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May 4, 2017 5:46 PM

Sep 2016

Here are the streets of Jerrat, where it's residents live and where everything that exists in the country is.
RaioresMay 9, 2017 6:02 AM
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May 31, 2017 4:31 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara went towards the place where a guy named Aihara lives. After reaching there, Takara knocked on the door of the guy's house. He then waited for him to open the door.

May 31, 2017 4:37 AM

Sep 2016
You hear someone behind the door talking to you. "Who's That?" The guy asked.
May 31, 2017 4:44 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to the guy behind the door: "Are you Aihara-san? If you are, I'm here for the mission 'Guard Me!'.". He then waited for the guy to respond to him.

May 31, 2017 5:10 AM

Sep 2016
The man got excited and opened the door quickly as he heard that.

He grabbed Takara by his shoulder out of excitement and started shaking him. "You arrived already?! That's great! I want you to take me to the plains. I'm working on something there and they want to kill me for it. I'll explain everything on the way."
May 31, 2017 5:26 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to Aihara: "Hmm... Okay, I understand. Let's go to the plains then. Are you ready to go now?". He then waited for him to respond.

May 31, 2017 6:13 AM

Sep 2016

"Yes let's go now!" He said as he started walking, now calmer.
Ya can ask em bout da details on da way there))
May 31, 2017 6:20 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to Aihara while walking beside him: "So... Could you tell me the details of this mission? It would help me know your current situation.". He then waited for him to respond.

May 31, 2017 6:31 AM

Sep 2016

"see, I'm working on a project that, if I succeed, could help the government very well and harm criminals. A gang of criminals found out about it and they want to stop me. I'm sure they'll send at least a few of them to kill me. I sent that to the arms of law but they just rejected it because I haven't enough proof. So, why did you come on that mission?"
May 31, 2017 6:44 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to Aihara while walking beside him: "Well, it is good that you are doing something good. If you ask me 'arms of law' isn't the best guild to deal with. I'm hoping that another guild is formed soon. I could even do it myself if I wanted to cause I know a lot of people. It is all because I like treasure hunting... Anyways, I was searching for a mission cause I feel like it is an opportunity to meet new people and help them. Besides, I get rewarded in the end. I could also find treasure while I'm doing missions.".

AcellahMay 31, 2017 6:50 AM
May 31, 2017 6:57 AM

Sep 2016

"but there are some other guilds. For example there's the falcons.((a guild I'm makin soon (;)) You could join them son, you seem like you fit there." He told Takara before he start talking about his motives. "I see. So son, what's your name? You didn't tell me."
May 31, 2017 7:04 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to Aihara while walking beside him: "Hmm... The Falcons... I will think about it. Oh, right. My name is Takara Yoshida. You can call me Takara.".

May 31, 2017 7:32 AM

Sep 2016

"Oh well then Takara, we're almost there." He said as he continued walking.

As the two if you were walking you could feel something sharp on the back of your neck and a voice whispered, "Which of you two is Aihara?"
May 31, 2017 7:36 AM

Mar 2016

He thanked the woman and took the item, then left the job center. Might be attacked, she said? Are people after this tool or something? He took another look at what he was holding, but didn't know what it was supposed to be. He continued walking through the streets of Jerrat.
May 31, 2017 7:36 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to Aihara quickly: "Oh, they are here. Please stay back. I will handle this.". Takara then faced the direction of the voice.

May 31, 2017 8:01 AM

Sep 2016

The man withdrew the knife, moved quickly towards Takara and attempted to stab him in the abdomen. If you grabbed his arm, he would attempt to knee your face. If you blocked that, he would jump backwards. If you dodged however, he would rush at you one more time and attempt to stab you. It aeems you got a tough opponent this time.
((@aceaboody ))

A man was standing at the end of the street watching vent and as he looked at the weapon, the man started talking to him. Hey kid, hand that thing over... Another man was standing a few metres to vent's right continued, "And you shall come to no harm. However,..." A third man standing a few metres to vent's left would continue, "If you choose to fight we're more than ready." There was no one else there and the energy you felt from these 3 only wasn't strong. But they were 3 so it was still dangerous. Oboe thing you know for sure, this mission was underrated.
May 31, 2017 9:03 AM

Mar 2016

"That's a nice psychic act you guys have got going there. You reading each others' minds or something? Well, whatever. Sorry, but I won't be handing this thing over any time soon. I've got a mission to complete. Now, let's see just how ready you guys actually are." He dashed up to the man in front of him and kicked him right in the face. The kick would be considerably powerful, enough to easily smash the man's nose. "Now, come at me with all you've got!"
May 31, 2017 9:12 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara blocked the man's knife with one his gauntlets. Takara then made a fighting stance. After that, Takara said to the man with a scary and serious look on his face: "Are you alone? Or are there others with you? Either way, I won't let you do what you want." Takara then prepared for the next attack from the man.

