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Oct 22, 2010 6:21 PM

Oct 2010
Feel free to introduce yourself here. Some tips might be to state the characters you play, your level, etc.

Anyway, I'm supercell, creator of the club. My IGN is Elunix, and I'm currently level 23. Haven't really touched ranked mode because it seems too serious. As of now I play Malphite, Akali, Ashe, Nunu, Sona, and just recently Lux.
eef504fdb06c0Nov 7, 2012 5:31 PM

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Oct 23, 2010 1:15 PM

Aug 2007
Hey, my IGN is ShiroLycoris, level 30.
I play ranked games solo because I can't really get a premade going.
I main Annie and Sona. I like to alternate to Akali, Kennen or Lux when I don't feel like playing my mains.
Feel free to add me and PM me for a few games. ^^
Oct 23, 2010 3:17 PM

Oct 2010
Kite_444 said:
Hey, my IGN is ShiroLycoris, level 30.
I play ranked games solo because I can't really get a premade going.
I main Annie and Sona. I like to alternate to Akali, Kennen or Lux when I don't feel like playing my mains.
Feel free to add me and PM me for a few games. ^^

Any comments about the differences between ranked and unranked matches? I might start playing ranked but I'm not too sure about it yet xP

Oct 23, 2010 4:10 PM

Aug 2007
The main difference between rank games is choosing the champions and bans. Each team bans 2 champions and takes turn selecting champions. Once a champion is selected, the other team can't select that champion so there won't be 2 of the same champion in a game. The thing about ranked games are that people are more serious in team compositions and like to have solid setups so it takes out low tier characters from games. I usually treat ranked games as a regular game but I tend to get bad teams so I don't play them as often.
Oct 25, 2010 3:42 AM

Sep 2010
Well well, I seem to be lower than you guys.

Only level...10? I think at the moment, played a lot during the beta but took a break...just starting up again.

I main Tristana and Soraka at the moment, thinking of gaining enough points to buy Lux and give her a shot as I've heard some good things.
My IGN is Yotsubato, I'm on EU.
Oct 26, 2010 11:04 AM

Oct 2010
Kite_444 said:
The main difference between rank games is choosing the champions and bans. Each team bans 2 champions and takes turn selecting champions. Once a champion is selected, the other team can't select that champion so there won't be 2 of the same champion in a game. The thing about ranked games are that people are more serious in team compositions and like to have solid setups so it takes out low tier characters from games. I usually treat ranked games as a regular game but I tend to get bad teams so I don't play them as often.

Wow, sounds about as serious as I expected. The hero ban as well as no doubles seems really smart; it introduces the whole concept of team composition into the mix. Anyway I found out I can't really do solo ranked until level 30, so until then I'll be staying away from it.

Birix2 said:
Well well, I seem to be lower than you guys.

Only level...10? I think at the moment, played a lot during the beta but took a break...just starting up again.

I main Tristana and Soraka at the moment, thinking of gaining enough points to buy Lux and give her a shot as I've heard some good things.
My IGN is Yotsubato, I'm on EU.

Welcome to the club first of all! And that's fine, I never played during Beta but I had previous experience with DotA. In my personal opinion, Lux is really fun if you play her right, but at the same time it's really easy to mess up, fall behind, and be useless. Her abilities won't hit nearly as hard as heavy nukers like Ryze or Annie even if you get her AP up, but she makes up for it with her long range, snare, slow, and shield (scales with AP) that she can bring to team fights, all with relatively short cooldowns. If you're set on getting her, watch a few videos of her in action, and get to know her builds, skill set-ups, and combos. I'm considering putting my build for Lux up in the build thread but I'm not sure about it yet; I think it still may need some refining. Either way I'm a US player myself, so it looks like I won't be able to get much more than advice to you. Best of luck with whatever you choose though.

