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Oct 1, 2019 7:19 AM

Nov 2011
Oh it's Kanna. I almost forgot about her in the show.

It seems Takuya was able to hold true to his promise. For what's worth, this episode details the events back to the previous parallel world (the non-isekai one). We got the usual familiar characters from the first half of the show too, including Yuno.
Oct 1, 2019 10:11 AM

Feb 2019
Where is the episode Crunchyroll and Funimation? 2 hours after it should have released and you are telling us nothing....other than Funimation tweeting that it is available, when it isn't
Oct 1, 2019 11:31 AM

Apr 2012
i'll watch it raw if CR doesn't release ep 26 in 30 mins =(
To err is human. To purr is feline (c)
Oct 1, 2019 12:12 PM

Apr 2009
Came back for the last episode just to see how thing wrapped up and at first I was like "What tha hell is this?" lol. The Ayumi/Takuya final moments kinda got butchered in a way to me tho its alright I guess if im not comparing it to the game. It had more impact in the game as they talk about things with Ayumi describing and them going back and forth. A lot more emotional. I didn't like it nearly as much here and it doesn't make me sad like it did in the game(along with the follow up Eriko scene right after continuing with his anger/sadness/frustations with Ayumi's death.) The small cuts mattered here to me. I was considering going back and watch this arc but I have a feeling I would not like how things are depicted, arranged and cut so I think its best that I don't.

I can't say whether im disappointed really in this adaptation because I didn't go past episode 6 lol(Tho I did have beef with some of the things in those episodes for example how they added those dumb suicides scenes that came off as unintentionally hilarious/nonsensical rather that shock/horror/sadness.) I guess i'll wait and see what the unaired episode is about.
DreddOct 1, 2019 2:31 PM
Oct 1, 2019 3:13 PM

Nov 2016
Gotta say for something so ambitious it fell pretty flat in the end. But ok, can't expect much with only 26 episodes.

It still managed to be a somewhat entertaining watch because it showed some promise here and there, so there's that.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 1, 2019 3:39 PM

Aug 2018
Ah damn, watching and listening to the opening for the last time gave me this tiny nostalgia.

I liked it overall, even if some parts are quite dark or even unknown (I don't really feel like watching some episodes again though). The story ended up pretty well and was satisfying, despite an isekai arc that revealed itself to be deadly & deadly.

Funny to realize that episode 1 & 26 were connected.
Oct 1, 2019 3:46 PM

Jul 2017
6 months have passed...and I can't say much about this farce of an ending, much less that it mattered after all the build-up.

Totally forgot about the "resurrection" of Kanna, finally she got her life (that is psychite) back. Plus the connections between both worlds.

Maybe I'll take my dips at the translated VN, but don't hold me up to my words.
Oct 1, 2019 4:01 PM

Mar 2016
Whelp, that ends that farce. First it be like Steins Gate, and all the sudden it's an isekai story. Dat fuck was that pretentious mediocrity of a VN adaptation?! Oh well, whatever, at least I’ve seen worse.
Oct 1, 2019 4:02 PM

Feb 2019
Ugg...26 episode and that's what we get? THey must have pulled the writers who adapted the VN off the street...please put them back where you found them
Oct 1, 2019 4:28 PM

Oct 2010
what the hell was that ending? So basically nothing happened/mattered, and the whole anime was actually stuff that already happened. What did they name the thing at the end?
Oct 1, 2019 5:12 PM
Sep 2019
i guess we might need to play the VN that release today to get to know more story and details about this anime ,the whole story plot and setting are very weird.
Oct 1, 2019 5:28 PM

Aug 2016
This entire series fit together in the end like a bashed together jigsaw.
Arcs that kinda worked one after the other, a weird Isekai section that led to an unsatisfying ending.
It started because his father disappeared and where the hell was the resolution to that......
Never played the original VN, but given its hype, I'm guessing whoever adapted this messed it up.
JokerVenturaOct 2, 2019 4:27 AM
“I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me.” “Duh-doy.” “Yeah, duh-doy.”
Oct 1, 2019 5:42 PM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
I want to know too, the name that they give.
Oct 1, 2019 5:50 PM

Jul 2017
Okay, so i've played half of the original VN (well, not really played.. Ive watched a playthrough on yt) and went through all the routes but i stopped right before the epilogue wich i knew absolutely nothing about (and i know its fucking huge in the game, and i still wanna get back to it).

