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Jun 20, 2015 6:21 AM

Nov 2011
A fitting ending to this season imo.

In the end, glad to see Yu return to normal although his body is damaged and he has to be in the hospital. There's also Shinoa and well...she reflects more on his family. Perhaps we'll see more of that focus in the second season.

Lol, the teasing in this finale was kinda amusing too.

Anyways, somewhat looking to season 2.
Jun 20, 2015 6:27 AM

Nov 2007
Vampire research lab?? Hayami-san's character trying to find out what Nakamura-san's character did to main gut. So he was given special pill that it happened. So the lady in preview was her sister who was previously related to the experiment. This ep. also shows why she is so sarcastic. It seems like Vampires know about it, which the experiment's title is Owari no Seraph?? Vampires are asking about the guy's identity now.

Main guy waking up after 7 days of unconscious with Nobu's character with him. He doesn't have memory when when berserk. Resting and showing everyone's quiet activities. Showing both main guys are thinking of each other.

Cannot wait for Fall.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 20, 2015 7:17 AM

Mar 2014
Stark700 said:

I was gonna post that exact scene since I was hoping for something to happen there :3
I guess I'll just post a higher quality version
Jun 20, 2015 7:23 AM

May 2012
Nice one to end a season.... Now, I am hype more to see the Season 2
It's not a matter of talent. It's a matter of will
Jun 20, 2015 7:26 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
As I and many others have suspected, they ended on the cliffhanger in chapter 15 which imo is the ideal stopping point for the first cour

Seeing the reunion scene with Yuu and his friends as well as the Shinoa moments animated was amazing xD My only complaint is that they kind of censored the flashback thing with Mahiru but its not a big deal....Also we got a taste of all the secrets going on in both the human and vampire camps (Btw it's still not confirmed who Ferid is conspiring with in the manga so that's a mystery that nobody can spoil)

Overall this anime imo is a perfect example of how you take a source material and make it your own because I think that this anime was even better than the manga version save for some few animation derps that BDs can fix

I liked how they compiled scenes from the first cour as well at the end of the episode and the only thing that I will say on the matter is that things will get better from here on out

8/10 for me
TokoyaJun 20, 2015 7:40 AM
Jun 20, 2015 7:32 AM

Aug 2013
4/5 for this episode. Something was different than rest of the series, it caused that I liked it (except that gay scene in window)

6/10 for whole series
I watched it for Shinoa and beautiful backgrounds.
HidenNinpoJun 20, 2015 7:46 AM
Jun 20, 2015 7:35 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Was that supposed to be a cliffhanger? ^^

''Calm after the storm'' - episode. I really liked the scenes between Yuu and Shinoa. They were well-made.

Also in an episode like this, there are still-frames xD

It absolutely got better in the last 4 episodes, 7/10 for the 1st season.
Jun 20, 2015 7:39 AM

Jan 2012
We end the first part with something of a recovery episode, and many questions left unanswered. This first part of the story felt like a prologue. Watching Yu train and form his squad was enjoyable, especially thanks to best girl Shinoa. I do wish we got more of the "meat" of the story instead of setup and teasing, but oh well. More on screen action would also have been appreciated, I hope we get plenty in part 2. I'll also say I care very little about the star crossed friendship between Yu and Mika at the center of the story. I tend to think I might have preferred it if Mika stayed dead entirely, but maybe my opinion of him will improve. 7/10, until October all!
Jun 20, 2015 7:40 AM

Jun 2014
Hyped for season 2!

Nice way to pack things up in season 1. Especially the scene with Mika, Yu and the window was nice and promising!

8/10 for the 1st season
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Jun 20, 2015 7:44 AM

Dec 2012
Tokoya said:
My only complaint is that they kind of censored the flashback thing with Mahiru but its not a big deal....

That's what I was going to say. The whole flashback was a picture of Mahiru but she was mentioned just once by Shinoa..
Jun 20, 2015 7:45 AM
Luny Tunes

Feb 2012
I love the Yuu x Shinoa moments together. ^^

Says "To be Continued" at the end but the continuation will arrive in October so that's 3 months worth of waiting. Well, see you then!
Jun 20, 2015 7:46 AM

Sep 2012
Not really bad in the end, just somewhat mediocre.