Oct 27, 2010 3:49 PM

Jan 2009
My IGN is the same as my forum name, Burntlettuce. Right now I am maining Teemo, Yi and Tristana, but because Twisted Fate is free this week I am trying him out and liking him so far. I am still pretty new to this game, only level 10, but it's mad fun.

Right now I am struggling wtih the stupid Rune's. Probably just going to throw a couple of them in, because I would rather save IP points for champions.
Oct 27, 2010 7:49 PM

Oct 2010
burntlettuce said:
My IGN is the same as my forum name, Burntlettuce. Right now I am maining Teemo, Yi and Tristana, but because Twisted Fate is free this week I am trying him out and liking him so far. I am still pretty new to this game, only level 10, but it's mad fun.

Right now I am struggling wtih the stupid Rune's. Probably just going to throw a couple of them in, because I would rather save IP points for champions.

Hey burntlettuce, welcome to The Summoner's Rift! Ahh you seem to like the auto-attackers =P Though they can all be played for other things than simply auto-attacks. And I see, I myself use only Tier 1 runes for a minor bonus, and they don't cost much so they haven't really prevented me from obtaining champions. I recommend you do the same if you're just starting out, but I know I didn't get my runes until level 20 and did fine, so you don't need them to do well. They just help. Enjoy your stay!

Dec 6, 2010 9:49 AM

Jun 2007
My IGN is GomuBlade. A game or so away from level 28.

Morgana has pretty much been my main since day one. Was love at first sight. Not a fan of the recent nerfs, but no one likes seeing their favourite champ getting nerfed. Her new Blade Mistress skin is delicious though.
Akali and Sona are two other champs I really enjoy playing. I also do some tanking from time to time with Amumu and I'm gonna get Rammus next.
Dec 18, 2010 12:48 PM

Nov 2008
Hello ^^

IGN (In Game Name?): KAM05 on US server
Everyone calls me KAMOS or KAM, which I prefer.. didn't know I couldn't change my name.

ATM my lv is 13 30. Never played any game like LoL before, but thankfully I have friends that have.
I seem to like champs that can self-heal or have awesome health. I also like supporting my team and pushing lanes.
I like chasing people the most.
Melee DPS: Irelia, Renekton, Teemo
Range DPS: Caitlyn
Support: Sona, Lux, Orianna (so fun ^^)
aoikishuJun 27, 2011 12:00 PM
Dec 25, 2010 10:30 AM

Mar 2010

my IGM is "Jayd Mu"

I'm level 30 on LoL, i started playign about 3 months ago, I was prety big on dota back in the day so I was kind used to games like this already.

I use alot of chars (and i would like to think I play them well XD)

My Favs
Tank/ish : Malphite, Garen, Blitzcrank and Nunu (I mostly go AP with these two)
Fighters/Carry: Ashe, Sivir, Master Yi, Gangplank, Heimerdinger (sp?)
Support: Sona, Zilean, Taric, Janna

I get stuck playing a support most of the time though =(
Jan 13, 2011 2:17 PM

Jan 2008
Cheers - I'm N0iR (N0iR on LoL EU)

Been playing League of Legends with a few breaks since closed beta - so thats almost 1½ years now.

I mostly play:
Carry: Sivir, Miss fortune
Mage: Annie
Tank: Jungle Rammus, Alistar
Other: Nidalee (horribly >_>)

Also playing from time to time: Dr. Mundo, Jax, Corki, Katarina, Morgana, Pantheon, Gragas

Planning to pick up Udyr sometime because he is awesome :D
~five exclamation marks is the sure sign of an insane mind~
Jan 18, 2011 1:03 PM

Jun 2009
Oi! AbstractCalamity here. I go by the same name in LoL (US). Currently level 19 (and age 19, too, coincidentally), maining Lux and Rammus. I've also been known to play Nasus, Sivir, and Zilean, but not as well. I prefer support or tanking roles, and will rarely touch a carry. I'm just not a good carry.

