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Jun 23, 2023 9:51 AM

Jul 2017
With Aoi down, Eve is worried about her, and the 3-time American Prize Queen Juha isn't fazed by the incident to catch up to both girls in score.

With the 2-stroke lead, Aoi has achieved her very best before her eventual collapse, but the promise isn't over as Eve will take her place to ensure that Juha doesn't overtake them both. And within a split second, Eve's affiliation with the mafia came about at the worst time to throw her game off, and it's all on Remelda assisting Juha, though she had wanted a fair game of victory against both Eve and Aoi.

The unlikely duo of Aoi being Eve's caddie, with Juha's best on the final day, utilizes all they have for Eve to win the British Open, with her 48-incher Shining Wings to be used when they hit the limit. And as each and every hole progressed, it's time for Eve to use the Shining Wings with her Rainbow Bullet, it's the culmination of their powers together with the Shining Rainbow Burst that eventually levels with Juha. Even to the last hole, they are not going to give up now, not before Eve beats Aoi's best...which ends in a draw.

With Eve's disqualification for 3 years defaulting to Juha winning the British Open, she waited after all this while to come back and resume their challenge together in the same British Open, 4 years later, with a renewal.

What a journey of the Golf Girls that the sequel is so much better and grounded from the start.
KANLen09Jun 23, 2023 8:54 PM
Jun 23, 2023 10:04 AM

Jan 2018
This was such a great journey. Loved both the seasons sm. Really solid show. 
Jun 23, 2023 10:13 AM

Apr 2020
Watched both seasons back to back.
S2 is better than S1.
Really good show overall
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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Jun 23, 2023 10:30 AM

Dec 2021
Didn't see that team-up coming.

Also kudo for building up that last boss to be such a menacing boss and some mafia stuff to add up the tension of this episode.

What a journey. While this anime is not perfect, I love this anime so much to the point of spending time in golf driving range is one of my weekly routine now.

Gonna miss this show a lot....thank you everyone behind this show.
Jun 23, 2023 10:31 AM

Apr 2014
A great journey from Eve and Aoi.
I think the ending is quite rushed, especially with the timeskip. If they can get another episode, it would be better.
Jun 23, 2023 10:44 AM

Dec 2021
A touching moment between Eve and Aoi despite the dirty tactics did by Juha's caddy that is BS. Sure Eve got suspended for three years but atleast not revoked possibly with the help of her grandfather too to resolve this problem. How based the Burton grandfather is to see Eve using a driver from a rival company and said he's proud of his granddaughter there. Shame we didn't see development in the family since Eve's official joining on Arios.

A tough match only to get undermined by dirty tactics but atleast got Eve and Aoi closer together. A fun and crazy golf brought by this show for two seasons and I'm gonna miss this pair of golfers there.
Jun 23, 2023 11:06 AM

Oct 2017
I had a feeling they'd go with a open end like this and play it safe. Eve won the tournament by combining everyone's golf and with Aoi's help but got suspended and Juha was crowned. But well after 4 years now Eve and Aoi can finally play together again so that makes me happy. Would have been great if we'd get to see their duel but oh well.

Liked the show quite a lot and Eve, she's just the best. Gonna miss it.
Jun 23, 2023 11:19 AM
Sep 2015
Could this be the best female-lead sports anime ever?
Jun 23, 2023 11:56 AM
Jul 2012
Really enjoyed this series. Wish we had gotten a more conclusive ending but it's fine for what it was. 
Jun 23, 2023 12:09 PM
Feb 2022
so...should we expect another season? or consider this an open ended conclusion for this anime ( no one wins / tied)
Jun 23, 2023 12:16 PM
Aug 2020
Amazing finale, i loved all of it, too bad she lost cuz suspension but it was okay. Aoi being her candy hahaha that was so cool i nevet expected it. And after time skip Eve shorten her hair, i prefer longer one but this was cute too.
Jun 23, 2023 12:20 PM

Feb 2019
Goat sports anime really over man 😔 what am I gonna do with myself now

Love this trend of shows opening up with the ED for the finale and closing with the OP lol. Really cool montage that made me feel a little emotional with everything we’ve been thru with the cast.

Aw, Aoi becoming Eve’s caddy was a cool twist. I figured she’d be done, but I wasn’t expecting her to help out like that. Love her short hair look too!

Fuck Juha’s caddy. We all know that was Eve’s tourney. Combining everyone’s golf was beautiful. Got chills during that last tee off.