May 31, 2017 10:31 AM

Sep 2016

The man you hit jumped backwards to dodge the kick but was hit by it. However, it did less damage than it should. He was knocked a few metres back but he could keep his stance and continue fighting. Seems you're strong, kid. But it's not enough to beat us. As you were attacking him, the other 2 attempted to make an attack. One of them fired a ray of fire while the other created a ball of energy that he put at the end of the ray to increase its power. Hey kid, take that! They said as they fired the ray.


The man smirked at Takara's question. Others? Aren't you overestimating yourself, boy? He then put his knife in a scabbard attached to his belt and attempted to punch Takara to the face. His strength and speed were equal to takara's. If it was blocked he would attempt a low kick to make Takara fall. If he dodged or grabbed his arm, he would follow with another punch using his other hand.
May 31, 2017 10:56 AM

Mar 2016

Vent dodged out of the way of the ray and preceding ball of energy. "Power users, huh? I'm a bit envious. You see, I don't have a special power myself. But at the same time, I'm twice as strong and fast to compensate!" He ran up to the one that shot the ray at him and grabbed him by the shirt collar, lifting him up and attempting to throw him at the other attacker, the one that had shot the ball of energy.
May 31, 2017 11:14 AM

Sep 2016

When you knew they were attacking, the attack was just a moment from hitting you, so you couldn't get completely out of the attack's way, which severely damaged your arm. When you attempted to throw the one that shot you, his shirt was torn, causing you to release him but you had already throw him so he was knocked a few centimetres backwards. He quickly got his feet on the ground and tried to punch you in the abdomen. His punch was slow and not very strong because he couldn't keep his balance if he tried a faster or stronger punch. No matter what your reaction would be, the other one who had fired the ball would rush towards you and attempt to kick you at the back of your head while you were off your guard. Meanwhile, the third man had rushed and was behind you, making sure you don't see him so he can catch you off-guard.
May 31, 2017 11:17 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara grabbed the man's arm. Takara then took the knife from the scabbard. However, the man punched Takara away from himself. Luckily, Takara still had the man's knife. Takara then said to the man: "Well, that's good. You are actually alone. Also, now you don't have a weapon. What are you going to do now? I think it is better for you to escape." Takara then prepared for the next attack from the man.

@Raiores (I will continue this later. I will be going now.)
May 31, 2017 11:28 AM

Sep 2016

Don't give me that trash! He grabbed takara's arm he used to hold the knife and attempted to kick him in the face with all his force. I need neither others nor weapons to beat ya!
RaioresMay 31, 2017 11:35 AM
May 31, 2017 12:36 PM

Mar 2016

Tch. This is getting annoying. Better get this over with quickly. He firmly grabbed the fist of the man that was punching him with his good arm and twisted as hard as he could, breaking the man's wrist in the process. Sensing the man rushing at him, he turned around, pulling the other man along with him and using him as a human shield.
May 31, 2017 1:33 PM

Sep 2016

The one you broke his hand screamed in pain as you did and took a few steps backwards to avoid combat for a few moments. The other 2 were thrown backwards but they quickly got up and attacked you.
Jun 1, 2017 5:58 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara had one arm free, so he blocked the man's kick with his gauntlet on that arm. Takara then broke free from his grasp and backed away. He then quickly attached the knife to his gauntlet on his right arm. Takara then said to the man: "Are you sure you can beat me though?" After that, Takara prepared himself to counter the man's next attack.

