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Apr 11, 2007 4:46 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Another nice episode. Not that much blood this time and you get to know some more background information. Judging from the preview I will love episode 3 heh. Good show.




[H+] ³  
Apr 11, 2007 5:26 AM

Mar 2007
Cyruz said:
Another nice episode. Not that much blood this time and you get to know some more background information. Judging from the preview I will love episode 3 heh. Good show.

my thoughts exactly :> cant wait for ep3
Apr 11, 2007 5:42 AM

Oct 2006
same here.
I need to get my hands on that OST when it comes out.
Apr 11, 2007 7:25 AM

Apr 2007
I'm getting it right now, thanks for the heads up!

Btw, is there a site you go to for updates?
Like I usually go to .
I was just wondering if there was something better.
Apr 11, 2007 7:45 AM

Mar 2007
Awsome, awsome, awsome and some more awsome. Claymore ftw
Hecka loved this episode, moar information about claymores, and even a naked Clare <3
Apr 11, 2007 2:41 PM

Jan 2005
temporary said:
I'm getting it right now, thanks for the heads up!

Btw, is there a site you go to for updates?
Like I usually go to .
I was just wondering if there was something better.

I use a lot, it's not faster with updates, it's just _more_.

And yes! Great episode! A little cold...
Apr 11, 2007 6:54 PM

Apr 2007
Ufozile said:
temporary said:
I'm getting it right now, thanks for the heads up!

Btw, is there a site you go to for updates?
Like I usually go to .
I was just wondering if there was something better.

I use a lot, it's not faster with updates, it's just _more_.

And yes! Great episode! A little cold...

Nice, thanks!
Apr 11, 2007 9:20 PM

Jan 2007
This show is quick with making me adore it's characters, which usually doesn't happen in action-y type shows like this, for me. Raki is terribly sweet, and Clare seems so lonely. Gah! I'm gonna have anxiety watching this show, I bet. ^.^;;
Apr 12, 2007 1:46 AM

Oct 2006
temporary said:
I'm getting it right now, thanks for the heads up!

Btw, is there a site you go to for updates?
Like I usually go to .
I was just wondering if there was something better.

I like this best:

...because he first releases are in bold, and it also gives a bit of info (e.g. 'ep 26, FINAL')

p.s. I havnt acctually seen any eps of this anime yet, just wondering weather I should? What animes does it resemble? (looking at the poll results, it looks like you guys like it)
Puvi2GroovyApr 12, 2007 1:49 AM
Apr 12, 2007 3:12 AM

Mar 2007
The human cries for the monster. Good stuff.
Apr 12, 2007 6:34 AM

Apr 2007
Was good as expected. <3 Claymore
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 12, 2007 2:56 PM

Apr 2007
Puvi2Groovy said:
temporary said:
I'm getting it right now, thanks for the heads up!

Btw, is there a site you go to for updates?
Like I usually go to .
I was just wondering if there was something better.

I like this best:

...because he first releases are in bold, and it also gives a bit of info (e.g. 'ep 26, FINAL')

p.s. I havnt acctually seen any eps of this anime yet, just wondering weather I should? What animes does it resemble? (looking at the poll results, it looks like you guys like it)

I guess it kind of resembles Berserk more than any other anime I've seen...

Huge swords, blood, lots of action.
Apr 15, 2007 12:57 AM

Nov 2004
For those that want to know the best way to get release notifications...use MyAnimeList for it. MAL will send you an e-mail as soon as an episode is fansubbed. You don't have to waste time visiting torrent sites and crap then. :)

Anyway, just saw this episode. Raki is soooo annoying. Good lord. He reminds me of those shitty characters that do absolutely nothing in a show. "No, don't kill her Clare!" Derrrr, she needs to die or she'll kill hundreds. Stupidity like that makes characters like Raki worthless. He needs to learn how to use a sword, or grow a brain.
Apr 16, 2007 11:47 PM

Feb 2007
Xinil said:
For those that want to know the best way to get release notifications...use MyAnimeList for it. MAL will send you an e-mail as soon as an episode is fansubbed. You don't have to waste time visiting torrent sites and crap then. :)

Anyway, just saw this episode. Raki is soooo annoying. Good lord. He reminds me of those shitty characters that do absolutely nothing in a show. "No, don't kill her Clare!" Derrrr, she needs to die or she'll kill hundreds. Stupidity like that makes characters like Raki worthless. He needs to learn how to use a sword, or grow a brain.
I agree, but it is only ep. 2, so I am thinking maybe he'll be able to do something.. I doubt he'd just follow her around for like 26 episodes (that would kind of suck). If that happened though, it would be awesome if she killed him.
But yeah, I was wondering as I watched it how they are going to pull off making him awesome.

I loved it though.. So awesome! Can't wait for ep. 3!
Apr 17, 2007 12:05 AM

Oct 2006
Raki's irritating, but he's also just a kid - it isn't surprising that he's hesitant about killing and such.

I guess it kind of resembles Berserk more than any other anime I've seen...

Huge swords, blood, lots of action.