I am personally satisfied with the experience i had, definitely not perfect yes, there were some nonsensical shit here and there that they added to the series, but still was a really enjoyable and one hell of a ride for me. And as i thought, the epilogue was quite decent and clarified certain things about the plot. And wow... Kana being Takuya's daughter made my mouth open A LOT. What a twist! Probably the biggest bomb dropped during the ending episodes.

While the ending wasn't something i could fuck with, i still didn't dislike it. Takuya joining Yu-No was actually something i was expecting during the last episode. It was not that bad, but kinda left a sour taste on my mouth still. I do like that link between episode 1 and 26 tho, interesting.

Time to get back to the playthrough and go through the epilogue! I hope that i can enjoy it even more since it is the original.

Overall, yeah, a 7/10. Plenty satisfied with the ride.

Ps: The 1st OP and ED and the 2nd ED are absolute bangers
WaterLordOct 1, 2019 7:01 PM
Oct 1, 2019 6:55 PM

May 2017
What an awful adaptation of the final arc which was a 10/10 in the visual novel. Holy hell.

They took all of the impact out of it and made it super stupid. Lost all of the emotion that it had and also there were too many plot changes that made no sense.

I'm frustrated by this, but oh well. What can you expect from a subpar studio, an awful director, and only 26 episodes...


Oct 1, 2019 6:59 PM

Dec 2016
So it ends like that? It should have a better ending to be honest :/ What about the name they give to the newborn plant? Come on! I am super curious about the name! >-<

Some missing puzzles start to make sence now... Kanna the daughter of Takuya and Amanda... but then it means that YU-NO and Kanna are sisters because they have the same father, right? That lucky bastard, he have two wonderful daughters ;)

It was a fine anime, but not the best one I guess... so 7/10 from me :)

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Oct 1, 2019 6:59 PM

Jul 2017
ycleped said:

Yup, only the epilogue was left for me in the VN, i didnt dislike it, i thought it was quite decent, watching it as an anime only, but i do believe the VN one is much better than this and it might change my mind on the anime, so yeah, gotta return to the playthrough!
Oct 1, 2019 7:01 PM

May 2017
WaterLord said:
ycleped said:

Yup, only the epilogue was left for me in the VN, i didnt dislike it, i thought it was quite decent, watching it as an anime only, but i do believe the VN one is much better than this and it might change my mind on the anime, so yeah, gotta return to the playthrough!

Which playthrough are you watching? One with commentary or without? If you're watching the one with commentary, that one is mine!
Oct 1, 2019 7:03 PM

Jul 2017
ycleped said:
Which playthrough are you watching? One with commentary or without? If you're watching the one with commentary, that one is mine!
I've been watching the one from RyviusRan!
Oct 1, 2019 7:04 PM

May 2017
WaterLord said:
ycleped said:
Which playthrough are you watching? One with commentary or without? If you're watching the one with commentary, that one is mine!
I've been watching the one from RyviusRan!

Ahh, I gotchu. There are two playthroughs on youtube, one has commentary (mine) and one doesn't (Ryvius).
Oct 1, 2019 7:06 PM

Jul 2017
ycleped said:
WaterLord said:
I've been watching the one from RyviusRan!

Ahh, I gotchu. There are two playthroughs on youtube, one has commentary (mine) and one doesn't (Ryvius).
Ahh i've found yours already! I actually like listening to some commentary so i think i might check yours out when i have the time available to read the rest!
Oct 1, 2019 7:27 PM
Jun 2015
let's see, if you compare the anime and the vn (old or remake) you will found that this anime is shit. but the anime give you another perspective and unexpected spoiler too especially when isekai arc started. almost all people especially anime watcher only will see this series is hard to understand or enjoy. the biggest impression they will get is this anime is hard, this anime is about "adult relationship", half of this anime is "too painful to see", the mc is trash etc etc.

but actually this anime is more easy to watch rather than read the vn itself if you are accustomed to sci-fi theory like parallel world, time travel and schrodinger cat. why? well this series is about them and the writer want to implement 3 of them at the same time in one title.

