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Aug 1, 2008 9:14 PM

Jul 2007
Wow, so fucking sad. I sorta suspected this long ago but hoped I was wrong.
Nov 1, 2008 11:15 PM
Apr 2007
I've never cried so much during an episode!! I just couldn't stop. It was just too sad!! What is going to happen now. OMG!!
Nov 22, 2008 11:40 AM

Nov 2008
I sobbed for Mitsuki but I was happy at the same time. I don't like Eichi. XD;
Poor Mitsuki. But the irony is great. You gotta admit it.

Jul 22, 2009 3:16 AM

Jun 2009
Soo sad :-(
Aug 21, 2009 9:57 PM

Feb 2008
if Eichi's ghost doesn't show up in the next episode then we've got a bit of a plot hole here. since they showed him alive and well less than a year ago and he's supposed to have died two years ago. also, he moved there like two and a half years ago, so why are they saying it took him awhile to adjust if he had a ton of friends when he died?
Aug 25, 2009 3:11 AM

Jun 2009
jacobpaige said:
if Eichi's ghost doesn't show up in the next episode then we've got a bit of a plot hole here. since they showed him alive and well less than a year ago and he's supposed to have died two years ago. also, he moved there like two and a half years ago, so why are they saying it took him awhile to adjust if he had a ton of friends when he died?

I've never thought of it that way, but that sounds logical what u r saying
Nov 9, 2009 8:50 PM

Nov 2008
jacobpaige said:
if Eichi's ghost doesn't show up in the next episode then we've got a bit of a plot hole here. since they showed him alive and well less than a year ago and he's supposed to have died two years ago. also, he moved there like two and a half years ago, so why are they saying it took him awhile to adjust if he had a ton of friends when he died?

They didn't show him alive and well a year ago-that was Mitsuki's imagination. They did that to lead you on. XD

Smart director lulz

Nov 15, 2009 12:35 AM

Oct 2009
Oh my God. I thought I'd never stop crying.
Jul 14, 2011 3:55 PM

Apr 2009
My god that was so fucking sad... she was chasing a phantom all along... I can't believe that this show can get that sad...
Jun 8, 2012 4:29 AM
Mar 2012
Oh my... this episode was... i'm still crying.. It's the first time i cry so much watching an episode.. She really was chasing a spirit all along.. And now she is just there in his grave waiting for her end... Nothing worst than that.. i'm sure eichi watching her all the time from heaven...
Jun 24, 2012 12:33 PM

Jul 2011
Somehow inside me I known this will come sooner or later... I wasn't actually surprised.
It was sad to see Mitsuki on that state :/

...but this isn't end yet, I'm totally sure something good will happen!

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Oct 12, 2012 3:56 AM

Feb 2011
very sad episode. I really felt bad for mitsuki. Bad enough her parents are gone and that she's battling a life-threatening illness, but now to find out the hard way that eichi kun died, on top of that 2 years ago? Man i really felt bad for mitsuki. It's like she was born with bad luck. I also feel bad for takuto too. He's in love with mitsuki, but now seeing her in that state and on top of that....gaah why does life have to be so complicated. Poor mitsuki, takuto, and meroko. Poor everyone. Even Madoka.
Jan 1, 2013 7:07 PM

Nov 2007
I cannot stop my tears. Cannot believe I am crying like this on the first day of the new year. I don't. I really don't know what to write anymore. It's too sad...
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Oct 26, 2013 11:12 AM

Jan 2012
Don't know why Takuto even bother trying to stop her, at this point there's no way you can stop that horny bitch from getting to that house.

I was like "in your face, Mizuki, he died, HAHA." when she found out he is dead.

You can just tell how horny Mizuki is at the end lying down on his grave, masochist...

Apologies for the cruel comment, this is really how I feel. Mizuki has pissed me off for over 40 episodes with her "eichi-kun this, eichi-kunnnn that"
Oct 29, 2013 9:33 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
there's no way you can stop that horny bitch from getting to that house.

You realize that calling a sweet little 12-year-old girl a "horny bitch" is really really immature, right? -_-

Oct 30, 2013 5:41 AM

Jan 2012
Chiibi said:

You realize that calling a sweet little 12-year-old girl a "horny bitch" is really really immature, right? -_-
yes very immature if you ask me, but well you know, this is just the internet, no one at any age requires to act mature, we just say what we feel. There wouldn't so many arguments on MAL if everyone acts as mature as they do in RL.
Oct 30, 2013 8:34 AM

Nov 2008
Oh lol so your defense is "It's the internet so I'm allowed to act like an asshole?"


Oct 30, 2013 10:46 AM

Jan 2012
Chiibi said:
Oh lol so your defense is "It's the internet so I'm allowed to act like an asshole?"

nah, not being an asshole, just being honest with what I feel of the episodes. You should respect how others thinks. Not everyone is a big fan like you. There's always fans and haters for everything. I respect you as a fan who is trying to back this show up when people saying bad things about it. But I will end the arguments here because your answers from other episode forums were too long and I can't be bother to read and answer.
Oct 30, 2013 11:58 AM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
Chiibi said:

nah, not being an asshole, just being honest with what I feel of the episodes.

But you are being childish and offensive about it so it's hard to respect you, don't you see? You want respect, you have to earn it.
And calling a broken-hearted child "a horny bitch", a "slut" or a "retard" does not earn my respect, nor should it earn anyone else's. You might want to try posting a bit more intelligently if you expect others to be civil towards you. Instead of like some angry preteen who throws vulgar words around without a second thought...because that's exactly how you come off to me. How old are you, 11?

You should respect how others thinks. Not everyone is a big fan like you. There's always fans and haters for everything.

This isn't about how your opinion is different. This is about how you choose to express yourself. And you chose poorly. If you pay attention to the reactions of the other posters on this forum, you should notice how they were able to get their opinions across without using flamebait. There is no reason you cannot follow their examples.

But I will end the arguments here because your answers from other episode forums were too long and I can't be bother to read and answer.

"Too long"? How lazy are you!? They probably aren't even a hundred words! Don't bother posting on the forums then. You take the time to sit down and watch the episodes (which also require reading) and you take the time to come to this site and type out your thoughts, YES, I think you can take the time to read and respond to mine.
ChiibiOct 30, 2013 12:27 PM

Oct 30, 2013 2:23 PM

Jan 2012
Chiibi said:
MoeXtreme said:
Chiibi said:

nah, not being an asshole, just being honest with what I feel of the episodes.

But you are being childish and offensive about it so it's hard to respect you, don't you see? You want respect, you have to earn it.
And calling a broken-hearted child "a horny bitch", a "slut" or a "retard" does not earn my respect, nor should it earn anyone else's. You might want to try posting a bit more intelligently if you expect others to be civil towards you. Instead of like some angry preteen who throws vulgar words around without a second thought...because that's exactly how you come off to me. How old are you, 11?

You should respect how others thinks. Not everyone is a big fan like you. There's always fans and haters for everything.

This isn't about how your opinion is different. This is about how you choose to express yourself. And you chose poorly. If you pay attention to the reactions of the other posters on this forum, you should notice how they were able to get their opinions across without using flamebait. There is no reason you cannot follow their examples.

But I will end the arguments here because your answers from other episode forums were too long and I can't be bother to read and answer.

"Too long"? How lazy are you!? They probably aren't even a hundred words! Don't bother posting on the forums then. You take the time to sit down and watch the episodes (which also require reading) and you take the time to come to this site and type out your thoughts, YES, I think you can take the time to read and respond to mine.
Look who's being immature now, I said I would stop and you keeps on going and going. You must have lots of free time, well so do I right now, so I will only accompany you here again. You seems to be really bad at counting and probably maths if you say they are less than 100 words, use a word counter and see for yourself. Yes I'm lazy when it comes to reading, I don't read a single manga.

So far I haven't said any offensive things to you(but now I will), I only said it to an animated character who is just made out of pixels combined that resembles a person. But you have been very rude to a real person, you are just as childish as me if you keep looking for fights like this. You need to get your life sorted between what's real and what's only pixels.

How can you respect an underage 12 years old girl who should not even be thinking about romance, love or dating ran away from home against her grandma's will, who has been raising her since she was very young, paying for her food, clothes and other households. she clearly doesn't care about her family. If she can do it at the age of 12, by 14 she will be sleeping with the guy. By 18, she will be sleeping with more guys. If she is not a slut now, she is very likely to be a slut very soon, and the anime doesn't have to mention tiny things like this because it's obvious, yeah just use your brain.

When you are a slut, you are obviously horny most of the time. If she can be that obsessed with Eichi at the age of 12, by 15, she is likely to start masturb***** while imagining Eichi. Once again, tiny things like this don't need to be mentioned in the anime.

As you have mention in other forum, naive might be more suitable than retard, but she is overly naive even for a 12 year old, and when someone is very naive, they will seem stupid and retarded.
Oct 30, 2013 6:31 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
]Look who's being immature now, I said I would stop and you keeps on going and going.

This doesn't make me "immature". This makes me passionate and persistent and you're damn right, I am. Like I'm going to stop just because someone is too lazy to explain their thoughtless flamebait posts. You have the freedom to do what you want. Don't f*cking order ME around.

You seems to be really bad at counting and probably maths if you say they are less than 100 words, use a word counter and see for yourself.

Fine, they're not MUCH over a hundred words, but the dialogue in each episode certainly is and you have to read those so don't give me such a lame excuse. Your grammar is atrocious by the way. Why do you add an 's' onto everything? o_o
The correct phrase is "you seem. And the plural of "math" is "math". Technically "mathematics"...but nobody says "maths". >_>

But you have been very rude to a real person, you are just as childish as me if you keep looking for fights like this.

I am only responding in the manner you seem most familiar with. :p
Fighting and debating are two different things. Learn it.

How can you respect an underage 12 years old girl who should not even be thinking about romance, love or dating ran away from home against her grandma's will, who has been raising her since she was very young, paying for her food, clothes and other households. she clearly doesn't care about her family.

"Should not be thinking about romance"?
SHE DOESN'T HAVE ANY TIME LEFT. This obviously isn't the only anime you've watched where young kids fall in love so why are you acting like it, suddenly?

And actually, no, her grandmother has only been raising her for two years.. Two. And she is awful to her. She doesn't even say hello to her when she comes home, she won't let her do anything a normal child would want to do. On top of that, she's very neglectful and cold. It's shocking Mitsuki put up with this crap for THIS long...because I would not. You don't seem to know very much about raising a child.
They need more than food and clothes. They need what's called tender loving care. Just like the Dursley family from Harry Potter, grandma does what's required by law to keep her kid alive. Doesn't mean she's raising her right.

