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Mar 6, 2021 7:58 AM

Nov 2011
Lol, Hori and her yandere-ish reaction this episode is gold.

I find this episode pretty interesting with some focus on Makio Taihara. What's also interesting is that he used to bully people including Miyamura. Seems like the type of character that isn't easy to get along with.

This anime has such a diverse range of characters that it's easy to find someone relatable.
Mar 6, 2021 7:58 AM

Jul 2017
HAH, the more Miyamura gets the attention for his short hair, Hori only makes more pouting faces of jealousy.

The coincidental meet of Miyamura's old middle school classmates (especially Tanihara), that was almost a bullied trigger moment for Miyamura, but luckily Hori dispersed the situation with a fist fight. What an alpha girl, and a monster.

Otherwise, Shindo is just the best comedic wingman between both Hori and Miyamura, while Miyamura figures out Hori's ideal kind of which the guys talk with Best Dad Kyousuke and Miyamura got a lil' worse.

Mizouchi still having a crush on Hori, but then again, it's not like he has a chance either to match himself to fit her hidden S&M fetishes.

The conversation between Miyamura and Tanihara that turned into a confrontation for old times' sake, and the rabbits...the argument of either being stuck in a closed closet or going out to make friends. And it's thanks to the latter to where Miyamura is shaped now, the patch between the two now hard to repair, but making up with apologies and (hopefully) by being friends.

Once again, another heart-throbbing, but also heart-warming episode.

And remember: Us (referring to Miyamura's middle school classmates) << Hori << Miyamura
KANLen09Mar 7, 2021 1:17 AM
Mar 6, 2021 8:38 AM

Apr 2010
Well the bullies met another bully this time, the fear they showed towards Kyouko was funny.
I have to say that the play Kyouko's seems to be enjoying isn't really my thing i hope we won't have to see it again, i thought it was just limited to last episode.

I am also still wondering wether Kyouko has met Izumi's parents i would like to see the meeting.
Mar 6, 2021 8:54 AM
Jul 2018
Very interesting and depressing episode. Miyamura is a man who can express himself.
Past is hurt for everyone. So they must go ahead in the bright future.
Mar 6, 2021 9:34 AM
Sep 2015
While it doesn't mention, but I think everyone already know that Hori and Miya done that, including their parents.
Mar 6, 2021 9:34 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode as always.

Hori-san getting jealous because the girls were giving Miyamura attention was amusing.

I love how Hori just straight demolished those past bullies from Miyamura's middle school but this episode did well to showcase that there is perhaps redemption and a second chance for everyone to make up for past mistakes. Miyamura saying that he believes that there is no one in the world you can't be friends with was my favorite part of the episode.

Personally, I'm loving Hori's reaction to getting off on Miyamura being aggressive and violent on her. It's funny in it's own way. xD
Mar 6, 2021 9:38 AM

Jul 2020
Good episode centered around bullying and getting reconciliation. Everything is dependent on perspective and I feel like that's what this episode is trying to show, when they were younger tanihara blamed miyamura to go wtih the flow but now that his perspective change he realized that what he did was stupid. Otherwise hori publicly trying to get her kink out is.... well odd but each to there own!
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Mar 6, 2021 9:43 AM
Oct 2016
Miyamura mending fences this episode. As with Shindo previously we see Miyamura run into someone from his middle school days, Tanihara. Someone whom did very wrong by Miyamura back when they were younger. Miyamura showing a true show of pure character by trying to become friends with Tanihara even after what happened. Tanihara who himself became wrecked by guilt over not apologizing when he had the chance before and even not doing so now until the end of this episode. Miyamura is a great dude, we also see in this episode with Mizouchi how he becomes friends with him even though Mizouchi starts our jealous of Miyamura dating Hori. Bringing things to the hilarious comedy of the episode with Hori still wanting Miyamura to hit her and yell and be mean. Miyamura not knowing what to do, even asking Kyousuke for help. That scene in the bathroom with them is hilarious. Miyamura resolving to do as Hori wants because it seems to make her happy.
Mar 6, 2021 9:45 AM

Jun 2015
A change of hairstyle is definitely what Miyamura needs though. That sure was an unpleasant encounter that they had with Miyamura's old classmates/bullies. The effects that Hori had on Tanihara and his friends though was hillarious. But its weird seeing Hori be so submissive. Still its nice to see Miyamura bond with not only his old classmates but also one of his former rivals as well. In this world you can never have enough friends.
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Mar 6, 2021 9:46 AM