Jun 1, 2017 11:21 AM

Sep 2016

Damn you! He rushed towards Takara with all his force and tried to push him using his right shoulder.
Sry fo l8 reply, ma phone is broken. Im usin ma bro's))
RaioresJun 1, 2017 11:24 AM
Jun 1, 2017 12:13 PM

Mar 2016

As the other two attacked him, he pushed the man that he had been grabbing onto into one of the attackers, knocking both of them over. As for the other one, he turned back around and guarded against his attack. "Look, I'm not gonna hand this thing over. There's only two ways this will end. One, you can leave me alone and get the hell out of here. Or two, you're going to leave with a lot more than just a broken wrist. His voice was intimidating, despite his young age. He didn't truly intend to break any more of their bones, he was just trying to intimidate them into leaving.
Jun 1, 2017 3:41 PM

Sep 2016

Damn you kid, we'll finish you here! Three three rushed towards each other so they were standing next to each other. Watch and learn kid,... the one in the middle put his hand in front of him so he was aiming at you, the one in the right out grabbed his arm and the third held his hand. ...Our signature technique! The one in the middle created a ball of energy in his hand. A ray made of fire and a spiral beam made of water moving around it was fired after that, pushing the ball at Vent ((basically, a makankkosappo)). It was too fast for him to dodge it. If he tried, it would only severely damage him again.
Jun 2, 2017 4:23 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara noticed that the man was blinded by rage. So... Takara extended his right arm(the one with the knife attached to the gauntlet) towards the man's right shoulder. This caused the man's right shoulder to be pierced by the knife. As Takara removed the knife from the man's right shoulder, Takara saw a lot of blood coming out of the man's right shoulder. Takara then said to the man: "This is what happens when you are blinded by rage. You seem to be in a lot of pain. You should give up on attacking me if so." After that, Takara prepared to make the man unconscious.

@Raiores (It is okay.)
Jun 2, 2017 8:15 AM

Sep 2016

Because you did nothing to block or dodge , he still jumped at you, ignoring the pain, lightly damaging you and pushing you towards a building, which damaged your head and back. He then jumped backwards and out his hand on his shoulder to stop it from bleeding so quickly. As if! He said in a voice filled with pain. He wasn't in a good shape to attack so he prepared to defend against takara's next attack.
Jun 4, 2017 1:50 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara was damaged by that a little bit. However, that didn't stop Takara from attacking the man. So, Takara pierced the man's left shoulder with the knife that's attached to the gauntlet on his right arm(The man obviously tried to defend but failed since he was badly hurt). Takara then removed the knife from the man's left shoulder. After that, Takara saw a lot more blood coming out of him. Takara then said the man: "After this attack, there is no way you can defend yourself from my attacks or attack me. You are losing a lot of blood, so you will probably faint soon. Don't worry you will not die, because after you faint I will treat your wounds." After that, Takara prepared to counter any last struggle from the man(If the man could do something in the state he is in that is).

Jun 4, 2017 3:37 AM

Sep 2016

"Damn you...kid!" He said before dropping on the ground unconscious.

Aihara then walked towards Takara. "Good work there, kid! So what do you want to do with that man?"
RaioresJun 4, 2017 3:46 AM
Jun 4, 2017 5:31 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara knew what he wanted to do with the man. So, he said to Aihara as he treated the man's wounds: "Yeah, thank you for that. To begin with... I will treat his wounds. We don't want him to die from blood loss. After that... I will probably loot his inventory for items and money. Then, I will hand him over to 'arms of law'. They might reward me something for arresting him." After treating the man's wounds, Takara began to loot the man's inventory.

Jun 4, 2017 5:43 AM

Sep 2016
You could find some money in his pockets but not much more.

Aihara waited as you healed and looted the man but he didn't want to wait while you take him to prison. "Hey kid, let's take him with us. We'll take him the arms of law later, ok?"
((+10 Stat points, +20 $))
Jun 4, 2017 6:02 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After looting the man, Takara said to Aihara: "Okay sure. I don't want to make you wait for me." So, Takara and Aihara took the man with them.

Jun 4, 2017 9:11 AM

Sep 2016
As you lifted the man, you could see part of the sign on the back of his neck, the Ciel insignia. It seems as if the man actually did have a power, but he didn't use it.

"Ok then, lets go now!" Aihara said before continuing to walk, eventually leaving to the plains.
Jun 4, 2017 9:43 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara said to Aihara: "Yeah." Takara then left with Aihara while carrying the man to the plains.

Jun 5, 2017 4:09 AM

Sep 2016

After taking Aihara to the arms of law, he thanked you and gave you your reward for the mission before he entered. ((+30$))

Now it was night and you haven't eaten anything all day, you ARE hungry. You don't have to eat now if you don't want, but you don't have to use more than 80% of your power in the next mission either, because you won't!
((Also +8 points from dat fight if I forgot to tell Ya earlier XD))
Jun 5, 2017 4:15 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara decided after finishing his mission that he will go and buy food to eat cause he is hungry right now, so he left for the Marketplace.

