fit her but Bazett voice I like from Fate Unlimited better
Hisui roar when she playing game so cute made me what to hug
Aoko shotacon? Good anyway
Was I lolicon if I think White Len voice was sexy
HungshuDec 5, 2011 10:17 PM
Dec 3, 2011 2:52 PM

Sep 2010
About Lancer surviving. Makes a lot of sense if this is the hollow/ataraxia episode.

Dec 5, 2011 5:59 PM

Sep 2008
huh? What are you talking about...I know lancer die all route in Fate but when I say he survival mean from begin of Carnival Phantasm every time Lancer appear he die and this ep was first time he didn't...
Dec 6, 2011 10:26 AM

Sep 2010
Hungshu said:
huh? What are you talking about...I know lancer die all route in Fate but when I say he survival mean from begin of Carnival Phantasm every time Lancer appear he die and this ep was first time he didn't...

This isn't an episode based on FSN, but on its sequel F/HA (Hollow Ataraxia). That's why we have Child Gil, Caren and Bazett. It's not a sequel to any of the three routes, but a general one set in a world parallel to the routes (the 'fourth' route) that mixes elements from them (Rin vs Caster, Saber vs Gil, etc, all happened).

In Hollow/Ataraxia, apparently the only character who dies after the war is Kotomine Kirei, the Servants and Masters are all around.

That's probably why he survived it. Because he never died here aside...

The entire episode has jokes of HA.

ThessDec 6, 2011 10:42 AM
Dec 6, 2011 10:58 AM

Feb 2009
I think it just means he's glad Lancer didnt die here coz in each episode of Carnival Phantasm where he appeared he dies.
Hit by Gil's GoB in ep1, hit by a car in ep3&4, carried around by Berserker in ep5, hit by Rider's NP in ep6, struck by lightning in ep7, and eaten by Saber Lion in ep8.
It's basically a running gag.
He did get bullied and knocked out by Caren here.

Also, lots of info there in ataraxia. Wow.
belatkuroDec 6, 2011 11:05 AM
Dec 6, 2011 12:52 PM

Sep 2010
belatkuro said:
I think it just means he's glad Lancer didnt die here coz in each episode of Carnival Phantasm where he appeared he dies.
Hit by Gil's GoB in ep1, hit by a car in ep3&4, carried around by Berserker in ep5, hit by Rider's NP in ep6, struck by lightning in ep7, and eaten by Saber Lion in ep8.
It's basically a running gag.
He did get bullied and knocked out by Caren here.

Also, lots of info there in ataraxia. Wow.

I got that, but I just explained why he probably survived. XD;

The whole episode was filled with Ataraxia stuff, so most behavior and gags would be lost to people unfamiliar with the story.
Dec 6, 2011 9:22 PM

Sep 2008
belatkuro said:
I think it just means he's glad Lancer didnt die here coz in each episode of Carnival Phantasm where he appeared he dies.
Hit by Gil's GoB in ep1, hit by a car in ep3&4, carried around by Berserker in ep5, hit by Rider's NP in ep6, struck by lightning in ep7, and eaten by Saber Lion in ep8.
It's basically a running gag.
He did get bullied and knocked out by Caren here.

That what I mean...poor Lancer...
Lancer was my favorite character from Fate series and Lancer x Bazett was my favorite pair in type moon that why I over joy when they together.

For me Type/Moon Character that I like most was
Hisui > Kouma > Lancer > Bazett > Ryougi Shiki = Kokuto > Caren > ...
Althrogh no Kouma in this ep but most of my favorite character was in this ep so...Bansai!!!...Carnival Phantasm EX bansi!!!...can't wait for sub
Dec 7, 2011 5:14 AM

Feb 2009
Wait, Kouma? As in Kishima Kouma?
He is a beast though but he hardly showed up(Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood games only I think). Hard to believe someone would like him.

And I'm still sad and angry in the fact that Bazett isn't even in the OP sequence where everyone is dancing/waving. Nanaya, True Assassin, Tatari, Miyako's Master, even Nasu is there but no Bazett щ(゚Д゚щ)
Dec 7, 2011 9:28 AM

Sep 2008
belatkuro said:
Wait, Kouma? As in Kishima Kouma?
He is a beast though but he hardly showed up(Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood games only I think). Hard to believe someone would like him.

