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Dec 9, 2017 4:05 AM

Nov 2011
Ah, I wanted to see more dates in the future! Sadly, it's over now but I wish there were more chapters...

I guess this series wasn't meant to last long.
Dec 9, 2017 4:35 AM

Apr 2014
I am sad...I really enjoyed this manga. I'd love to see more from it. More dates, the loser(s) to find their own happiness, side character development, etc. Whatever to keep it going. I'm so sad it's over...and at only 32 chapters. Too short imo. It ruins some of the enjoyment is manga feels too short.
Dec 9, 2017 4:43 AM

Aug 2014
Azur3Phoenix said:
I am sad...I really enjoyed this manga. I'd love to see more from it. More dates, the loser(s) to find their own happiness, side character development, etc. Whatever to keep it going. I'm so sad it's over...and at only 32 chapters. Too short imo. It ruins some of the enjoyment is manga feels too short.

But best girl win.

So let's drop it and move on.
Yeah it does feel kinda short but it's not a good thing to drag it longer.

Since i am not experienced on romance stuff i have no idea how to extend it without adding any filler or damage the story.
Dec 9, 2017 4:51 AM

Apr 2014
Xaelath said:
But best girl win.

So let's drop it and move on.
Yeah it does feel kinda short but it's not a good thing to drag it longer.

Since i am not experienced on romance stuff i have no idea how to extend it without adding any filler or damage the story.

I know. I'm not complaining about who won. I actually like her.

I don't wanna drop it, though! I loved this manga and want more! Not to mention the rest of the manga is fine, but this chapter honestly felt kinda rushed...
Dec 9, 2017 4:57 AM

Aug 2014
Azur3Phoenix said:
Xaelath said:
But best girl win.

So let's drop it and move on.
Yeah it does feel kinda short but it's not a good thing to drag it longer.

Since i am not experienced on romance stuff i have no idea how to extend it without adding any filler or damage the story.

I know. I'm not complaining about who won. I actually like her.

I don't wanna drop it, though! I loved this manga and want more! Not to mention the rest of the manga is fine, but this chapter honestly felt kinda rushed...

I think it doesn't get highlights from Manga readers yet.
Either author expect it to be rushed so she/he can move on the next tittle or just like that.
On max i would want 12 more chapter.
40-50 are quite solid chapter like Scum wish
Dec 9, 2017 5:19 AM
Oct 2016
Another great series finally comes to an end along with 'best girl wins' which is sometimes rare..
Dec 9, 2017 6:10 AM

Aug 2013
Botan is so cute.

Though I'm a bit sad that it is over, it was a great series and I really enjoyed it.

Dec 9, 2017 10:15 AM

Oct 2013
The author ended it at the right moment instead of dragging it on as long as possible like the usual "I want to keep getting paid" romances out there.

It was quite nice overall, I'll re-read it again if I'm ever bored.
Dec 10, 2017 6:57 AM

Feb 2007
And so ends another series that broke my heart... Well, at least he did accomplish his main goal of healing Aoi, even if in the end it was he who rejected her, not the other way around like he was afraid of in the beginning.

Still the sudden twist towards choosing Botan in the last two chapters did feel rather rushed and would have hurt much less if Aoi hadn't fallen for him as well.
Dec 10, 2017 9:41 AM

Sep 2012
I felt that the story was a bit rushed near the end, but overall it's definitely a great manga (I was more of a Tokujira fan).
Dec 10, 2017 10:07 AM

Feb 2017
sad it's over but enjoyed it thoroughly overall. it definitely did abrupt at the end and rushed. sucks we can't get more botan cuteness, there is nothing better in this world
Dec 13, 2017 11:11 PM

Oct 2013
The end! A nice little wrap up to the story, which I quite enjoyed. I thought this was pretty well done (even though aspects were a bit unrealistic). It made me more open to cross dressing type genderbenders. Nice joke at the end, so begins the harem :3
Dec 15, 2017 11:39 AM
Jun 2016
I don’t want to lose this manga!!!

This was great through and through!

I want to see more.

I wanted to see both girls get a happy ending. Even something nice like “I still love you!” It’s such a touching manga
Dec 15, 2017 4:58 PM
Dec 2015
... Huh? That's it? Welp, Botan is best girl anyways.
Dec 16, 2017 3:59 AM

Dec 2017
for the first time i seen the best girl win, it's the best.

he did his job to heal Aoi, and Botan is the only girl who see him as he is.

keeping this manga longer will ruin the experience i guess, considering there's no problem at all after ch 32
Dec 18, 2017 7:01 PM
Aug 2014
That was the best moment to finish the story.
Dec 28, 2017 3:07 AM
Dec 2017
I loved this manga.

