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Oct 5, 2016 9:59 AM

Nov 2011
That was fun, we got introduction of the main characters and the Strike Witches of the 501st Joint Fighter Wing.

There's some fan service (hello baths) and I do expect pacing to pick up from here. Hikari is cute, I like her already. The battle designs looks fine for this as well. Decent start.
Oct 5, 2016 11:38 AM

Sep 2015
Not saying the brave witches is bad, but I prefer the strike witches more. I didn't feel the charm I felt watching the strike witches long ago when I'm watching the brave witches now, something is lacking or maybe its because the whole team havn't been introduce yet. Just to say In the end I still like all the witches series.

I thought that there won't be any mention of the strike witches 501, Sakamoto and a glimpse of Miyafuji on the newspaper good enough:) I really miss them.

Hikari seems to have the same element like Miyafuji, never give up/work hard and the miracle will happen. So I can't wait to see Hikari's relationship with other team member and what miracle she will bring at the end.
Oct 5, 2016 12:43 PM

Aug 2009
This was rather bad, imo, and I'm saying this as someone who enjoyed Strike Witches a lot.

The animations sucked, the CGI sucked and that drama between Misumi and main girl was crappy. Hope the other girls to come can save this series. The last strike witches thing I saw were the OVAs, and they were miles ahead in terms of enjoyment than this.
Oct 5, 2016 12:51 PM

Mar 2010
I so looked forward to this but I didn't like this episode at all since Hikari is basically Yoshika with a different design (and instead of being a mary sue she is a failure). I hope she won't ruin this series like Yoshika did with the 501st.
Oct 5, 2016 12:52 PM

Jan 2016
They are back !!! well almost, was little confused at first but got introduction of a new MC and her bigsis and some other characters, and did see some familiar faces during the opening and ending?? or is it just me.. all thou i like the OST and really felt like watching strike witches again! :3 right rhythm!

Seems i will enjoy another Season with Strike(Brave) Witches again!

valvravetruth said:
I thought that there won't be any mention of the strike witches 501, Sakamoto and a glimpse of Miyafuji on the newspaper good enough:) I really miss them.

Hikari seems to have the same element like Miyafuji, never give up/work hard and the miracle will happen. So I can't wait to see Hikari's relationship with other team member and what miracle she will bring at the end.
I though so to ? hoping for the strike Witches 501 at the end of the serie :3 and i kind like that Hikari have the same element like Miyafuji, only problem i hade was that i started mixing them two up. lol
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
Oct 5, 2016 12:54 PM

Jul 2013
Not the worst or the best episode but I just hope it gets better later on


Oct 5, 2016 12:57 PM

May 2014
I thought it was great. Can't wait for more!
Oct 5, 2016 1:43 PM

Dec 2014
Thought watching this subbed would alienate me, but not so.

Like everything before it, its okay. Despite an asinine premise, it's got heart, though the fanservice moments drag it down by quite a lot. Strike Witches has been like this since 2007 and it hasn't even remotely changed much over the course of 9 years.
Oct 5, 2016 1:59 PM
Sep 2009
Yaaaaaaaaaaaay!! Its back!! I missed girls flying around wearing fighter planes flashing their pantsu.
Oct 5, 2016 2:07 PM

May 2015
Not bad. Hopefully it'll be good~

Oct 5, 2016 2:14 PM

Dec 2015
It was a nice introduction, but the flight scenes were disappointing... CG made the whole thing look bad, and they missed tons of opportunities of good old-fashioned strike witches signature crotch shots.
It's disappointing that a 2008 anime had better animation, i expected better from Silver Link.

Burger-Meister said:

Despite an asinine premise, it's got heart, though the fanservice moments drag it down by quite a lot. Strike Witches has been like this since 2007 and it hasn't even remotely changed much over the course of 9 years.

Fanservice is not "dragging down", it's the whole point of the anime. That's like saying that Gurren Lagann would be better without mechas, or that the romance in Dragonball is dragged down by too many fights.
Oct 5, 2016 2:21 PM
Jul 2014
Do I need to watch Strike Witches in order to understand this?
Oct 5, 2016 2:31 PM

Dec 2008
I doubt you need to have SW watched to enjoy the show (Strike Witches has never been story heavy). However, watching it may help because references are bound to happen (the first ep has at least one).