And I'm still sad and angry in the fact that Bazett isn't even in the OP sequence where everyone is dancing/waving. Nanaya, True Assassin, Tatari, Miyako's Master, even Nasu is there but no Bazett щ(゚Д゚щ)

Yes I really mean him he was my 2nd favorite character in type/moon character
Kishima Kouma appear in Carnival Phantasm in OP and in cut scene CG along with Nanaya(what ep I forgot)

For reason I really like him it simple he strong he cool although I kill almost every one in Nanaya clan but he isn't crazy killer. Althogh he like to fight but he only fight if he have to.Althogh he is antagonists but he isn't evil.
HungshuDec 7, 2011 9:39 AM
Dec 15, 2011 12:10 AM
Aug 2010

Five Rens especially was amazing, been waiting to see her make more of an appearance. Not to mention the Aoko and PhantasMoon parts and, well, the whole damn episode.
Dec 15, 2011 1:49 AM
Dec 2007
belatkuro said:
Wait, Kouma? As in Kishima Kouma?
He is a beast though but he hardly showed up(Kagetsu Tohya and Melty Blood games only I think). Hard to believe someone would like him.

And I'm still sad and angry in the fact that Bazett isn't even in the OP sequence where everyone is dancing/waving. Nanaya, True Assassin, Tatari, Miyako's Master, even Nasu is there but no Bazett щ(゚Д゚щ)
Lol, you can even see Shiki's friend Arihiko and his sister somewhere too.

I like how EX went even further ahead into deeper areas of Tsukihime/Fate for most anime-only fans. I'd give a cookie for anyone who knows the relationship between Roa and Nero, or why Nero is so sad Akiha and Shiki forgot him.

Also, lol at the playing on the Black Len and White Len storyline (Len sentai? xD) and the not so subtle hint at how much Aoko has liked to screw with Shiki and company on Melty Blood and the Tsukihime fandiscs.
Leon-GunDec 15, 2011 1:54 AM

Dec 15, 2011 2:29 AM

Feb 2009
^There's also Aoko, Akiha's friends, those 3 extras from Fate, Luvia, White Len, Ilya's maids, Stheno and Euryale, Avenger, Issei, Jougan, Kouma, SHIKI.
And still no Bazett D:
(I didnt miss anyone right?)

Dont you mean Roa who's sad?
Also, let's add to that cookie why Gil is small and polite here.
Dec 15, 2011 2:57 AM

Sep 2008
I know that small Gil was polite same in Fate Hollow but I still don't know why he become small
(play fate hollow with english tran. and wait for some one to complete tran. them)

Nero and Roa isn't he old friend...but when you said Nero complain Akiha and Shiki forgot him I get confuse...if it was Roa complain about Shiki and Akiha forgot him it made more sense to me since he is SHIKI
(well I know know what they talking about anyway still wait for sub)
Dec 15, 2011 4:42 AM

Apr 2009
Aoko and Illya gets a gag about lack of routes. Satsuki doesn't even turn up in this episode at all, despite this being most relevant to her. Isn't it sad?

Also, this ep makes me feel like playing Battle Moon Wars again.
NilviusDec 15, 2011 6:09 AM
Dec 15, 2011 5:42 AM

Aug 2009
they had to make shirou meet with child Gil just for lolz just like in FHA...if i remember correctly it was a potion from GoB which reverted him in child form....along with his the hell did he become like that as a adult lol
Dec 15, 2011 7:31 AM

Jun 2009
Do make Aoko a heroine in Tsukihime remake plox.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Dec 15, 2011 10:15 AM