Not because of the girls, or the final ship, but because the main character is crossdressing and starts to like it.

I've... I'm not feeling well with my life, and this type of manga helps me.

Does anyone have a similar manga to read, maybe ?
Dec 29, 2017 11:24 AM

Jul 2013
I'm curious are there supposed to be two more special chapters left or something? It says there's 34 overall. But it can't count the .5 chapters because there are at least three of those (16.5,18.5,26.5) so it would go to 35? Does anyone have any more information on that? I'm really curious what those two chapters are supposed to be and if it will change or implicate the ending at all.
Dec 29, 2017 11:48 AM
Jun 2016
i hope this can get an anime.... one of the rare cases where best girl wins
Dec 31, 2017 9:04 AM

Oct 2009
At first I thought the ending was kinda dry, ending just like that. But then I remembered the whole plot and it makes complete sense to end here. MC stopped lying and got a girlfriend, while Aoi got her phobia cured.

I see no point on continuing the story, other than just seeing it go anywhere with no clear goal, and potentially ruining all the good stuff it managed to make.
Great manga. I hope I can buy the volumes.

PD: send greetings to Namo's twitter (the author) and he seems happy for the message. Good to see a mangaka happy for getting messages from gaijins, unlike others who would actually block you even if you follow them just for being foreigner (coff coff iris zero coff coff)

Jan 2, 2018 1:08 PM

Jun 2013
This wasn't bad, it had a lot of cute moments, but it was also kind of underwhelming. It's almost shocking how by-the-book and straight-forward it was, as one would expect a gender bending manga to challenge tropes and conventions a bit more. Ill' give credit where it's due. The nicer and cuter girl "wins" after all, so the "dogged nice girl" trope is averted, and there a few other smaller subversions I appreciate (like how Botan is fine with taking the lead, but also appreciates that Itsuki aims to be more assertive).

I have absolutely no issues with Botan winning, it's just that the way Itsuki realized he liked Botan more than Aoi after all, felt rushed and contrived. I'm also a little disappointed that Aoi was implied to be "not quite straight" only once, and that implication was completely forgotten by the end. She did fall in love with a person she interpreted as a girl for a long time; I don't think I'm wrong for seriously entertaining the possibility.

To be honest, Micchan and Ibuki were the most entertaining characters. It's too bad they had so little focus, relatively speaking.

LemonMaid said:
I'm curious are there supposed to be two more special chapters left or something? It says there's 34 overall. But it can't count the .5 chapters because there are at least three of those (16.5,18.5,26.5) so it would go to 35? Does anyone have any more information on that? I'm really curious what those two chapters are supposed to be and if it will change or implicate the ending at all.

No. The 34 chapters listed on MAL include the special chapters. That's common practice in the MAL database (thought it's pretty inconsistent, as with a lot of other things). Plus chapter 32 is as conclusive as it gets: it literally says "this story will come to an end here" on the last page.

Sos_Help said:
i hope this can get an anime.... one of the rare cases where best girl wins

I'd say that's unlikely. Despite being a gender bending manga, it has barely anything controversial about it. It also has relatively small cast, most of whom aren't viscerally striking, the plot has few twists and there's also not a lot of fanservice going on. I just don't sense the demand that could support a TV anime adapted from this manga. It could receive a fundamental rewrite for TV, but if it had been considered for an anime adaptation, we would have most likely heard about it by now (as the manga ran for more than three years) most likely. I'm not saying it's impossible, but you shouldn't get your hopes up.
LeeTailorJan 2, 2018 1:25 PM
Jan 13, 2018 7:19 PM

Apr 2011
Perfect just perfect.
Jan 17, 2018 1:45 AM

Sep 2012
I fucking loved this manga. Maybe it was the characters, maybe it was the story, but most likely because the art was so fucking adorable. I wish we could get a bit more development between the trio now that Botan and Itsuki are dating (or at the very least see Aoi's development there), but as that last page said...this is probably the best place to end it.

Botan too adorable. When Itsuki was having that cute attack, I was having a heart attack.
Friends are there to lend a hand when you can’t do something on your own. It’s not one person doing all the work protecting everyone, we help each other when in need. That’s what friends are for.
Apr 1, 2018 10:11 PM

Jan 2018
I don't know how many times I came to a manga because it has Gender bender in it, but ended up enjoyed the storyline.

From thw first chapter, i thought it will have an easy storyline, because after some chapter it only filled with itsuki and aoi in it. Then, here comes Botan, who made the story grow up. The conflict are well-made, altough not as intense as i think but I enjoyed it, especially in the scene where itsuki finally revealed himself.

