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Sep 5, 2008 11:39 PM

Jun 2008
poor misaki-chan and why didnt satou told her the truth
KinetaNov 23, 2012 7:33 AM
Sep 18, 2008 3:12 PM

Jul 2007
i really really love the new ed song XD so sad and happy at the same time <3
Nov 24, 2008 6:04 AM

Mar 2008
*punches Satou*
Letting your imagination run wild in such a situation... D:<

And I just can't sympathize with Misaki... she's too selfish for sympathy. :l
Dec 9, 2008 12:46 AM

Jan 2008
The one to deserve sympathy is that senpai's boyfriend ... She's totally insane and unstable.
Jan 25, 2009 7:02 PM

Oct 2008
It's good that they haven't had an affair...although both of them would have done senpai said before..they should have come together it is too late, and senpai should be grateful to have such a nice fiance..hmz..

and now i know what's up with misaki.....but i don't know if this was planned in the beginning..or the circumstances let her do this now...

mhh but i think she really wanted to help satou-kun in the beginning but now...she feel betrayed and doesn't see any meaning in her life in her early childhood
Feb 16, 2009 4:24 AM

Jan 2008
Misaki-chan ;__;
Feb 18, 2009 4:13 PM

Dec 2008
i have no idea what's going on with misaki-chan. hopefully this will be cleared up well in the next episodes.

Mar 19, 2009 3:06 PM
Sep 2008
Satou's and Senpai's relationship is really interesting... but I really hope that she's gone from his life. She certainly doesn't have a good influence on anybody.

It almost seems like Misaki is getting suicidal... it makes me really sad D;

Here's to hoping it's a happy ending...
Mar 29, 2009 6:36 AM

Apr 2008
So Emotional -.-

Apr 3, 2009 4:58 AM

Dec 2008
As other have said there was a place and time for a relationship between Satou and Senpai, but that time has past. Senpai does have her mental issues, however, she has found a great person to be her husband, who will be her rock to provide her stability. Through that rock she will be able to work through her issues.
Satou doesn't have that, he did. But his rock is unstable herself. Misaki has self worth issues and feeling betrayed, and having lost the feeling that she is needed, she is starting to believe the negative things in her life, more than the positive. Of course with her view of the world, one cannot blame her. What she needs to do is change that view, and realize that although those happy elating times that are onyl 10%, and the rest is struggle and termoil, it is ment to contrast that 10% and increase the worth of those times. However, I feel that only until she sees that her view of the world will not change, and she will be unsettled as much as Satou is.
They both have self worth problems that are at the core of their issues.
Apr 10, 2009 2:16 AM

Mar 2009
misaki needs to grow up in the episode, she doesn't want him as a friend or boyfriend she treats him like a pet
May 5, 2009 3:31 PM

Apr 2008
Really interesting episode.
May 15, 2009 6:31 PM

May 2009
The imagination scenes always got me into believing they were happening, good episode, pretty sad what happened to Misaki.
Jul 9, 2009 5:50 AM

Jul 2008
The drama in this episode was actually pretty good, better than the thing that Satou and Yamazaki had going. And a little bit of Misaki's past was revealed and she's struggling to give herself worth for society, so I wonder what actually happened.
Oct 13, 2009 8:30 AM

Jul 2009
those imaginations really felt like real to me, first at the start of the ep...but he was imagining, and then the second time it really felt real...first I was like 0.0! dont do it satou, you'll regret it later, u always regret it later....and then in the hotel, I thought that well if they are doing it then it cant be helped i'll just have to watch. And then when they r abt to do goes
and i was
DAMM u Bastards stop playing with me
Dec 25, 2009 10:40 AM

Nov 2009
MrCK said:
those imaginations really felt like real to me, first at the start of the ep...but he was imagining, and then the second time it really felt real...first I was like 0.0! dont do it satou, you'll regret it later, u always regret it later....and then in the hotel, I thought that well if they are doing it then it cant be helped i'll just have to watch. And then when they r abt to do goes
and i was
DAMM u Bastards stop playing with me

Haha same here..
I wonder how satou's gonna overcome this...i know the lonliness hes experiencing from yamazaki's absence.. ahwell only 2 eps to go!
Jan 28, 2010 3:36 PM
Jun 2008
I thought Misaki was the only sensible character... But now... T_T
Mar 13, 2010 6:38 AM

Jan 2010
Why is Misaki always getting the short stick?