Jun 2008
So disappointed about Len Sentai, it wasn't funny and Len and White Len didn't have that much screen time.
But I really liked the part with Caren, funny to see her father's influence. And Nrvnqsr trying to spell his name was epic.
Dec 15, 2011 12:04 PM
Dec 2007
OrochiPL said:
Do make Aoko a heroine in Tsukihime remake plox.
What for? Aoko is supposed to be the protagonist of Type-Moon's next game, stay tuned for a demo and release news in next month's Type-Moon Ace magazine.
Hungshu said:
I know that small Gil was polite same in Fate Hollow but I still don't know why he become small
(play fate hollow with english tran. and wait for some one to complete tran. them)

Nero and Roa isn't he old friend...but when you said Nero complain Akiha and Shiki forgot him I get confuse...if it was Roa complain about Shiki and Akiha forgot him it made more sense to me since he is SHIKI
(well I know know what they talking about anyway still wait for sub)
Yeah, I meant Roa but typed Nero by mistake, apologies to those I confused. Gil being small is because he drank once more from his potion of youth in order to keep a low profile. Fun Fact: The first time Gil actually drank from the potion was before Fate/Stay Night, which is why he kept the youthful appearance he had in Zero while Kirei grew older. And before someone goes "Servants don't get old", Gilgamesh in Stay Night is flesh and blood and technically no longer a Servant.

And for those waiting for subs, go to UTW, they did them yesterday.
Leon-GunDec 15, 2011 12:08 PM

Dec 15, 2011 3:29 PM

Nov 2010
Nice one.
I thought this was episode 9.
Dec 15, 2011 3:54 PM

Jun 2009
Leon-Gun said:
OrochiPL said:
Do make Aoko a heroine in Tsukihime remake plox.
What for? Aoko is supposed to be the protagonist of Type-Moon's next game, stay tuned for a demo and release news in next month's Type-Moon Ace magazine.
Because Sacchin's gotta keep being sad.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Dec 15, 2011 4:02 PM

Sep 2010
belatkuro said:
^There's also Aoko, Akiha's friends, those 3 extras from Fate, Luvia, White Len, Ilya's maids, Stheno and Euryale, Avenger, Issei, Jougan, Kouma, SHIKI.
And still no Bazett D:
(I didnt miss anyone right?)

Dont you mean Roa who's sad?
Also, let's add to that cookie why Gil is small and polite here.

Well, Bazett was in the episode (and is going to be in next one), where is poor Avenger? ;_;

Heck, her role is pretty much taken after Ataraxia (this could be very well a sequel of the epilogue).
Dec 15, 2011 6:01 PM

Feb 2009
Yes she's in this episode(damn hot outfit and cute blushing) and yes she will be in the next one(my body is ready for it after seeing the preview pic).
But that doesnt make up for the studio not putting her in the awesome OP where almost all characters from both franchise are dancing(cannot unsee Kirei and Nero doing that) and present in it, even the most minor of cast like Shiki's doctor, while one of the main characters of the FSN sequel is absent.
For them to sneak in Nasu in the middle that's really hard to notice means they worked well on the OP(despite the characters in the back not having faces and only limited movement) yet not including Bazett in it is weird.
Yes I mad.
But complaining over and over wouldnt put her there so Imma gonna stop now.
Dec 15, 2011 7:18 PM

Sep 2010
belatkuro said:
Yes she's in this episode(damn hot outfit and cute blushing) and yes she will be in the next one(my body is ready for it after seeing the preview pic).
But that doesnt make up for the studio not putting her in the awesome OP where almost all characters from both franchise are dancing(cannot unsee Kirei and Nero doing that) and present in it, even the most minor of cast like Shiki's doctor, while one of the main characters of the FSN sequel is absent.
For them to sneak in Nasu in the middle that's really hard to notice means they worked well on the OP(despite the characters in the back not having faces and only limited movement) yet not including Bazett in it is weird.
Yes I mad.
But complaining over and over wouldnt put her there so Imma gonna stop now.