If she can do it at the age of 12, by 14 she will be sleeping with the guy.

That is extreme bullshit if I've ever heard it. I got crushes on guys at age 12 and to this day I refuse to sleep with anyone until marriage!

By 18, she will be sleeping with more guys. If she is not a slut now, she is very likely to be a slut very soon, and the anime doesn't have to mention tiny things like this because it's obvious, yeah just use your brain.

More bullshit you are making up in your head, I see. Where is your proof, hm? My brain is not 24/7 in the gutter like yours apparently is. What the hell is "likely" about Mitsuki sleeping with multiple guys later when she is only thinking about ONE guy now? Your logic is stupid and makes no sense and you are jumping to the most ridiculous conclusions ever without even taking the character's personality and history into consideration.

If she can be that obsessed with Eichi at the age of 12, by 15, she is likely to start masturb***** while imagining Eichi.

Not just bullshit but vulgar and immature bullshit seems to be your forte. You don't have proof of any of this. Are you a child psychologist? No.
The way she thinks of Eichi has NO lustful connotations whatsoever. She doesn't go "Wow, Eichi-kun's so hot. I want to see him naked!" She doesn't dress slutty in hopes to attract him. She doesn't even try to kiss his photograph!
When she thinks of Eichi, it's always how he told her she was a good singer, or how they both have big dreams, or the things he taught her about the moon and stars, or stuff like THAT.
In fact, Mitsuki probably doesn't even know what sex is yet! Considering they don't teach that in Japanese schools until age 14.

I seriously can't believe you're trying to twist and pervert such a pure and innocent crush into something disgusting and tainted. You sound like such an idiot right now!
Or maybe you're just an 11-year-old boy who can't watch anime romances without thinking about how much the characters want to have sex with each other?
Either way, I feel sorry for you. :<

but she is overly naive even for a 12 year old,

No, she isn't. Consider how she was raised. She doesn't have a lot of experience with interacting with people so it makes sense that she'd easily believe their lies.
ChiibiOct 30, 2013 9:44 PM

Oct 31, 2013 6:11 AM

Jan 2012
This doesn't make me "immature". This makes me passionate and persistent and you're damn right, I am. Like I'm going to stop just because someone is too lazy to explain their thoughtless flamebait posts. You have the freedom to do what you want. Don't f*cking order ME around.

When the hell did I ask you to do anything for me, I didn't order you around. You were the one who order me two posts ago me to read every post you make in your other forum and give you an answer. And no, I don't have the time like you to keep up with all those forums at once and I have the freedom to not to do that.

Fine, they're not MUCH over a hundred words, but the dialogue in each episode certainly is and you have to read those so don't give me such a lame excuse. Your grammar is atrocious by the way. Why do you add an 's' onto everything? o_o
The correct phrase is "you seem. And the plural of "math" is "math". Technically "mathematics"...but nobody says "maths". >_>

Yes, my grammar is not perfect, not an native English speaker. You seem to understand and people usually understands with a little grammar mistake, so why complaining about tiny things like this, just use your brain, this is not an English exam.

maths=British English(most, if not all people from Britain says maths, NOT nobody)
math=American English
Not the matter of plural, I'm currently in the UK and I'm not always going to use perfect American English just to make it easier for you to comprehend. Learn it.

"Should not be thinking about romance"?

If she knows she doesn't have much left, she definitely should not be thinking about romance or meeting Eichi, if they do meet and he find out she is going to die soon anyway, he or her partner is going to be upset. And now you are going to probably say she is just 12, she cannot think that far ahead.

And actually, no, her grandmother has only been raising her for two years.. Two. And she is awful to her. She doesn't even say hello to her when she comes home, she won't let her do anything a normal child would want to do. On top of that, she's very neglectful and cold. It's shocking Mitsuki put up with this crap for THIS long...because I would not. You don't seem to know very much about raising a child.
They need more than food and clothes. They need what's called tender loving care. Just like the Dursley family from Harry Potter, grandma does what's required by law to keep her kid alive. Doesn't mean she's raising her right.

Her grandma or generally grandparents does NOT hold responsibility on raising grandchildren. Mitsuki is lucky and should appreciate that her grandma took her in even after her daughter ran away.
The responsibility of raising a child lies on the parents. But that mother of Mitsuki HAD TO ran away with the guy and HAD TO give birth to a child even though she knew her own body was weak. Fortunately the grandma doesn't have much financial problems and is able to support Mitsuki for the two years. But if this isn't the case, how would you feel if your ran away daughter gave birth to a child against your will then dies and throws that responsibility of raising the child at you. You should be OK if you are rich but how much of a burden would that be if you are poor.

If she can do it at the age of 12, by 14 she will be sleeping with the guy.

That is extreme bullshit if I've ever heard it. I got crushes on guys at age 12 and to this day I refuse to sleep with anyone until marriage!

By 18, she will be sleeping with more guys. If she is not a slut now, she is very likely to be a slut very soon, and the anime doesn't have to mention tiny things like this because it's obvious, yeah just use your brain.

More bullshit you are making up in your head, I see. Where is your proof, hm? My brain is not 24/7 in the gutter like yours apparently is. What the hell is "likely" about Mitsuki sleeping with multiple guys later when she is only thinking about ONE guy now? Your logic is stupid and makes no sense and you are jumping to the most ridiculous conclusions ever without even taking the character's personality and history into consideration.

If she can be that obsessed with Eichi at the age of 12, by 15, she is likely to start masturb***** while imagining Eichi.

Not just bullshit but vulgar and immature bullshit seems to be your forte. You don't have proof of any of this. Are you a child psychologist? No.
The way she thinks of Eichi has NO lustful connotations whatsoever. She doesn't go "Wow, Eichi-kun's so hot. I want to see him naked!" She doesn't dress slutty in hopes to attract him. She doesn't even try to kiss his photograph!
When she thinks of Eichi, it's always how he told her she was a good singer, or how they both have big dreams, or the things he taught her about the moon and stars, or stuff like THAT.
In fact, Mitsuki probably doesn't even know what sex is yet! Considering they don't teach that in Japanese schools until age 14.

I seriously can't believe you're trying to twist and pervert such a pure and innocent crush into something disgusting and tainted. You sound like such an idiot right now!
Or maybe you're just an 11-year-old boy who can't watch anime romances without thinking about how much the characters want to have sex with each other?
Either way, I feel sorry for you. :<

No, you are the one who is bullshitting. I'm only thinking about it in a realistic way. You clearly don't know that nowadays many girls at the age of around 14 are getting pregnant. That is because they started with love and dating too soon. And Mitsuki is a splitting image of those girls, she ran away from home to look for a guy at the age of 12, not 18, at 12, not 21, but at f*cking 12, if she ended up found Eichi being alive, they will start to date considering Mitsuki will confess her feelings and her obsession with Eichi, you really think it's likely that nothing is going to happen as she grows older to 14, 16? You are very naive if you think that, not everyone have the "no sex before marriage" in their mind.

Not just bullshit but vulgar and immature bullshit seems to be your forte. You don't have proof of any of this. Are you a child psychologist? No.
The way she thinks of Eichi has NO lustful connotations whatsoever. She doesn't go "Wow, Eichi-kun's so hot. I want to see him naked!" She doesn't dress slutty in hopes to attract him. She doesn't even try to kiss his photograph!
When she thinks of Eichi, it's always how he told her she was a good singer, or how they both have big dreams, or the things he taught her about the moon and stars, or stuff like THAT.
In fact, Mitsuki probably doesn't even know what sex is yet! Considering they don't teach that in Japanese schools until age 14.

I know she doesn't now. I have been saying by 14, by 18 and using future tenses. You don't need to be a child psychologist to know these stuff, you just need to know what has been going on around the world nowadays(stated above) which you don't.

but she is overly naive even for a 12 year old,

No, she isn't. Consider how she was raised. She doesn't have a lot of experience with interacting with people so it makes sense that she'd easily believe their lies.

I believe she is considered how she has met many people in the orphanage and she goes to school, not a matter of how she was raised. Whatever, I think she is overly-naive because I don't like her and you think she is not because you like her so it's just a matter different opinions and we don't need to go further on this fact.
Oct 31, 2013 7:56 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:

If she knows she doesn't have much left, she definitely should not be thinking about romance or meeting Eichi

Why the hell not? What is she supposed to do with the rest of her time? Most people want to be able to achieve their dreams before they die. Mitsuki wanted to achieve her dream before seeing Eichi again. Can you blame her? Do you expect her to sit around and wait for death? Hell no.

Her grandma or generally grandparents does NOT hold responsibility on raising grandchildren. Mitsuki is lucky and should appreciate that her grandma took her in even after her daughter ran away.

When a guardian takes in a child, damn right it's THEIR responsibility now.

But if this isn't the case, how would you feel if your ran away daughter gave birth to a child against your will then dies and throws that responsibility of raising the child at you. You should be OK if you are rich but how much of a burden would that be if you are poor.

I feel people should follow their hearts when it comes to love and that abortion is murder. So no arguments here. I'm 100% on Hazuki's side. :p

You clearly don't know that nowadays many girls at the age of around 14 are getting pregnant.

Yes, I know this. But anime girls do not reflect how girls in REAL life it looks like YOU are the one who needs to understand the difference between them.
And lol "NOWADAYS"!? Honey, underage girls have been whoring around and making babies since forever. My mom had one in her class when she taught high school in the 70s, way before you and I were even born!
........naive indeed....

And Mitsuki is a splitting image of those girls, she ran away from home to look for a guy at the age of 12, not 18, at 12, not 21, but at f*cking 12,

Yes at 12, because she knows she will not LIVE to see 18, you. freaking. idiot.
And it's not like she ran PERMANENTLY away from home. She went on a trip to America with TWO ADULTS, one being her freaking GODFATHER and she has his permission to also look for Eichi so why isn't that good enough for you? You're trying to make her out into some trashy delinquent who's planning to secretly elope with a man or something, and this is CLEARLY NOT the case at all.

if she ended up found Eichi being alive, they will start to date considering Mitsuki will confess her feelings and her obsession with Eichi, you really think it's likely that nothing is going to happen as she grows older to 14, 16?

