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Mar 3, 2018 8:54 AM

Nov 2011
Chise is starting to get used to this Dragon's Curse.

Kinda liked the character chemistry between Chise and that multi-eyed beast she met this episode. I thought the psychology was well done this episode for Chise's role. It gave me a nice impression of what Chise is going through and she's someone that isn't afraid to take risks. However, Elias seems to be going to great length to get rid of Chise's curse, so much that I think it will strain her relationship with him.

Chise's decision this episode
Stark700Mar 3, 2018 11:03 AM
Mar 3, 2018 11:06 AM
#1 Hitagi Lover

Apr 2014
Great episode. It sucks that the witch cult couldn't do anything in the end to help Chise with the curse. But because they can't help, Elias then decides to use Stella and sacrifice her to save Chise. Seeing their relationship get damaged hurt me a bit but it's understandable. Elias is still jealous of Stella and doesn't how to properly act when he feels that way. He wants the best for Chise but he's going about it in the wrong way.

Also felt bad for Stella as she has no clue that her life is being held hostage by Cartaphilus. Chise has no other option but to listen to his demands now.

Very excited for the next episode.
Mar 3, 2018 11:06 AM

Apr 2016
Damn that white haired shota is actually a genius.

Also Elias, like seriously ? Are we seriously doing this ? Jesus man.
Mar 3, 2018 11:11 AM

Dec 2014
That was a pretty heavy episode.

Turns out the witches couldn't really help Chise with much but Elias is given the idea that as long as you pay for a life with a life there's a possibility of curing Chise.

It was pretty hard to watch the scene where Chise got mad at Elias even going so far as to smack him right in the skull. :(

Carto was possessing Stella eh? :(
Whatever deal he just proposed might be dangerous to Chise.
Mar 3, 2018 11:12 AM
May 2013
Whelp....I lost massive respect for Elias this episode. But I do understand where he is coming from. Elias just doesn't have the morals and empathy that humans have.
Also disappointed in Ruth. Thought Ruth would choose to disagree due to the familiar emotional bond. Surely he would have known how much sacrificing Stella, one of Chise's only friends, would have hurt Chise.
Mar 3, 2018 11:28 AM

Jul 2017
Chise really went into her breaking point after unknowingly Elias and Ruth developing another person onto her...a really bad omen, with Cartaphilus joining the fray and running away from them....Elias DEFINITELY showed his demonic side into making sure that Chise lives rubbed her the wrong way...

Which represents her life as a Sleigh Beggy running out of time...

And with only 3 episodes to go...Chise's nightmares (through Joseph/Cartaphilus) will soon be realized...
Mar 3, 2018 11:31 AM

Jun 2015
It's too bad the witches were not able to help Chise with her curse. Because of that, Elias decided to do things himself, but his plan backfired and got socked in the bone by Chise. I feel bad for Stella for being possessed by Cartaphilus. She doesn't know what's happening to her. Chise has no choice but to listen to his demands.
Mar 3, 2018 11:42 AM
Jul 2016
Elias, noooooooooo... How could you do that to Chise? And he specifically chose Stella just because he was jealous of her when any random human's life would do. That is messed up.

Wow, that preview though. Did they... did they exchange eyes? (and in addition their curses i guess?)

Next week can't come fast enough.
Mar 3, 2018 11:49 AM
Mar 2015
As usual Chise chooses the path that is dangerous to her in order to save another
Mar 3, 2018 1:00 PM

Jul 2012
I think manga version left more impression on me, especially Chise's reaction felt really more crazy and that was very unexpected for me. Obv Elias was also at fault and that led Chise to Cartaphilus, that's not good ... backstories incoming.
Mar 3, 2018 1:14 PM

Jun 2015
Since Chise forgave him for virtually trying to tentacle rape her in ep 18, I guess it takes human sacrifice for her to finally react.