She's in the ending (good spot too), though and not all are in there. I don't care if she's a spot in the background in that opening (Avenger is BARELY visible ugh), but she gets a great one in the END.
ThessDec 15, 2011 8:00 PM
Dec 15, 2011 8:46 PM
Dec 2007
Thess said:
belatkuro said:
Yes she's in this episode(damn hot outfit and cute blushing) and yes she will be in the next one(my body is ready for it after seeing the preview pic).
But that doesnt make up for the studio not putting her in the awesome OP where almost all characters from both franchise are dancing(cannot unsee Kirei and Nero doing that) and present in it, even the most minor of cast like Shiki's doctor, while one of the main characters of the FSN sequel is absent.
For them to sneak in Nasu in the middle that's really hard to notice means they worked well on the OP(despite the characters in the back not having faces and only limited movement) yet not including Bazett in it is weird.
Yes I mad.
But complaining over and over wouldnt put her there so Imma gonna stop now.

She's in the ending (good spot too), though and not all are in there. I don't care if she's a spot in the background in that opening (Avenger is BARELY visible ugh), but she gets a great one in the END.
That she does, but it couldn't have killed them to kicked someone from the OP to add her in. Actually, they didn't have to kick anyone, just slip her in somewhere.

Dec 16, 2011 3:44 AM

Sep 2008
Isn't Avenger already appear in this ep as cut scene :p and as Bazett left arm (Just joking)
Well as long as I see Bazett x Lancer moment that fine for me I don't really care about avenger anyway...

Some one care to tell why avanger personality so diffent in Fate HF and Fate Hollow...
Dec 16, 2011 4:53 AM

Jun 2008
Hungshu said:
Some one care to tell why avanger personality so diffent in Fate HF and Fate Hollow...

Because you're confusing Angra Mainyu and Avenger. I don't remember Angra having a personality in HF but I guess you're talking about the black thing which try to destroy everything.
Avenger is a simple villager and even if he hates the world and its population he's not a killing machine. The grail in HF (and other routes) just try to destroy everything because it's its nature after being tainted by "all evil in the world"
Dec 16, 2011 12:25 PM

Sep 2010
Araya said:
Hungshu said:
Some one care to tell why avanger personality so diffent in Fate HF and Fate Hollow...

Because you're confusing Angra Mainyu and Avenger. I don't remember Angra having a personality in HF but I guess you're talking about the black thing which try to destroy everything.
Avenger is a simple villager and even if he hates the world and its population he's not a killing machine. The grail in HF (and other routes) just try to destroy everything because it's its nature after being tainted by "all evil in the world"

They are one and the same. Hollow Ataraxia makes him the protagonist and gives him a personality, backstory, etc; because in FSN, he is just an ominous force of destruction and taint of the Grail. However, it was the Grail what made Avenger (aka "Angra Mainyu") all the evil in the world, when (after being slain during the third war), it granted the wishes carved on him (from, you know, making him actually the source of all the evil of the world). It wasn't exactly his idea or fault...

Poor dude couldn't catch a break even after he was dead and summoned into this mess. He's the most tragic character in Fateverse, IMO.

Hungshu said:
Some one care to tell why avanger personality so diffent in Fate HF and Fate Hollow...

Focus: being the protagonist in Hollow. Also being dere for Bazett (and eventually Caren), humanized the poor guy again.
Dec 16, 2011 12:41 PM
Dec 2007
Thess said:
Araya said:
Hungshu said:
Some one care to tell why avanger personality so diffent in Fate HF and Fate Hollow...

Because you're confusing Angra Mainyu and Avenger. I don't remember Angra having a personality in HF but I guess you're talking about the black thing which try to destroy everything.
Avenger is a simple villager and even if he hates the world and its population he's not a killing machine. The grail in HF (and other routes) just try to destroy everything because it's its nature after being tainted by "all evil in the world"

They are one and the same. Hollow Ataraxia makes him the protagonist and gives him a personality, backstory, etc; because in FSN, he is just an ominous force of destruction and taint of the Grail. However, it was the Grail what made Avenger (aka "Angra Mainyu") all the evil in the world, when (after being slain during the third war), it granted the wishes carved on him (from, you know, making him actually the source of all the evil of the world). It wasn't exactly his idea or fault...

Poor dude couldn't catch a break even after he was dead and summoned into this mess. He's the most tragic character in Fateverse, IMO.