PLATONIC dating. Platonic. Well, actually, I don't think things would have worked out between them anyway. She started to think about Takuto right in the middle of an Eichi fantasy moment...hur hur...:p I've never been convinced that she and Eichi really loved each other, romantically anyway. Too much like brother and sister. Who are just confused.

you just need to know what has been going on around the world

Stop comparing an anime world of anime people to the REAL world of real people because they're nothing alike! Gawd....

nowadays(stated above) which you don't.

Of COURSE I do. Why do you think I watch anime so much? To escape all that terrible crap that goes on, outside. Uh-duh.
And, FYI, I'm fairly certain I am older than you (judging by how you talk lol) and I am also a traveler. I've been to so many different places and seen so many different things. Even OUTSIDE my own country.
And you know what else I do?
You know, that word "book" which, as you've implied is a four-letter curse word to you.
Which leads me to believe that I know more about the real world than you. I just don't compare the real world to anime worlds like you.
Because that's plain stupid. Who even does that?

Whatever, I think she is overly-naive because I don't like her and you think she is not because you like her

Uh, no. Liking her has nothing to do with me saying what's what. But now the truth comes out of you: "I don't like this character so I'm going to make up crap and bash her."
I STILL have no understanding on why you hate her so much. Like I pointed out before, she has a very nice personality and is always trying to help out those around her, even if they have wronged her, she forgives them and supports them! Plus, she's ADORABLE! She places so much value in her friends!
How can you hate a character like this!?

Mitsuki is no more naive than OTHER anime 12-year-old girls. Anime children, AGAIN, are not often like real children, though if I compare Mitsuki to when I was twelve, myself, I was pretty pure, naive, gullible, and innocent. I had no clue what sexual situations were about...even though other six graders around me did. I was sheltered, just like her. Which also led me to easily trust people even when they were lying to me.
ChiibiOct 31, 2013 10:36 PM

Nov 1, 2013 7:13 AM

Jan 2012
Chiibi said:
MoeXtreme said:

If she knows she doesn't have much left, she definitely should not be thinking about romance or meeting Eichi

Why the hell not? What is she supposed to do with the rest of her time? Most people want to be able to achieve their dreams before they die. Mitsuki wanted to achieve her dream before seeing Eichi again. Can you blame her? Do you expect her to sit around and wait for death? Hell no.

[1]Like I said, if she meets Eichi alive (which what she was originally planning to do), and they getting together for a few months and Mitsuki then dies. If Eichi is also obsessed with her or love her enough, he might kill himself too, just like Romeo and Juliet.
My point is, if she knows she is going to die soon, don't take others with you or giving other a chance to just for your own dreams, that's selfish.
Of course she shouldn't just to stay at home and not meeting anyone, the show would be boring that way, it's part of the story that Mitsuki runs away from home, but it doesn't mean I cannot hate her because of that. Just like it's part of the story that Madoka have to be such a bitch to her, by no means you or other viewers cannot hate her.

When a guardian takes in a child, damn right it's THEIR responsibility now.
You are right about that and Mitsuki should appreciate that her grandma has decided taking that responsibility, she could have kicked her out the moment she first arrived to that front door.

lol "NOWADAYS"!? Honey, underage girls have been whoring around and making babies since forever. My mom had one in her class when she taught high school in the 70s, way before you and I were even born!
........naive indeed....

Back in the days before it wasn't anything too significant. But NOWADAYS it is. Haven't you seen in different animes where older people say lines similar to "young kids are really going at it nowadays." OR many discussion topics like "Teen girls getting pregnant" because NOWADAYS people are taking this issue more seriously than before.

And it's not like she ran PERMANENTLY away from home.

I've never used the word permanent here.

She went on a trip to America with TWO ADULTS, one being her freaking GODFATHER

That's not how her grandma sees it considering it reminded her of how her daughter ran away.

and she has his permission to also look for Eichi so why isn't that good enough for you?

I just don't like the idea of she looking for Eichi, refer back to [1] from above.

And, FYI, I'm fairly certain I am older than you (judging by how you talk lol) and I am also a traveler.

Why does it matter if anyone is older here? You probably are but I don't give a damn, everyone want to go back to their good old childhood days once they gotten older including me unless they got tired of living.

I've been to so many different places and seen so many different things. Even OUTSIDE my own country.

WOW, outside your own country? well so did I. Do I now have to tell you every place I've been to and you tell me where you have been to and then compare? No, who cares, lets not be kids(as much as I want to go back to one)

And you know what else I do?
You know, that word "book" which, as you've implied is a four-letter curse word to you.
Which leads me to believe that I know more about the real world than you.

Books are bad for the environment, wasting trees, waste of my personal space. If I need to look for any information, I google them, much faster and convenient than searching some books on a bookshelf.
You probably do know more about the real world than me. But I don't care much about the real world, just like you I want to escape from reality. It sucks.

I just don't compare the real world to anime worlds like you.
Because that's plain stupid. Who even does that?

I do not compare anime worlds and real worlds. What I compare are anime character and real characters. The anime character's mind, or emotion need to at least match a regular human being as most anime characters are still playing as a human being.

So for example, when someone hit you in the face, you, a human being should feel sad, angry, threaten.. etc. NOT smiley and happy, if you are, things are getting out of sense.

[2]In Mitsuki's case, one example is when Madoka was doing all those horrible things to her, locking her in a toilet, stealing her song to sing, and lots of other things I cannot remember. One thing after another thing happen like that caused by the same person, for a 12 years old girl, she should be feeling threaten like "what is she going to do to me next??", or angry. But none of that happened at any point of the show. Who is she?Jesus? And the next day she can just talk to her normally like nothings happened and being all friendly to her like a good old friend(WTF!). But the funny thing is, just because her grandma refuse to let her go to America, she finally knows how to get angry(Oh right, her obsession with Eichi comes first, can't argue against that!).
I cannot say this character is not kind but she is much more than that. She has some screwed logic mind, and the only people who I've met might have mind like this are the ones have mental disability which leads me calling her retarded. This is also where I started to dislike Mitsuki and her abnormal personality, or maybe I should hate the show more for having such an abnormal character.
Like it or not, this is my point of view, and there's no way you can chat me out of this by saying "anime characters are different and stop comparing with bla bla bla"

I STILL have no understanding on why you hate her so much.

refer to [1] and [2]

she's ADORABLE! She places so much value in her friends!

She is. I start watching this show because of her, since I enjoy shows with cute girls in them, or the "cute girls doing cute things" type, in other words - Moe, which you can obviously tell by my name.

How can you hate a character like this!?

refer to [1] and [2]
Nov 1, 2013 8:46 AM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:

[1]Like I said, if she meets Eichi alive (which what she was originally planning to do), and they getting together for a few months and Mitsuki then dies. If Eichi is also obsessed with her or love her enough, he might kill himself too, just like Romeo and Juliet.

Gawd, I hate Romeo and Juliet. Tale of two idiots who kill themselves over a misunderstanding. loool. (the anime is much better though)

My point is, if she knows she is going to die soon, don't take others with you or giving other a chance to just for your own dreams, that's selfish.

It is not selfish. Mitsuki knows she's important to Eichi. With your logic, when a person is dying, that means they should keep it a secret from their friends, family, and loved ones!? No.(I understand them not telling her grandma she's gonna die because she might have a heart attack.) Humans are supposed to be stronger than this. I actually know someone whose fiancee was diagnosed with terminal cancer. But she married him anyway and is still living out her life, even now that he is gone. Because that's what he would have wanted.
When you have faith in someone, you do not expect them to take the easy way out. I assume Mitsuki has enough faith in Eichi and does not think he'd be so weak as to take his own life after she dies.

You are right about that and Mitsuki should appreciate that her grandma has decided taking that responsibility, she could have kicked her out the moment she first arrived to that front door.

So Mitsuki's supposed to appreciate a crotchety, bitter old woman who takes her in and does what she can to keep the kid alive but not happy or cared for?
Mitsuki would be better off staying in THAT ORPHANAGE! At least she had fun there, from what we saw of her flashbacks.

Back in the days before it wasn't anything too significant. But NOWADAYS it is. Haven't you seen in different animes where older people say lines similar to "young kids are really going at it nowadays." OR many discussion topics like "Teen girls getting pregnant" because NOWADAYS people are taking this issue more seriously than before.

But Full Moon seriously has nothing to do with this? Add onto Mitsuki's mother was an adult and married when she gave birth. None of the adults in the series think that Mitsuki wanting to find Eichi is "abnormal" or "slutty" or "wrong". And nobody on this website thinks so either except YOU, Moe.
Why do you think this is?
You are the one who's got a screwed up mind here.

That's not how her grandma sees it considering it reminded her of how her daughter ran away.

.........uh, I thought this was about how YOU were seeing it?
And Granny needs to learn this lesson: if you don't open your mind to what your loved ones want, they are going to leave you.

Books are bad for the environment, wasting trees,

Yeah, no. They are made of recycled paper.

If I need to look for any information, I google them, much faster and convenient than searching some books on a bookshelf.

Guess what? Not everything on the internet is true.

In Mitsuki's case, one example is when Madoka was doing all those horrible things to her, locking her in a toilet, stealing her song to sing, and lots of other things I cannot remember. One thing after another thing happen like that caused by the same person, for a 12 years old girl, she should be feeling threaten like "what is she going to do to me next??", or angry. But none of that happened at any point of the show. Who is she?Jesus?

She is a role model for the little girls watching the show. A lot of shoujo heroines are like this. Usagi from Sailormoon. Tooru from Fruits Basket. "Be kind, be forgiving, don't hold grudges, don't seek revenge. Treat others the way you want to be treated." I think it's good. We're SUPPOSED to be like Jesus, if you've ever read the Bible.

But the funny thing is, just because her grandma refuse to let her go to America, she finally knows how to get angry(Oh right, her obsession with Eichi comes first, can't argue against that!).

She was desperate to do the ONE thing she's ever wanted to do before she dies.. I don't blame her.

She has some screwed logic mind, and the only people who I've met might have mind like this are the ones have mental disability which leads me calling her retarded.

How so? Explain this right now. She is a sheltered child and children don't always think logically, especially sheltered ones. If she had a mental disability, she would be in a special school, don't you think? But she goes to a normal one and it doesn't seem like she gets bad grades or that learning is difficult for her.