Better than season 1 in every way, but man I gotta say I’m a little disappointed with that ending. It felt quite rushed and I still think we could’ve got another season of this with the Aoi and Eve working their way back to the British open. I was also hoping Kazuhiko was out there still alive. 4 year time skip just felt underwhelming.

I really want more of this. I know we got the switch game coming up but I need an OVA or something 😔
Marinate1016Jun 23, 2023 12:26 PM
Jun 23, 2023 12:31 PM

Apr 2019
And... Thats all, folks? Just timeskip and "Oh, I'm ok, rich mom made me a cure"?
Jun 23, 2023 12:45 PM

Aug 2018
Interesting twist, even though it kinda cut off a potential season 3 or OVA, as I was hoping the two girls would agree to have their final faceoff later in the future.

Technically they did, but... yeah just like most of the actual golf scenes, it was completely eluded/rushed. Unfortunate, but expected. I still loved both seasons, definitely a hidden gem to me.
Jun 23, 2023 1:01 PM
Sep 2021
Horrid conclusion to a really good season
Jun 23, 2023 1:40 PM

Feb 2020
Ending was a lot safer than I was expecting. Maybe I was letting my imagination run wild but considering some of the crazy shit we've seen from this show, I wasn't expecting the ending to be so orthodox. I definitely thought that Eve's underground golfing coming to light would carry heavy repercussions but it ended up being kinda inconsequential in the end. Also a kiss would've been nice

Kinda have conflicting feelings about this ending because it did bring a smile to my face to see Eve and Aoi get the happiest possible ending and they definitely deserve it, but I'm not sure if I'd consider this ending particularly impactful because it's such a happily ever after ending and it even feels a little bit uncharacteristic coming from a show like this. 
Jun 23, 2023 1:41 PM

Nov 2016
Japan did it again. The notorious important haircut.

How this ending was handled made me not care for it. Yet more evidence that 12 episode seasons aren't the best idea*sigh*

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 23, 2023 1:51 PM
Mar 2018
Suprising turn of events! What in the world is 3 years later...
Jun 23, 2023 1:55 PM
Mar 2023
Yuri Golf, this was so much fun to watch!
Jun 23, 2023 1:58 PM
Aug 2019
Birdie wings is the only sports anime that I've ever watched, something about this show that attracts me to watch it
Jun 23, 2023 2:06 PM
Feb 2012
I can't believe it's ended... Please somehow give us a 3rd season or a movie. Just something, I'm begging you.
Now I guess I'll wait for the mobile game huh?...
Jun 23, 2023 2:14 PM

Apr 2011
I laughed a lot at the Aoi and Saotome caddie swap, that was a twist I didn't see coming.

I liked Juha and her caddie. Juha was a straightforward type of player, always at the top of her game, and with enough experience and skill to dictate the end result. Her caddie Karen resorts to less honorable methods off the green which in the end technically earned Juha the trophy.

Loved seeing how the girls appearances changed at the end of the timeskips.

Very funny to see what I believe was the old man at the start of the 1st season pop up again during the 3 year timeskip after the British Open.
Jun 23, 2023 2:35 PM

May 2015
Interesting what they did there, not giving a win to either of them. At least now all is cleared and they both can continue with their promise. I have a feeling, they'll never settle this, and will just keep playing, motivating each other.

I liked this season more than the first, but mostly because the story took more shape and it was great overall. 
Jun 23, 2023 3:02 PM

Nov 2017
Awesome episode, of course THERE'S NO KISS FFS!!! But yeah, the story is great
Jun 23, 2023 3:33 PM

Dec 2015
Yoooooo I don't think anybody was expecting Aoi to become Eve's Caddie on the last day :O What an awesome twist of events! I especially loved the detail of Eve's golf ball now having a pair of wings instead of just one :D 

20230623 224029 by CamKoudo

Still frustrated over the move Juha's caddie pulled to get Eve disqualified >:( Overall tho, it was a nice 2nd season, even if it did feel like they tried to cramp in bit too much in just 12 episodes at times. Kinda wished we got a 3rd season instead of a time skip, but oh well. Here's hoping for an OVA where we get to see how their match plays out and maybe even see them go on a date after that or something xD
Jun 23, 2023 4:26 PM
Dec 2010
One of the best animes from 2023!!!
Jun 23, 2023 4:41 PM
Aug 2021
so sad the ending had to be rushed so much. this could have been 2 more seasons easily. dealing with the illness, underground stuff, character and romance developmental 1.
there was so much potential. really sad to have it end this way.
yes the little "plot twists were nice but not enough to feel fulfilled.