this series is not like steins gate where you will find happy ending (alpha route) or amazing experience (beta route). this series is not like Da Capo where you will see and explore the mystery about unwither sakura tree and then left it unanswered at the end (DC 4 still didn't fully explained what happen but you will find 50% the answer in there). this series is not like toaru that can explained schrodinger cat with amazing setting about science side and magic side

basically this series is not for people who are too lazy to think about world setting in this series and only expecting cool mc, good ending and easy human relationship. if you see the year of first release from this series as vn, actually this series is the best series. it can explain the root of yuno and kanna very well, later you will see unexpected development when the first time takuya see ryuuzouji and ayumi disappear right in front of him (first loop). moreover it can explained why takuya must "collect long life stone" and keep reflector device from ryuuzouji until reach the root of his journey. trust me, this series is worth to watch especially if you are sci-fi heavy fan.

just if this anime have "more better animation", i think it will be good anime. well, to adapted anime from what happen in vn is not easy of course especially when it have heavy world setting. look what happen to rewrite, this series animation is not better from it

adaptation quality: 9/10 (okay they skip some scenes but they also give us another perspective that is not exist in vn)
animation quality: 6/10 (because they didn't make animation work to be more worst after skip some scenes in isekai arc, 6 is good score i think)

now let's wait bd version
Oct 1, 2019 7:33 PM
Jun 2013
it was somewhat of a good ride. gave me something to kind of look forward to on tuesdays. good ending, it was a happy one and i can rate it higher b/c of that
Oct 1, 2019 8:28 PM
Jul 2018
Wait, did that mean Kanna is Takuya's daughter ?
Oct 1, 2019 8:29 PM
Jul 2018
Wait, did that mean Kanna is Takuya's daughter ?
CrasianLe said:
it was somewhat of a good ride. gave me something to kind of look forward to on tuesdays. good ending, it was a happy one and i can rate it higher b/c of that
Oct 1, 2019 8:31 PM

Aug 2016
Not even dissapointed. This looked average at best since the first episode. Good thing I started watching the VN gameplays as soon as I noticed that. Only way to fix this is to send it back in time and give it the production values and direction of Escaflowne. A shame it was never adapted in the 90s except for that hentai version.
Oct 1, 2019 8:48 PM

Aug 2016
WaterLord said:
ycleped said:

Ahh, I gotchu. There are two playthroughs on youtube, one has commentary (mine) and one doesn't (Ryvius).
Ahh i've found yours already! I actually like listening to some commentary so i think i might check yours out when i have the time available to read the rest!

theres also one from Minase

he covers the girls route but doesnt include the epilogue and he omits the h-scenes. he goes way faster, but covers the basics and it still feels like a really completed story.
Oct 1, 2019 9:57 PM

Oct 2017
Well, the whole isekai arc was disappointing.
I'd prefer more of the first half...
Oct 1, 2019 11:48 PM

Dec 2018
So Takuya and Yuno travel to the event root(beginning of existence) and the event tree(Tree of Vrinda) sprouts signalling the very first event in existence, which is Takuya and Yuno naming the tree "Vrinda" which essentially makes our horny boy and his daughter, GOD....

Honestly the isekai arc dummed down the whole show, characters dieing left and right, writing was atrocious, plot holes and conveniences, Ryuzoji was literally like "I will destroy these worlds because I can", I found Takuya's horniness more compelling than Ryuzoji's sad excuse for a character.

Kanna being Takuya's daughter was known since seeing the same character design in the 2nd OP. Mitsuki didn't get any spotlight after dying a couple of times(actually I wanted her get the spotlight more than anyone else in the first half, but....sad kunkun noices......from Takuya's stomach I guess[why the hell did they make him EAT HER!]).

That said I really liked the first half, the time travel portion of the show was legit interesting. It wasn't mind blowing but it did keep me coming back for the next episode.

It's fine 6/10.
Oct 2, 2019 1:00 AM
Dec 2015
kinda shit

kun kun died

so he left 1 daughter to be with anather daughter
didnt like it
Oct 2, 2019 1:09 AM
Sep 2019
The ending so puzzle and weird. The fate of each character has changed in different dimensions. I don't sure the relationship between YU-NO and Takuya whether father-daughter or romance. The image of their naked body in the end so pervert.
Jonathan123vnOct 2, 2019 1:19 AM
Oct 2, 2019 1:54 AM
Jan 2018
I knew it!
Oct 2, 2019 3:28 AM

Aug 2013
So it finally ended.