Cool episode, even if obviously she will come back to him.
Mar 3, 2018 1:19 PM

Jun 2016
Eh, not a lot happened again. Got to see the more sinister side of Elias again, surprised Ruth was on board too.

The last few episodes really need to save this anime for me. I can appreciate why people like it but for me there's just no direction whatsoever.

Mar 3, 2018 1:38 PM

Jan 2016
Damn, a very heavy episode! Was expecting something like this from Elias tbh, but the way that it was built up with Elias for once working towards something was so good, didn't expect Elias "heartless" moment to come in like this

Chise's eyes, haven't seen them like this
Mar 3, 2018 1:50 PM

Jun 2017
Now that was a bit rushed, I thought the anime would end with this cliffhanger to have us on the edge for a second season but they are not doing it. Weird, because this is the ongoing arc in the manga (yep we almost caught up) and it haven't ended yet. I really hope they are not doing an anime original ending.

The part they just swiped through with no dialogue (where Elias goes for that book) actually has quite lots in the manga and could have been like 10-15 mins if not skipped.

Elias got the note from the witch about that book, then Elias went to get it, that's pretty understandable even without speaking but the part is total nonsense without context where the college guy watches him tear apart a paper with magic. What happened there was that in exchange from the info that the book provided Elias had to show some magic as a payment.
Mar 3, 2018 2:03 PM

Mar 2014
The anime is past the point where I've read the manga (reading the official English release, vol8 is coming this week I think) but that part where Elias goes off to investigate in human form was really rushed I think.

Can't wait to read that part in the manga to see what was said
Mar 3, 2018 2:32 PM

Jun 2016
Chise was obviously going to get angry, but at the same time I don't think she truly understood Elias. She's been happy that someone is there for her, but their relationship has been incredibly shallow. Elias does his own thing, Chise does as well, and they both stay together. The only problem is that Chise did another stupid thing while disregarding how everyone else would feel about it.

She's more positive now, sure, but that's only because she's accepted her fate and decided to be more positive. Everyone else is terrified, especially Elias who doesn't understand basic human feelings. The witches just said they don't know how to reverse it, but a life for a life might help.

His reasonings for going after Stella was petty, but he doesn't understand human emotion. Chise has a right to be angry, but I don't think you can fault Elias for doing what he did. Not to equate the two, but it kind of reminded me of how some may view those with autism as 'heartless' for not understanding something. It's not their fault and while you have a right to be angry, you also have to understand where they're coming from. Elias isn't autistic, but he's a being that isn't human.

One could say that Elias has grown since knowing Chise, but he hasn't. He just learned about some new feelings that resulted in having someone close to you. Chise too. They haven't talked or actually taken the time to know each other, which is why their relationship is still at the shallow stage. It's also why Elias didn't understand why doing something like this would hurt Chise. He expected her to just give in like always. And Chise has pretty much been the same with Elias, with her doing stupid stuff and putting her life in danger.

Elias is still not human and Chise is still suicidal. They just have new feelings on top of it.

Edit...I still like the show, but this episode really made me feel like we haven't had much development between Chise and Elias. There's no substance. Just shallow feelings and the sand thing is that both are content with that because they don't know any better.
MonoJuMalMar 3, 2018 2:36 PM
Mar 3, 2018 3:14 PM
Nov 2017
Elias being selfish... So very selfish. But not surprising I guess. Any means necassery it is... Even if it means not working with Chise to find the answer. Damn.

Oh boy. The choice at the end... Bring on next ep...
Mar 3, 2018 3:23 PM

Dec 2012
Nice episode.

Elias went too far. Nearly sacrificed Stella to save Chise's life.