Me and some friends get together and play occasionally, we could even be called a team, except for the undeniable fact that we only have 4 people. If we all play our mains, we've got Lux (me), Karthus, Sion, and Teemo. Luckily, we've recruited another friend, who's currently like level 3 and planning on playing Olaf (but I suspect that might change).
Jan 20, 2011 5:46 PM

Jun 2009
Mostly I used :

Vladimir - I love Sanguine pool
Sivir - Easy to use
Akali - Cute asssassin

Too bad I never use Tank. So hard. >.>

sig by MAL secret santa , ty <33
Jan 22, 2011 1:49 PM

Apr 2007
what? tanking is the easiest part of the game. you just run in there and act like you're doing things!

my username is kurpi on EU and US server.

I mostly tank because everyone hates tanking.
Jan 22, 2011 1:52 PM

May 2008
hello my name is sh0u on EU server and I play Nidalee, Sona and Morgana.
Jan 23, 2011 11:44 AM

Jun 2009
kurpi said:
what? tanking is the easiest part of the game. you just run in there and act like you're doing things!

my username is kurpi on EU and US server.

I mostly tank because everyone hates tanking.
I love tanking, especially as Rammus. His taunt is so epic! What, you're attacking my ally? No you're not, you're attacking me! Trying to run away? Not so fast, stand and fight!

But yeah, I do agree it's one the easier tasks if you have a good team.

Tanking 101:
Step 1 - Run in
Step 2 - Draw attention
Step 3 - Profit!
Feb 5, 2011 9:11 AM

Jan 2009
Well I figured I would post again since a lot has changed since the last time I posted in this. I am now level 30 and have started entering rank games(7-1) so far. Right now I am using Mundo as my main in ranked. I do enjoy playing Karthus, Lux, Cho'Gath and Yi on occasion though.
Feb 6, 2011 8:31 PM

Jul 2010
Hey all.
My IGN is TypeMercury and I'm level 24.
I main Karthus and Cho'Gath.
Lol -wanting to reach level 30 for rank games-
I looooooove dps Cho'Gath even though he's tanky AP.

Feb 7, 2011 10:06 PM
Jan 2010
Whats up...

My IGN name is Otakufreak and I usually play with my nephew who's user name is ironically otakufreak26. Long story... Anyway I've been trying to find a good group to play with and I thought MAL might be a good place to look.

My only character is Ryze and I have all my runes and mastery set to amplify him.
Feb 20, 2011 3:45 AM

Jun 2009
Otakufreak26 said:
Whats up...

My IGN name is Otakufreak and I usually play with my nephew who's user name is ironically otakufreak26. Long story... Anyway I've been trying to find a good group to play with and I thought MAL might be a good place to look.

My only character is Ryze and I have all my runes and mastery set to amplify him.

Wohoo~! I'm into Sivir for now. XD
My runes also mostly goes for her. Hahaha.

sig by MAL secret santa , ty <33
Feb 20, 2011 6:35 AM

Jan 2011
Hi, I'm new...
To this forum, but not to Lol which iv been playing for little more then a year now. Iv played dota ones and then left it, never tryed hon but seems pretty bad, but lol is epic (when games arent destroyed by immature kids).

In game I'm named Vendicta (US) level 30, around 1100 games played total (ranked, normal and custom games).

I enjoy playing tankish dps Dr.Mundo when the whole team knows the basics of lol, if not im playing janna, nasus, alistar, udyr or any other hero thats game breaking at some point and can carry/helpout enough to pull off victory.

Hi. :)
eef504fdb06c0Feb 20, 2011 6:41 AM

Mar 12, 2011 10:16 AM

Oct 2008
Hi I'm Tim,

I play LoL on the europe server, the name of my account is WarBanditNL
I created my account a half year ago, but I didn't play active and now I do.
I am lvl 14 at the moment.
I don't play 1 hero but just the hero I wanne play at the moment.

Apr 4, 2011 1:37 PM
Mar 2010
Hello, Alex here.