Nov 1, 2013 3:34 PM

Jan 2012

It is not selfish. Mitsuki knows she's important to Eichi. With your logic, when a person is dying, that means they should keep it a secret from their friends, family, and loved ones!? No.(I understand them not telling her grandma she's gonna die because she might have a heart attack.) Humans are supposed to be stronger than this.
You are implying Mitsuki is inhuman then, she clearly isn''t strong enough judging by how she's like after she found out Eichi's dead even after a week or so.
I don't think Eichi can take it, he is probably as obsessed with Mitsuki as vice versa, considering he(16 i think) confessed to her when she was 10(i think), what a lolicon, much worse than me.

So Mitsuki's supposed to appreciate a crotchety, bitter old woman who takes her in and does what she can to keep the kid alive but not happy or cared for?
The grandma is one of those old woman you see in old shows who is very strict and even though she hasn't been raising her the best way, she has NOT been treated her badly, she got pissed most of the time because Mitsuki keeps mentioning about music which is reasonable after her tragic past. I think she was nice enough to have not brought any violence to Mitsuki like hitting/slapping/spanking her or using the "no dinner for you tonight" phrase.

Mitsuki would be better off staying in THAT ORPHANAGE! At least she had fun there, from what we saw of her flashbacks.

Doubt it after Eichi left and staying in touch with blood-related family is ALWAYS better if possible.

Add onto Mitsuki's mother was an adult and married when she gave birth. None of the adults in the series think that Mitsuki wanting to find Eichi is "abnormal" or "slutty" or "wrong". And nobody on this website thinks so either except YOU, Moe.
Why do you think this is?

-This show was aired between 2002 and 2003, MAL was created about 2008, maybe earlier, I'm not sure but definitely not back in 2003. So of course there will be lacking comments on this show.

-MAL is not popular in all countries and of course, different cultures have different views on these stuff.

-This is a shoujo series so certainly not many guys especially at my age watches it and I do not think like a shoujo(or Josei), I think like a SEINEN because that's what I'm.

If I need to look for any information, I google them, much faster and convenient than searching some books on a bookshelf.

Guess what? Not everything on the internet is true.
Yeah, but if you have enough experience, you'll know what's true, what's not, where to go, where not to.

She is a role model for the little girls watching the show. A lot of shoujo heroines are like this. Usagi from Sailormoon. Tooru from Fruits Basket. "Be kind, be forgiving, don't hold grudges, don't seek revenge. Treat others the way you want to be treated." I think it's good.

Right, and also encouraging girls to run away from home for a guy.

We're SUPPOSED to be like Jesus

No, only fans of Jesus would want to be like him, less than 50% of the population believe in Jesus.

if you've ever read the Bible.

me? yeah right.

She has some screwed logic mind, and the only people who I've met might have mind like this are the ones have mental disability which leads me calling her retarded.

How so? Explain this right now. She is a sheltered child and children don't always think logically, especially sheltered ones. If she had a mental disability, she would be in a special school, don't you think? But she goes to a normal one and it doesn't seem like she gets bad grades or that learning is difficult for her.

I said this with a relation to [2] about how she never felt mad/threaten when Madoka did all that stuff to her but got mad at her grandma straight away. Singing was also ONE thing she always wanted to do, so there is absolutely no reason for her not to get mad/threaten when someone keeps on bullying her and mess things up.
Nov 2, 2013 8:48 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
You are implying Mitsuki is inhuman then, she clearly isn''t strong enough judging by how she's like after she found out Eichi's dead even after a week or so.

She has had a setback yes, a period of depression but remember, the show isn't over.
Besides, she is a child.
Children are not full-grown in either physical or emotional strength. That's why adults have to protect and lead them down the right paths. Mitsuki not showing weakness when such an important person in her life is gone would be highly unrealistic and out of character for her.

I don't think Eichi can take it, he is probably as obsessed with Mitsuki as vice versa

I don't agree. Don't you remember the letter he wrote to her? Sounded like he was gonna give up on her.

]The grandma is one of those old woman you see in old shows who is very strict and even though she hasn't been raising her the best way, she has NOT been treated her badly, she got pissed most of the time because Mitsuki keeps mentioning about music which is reasonable after her tragic past. I think she was nice enough to have not brought any violence to Mitsuki like hitting/slapping/spanking her or using the "no dinner for you tonight" phrase.

She is neglectful which is just as bad, if not worse than physical abuse. They don't even live in the same building!!

staying in touch with blood-related family is ALWAYS better if possible.

Haha, tell that to my coworker whose father is an abusive alcoholic then.
You are wrong.

This show was aired between 2002 and 2003, MAL was created about 2008, maybe earlier, I'm not sure but definitely not back in 2003. So of course there will be lacking comments on this show.

You don't read so I'll enlighten you:
There have been 192 comments for the series on MAL. The only ones calling Mitsuki slutty are yours

-MAL is not popular in all countries and of course, different cultures have different views on these stuff.

Mitsuki is the second most popular character with the Japanese fans. Evidently they don't think she is slutty either. How do I know? I have a Japanese magazine with a character poll. I've read tons of reviews of the anime all over websites everywhere and NOBODY, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM thinks the way you do!

This is a shoujo series so certainly not many guys especially at my age watches it

Wrong again. Many many adult guys watched/ are still watching Full Moon. I showed it to my guy friends. They didn't think she was slutty. I told guys on the internet about it. They didn't think she was slutty.
Wake up and understand that your mind is messed up if you think Mitsuki is slutty.

Right, and also encouraging girls to run away from home for a guy.

Except not because you saw how badly things went wrong for her.

We're SUPPOSED to be like Jesus
No, only fans of Jesus would want to be like him

"Wanting" and "supposed to" are two different things.

less than 50% of the population believe in Jesus.

That would be sad if it was actually true....

me? yeah right.

Now that's sad.
Not that I'm surprised though.

I said this with a relation to [2] about how she never felt mad/threaten when Madoka did all that stuff to her but got mad at her grandma straight away. Singing was also ONE thing she always wanted to do, so there is absolutely no reason for her not to get mad/threaten when someone keeps on bullying her and mess things up.

I fail to see how lack of anger issues relates to one's intelligence. Also she DID get angry at Madoka when she gave her the wrong directions and called her "hidoi". Which means "cruel" or "terrible".
So yes, she recognizes when someone's being cruel to her-she just doesn't bend herself on getting revenge. Another thing is Madoka wants to be the BEST SINGER EVAR. Mitsuki's not concerned with being the best ever. Mitsuki just wants to touch people's hearts with her singing. That's why it makes sense when she doesn't hold a grudge against Madoka for trying to prevent her from rising to the top. That's not where her priorities lie.

Nov 3, 2013 6:28 AM

Jan 2012
staying in touch with blood-related family is ALWAYS better if possible.

Haha, tell that to my coworker whose father is an abusive alcoholic then.
You are wrong.
I wasn't being too clear here, by "if possible" , I meant if possibly the family isn't, for examples:

-some heavily drug consumer and heavily drinker who goes rampage every now and then.

-some gambler addicted who can't even support his own living.

-some serial killer/paedophile or someone who has a criminal record.

I thought you would have figure it out what I meant without me going through all these examples but too bad you didn't.

There have been 192 comments for the series on MAL. The only ones calling Mitsuki slutty are yours

For a 52-episodes series, you would called a total of 192 a lot of comments? You do know that there are recent anime series which has over 1000 comments in ONE episode, with total over 10,000 comments.
Yes, MAL has received many attacks in the past that might have deleted the posts. And no, even if they were not deleted, the number of comments for this show is still significantly low for a 52-episode series and this is due to this show was being aired way before MAL was created.

MAL is not popular in all countries and of course, different cultures have different views on these stuff.

I've read tons of reviews of the anime all over websites everywhere and NOBODY, NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THEM thinks the way you do!
Well, I did say different countries and cultures. So if you read them in English, they should be within the same countries or cultures in MAL. Unless you are telling me you are so amazing you know so many languages, you can read them in Chinese/Korean/Thailand forums, I can tell you there are a large amount of anime fans in these countries(or other countries in Asia), and they are not always comfortable in English and so they won't go to some English forums and post in a language they are not familiar with.
Plus, a lot of people would have drop the show at this point already if they don't like it or the character but I'm not one of those who likes to drop shows often.

This is a shoujo series so certainly not many guys especially at my age watches it

Wrong again. Many many adult guys watched/ are still watching Full Moon. I showed it to my guy friends. They didn't think she was slutty. I told guys on the internet about it. They didn't think she was slutty.

No. You are wrong.

Compare these two sentence:
[1] Many guys watch shoujo anime.
[2] Not many guys watch shoujo anime.

Which one makes more sense? of course [2], otherwise what are shounen series for? Within the anime fans population, a high percentage of guys only watches action-packed anime such as Bleach/One piece/Naruto, and if you give them one of the romance series like this to watch, they will drop it after episode 1 at max. Because they will find it boring compare to action or they'll find it too "girlie" to watch.
Suppose you chose adult guys friends who enjoys romance shoujo anime and recommend him this anime, do you think he will say to you, who is a fan of Mitsuki and this anime, "Mitsuki is retarded/slutty"? No, unless he is not really your friend.

Wake up and understand that your mind is messed up if you think Mitsuki is slutty.

Most guys' mind are messed up but some are more open, others want to hide it.

Right, and also encouraging girls to run away from home for a guy.

Except not because you saw how badly things went wrong for her.
True, but things went badly too no matter how she keeps trying to treat Madoka nicely at that time, which kinda encourages girls not to bother treating the bad person nicely. Good!

less than 50% of the population believe in Jesus.

That would be sad if it was actually true....

Do you not know that is actually true? by population, I meant WORLD population if it makes more sense now, if still not, do some research yourself.

if you've ever read the Bible.
me? yeah right.

Now that's sad.
Not that I'm surprised though.

You have just implied that everyone who does not read the Bible is sad, insulted a large amount of population. Not everyone are within a religion, believes in God or interested in the Bible, you know that right?

I fail to see how lack of anger issues relates to one's intelligence.

Not intelligence, but mental problems, if one fails to get happy or angry at the right time.

Also she DID get angry at Madoka when she gave her the wrong directions and called her "hidoi". Which means "cruel" or "terrible".

ohhh, so after she did all those things to her, "hidoi" was all she needs to say that make herself feels better and then treat her nicely the next day as if nothings happened, must be some magical word. NO, that is not within a stable human's mind logic even for a 12-year old.