Hopefully S2 picks it up just like it did with several other shows.
Oh god who are you people?
Jun 20, 2015 7:49 AM

Feb 2015

A very calming finale. I expected an action-packed episode but this was also good.
Looking forward to Season 2.

And I'm guessing whoever Ferid Bathory met in secret was a human.

SchwingBonerJun 20, 2015 7:58 AM
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Jun 20, 2015 7:52 AM

Sep 2014
Tokoya said:
(Btw it's still not confirmed who Ferid is conspiring with in the manga so that's a mystery that nobody can spoil)

LN readers. :^)
Such power.

Don't worry, Shinoa, Mahiru misses you too.

I must say, the artwork and animation quality are far better than the last 2. The music was a bit off-putting at times, some part on Shinoa(finally people will stahp complaining).


Notice how it's in English?

Krul's 'bored' look is lol.
The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 20, 2015 7:56 AM

Dec 2012
mira-nyan said:

Notice how it's in English?

Krul's 'bored' look is lol.

I noticed that and I was like "wait aren't they japanese?"
But that maybe it's a spoiler.

I found that scene kinda amusing,even more with Mika's pose
Jun 20, 2015 7:56 AM

Jun 2014
4/10 and I'm being generous.
Jun 20, 2015 8:02 AM
Dec 2014
No one else is talking about the ending , did they not understand? 1 Vampire is leaking information to the humans , which is how the humans are advancing so fast in cursed gear. but this is most likely according to the plan of the vampires, I have a feeling its that general, and he says "my partner"
Jun 20, 2015 8:05 AM

May 2015
Loved it. The animation was better and the still frames were cute, I like more when they do this kind of episodes, calm and more plot than action
Jun 20, 2015 8:06 AM

Apr 2014
alpha_shadow said:
4/10 and I'm being generous.
anime sure needs ur generosity
idk how the industry can survive without it

at the end of the day this show was good from start to finish i had no problems with it. the first episode made me think it was headed somewhere else so i thought it lost some of its potential. but 8/10 is what it deserves cuz there wasnt any real flaws that would damage this show.
Jun 20, 2015 8:06 AM

Feb 2015
I like the way it ended and I cant wait for the 2nd season
Jun 20, 2015 8:06 AM

Sep 2014
kawaii-despair said:
mira-nyan said:

Notice how it's in English?

Krul's 'bored' look is lol.

I noticed that and I was like "wait aren't they japanese?"
But that maybe it's a spoiler.

I found that scene kinda amusing,even more with Mika's pose

As did I. And I'm not hinting at anything, I just thought it weird for him to be writing in English. :/
The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 20, 2015 8:09 AM

Dec 2012
mira-nyan said:
kawaii-despair said:

I noticed that and I was like "wait aren't they japanese?"
But that maybe it's a spoiler.

I found that scene kinda amusing,even more with Mika's pose

As did I. And I'm not hinting at anything, I just thought it weird for him to be writing in English. :/

I'm not even reading the LN but
Jun 20, 2015 8:11 AM

Jul 2014
Pretty boring finale for the first season. Basically a reconciliation episode which really didn't serve any purpose. Disappointing that the show was still taking shortcuts to save budget in this episode even when so little happened: hopefully the second season handles its budget far better than this series ever managed to.

Was going to be an 8/10 for a while, but these last few episodes have caused me to drop it to a 7/10 instead. Hopefully the second season sees a significant improvement.

EDIT: Also, I hope Guren dies next season and I bet that he was the one who met Ferid at the end there. Heck, it could explain why Ferid didn't kill him last ep or the one before that despite being in a vey good position to do so.
Jun 20, 2015 8:16 AM

Dec 2010
Wow most boring ending to a season ever.

