Jan 17, 2016 2:03 PM
This is meant to be a place to add spoilers, I personally like knowing the story ahead of time, I like knowing what will happen, how and to who. So If you are a LN reader please feel free to spoil some of the information for those interested in this thread( such as myself). I'm not looking for anything specific, just interesting facts that the anime might not get into or wont cover due to episode constraints. Also when I mean spoilers, I mean to say anything is fair game...Character development, Deaths, Story arcs etc... Thanks Again! |
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Jan 17, 2016 5:42 PM
Well later Minato will die.. For romance part, Shihoru falls for Manato but he dies after which she doesn't really get interested in anyone else romantically Yume doesn't get into a relationship as of yet Haru (MC) falls for Mary (new priest, basically femManato almost literally) but he doesn't have the balls to say anything Mimori falls for MC (she's the only female character who shows legitimate romantic interest in the MC other than maybe Mary) Ranta is Ranta Well there IS another guy who shows interest in Mary. However whether or not they are actually in a romantic relationship is left somewhat vague and is based a lot on the MCs own insecure suspicions. It's hinted Mary likes MC, she also get jealous when Mimori confessed to him. |
CrazyFrogzJan 18, 2016 2:03 PM
Jan 17, 2016 6:11 PM
CrazyFrogz said: Well later Minato will die.. For romance part, Titty Mage falls for Manato but he dies after which she doesn't really get interested in anyone else romantically Yume doesn't get into a relationship as of yet Haru (MC) falls for Mary (new priest, basically femManato almost literally) but he doesn't have the balls to say anything Tall Mage lady falls for MC (she's the only female character who shows legitimate romantic interest in the MC other than maybe Mary) Ranta is Ranta Well there IS another guy who shows interest in Mary. However whether or not they are actually in a romantic relationship is left somewhat vague and is based a lot on the MCs own insecure suspicions. It's hinted Mary likes MC, she also get jealous when big titty onee-san confessed to him. How far have you read? Thanks! |
Jan 17, 2016 6:22 PM
So yume is not interested on Manato in the beginning or later on Haru (MC)? Also, who is the girl who confesses to Haru (MC), thanks ^^ PD: When will Manato die on the anime version at the end of the series? |
Uzumaki_NagatoJan 17, 2016 6:30 PM
Jan 17, 2016 7:22 PM
Uzumaki_Nagato said: So yume is not interested on Manato in the beginning or later on Haru (MC)? Also, who is the girl who confesses to Haru (MC), thanks ^^ PD: When will Manato die on the anime version at the end of the series? In around 2 episodes, maybe even the next one. |
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Jan 17, 2016 7:27 PM
Omnisword said: is the Big Warrior dude did not get any love? Big warrior will die soon as well |
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Jan 17, 2016 8:42 PM
Uzumaki_Nagato said: So yume is not interested on Manato in the beginning or later on Haru (MC)? Also, who is the girl who confesses to Haru (MC), thanks ^^ PD: When will Manato die on the anime version at the end of the series? Yume not interested in Manato, Shihoru that interested with him Yume and MC only hug in the LN, but not much development happened. Probably Yume friendzone him because MC not her type. Minato will die probably in next episode or episode 4. Later new girl join the party, her name is Mary. MC like this girl but didn't have courage to confess. Maybe you all thought this anime is boring but they start getting better as soon as volume 2 when they figure out how to work best with Mary. Mary even warms up to them quickly as a result |
CrazyFrogzJan 17, 2016 11:58 PM
Jan 17, 2016 10:54 PM
CrazyFrogz said: Well later Minato will die.. For romance part, Titty Mage falls for Manato but he dies after which she doesn't really get interested in anyone else romantically Yume doesn't get into a relationship as of yet Haru (MC) falls for Mary (new priest, basically femManato almost literally) but he doesn't have the balls to say anything Tall Mage lady falls for MC (she's the only female character who shows legitimate romantic interest in the MC other than maybe Mary) Ranta is Ranta Well there IS another guy who shows interest in Mary. However whether or not they are actually in a romantic relationship is left somewhat vague and is based a lot on the MCs own insecure suspicions. It's hinted Mary likes MC, she also get jealous when big titty onee-san confessed to him. Wait so Shihoru ends up liking our MC? |
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime? |
Jan 17, 2016 11:27 PM