Ryuuzouji has been finally defeated. That took a long time and effort.

Honestly, this show is pretty average. The first half was a lot more interesting with its time travel elements. And I was surprised when they went full Isekai in the latter half.

Overall a fine show. 6/10.

Oct 2, 2019 4:46 AM

May 2012
The final episode was not so good

But still I did enjoy this anime overall. 7/10

I would have rated it 8/10 if it had better final epsiode
Oct 2, 2019 5:15 AM

Jun 2016
the best part from this anime is when arima and sayless became a family !!!
Oct 2, 2019 7:01 AM

Sep 2011
"The fuck did I just watch?" is what I can only say on this anime. To be honest, I like the first half better.

Oct 2, 2019 10:23 AM

Mar 2014
Really cool, how everything wraps around.
All the mysteries solved.
Quite mind bending.

The only thing they left out unexplained was how the Father was always there in between dimensions, and how he got there.

Also in the very last episode it also shows the Mom there, which was not before in previous dimension crossings.

Now I might be mistaken, but if the interpretation is right, he is his own father, the one that talks to him, is the older version of himself ?

Because the father just like him, was stuck in between worlds floating endlessly in the time space continuum.
Oct 2, 2019 10:36 AM
Nov 2017
so, their gave the name to the lil tree, is it the Vindra?
Oct 2, 2019 10:37 AM
Nov 2017
yuuma_kuga said:
That mean Takuya and Yu-no become immortality and had both Omniscience plus Omnipresence can access easy no limit to past,present,future,parallel world dimension,alternate timelines, Wow they story ending really become similar to Ultimate goddess madoka eternal in space and time

They known as Uranus and Gaia (LOL)
Oct 2, 2019 10:40 AM
Nov 2017
kun_kirito said:
kinda shit

kun kun died

so he left 1 daughter to be with anather daughter
didnt like it

if you think opposite, Arima stay with Kanna instead of Yu-No. Yu-No will be lonely again in the dimensional drift
Oct 2, 2019 11:19 AM
Sep 2018
The ending was kinda weird. I rate the anime 6/10. I enjoyed the experience in the beginning and when they reached to dela granto, it went down hill for me. Takuya and Yu No standing naked together was some incest shit
Oct 2, 2019 12:47 PM

Oct 2012
Hmm, as expected, even when seemingly similiar they completely changed the ending and it underlying message. Kinda makes little sense this way but whatever.

The episode wasn't actually too bad - for your generic isekai anime I guess. The problem of this anime was its director who thought he knew better than original author and changed things without thinking of consequences. So, instead of well-thought existentional story with thought-provoking conclusion where everything made sense we got standard isekai fantasy with evil villain where the fate of the world was on stake. Not too bad for fantasy anime I guess but really underwhelming for legandary masterpiece.

Some of the episodes and earlier parts were really great but there were too many inconsistences and plot holes along the way that I stopped caring sometime half-way through. Unlike Steins;Gate where everything clicked together in the end, both in the game and in the anime too. Funnily enough this game was actually inpiration for it and for many other works yet its animation series failed to live up to the expectations in the end (and I'm not talking about animation quality here).

In the end, I asked myself whether I enjoyed the ride and if it was satifying for me and the answer is - yes, at times, but I was mostly disappointed about pacing and plot changes almost all the time). And the ending itself was rather rushed and disappointing too.

4/10 If you can, play the game yourself, not the remake that just got out and has its share of problems (like removed erocontent and generic character design) but the original one which actually reinvented the genre back then, trust me it's still worth it.
Oct 2, 2019 1:54 PM
Jul 2017
Mich666 said:
Hmm, as expected, even when seemingly similiar they completely changed the ending and it underlying message. Kinda makes little sense this way but whatever.

The episode wasn't actually too bad - for your generic isekai anime I guess. The problem of this anime was its director who thought he knew better than original author and changed things without thinking of consequences. So, instead of well-thought existentional story with thought-provoking conclusion where everything made sense we got standard isekai fantasy with evil villain where the fate of the world was on stake. Not too bad for fantasy anime I guess but really underwhelming for legandary masterpiece.