Why do all the guy vampires sit with their legs crossed?
Jun 20, 2015 8:18 AM

Dec 2013
Pretty decent ending to a very meh anime plagued with painfully slow pacing and poor animation. Overall 5/10

Although having read the manga I'm definitely looking forward to the next cour. I'm hoping that the animation will at least improve.
Jun 20, 2015 8:19 AM

Jun 2008
Don't get your hopes up because there is nothing about this conspiracy in LN either

Anyway I liked this low-key atmosphere. a lot of the stills were anime original so tbh I have no complaints about them & besides the stills went quite nicely with the jazz insert
Jun 20, 2015 8:20 AM
Content Admin
Overkilled Red

Aug 2013
Shinoa X Yuu scene was nice, until the blonde tsundere appeared and ruined the mood. Hell, even Kimizuki is a better tsundere than Mitsuba.

I thought we'd be getting some backstory on Mahiru, but it was only teased a bit. Well, maybe they'll reveal it fully in second cour.

Ending was probably the best part of the episode. Ferid is so shady, I can't tell if he's actually conspiring with humans in secret. It was probably Guren he was talking to.

Decent closing to the first cour. As cliched as some parts of the show was, it was still pretty enjoyable. The soundtracks were awesome in particular. Looking forward to the second season, which I hope will outdo this cour vastly.

Jun 20, 2015 8:22 AM

Mar 2012
Hmm...With all that is happening these last few episodes....There is a conspiracy going on that is going to affect both the Vampires and the humans and it seems that both sides ahve there goods and bad....

I have a feeling that whatever is building will lead to an Apocalpse that is even greater than the one occured that wiped all but 1/10th of humanity..hell that event could have been jsut a prelude to this one...

I pity both for Mika and Yuu....Yuu is being used byt he humans and Mika is begin used by Vamps...i hope they can escape both of those clutches and maybe figure out what is going on and stop it from occurring..

The Biggest problem i have with this is the animation especially the background animation it is so out of place with character movements....but while i thought this would be another cliche vamp story..i actually enjoyed far better than i expected especially with these last few episodes...i can't wait for the fall to continue this...looking forward to it.
Jun 20, 2015 8:24 AM

Feb 2014
*Shipping intensifies*
I guess it was a fine ending for the first half of the series, it was mostly a chill episode, nothing major happened.

8/10 for this part. Looks like the second half will have a lot of action. Hopefully it won't be done like some of this season's action.
Jun 20, 2015 8:25 AM

Oct 2014
I think this has too be the most unique bond between main characters i've seen it's nothing like L and Light or Lelouche and Suzaku. Honestly I love it

Some cute moments in this last episode with the Yu and Shinoa chemistry

Dissapointed that she lied to him now he has to find out another way

So many great animes this season but this one is getting 9/10 maybe season 2 can get 10

hyped for season 2 might even read the manga
Jun 20, 2015 8:35 AM

Jan 2015
I'll say this I don't read the manga so when I saw Shinoa's sister I thought I saw Yu's Demon Weapon Asuramaru. So when she gave him the special drug I thought it might be her sister's old weapon that required alot of sacrifices. So that's why she gave the drug to him that put him in a coma for 7 days ..
Jun 20, 2015 8:38 AM

Apr 2014
Man I'm expecting an action packed final episode but it ended just like that. I guess this made a good example "Calm before the storm."?
But oh well we are just on the first half. I'm sure there's more to come in the 2nd half on October (Fall Season).
I'll be giving this an 8 (or a 9) out of 10 overall. Can't wait for the Second Cour/Season!
Haters always gonna hate.
Jun 20, 2015 8:41 AM

Apr 2014
lol this isnt a season finale at all

plz understand what split cour means
Jun 20, 2015 8:41 AM

Sep 2014
kawaii-despair said:

I'm not even reading the LN but

No, it was only subtle in the manga because it's a manga. It won't have as much flexibility as an anime.

Moodie said:
lol this isnt a season finale at all

plz understand what split cour means


Split cours happen in two different seasons. Idk what you're talking about. :l
The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 20, 2015 8:51 AM

Jul 2007
Eh.... It had a kinda interesting premise at start but then it turned out your typical edgy shit. Worst part is that it had a LOT of potential in the fighting part BUT they ruined it with ABSOLUTE TERRIBLE animation. Well despite my crying I did not think it was THAT bad. I kept me entertained that's for sure. And I'm gonna watch next season too. Really curious about the characters and the humans/vampires relationship.
Jun 20, 2015 8:52 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
mira-nyan said:
Tokoya said:
(Btw it's still not confirmed who Ferid is conspiring with in the manga so that's a mystery that nobody can spoil)

LN readers. :^)
Such power.