bobzanny said: Wait so Shihoru ends up liking our MC? Shihoru didn't like MC, she still doesn't really get interested in anyone else yet. Big titty onee-san/Tall Mage lady(Mimori) is new character that will appear later. She like MC and confessed to him but he reject her. Mary get jealous when that onee san confessed to MC. |
CrazyFrogzJan 18, 2016 2:04 PM
Jan 18, 2016 12:44 AM
CrazyFrogz said: bobzanny said: Wait so Shihoru ends up liking our MC? Shihoru didn't like MC, she still doesn't really get interested in anyone else yet. Big titty onee-san/Tall Mage lady is new character that will appear later. She like MC and confessed to him but he reject her. Mary get jealous when that onee san confessed to MC. Oh okay, she hadn't appear by beginning of Vol.3 so I was confused a bit. Glad to hear that Mary gets a bit jealous, my OTP is still a possibility. |
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime? |
Jan 18, 2016 12:55 AM
bobzanny said: Oh okay, she hadn't appear by beginning of Vol.3 so I was confused a bit. Glad to hear that Mary gets a bit jealous, my OTP is still a possibility. This the illustration |
Jan 18, 2016 12:58 AM
CrazyFrogz said: bobzanny said: Oh okay, she hadn't appear by beginning of Vol.3 so I was confused a bit. Glad to hear that Mary gets a bit jealous, my OTP is still a possibility. This the illustration Oh Jesus she has some titties on wonder you call her the Big Titty Onee-san. |
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime? |
Jan 18, 2016 1:36 AM
bobzanny said: Oh Jesus she has some titties on wonder you call her the Big Titty Onee-san. Well this Mimori appear in Vol 5. Translation is slow by the way. If you want to know summary from Vol 4 to Vol 7 go here. |
CrazyFrogzJan 18, 2016 2:04 PM
Jan 18, 2016 1:52 AM
CrazyFrogz said: bobzanny said: Oh Jesus she has some titties on wonder you call her the Big Titty Onee-san. Well this onee san appear in Vol 5. Translation is slow by the way. If you want to know summary from Vol 4 to Vol 7 go here. Holy shit was a spoiler heavy read. Thx for that, really happy to read that the world and characters do a good job at expanding. Though reading about Haruhiro's lack of strength when asked about his feelings for Mary irked me a bit. Hopefully A-1 can pull off Vol.2 and Vol.3 to help set up for a S2 because it seems like shit really ramps up and that'd be good to see. |
Big Order (TV):great anime or greatest anime? |
Jan 18, 2016 6:04 AM
Art2010 said: Omnisword said: is the Big Warrior dude did not get any love? Big warrior will die soon as well Damn i regretted now to ever asked this every party need one big guy figure at least CrazyFrogz said: Uzumaki_Nagato said: So yume is not interested on Manato in the beginning or later on Haru (MC)? Also, who is the girl who confesses to Haru (MC), thanks ^^ PD: When will Manato die on the anime version at the end of the series? Yume not interested in Manato, Shihoru that interested with him Yume and MC only hug in the LN, but not much development happened. Probably Yume friendzone him because MC not her type. Minato will die probably in next episode or episode 4. Later new girl join the party, her name is Mary. MC like this girl but didn't have courage to confess. Maybe you all thought this anime is boring but they start getting better as soon as volume 2 when they figure out how to work best with Mary. Mary even warms up to them quickly as a result How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. |
Jan 18, 2016 7:30 AM
I am a bit lost with that Mage that u are talking about, i mean the girl who confesses to the MC is not the mage that is on the party at this moment on the anime but a new one? New character as well as mary? Im kinda dissapointed if yume doesnt end up with the MC xD PD: on the picture that crazyfrog posted, is Mary the girl behind them? And who is the other girl? thanks for the spoilers haha |
Uzumaki_NagatoJan 18, 2016 8:54 AM
Jan 18, 2016 2:10 PM
Uzumaki_Nagato said: PD: on the picture that crazyfrog posted, is Mary the girl behind them? And who is the other girl? thanks for the spoilers haha At right tall female is Mimori and in the middle is Anna. Mimori and Anna is in Tokimune party. Romance is very slow in this series because everyone keep dying and when people keep dying, it is kind of hard to start a relationship. Most of it focuses on inter-party interactions and getting good. |
CrazyFrogzJan 18, 2016 3:05 PM
Jan 18, 2016 2:31 PM
Hi guys, I haven't started watching the anime yet but I'm really interested so I would like to know a bit more about the MC. Is he kind of weak? Does he grow some balls at some point? |
Jan 18, 2016 4:45 PM