"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Mar 3, 2018 4:04 PM

Aug 2015
3 episodes left, only 3 chapters of source material left (maybe 4 if a chapter comes out this month). Wonder if they'll do an anime original ending?
Mar 3, 2018 4:33 PM

Feb 2012
Elias fucked up so hard. This is pretty irredeemable trying to sacrifice Stella's life for Chise. Gonna be hard to mend their relationship in a satisfying way with this line crossed.
Mar 3, 2018 4:52 PM
Jun 2015
Phyllis sound like Monkey D. Luffy. Can't find information about the voice actor :D
Mar 3, 2018 7:04 PM

Jun 2017
Heavy episode coming up next, can't wait for more revelations. You're going to hate Joseph for what he's doing right now but what if he can really help? He's like our only hope right now.
Mar 3, 2018 7:37 PM

Nov 2015
Wow that ending left me in shock. I'm guessing next ep is going to be a big one.

Katsura janai, Zura da

Mar 3, 2018 7:55 PM
Nov 2017
Nice episode
I can see were Elias is coming from but what he was about to do was going a bit to far.
Mar 3, 2018 11:11 PM

May 2015
Oi Chise! You punched Elias with the wrong arm!

Well well, what a twist we have here. Looks like Cartaphilus is going to give us the insight to what happened in Chise's past...
Mar 3, 2018 11:52 PM

Feb 2018
Aandddd.... this is the episode that I was teasing when I commented earlier....

"What is right?" "What is wrong?", etc...

A lot of people are saying, it was wrong of Elias to use Stella, and it was wrong of Chise to go along with Cartaphilus.....

Well, as I said.... 'What is right?" "What is wrong?" "Who defines something as right and wrong?"

You are right in from your point of view... but, think about it from Elias' point of view... he has never been "loved" by anyone from the start....neither Angelica, nor Simon, nor Lindel, nor even the f*cking fairies...he has been called a 'failure born in the forest'... he had no one to call him 'family'.. no one to acknowledge his existence... then comes Chise... perhaps the only person in his entire life of probably 1000+ years (remember when Lindel was explaining to Chise in the land of dragons, about how mages live for thousands of years?) to ever call him 'family'...the only person to ever warm up to him.... and now he learns that she is about to die...

Tell me one thing... what person in his right state ofmind would just sit by and watch their loved ones (even if they are retards) as they wait for their death...????
And so he does what he can to save the only person, who he 'likes'.. the person who wandered aimlessly until now, suddenly has the greatest aim of his life flashing in front of save the one he "Likes"

also, people saying that he should not have used Stella.....*sighs*
Stella is practically the ONLY DAMN person Elias "knows" other than Chise....
If you think that he should not have done this, then perhaps you would like to suggest some other way to do this...
I think he could have used SIlky for his experiment, but then Chise wouldn't approve of that, much like she didn't approve of Stella being used...

Also, people saying Elias became 'yandere', 'desperate;, etc..
I ask you, what's wrong with him being desperate for his family/wife????
Don't people get desperate when they have their family member on the verge of death???
Tell me, if tomorrow, god forbid, someone very dear to you gets serious with a very grave disease, and you are told that the only way to save them is to bring some medicine which has an exorbitant price, will you stop just by seeing the price tag of the medicine? HELL NO!
You would actually take a loan, buy the medicine, and the then work your ass off to pay back the loan..., simply because you are "DESPERATE" to save your loved ones, who are VERY CLOSE to you... The SAME DAMN THING is shown here.... A mage being desperate to save his "apprentice-cum-bride", who is VERY CLOSE to him..... What's wrong with that???

to people saying that Ruth shouldn't have agreed to Elias' idea.....
Hmm.. let's see... so, this Ruth guy has had his sister die.. TWICE. IN FRONT OF HIS EYES.
Then he meets a girl, who resembles his sister... the only 'semblance' to his sister....and now, even that semblance is going away from him... do you just expect him to sit and wag his tail like a puppy, waiting to watch his 'precious semblance' die in front of him????
And it's not like he didn't have any other choice... I am guessing that he probably tried his own ways to find a solution to the problem... but since he was unable to do so, he agreed to Elias.

