Which couple do you prefer?
Aug 3, 2009 10:30 PM
I really don't see what Nagisa x Tamao have that Shizuma x Nagisa doesn't... People who see Nagisa x Tamao... Why? give as much reason as possible so that I can also see/share your view |
Aug 4, 2009 12:21 AM
***Sweeping Generalization Alert*** One of the first anime I really watched that didn't have an English version broadcasting in America first was Love Hina. For those who don't know it, and it's a rare anime fan who hasn't at least heard of it, Love Hina is a harem anime. The main character Keitaro lives with five girls but the most prominent girl among them is Naru. There are rough spots along the way but it's obvious that Naru was the "chosen girl" who Keitaro would eventually choose as his soul mate. Since that series, I have been fascinated by "What if?" couples - theoretic pairings. Love Hina made me choose some girls as my favorites and I wished for their happiness with Keitaro but I knew it was not meant to be. In real life, romance doesn't always end happily. SP captured that sad truth by drawing out feelings of empathy and rejection alongside those of true love. If everyone ended up happy at the end of the series, it would be far sappier than some people already find it to be. Imagine the series without Tamao, Yaya or Miyuki. Pretty bland, huh? Their hopeless longing and suffering gave the show balance in addition to depth; the happiness of Hikari and Nagisa being on the opposite end. Happy people can be boring to watch but we want to watch the sad ones become happy. Odd, huh? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Shizuma we get a mysterious beautiful character who, as we learn, has a tragedy in her past. She represents (to me) the natural desire of wanting to be desired. Who among us doesn't want to have an attractive person (gender of your choosing) magnetically drawn to us? Since we see things through the eyes of Nagisa, we feel that attraction which she feels. We feel desired - and lusted after, to an extent. Do we want to see her happy? Yes but, selfishly, we want her to be happy with "us". (Nagisa) Miyuki represents the surface notion of business before pleasure. It's a virtuous notion which, as adults, we should embrace but more often than not, we'd prefer to handle business later or perhaps not at all. When we see someone like Miyuki who would like to be free to choose her own destiny but cannot due to family obligations, we root for her because anyone who would sacrifice their own happiness must have a noble spirit. We trust her to do the right thing by everyone and that's something that can probably only be said of a small handful of people in one's own life. Do we want to see her happy? Yes, because she has that right. At first, I thought she was a stick in the mud but when Amane informed Nagisa about Miyuki's arranged marriage I came to respect her deeply. Tamao represents selflessness, unrequited love and, to an extent, the desire to be desired - although on a different level than Shizuma's. Nagisa didn't have to lift a finger for Tamao to fall with her. Tamao was a victim of circumstance and I feel that she was psychologically damaged by the loneliness she experienced without a roommate. She needed someone but no one came - and just when she had given up hope, Nagisa entered her life and Tamao had all of these feelings bubbling up inside of her that she had been saving and made up for lost time by being over the top. Had Tamao had a roommate from the very start, I wonder if she would have felt the same way about Nagisa. Tamao was eager to give Nagisa everything she had to give- kind of like a dog wanting to please its master and I mean that in a non-insulting way. I myself have been guilty of being a Tamao where all I want to do is give and give to that special someone but, much like Tamao, it ended up getting me nowhere. Nagisa represents inexperience, naivete and innocence. A blank slate, if you will. Really blank. Although Shizuma is the first character we see in SP, she was too gorgeous and well-established within Astraea to have as *the* main character. As viewers, we're going through Astraea for the first time at the same time alongside Nagisa and it helps that "we" are a good girl. We're not the sharpest knife in the drawer but every other girl seems to like us so it's not the worst trade off in the world. (On a mildly related note, a friend of a friend once said of women: "Single. Stable. Beautiful. Pick two - because you're never going to find one that is all three.") ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (TO BE CONTINUED) (Sorry, yamiperv, I got carried away with the opening and now I have to go to bed. I'll analyze the pairings tomorrow) ) |
Aug 4, 2009 12:52 AM