Yuzuno said: Hi guys, I haven't started watching the anime yet but I'm really interested so I would like to know a bit more about the MC. Is he kind of weak? Does he grow some balls at some point? MC gets even better when he starts learn more skills and they are all martial arts so he's more of a monk than a rogue. He also learns choke holds, kicks and the like. Mogozo fails at tanking and goes for bulky melee DPS. Ranata is an all out berseker+fighter mix with a shit familiar. Yume is a Ranger specced for melee dual-wielding and wants to go beast-master later (which is the weakest ranger class). Shirou only learns support spells for full 4-5 books. And only one spell per book which is lame because having no offensive presence is the same as being useless. Manato dies first and is the scrubbiest of scrubs. Mary is the most competent in the group when she joins. Later the rankings in competence: Mary>Haruhiro>Ranta>Mogozo>Kuzaku>Shihoru>Yume In volume 6, its more: Haruhiro > Kuzaku > Ranta > Shihoru > Yume > Mary Haruhiro is best leader |
CrazyFrogzJan 18, 2016 4:51 PM
Jan 18, 2016 8:35 PM
I love spoilers, thanks for telling us Manato dies I didn't want to get invested in a character that wouldn't make it. |
Jan 18, 2016 10:08 PM
MilkQueen said: I love spoilers, thanks for telling us Manato dies I didn't want to get invested in a character that wouldn't make it. Welcome to my life, as soon as I decided that spoilers were OK my anime experience improved 10 fold... |
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Jan 22, 2016 4:25 PM
Actually glad this Topic is here. I Wasn't sure if Ranta was the MC or not. I've seen both episode 1 and 2 and this thread clarifies that for me. Thanks guys! Also "Ranta is ranta" Is probably the best character description I could think of lol. |
Jan 23, 2016 9:09 PM
Would also like to add that Ranta's childish behavior toward Yume may actually be because he likes her. He even said she was more his type in the second volume, |
Jan 25, 2016 7:15 AM
Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. |
Prisca98Jan 25, 2016 7:24 AM
Jan 27, 2016 4:11 AM
CrazyFrogz said: Later the rankings in competence: Mary>Haruhiro>Ranta>Mogozo>Kuzaku>Shihoru>Yume Haruhiro is best leader what volume is this one? and where do you read? |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jan 31, 2016 5:10 PM
CrazyFrogz said: Yuzuno said: Hi guys, I haven't started watching the anime yet but I'm really interested so I would like to know a bit more about the MC. Is he kind of weak? Does he grow some balls at some point? MC gets even better when he starts learn more skills and they are all martial arts so he's more of a monk than a rogue. He also learns choke holds, kicks and the like. Mogozo fails at tanking and goes for bulky melee DPS. Ranata is an all out berseker+fighter mix with a shit familiar. Yume is a Ranger specced for melee dual-wielding and wants to go beast-master later (which is the weakest ranger class). Shirou only learns support spells for full 4-5 books. And only one spell per book which is lame because having no offensive presence is the same as being useless. Manato dies first and is the scrubbiest of scrubs. Mary is the most competent in the group when she joins. Later the rankings in competence: Mary>Haruhiro>Ranta>Mogozo>Kuzaku>Shihoru>Yume In volume 6, its more: Haruhiro > Kuzaku > Ranta > Shihoru > Yume > Mary Haruhiro is best leader hello i'm new in this forum i'd like to ask you who is kuzaku ? and there is no moguzo in ranking of competence you mentioned above does that mean he is aldready gone in volume 6 |
Feb 1, 2016 5:21 PM
odd_yuya said: hello i'm new in this forum i'd like to ask you who is kuzaku ? and there is no moguzo in ranking of competence you mentioned above does that mean he is aldready gone in volume 6 Kuzaku is new teammate, tank that will join later. Moguzo die in the end volume 3. |
Feb 3, 2016 5:46 PM
vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... |
Feb 6, 2016 11:02 AM
Salamander1 said: vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... Salamander1 said: vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... This week Mary will start to appear. Let's see how the anime team handles her & her interactions with Haruhiro, whether she can convince anime audiences to shift from YumexHaru. LN readers support Mary easily since Yume literally never amount much in the LN, be it in plot, character development, or relationship. But anime gives her good spotlight therefore she's collecting good amount of fans, so it will be interesting to see how Mary will fare in the anime, esp. if they animate the famous hug of Haru-Yume. EDIT: Love the heart-pouring scene of Haru-Yume. As a LN’s reader, I’m satisfied that IMO, anime managed to did it more beautifully, more touching by changed some of the details. Also it was a right decision to put the scene