The ending is very surprising, but cute enough. I'm sorry for itsuki-aoi shipper, but I personally love the ship between itsuki-botan, because they fit each other :D and I'm relieved that aoi finally can defeat her androphobia and get more friend in the end.

Overall, hat up for the author and mangaka. If there's a manga that has quality for being an anime source, i always choose this one (alhough it will hard to be real). I'm in no doubt to give it a masterpiece 10/10.
"Happy Ramadhan for those who celebrate it. I hope this year's Ramadhan bring goodness for you life" -(TsuzukuHunter 2018)
Apr 19, 2018 5:38 PM

Oct 2014
You know, I feel like Itsuki ending up with Botan was such an obvious development. I think the author was foreshadowing it the entire time. Those two just had so much chemistry the entire series and while he enjoyed being with Aoi, he was always shown as being happier when he was with Botan. I didn't want to believe it while reading because I thought there's no way the author doesn't go with the main girl of the series, but they didn't.

I'm just so happy best girl won! It doesn't happen often enough.
May 12, 2018 10:14 PM

Aug 2017
Great series. The best girl wins!!!
I felt very anxious whether he'll end with Botan or not, as usually the mcs make pathetic choices.
Glad it ended the way it did. Helped me heal a bit of KNIM scars which made me hate love triangles
May 17, 2018 5:44 PM

Mar 2014
I really enjoy it. I really enjoyed all the "aww s--t! I'm almost/gonna be discovered" parts of the manga before he revealed his secret to both, was alot intensity read at the end of each chapter and then have to wait for the translations. After the truth discovered the rest of the chapters were pretty relaxed but was well paced, he got the best girl, the heroine got healed (would nice to see that boy grown up asking her for apologies again but well that is just a extra suggestion) and those two crossdressing dudes are looking for a sping off xD

Never expected at the beggining this manga would be a love triangle one (came for the gender bender tag hehehe), good that is a well done one.
Oct 14, 2018 3:06 AM
Dec 2016
At least i can rest easily, cause Botan (best girl) win, and Aoi got cured :)
Dec 21, 2018 10:13 AM
Jul 2018
I'm so conflicted 'cause they were both such sweet girls and I was totally going to be okay with both of them, though I'm still super happy he picked Botan, I really wished they could ACTUALLY cut him in half XD
Jul 11, 2019 10:02 AM
Apr 2019
YATTEZOOOOOOOO BEST GIRL WINS FOR A CHANGE. god i loved that the dude couldn't help but think about how cute his girlfriend is. really put a smile on my face... and makes me want to die simultaneously
Nov 12, 2019 5:18 PM

Jun 2015
I absolutely loved this one. The end seemed to come out of nowhere and seemed rushed though. All the characters were so entertaining. I am really glad he picked Botan in the end.
Feb 18, 2020 8:24 PM

Sep 2017
the story was indeed simple yet wholesome, seeing Botan the best girl won really made me smile. im glad i found this manga after QQ, truly enjoyable

hopefully it gets anime adaptation someday
May 5, 2020 4:07 AM

Oct 2018
Well, this was surprisingly much fun :D

The power is makeup surely is amazing, Itsuki looking pretty cute as a girl. #fullhomo

I'm actually glad he ended up with Botan, she's so precious, she deserves happiness ♥

It's not like I dislike Aoi, she was a really good character, I liked her

In thinking between 8 and 9/10, but I guess I'll go with 8/10
Sep 15, 2020 12:54 AM
Jul 2019
To me it feels weird that he’s going out with Botan instead of Aoi but I’m still happy for them. They’re a cute and funny couple that’s for sure:)
Mar 2, 2021 12:00 AM

Jan 2019
Happy that this ended instead of being dragged out like most manga
May 5, 2021 3:20 AM

Aug 2018
And so it ended.
I liked the manga quite a lot. And both Botan and Aoi are very cute <3
May 5, 2021 6:38 AM

Jan 2015
I refuse to accept this. I refuse to be wrong about my presumptions.
Your life to come is bound to make you smile
May 9, 2021 8:45 PM
Oct 2020
I'm happy with the way it ended. I liked both of the girls so either one would have been a great choice.
May 16, 2021 12:14 PM

Apr 2020
I'd have preferred The Thorn Princess of the Library to win, such a way to break my heart. But I'm okay with this ending. This was a good story.
nyaa15May 16, 2021 1:05 PM
May 17, 2021 11:46 PM