Hungshu said:
Some one care to tell why avanger personality so diffent in Fate HF and Fate Hollow...

Focus: being the protagonist in Hollow. Also being dere for Bazett (and eventually Caren), humanized the poor guy again.
Truthfully what was gonna be born wasn't just Avenger/Angra Mainyu. It was Avenger AND all evils of the world brought forth by the power of Origin. In Ataraxia he kinda managed to slip away from the Grail by himself as a regular Servant again hence he's just a normal extremely weak and somewhat evil Anti-hero.

Avenger was the same guy in both. And even in Ataraxia he's not exactly a nice guy. He just lacks the power he was gonna posess if he had been reborn as the true incarnations of all sins.

Dec 16, 2011 1:04 PM

Jan 2008
Lancer didn't die this time... I think.
Dec 16, 2011 1:54 PM

Sep 2010
Leon-Gun said:
Truthfully what was gonna be born wasn't just Avenger/Angra Mainyu. It was Avenger AND all evils of the world brought forth by the power of Origin. In Ataraxia he kinda managed to slip away from the Grail by himself as a regular Servant again hence he's just a normal extremely weak and somewhat evil Anti-hero.

It WAS Avenger, only with him transformed into the all evils of the world. He's still that in Ataraxia, but he kind of have a multiple personality disorder in general. Although he CAN control the Holy Grail to some extend as NP (by granting Bazett's wish to live. Not to mention lock Fuyuki away from the rest of the world, he IS pretty hax, but not suited for combat).

Leon-Gun said:
Avenger was the same guy in both. And even in Ataraxia he's not exactly a nice guy. He just lacks the power he was gonna posess if he had been reborn as the true incarnations of all sins.

Well, he's paradoxical. He's not a nice guy, because he tries to be evil, but he's got a nice streak (okay, if you're Bazett).

Personally I think he ends up more heroic and self-sacrificial than Shirou did in any route of FSN, that makes his character interesting, when contrasting how they started of.
ThessDec 16, 2011 1:58 PM
Dec 16, 2011 3:40 PM

Feb 2010
Lmfao Caren scene time! So awesome
and 5 Rens LOL.
random Kaleido-Ruby was random but its. Okay :D
Overall episode: epic.
Dec 18, 2011 11:43 PM

Jan 2009
lol liked the caren part.good ep overall
also Mmm-Mint xD
amirhossDec 21, 2011 12:46 AM
Dec 26, 2011 7:52 PM

Nov 2007
Aoko = so much win.
Dec 29, 2011 6:43 PM

Sep 2011
lol they did a parody of the Five Rangers

Jan 2, 2012 12:17 AM

Jul 2009
7/10.. needs more Saber
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 24, 2012 5:32 PM
Jan 2008
I had to go rewatch that Bazett skit multiple times.
Bazett x Lancer is too cute! :3
Apr 28, 2012 7:33 PM
Feb 2010
Illyasviel: I DON'T HAVE A ROUTE !!!

Made the episode for me.
Apr 29, 2012 1:22 AM

Nov 2006
sup takenashi eri

Sep 27, 2012 9:55 AM

Sep 2011
I want more Caren but just give me F/HA anime instead! D<

Dec 30, 2012 6:14 PM

Nov 2011
LOL @ this episode and dat ending preview. Some pictures:

Feb 17, 2014 12:59 PM
Mar 2013
Welcome back! Another hilarious episode, and I love that we got to see more of Lancer without the dying part xD

I loved the part with the 5 Rens. Soo cute <3

"I don't have a route" lol, it's always great to see more Tsukihime.
Aug 25, 2014 9:32 PM

Jun 2013
Caren's money slap was hilarious XD!
Apr 10, 2015 10:32 AM

Apr 2013
I don't even know what I watched, but I loved it :D
Mar 10, 2016 6:54 AM

Nov 2011
Oh God, they died laughing! XD
All the gags placed in the narrative, they really did their job well, hilarious atmosphere could not believe the things I saw, even the ending was epic.
This comedy is GOLD!
Every time I see the opening I feel sad, because I know that there is no real second season of this show, sad! T_T
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