Don't worry, Shinoa, Mahiru misses you too.

I must say, the artwork and animation quality are far better than the last 2. The music was a bit off-putting at times, some part on Shinoa(finally people will stahp complaining).


Notice how it's in English?

Krul's 'bored' look is lol.
I started the novels yesterday :3
Jun 20, 2015 8:56 AM

Jan 2015
Even Shinoa already had her "Fallen" in this Episode, isn't it Guren?
[url=]convert gambar online
Jun 20, 2015 8:58 AM

Aug 2013
This episode showing the calm after the storm felt rather eerie all the way throughout.

Unfortunately, this show did not introduce enough memorable characters on the human side to make this episode's ending interesting.
Jun 20, 2015 9:00 AM
May 2015
I am glad this episode was decent,that's the first time i noticed some OST in this series...Anyways great episode i loved it ! NOW I HAVE TO WAIT TILL FALL. THAT WILL BE DIFFICULT....My heart can't take the cliffhangers anymore ughhhhhhh...
Jun 20, 2015 9:00 AM

Sep 2014
For those looking for Shinoa^

Happy now?
The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 20, 2015 9:00 AM

Apr 2014
Tokoya said:

Krul's 'bored' look is lol.
I started the novels yesterday :3[/quote]
Reading the manga dude. It's not a Light Novel
Haters always gonna hate.
Jun 20, 2015 9:02 AM

Apr 2014
I've already explained my reasons for disliking most of the things in this series in previous threads so there's no need to repeat myself. The show had a good start but started to go downhill really quick after the 3rd episode. A disappointing finish but I really hope this show improves next cour.

Jun 20, 2015 9:03 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Rayzer said:
Tokoya said:

Krul's 'bored' look is lol.
I started the novels yesterday :3

Read the manga dude. Not the Light Novels[/quote]

I'm up to date with the manga already (If you couldn't tell by my first post lol)

The.The novel is canon as well so you should give it a read....So far it's pretty good and has best girl Mahiru in it :)
Jun 20, 2015 9:04 AM

Aug 2010
Shinoa and Krul are <3

Everything else is okay.
Jun 20, 2015 9:06 AM

Sep 2008
I have hope there will be more Krul/KrulxMika in next season.
Jun 20, 2015 9:09 AM

Apr 2014
Tokoya said:

The.The novel is canon as well so you should give it a read....So far it's pretty good and has best girl Mahiru in it :)

Yes it is. But it's more like a prequel. Or maybe It's the time when Yui and Mika and their "Family" was being a blood servant of the vampires.
And I'm not interested with the back story of Guren. I'm more insterested with the character of Yuui.
Haters always gonna hate.
Jun 20, 2015 9:12 AM

Sep 2010
As I thought, there was completely no conclusion to anything.

A typical "increase the sells of original" type of anime. The second season won't really help because the story didn't end yet anyway. And same goes for reading manga... :(
Jun 20, 2015 9:12 AM

Sep 2014
Rayzer said:
Tokoya said:

The.The novel is canon as well so you should give it a read....So far it's pretty good and has best girl Mahiru in it :)

Yes it is. But it's more like a prequel. Or maybe It's the time when Yui and Mika and their "Family" was being a blood servant of the vampires.
And I'm not interested with the back story of Guren. I'm more insterested with the character of Yuui.

This is what I thought before reading the LN.

After reading it, mes a Guren fangirl.
The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 20, 2015 9:15 AM

May 2010
To be continued? Maybe..but without me! 5/10 waste of fuckin time.
Jun 20, 2015 9:16 AM

Apr 2014
Barion-Zara said:
Shinoa and Krul are <3

Everything else is okay.

Who's this "Krul"? Is that refers to Yuuichirou? ( I'm not been on this forum for a while so I don't know)

Kerozinn said:
To be continued? Maybe..but without me! 5/10 waste of fuckin time.

As if they ask for your worthless time. Suckass!
Haters always gonna hate.
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