I feel somewhat inadequate giving a short answer after all that BB wrote, but in all honesty I don't htink there's anymore to it than this: Shizuma desires Nagisa in a selfish way(This is not my opinion, but it's what most NagisaXTamao supporters feel: as a replacement for Kaori), while Tamao wants Nagisa in a more modest way, because she was lonely, and only wanted to be happy withone by her side. Also, choosing Tamao would be the far less dramatic route. As you can see, the appeal of Nagisa/Tamao is pretty obvious, but i'm still a Nagisa/Shizuma supporter. Tamao seems to have this idea in her head that to fall in love with someone, they need ot be your roommate. Shizuma however, has a perfectly good excuse for not getting any action for a year and a half. Tamao could've picked anyone over this time period, but Shizuma NEEDED Nagisa to lift her up from her depression. In this respect, it is actually Tamao who is the more selfish one. EDIT: I voted for "other" since for some reason you put two pairings per choice, and i don't think Miyuki/Tamao makes any sence. That's little more than a crack pairing. |
Supernova141Aug 4, 2009 1:38 AM
Aug 4, 2009 5:21 AM
Hmm, imo, both have their good points and bad points as the above posters stated, hah. When coming to the TamaoxNagisa pairing: Some just like Tamao better, either because of the way she is, or because of the "horrid" things she'd gone through, think of it as pity? Also when you pair up as Tamao as a rival to Shizuma, you just get that Tamao might seem 'a better person' compared to Shizuma. When it comes to the ShizumaxNagisa pairing: Some just like Shizuma better, either her playfulness, forcefulness, or the fact that she's gorgeous (compared to other rivals), or her sad past. So in short, rather than most seeing them as an actual couple, a lot support one of the two either because of just their plain popularity, because I'm sure a lot of support either couple, despite disliking Nagisa at some point, haha. I voted other couples; If it'd free up Shizuma to go with Chikaru (who I still see as a great/fun couple), I definitely'd go with Nagisa x Tamao. You can also say Nagisa x Chiyo, just for the fun of it, I find it funny how that 'pairing' was made, but nobody seems to really like it. The imouto x nee-san type of relationship ~ I also agree with SuperNova about that "Miyuki x Tamao" might be a little weird, I'd sooner see them as distant relatives or something like that. Either way, they'd become really close, but I can't view them as a couple, unless it's far-fetched, like an incest couple, haha. |
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Aug 4, 2009 12:53 PM
man that was a lot of reading for a person who just woke up -_- @ blue.... nice opeing 0.0? doesn't really answer my question but i'll wait XP @ Super and Tsunamu... I like how you guys see both POV and it just bother me how TamaoxNagisa supporter thinks ShizumaxNagisa is a replacement for Kaori... in some point it may be true cuz of the resemblance but those 2 other different people, they do not share anything alike beside loving Shizuma... if talking bout pain... Shizuma who lost someone she love VS. Tamao being lonely for few years... apparently Shizuma would win... im still angst about all this lol oh about the poll.... I put Miyuki x Tamao because alot of people seem to like that pairing so its just random... personally i really can't see why but then i can see why because both of their best freind is hooking up with each other best freind and that leaves Miyuki alone with Tamao.... A serious/shy person like Miyuki hooking up with a playful/unashame Tamao... its not that bad right? |
Aug 4, 2009 3:06 PM
yamiperv said: it just bother me how TamaoxNagisa supporter thinks ShizumaxNagisa is a replacement for Kaori... When Shizuma was about to do it with Nagisa, and Nagisa whispered her name, Shizuma pictured Kaori. That made Shizuma hesitate for a second, which i think shows that she didn't realise that the reason she was attracted to Nagisa was because she saw her as a replacement until that moment, it was sub-conscious. |
Aug 4, 2009 9:31 PM