Jan 2020
I ended up liking this way more than I thought. I’m not a fan of yuri or gender bender, but this manga was an exception. Also, I really hoped that Botan would win and I can’t believe that Itsuki actually made the right choice at the end. A bit rushed but it was still conclusive, unlike many other manga I’ve recently read.
May 21, 2021 8:58 PM
Apr 2019
I like that it's short and quite funny! Surprised as well that Itsuki choose Botan at the end. Pretty nice manga!
Jul 1, 2021 3:40 AM

Jun 2017
entire manga was so trope-propelled that BOTAN winning genuinely surprised me. big respects

overall the pacing & writing obviously could have been better; I think you totally could have made this longer without needlessly stretching it, but big respects nonetheless
Jul 1, 2021 3:40 AM

Jun 2017
entire manga was so trope-propelled that BOTAN winning genuinely surprised me. big respects

overall the pacing & writing obviously could have been better; I think you totally could have made this longer without needlessly stretching it, but big respects nonetheless
Jul 30, 2021 1:49 PM

Mar 2018
I wish this series was longer, I want to see more of the Botan x Itsuki relationship, but also Aoi. These characters are actually so amazing and have such great chemistry with each other I'd love to see more.

Considering she got rejected, Aoi is a pretty nice wingwoman. Botan is just so cute man. That poking her head through Itsuki's dress made me smile so hard. Glad she got her happy ending, but Aoi was also great too. 10/10
d2rkestNov 8, 2024 4:54 PM
Sep 20, 2021 7:40 PM

Jan 2017
This ended on a very good note despite its short length, would have loved to see more scenes involving Itsuki and Botan but the few we got was good enough
Nov 15, 2021 8:07 PM

Dec 2009
Decent Romance. 6/10.
Somewhat predictable, but I'm glad Botan was the heroine who rationally won over Keitarou against Aoi.

It was quite enjoyable and clear to the theme of lying and forgiveness, but it's not grand or unique in any way.
Some may disagree, but in my interpretation, I believe Aoi was more of a crush who he never truly fell in love with, compared to Botan who fell in love with Keitarou. Aoi falling in love with Keitarou as a girl wasn't clear at first, but stated as fact later, although, regardless, as much as Keitarou enjoyed being with them, it never seemed like he truly loved Aoi.
I feel it was mostly circumstancial as an accidental crush from misunderstanding of choosing her for thinking she wasn't afraid of his glare, and he simply continued to have a crush without ever having fallen in love for her character unlike the heroines to him.
Ironically...Arguably, he may not have loved Botan either, but she happens to be the only girl who got along with as himself and not as a drag.

Regardless, no matter- I think it was all portrayed fairly well and that it's logical in the end for him to choose Botan over Aoi.
His "sister" near the middle of the story being revealed to being a trans (former man) was a intriguing surprise but unfortunately was never more than a brief supporter and the one who helped him crossdress.

Miyama was also a intriguing character for being a concept that gives another perspective of comprehension to empathize with Keitarou and how he was a guy who fell in love with Keitarou as a girl, but his use at the end of the story was a little awkward from how meaningless he became after.

Aoi is a plain character, compared to the much more charming Botan who's teasing, direct and energectic which makes her adorable, but either way, it's very easy for me to root for a heroine who has a crush on a guy.

... Aoi's origin of fear for men seems unrealistic, but it is part of the theme of the story with its lame title.
Her sudden cure off it is a little too ridiculous, and Keitarou's ease to smile naturally while being dressed as a girl compared to when he's normal stays a mystery for me, but whatever. Beautiful art and an enjoyable sweet read.
Nov 29, 2021 7:24 AM
Feb 2019
It's really refreshing to read a romance manga that doesn't drag itself out once in a while. And it ended pretty good too. I actually didn't expect Botan to win at the end lol

But Overall it was a great experience.
Feb 8, 2022 5:40 PM

Aug 2020
wow so that's it. I'm not gonna lie I'm not a big fan of aoi being "in love" with Itsuki cause if that were me I'd yeet his ass lmao. But ig he did have good intentions. Well I'm not aoi anyway so it doesn't matter.

Best girl won though I'm actually surprised ny that a bit. I'm glad things worked out in tbe end. It would be tragic if their relationship ended then and there.

nice read.
Apr 3, 2022 6:09 AM
Apr 2022
I recently read the book because I knew it was by the same author as Cuprum no Hanayome, but honestly, I didn't expect this outcome. I was really rooting for him to keep tokujira, which by the way, was the most pretentious in the work. This twist was such a good slap in the face of the reader that it took me a night's sleep just thinking about why I had a segment with Botan. Sorry, as cute as Botan is, she didn't deserve to take the stage as a romantic couple. aimed at her as a little sister who had a complex for the protagonist.
Apr 3, 2022 6:12 AM
Apr 2022
I'm very frustrated with this ending, I can't find words to describe it.
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