FINALLY, to people saying Chise shouldn't have listened to Cartaphilus and gone with him....
*deeply exhales*
Imagine a kidnapper has kidnapped your son and demands you to come alone with 5 million cash.... what do you do? Do you temporarily submit to his demands, or do you outright call the police on him???
Remember that he said that if Chise came with him, he would leave Stella alone....
FYI, she WOULD NOT have gone with him.. but, he had already possessed Stella, and threatened to kill her, if Chise did not obey him.... Also, they can't kill him, well, because, he is cursed by God to live.... and he will simply return to haunt them if she refused...
What would you have her do? Do you still believe that she would have refused to go along with him?

Well, now, time to give some notes....

As we saw, the witches turned them down, saying they don't know of a way to lift Chise's curse... but in reality, there is actually a way, as mentioned at the end of the last episode... "The only thing that can replace a life is another life"....
This left many of us wondering, if they were going to kill the dragon to rid Chise of the curse...

BUT, the reality is, Killing the dragon won't do shit... simply because the curse that they are referring to is not the dragon's curse in the first place... it is a side effect of Cartaphilus' experiments on him.... meaning, it is essentially 'his' curse... so, in order to rid her of the curse, they have to actually kill Cartaphilus, which is outright impossible, because he is cursed by God to never die (the only reasonably "immortal" character in the history of anime)

For anyone wondering the part where they did not show the dialogues...

we saw that when they were leaving, the witch Marielle whispered something in Elias' ear and slipped a note into his collar....
The note was actually the name of the book that contained the solution to their problems...
The name of the book is 'The testament of Carnamagos'... it is a fictional book, which was conjured up by the author Clark Ashton Smith, known for his works on horror novels.
The book is said to contain powerful necromancy charms and spells, which deal with summoning the spirits from the underworld and controlling them, as well as with "soul-transferring" techniques....
Marielle knew that the book was in the college library (it was actually a copy of the book. The original one was in the US branch of the library), so he asked Elias to go visit it...
Elias struck a deal with Tory, who agreed to take him to the room containing the book, in exchange for him showing some magic to Tory......
As we all saw, Elias probably used memorizing magic to memorize the entire book by just flipping through the pages... (Dang! how I wish I had a magic like that... ;-;)
Then, as they exit the library, Elias agrees to show him the 'magic' as promised... It's not much.. just taking a piece of paper and ripping it to shreds....
bdw, he used the same spell to rip apart the paper, that he used, when he transported Chise and himself from the auction to London ('Nettles in the shadow.. ring of holy...)
It was at that moment, that Tory realized why they call him 'The Thorn Mage" (it is shown in the anime)
Mar 4, 2018 12:07 AM

Jan 2014
did Elias know that Cartaphilus possesing stella?

I hope Stella is just being possesed, I hope cartaphilus didn't do any harm to her.

and I wonder, what's cartaphilus want from Chise?
if I think about that, the only thing that comes to my mind is the dragon curse, it looks like he want the dragon curse for his experiment.
Mar 4, 2018 2:08 AM

Jul 2014
So, the witch coven was basically pointless, then? Nice bit of worldbuilding at least, but it served no other purpose besides that. That aside, this was an excellent episode, focusing so much on Elias and his desperation to keep Chise alive, only to take a while to reveal the horrible means by which he intends to do (I'm assuming, based on his reaction when "Stella" wakes up, that he had no idea Cartaphilus is possessing her). And then to switch to Chise for the final stretch of the episode, and to show us just how much Elias' actions in trying to save Chise have actually weakened their relationship was an excellent choice: Elias really didn't help himself by essentially justifying his choice based on jealousy.

What I will say, though, is that I'm struggling to tell if Chise was angry because of Elias wanting to sacrfice SOMEONE to save her life, or simply because of that someone being "Stella": in other words, would she have reacted the same way had it been some random stranger she's never met before?