Supernova1337 said: yamiperv said: it just bother me how TamaoxNagisa supporter thinks ShizumaxNagisa is a replacement for Kaori... That made Shizuma hesitate for a second, which i think shows that she didn't realise that the reason she was attracted to Nagisa was because she saw her as a replacement until that moment, it was sub-conscious. at that moment Shizuma hesitate because she realize she love Nagisa... i agree but even a blindless person can see that... i agree with the TxN supporter that its interesting cuz N is red headed and T is blue headed, which kinda go together (thats the only thing i see anyway) but speaking of T she is kind of a freak.... being sooo obsessive... eww -_- |
Aug 6, 2009 3:59 PM
I gotta say, although I don't particularly like Nagisa/Tamao, Shizuma/Miyuki is one of my favorite pairings. After everything, Miyuki deserves to be happy T-T |
Aug 6, 2009 9:59 PM
Supernova1337 said: I gotta say, although I don't particularly like Nagisa/Tamao, Shizuma/Miyuki is one of my favorite pairings. After everything, Miyuki deserves to be happy T-T you SxM is one of your favorite pairing... i understand why but what is your other favorite pairing? do you even like the main ones? |
Aug 6, 2009 11:27 PM
yamiperv said: Supernova1337 said: I gotta say, although I don't particularly like Nagisa/Tamao, Shizuma/Miyuki is one of my favorite pairings. After everything, Miyuki deserves to be happy T-T you SxM is one of your favorite pairing... i understand why but what is your other favorite pairing? do you even like the main ones? I like anything involving Shizuma, its too bad her two options are a girl with a stick up her butt and "interchangable generic anime klutz number 2184" Still, there's no doubt from the events of strawberry panic, that Shizuma had to end up with Nagisa. People could whine about how much they love Nagisa/Tamao, but the series had to end this way, otherwise it would have all been pointless. |
Supernova141Aug 6, 2009 11:31 PM
Aug 7, 2009 12:36 AM
Supernova1337 said: yamiperv said: Supernova1337 said: I gotta say, although I don't particularly like Nagisa/Tamao, Shizuma/Miyuki is one of my favorite pairings. After everything, Miyuki deserves to be happy T-T you SxM is one of your favorite pairing... i understand why but what is your other favorite pairing? do you even like the main ones? Still, there's no doubt from the events of strawberry panic, that Shizuma had to end up with Nagisa. People could whine about how much they love Nagisa/Tamao, but the series had to end this way, otherwise it would have all been pointless. yeah... after all Nagisa is the main character who have to fall in love with a Flirt man... Blue really haven't been on |
Aug 29, 2009 3:22 AM
Miyuki x Tamao! WTF... that is nonsense! I really like Nagisa x Tamao Well, I like Tamao, I've never liked Nagisa that much... she's just your average klutz. I personally think that the Shizuma x Nagisa thing is just like an attraction thing, something that will pass someday, I can't see it as something strong. On the other hand, Tamao really loves Nagisa, she shows it by "letting her go". Yeah she's... "a little" obssesive, but isn't Shizuma kinda like that too? And with sexual harrassment included xD From my view, T&N look better, cuter together. Nagisa doesn't act submissive and shy when she's with Tamao, it's like she can be herself. But silly Nagisa preffers the horny (and beautifu, nobody denies that) Shizuma... oh well, nothing's perfect. Plus, she has HUGE boobs, so I understand. (I sounded like man right? -__- didn't mean to.) |
melieonAug 29, 2009 3:32 AM
Aug 29, 2009 3:46 AM
im really sleepy so ima go to bed but before that you see what you see... i see what i see... i don't wanna debate why this couple is better than this couple or pairings.... I just really can't see TxN IMHO (in my honest opinion) I really can see Shizuma x Nagisa for life maybe lil fight here and there but i think they are good for each other, i think i may use the word perfect too... Tamao is a little obessive, LMAO, lil? hahahaha she is major obsessive XP and doesn't matter if Nagisa goes with Tamao or Shizuma cuz Nagisa is still Nagisa... the way she acts infront of Tamao and the way she acts infront of Shizuma is still her regardless... i would thank you for that compliment in place of Shizuma.... Shizuma does not have HUGE boobs... i think that is a fine size... if you wanna call HUGE boobs than go look in the double Ds or F size... thats whats HUGE..... |