Apr 2018
It was nice to see more development for Miyamura concerning his past and the redemption of the one who used to bully him, that story with the rabbit is kinda sad though, but it also was nice to see that Hori is here for him now and that she defended him against the bully (xD) also that fetish of her is still very weird lol
Mar 6, 2021 9:47 AM

Jun 2019
Damn, Hori has some weird fetishes. LMAO.
Tanihara, Miyamura's middle school classmate who used to bully him is here. But, Hori is a bully herself. I love how she beat the shit out of those two for badmouthing Miyamura.
Also, Miyamura giving Hori a slap was hilarious. Lol
Good episode as always.
Pre_YumMar 6, 2021 10:07 AM
Mar 6, 2021 9:47 AM

Oct 2017
Everyone gangsta untill Hori comes and beats the shit outta you.
Mar 6, 2021 9:50 AM
Oct 2016
Miyamura is too pure

Mar 6, 2021 9:51 AM

Jul 2017
Oh boy. They adapted the number one thing I did not want to be included in the anime.

They adapted Hori's kink thing.
In itself, that's not a bad thing. But it's not handled even close to maturely.
Miyamura has made it clear that he does not wish to go along with it, but Hori pushes him to do it anyway. In real life, that would be incredibly toxic and frowned upon.
This could have been an opportunity for the series to show a couple talking this kind of thing out, but no.
What's worse is that while I doubt we'll see much more of in the anime, it's a reoccurring thing in the manga. It made my enjoyment of it drop significantly.
Side note, it's sad to see people laughing this off as if it's perfectly normal comedy. But that's just me.
(To be fair, I found Hori getting slapped in front of the store hilarious, but moreso because Hori got slapped and not because it was from Miyamura)

In other words, I am absolutely kinkshaming Hori and feel no remorse.
Hence why Hori is my least favorite character in HORImiya.

That aside, everything else was great. I very much enjoyed the two characters we met.
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"If Seinfeld isn't your favorite anime, then you aren't watching anime correctly."
- Me

Mar 6, 2021 9:53 AM

Jan 2014
Hori makes me laugh each and every week when it comes to her reactions, where it comes to defending her man, but also how weirdly kinky she is when it comes to Izumi being more of a bad boy lmao. Priceless.
Mar 6, 2021 9:58 AM

Apr 2020
After last week's and today's episode I'm very very sure that Horimiya is actually about exploring masochist Hori's kinky fetishes lmfaooo
asapabriMar 6, 2021 10:32 AM

It's not an anime,
without a beach episode.

- William Shakespeare
Mar 6, 2021 9:58 AM

Jun 2017
Man, this was one touching episode, especially the moments surrounding Miyamura & Tanihara. How life could have been different had things played out differently.

On another note, Hori's fetish knows no bounds xD. Either fully prepared or out, that's right. Damn, that power level though lmao.

Miyamura not regretting the decision to thrown away his past in a sense is really commendable.

Just three more episodes to go now, I wonder if they'll get to the end of Chapter 63 here.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Mar 6, 2021 9:59 AM
Aug 2020
Miyamura is so lucky to have Hori. I would love to have a partner like her.
Mar 6, 2021 10:09 AM

Jul 2017
damn if one thing I have to give CW props for, is that they nail the closeups and OST, really well done.

but now light is shed on how and why Miyamura ended up getting bullied back in MS. tbh they did Tanihara's justice well, really shows that he's just someone who wanted to be liked/popular so he used miyamura as a scapegoat

I believe now it's gonna enter into Fall and maybe the last 2 eps into winter with the chap 63 scene. Kinda a shame that they didn't show any miyamura x sengoku pool banter lmao though it's clear the story points are being prioritized
Mar 6, 2021 10:10 AM

Sep 2019
Another good episode. It's nice to see the people who used to ignore Miyamura regret their actions and want to make up with him. Hori was thinking if Miyamura's a masochist, the irony lol. Hori and Miyamura were on the magazine's cover.
Mar 6, 2021 10:13 AM
Feb 2016
Great episode overall. Hori does make a good point about how the girls were ignoring him before, but suddenly act interested in him once he gets a haircut. Not to mention flirting with him in front of her, when they're dating. I'd be pissed off as well. Also like how Hori took care of Miyamura's bullies when they were picking on him, that's the type of girl you want by your side.

And holy shit man, is it just me or is she leaning into her S&M kink a bit more now? Legit asking Miyamura to be more of a bad boy and slap her is something that's so odd and weird, and no wonder he's questioning it a bit. Made me laugh when she was getting turned on by it though, not something you normally see in anime couples lol.