My thoughts exactly. Plus the fact that the main character is a loner that everyone else is afraid of, and yet somehow ends up with an innocent and utterly useless companion. Like Guts and Puck.
Apr 17, 2007 12:13 AM

Nov 2004
Berserk huh? I guess a little in some senses. It reminds me of something else more, I just can't remember what it is right now. :)
Apr 17, 2007 1:09 AM
Feb 2005
selective_yellow said:
I agree, but it is only ep. 2, so I am thinking maybe he'll be able to do something.. I doubt he'd just follow her around for like 26 episodes (that would kind of suck). If that happened though, it would be awesome if she killed him.
But yeah, I was wondering as I watched it how they are going to pull off making him awesome.

I loved it though.. So awesome! Can't wait for ep. 3!

Three words for you... First Male Claymore.

Raki seems impressionable, imo he could change a lot as he learns things. Don't forget, he's extremely scared right now and he's just lost everyone in his life. He also understands very little of the goings-on in the world, he's from a small village (the elder hadn't ever seen a Claymore before) that seems very introvert. Raki on the other hand didn't really fit in there, and I think that after learning the way the world works, he could change a lot... though he'll still be the "character with a heart."

Anyone else think Raki might be... Lucky ??

Anyway, interesting so far, and I agree with most, very Berserk-esque.
Apr 17, 2007 1:33 AM

Apr 2007
He is definately lucky because he has someone who helps him . As far as i understand, all of his family is dead. This episode was surely better than the first one, which makes the wait for the 3rd one quite painful...
Apr 17, 2007 1:57 AM

Oct 2006
I think the male Claymore route seems pretty likely. As well as Raki having to kill Clare later in the show. Though I suppose that's pretty obvious after that second episode.

Speaking of luck, I wonder if he'll manage to get lucky hehe. He's a bit young, but he's travelling all alone with Clare and neither of them have anyone else left that they care about.
Apr 17, 2007 4:35 AM

Oct 2006
The OP theme shows Raki holding a sword so I've been pretty sure that he would turn into a claymore as well since ep one, plus there's another shot in the OP that appears to be him with "claymore looks" but I can't be sure 'coz the picture as too many efects. however, in this ep the cloaked guy said no male claymores exist so I've been wondering. he will either turn into the first or find another way to battle.
I pretty sure he won't turn into a useless character like Xinil said.

Krelian said:
As well as Raki having to kill Clare later in the show. Though I suppose that's pretty obvious after that second episode.
I think that's a good assumption.

temporary said:

I guess it kind of resembles Berserk more than any other anime I've seen...

Huge swords, blood, lots of action.
I also agree. It reminds me a lot of berserk. I just up it doesn't end the same way >.>
KayrhandrosApr 17, 2007 4:39 AM
Apr 17, 2007 9:15 AM
Feb 2005
They Raki having to kill Clare seems like a likely happening by the end.

Also, by Raki being Lucky... I was thinking, everytime I hear them say Raki I think they are saying Lucky... anyone think it's possible that Lucky is supposed to be his name ? I thought it'd sorta fit.
Apr 17, 2007 10:15 AM

Oct 2006
Hmm... I agree, but I'm already having trouble taking him seriously. If his name is actually Lucky...
Apr 17, 2007 10:45 AM

Aug 2006
His name is just Raki.

Lucky is pronounced/written rakki (3 mora), so they're different.
Apr 18, 2007 4:31 PM

Oct 2006
The Lucky Star lucky is written raki so his name could be lucky but that would be stupid.
Apr 18, 2007 4:37 PM

Feb 2007
yeah, that would be a bit stupid.. [if his name were lucky]

Yes, we all saw him with the sword, so I too thought male Claymore (except, his sword is different).. but then the guy said it was only for females, so I then just assumed Clare would teach him to fight (though male claymore is still a possibility).

Yes, I don't dislike him that much, and he obviously will become stronger. Just right now, he's useless.
Apr 18, 2007 4:53 PM
Feb 2005
I didn't see the scene with him and a sword... I usually ignore openers and closers... but he didn't say you COULDN'T be male and be a Claymore, he said that so far, it had only worked with females... he left room for interpretation on that.
Apr 18, 2007 5:00 PM

Nov 2004
I need to pay closer attention to the openings...but then again, I usually try to ignore them because spoilers tend to leak through a lot (and I hate being spoiled). I'm going to hope that Raki either becomes a badass swordsman, becomes the first male claymore, or dies early. :)
Apr 18, 2007 5:13 PM

Oct 2006
Xinil said:
I'm going to hope that Raki either becomes a badass swordsman, becomes the first male claymore, or dies early. :)
That's so evil Xinil lol... anyway he's not useless now... he cooks ^^....
I don't know why so much fuss about him... he's a boy, lost his parents and relatives at that age, he has no home... did you just want to turn him into a badass right away? (would we turn? or would wecrawl and hide or just give up on life?) I think he has a lot of room to grow... and I don't want that growth to be unbelieveable fast or exagerated...

anyway go see ep3. he did something with quick wits there...
KayrhandrosApr 18, 2007 5:25 PM
Apr 18, 2007 5:26 PM

Aug 2006
itainteazy11 said:
The Lucky Star lucky is written raki so his name could be lucky but that would be stupid.