So yes, she recognizes when someone's being cruel to her-she just doesn't bend herself on getting revenge. Another thing is Madoka wants to be the BEST SINGER EVAR. Mitsuki's not concerned with being the best ever. Mitsuki just wants to touch people's hearts with her singing. That's why it makes sense when she doesn't hold a grudge against Madoka for trying to prevent her from rising to the top. That's not where her priorities lie.
I didn't say she should get revenge, but the least she could do is to inform or make a complaint to someone who can do something about it. They were more than just cruel things. It was really disturbing the way she works.
Nov 4, 2013 8:32 AM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:

I thought you would have figure it out what I meant without me going through all these examples but too bad you didn't.

Haha, yeah right. Nice attempt on trying to correct your mistake.

For a 52-episodes series, you would called a total of 192 a lot of comments? You do know that there are recent anime series which has over 1000 comments in ONE episode, with total over 10,000 comments.

You've completely missed the point.

MAL is not popular in all countries and of course, different cultures have different views on these stuff.

Well, I did say different countries and cultures. So if you read them in English, they should be within the same countries or cultures in MAL.

I told you I can read Japanese quite well.
You must have missed that.

No. You are wrong.

Compare these two sentence:
[1] Many guys watch shoujo anime.
[2] Not many guys watch shoujo anime.

Prove I'm wrong.

Which one makes more sense? of course [2], otherwise what are shounen series for? Within the anime fans population, a high percentage of guys only watches action-packed anime such as Bleach/One piece/Naruto, and if you give them one of the romance series like this to watch, they will drop it after episode 1 at max. Because they will find it boring compare to action or they'll find it too "girlie" to watch.

You don't know that so I would like proof.

Suppose you chose adult guys friends who enjoys romance shoujo anime and recommend him this anime, do you think he will say to you, who is a fan of Mitsuki and this anime, "Mitsuki is retarded/slutty"? No, unless he is not really your friend.

LOL um, look, I have much deeper bonds with friends than "oh, if you don't like the same fictional characters I like, we can't be friends."
We're not five years old, you know?

Most guys' mind are messed up

Not as badly as yours, it seems. But at least you admit it. What I'm trying to stress here is your way of thinking is abnormal.

Except not because you saw how badly things went wrong for her.
True, but things went badly too no matter how she keeps trying to treat Madoka nicely at that time, which kinda encourages girls not to bother treating the bad person nicely. Good!

On the contrary, if you're still watching the show, her kindness is about to pay off BIG time.

Do you not know that is actually true? by population, I meant WORLD population if it makes more sense now, if still not, do some research yourself.

Because a lot of the population has never heard of the bible.
I don't really count them. I count the ones who have heard of it and reject it.

You have just implied that everyone who does not read the Bible is sad, insulted a large amount of population. Not everyone are within a religion, believes in God or interested in the Bible, you know that right?

That's why it's sad. I'm not insulting them. I'm pitying them.

Not intelligence, but mental problems, if one fails to get happy or angry at the right time.

That's not mental problems. That's the amount of offense one can handle. Some people are very easily offended and others are not.

ohhh, so after she did all those things to her, "hidoi" was all she needs to say that make herself feels better and then treat her nicely the next day as if nothings happened, must be some magical word. NO, that is not within a stable human's mind logic even for a 12-year old.

So then you're a child psychologist, are you?
Why do you think the phrase "forgive and forget" is used so much? I guess a mentally unstable person invented that too? *rolls eyes* I'm pointing out that she got angry. That's what you were denying.

I didn't say she should get revenge, but the least she could do is to inform or make a complaint to someone who can do something about it. They were more than just cruel things. It was really disturbing the way she works.

Maybe you find her "disturbing" because she makes YOU feel bad about how you treat people.

Nov 4, 2013 12:31 PM

Jan 2012

I thought you would have figure it out what I meant without me going through all these examples but too bad you didn't.

Haha, yeah right. Nice attempt on trying to correct your mistake.

You know, I said "if possible" in the first place for a reason, and the reason is to give examples "if possibly.." when you cannot figure out what I meant, nice attempt on trying to cover the fact that you cannot figure out something that simple.

No. You are wrong.

Compare these two sentence:
[1] Many guys watch shoujo anime.
[2] Not many guys watch shoujo anime.

Prove I'm wrong.

Which one makes more sense? of course [2], otherwise what are shounen series for? Within the anime fans population, a high percentage of guys only watches action-packed anime such as Bleach/One piece/Naruto, and if you give them one of the romance series like this to watch, they will drop it after episode 1 at max. Because they will find it boring compare to action or they'll find it too "girlie" to watch.

You don't know that so I would like proof.

I say this because I've met people who is like this just like you met people who you described, you never had any proofs that you were right so what's the point of this.

Suppose you chose adult guys friends who enjoys romance shoujo anime and recommend him this anime, do you think he will say to you, who is a fan of Mitsuki and this anime, "Mitsuki is retarded/slutty"? No, unless he is not really your friend.

LOL um, look, I have much deeper bonds with friends than "oh, if you don't like the same fictional characters I like, we can't be friends."
We're not five years old, you know?

It's because you are not 5 years old that you are suppose to hold back on what you say. By the way, there's a big difference between:

[1]"I don't like this fictional character." &
[2]"this fictional character is retarded/slutty."

You can say [1] to a friend who is a fan but you should not say [2](especially from a boy to girl) unless you want to risk losing a friend of yours, deep bond or not.

Most guys' mind are messed up

Not as badly as yours, it seems. But at least you admit it. What I'm trying to stress here is your way of thinking is abnormal.

like I said, some are more open and others want to hide it, you quoted half of my line just to find a chance to say something back to me it seems. BTW, guys don't usually opened up to a girl and say things like:

"wow, that chick has some big boobs"
"DAT ass of hers"
"I would soooo do her"

These are more of the guy-to-guy talk, So DUH, a girl like you wouldn't know how messed up most guys' mind are.

On the contrary, if you're still watching the show, her kindness is about to pay off BIG time.
Yes, I can figure that out without completing the show. From what I have seen, Shoujo anime doesn't usually have bad/cruel endings because they are aimed at little girls.

You have just implied that everyone who does not read the Bible is sad, insulted a large amount of population. Not everyone are within a religion, believes in God or interested in the Bible, you know that right?

That's why it's sad. I'm not insulting them. I'm pitying them.

Now that's really sad, you are pitying on people who doesn't like the things you do?
So if I love chocolate, I should pity the people who hates chocolate??...hmmm

That's not mental problems. That's the amount of offense one can handle. Some people are very easily offended and others are not.

Yes, but the offenses she received were not what a 12 years old girl can handle.

So then you're a child psychologist, are you?
Why do you think the phrase "forgive and forget" is used so much? I guess a mentally unstable person invented that too? *rolls eyes* I'm pointing out that she got angry. That's what you were denying.
You don't need to be a child psychologist, you just need to think in a different view point. In this case, a child's view point. I have seen enough anime about little girls and I have many little cousins around that age to say all that.

No, I didn't deny but there are many different levels of "angry", lowest level might be you can forgive them after they said sorry and highest level might be you are angry enough to murder him. I'm not saying Mitsuki should be at the highest level, but certainly no where near a level she can just say hidoi and forgets everything. Hidoi is said where someone play little pranks on you, but Mitsuki received MUCH MUCH more than that.

Unfortunately, this world is cruel, forgive and forget won't really work, people will just keep on bullying you if you just treat it as nothing happened, because bullyings are deliberate, not accidents.

I didn't say she should get revenge, but the least she could do is to inform or make a complaint to someone who can do something about it. They were more than just cruel things. It was really disturbing the way she works.

Maybe you find her "disturbing" because she makes YOU feel bad about how you treat people.

Oh, so you didn't find Madoka disturbing when she was doing all that stuff to Mitsuki, you were probably rooting for her to do more. nvm then.
Nov 4, 2013 3:44 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:

You know, I said "if possible" in the first place for a reason, and the reason is to give examples "if possibly.." when you cannot figure out what I meant, nice attempt on trying to cover the fact that you cannot figure out something that simple.

Haha you sir, are full of more bullshit than a Rie Kugimiya tsundere.
..........and that's a LOT of bullshit. :'D
"if possible" implies if the person is living or not. If the relatives are abusive or have drug problems, it's POSSIBLE to live with them, on account of them being alive, duh.

I say this because I've met people who is like this just like you met people who you described, you never had any proofs that you were right so what's the point of this.

Looks like we're going to have to take surveys then, to settle this. Unless you're too afraid.

By the way, there's a big difference between:

[1]"I don't like this fictional character." &
[2]"this fictional character is retarded/slutty."

A "big difference"? Not really.

You can say [1] to a friend who is a fan but you should not say [2](especially from a boy to girl) unless you want to risk losing a friend of yours, deep bond or not.

That's totally ridiculous. I'm glad my friends are not as easily offended as yours. That must be very difficult for you.

BTW, guys don't usually opened up to a girl and say things like:
"wow, that chick has some big boobs"
"DAT ass of hers"
"I would soooo do her"
These are more of the guy-to-guy talk, So DUH, a girl like you wouldn't know how messed up most guys' mind are.

My guy friends who watch anime talk like that ALL the time-it doesn't offend me. I'll just laugh and make pervy comments about the male characters too, so DUH YOURSELF.

Yes, I can figure that out without completing the show. From what I have seen, Shoujo anime doesn't usually have bad/cruel endings because they are aimed at little girls.

............then why did you say the thing you said? o_O

Now that's really sad, you are pitying on people who doesn't like the things you do?
So if I love chocolate, I should pity the people who hates chocolate??...hmmm

"BELIEVE IN" not "like", you idiot. lol Neither has anything to do with the other.
but yeah, I'd pity anyone who hates chocolate. Chocolate is awesome.

Yes, but the offenses she received were not what a 12 years old girl can handle.

Children are different. Not every 12-year-old girl is the same. Just like how it's impossible to predict what will scare children and what won't because every kid scares differently.

Unfortunately, this world is cruel, forgive and forget won't really work.

Well it works for me. Guess I have magic powers.

Oh, so you didn't find Madoka disturbing when she was doing all that stuff to Mitsuki,

I thought you were talking about Mitsuki disturbing you, not Madoka.
Madoka is certainly a cruel-hearted, selfish and petty little bitch. I couldn't put up with her crap the way Mitsuki does....but that doesn't make me dislike Mitsuki. Madoka ended up being her own worst enemy and it was plenty satisfying enough to see her break down and wail like a baby all because of her OWN actions; not because Mitsuki tattled on her.Which is probably what the writers were going for. They made the right choice.
ChiibiNov 4, 2013 3:50 PM

Nov 5, 2013 5:20 AM

Jan 2012

"if possible" implies if the person is living or not. If the relatives are abusive or have drug problems, it's POSSIBLE to live with them, on account of them being alive, duh.