I main Nunu and Shaco, yet recently i have taken a liking to Teemo and Tryndamere. Now don't get me wrong, i think that Tryndamere is absolutely stupid... but i love trolling the enemies Nexus on the Twisted Treeline.

I build Nunu with monstrous AP due to his ultimates 2.5 AP ratio... it's just not cool sometimes. If done right you can consume for over 1000 hp, ice blast for over 1000, and his ultimate can nuke for over 3000. No joke.
Apr 6, 2011 8:37 PM

Sep 2008
Hello summoners!

I'm playing on the recently developed South-East Asian servers by Garena (PH specifically). So I'm just playing by about 3 months, although I already know the quirks because I've been a DotA and HoN (horrible game) for a long time now. I love LoL and reached level 30 in no time.

I main Poppy (so unloved) and Lux, but I do play a lot of other champs for different roles, too.
idlezealApr 6, 2011 8:46 PM
Apr 8, 2011 12:00 PM

Apr 2008
here we go

My IGN is Sightoe. I mostly play supports - Sona, Janna, Blitzcrank, but I've lately started playing Shen, might pick him up once I save up some more IP.

I exclusively play Normal, as I don't really care for rankings.

Apr 9, 2011 12:02 AM

Nov 2010
i'd very much like to do some games w/ you all ^_^ IGN is bostonblows lvl 17 at the moment, i really only usually play akali or leblanc. Feel free to drop me a request, as i am getting tired of random 12 yr olds & people that go 0/10/0.
Apr 10, 2011 10:06 PM

Dec 2008
Hey all.

My IGN is hinanaitenshi. (US server)

I'm level 30 and have played LoL for a long while now. (near 2k matches on normal alone.)

I usually play whatever goes best with the team. But my favorites are Swain, Sion, and Singed. (SSS brigade. :P)

Feel free to add me. I'll play just about anything. See you in game sometime. :)
Apr 11, 2011 4:43 PM

Nov 2009
my ign is Miko Miko
currently play junglers and support (udyr is my current jungler)
kana-tanDec 2, 2011 12:01 AM
Apr 12, 2011 6:25 AM

Dec 2009
First, am awfully noob trying to overcome my noobness just started the game several days ago.
My name everywhere is gokudo21, I play as Sion Tristana fiddlesticks xerath and amumu, my current level is 8. lvl 30.
Server: EU Nordic and East
gokudo21Oct 13, 2011 11:41 PM
Apr 18, 2011 6:05 PM

Dec 2010
Whats up.

My IGN is PalmsSweaty (US Server) don't ask about the name lol..
Im level 17 so far, been playing for a few weeks. Maining Malzahar, and currently saving up IP for runes when I finally get to lv 20.

Glad to have joined the club.
Apr 22, 2011 3:05 AM

Feb 2010
I'm lv20 with no runes at all. I suck. I try to play Gragas, Singed, and any interesting free champs. I'm looking forward to the Monkey King and might get Kassadin and give him a try while I wait for MK's release.

Edit: Ok I'm lv30 now with complete pages for either AP or AD champs. I have played every champ and bored with most of them. Now I'm just making smurfs and waiting for Skarner and MK.
MelbShawJul 11, 2011 2:58 PM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 22, 2011 12:19 PM

Sep 2010
IGN is DeathdruidX, level 30 and currently maining Renekton, Malphite, and Trundle, though I pick any role that the team happens to need.
I also take clairvoyance every game, regardless of who I use.
Apr 28, 2011 8:40 PM

Mar 2011

My IGN is Thebunnnyhunter. Im Level 18 and i mainlt use Veigar (he reminds me of Vivi), Kayle, and recently Lux (her ultimate is great). Been playing for a couple months and got most of my noobishness out, except i suck at tanking. Feel free to add me.
May 15, 2011 9:14 AM
May 2011
Hey, my IGN is chaoswarden, i am lvl 30 and i play on EU servers. I usually play whatever roll is needed but i prefer to play tanks. My mains are Shen and Olaf,so if you are up for a game just add me.
May 15, 2011 7:07 PM

Apr 2007
A guy who likes to tank, eh? I like you. :>
May 15, 2011 9:29 PM
May 2010
In game name is Veriganisntsex. I pretty much play supports and tanks only - Janna, Morgana, Amumu. But now that I have a new pc I'll be trying some different champs.
Jun 10, 2011 5:33 PM

Dec 2009
IGN: Kyoukishi ,lvl 30. NA server.