And man, isn't Satou dumb...
werrstonMar 13, 2010 6:45 AM
May 2, 2010 1:21 PM

Aug 2009
Poor Misaki, I wonder what psycho plans she has brewing.
May 11, 2010 4:05 PM
Sep 2007
Worst ep so far, Misaki is just so annoying. Drags the show down tbh.
May 16, 2010 9:28 AM

Jul 2008
Sempai pregnant? Didn't she drink? Shame..
Jun 2, 2010 7:09 PM
Feb 2009
omg i though they actually did it twice like that l0l
Jun 28, 2010 7:52 AM

Apr 2009
I hate Senpai so much. She should've jumped off that cliff. :|
if we die we'll meet again in valhalla...
Sep 11, 2010 9:03 AM

Apr 2009
Very interesting episode. I wonder how the situation could evolve...
Oct 10, 2010 5:54 PM

Jul 2009
Alipio said:
Sempai pregnant? Didn't she drink? Shame..

yeah, i thought the same.
Oct 26, 2010 6:39 PM
May 2010
Wow. Misaki is waaaaay more complex and interesting then I'd originally pinned her as, and she was interesting from the beginning. The relationships in this anime are fascinating and incredibly well-done. Awesome episode.
Oct 31, 2010 8:09 PM
Jul 2009
Junipermouse said:
Alipio said:
Sempai pregnant? Didn't she drink? Shame..

yeah, i thought the same.


Crono_Maniac said:
Wow. Misaki is waaaaay more complex and interesting then I'd originally pinned her as, and she was interesting from the beginning. The relationships in this anime are fascinating and incredibly well-done. Awesome episode.

Misaki isn't very interesting at all. She just had some trauma from the past. Case closed. Sempai + Yamazaki on the other hand...
Nov 3, 2010 2:23 PM
Aug 2010
Well there we have it, Misaki is no longer the only sane human after showing some slightly sociopathic tendencies and a complete reliance on Satou to justify her existance, bleak stuff but I couldn't help but lol at her 'pain:fun' chart.

Didn't think this'd tie up very well but after this episode I think they've managed to explain Misaki's character really well, the only thing left now is to see how they end up.

I mean I'd love an ending where she goes completely batshit and locks him in her cellar for 20 years whilst simultaneously revealing herself as the brains behind the Nihon Hikikomori Kyokai, but that just won't happen.

If it does though, I totally called it.
Nov 9, 2010 9:43 AM

Apr 2010
Damn, why did misaki turn emo?
Feb 8, 2011 4:15 PM
Feb 2010
unlisted said:
Sempai + Yamazaki on the other hand...

The relationship between Yamazaki and Sato was what kept me interested in this series. I found Misaki annoying. So much so that I actually preferred that psycho Hitomi to her.
Mar 1, 2011 2:46 PM

Aug 2010
Arcanus said:

And I just can't sympathize with Misaki... she's too selfish for sympathy. :l

Apr 12, 2011 4:02 PM

Aug 2010
The seriousness that is happening it all about to end in the next two episodes. I would of liked it if the rest of the episodes were as laid back like this one and we get to see what life brings to him after he is cured of his hikikimori
May 5, 2011 5:35 PM

Dec 2009
Misaki is really annoying. Hitomi is much more interesting character, really, I liked her more than Misaki from the beginning... but now it`s really too late for Satou and her... And the cat died...((((
May 6, 2011 4:09 AM

Sep 2010
Damn looks like a misaki end , this anime will always leave a bad scar on my otaku life like shuffle (this was one of my favorites but misaki needs to die)
May 11, 2011 7:38 PM
Oct 2010
Poor Misaki :( she has alot of patience to put up with a guy like Sato, she really deserves better.
Jul 26, 2011 11:13 PM

Feb 2011
Alright, Misaki and Senpai are really fucked up. Misaki's too selfish, she is the one that needs Satou, while Hitomi (Senpai) will probably cheat on her husband and blame him for not being there for her, EVERY time she needs him.

On the other hand Satou is the WORST!, he has no pride, no dignity, fuck how can he be such a freeloader. I can't understand tha,t thus it angers me a lot. Well that and my father is also like that (not a hikikomori, but a freeloader and a NEET, because my uncle has Jesus-like tendencies and likes to sink every failure even lower, and he thinks he's helping, good thing my parents are divorced).

Totally love this show, one of the best I've seen so far.
Aug 1, 2011 2:51 AM

Aug 2009
Awesome episode. What I love about this show is how unlikeable the main characters are (Satou & Misaki, guess you can throw in Senpai too). Can't wait to see how this will all end c_c

Aug 8, 2011 11:10 AM

Aug 2011
Zepwich said:
Poor Misaki, I wonder what psycho plans she has brewing.

thinking exactly the same...
Aug 24, 2011 8:55 PM
Feb 2011
This show really grinds my gears! I can't help but rant about it.