It was fun to watch (on the other hand, anything remotely associated with aviation gets +10 from me, so I might be slightly biased here). While watching this ep. I couldn't help but constantly ask myself "Ok, Takami, so when are you planning to get yourself killed?" She has such a big death flag wrapped around her, that she should not be able to take off due to it's weight and size.
desuminatorOct 5, 2016 2:35 PM
Oct 5, 2016 2:50 PM

Jan 2015
Everything felt so cliche, but regardless i liked it. I liked MC, was glad for her
for finally crossing the sea and passing exam...

The whole saving the girl from the sea was emotional for me.
Oct 5, 2016 3:00 PM

Apr 2010
It's finally back and they are finally airing one of the other units.
The 502 is a great unit
it's great to see them.
And it seems we have some nice new characters as well this is going to be nice.
Oct 5, 2016 4:31 PM

Aug 2016
mrmuk said:
This was rather bad, imo, and I'm saying this as someone who enjoyed Strike Witches a lot.

The animations sucked, the CGI sucked and that drama between Misumi and main girl was crappy.

Yeah... Not impressed yet. I also LOVED Strike Witches, one of the reason was that I loved the interratcion between the characters (such as Sanya and Eila, Erica and Barkhorn or Charlotte and Lucchini), and I am NOT impressed so far on that regard in this episode.

Like you said, the ''hate'' between Misumi and Hikari (or was it Hibari, I forgot) was VERY forced, and probably meant to reminisce of Miyafuji and Perrine, wich was a bit more believable, because we've seen actual reasons for Perrine to not like Miyafuji (the whole thing with Mio), but here it's just ''eh. u sux, k thx bye'' for no apparent reason other than What's-her-face sister is a celebrity and it didn't lead to anything (yet, hopefuly this will somehow turns into something, but I kind of doubt).

At least the soundtrack what was I expected, it sounds like Strike Witches. Didn't exactly listened to the OP and ED, so I can't tell, but they sound like they won't be my type ._.

As for the animation, I taught it was okay, I don't really mind animations/graphics usualy. This didn't feel that bad, and I honestly taught it looked a tiny bit better than SW. Just a bit.

Overall, it wasn't all that bad for a 1st episode, but I'm waiting on more to get a more solid opinion, like I said, so far, not that into it. Then again, I only really went into SW after a couple episodes, when the rest of the cast got involved. Hopefuly it will be the same.

Also, loved the Mio cameo in the newspaper, but I'm confused, this is in 1939, so why is Miyafuji there with Mio in the picture? I don't remember the date Strike Witches happen, but I'm pretty sure this was AFTER 1939? Someone knows more about this? Mio looked younger (I think?) so it make sense, since I think it was mentionned she was pretty well known for being one of the best soldier at a young age, but yeah, Miyafuji doesn't fit in the equation.
LordFartdinkleOct 5, 2016 4:34 PM
Oct 5, 2016 4:41 PM

Dec 2014
Yarrowia said:
Burger-Meister said:

Despite an asinine premise, it's got heart, though the fanservice moments drag it down by quite a lot. Strike Witches has been like this since 2007 and it hasn't even remotely changed much over the course of 9 years.

Fanservice is not "dragging down", it's the whole point of the anime. That's like saying that Gurren Lagann would be better without mechas, or that the romance in Dragonball is dragged down by too many fights.

The thing is though is that I generally don't like the typical examples of "ecchi" in anime, and thus I tend to rate series focused on it lower than most others. Strike Witches has positive elements besides the fanservice, such as the story being pretty decent, and of course its heartfelt moments, but still, not being a fan of the type of ecchi Strike Witches provides, it gets a lower score because of it. In other words, it's basically bias.
Oct 5, 2016 4:54 PM

Jul 2014
@ChibiRico8 This takes place in September 1944, after the events of Season 1.
Oct 5, 2016 5:01 PM

Aug 2016
Atram151 said:
@ChibiRico8 This takes place in September 1944, after the events of Season 1.

Didn't it start with saying it was the years 1939? Or was that just when the Neuroi appeared and I've missed something important? xD (Like, for instance, the actual date this happens to take place in)
Oct 5, 2016 5:03 PM

Jul 2014
@ChibiRico8 It tells the date just after the OP
Atram151Oct 5, 2016 5:07 PM
Oct 5, 2016 5:08 PM

Aug 2016
@Atram151 Hahaha, you're right. I totaly missed that. This is strange, because I saw the title card, and it sowed me wherever that place was, Fusou right after. I think it might have been an issue when it loaded or something because my internet is crappy, I don't know.