Some of the episodes and earlier parts were really great but there were too many inconsistences and plot holes along the way that I stopped caring sometime half-way through. Unlike Steins;Gate where everything clicked together in the end, both in the game and in the anime too. Funnily enough this game was actually inpiration for it and for many other works yet its animation series failed to live up to the expectations in the end (and I'm not talking about animation quality here).

In the end, I asked myself whether I enjoyed the ride and if it was satifying for me and the answer is - yes, at times, but I was mostly disappointed about pacing and plot changes almost all the time). And the ending itself was rather rushed and disappointing too.

4/10 If you can, play the game yourself, not the remake that just got out and has its share of problems (like removed erocontent and generic character design) but the original one which actually reinvented the genre back then, trust me it's still worth it.

Yeah, this anime adaptation is a major disappointment. I want to ask, the Ayumi that appeared in the end, she's different from the God Empress Ayumi? What's God Empress Ayumi's story here? God Empress Ayumi died, right? She said that she didn't like the cold, and that's that, she died from her wounds.

I thought Mitsuki always dies in every dimension. Why is she there alive? Kanna is the only one to see Takuya off after he got her the stone to keep her alive? Mio is transferring to another school? Ayumi is by herself? Eriko is gone? Kaori still reporting?

If I may ask, what problems does the remake VN have? We know it removed the H-content, but what other problems? Is the art that bad and generic? I actually like the original art, it was diversive and new.

Who else is alive after the destruction of Dela Gellante (the Isekai World)? We know Yu-no and Takuya, but who else? Amanda, she went to the future?

Hope to hear from you soon.
Oct 2, 2019 3:31 PM

Oct 2012
SO now that the anime is over is it still worth the hate it got in the beginning or did it redeem itself just a little. I took a break at ep 8 cuz i wanted to binge watch it when it was over like i did for Steins gate and steins gate didnt disappoint. Will i get the same result?

ALso should i get the new Remake VN they released on the ps4 awhile back?
Oct 2, 2019 3:36 PM

Oct 2012
rick1-2 said:
Yeah, this anime adaptation is a major disappointment. I want to ask, the Ayumi that appeared in the end, she's different from the God Empress Ayumi? What's God Empress Ayumi's story here? God Empress Ayumi died, right? She said that she didn't like the cold, and that's that, she died from her wounds.

I thought Mitsuki always dies in every dimension. Why is she there alive? Kanna is the only one to see Takuya off after he got her the stone to keep her alive? Mio is transferring to another school? Ayumi is by herself? Eriko is gone? Kaori still reporting?

If I may ask, what problems does the remake VN have? We know it removed the H-content, but what other problems? Is the art that bad and generic? I actually like the original art, it was diversive and new.

Who else is alive after the destruction of Dela Gellante (the Isekai World)? We know Yu-no and Takuya, but who else? Amanda, she went to the future?

The logic of the anime is bit broken but the Emperor was original world Ayumi who was with Ryuuzouji on the very first day when he took out his gun near Triangle) Mountain and the lightning activated reflector for three of them (but only Takuya kept the device, both Ryuuzouji and Ayumi were transported to Dela Grante (in different timeframe, Ryuuzouji first, Ayumi later).

As for Ayumi, yeah, she died in the game (mainly because she was a villain, sort of as an Emperor). The rest of the things didn't really happen in the game as it would make no sense (Takuya and Yu-No left for the Origin of Vrinda tree and basically becam Adam and Eve). But considering everything that happened during first 12 or so episodes didn't happen in the original timeline, everyone else should be fine, at least in the anime. Mio's case was bit weird though because she would have no reason to leave but well.

Talking of VN, I'm actually one of those that think that every eroscene was there for a reason and that it made sense at that point by the story. Compared to most of the other eroge where characters jump on each other without any reason, this was actually well written, so it seems like kinda loss to remove it from remake VN (some hillariousness included). As for original art change, it removes some greatness too and it looks more generic (see this comparison). But I guess it's still better than this adaptation in the long run as it explains things in much more logical way and it's better paced and well-written. And gameplay-wise the remake streamlined a lot of mechanics too, making it more user-intuitive, so it's probably better in this regard.