bit,alas, these feelings just showcase how good of an anime it was.
Jun 23, 2023 4:49 PM

Jan 2009
I was really put off by the ending, especially after a great season to this point. Maybe I'll come around but it was just such a let down. We didn't get anything we hoped for. I'm hoping for another season but I'm not optimistic about it.
Jun 23, 2023 5:05 PM
Nov 2021
Sad that such a good show ends up getting such a trash ending…
Jun 23, 2023 5:54 PM
Mar 2023
I wish they would've made the relationship between the girls explicit, but I'm glad they left the door open for more episodes if the mobile game does well.
Jun 23, 2023 5:58 PM
Jan 2021
I'm genuinely upset by this ending. this season overall was worse than the first imo. the production quality was noticeably lower, and while I enjoyed a lot of individual moments, overall it just wasn't as enjoyable. in season 1 the romantic tension between eve and aoi was very present in their golf matches both playing with eachother as a team, and against one another. very early on this season they dispatched with most of that, and it didn't come back until the last 2 episodes, before then getting ignored completely in favour of a rushed open ending
Jun 23, 2023 6:02 PM

Jan 2021
Saw my girls grow up they look so different in three years. Also we got yuri baited they never kissed. Well I don't really mind the story is genuinely entertaining. I like how Eve and Aoi didn't win their last battle. It shows they're still walls to climb and it new techniques/swings to be made. It sucks that Eve's liscense got revoked. Girl was just playing golf the only way she knew how. This show made me laugh then most comedy anime it is intentionally and unintentionally funny. But most importantly its entertaining I anticipated every Friday to watch this show.

Hope we get an OVA of the girls playing mini golf, that would be hilarious to see them compete over.
Jun 23, 2023 6:11 PM
Jan 2013
phantomfandom said:
Could this be the best female-lead sports anime ever?

I think it’s a strong contender, in recent times at least
Jun 23, 2023 6:30 PM

Sep 2018
Pretty pathetic ending, but I suppose they did the best they could considering the circumstances. Also a little pathetic that they chickened out on the teasing yuri aspect side of things, the "romantic tension" as another poster says, but that's what we've come to expect with a lot of anime unfortunately. Definitely a drop off from S1, but still fairly enjoyable and Eve is a great MC. 7/10.
Jun 23, 2023 6:30 PM

Aug 2019
man I never thought I would’ve enjoyed this show so much when it first aired, I expected something that was going to be alright but here I am wishing for more; well I heard there was a switch game of sorts for this out so I guess I’ll have to be satisfied with that
Jun 23, 2023 7:51 PM
Apr 2016
I loved this series so much and the ending was so perfect. This is without a doubt the most fun I've ever had watching a show or movie anime or otherwise. While I'm sad it's over, I couldn't think of a better way for it to end. 10/10 Thank you to everyone involved for taking us on this journey. <3
Jun 23, 2023 8:48 PM

Sep 2021
A fitting end to the very disappointing second season of Birdie Wing. It wasn't bad, but it just wasn't good either. In the end, I did want to see that Eve Vs. Aoi match and not just another rival! Although Juha was not as bad as the other rivals this season.

Now for the final thoughts on Birdie Wing Season 2:
Back in Spring 2023, Birdie Wing (alongside Spy X Family) got me into watching all those seasonals! If it wasn't for this, I would've never watched my beloved Lycoris Recoil. Or G-Witch. Or Kawaisugi Crisis. And I really wouldn't want to miss them! Additionally, Birdie Wing held the 6th spot in my Anime Top 10 until this season!

Let's just say my hopes were very high. And I was really disappointed. If I think about the potential this season had, I just wanna cry. I wanted to see Eve and Aoi crush the Mafia together! And see them fight it out in one final battle, above the "chains" of tournaments or underground golf! And I wanted Rose-level rivals to be in their way! And I wanted the family drama to go crazy! To have Eve's parent's be killed by the mafia and make things personal! I wanted Aoi to get that kiss! And so on...

Instead, I got 6 episodes of "XXX challenged Aoi/Eve to battle" "Aoi/Eve used Shining Wings/Rainbow Bullet" "XXX was defeated!"