Well, either way, the fact that she has now made a deal with Cartaphilus is bound to end in terrible fashion, although I suppose that depends on what he actually wants from her as his current motives for possessing Stella are not clear in the slightest (so much so that, unfortunately, my confusion about what he was after did disconnect me from the actual emotion of the episode, at least a little).
Mar 4, 2018 4:57 AM

Sep 2011
Another cliffhanger with the witch coven which served no purpose at all other than to hear that curses can be transfered. Great, that was pointless.

Elias is an idiot. I know he can't understand human feelings, but I'm quite sure Chise wouldn't have been able to live with herself knowing that it cost the life (or well-being) of Stella to accomplish. I hoped that at least Ruth had some common sense, but nope, he is an idiot as well. Hell, everyone is in this anime :'D
At one point I actually thought the shallow relationship of Elias and Chise was interesting, but it's getting really frustrating how they move a bit forward only to take two steps back when Chise realizes that she knows nothing about Elias, and vice versa...

I hope Stella survives at least...
Mar 4, 2018 7:00 AM

Feb 2014
What this episode has one is left me with conflicted emotions. Honestly, I do understand Elias and his desperate attempt to help Chise, but his way of involving Stella, despite her being controlled by Cartaphilus, was pushing it too far, so I don't blame Chise for punching him in the face out of anger.

Still, it worries me that Chise has accepted Cartaphilus' offer to help her, and next week's preview does worry me further. I'm still hoping that he doesn't do anything to harm Stella or Chise now.

The witches sadly couldn't do much to help Chise, apart from some thoughtful words from the elder witch. Either way, it was still nice to see more world building here.
Mar 4, 2018 8:46 AM

Nov 2011
Well, the witches were useless, I even thought they would try to harm Chise or something but not even that.
Elias going yandere mode to try and save Chise was kinda disturbing.
Also if he's willing to sacrifice someone Chise likes anyway wouldn't it be easier to kill the dragon?

Chise punch was amusing at least.

Seems like next episode will be interesting, I hope it doesn't disappoint.
Baby, daijobanai...
Mar 4, 2018 9:27 AM

Nov 2011
The thing that most pleases me is to see Elias put in place such a criminal plan, he removed romanticism from the narrative and gave it a bit of human realism. Even if the narrative is losing that certain vein of mystery and magic, because of the little time available, since the rest is used to talk about the relationship between Elias and Chise, however, I appreciate the anime series. Although there have been obvious changes concerning all sectors, the only thing that does not change and the narrative rhythm, always very slow.
Mar 4, 2018 9:39 AM

Jul 2015
FireFistYK said:
Damn, a very heavy episode! Was expecting something like this from Elias tbh, but the way that it was built up with Elias for once working towards something was so good, didn't expect Elias "heartless" moment to come in like this

Chise's eyes, haven't seen them like this

"Chise's eyes, haven't seen them like this" If you mean those silver eyes in the ending scene, that was her mother i believe.
Mar 4, 2018 10:34 AM

Jul 2017
Characters acting irrationally can be so damn annoying..
Elias should've just said that Stella was Cartaphilus and everything would've been fine. Sure, Chise would probably object anyway, but at least she wouldn't have run away.
I hadn't even noticed that Cartaphilus had possessed Stella. I just thought that Stella been a puppet of him the whole time until he explained the circumstances himself.
Mar 4, 2018 12:09 PM
Jan 2011
Chise clocked Elias in the face and didn't want to see her own familiar.......This episode kinda hurt.
Mar 4, 2018 3:58 PM

Dec 2016
Man Elias is a cunt and Chise is letting her anger cloud her judgement in a literally insane way
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Mar 4, 2018 5:19 PM

May 2014
I thought the beginning of the ep before the OP killed in was just really beautiful, especially since we don't get much Elias narration.

Elias thinking that he could kill two birds with one stone by offing Stella was pretty brutal. But hey, Chise punched him in the face and deserted him so he should have some time to reflect.