for the closing of eps (more emotional punch). Many ppl probably would quickly answered “Manato” if they were asked on who the party member that is closest to Haru, but I think Yume is actually more correct, though it's more apparent in anime. Their personality, quirks, jobs complement each other & they have some things they can relate to each other. Both also talk more easily with each other. I'm really liking the writer and/or director of the anime, I like the way they approach the materials and characters, esp. with Yume. As my fav female char. even in the LN, I like how the anime staffs seem to love her more than the LN author himself, she gets handled and adapted much better in anime, therefore also get much more popularity from anime viewers than in LN readers. |
Prisca98Feb 13, 2016 3:57 PM
Feb 13, 2016 10:56 PM
vanca said: Salamander1 said: vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... Salamander1 said: vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... This week Mary will start to appear. Let's see how the anime team handles her & her interactions with Haruhiro, whether she can convince anime audiences to shift from YumexHaru. LN readers support Mary easily since Yume literally never amount much in the LN, be it in plot, character development, or relationship. But anime gives her good spotlight therefore she's collecting good amount of fans, so it will be interesting to see how Mary will fare in the anime, esp. if they animate the famous hug of Haru-Yume. EDIT: Love the heart-pouring scene of Haru-Yume. As a LN’s reader, I’m satisfied that IMO, anime managed to did it more beautifully, more touching by changed some of the details. Also it was a right decision to put the scene for the closing of eps (more emotional punch). Many ppl probably would quickly answered “Manato” if they were asked on who the party member that is closest to Haru, but I think Yume is actually more correct, though it's more apparent in anime. Their personality, quirks, jobs complement each other & they have some things they can relate to each other. Both also talk more easily with each other. I'm really liking the writer and/or director of the anime, I like the way they approach the materials and characters, esp. with Yume. As my fav female char. even in the LN, I like how the anime staffs seem to love her more than the LN author himself, she gets handled and adapted much better in anime, therefore also get much more popularity from anime viewers than in LN readers. Yes yes yes to all of it lol. Really hope show takes different route and their hug scene was fan-freakin-tastic. Will be so mad if they don't get together love my OTP so much. Looks like I won't be reading the LN though lol |
Feb 14, 2016 12:48 AM
Salamander1 said: vanca said: Salamander1 said: vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... Salamander1 said: vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... This week Mary will start to appear. Let's see how the anime team handles her & her interactions with Haruhiro, whether she can convince anime audiences to shift from YumexHaru. LN readers support Mary easily since Yume literally never amount much in the LN, be it in plot, character development, or relationship. But anime gives her good spotlight therefore she's collecting good amount of fans, so it will be interesting to see how Mary will fare in the anime, esp. if they animate the famous hug of Haru-Yume. EDIT: Love the heart-pouring scene of Haru-Yume. As a LN’s reader, I’m satisfied that IMO, anime managed to did it more beautifully, more touching by changed some of the details. Also it was a right decision to put the scene for the closing of eps (more emotional punch). Many ppl probably would quickly answered “Manato” if they were asked on who the party member that is closest to Haru, but I think Yume is actually more correct, though it's more apparent in anime. Their personality, quirks, jobs complement each other & they have some things they can relate to each other. Both also talk more easily with each other. I'm really liking the writer and/or director of the anime, I like the way they approach the materials and characters, esp. with Yume. As my fav female char. even in the LN, I like how the anime staffs seem to love her more than the LN author himself, she gets handled and adapted much better in anime, therefore also get much more popularity from anime viewers than in LN readers. Yes yes yes to all of it lol. Really hope show takes different route and their hug scene was fan-freakin-tastic. Will be so mad if they don't get together love my OTP so much. Looks like I won't be reading the LN though lol Today 6th eps will be the test whether anime really plans to expand HaruxYume and also Yume's role or not, since