Whelp. That explains that. Thanks ^^
Oct 5, 2016 6:06 PM
Oct 2015
Demonkush said:
I thought it was great. Can't wait for more!

I liked it as well. The new girl is not Miafuji but she has heart and I think this series will only get better. Folks gotta give it a chance.
Oct 5, 2016 6:18 PM

Jul 2016
Supposed to be the timeline of this is the same as Strike Witches? Miyafuji isn't known yet as a Witch with huge capabilities.
"This (anime) industry is weird" - Chitose Karasuma, Gi(a)rlish Number

I hope someday someone in an anime would say, "The (anime) viewers are weird."
Oct 5, 2016 6:38 PM

Oct 2010
Love this. A stronger start than Strike Witches had (I can say with confidence, since I just started Strike Witches last month). And the CG looks the same to me as it did in Strike Witches 2, good in both cases. The zooming into pantsu shots during flying were the only annoying part of the fanservice in Strike Witches, do not want.
Oct 5, 2016 7:00 PM

May 2013
The sister relationship have more potential for the story than miyafuji/dead father relt. at least.

Liked for episode one. Strike Witch never be my favorite still.
Oct 5, 2016 7:23 PM

Jan 2008
Disappointed in the CGI. Doesn't look like any visual improvement despite being several years older, rather it looks degraded. Maybe just because I haven't seen SW2 since it aired.

Not really feeling anything for the cast either, this just feels like another rehash series with recycled character archetypes like some idol anime are doing. Hopefully next episode proves me wrong.
Oct 5, 2016 8:08 PM

Mar 2015
So far it seems So-So least it was more entertaining than S1 E1 of SW, I'll continue to watch it. I'm more sad I won't get to see anymore of my favorite witch from SW though, Hartmann :/
Oct 5, 2016 8:13 PM

Feb 2012
The CGI was horrible, but I was impressed at how the anime used it as little as possible. Most shows in similar situations would just go all in on the CGI. There were some very impressive shots that show people at least care about this anime, but there were also multiple points that showed how they're trying to cut corners. It looks like Silver Link isn't going to invest much in this anime.

I really like Hikari and I think she'll make a great lead. She isn't a chosen one, and even at her best she is still outdone by her sister. I loved her parents and this entire episode did a good job establishing her as a character. I'm not that excited about Takami, but I get the feeling there are hidden things about her that could make her a really good character.

Brave Witches is sticking pretty close to the formula that Strike Witches had, but it looks like the characters will be different enough so it should hopefully be able to stand on its own.
Oct 5, 2016 9:01 PM

Dec 2009
Oh dang the hype is real. I really love the strike witches universe and have been dying for some more~

The original 2 series had a bit too much time wasted with excessive fanservice when it has so much room for potential. The movie hit the nail on the head and now i'm ready for more!
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Oct 5, 2016 9:19 PM

Jan 2016
If i could put this in one word 'えちい'
So did that one girl get booted? is crossing a river much harder than operating those leg propellers?
funny how this anime decided to make the Axis Powers (specifically Nazi Germany) into lightning red space ship aliens hahahaha

Oct 5, 2016 9:32 PM

Mar 2012
There were some points in the episode where I thought to myself 'Would I still be watching this show if it weren't connected to Strike Witches?'. But as the episode went along I did end up getting attached to Hikari and I'm interested in seeing where this is headed.

I can't really say much about the show until I've seen all the girls in action, but at this point I'm fairly optimistic.


Yarrowia said:

Fanservice is not "dragging down", it's the whole point of the anime.
I don't think the fanservice drags down the show. But it is definitely not the whole point of the show. I can't say the fanservice in the original series did much for me, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the show.

The fanservice in this so far has been a bit of sideboob and a few split second butt shots which is a big step down from the bare boobies and full screen pantsu shots in the original. But at the same time I can't say I enjoy it any less for that. Maybe the creators have come to realise that they don't need to rely on the fanservice as much now that the show has already attracted its own little niche audience of military fetishists.
SeibaaHomuOct 5, 2016 9:36 PM
Oct 5, 2016 9:40 PM

Dec 2009
SeibaaHomu said:
Yarrowia said:

Fanservice is not "dragging down", it's the whole point of the anime.
I don't think the fanservice drags down the show. But it is definitely not the whole point of the show. I can't say the fanservice in the original series did much for me, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the show.