Well, and as for Amanda... haven't you noticed the picture Kanna had?
Mich666Oct 2, 2019 3:40 PM
Oct 2, 2019 4:00 PM

Oct 2010

I do not know if VN had things make more sense
but anime was full of stupidity and drama for the sake of drama and twist for the sake of twist.
E.g. space boliceman hunting Ryuzoji for years and dimensions(years, Carl!) and then literally one-shots him. If only she would not bla-bla-bla every time she met him problem would be solved even before first arc.

And what was that end? Standing naked in neverwhere looking at the tree? And? What's the bloody point? Deep meaning?

Ok, ok. I'll tell you the truth.
First incarnation of YU-NO was hentai VN. And hentai OVA. But it was long ago when story could be absurd, time travel and event horizon were kinda fresh concepts and buyers were interested in sex scenes rather then story.
Then VN remake rode on a wave on nostalgia and fresh visuals. And even these times VN can afford some 'plot convenience', yeah?
But what was the point of making such kind of story into new 'all-ages' anime? Without strong resolve to create remake relevant to modern times. Past 'Stains;Gate' world. Fed-up with isekai world. Mari Okada drama queen world.

Weak. Weak. Weak.

I am grieving for wasted potential rather just raging.
Oct 2, 2019 5:00 PM
Oct 2019
geptor said:

I do not know if VN had things make more sense
but anime was full of stupidity and drama for the sake of drama and twist for the sake of twist.
E.g. space boliceman hunting Ryuzoji for years and dimensions(years, Carl!) and then literally one-shots him. If only she would not bla-bla-bla every time she met him problem would be solved even before first arc.

And what was that end? Standing naked in neverwhere looking at the tree? And? What's the bloody point? Deep meaning?

Ok, ok. I'll tell you the truth.
First incarnation of YU-NO was hentai VN. And hentai OVA. But it was long ago when story could be absurd, time travel and event horizon were kinda fresh concepts and buyers were interested in sex scenes rather then story.
Then VN remake rode on a wave on nostalgia and fresh visuals. And even these times VN can afford some 'plot convenience', yeah?
But what was the point of making such kind of story into new 'all-ages' anime? Without strong resolve to create remake relevant to modern times. Past 'Stains;Gate' world. Fed-up with isekai world. Mari Okada drama queen world.

Weak. Weak. Weak.

I am grieving for wasted potential rather just raging.
wow we have young guy has superiority complex here
Sono19Oct 2, 2019 5:04 PM
Oct 2, 2019 6:25 PM
Mar 2019
Well looks like his instincts for not "liking" kanna was a good hunch thank god.
Oct 2, 2019 10:29 PM
Jul 2017
Mich666 said:
rick1-2 said:
Yeah, this anime adaptation is a major disappointment. I want to ask, the Ayumi that appeared in the end, she's different from the God Empress Ayumi? What's God Empress Ayumi's story here? God Empress Ayumi died, right? She said that she didn't like the cold, and that's that, she died from her wounds.

I thought Mitsuki always dies in every dimension. Why is she there alive? Kanna is the only one to see Takuya off after he got her the stone to keep her alive? Mio is transferring to another school? Ayumi is by herself? Eriko is gone? Kaori still reporting?

If I may ask, what problems does the remake VN have? We know it removed the H-content, but what other problems? Is the art that bad and generic? I actually like the original art, it was diversive and new.

Who else is alive after the destruction of Dela Gellante (the Isekai World)? We know Yu-no and Takuya, but who else? Amanda, she went to the future?

The logic of the anime is bit broken but the Emperor was original world Ayumi who was with Ryuuzouji on the very first day when he took out his gun near Triangle) Mountain and the lightning activated reflector for three of them (but only Takuya kept the device, both Ryuuzouji and Ayumi were transported to Dela Grante (in different timeframe, Ryuuzouji first, Ayumi later).

As for Ayumi, yeah, she died in the game (mainly because she was a villain, sort of as an Emperor). The rest of the things didn't really happen in the game as it would make no sense (Takuya and Yu-No left for the Origin of Vrinda tree and basically becam Adam and Eve). But considering everything that happened during first 12 or so episodes didn't happen in the original timeline, everyone else should be fine, at least in the anime. Mio's case was bit weird though because she would have no reason to leave but well.