in LN, that hug scene was practically the last shippy moment of HxY and after that, Yume (and Shihoru) never given any spotlight anymore. I know the coming eps will talk about Mary, even non LN readers would know as it always like that with newly introduced character, but if the anime staffs really fond of Yume like I suspected, then hopefully they can still insert original scenes of her like in the first 5 eps, even after Marry appeared. Btw, The LN author sent tweet to Mikakoshi, Yume's VA, on how he was surprised the Yume-Haru scene in eps 5 could be so much more powerful and deep. Seems like he's regretting his decision to neglects Yume after watch the anime judging from his recent tweets. He's marveling on how anime Yume becomes so popular. So here's hoping for more Yume in future volumes of LN. |
Feb 14, 2016 12:56 PM
vanca said: Salamander1 said: vanca said: Salamander1 said: vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... Salamander1 said: vanca said: Omnisword said: How about Yume x Ranta? i am not into Yume x MC particularly because it's too boring beside the mc already have harem the Witch and Mary. Many ppl have already described the LN spoilers but, I have to warn you that the anime has already took some creative liberties with the characters & their interactions, also some plot points. I feel that the writer/director of the anime ver. love Yume and give her more attention than in the novels. That translates in many audiences are also loving her. I never got impression that she's that stand-out & popular in the novels, even before Mary appeared. Anime so far has added original scenes highlighted Yume's interactions-feelings with Haru, Ranta, Shihoru, Manato. Even subtle hints for a triangle with Haru & Ranta both like her, some even also think she likes Manato. As a Yume's fan I'm happy with these creative liberty focus on her character & interactions, though that begs the question on what will they do with Mary in the anime later. Ranta x Yume were already implied in the novels, only more pronounced in anime, but Haru x Yume original hints in the anime will may or may not influence the staffs on whether or not they still want to pursue HaruxMary for anime. Aww I'm on the YumexHaru (MC) side. I want them to get together so I hope that happens... This week Mary will start to appear. Let's see how the anime team handles her & her interactions with Haruhiro, whether she can convince anime audiences to shift from YumexHaru. LN readers support Mary easily since Yume literally never amount much in the LN, be it in plot, character development, or relationship. But anime gives her good spotlight therefore she's collecting good amount of fans, so it will be interesting to see how Mary will fare in the anime, esp. if they animate the famous hug of Haru-Yume. EDIT: Love the heart-pouring scene of Haru-Yume. As a LN’s reader, I’m satisfied that IMO, anime managed to did it more beautifully, more touching by changed some of the details. Also it was a right decision to put the scene for the closing of eps (more emotional punch). Many ppl probably would quickly answered “Manato” if they were asked on who the party member that is closest to Haru, but I think Yume is actually more correct, though it's more apparent in anime. Their personality, quirks, jobs complement each other & they have some things they can relate to each other. Both also talk more easily with each other. I'm really liking the writer and/or director of the anime, I like the way they approach the materials and characters, esp. with Yume. As my fav female char. even in the LN, I like how the anime staffs seem to love her more than the LN author himself, she gets handled and adapted much better in anime, therefore also get much more popularity from anime viewers than in LN readers. Yes yes yes to all of it lol. Really hope show takes different route and their hug scene was fan-freakin-tastic. Will be so mad if they don't get together love my OTP so much. Looks like I won't be reading the LN though lol Today 6th eps will be the test whether anime really plans to expand HaruxYume and also Yume's role or not, since in LN, that hug scene was practically the last shippy moment of HxY and after that, Yume (and Shihoru) never given any spotlight anymore. I know the coming eps will talk about Mary, even non LN readers would know as it always like that with newly introduced character, but if the anime staffs really fond of Yume like I suspected, then hopefully they can still insert original scenes of her like in the first 5 eps, even after Marry appeared. Btw, The LN author sent tweet to Mikakoshi, Yume's VA, on how he was surprised the Yume-Haru scene in eps 5 could be so much more powerful and deep. Seems like he's regretting his decision to neglects Yume after watch the anime judging from his recent tweets. He's marveling on how anime Yume becomes so popular. So here's hoping for more Yume in future volumes of LN. Wow that's kinda funny lol. But yeah I hope they do go in the other direction guess we'll see. Looking forward to watching ep 6 |