Next episode is finally delivering the goods on Chise's past, it seems! Can't wait!!
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Mar 4, 2018 5:28 PM

Oct 2013
Quite the heavy and intense episode. It looks like Joseph must have taken over Stella when he touched her head in London a couple episodes back. Chise and Elias appear to have an unhealable break. Now we have to wait to see how this plays out.
Mar 4, 2018 7:43 PM

Jun 2014
Elias done did fucked up. Chise punching that numbskull in the face was great. Cant believe Ruth went along with his plan tho.
Mar 5, 2018 2:38 AM

Jun 2007
i like when nevin shows up
we are almost near the series' end but elias and chise are still all broken inside and can't communicate
hopefully chise comes to understand that she shouldn't judge elias as she would a human. same with ruth
see you, space cowperson . . .
Mar 5, 2018 6:29 AM

May 2017
Abyhape said:
did Elias know that Cartaphilus possesing stella?

I hope Stella is just being possesed, I hope cartaphilus didn't do any harm to her.

and I wonder, what's cartaphilus want from Chise?
if I think about that, the only thing that comes to my mind is the dragon curse, it looks like he want the dragon curse for his experiment.

He obviously wants to die, and at his limits. Now this here comes the line "a life for a life" which Cartarphilus stated before Marielle and Elias does

Chise wants to live, Joseph wants to die, give and take but judging from the preview, it won't be easy coz Joseph is crazy as hell at this point
Mar 5, 2018 6:38 AM

May 2017
skip11 said:
Characters acting irrationally can be so damn annoying..
Elias should've just said that Stella was Cartaphilus and everything would've been fine. Sure, Chise would probably object anyway, but at least she wouldn't have run away.
I hadn't even noticed that Cartaphilus had possessed Stella. I just thought that Stella been a puppet of him the whole time until he explained the circumstances himself.


Elias didn't know that she was possessed by Joseph, there's no hint whatsoever and the fact that Elias was surprised when Stella suddenly gets up and talk like Joseph further proves it. And he's sacrificing Stella bcoz she's jealous of her not bcoz she was possessed
Mar 5, 2018 6:46 AM

May 2017
Finally ! It took her long enough to realize Elias isn't all he's chocked up to be .
You know the MC is shit when you gotta side with the villain .

You realize Joseph took Stella hostage right? And they were dropping hints that Joseph wants to die, Joseph being in Chise's dream, at this point she it's probable she already knew that Joseph wants to die and wants to help him deep down coz she saw him suffering

Regardless of all that, Stella would've been safer with Joseph than with Elias and Ruth coz if Joseph wanted to experiment on Stella, that would've been better without involving Chise, but since Joseph involves her, Chise is his target not Stella, it's sound to go with Joseph coz Stella is safer with him for now rather than with Elias and Ruth
Mar 5, 2018 7:38 AM

May 2017
TsundeReaper said:

You realize Joseph took Stella hostage right? And they were dropping hints that Joseph wants to die, Joseph being in Chise's dream, at this point she it's probable she already knew that Joseph wants to die and wants to help him deep down coz she saw him suffering

Regardless of all that, Stella would've been safer with Joseph than with Elias and Ruth coz if Joseph wanted to experiment on Stella, that would've been better without involving Chise, but since Joseph involves her, Chise is his target not Stella, it's sound to go with Joseph coz Stella is safer with him for now rather than with Elias and Ruth

Stella is safer with Joseph than with Elias ? ! Are you kidding me ? What kind of logic is that , did you completely miss the episode of the dragon getting experimented on , ie. tortured . It is clear that Ruth and Elias are doing this for Chise, but is that not the problem entirely ?. If they know Chise, it's obvious killing her is the worst decision they could have came up with . Elias fails yet again for not listening to Chise even when she told him they should think together . Instead he acts selfishly and now puts her at odds where's she force to side with a villain