When "If possible" is used in a sentence, it does not always implies if the person is living or not. For example:

"If possible, do you mind closing that window for me?"

The asker here does not imply if you can possibly live by the time you reach that window and close it. It's more like implying if it is possibly convenient or comfortable for you to close it.

If I say things like these:

1. staying in touch with blood-related family is ALWAYS better if possibly the family isn't some heavily drug consumer and heavily drinker who goes rampage every now and then.

2. staying in touch with blood-related family is ALWAYS better if possibly the family isn't some serial killer/paedophile or someone who has a criminal record.

[Extra example]
3. Work hard and pass your exams is ALWAYS better if possibly you want to have a good life in the future.

It will be like I'm explaining stuff to some idiots with no common sense, because the RED PARTS are COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY AND OBVIOUS.

Looks like we're going to have to take surveys then, to settle this. Unless you're too afraid.
There's no way you can make me believe your survey is true and same as mine to you, we can just make the survey up our self. What's the point?

By the way, there's a big difference between:

[1]"I don't like this fictional character." &
[2]"this fictional character is retarded/slutty."

A "big difference"? Not really.

If there's not much of a difference to you, then why did you keep getting mad about me calling Mitsuki retarded/slutty, since it's not much of a difference between that and just me saying I don't like Mitsuki to you.

BTW, guys don't usually opened up to a girl and say things like:
"wow, that chick has some big boobs"
"DAT ass of hers"
"I would soooo do her"
These are more of the guy-to-guy talk, So DUH, a girl like you wouldn't know how messed up most guys' mind are.

My guy friends who watch anime talk like that ALL the time-it doesn't offend me. I'll just laugh and make pervy comments about the male characters too, so DUH YOURSELF.
Nahh, not gonna believe you if I haven't seen it myself, I will just treat it as bullshit just like how you treat most of words are bullshit, so forget it.

Now that's really sad, you are pitying on people who doesn't like the things you do?
So if I love chocolate, I should pity the people who hates chocolate??...hmmm

"BELIEVE IN" not "like", you idiot. lol Neither has anything to do with the other.

So if I believe in Jesus, I should pity the people who believe in Chinese Gods/Japanese Gods/African Gods??...hmmmm, different cultures have their own beliefs, don't pity on them just because they don't believe in the same thing you do.

Children are different. Not every 12-year-old girl is the same. Just like how it's impossible to predict what will scare children and what won't because every kid scares differently.
Yes, and Mitsuki is one of those girls you can probably never find if you meet 10,000 12 years old girls, there's no way you can just find someone like Mitsuki who can put up with all that shit happened to her without feeling threaten or angry at the right level. This is what we called someone who is "abnormal", not just kind.
Nov 5, 2013 2:08 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
It will be like I'm explaining stuff to some idiots with no common sense, because the RED PARTS are COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY AND OBVIOUS.

My point is the words "if possible" ARE TOO VAGUE AND COULD MEAN ANYTHING.

There's no way you can make me believe your survey is true and same as mine to you, we can just make the survey up our self. What's the point?

What? I wouldn't just make it up. Maybe you would have no problem being dishonest about making your point but I wouldn't. Because that's really pathetic.

If there's not much of a difference to you, then why did you keep getting mad about me calling Mitsuki retarded/slutty, since it's not much of a difference between that and just me saying I don't like Mitsuki to you.

Because you're wrong.

Nahh, not gonna believe you if I haven't seen it myself

So you think I'm lying? I can give you screenshots of AIM conversations like that if you want.

So if I believe in Jesus, I should pity the people who believe in Chinese Gods/Japanese Gods/African Gods??

Yes, that's correct.

...hmmmm, different cultures have their own beliefs, don't pity on them just because they don't believe in the same thing you do.

Don't tell me what to f*cking do.

there's no way you can just find someone like Mitsuki who can put up with all that shit happened to her without feeling threaten or angry at the right level. This is what we called someone who is "abnormal", not just kind.

It's not "abnormal". It's unspiteful and unspiteful people are not hard to find.

Nov 6, 2013 4:47 AM

Jan 2012

My point is the words "if possible" ARE TOO VAGUE AND COULD MEAN ANYTHING.

yeah and my point is I don't need to state something so obvious to someone who is suppose to be older than me. THE END.

There's no way you can make me believe your survey is true and same as mine to you, we can just make the survey up our self. What's the point?

What? I wouldn't just make it up. Maybe you would have no problem being dishonest about making your point but I wouldn't. Because that's really pathetic.
This is the internet, I don't know anything about you, people have different faces between RL and internet. As you said, not everything on the internet is true nor what anyone saying on the internet is true. Me being dishonest you say? thank you, I think that way about you too. I'm not going to always trust someone I haven't met in RL, if I can do that, you might as well ask me for my bank account number and say "you can trust me, I won't do anything with it."

If there's not much of a difference to you, then why did you keep getting mad about me calling Mitsuki retarded/slutty, since it's not much of a difference between that and just me saying I don't like Mitsuki to you.

Because you're wrong.

Wrong about what?

What I wrote: Mitsuki is retarded/slutty.
What you should have saw I wrote: I don't like Mitsuki.

You are the one who said there's no BIG difference between the two sentences and you are the one who is making a BIG fuss out of it.
You are just contradicting yourself.

And BTW, "I don't like Mitsuki" is an opinion, there's no right or wrong to opinions.

So you think I'm lying? I can give you screenshots of AIM conversations like that if you want.

I meant in RL, not internet, people tends to talk more openly on the internet because they can't see each others' faces, less embarrassment. So I might believe you on the internet but not in RL and I don't think you can prove that to me in RL. Forget this.

So if I believe in Jesus, I should pity the people who believe in Chinese Gods/Japanese Gods/African Gods??

Yes, that's correct.

...hmmmm, different cultures have their own beliefs, don't pity on them just because they don't believe in the same thing you do.

Don't tell me what to f*cking do.

Well, look who is being a dick. Watch your words, when you pity someone, it means you are looking down on them, which is insulting.
Jesus/Bible is more of a western belief. Most eastern countries like China/Japan have absolutely next to no association of it. Like I said, you have insulted over 50% of the WORLD population. Funny how you were calling me an asshole for being rude to some fictional characters, then you insulted a few billion real life people.

You can always do some research yourself if you find any of this bullshit.

It's not "abnormal". It's unspiteful and unspiteful people are not hard to find.
Unspiteful people with Mitsuki's sense is quite hard to find. You will of course disagree but I don't care, nothing we can do to prove about that.
Nov 6, 2013 9:25 AM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:

Wrong about what?

You're wrong about her being "slutty".

Well, look who is being a dick. Watch your words, when you pity someone, it means you are looking down on them, which is insulting.
Jesus/Bible is more of a western belief. Most eastern countries like China/Japan have absolutely next to no association of it. Like I said, you have insulted over 50% of the WORLD population. Funny how you were calling me an asshole for being rude to some fictional characters, then you insulted a few billion real life people.

Tell it to someone who cares.

Nov 6, 2013 3:54 PM

Jan 2012

Wrong about what?

What I wrote: Mitsuki is retarded/slutty.
What you should have saw I wrote: I don't like Mitsuki.

You are the one who said there's no BIG difference between the two sentences and you are the one who is making a BIG fuss out of it.
You are just contradicting yourself.

And BTW, "I don't like Mitsuki" is an opinion, there's no right or wrong to opinions.

You're wrong about her being "slutty".

"ummm, isn't calling her slutty the same as saying I don't like her in your vocabulary??" is what I wanted to say but I want to be a gentleman here and won't say it to corner a girl and her own contradictions. So just pretend you didn't see that line.

Mitsuki and her mum are both slutty and that's my opinion. Disagree? Be it. I don't give a shit.

Well, look who is being a dick. Watch your words, when you pity someone, it means you are looking down on them, which is insulting.
Jesus/Bible is more of a western belief. Most eastern countries like China/Japan have absolutely next to no association of it. Like I said, you have insulted over 50% of the WORLD population. Funny how you were calling me an asshole for being rude to some fictional characters, then you insulted a few billion real life people.

Tell it to someone who cares.

That's what they all say when they can't argue anything back.
But at least you didn't deny the fact that you are being a dick. Since I'm a very nice person(at least nicer than you), I won't tell anyone about how much of a dick you are...... and you're welcome :)
Nov 6, 2013 6:12 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
Mitsuki and her mum are both slutty and that's my opinion.

If YOU were in love with someone but your mother didn't approve for an idiotic reason "THAT PERSON IS A MUSICIAN AND MUSIC IS EVUL" would that seriously stop you from marrying them!?
If so, you are not very committed. :/

To be a slut you need to have sex with more than one person. Neither girl did this. Therefore they're not slutty and you are wrong to think so because you are going against the definition of "slut".End of story. Accept it and shut the f*ck up about the slut thing because it's plain ignorant.

But at least you didn't deny the fact that you are being a dick.

More like I just ignored you because immature name-calling doesn't deserve recognition.
But what the hell, I'll humor you:

Pitying someone because you fear their soul will not be saved is not "being a dick". It's being compassionate. But that word is obviously not in your vocabulary.

Since I'm a very nice person

HAHAHAHAHAH THAT'S HILARIOUS. Calling 12-year-olds sluts and hoping they will die...; I suppose you think every young girl who gets a crush on a guy should die because she's a slut and every woman who makes her fiancee a priority over what mummy tells her to do is an unforgivable slut too...yeah, what a compassionate soul you are...thanks for the LOL. JUDGMENTAL AND SELF-RIGHTEOUS MUCH?

ChiibiNov 6, 2013 7:17 PM

Nov 7, 2013 3:57 AM

Jan 2012

If YOU were in love with someone but your mother didn't approve for an idiotic reason "THAT PERSON IS A MUSICIAN AND MUSIC IS EVUL" would that seriously stop you from marrying them!?
If so, you are not very committed. :/

The more you care about your family, the more likely you will stop.
Idiotic reason? Not really consider her mother's tragic past with a musician.
Don't like about how she keeps hanging onto the past? go blame whoever wrote the plot.

To be a slut you need to have sex with more than one person. Neither girl did this. Therefore they're not slutty and you are wrong to think so because you are going against the definition of "slut".End of story.