The fanservice in this so far has been a bit of sideboob and a few split second butt shots which is a big step down from the bare boobies and full screen pantsu shots in the original. But at the same time I can't say I enjoy it any less for that. Maybe the creators have come to realise that they don't need to rely on the fanservice as much now that the show has already attracted its own little niche audience of military fetishists.
The original 2 seasons had a lot of pointless ecchi nonsense that ate up the time, but this is doing what the show should be doing (as the movie and ovas did): context relevant nudity, and creatively unnecessary crotch cameras, nothing more. Strike Witches shines without ecchi taking up screen-time.
GenesisAriaOct 5, 2016 9:47 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Oct 5, 2016 9:58 PM

Jul 2009
mrmuk said:
The animations sucked, the CGI sucked.
Welcome to most new anime. They leave most work to auto-filling style tools now. :(

valvravetruth said:
Not saying the brave witches is bad, but I prefer the strike witches more

valvravetruth said:
I thought that there won't be any mention of the strike witches 501, Sakamoto and a glimpse of Miyafuji on the newspaper good enough:) I really miss them.
Anyone notice that Hikari's the only(?) Fuso witch to notice Miyafuji in that photo..? >_>

Now the thing bothering me is.. Her magic power
1. Does she have a lot? (Miyafuji-syndrome)
2. Just poor control? (Visit the old broom witch :3)
Oct 5, 2016 10:11 PM

Dec 2009
kyled00m said:
mrmuk said:
The animations sucked, the CGI sucked.
Welcome to most new anime. They leave most work to auto-filling style tools now. :(
It's about the same as it's always been, stop complaining. If you stop obsessing about it, you'll stop noticing it as much.

valvravetruth said:
Not saying the brave witches is bad, but I prefer the strike witches more
It just started, even old Strike Witches had a cheesy start.

valvravetruth said:
I thought that there won't be any mention of the strike witches 501, Sakamoto and a glimpse of Miyafuji on the newspaper good enough:) I really miss them.
Anyone notice that Hikari's the only(?) Fuso witch to notice Miyafuji in that photo..? >_>

Now the thing bothering me is.. Her magic power
1. Does she have a lot? (Miyafuji-syndrome)
2. Just poor control? (Visit the old broom witch :3)
More connections than just cameos would be nice. Introducing old characters as secondary characters to new series with new main cast is always a great thrill.

About the power, i think she's more the type who's good at hard things and bad at "easy" things. It seems like she legitimately has weaker magic, but when it comes to aspects that are needing extra stamina, she excels (like when it was raining and she was toughing it out and not even noticing her weighed down clothes). Getting pelted on the face by rain at combat speeds is not fun. A good visit to old Anna's house will always smack a witch into shape (she'd have to meet the 501st crew for that prob though).
GenesisAriaOct 5, 2016 10:14 PM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Oct 5, 2016 10:28 PM

Jan 2011
whenever i see these characters i always gotta ask why you got no pants girl?! i know they exist one of the instructors were wearing them!

that and the ear/tail transfomtion triggers me
Oct 5, 2016 10:39 PM

Dec 2009
katsu044 said:
whenever i see these characters i always gotta ask why you got no pants girl?! i know they exist one of the instructors were wearing them!

that and the ear/tail transfomtion triggers me
I pose an opposing question: why girls gotta wear trousers (pants)? They don' look good.
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Oct 5, 2016 11:31 PM

Jun 2013
Ive never seen Strike Witches but i really enjoyed this first episode, it was a lot of fun!
Oct 6, 2016 12:11 AM

Jun 2015
SakurasouBusters said:
Ive never seen Strike Witches but i really enjoyed this first episode, it was a lot of fun!

hue, the glorious pantsu airforce is waiting for you
Oct 6, 2016 12:29 AM

Dec 2015
SeibaaHomu said:
I don't think the fanservice drags down the show. But it is definitely not the whole point of the show. I can't say the fanservice in the original series did much for me, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the show.

The fanservice in this so far has been a bit of sideboob and a few split second butt shots which is a big step down from the bare boobies and full screen pantsu shots in the original. But at the same time I can't say I enjoy it any less for that. Maybe the creators have come to realise that they don't need to rely on the fanservice as much now that the show has already attracted its own little niche audience of military fetishists.