Feb 14, 2016 4:42 PM
so, i started reading the novel a while ago and im in vol 2, but i'm getting really pissed cuz they're just getting trashed by every single enemy, they're way too weak and don't even have the resolve to fight, it's getting boring by the minute. So does it get better? at least they start getting a little badass? i'm really just giving up... T_T |
Feb 21, 2016 9:11 PM
I will have to agree with OP here. My anime watching experience raised by at least 10x by the time I know the spoilers (lol). And for some weird reasons, the LN writer seems to suggest that every tank will always be attracted to priest (if the tank is male and the priest is female).... No love for thief here......YET. @dudulex and when they finally get to stand on their own, they will have to fall into angst again in volume 4 and then they will have another "soft restart" in vol 7..... but hey, the emotion is the main selling point in this series. if not, it would be "another log horizon and sao clones" |
Feb 29, 2016 6:05 AM
for any LN readers can you write us the list members of Reiji party with their classes? also the name and class for newest members in Haruhiro party as well |
Feb 29, 2016 6:30 AM
Guys can someone LN reader tell us what happen in every volune or give a link that summarize what happen in whole volume ty |
Feb 29, 2016 7:52 AM
Mar 15, 2016 1:42 PM
Could someone please explain this: |
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Mar 28, 2016 10:06 PM
where do you guys read the light novel? Is there one online? |
Mar 31, 2016 2:13 AM
I will be relly mad if Ranta x Yume does not happen xD khoidragon2000 said: where do you guys read the light novel? Is there one online? khoidragon2000 said: where do you guys read the light novel? Is there one online? Sent you a pm :D |
Mar 31, 2016 4:21 AM
#42 this guy wrote summaries for all volumes released (all 8) |
Apr 6, 2016 6:47 AM
Does anyone know where in the light novel did the anime ended? Which chapter/volume?? |
Apr 14, 2016 3:04 PM
CrazyFrogz said: Wait what? What happened to Mary if I may ask?In volume 6, its more: Haruhiro > Kuzaku > Ranta > Shihoru > Yume > Mary Haruhiro is best leader |
Apr 14, 2016 3:14 PM
Only know first two. First one wasn't all that important it was during one of Haruhiro's conversations with Master Barbara about if he liked any girls, where he thinks about if he likes anyone. For reference at this point in the LN he admits that Yume's airhead quality can be cute, he appreciates Shihoru's assets but is reminded that she liked Manato, he thinks Mary is out of his league. Second image is a character introduced in Vol (Level) 3 named Choco looking over Haruhiro. It's super heavily implied that they knew each other before coming to Grimgar and losing their memories, and it's plenty obvious from Haruhiro's thoughts and how they speak familiarly when they first meet. Others are from chapters and volumes (Levels) that are untranslated fully afaik |
Apr 15, 2016 7:51 AM
gust11 said: Only know first two. First one wasn't all that important it was during one of Haruhiro's conversations with Master Barbara about if he liked any girls, where he thinks about if he likes anyone. For reference at this point in the LN he admits that Yume's airhead quality can be cute, he appreciates Shihoru's assets but is reminded that she liked Manato, he thinks Mary is out of his league. Second image is a character introduced in Vol (Level) 3 named Choco looking over Haruhiro. It's super heavily implied that they knew each other before coming to Grimgar and losing their memories, and it's plenty obvious from Haruhiro's thoughts and how they speak familiarly when they first meet. Others are from chapters and volumes (Levels) that are untranslated fully afaik Thank you very much :) So can anyone else tell me what happend in the rest of the illustrations, please |
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Apr 15, 2016 1:17 PM
Who takes over the kitchen duty? |
I shall know no fear as I am fear incarnated |
Apr 25, 2016 4:06 AM
uhmm so what chapter in lightt novel did titty oneesan appeared? |
Jun 9, 2016 7:54 AM
can I ask when will they realize that they were in some sort of SAO world/ game world? |
Jun 13, 2016 12:40 AM
klutzyrus said: Never because that's not the case, it's just a fantasy world.can I ask when will they realize that they were in some sort of SAO world/ game world? |
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