Aug 30, 2009 2:21 AM
yamiperv said: you see what you see... i see what i see... i don't wanna debate why this couple is better than this couple or pairings.... Funny, cause I thought this forum topic was exactly to debate that. |
Aug 30, 2009 12:30 PM
well... if thats what you see then you may go ahead and debate wtih me... i don't mind really... but when i created this topic, i don't think i have any intention of debating besides wanting to know what people see in NxT |
Aug 30, 2009 1:35 PM
Nah, I'm kinda lazy to do that. I respect your view, though, I just wanted to express mine. |
Aug 30, 2009 2:24 PM
heh... too lazy XD i respect your view too even though it pains me to hear it NxT and mostly cuz i don't see it.... its so funny... its mostly always the main couple that I like then the shippers... now if Tamao were to be Shizuma instead of Shizuma then i might go with the NxT... i think O.O? IDK.... |
Aug 31, 2009 11:58 AM
melieon said: Plus, she has HUGE boobs, so I understand. (I sounded like man right? -__- didn't mean to.) *ahem* I'll have you know i find oversized breasts very unattractive... Anyway, while i always prefer the dominant girl when choosing between love interests, i actualy wouldn't mind Nagisa being with Tamao if it meant that Shizuma could be with Miyuki. That's the only reason I'm unsure. |
Sep 1, 2009 12:12 PM
/totally offtopic/ melieon you have the cutest sig EVER! <3!! |
Sep 1, 2009 12:16 PM
lol... your avartar is kinda cute though i prefer Kagami over Tsukasa XP |
Sep 1, 2009 12:45 PM
yamiperv said: lol... your avartar is kinda cute though i prefer Kagami over Tsukasa XP I prefer... Both! ![]() |
Sep 1, 2009 1:18 PM
hahaha oh Super... its like you know me and yet you don't.... incest/twincest is one of my fetish in anime... good job man good job... though those twin is kinda weird... like i really don't see Tsukasa x Kagami |
Sep 1, 2009 2:21 PM
Yuri twincest is and always will be the best(neko optional) :P That's why is stinks that SP doesn't have any twins, that would be such an awesome pairing. I guess Kizuna and Remon is the closest thing we get. |
Sep 1, 2009 2:49 PM
lol cept... i guess a twin would make SP more popular doesn't it?? remom and kizuna??? if their hair was the same they maybe but no not really |
Sep 1, 2009 4:16 PM
yamiperv said: lol cept... i guess a twin would make SP more popular doesn't it?? remom and kizuna??? if their hair was the same they maybe but no not really Not their looks, i meant the way they act with each other. They speak in unison sometimes, do almost everything together, and other twin-ish stuff. |
Supernova141Sep 1, 2009 5:54 PM
Sep 1, 2009 5:33 PM
oh haha... thats what you meant XP yeah i guess... and they each share their first kissu <333 |
Sep 1, 2009 9:37 PM
Supernova1337 said: Yuri twincest is and always will be the best(neko optional) :P QFT! Seriously, quit saying things I agree with. Did you steal my diary or something? |
Sep 1, 2009 9:54 PM
yamiperv said: oh haha... thats what you meant XP yeah i guess... and they each share their first kissu <333 They did it so casually, it probably wasn't even their first one. Who knows what goes on in that room... :P Vicky-sama said: QFT! Seriously, quit saying things I agree with. Did you steal my diary or something? I'll give it back when i'm done reading through it. I never would've thought you'd have a fetish for THAT, dear god Vicky... ;) |
Sep 1, 2009 10:02 PM
Supernova1337 said: I'll give it back when i'm done reading through it. I never would've thought you'd have a fetish for THAT, dear god Vicky... ;) Hey, it's a work in progress! Well, since you have it, I might as well guide you to the better parts. You need to flip to page 306 titled "Leather, Chains and Moray Eels" and check paragraph four. That will make the fetish chapter look tame. Page 502 has a great recipe for chicken noodle soup too. Might want to see that. |
Sep 8, 2009 11:31 PM
![]() ![]() Disturbing, isn't it? xD |
melieonSep 8, 2009 11:39 PM
Sep 21, 2009 5:40 PM
melieon said: ![]() Haha, i love that! ![]() |
Sep 21, 2009 7:04 PM
its super disturbing yes... >:( |
Sep 21, 2009 7:42 PM
yamiperv said: Shizuma and Tamao would make a great couple! She has the same cuteness as Nagisa, but with less immaturity :Pits super disturbing yes... >:( |
Sep 24, 2009 10:21 AM
heart skipped a beat when i saw that image lol, must mean it's good :P |
Sep 26, 2009 3:02 AM