"A summoner of Noxus who sworn allegiance to the house of the Du Couteau"
^ **** Demacia, BLOOD FOR NOXUS!!!

mains: lots, mostly Katarina ( my fav girl), Blitz, Vlad, Kog'maw, etc, etc...depends on my mood.
>>my FotM is AD Kog'maw for now <<

it doesnt matter to me if you're low level. just please NEVER try champs with me ( no 1st, 2nd or 3rd time with the champ) , onegai desu~
"Got it?this is what it means to kill things"
Jun 24, 2011 7:54 PM

Feb 2011
IGN- Fockfear (yes it is Fockfear)
lv 30
on US
and to my friend and cuz i am known as king of tanker and support and assist :)
fave champ
1 rammus
2 ailstar
higest assist was 33 who think they can top that :P
Jul 16, 2011 8:02 PM
Sep 2010
IGN: darkpally5, just like here :p
lv 30
on US
the champs im playing most atm would be
Annie (personal best)
Aug 23, 2011 11:25 PM

Aug 2011
IGN - Sn00k

My main heros are xin, brand, nasus, jax, cait, swain, singed, kas and rumble.

There is no difference between ranked and normal besides bans. Noobs are in both games almost always.

Look me up and give me a shout out if you wanna play and get an easy win in!!
Aug 24, 2011 12:51 PM

Aug 2008
IGN - SharmaSan

Main hero: Nunu, until I buy Lux

Only recently started, so do mostly co-op vs bots, and am only level 9.
Aug 24, 2011 1:29 PM

Nov 2007
server's are down so I will post!
ign name is ceii and i chill with morgana, akali, yi, irelia, orianna, nidalee lately, and then supports alot
level 30 800something wins yadayada
im almost always on so hit me up to play some games~
Sep 1, 2011 7:19 PM
Mar 2008
IGN - Chow You Down

Heroes - A lot
Sep 27, 2011 1:38 AM

Mar 2011
My IGN is jubnunepo i am lvl 30
i usually avoid playing games solo because i need a teemate i can trust laning with me. i main as amumu, ap singed, hybrid dps sona, and am working on getting better with jax. but when i dont play those i play kennen malzahar karma and ocasionally gragas.
i prefer when playing with ppl to be in vc i have xfire skype nad vent but dont know how to use vent username is teh same jubnunepo.
jubnunepoSep 27, 2011 8:23 AM
Oct 14, 2011 11:06 PM

Oct 2011
IGN: Eoria
Lv. 30

My characters I play mainly are Annie, Akali, Caitlyn, and Sona but I own a variety of champions which I switch it up with every now and then when I get bored.

I usually just log in and play a couple games then log right off these days. I used to play more often but nothing really to motivate me lately. If anyone want to play for fun just message me (on MAL since I probably won't be on LoL).
Oct 22, 2011 5:23 AM

Jun 2010
My IGN name is johny1313 i play with my little brother sometimes when hes not trolling games. Would be nice to get a group together for ranked games cause im tired of solo que. I play anyone really but i like teemo alot! As i have almost every champ.
Oct 23, 2011 6:31 PM

Nov 2010
IGN: ayeyosteven.
Oct 24, 2011 2:02 AM

Dec 2008
well not sure if i posted this so here it is


as for champs
annie in classic only
and moakai

soooo hit me up and we will play a game
Oct 28, 2011 8:52 PM

Jul 2010
i can play all roles, minus support.

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