Yes. END OF STORY. We already had an argument over this, if you can't remember how it ended, scroll all the way back up.

Accept it and shut the f*ck up about the slut thing because it's plain ignorant.
Don't tell me what to f*cking do, I'll shut up WHEN I WANT TO.

Pitying someone because you fear their soul will not be saved is not "being a dick". It's being compassionate. But that word is obviously not in your vocabulary.

Oh, so you believe most of the eastern people's soul will not be saved because they don't believe in Jesus/Bible, that's why you fear of that. HAHAHA some screwed logic you got there. I pity your way of thinking.

More like I just ignored you because immature name-calling doesn't deserve recognition.

You started the immature name-calling FIRST to a real person. I started swearing at you right after you started swearing at me.
I was only raging at a FICTIONAL CHARACTER I don't like, just because you disagree, you started being aggressive.

[If you cannot remember any of this in red, look back at the very start of our arguments.]
I treat real people how they treat me, but it looks like you treat real people how they treat some FICTIONAL CHARACTERS made out of combined pixels.
This might not prove I'm a nice person but at least it proved I'm a nicer person than you when it comes to reality.

Since I'm a very nice person

HAHAHAHAHAH THAT'S HILARIOUS. Calling 12-year-olds sluts and hoping they will die...;
It's a FICTIONAL CHARACTER, get real. At least I don't start being aggressive to real people just because I disagree of what they said.
Nov 7, 2013 8:24 AM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:

The more you care about your family, the more likely you will stop.

Your fiancee is going to become your family AND the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with so poor argument there.

Idiotic reason? Not really consider her mother's tragic past with a musician.

It's idiotic because she thinks every musician is going to act the exact same way. It's like hating all black people because one black person tried to mug you or something.

Yes. END OF STORY. We already had an argument over this

Then why do you keep insisting she's a slut after I just proved to you she ISN'T?

Oh, so you believe most of the eastern people's soul will not be saved because they don't believe in Jesus/Bible, that's why you fear of that. HAHAHA some screwed logic you got there. I pity your way of thinking.

That "screwed logic" you're ridiculing comes from a very REAL book that people use all over the world. I pity your ignorance.

You started the immature name-calling FIRST to a real person.[/color]

Calling a person an "idiot" when it is justified isn't immature name-calling, it's merely a fact. Calling a person the slang term for "penis" is VERY immature name-calling.

I was only raging at a FICTIONAL CHARACTER I don't like

Every time you bash a character, you offend fans of that character. Why do you think bashing is always prohibited on forums? To prevent shit like this war we are having.

It's a FICTIONAL CHARACTER, get real. At least I don't start being aggressive to real people just because I disagree of what they said.

But you are so disrespectful towards the idea of Mitsuki, that it really seems if you came across a REAL little girl in the same situation, you wouldn't act any different. She'd come across as a "slut" to you.
ChiibiNov 7, 2013 8:28 AM

Nov 7, 2013 11:41 AM

Jan 2012

The more you care about your family, the more likely you will stop.

Your fiancee is going to become your family AND the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with so poor argument there.
There's always another partner your parents will agree marrying to, millions of non-musicians around the world.

[Apologies, just like "if possible", the word "family" is also too vague and could mean anything to you isn't it? I will try my best to write more precisely next time that even an idiot won't misinterpret my sentences.]

Yes. END OF STORY. We already had an argument over this

Then why do you keep insisting she's a slut after I just proved to you she ISN'T?
I said scroll up and read, and see where this arguments previously end up to. I'm not going to restart arguing this again and going into circles.

Oh, so you believe most of the eastern people's soul will not be saved because they don't believe in Jesus/Bible, that's why you fear of that. HAHAHA some screwed logic you got there. I pity your way of thinking.

That "screwed logic" you're ridiculing comes from a very REAL book that people use all over the world. I pity your ignorance.

I pity your ignorance.

Clearly, you said this in response to my sentence "I pity your way of thinking" because you find that sentence of mine insulting.
[I won't believe you even if you deny it.]
That means you know you are insulting billions of people for not believing in Jesus/Bible. Don't even try to deny that you are a dick.

You started the immature name-calling FIRST to a real person.[/color]

Calling a person an "idiot" when it is justified isn't immature name-calling, it's merely a fact. Calling a person the slang term for "penis" is VERY immature name-calling.
I was talking about "asshole" which is just as bad as the slang for penis. can't remember you said that? go back to the first page of this forum.

I was only raging at a FICTIONAL CHARACTER I don't like

Every time you bash a character, you offend fans of that character. Why do you think bashing is always prohibited on forums? To prevent shit like this war we are having.
If you remember, I did write "apologize to Mitsuki fans" at the end of my comment in episode 40 forum and this episode 42 forum. If that wasn't enough, too bad. I needed to vent my anger at the character somewhere.
Nov 7, 2013 8:34 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
Apologies, just like "if possible", the word "family" is also too vague and could mean anything to you isn't it?

What the hell, NO. Read a f*cking dictionary. Oh I forgot, it's a book and you hate them.
I said scroll up and read, and see where this arguments previously end up to.

That doesn't answer my question. You never really managed to back up your argument that she's "slutty". All you did was go "real girls get pregnant at young ages blah blah I can compare her to a real girl if I want to blah blah, I bet she'll start masturbating blah blah nobody else commented like me because the anime is too old, therefore I know I'm right"....and more bullshit that really doesn't hold a teaspoon of evidence to prove it's NOT just messed up bullshit you are making up in your messed up head. You have a lot to learn when it comes to debating and discussion.

Lol...oh yeah, I forgot about the "asshole" thing. I guess that word spontaneously comes out of me when I see people wishing death on sweet, innocent children, fictional or non.

I pity your ignorance.

I pity YOUR ignorance.

Don't even try to deny that you are a dick.

Your FACE is a dick.
I am a good person. :) I work at a place that helps the poor and I donate part of my paycheck every week. I sing to old people at nursing homes. I go out of my way to be kind to others. I will always help a friend in need. When I see those on the wrong path, I pray for them and hope they will eventually choose a path of righteousness.

I needed to vent my anger at the character somewhere.

If she makes you so angry, maybe you should stop watching her.
ChiibiNov 7, 2013 8:41 PM

Nov 8, 2013 2:33 AM

Jan 2012
Your fiancee is going to become your family AND the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with so poor argument there.
Apologies, just like "if possible", the word "family" is also too vague and could mean anything to you isn't it?

What the hell, NO. Read a f*cking dictionary. Oh I forgot, it's a book and you hate them.
When I said "The more you care about your family, the more likely you will stop" (marrying to someone your family disagrees).
By "family" here I obviously meant your parents. Even an idiot would have understood in this context without a dictionary.

I said scroll up and read, and see where this arguments previously end up to.

That doesn't answer my question. You never really managed to back up your argument that she's "slutty". All you did was go "real girls get pregnant at young ages blah blah I can compare her to a real girl if I want to blah blah, I bet she'll start masturbating blah blah nobody else commented like me because the anime is too old, therefore I know I'm right"....and more bullshit that really doesn't hold a teaspoon of evidence to prove it's NOT just messed up bullshit you are making up in your messed up head. You have a lot to learn when it comes to debating and discussion.

You didn't prove anything as well. You only gave the original definition of a slut, but NOWADAYS the word slut has been used for more meanings than that.

For example:
A girl went outside in very revealing clothes.
People who saw her walking outside like this might say
"Look at that girl, wearing clothes like this even it is so damn cold, how slutty is she!"
She might not be a slut, she might even be a virgin, but she looks slutty or acting like a slut by that appearance of hers. Thus people might call her that.

Just like people calling things/other people gay when some things are not even homosexual.
For example:
Some delinquent might say
"Mr smith is so gay, he wouldn't let me get out of class until I finish this shitty assignment."
[He obviously didn't meant Mr smith is homosexual here.]

If you don't like me calling Mitsuki a slut, then she is ACTING LIKE ONE for obsessing into Eichi like that.

You have a lot to learn when it comes to how words are used NOWADAYS.

I pity your ignorance.

I pity YOUR ignorance.

That made what I said regarding this earlier even truer, thanks.

Lol...oh yeah, I forgot about the "asshole" thing. I guess that word spontaneously comes out of me when I see people wishing death on sweet, innocent children, fictional or non.
Yeah and the word "dick" also spontaneously came out of me when someone insulted my whole family, friends for not believing in the western Jesus/Bible thing and believes that our souls might not be saved.

Your FACE is a dick.

You called me an asshole for a reason.
I called you a dick for a reason.
And now a good person like you called my face a dick for what reason?
Nov 8, 2013 9:06 AM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
Your fiancee is going to become your family AND the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with so poor argument there.
Apologies, just like "if possible", the word "family" is also too vague and could mean anything to you isn't it?

What the hell, NO. Read a f*cking dictionary. Oh I forgot, it's a book and you hate them.
When I said "The more you care about your family, the more likely you will stop" (marrying to someone your family disagrees).
By "family" here I obviously meant your parents. Even an idiot would have understood in this context without a dictionary.

Well, you need to look at it this way.
The ENTIRE cast of this show supports Mitsuki trying to be a singer and find Eichi. Ooshige does. Wakaouji does. Her whole school does. Meroko does. Even Takuto does, although it hurts him but he wants her to be HAPPY.
If one person does NOT, why should that matter to her? Wakaouji who does is way more of a parent to her than Grandma. If Grandma wants to be treated like a parent she should f*cking ACT like it, instead of neglecting her kid.

If "Dad" approves but "Mom" does not, how do you decide who to listen to? I would pick "Dad" who knows the whole story compared to "Mom" who does NOT know, as that makes her decision flawed.

That's not an illogical choice.

You only gave the original definition of a slut, but NOWADAYS the word slut has been used for more meanings than that.

None of which apply to Mitsuki in even the SLIGHTEST way.

For example:
A girl went outside in very revealing clothes.
People who saw her walking outside like this might say
"Look at that girl, wearing clothes like this even it is so damn cold, how slutty is she!"
She might not be a slut, she might even be a virgin, but she looks slutty or acting like a slut by that appearance of hers. Thus people might call her that.

True that, except Mitsuki doesn't do this. All of her clothes are cute, conservative clothes, more than appropriate for a 12-year-old girl to wear. If she went shopping for thongs, tube tops, or 10 inch mini skirts, you might be onto something. lol

If you don't like me calling Mitsuki a slut, then she is ACTING LIKE ONE for obsessing into Eichi like that.