Sep 26, 2009 9:18 AM
PhillyFlash said: But how would Nagisa respond to a situation like that? "I'm free! Thank god I'm finally free!" |
Sep 26, 2009 9:40 AM
i have this anime and its one of my favorites! eventually nagisa and shizuma realize that they love each other but it takes Shizuma a little longer to realize her own feelings! (sorry if i misspelled anything! :) ) |
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Sep 27, 2009 7:28 AM
Oct 31, 2009 5:19 AM
Jan 17, 2010 2:56 AM
Jan 17, 2010 5:35 AM
PhillyFlash said: Regarding this thread, can anyone explain to me why, at the end of Strawberry Panic, Nagisa returned to the room she shared with Tamao after apparently having shacked up with Shizuma? It may have been the night after? That's a good question though, I never thought about it... |
Jan 17, 2010 8:16 PM
PhillyFlash said: Regarding this thread, can anyone explain to me why, at the end of Strawberry Panic, Nagisa returned to the room she shared with Tamao after apparently having shacked up with Shizuma? well eventually nagisa has to go back to the room and change her clothes right? also she need to talk to tamao and probably get things out there between them |
May 6, 2010 2:09 PM
Alright, I just had to respond to this. I see the same recycled arguments over Tamao x Nagisa being better than Shizuma x Nagisa and I don't understand why Shizuma x Nagisa fans haven't fought back against these reasons yet... >_> (you'll have to excuse me, this pair is my OTP :], you are of course entitled to like what YOU like though) 1. The "replacement" reason. Almost every Tamao x Nagisa fan I can think of has tried to use this reason as a valid defense against Shizuma x Nagisa. The whole idea is that Shizuma is using Nagisa as a place holder for Kaori. In my opinion, that was never the case to begin with... here's my reasoning. I think when we see the few accounts of Shizuma being reminded of Kaori when Nagisa is around, we are not seeing her try to replace Kaori---but seeing her haunted by her memory. Let's put it into perspective. Shizuma and Kaori never get closure until Shizuma finds the letter she leaves behind. Mid-series when Kaori is just started to be revealed, Shizuma is beginning to fall for Nagisa. Shizuma is probably feeling a hell of a lot of guilt because of this and that is why she clings to her memory of Kaori. It has nothing to do with wanting to replace her, but with wanting to say goodbye to her some how, and wanting her heart to be able to move on. Any of the flings that Shizuma had prior to meeting Nagisa were replacements. Nagisa changes that. This is exactly why Shizuma x Nagisa is not replacement. It's something powerful. Nagisa grants Shizuma the ability to move on, which should be a good enough argument against that theory in itself. Plus, it is easy to see that beyond having similar eyes or what have you, Nagisa and Kaori are NOTHING alike, which makes it even easier to see why this relationship is not one of compensation. 2. The "Shizuma is a player" reason. This is just absurd. While Shizuma is a character that likes to fool around and flirt, she would never cheat on Nagisa. Was she ever unloyal to Kaori while she was alive? No. So we can assume that while in a relationship, Shizuma will be loyal. About Tamao x Nagisa though, while I do feel bad for Tamao, I could never support the relationship. I love them as friends but Nagisa simply had no romantic interest in her. I can't see the appeal, sorry. |
Jul 10, 2010 2:50 AM
Michiuru said: Tamao x Nagisa , Shizuma x Miyuki Totally. Shizuma and Nagisa is more like attraction thing for me. I really wanted Shizuma to end up with Miyuki. I felt sorry for her and Tamao :/. And also Yaya. The end was super sad. |
When people run in circles it's a very, very mad world, mad world. |
Jul 19, 2010 11:20 PM