@Raiores (How did you know I was hungry? Are you a magician or something? XD)
Jun 8, 2017 11:48 AM

Mar 2016

Damn! It's too fast to dodge! Instead of dodging, he tried to block the brunt of the attack with his blade. What he would do next depended on how much damage he took from the attack. At the very least, those three should be running out of energy at this point after an attack like that.

Jun 8, 2017 12:06 PM

Sep 2016

You managed to block the energy ball, but the fire-water beam didn't stop, destroying the ball. It exploded, destroying the beam and sending Vent flying till he hit a building. His whole body was damaged by the explosion of the ball, but he could still stand. Because of their rush, the three wasted a big part of their energy by not focusing it all on the attack, which caused it to be weaker and now, "Seems I've no more in me, how about you two?" "Damn this!" "We'll meet again, kid! Keep that in mind!" They were out of power. One of them dropped something and the moment it hit the ground, smoke was covering the street. When the smoke cleared, they had escaped.

Now you were tired after such a hard fight and your body was damaged, but you could still walk. Wether you continued or took a rest was up to you, but the company wasn't far away and you could rest there if you didn't here.
Jun 8, 2017 12:16 PM

Mar 2016

So they just ran away in the end. Well, I'm not complaining. His back ached from his collision with the building, but it seemed he hadn't sustained any major injuries. He could still walk, at the very least. He decided that it would be best to get this mission over with as quickly as possible, and so he headed in the direction of the Zack Company building.
Jun 12, 2017 7:10 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara is now in the Streets after getting some rest at his master's house.

Jun 12, 2017 8:11 AM

Sep 2016
As you were walking through the streets, you could find many posters on the wall. Of you read one of them, you'd find something about a tournament being held after a few days. The event everyone was waiting was starting already.

And as you were reading the poster, you could feel an odd energy. It didn't feel like that of anything you've sensed before. And not only that, it was also very strong, possibly the strongest you've ever felt. If you looked behind, you would see two men wearing black cloaks. You could hear a part of their conversation from where you were standing, [b]"So, when is it starting?" "After a few days." "And you brought us here a few days before it actually started? Oh son of a b-" "hey, take it easy, I'm just....". Then they started getting further till you could no longer hear them. They eventually left to where you don't know.
Jun 12, 2017 9:41 AM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

After Shin's training job with Mary-chan she walked at the Streets and was planning on going to her dorm.

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 12, 2017 1:59 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
Also has wings~ (Angel)

Upon leaving the battle ground, Eres went to the streets, where he saw some people, one of which caught his attention. From what he could see, she was a fallen angel girl, though what was really attention-grabbing for him was her choice of clothes. Did she just come from a party or something? he wondered, it was more of a rude comment than an actual question though. He didn't have much else to do though, so he decided to approach her, and try and talk to her. He figured that any failed attempt couldn't be so bad, maybe even amusing. "Hey, did you sign up for the tournament too?" He asked, hoping to get a response, though it was pretty strange for him, a stranger, to just go up to someone and ask them something.
@onepieceofweed ((This is for Shin~))
Jun 12, 2017 2:24 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

While the stranger asked the question she looked strange at him, not even listening to what he said, she said: Who are you, i can't remember ever talking or meeting you before, so why would you come up to me asking me some random question? Shin looked at him with a natural face waiting for a respond from a safe distance.
(@Ernestly thank you for replying ^^ i'm really sorry if it isn't a good reaction i'm pretty new to RP-ing so i'm not really good at it >~<)

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

Jun 12, 2017 2:46 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
Also has wings~ (Angel)

She didn't ignore me, that's great, he thought, before answering her. "Well you're right, I've never talked to you before. Guess I should've introduced myself first, I'm Eres, some random guy. My reason for asking you a question was because I sought an answer, though that's obvious," he answered, having no noticeable change in attitude. Hopefully she wouldn't stop listening this time, though if she did he'd take the hint. He knew his reason sounded sarcastic, it kind of just came naturally to him. And he had no intention of stopping it.
@onepieceofweed ((That's fine, and so is your response ~))
Jun 12, 2017 2:54 PM

Sep 2016
Shin Rei

Shin stared him long in the eyes trying to figure out what was wrong with this guy, she thought maybe it was loneliness. Well then, what was the question i should have answered, i will say what i think is needed and nothing more, seeing from your shady answers it seems like you don't have a real purpose so i don't think you will mind. She was thinking of what was going through his mind and why he would ask a stranger for something, she wasn't the type that was trusted easy after all.
@Ernestly (thank yu :3)

♣Not active enough to respond lol♣

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