The whole premise of the show shows that the main point is fanservice. The way they fight, the way they dress, their animal transformation, the fact that only young teenage girls can become witches... Everything was created from the start with the intention of providing fanservice.
And as much as i agree that it would still be enjoyable without fanservice, it would become little more than a CGDCT with military trivia. It's not even that the story is not "story heavy", there was never really any story to begin with. The only time they tried to advance the plot was at the end of season 1, and it was completely thrown away just one episode later in season 2.
The main appeals of the show are fanservice, interactions between the girls and to a lesser extent the fight scenes. Sure it could be enjoyable without one of these aspects, but it would not really be Strike Witches. And considering that the original author is dead, it's even less likely that they will change the spirit of his series. They will more likely try to show that they are as close to the original series as possible. Which is why they made sure to show crotch shots in the PV and an bath scene within the first episode.

As for the creators realizing that they don't need fan service, i don't think that's true. Fan service might not be completely needed for enjoyment of the already interested niche audience, but it's in the DNA of the series and it will be needed for blu-ray sales. Even Girls Und Panzer, which had no fan service at all, had a swimsuit OVA release to guarantee BD sales.

katsu044 said:
whenever i see these characters i always gotta ask why you got no pants girl?! i know they exist one of the instructors were wearing them!

that and the ear/tail transfomtion triggers me

If i remember correctly, the in-universe explanation is that the use of strike units requires close skin contact, therefore no pants, and for the rest of the female population, it's a fashion that started out of admiration for witches. Also, in-universe their "panties" are not considered underwear, but regular clothes (which is not that unbelievable, in the west you see girls wearing shorts that are shorter than panties, yet it's seen as normal).
But the real explanation is the same as ear/tail transformation: fan service. If fanservice triggers you, you're not going to enjoy this anime.
YarrowiaOct 6, 2016 12:34 AM
Oct 6, 2016 1:23 AM

Sep 2015
valvravetruth said:
I didn't feel the charm I felt watching the strike witches long ago when I'm watching the brave witches now, something is lacking or maybe its because the whole team havn't been introduce yet.

I felt the same. Probably because the missing of the old cast and Strike Witches had a much better 1st episode. I missed some exposition about the characters and their relations. The way it was presented everything and everyone felt completely unimportant, unlike with Miyafuji.
Oct 6, 2016 1:28 AM

Nov 2010
Not gonna stick around much but the bath scene was nice. hehe. :)
Oct 6, 2016 1:41 AM

Sep 2015
katsu044 said:
whenever i see these characters i always gotta ask why you got no pants girl?! i know they exist one of the instructors were wearing them!

that and the ear/tail transfomtion triggers me

When the female(including the old) use their magic power, the ear/tail will come out. About why they wear only pants, just like one member aobve already answer you(exposure to magic and fan service at the same time). And of course they can't cover their legs when they are wearing the 'strike units' to battle.

Just like in the old series, you can use magic even after you are old and ear/tail will still come out. But they are unable to ride 'strike units' anymore due to old people's magic weaken, which also weaken their magic shield against Neuroi lasers.

SakurasouBusters said:
Ive never seen Strike Witches but i really enjoyed this first episode, it was a lot of fun!

Then maybe you should go watch the old series which include 2 seasons, 3 ovas and 1 movie.
Oct 6, 2016 7:46 AM

Nov 2011
Narratively there's a kind of déjà vu with the beginning of Strike Witches, very sweet and delicate, storytelling, nothing exciting, everything according to the canons of the saga. Drawings and animations, excellent. To evaluate the quality of the sets, and the soundtrack.
Happy to see a new season of this show, I appreciated the fact that he made a crossover with Unit 501.
Oct 6, 2016 8:14 AM

Oct 2010
I wouldn't tell newcomers to add SW to their backlog. They know it's there, if they want to they'll watch it of their own volition.

DTUB said:
is crossing a river much harder than operating those leg propellers?
funny how this anime decided to make the Axis Powers (specifically Nazi Germany) into lightning red space ship aliens hahahaha

Yeah, it's harder because the "striker units" (propellers) draw magical energy from them automatically. They were walking on water using magic shields, which they have to create and use manually. And that isn't a way I've seen the shields used before, although I'm only halfway through SW2 right now.

The aliens aren't really Nazi Germany, since Germany (Karlsland) is an allied nation in this world and apparently does not have fascist leaders, nor any major problems with racial prejudice etc.