0wl said: Alright, I just had to respond to this. I see the same recycled arguments over Tamao x Nagisa being better than Shizuma x Nagisa and I don't understand why Shizuma x Nagisa fans haven't fought back against these reasons yet... >_> (you'll have to excuse me, this pair is my OTP :], you are of course entitled to like what YOU like though) 1. The "replacement" reason. Almost every Tamao x Nagisa fan I can think of has tried to use this reason as a valid defense against Shizuma x Nagisa. The whole idea is that Shizuma is using Nagisa as a place holder for Kaori. In my opinion, that was never the case to begin with... here's my reasoning. I think when we see the few accounts of Shizuma being reminded of Kaori when Nagisa is around, we are not seeing her try to replace Kaori---but seeing her haunted by her memory. Let's put it into perspective. Shizuma and Kaori never get closure until Shizuma finds the letter she leaves behind. Mid-series when Kaori is just started to be revealed, Shizuma is beginning to fall for Nagisa. Shizuma is probably feeling a hell of a lot of guilt because of this and that is why she clings to her memory of Kaori. It has nothing to do with wanting to replace her, but with wanting to say goodbye to her some how, and wanting her heart to be able to move on. Any of the flings that Shizuma had prior to meeting Nagisa were replacements. Nagisa changes that. This is exactly why Shizuma x Nagisa is not replacement. It's something powerful. Nagisa grants Shizuma the ability to move on, which should be a good enough argument against that theory in itself. Plus, it is easy to see that beyond having similar eyes or what have you, Nagisa and Kaori are NOTHING alike, which makes it even easier to see why this relationship is not one of compensation. 2. The "Shizuma is a player" reason. This is just absurd. While Shizuma is a character that likes to fool around and flirt, she would never cheat on Nagisa. Was she ever unloyal to Kaori while she was alive? No. So we can assume that while in a relationship, Shizuma will be loyal. About Tamao x Nagisa though, while I do feel bad for Tamao, I could never support the relationship. I love them as friends but Nagisa simply had no romantic interest in her. I can't see the appeal, sorry. even though this is my thread but damn i haven't been on much... but anyway... YOU GO GIRL/GUY for defending our favorite pairing Shizuma x Nagisa ^_^ *thumbs up* lol |
Aug 12, 2010 11:09 AM
I voted for "Other" since I support TxN as my main pairing, however if I were to decide on who Shizuma can be with... for some reason I just can't see Shizuma going to Miyuki, what with her arranged marriage, and the fact that she probably would have before Nagisa ended up there, if I'm recalling the "time-line" right. Kaori died in her third year at Astrea Hill, which would've also been Shizumas third year, and the anime begins in Shizumas 5th year and goes through 2 years at the school... I think? It's really one of the first experiences I had with the whole Japanese school year thing, so I'm probably wrong on this. Well, specifics aside, my reasoning for Shizuma X Miyuki not being possible is that she had 2-3 years to jump ship to her after Kaori, so if it was going to happen it probably would have. Now then, as for why I support Tamao X Nagisa... Well, for starters, I'll admit I hold the stereotypical view of Shizuma as a bit of a "player", so, she loses points from me there. Another reason is the cuteness value - I find that the higher it is the better, and Tamao X Nagisa exhibits more cuteness value. Not only are both the characters cuter, however, their mannerisms are more enjoyable. I.e. Tamao scaring Nagisa during the Test of Courage thing they set up, recording her screams and then rolling around on her bed listening to them, Nagisas love of sweets, Tamao completely going into fangirl mode wherever Nagisa is involved, etc etc. Since we're discussing pairings - Chiyo X Kagome anyone? ^_^ |
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Nov 24, 2010 3:14 PM
I picked Shizuma x Nagisa , Miyuki x Tamao because i love they way they each look with eachother ^_^ it's so cute :) plus, each has something in common with the other at the same time being just different enough to contrast each other |
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Sep 8, 2011 3:40 AM
Really I'd prefer if Shizuma didn't end up with anyone, but my opinion is a minority. She has a bad habit of messing with other girl's heads. |
Sep 12, 2011 12:22 PM
@ Yaaga I like how you explain where Shizuma x Miyuki is impossible ^_^ and i can see why you chose Nagisa x Tamao but i guess i prefer sexiness over cuteness when it comes to Shizuma XP @YokoKitsuneUsagi i completely agree with you though i only got hooked up to Miyuki x Tamao is because of the fanfictions i read that involved such pairing, including Chikaru x Shion @Shabaneu do you mind explaining in more details as to why you prefer Shizuma ending up with no one? |
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