Well, it wasn't all bad. The continuation of the school tournament was solid, although Himekawa was a terribly weak rival. But it did set up some great drama on the rooftop scene, with Seira interfering and sending Eve right into the claws of Madame Catherine.

That build-up just never played out. The maifa was done for in one swift episode. The final battle didn't even come to pass due to Aoi's condition. Eve and Aoi didn't interact for 7 episodes straight! The penultimate episode actually showed a glimmer of a good finale, which unfortunately, wasn't delivered either.

Enough of my rant. 6/10 for Birdie Wing Season 2, 8/10 for the series overall.

Oh, and don't blame this on me having more experience with anime now. I watched Edens Zero before Birdie Wing, and it's currently airing second season is at 9 for me, two scores higher than I gave it's first.
Jun 23, 2023 8:53 PM
Feb 2021
That was quite the interesting ending. It was pretty sick that Aoi became Eve's caddy.

The whole sickness plot was really weird too, it didn't feel like it had any particular place in the show.

Kinda wished there was more mafia stuff this season too, like Aoi fighting the mafia.

I doubt there will ever be another season of this, so I kinda wished there was less professional golf in general bc last season there was VR and mafia golf.
Jun 23, 2023 9:00 PM
Apr 2021
This anime was definitely one of my favourite sports anime that caught me by surprise, mainly because I have no knowledge in golf as a sport but the characters and relationship between Eve and Aoi really shined through both seasons, pushing each other to get better at a sport they truly loved.

Who knows if we’ll get another season but with the ending we got, I hope they get to play the golf they love for many years to come!
Jun 23, 2023 9:00 PM
Mar 2021
i expected Eve will use a combination between her rainbow burst shot and Aoi's shining shot, but Aoi became Eve's caddie was really unexpected. I still don't like time skip scenes due how rushed they were. This show should have another season, but money and popularity seem talk differently. What a great show. I won't forget how much they make me feel goosebump each episode. 

10/10 for me.

Jun 23, 2023 9:48 PM

Nov 2021
Ok, overall the finale felt rushed which is what I was scared of. I do like the idea of Aoi and Eve returning years later to finish their match, but this time only the two of them.

One thing I feel was missing was a kiss. I thought they had set that up in another episode but I guess they didn't want to. Still a really good show, 8/10 for me. Gonna miss these two
Jun 24, 2023 12:20 AM

Oct 2011
it was definitely a step up from s1 and i'd give it an 8/10 but the final ep got my blood pumping and i hadn't had that excitement hit me in sports series since watching hinomaru sumo.

gonna miss eve and her rainbow shots 9/10

"When the time is yours,
the future is waiting,
The person you become,
and the people you're creating.
Jun 24, 2023 4:58 AM
Jul 2020
Jun 24, 2023 6:00 AM

Jul 2014
Definitely a much weaker season than season 1 apart from the hilariously over-the-top third episode that had enough twists and turns to make a Spanish soap opera blush. And I'm really not a fan of time skip endings like this, as it's just a cheap cop out to gloss over all sorts of important developments like Aoi getting over her illness and being able to play golf again.

6/10, a definite step down from season 1 but still watchable enough overall.
Jun 24, 2023 6:01 AM

Feb 2007
You know, I've joked before about Eve and Aoi's child being able to do this, but I did not actually expect to see a combination of the styles of all three top golfers. Nice! :D
Jun 24, 2023 7:37 AM

Sep 2016
kinda rushed closure.
would've been better if there was another episode for better pacing and more epilogue/climax moments.

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Jun 24, 2023 10:33 AM

Jun 2016
i really loved this show !!
i even dont know what golf is , but i still enjoyed this show !!!

Jun 24, 2023 2:40 PM
Jul 2021
Great characters that I really cared about … obviously a wrap but I would love to know where they are in 10 years!
Jun 24, 2023 6:48 PM

Feb 2020
As a show that open the gate to their game franchise, perhaps, even if i am genuinely dissapointed, they did their best with this 'safe' end. Nothing bad happens, just one little boring disqualification matter. A fair stopping point with no lost to the both side of wings by letting them continue their play, forever, seems an okay stand toward their long journey ahead. And the haircuts too tho. Already deciding their role, eh? Interesting when i may be too late, but someone need to share the code to me xd.

See you all again on the next birdie birdie, if any.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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Jun 24, 2023 9:21 PM
Mar 2015
So evil triumphed but the girls got to play against each other 4 years later
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