Of course in real life people might be saying the Neuroi were summoned by Jewish magic. For example, regarding the 1920 German film The Golem, which is based on Jewish folklore:

The Golem’s destruction, moreover, re-affirms boundaries that keep uncanny Others
inside the ghetto walls. As Omer Bartov in The Jew in Cinema argues, the
Golem in Wegener’s film underscores the Jew’s “magical and destructive
capacities” but “it also represents the Jews’ ability to control the powers of
nature ... and to cast over the world the dark shadow of their morbid rights”

(3). The Golem, Rabbi Loew, and the Jews of the ghetto stay on the other side
of the fourth wall, within the containable limits of the illusion on the film
screen. At the same time, the viewing audience of the 1920s outside world
sits and watches in the dark, silently accepting popular racialized stereotypes
of Europe’s Jews while ignoring the implications of negative typecasting
on the many men and women in their midst who have a Jewish heritage.

The geography of the war in SW resembles WWII, but I think of it more as a fantasy - "Wouldn't it have been great if no one had imperial ambitions and everyone united against a common enemy?"
nDroaeOct 6, 2016 8:19 AM
Oct 6, 2016 9:35 AM

Feb 2014
I'd say that this was a good start to Brae Witches, but I can't deny that it had a heavy sense of 'Deja Vu' to the start of Strike Witches though.

The only main letdown for me was the use of the CGI. It was used decently at the start to the show, to the same standards as Operation Victory Arrow OVA's, but during the Mia/Hikari face off, it was very messy and out of position. At least the 2D animation and overall art quality is pretty good thankfully. =)

Another plus point is the small newpaper cameo of Sakamoto and Miyafuji, who was unfortunate to be the corner of the picture. XD

Next time, we should see the rest of the Brave Witches and only then should we find out if the story goes along the same path as Strike Witches did, or if it goes down an entirely separate path.
Oct 6, 2016 10:07 AM

Dec 2009
To those (and there always are some) who don't get why they don't wear trousers or skirts usually (which they do on special occasions), it's because they're impractical for using the Striker Units. The culture of bare legs just becomes normal everywhere because of this factor.

rustic_fall said:
The animation is ok but it really pisses my off that the action scenes or in cg that is obvious to see. The story has been predictable and nothing so far makes it seem that the setting is in 1944.
Did you see any of the vehicles or equipment?

SakurasouBusters said:
Ive never seen Strike Witches but i really enjoyed this first episode, it was a lot of fun!
It's worth it, even with the overdoing the fanservice plots in some episodes, it only gets better as it progresses, and the movie is spectacular.
GenesisAriaOct 6, 2016 10:15 AM
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Oct 6, 2016 10:24 AM

Mar 2015
I enjoy this way too much, it's silly as all hell, just like Strike Witches, but i still i can't stop watching it.

Also, World Witches Series? Are there any plans for future spin-offs? I'd love to see the african witches in their own show, Marseille is great.
Oct 6, 2016 10:48 AM

Jan 2011
valvravetruth said:
katsu044 said:
whenever i see these characters i always gotta ask why you got no pants girl?! i know they exist one of the instructors were wearing them!

that and the ear/tail transfomtion triggers me

When the female(including the old) use their magic power, the ear/tail will come out. About why they wear only pants, just like one member aobve already answer you(exposure to magic and fan service at the same time). And of course they can't cover their legs when they are wearing the 'strike units' to battle.

Just like in the old series, you can use magic even after you are old and ear/tail will still come out. But they are unable to ride 'strike units' anymore due to old people's magic weaken, which also weaken their magic shield against Neuroi lasers.

SakurasouBusters said:
Ive never seen Strike Witches but i really enjoyed this first episode, it was a lot of fun!

Then maybe you should go watch the old series which include 2 seasons, 3 ovas and 1 movie.

yeah i recall hearing something along those lines regarding this series i always found it silly it's not as bad as the whole quiet MGSV thing because at least they don't take it so seriously and are quite clear it's because fanservice, i just thought hey maybe they should wear em when they aren't flying around lol till this day i didn't think they existed in the strike witches universe .
who needs pants anyways ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oct 6, 2016 11:27 AM

Dec 2011
Guys, come on, don't compare your affinity to a series that already has 2 seasons + 1 movie + 2 OVA with a series that only has 1 episode. You can't love these girls right away obviously.

Heck, even Yoshika is so fcking annoying in Season 1, but her comeback in the Movie is so touching.

tl;dr Give these girls their chance. They deserve it.
Oct 6, 2016 1:20 PM
Oct 2015
SakurasouBusters said:
Ive never seen Strike Witches but i really enjoyed this first episode, it was a lot of fun!

If you liked this 1st episode then go and watch the 2 seasons of the original series as well as the movie.
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