Yeah it is, but the way it's said and written 90% of the time is rakki (which is honestly the best conversion from english pronunciation).

EIther way, he better start doing some bigger things or become more important sometime soon. He's essentially useless at the moment.
Apr 20, 2007 7:46 AM

Jan 2007
Koreth said:
Raki having to kill Clare seems like a likely happening by the end.

Oh yeah. I'll be really surprised if that doesn't happen.
Apr 20, 2007 7:59 AM

Aug 2006
I don't know why everyone is expecting so much out of Rakki after just 2 episodes... c'mon y'all... give him a break... plenty of time for him to grow and become strong...

...and I agree... I have this feeling that he will have to kill Clare by the end of this series T_T That'll be tough to watch
Apr 20, 2007 8:00 AM

Oct 2006
FurubaFan said:
I don't know why everyone is expecting so much out of Rakki after just 2 episodes... c'mon y'all... give him a break... plenty of time for him to grow and become strong...
finally someone agrees with me. ^^

hail to Furuba
KayrhandrosApr 20, 2007 8:04 AM
Apr 20, 2007 8:39 AM

Oct 2006
That is a good point. I just find him a little irritating though - he's too naive and such. It's understandable given his situation, I suppose, but still annoying.

As for the eventual showdown between him and Clare, I think that'll be particularly awesome. Unless his personality changes quite a bit, I expect he would refuse to kill her and attempt to save her instead, which could lead to all sorts of interesting conflicts due to her decreasing control over her Yoma half and the bad blood it'd be sure to create between them and the Claymore organization. Even if he does manage to kill her, it seems like it'll be very dramatic and emotional, which is great.
Mar 17, 2008 12:22 PM

Mar 2008
This is promising... The episodes was really good. I want to see MORE!
Feb 8, 2009 3:34 PM

Sep 2007
Rakki is annoying for more than just the fact that he's a dumb kid.

He's clearly designed to role-model what the audience is supposed to feel during the episode, since Clare is so emotionless. However, this is unnecessary and irritating. I don't need to be told how I should feel.

Still hoping he dies next episode.
May 27, 2009 5:30 PM

Jul 2008
this was pretty much just background, but anyone else think that guy in black is pretty perverted?
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Aug 20, 2009 6:41 PM
Feb 2009
preatty good ep
Aug 23, 2009 3:45 PM

Aug 2008
selective_yellow said:
Xinil said:
Raki is soooo annoying. Good lord. He reminds me of those shitty characters that do absolutely nothing in a show. "No, don't kill her Clare!" Derrrr, she needs to die or she'll kill hundreds. Stupidity like that makes characters like Raki worthless. He needs to learn how to use a sword, or grow a brain.
I agree, but it is only ep. 2, so I am thinking maybe he'll be able to do something.. I doubt he'd just follow her around for like 26 episodes (that would kind of suck). If that happened though, it would be awesome if she killed him.
I sure hope he wont be so annoying for the remaining 24 eps
Oct 2, 2009 3:40 PM

Dec 2008
"Will that do?" Loved it!
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." Douglas Adams
Oct 9, 2009 9:15 PM

Oct 2009
really mad eme wanna watch ep 3! =P

Nov 19, 2009 10:36 AM

Jun 2009
Just as it should be, this episode was an improvement over the first. The jury is still out on the characters and the show is having a bad habit of repeating stuff we already should know. For example: Clare is half-human and half-yoma? Really?
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Feb 5, 2010 11:21 PM

May 2008
Lol, seriously raki has to shut up. he's getting annoying in the show.
Mar 30, 2010 12:22 PM

Feb 2010
ShanaNightray said:
Lol, seriously raki has to shut up. he's getting annoying in the show.

I agree.. yet I think he will grow immensely.

Unfortunately, it looks like he will end up being the one to kill Clair.

this show is off to a good start....
Apr 30, 2010 11:26 AM

Dec 2009
... i can;t help but wonder , why are all the claymores blonde ?
Aug 5, 2010 10:27 PM

Jun 2009
I just hate how Raki express his feelings for Clare, how he get into their business.. just like a kid attitude
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Aug 22, 2010 3:22 PM

Jul 2010
Great episode.
Sep 9, 2010 9:04 AM

Dec 2008
All the Claymores seem to look alike.
Not sure what to make of Raki yet.
Sad that Clare had to "euthanize" her friend.
Sep 30, 2010 4:29 AM

Apr 2010
Nice episode, we get to know more about claymore stuff; like them having a chance of
becoming a yoma herself. Well seeing Clare kill some of his friend was saddening though.
Rating it 8/10.
Oct 10, 2010 7:45 PM

Oct 2008
Damn, I can see that Raki is going to be the annoying tag-along.
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Mar 21, 2011 11:39 AM

Jul 2009
Tough luck for any claymores that turn into yomas and don't have any friends they want to kill them...
'Everything is impossible until proven possible.' - Me

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