When has obsession EVER translated into "acting like a slut"? Like I proved to you, her thoughts of him have NO sexual connotation whatsoever so I don't see how you get "slut" from her happy childhood memories of looking at stars with him. You are being ridiculous.

That made what I said regarding this earlier even truer, thanks.

Ohh PFFFTTT. You are FAR more ignorant than me. All we have to do is look at your posts compared to mine.

Yeah and the word "dick" also spontaneously came out of me when someone insulted my whole family, friends for not believing in the western Jesus/Bible thing and believes that our souls might not be saved.

Don't blame me. Seek out the bible. :'D It's all in there.

And now a good person like you called my face a dick for what reason?

You're annoying? Even good people have their limits. Because you see, NOBODY is 100% good because humans were designed to be flawed creatures. We all have good and bad within us.
ChiibiNov 8, 2013 9:25 AM

Nov 8, 2013 12:28 PM

Jan 2012
If "Dad" approves but "Mom" does not, how do you decide who to listen to? I would pick "Dad" who knows the whole story compared to "Mom" who does NOT know, as that makes her decision flawed.
If a couple don't have the same thing in mind, they will EITHER argue until they both have come to an agreement OR argue until they are frustrated with each other then having a divorce, then the child can choose who to go with, neither cases requires the child to decide who to listen to.

You only gave the original definition of a slut, but NOWADAYS the word slut has been used for more meanings than that.

None of which apply to Mitsuki in even the SLIGHTEST way.

For example:
A girl went outside in very revealing clothes.
People who saw her walking outside like this might say
"Look at that girl, wearing clothes like this even it is so damn cold, how slutty is she!"
She might not be a slut, she might even be a virgin, but she looks slutty or acting like a slut by that appearance of hers. Thus people might call her that.

True that, except Mitsuki doesn't do this. All of her clothes are cute, conservative clothes, more than appropriate for a 12-year-old girl to wear. If she went shopping for thongs, tube tops, or 10 inch mini skirts, you might be onto something. lol

If you don't like me calling Mitsuki a slut, then she is ACTING LIKE ONE for obsessing into Eichi like that.

When has obsession EVER translated into "acting like a slut"? Like I proved to you, her thoughts of him have NO sexual connotation whatsoever so I don't see how you get "slut" from her happy childhood memories of looking at stars with him. You are being ridiculous.
I have gave an example of how the words slut/slutty are being used NOWADAYS.
When you said "True that" to my example given. It means you have agreed that the word slut doesn't always have to be used on girls who have sex with many guys because that was the whole point of the example.
Therefore, I said "Mitsuki is a slut/slutty" as an opinion. Just disagree with it if it's a ridiculous opinion to you. END.

That made what I said regarding this earlier even truer, thanks.

Ohh PFFFTTT. You are FAR more ignorant than me. All we have to do is look at your posts compared to mine.
You are ignorant for saying that, we of course think our own posts are the better ones when arguing.

Yeah and the word "dick" also spontaneously came out of me when someone insulted my whole family, friends for not believing in the western Jesus/Bible thing and believes that our souls might not be saved.

Don't blame me. Seek out the bible. :'D It's all in there.

So the bible said something which insulted billions of people, you will also insult billions of people without thinking. And if the Bible tells you to treat people like trash, you will also treat people like trash. I see I see. Good thing I never read and get brainwashed by the Bible.

You're annoying?
LOL wth, if anyone is annoying it's you, you are the aggressive one who started bitching because you cannot accept opinions of others.
Your response to someone who is annoying is "your face is a dick", some good person you are.
Nov 8, 2013 8:17 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
If a couple don't have the same thing in mind, they will EITHER argue until they both have come to an agreement OR argue until they are frustrated with each other then having a divorce, then the child can choose who to go with, neither cases requires the child to decide who to listen to.

So then why fault Mitsuki for listening to her doctor substitute dad instead of her grandmother? You still haven't answered that.

Therefore, I said "Mitsuki is a slut/slutty" as an opinion. Just disagree with it if it's a ridiculous opinion to you. END.

You haven't explained what makes her "slutty" except that she thinks about a boy too much and I already proved you false on that.

we of course think our own posts are the better ones when arguing.

Not always. When I end up in the wrong, I can recognize that.

So the bible said something which insulted billions of people, you will also insult billions of people without thinking.

Saying "I fear their souls won't be saved" is a far cry from an insult.
And it's not like those billions of people can read this anyway so what does it matter?

And if the Bible tells you to treat people like trash, you will also treat people like trash. I see I see.

I have never ONCE treated a person like trash, thank you. And the Bible would not ever say that either.

wth, if anyone is annoying it's you, you are the aggressive one who started bitching because you cannot accept opinions of others.

I can't accept your opinion because your opinion is retarded and illogical in every sense of the word!

Saying "Mitsuki's slutty" is like saying "Mitsuki has blue hair." Me saying "Mitsuki is not slutty" is not my opinion, it is a fact within the show's universe.
ChiibiNov 8, 2013 8:20 PM

Nov 9, 2013 1:34 AM

Jan 2012

So then why fault Mitsuki for listening to her doctor substitute dad instead of her grandmother?
substitute dad? when does it say that in the anime? All I know is the grandma holds responsibility for whatever she does and that the grandma is her guardian. So the first person who she should be listening to is her grandma.

Me saying "Mitsuki is not slutty" is not my opinion, it is a fact within the show's universe.

False. The viewers have the right to name-call anything about the characters as an opinion, it might be outrageous, but it is still known as an opinion.

You haven't explained what makes her "slutty" except that she thinks about a boy too much and I already proved you false on that.
Proved? It was your opinion that you do not find her slutty for obsessing into a guy. And it is my opinion that she is slutty for obsessing into a guy.
You cannot prove opinions. They are not facts nor theorems.

Saying "I fear their souls won't be saved" is a far cry from an insult, And it's not like those billions of people can read this anyway so what does it matter?
When you pity someone, it's an insult, as you are looking down on them and that is recognized by the majority of English speakers. It f*cking matters because you insulted my family/friends. I was generous enough for only calling you a dick for that.

I can't accept your opinion because your opinion is retarded and illogical in every sense of the word!
Thanks for the feedback, I think your reasonings are also retarded and illogical in every sense of words too!
Nov 9, 2013 11:40 AM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:

when does it say that in the anime?

Episode 3 yo.

You cannot prove opinions. They are not facts nor theorems.

There's such a thing as an opinion that weighs more than another. And mine clearly weighs more than yours does.

It f*cking matters because you insulted my family/friends. I was generous enough for only calling you a dick for that.

Go tell on me to them then, you big crybaby.

Thanks for the feedback, I think your reasonings are also retarded and illogical in every sense of words too!

Explain why my opinion of Mitsuki is retarded and illogical. I see her the way she's meant to be seen: an innocent and sweet 12-year-old girl with not a lustful thought in her head.

Nov 9, 2013 12:50 PM

Jan 2012
Episode 3 yo.
Can't find but that doesn't matter. The guardian should be the first person you should listen to when it comes to important decisions.

There's such a thing as an opinion that weighs more than another. And mine clearly weighs more than yours does.
ok. true. yours weighs more.

It f*cking matters because you insulted my family/friends. I was generous enough for only calling you a dick for that.

Go tell on me to them then, you big crybaby.

Your family sucks, God won't save their soul because he doesn't exist.
Now I cried it out, I felt much better, thanks.

Explain why my opinion of Mitsuki is retarded and illogical. I see her the way she's meant to be seen: an innocent and sweet 12-year-old girl with not a lustful thought in her head.
Because I see her the opposite of the way you see her, and that's my weigh-less opinion. Just accept the fact that not everyone have the same opinion as you, you big crybaby.
Nov 9, 2013 7:14 PM

Nov 2008
MoeXtreme said:
Episode 3 yo.
Can't find but that doesn't matter. The guardian should be the first person you should listen to when it comes to important decisions.

Not when they're in the wrong. Grandma is in the wrong. If you had an abusive guardian who told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?

Your family sucks, God won't save their soul because he doesn't exist.
Now I cried it out, I felt much better, thanks.

It's okay. God will forgive you for being an asshole towards him and us. I don't love you but God does. :)

]Because I see her the opposite of the way you see her,

Look, you said watch a LOT of anime with moe girls, right? Don't lots of these girls obsess over guys too? Especially the yandere type?
Well, what makes these girls any less "slutty" than Mitsuki? Because they're older?
I think a lot more girls are worse than her. In harem shows, I've seen them take off their clothes in front of the main characters and BEG them to have his way with them. Something Mitsuki would never do.

Just accept the fact that not everyone have the same opinion as you, you big crybaby.

Good gawd, man, at least come up with your own insults instead of repeating everything I say. >_>

Nov 10, 2013 3:44 AM

Jan 2012
Not when they're in the wrong. Grandma is in the wrong. If you had an abusive guardian who told you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?
Then the best thing the child could do is to tell the police and run away from home. But in Full moon case, the grandma did not do anything as wrong as to kill Mitsuki.

It's okay. God will forgive you for being an asshole towards him and us. I don't love you but God does. :)
That's only a fantasy of many humans.
I do not want to start argue whether God exist or not. Let's just end it here if possible for you.

Look, you said watch a LOT of anime with moe girls, right? Don't lots of these girls obsess over guys too? Especially the yandere type?
Well, what makes these girls any less "slutty" than Mitsuki? Because they're older?
I think a lot more girls are worse than her. In harem shows, I've seen them take off their clothes in front of the main characters and BEG them to have his way with them. Something Mitsuki would never do.

I didn't say they are not slutty, they should even be more slutty since they are much older. But the reasons I don't hate them as much as Mitsuki are because:

-They are usually older than 12 and did not ran away from home for a guy against her families' will.

-A lot of them are romantic comedy, and you should already know the difference between romantic comedy and romance genre.
Romantic comedy in harems are kinda like comedies where many girls are just trying very hard to get the guy's attention, where very little or no romance developed by the end of the series and ends up with an open harem ending. Where I could just laugh them off with the ecchi scenes.
Romance usually involves serious love triangles like full moon, with a conclusive ending.

My point is, if I watch a romantic comedy show, it means I am looking for comedy out of it, they can be as slutty or dere-dere as they want as long as they make me laugh.

and that's my weigh-not-so-much opinion of how I watch anime, think it's ridiculous? ok, fine by me.

Good gawd, man, at least come up with your own insults instead of repeating everything I say. >_>
I try not to because I want to end this debate quickly, getting boring.
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