Talking of VN, I'm actually one of those that think that every eroscene was there for a reason and that it made sense at that point by the story. Compared to most of the other eroge where characters jump on each other without any reason, this was actually well written, so it seems like kinda loss to remove it from remake VN (some hillariousness included). As for original art change, it removes some greatness too and it looks more generic (see this comparison). But I guess it's still better than this adaptation in the long run as it explains things in much more logical way and it's better paced and well-written. And gameplay-wise the remake streamlined a lot of mechanics too, making it more user-intuitive, so it's probably better in this regard.

Well, and as for Amanda... haven't you noticed the picture Kanna had?

"The logic of the anime is bit broken but the Emperor was original world Ayumi who was with Ryuuzouji on the very first day when he took out his gun near Triangle) Mountain and the lightning activated reflector for three of them (but only Takuya kept the device, both Ryuuzouji and Ayumi were transported to Dela Grante (in different timeframe, Ryuuzouji first, Ayumi later)."

What is this very first day? Is it basically the original world before the reflector was even used (basically before all the time-travel and parallel dimension hopping even happened)? Did Ayumi try to stop Ryuuzouji when he pointed his gun at Takuya? So, Takuya was the only one to not get transported to Dela Grante since he has the reflector? However, original world Ayumi and Ryuuzouji were transported to Dela Grante (the latter came first, and the former came later), where Ayumi herself became the God Empress to imprison Ryuuzouji?

"As for Ayumi, yeah, she died in the game (mainly because she was a villain, sort of as an Emperor)."

She was killed by the fake Ryuuzouji? I don't think she explained how the hell she got to Dela Granto in the VN. Wait, since she died in the VN, does that mean she no longer exists in the original world (the very first timeline), considering she's now dead?

"The rest of the things didn't really happen in the game as it would make no sense (Takuya and Yu-No left for the Origin of Vrinda tree and basically becam Adam and Eve). But considering everything that happened during first 12 or so episodes didn't happen in the original timeline, everyone else should be fine, at least in the anime. Mio's case was bit weird though because she would have no reason to leave but well."

I see, the things that happened in the anime didn't happen in the VN whatsoever. We know Takuya and Yu-No became Adam and Eve when they got to the origin of the Vrinda tree. So, everyone else in the original timeline should be fine and okay, at least in the anime, since everything that happened during the first 12 or so episodes didn't happen in the original timeline? Wait, isn't original timeline Ayumi dead though? Basically, dimensional hopping and time travel? Yeah, why is Mio leaving? Strange.

"Talking of VN, I'm actually one of those that think that every eroscene was there for a reason and that it made sense at that point by the story. Compared to most of the other eroge where characters jump on each other without any reason, this was actually well written, so it seems like kinda loss to remove it from remake VN (some hillariousness included). As for original art change, it removes some greatness too and it looks more generic (see this comparison). But I guess it's still better than this adaptation in the long run as it explains things in much more logical way and it's better paced and well-written. And gameplay-wise the remake streamlined a lot of mechanics too, making it more user-intuitive, so it's probably better in this regard."

I agree, most of the H-scenes in the VN made sense and were there for a reason, and they're quite well-written. Them being removed from the remake just lessens the relationships that the characters have with each other. Yeah, the new art looks quite generic and uninteresting. The original art had diversity and was colorful and good-looking. The characters don't look like stereotypical archetypes in today's world. Heck, that comparison you showed me, the original art Eriko was far more appealing and sexy than the new art Eriko.

As for the gameplay, the remake did improve on the mechanics by streamlining them to make it more user-intuitive, but there are problems with this, such as a clunky UI.

Also, the Eriko who showed up in Dela Granto, she was sent back to her own world?

Yeah, Amanda was transported to Earth and gave birth to her daughter, Kanna. The both of them lived a happy life until Amanda herself somehow died, which left Kanna alone. This causes her to become a prostitute, with only her stone (it keeps her company) that she got from her late mother. It helps her stay alive.

Hope to hear from you soon.
Oct 2, 2019 11:37 PM

May 2018
This was confusing, but then the questions was answred by this last episode. Didn't expect Ryuzoji's true form to be so weak, that even Abel's spirit can fight with him, I found it funny. I really hope there are some explanations about all the things. I didn't like the Dela Granto part, I like the looping part more and I hope it was longer.
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