Also, did anyone notice Hori and Miyamura's silhouettes on the covers of the magazines they were organizing near the end? A nice little easter egg
Mar 6, 2021 10:16 AM

Jan 2021
I've noticed that Hori is a bit bipolar xd
I love the fetish she has, seeing Miyamura angry is my new drug :0
I'm glad he finally got along with Mizouchi and Tanihara <( ̄︶ ̄)>
Mar 6, 2021 10:22 AM

Apr 2017
This was a great episode that focused both on light-hearted and more dark features.

We had a lot of comedy in Hori fighting for Miyamura, Miyamura trying to meet up to Hori's masochist desires, the bath tub scene etc.

However, we also had more insight onto Miyamura's past with the whole situation of Taihara and their past experiences in middle school.
Mar 6, 2021 10:23 AM

Feb 2019
Some skipped content as usual, but for what they did adapt it was really good. For me this is where Horimiya starts falling off a bit tho. Once Hori developed that kink for getting abused n shit I was kinda mentally checked out.

I think they did a good job of showing how far Miyamura has come though.
Mar 6, 2021 10:26 AM

Mar 2020
I loved the feel of this episode.

Guess the only person who can hit Hori like Miyamura does is...Miyamura. She'll reject anyone else who attempts it lol.
Mar 6, 2021 10:34 AM

May 2020
Don't you dare mess with Hori ^^
Mar 6, 2021 10:40 AM
Jul 2018
How bad can this how get? It feels like the show has zero direction like someone made a random panels selection program and just created the anime with it. How is it going so badly so fast?!!
Also, are there 2 Mizuochis? If not, why does he look so different throughout the whole episode? Different hair style and his interactions are different. Even their history together just seems different.
Mar 6, 2021 10:41 AM
Jan 2021
Jeez Hori really does have some weird kinks.
Mar 6, 2021 10:43 AM

Sep 2017
Well as funny as it is that Hori has a masochist kink or w/e, you really should not be "abusing" your gf in public like that. It's pretty fucked up without context.
Mar 6, 2021 10:45 AM

Jun 2019
Man, Hori is a really big masochist, huh? I’m not trying to kink-shame but she shouldn’t keep pressuring Miyamura to abuse her if he is uncomfortable with it. Then it is just insensitive to him.

The moment between Miyamura and his former classmate was nice though. The dream sequence was well done visually.

I still do not like how unfocused the episodes tend to be. It feels almost like highlights that are strung together with little cohesion at times. The themes in an episode are usually consistent with the content, but scenes often just end abruptly and jump to a completely different scene.
Mar 6, 2021 10:58 AM

Apr 2020
Wow...I almost teared up on this one, the story of how a bully and a bullied reconcile after years of hate, ignorance, and weighing regrets. This episode surely belongs to Izumi, and (actually) Makio Tanihara.

The dream scene was particularly beautiful as it shows how Izumi lives "outside" while Makio lives "inside" with his "close" friends, as it goes back to a moment in life with the rabbits. The rabbits mean so much to Izumi but Makio actually use it against him because the animals (that should not be acknowledged if you watch Re:Zero) died. And years later, they finally connect as friends because all along, the bully was just ignorant, and the bullied was just too weak to be heard. There was always a world where they will be friends. If what I'm saying makes sense, then you too should know how important and valuable the scenes and the interactions that happened in this episode.

But what I can't also put away from this is THE AMOUNT of Kyouko's masochistic tendencies. Dear Lord, I am cracking when Izumi turns into "abusive BF" mode, and Kyoko is just enjoying it for herself. Even Shindou, Tanihara and Mizouchi can't believe what they're saying (the latter two got that taste of action from Hori tho).

The brief dialogue when Izumi and Kyouko talks about yearbooks is also powerful for me. You just can't throw them away no matter how heavy and worthless they are, just like highschool life with the positives & negatives about it. And finally, can we just not look the obvious cameo of the HORIMIYA MANGA volumes at the end there, what are they trying to say there?!! Overall, a very nice episode, a bit fast (once again), but still a very powerful and important episode in some regards.

Oh if you still have time on my post, why not check some of the screenshots I took on this episode:

Mar 6, 2021 10:59 AM

Apr 2020
Oh I just have to put this separately, because even if Shuu is rarely appearing in this anime, when he shows up, HE HITS US REALLY HARD!

Mar 6, 2021 11:02 AM
Jan 2021
Are they going to adapt the whole manga?
Mar 6, 2021 11:04 AM
Feb 2021
Hori has a mental illness. Wanting to be verbally and physically abused by the person you "love" is sick. I put most of the blame on her parents, but she's too smart herself to know this is wrong.