Again, Joseph's target is Chise, not Stella, you want Chise to not go with Joseph thus Stella would end up getting sacrifice and Chise put to sleep again, so as I said before for now yeah she is safer with Joseph

Also, Joseph would kill Stella if Chise doesn't come with him yet you want her to forget about the hostage and you calls Chise "shit MC" I actually don't like Chise but really dude? Smfh unfuckingbelievable, you're contradicting yourself for the sake of dumb hate
LairucremMar 5, 2018 7:45 AM
Mar 5, 2018 8:17 AM

May 2017
TsundeReaper said:

Again, Joseph's target is Chise, not Stella, you want Chise to not go with Joseph thus Stella would end up getting sacrifice and Chise put to sleep again, so as I said before for now yeah she is safer with Joseph

Also, Joseph would kill Stella if Chise doesn't come with him yet you want her to forget about the hostage and you calls Chise "shit MC" I actually don't like Chise but really dude? Smfh unfuckingbelievable, you're contradicting yourself for the sake of dumb hate

Are you dumb? I said shit MC as in Elias. Chise is the FMC. Unfucking believable can you read? How did you not deduce that... Chise is acting exactly as she should be, its Elias and Ruth that are disappointing. Ruth acting this way is a surprise, but Elias, as I've stated is just more of the same.

You didn't specifically say "FMC" but just MC

Also Chise is Da MC (protagonist). Elias is also a main character but Chise is the protag, so if you just say MC, that would go for Chise

But I'm done with making some sense into you, I'm done with your dumb hate, I'm done with your ad hominem, grow tf up. bye
Mar 5, 2018 9:19 AM

Aug 2015
This ep stressed me out. ;-; They both made mistakes; Elias still has a lot to learn and shouldn't have done what he did, but as some of you guys said here, Chise shouldn't have let her anger cloud her judgement. Can't wait for the next ep!
Mar 5, 2018 12:03 PM

Nov 2008
boy this episode was pretty intense all the way through. can't believe ruth was going along with elias, but i hope elias will reflect on why chise acted the way she did and went along with joseph.

Mar 5, 2018 3:00 PM

May 2015
Such drama. Much wow.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Mar 5, 2018 5:21 PM

May 2017
Seriously, this is the best episode thus far. It's pretty sickening that Elias would sacrifice a child for Chise's life, also going so far as to do it to someone she loves just because he's jealous. As gross as that is, wow, its so in his character. He's a beast that's existed for thousands of years and who has never felt an emotional connection with a human before (Is that really true? I'm questioning). He doesn't register the same kind of emotions as Chise, and it makes sense that he understands her fondness of the girl, but her fondness isn't as important as his own attachment to her. Pretty beast-like to me.
And honestly, the writing was really good! If Car/Joseph wasn't possessing the girl, Elias would be killing her, ruining his and Chise's relationship, and essentially ruining whatever connection the viewers have with him as well. But it was written enough that there is a narrow chance that we, including Chise, can forgive him lol how insane.
Mar 5, 2018 6:25 PM
Jul 2018
Nevin dropping that real advice. MVP of series for sure.

I get Elias letting his gross emotions getting the best of him, its a novelty to him after all, but seriously Ruth? I thought Ruth would have Chise's best interests in his heart, but guess he was just as selfish as Elias. I'm glad Chise is stepping it up and doing shit on her own, even abandoning her link to Elias in the form of her necklace. Although there was no way this wouldn't happen; helping Stella is something she herself is compelled to do, being the selfless character she is. With all this, I'm actually excited to see what Joseph has in mind, because all this started from his ploy to steal a dragon in the first place.
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Poll: » Mahoutsukai no Yome Episode 14 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Jan 13, 2018

136 by paocmanteiga »»
Jan 3, 2:18 PM

Poll: » Mahoutsukai no Yome Episode 5 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Nov 4, 2017

191 by DrkRgr »»
Nov 26, 2024 11:54 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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