Hitomi is a real bitch! She probably knows Satou's feelings yet toys with him!
And Satou!! spineless wimp. Why can't he at least tell her his feelings. Oh wait... he is probably going to end up realizing he loves Misaki... If the woman I have liked/loved for over 5 years told me she was going to be a mom I'd be CRUSHED and if I was already in his shoes I'd probably go for suicide again.

Sep 22, 2011 5:36 PM

Jun 2007
The SatouxHitomi moments always get to me. When they said goodbye to each other, it would've been perfect if Hitomi had said something along the lines of, "If we meet in our next life, we should do more than just play cards!"

When Satou refused to have an affair, you could tell that Hitomi saw that he was a true friend - valuing her happiness above lust. Even though he was tempted enough to get distracted with his fantasies, he still refused to pull her into despair with him. He was proved right with his choice when she told him she was pregnant (God knows what would have happened if an affair had started after that!) It was a nice touch for Hitomi to hold his arm and act like lovers as they walked, if only for a little--giving him a taste of what he was never able to have.

The two were clearly into each other, and the way Hitomi allowed her bad side to show around Satou highlighted her trust in him, but by the time NHK's story had got going it was just not to be. She had already found herself a man with money, as well as love, while Satou had become a mess. She was far too needy to handle a relationship with someone equally troubled.
Dec 16, 2011 6:19 AM

Jun 2011
AironicallyHuman said:

When Satou refused to have an affair, you could tell that Hitomi saw that he was a true friend - valuing her happiness above lust. Even though he was tempted enough to get distracted with his fantasies, he still refused to pull her into despair with him.

I thought that was just Satou day-dreaming again? I could be wrong though.
Jan 7, 2012 3:38 AM

Dec 2008
Dissent said:
AironicallyHuman said:

When Satou refused to have an affair, you could tell that Hitomi saw that he was a true friend - valuing her happiness above lust. Even though he was tempted enough to get distracted with his fantasies, he still refused to pull her into despair with him.

I thought that was just Satou day-dreaming again? I could be wrong though.

No it wasn't
Feb 6, 2012 5:32 PM

Sep 2011
GOD DAMMIT SATOU! STOP. And poor Misaki, I hate how Satou is towards her. :(
Mar 19, 2012 4:54 PM

Jul 2010
Aww. There's such a depressing atmosphere. There's no more of that excitement from Yamazaki and the game and all that stuff. There's just really nothing left. It's so sad.

And I see now who Misaki is. She's just a girl who's been neglected by her parents and other figures. She feels like she doesn't have a purpose in life so she's been watching over Satou, convincing herself that he needs her to survive. Thus she created her hikikomori "program" and the like.
It's actually really interesting. I'm loving it so much.

As for the ending, I'm not expecting a big boom of excitement or anything. The show, IMO, is more of an experience than a story. We just get a small look into the life of Satou and his friends, and then we pull away after a while. I'm really loving it. So I think the story is just going to end w/o anything major. Probably some kind of resolution between Misaki and Satou, with a confession of Misaki's past. But that's it and it's fine with me. I don't believe there'll be any improvement on Satou's status as a NEET though xD.

I'm looking at a 9 or 10 for the show. I love it so much and I've really enjoyed it so it deserves a great score.
Apr 12, 2012 2:22 AM

Jan 2012
I always found the whole conspiracy thing very annoying
May 7, 2012 6:44 PM

Nov 2011
Complicated said:
Dissent said:
AironicallyHuman said:

When Satou refused to have an affair, you could tell that Hitomi saw that he was a true friend - valuing her happiness above lust. Even though he was tempted enough to get distracted with his fantasies, he still refused to pull her into despair with him.

I thought that was just Satou day-dreaming again? I could be wrong though.

No it wasn't

It's all in Satou's head. Hitomi has no interest in him, beyond being just friends
Jul 4, 2012 11:10 PM

Oct 2011
ugh! this episode was such a troll!!!!! so mesed up agh made me mad but still AMAZING
Jul 22, 2012 7:19 AM

Jan 2011
This was a great episode, only 2 more episodes to go.
I don't want to see this show come to an end, it's so good.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 9, 2012 10:12 PM

Jan 2011
Escapes me how Satou is able to painfully ignore Misaki like some sort of object in the background at every moment.

Overall a great anime series, enjoyed it entirely. Now only 2 more episodes...
Aug 14, 2012 10:32 AM

Mar 2012
Satou should just try to cheer up misaka by complimenting her or something. I mean wow she's crying in front of you
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