Otherwise a good episode. Hori sticking up for Miya is very nice, but I wouldn't want my girlfriend to get into fistfights with guys, even if she wins.

Yuki keeps best girl crown for another ep, and she didn't even have to show up.
Mar 6, 2021 11:25 AM
Oct 2020
What I love most about this anime is that it is so different to any other sol romcom it breaks all the stereotype of episodes in an sol anime. Its pacing is perfect. it has cute kinda funny moments and whole lot of non cliche episodes that you always wanted to see in these animes but the mc or mc's girlfriend just do dumb shit everytime. everything is wrong and they fight they get back they now love each other and shit.. But this anime does no bullshit like that. i just think that this anime will go under appreciated.. And i think this anime is going to a very unique new and intriguing direction and this is a very big statement considering this is a highschool rom sol with almost the most generic stuff.. But it really is completely unique and it fucking breaks the stereotypes of sol so this is a big thing in my eye
Mar 6, 2021 11:29 AM
Jan 2021
As good as always thanks to aniplex and clover works Agrigato
Mar 6, 2021 11:31 AM
Jan 2021
Old version was good but now I have fallen in love with this anime thanks to animplex and clover works
Mar 6, 2021 11:36 AM
Jan 2017
This episode is a great example of what makes this show top tier.
It is able to balance laugh-out loud hilarity with heartbreak feels; all without having whiplash.
Mar 6, 2021 11:39 AM
Nov 2020
Mar 6, 2021 11:41 AM
Sep 2020
I didn't like this episode. Just... disappointed.
Mar 6, 2021 12:00 PM
Jul 2020
did kyousuke really try to miyamura
the bathtub thing
Mar 6, 2021 12:06 PM

Apr 2020
There was an Easter egg in the ep.

Hori had the magazine for Horimiya. Must of been a nice read.
Mar 6, 2021 12:13 PM

Apr 2020
Good episode overall about Miyamura in Middle School

I also liked that there was a reference to the Gfantasy Horimiya magazine covers, attention to detail from cloverworks - very nice
Mar 6, 2021 12:16 PM
May 2017
Hori is so messed up in the head
Mar 6, 2021 12:16 PM

May 2015
Hori and her weird kink stuff. :D
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Mar 6, 2021 12:19 PM

Apr 2020
bitthal01101998 said:
Are they going to adapt the whole manga?

No, probably not since it's like 120 chapters
Mar 6, 2021 12:21 PM
Oct 2020
I don’t know man I just can accept the anime the way it is. The first episode of the anime was as good as it could get but since then it’s just disappointing. The anime doesn’t do the manga justice at all!! CloverWorks actually does a great job but the directors who are in charge for choosing the scenes etc. should be bashed. The manga lives off of the small and seemingly unimportant little happenings that take place but are complete ignored in the anime... I feel sorry for the author.

Especially this episode was a total let down since the pacing seemed extremely off, more than ever.
Mar 6, 2021 12:22 PM

Sep 2020
I wonder if that kid will ever be able to tell Miyamura he killed the rabbits, this episode was alright. I feel like there is no real sense of direction, I liked Miyamura reconciling with his past but the later half of this episode felt like a rushed conflict resolution, like they were getting it out of the way (this show has a few scenes like that, like Sakura thinking she isn't cute enough.) I did find Hori and Miyamura's interactions funny tho so that part was good.

Also this though came up after having thought about it for a while but I don't think I like how fast Miyamura forgave that guy at all, like years of bullshit and all it takes is the guy to not be a complete asshole for 2 seconds to be forgiven? Maybe it's just me but I feel like he would still have some resentment or it shouldn't have happened so quickly, maybe I'm just an asshole.
Stuffed_goatMar 6, 2021 8:28 PM

Mar 6, 2021 12:31 PM

Jan 2021
I know the anime is about Hori san and Miyamura kun but really...guys don't you think its about time you give that green hair guy a chance like..really the only time he ever appears if someone talks bout he has less TV time than miyamuras glasses, tattoos, the rabbits in ep 9, the mizouchi guy who's hairstyle looks like the student council president. I really feel bad for that guy...he was probably forced to fill the gap on the bottom left corner of the anime

Btw the episode was not as good as the last ones. The part where the moichi guy comes, didn't connect at all with the whole plot..but lets see what happens next time. Did like the fact that hori was reading horimiya manga lol
RT_exeMar 6, 2021 12:37 PM
Mar 6, 2021 12:36 PM

Jul 2020
Looks like Izumi got another friend, good for him!
The Hori kink moments make me laugh out loud.
And that slap was the cherry on the cake
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