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Mar 16, 2012 6:54 PM

Oct 2010
Well the tension is super high in this episode and I don't think I have seen of that level before in the series except for some past events in the previous seasons.

At least Julio has been saved by Tabitha's pet but Saito getting nightmares does not look too good for his sleep.

SHIT HITS THE FANS! OMG Louise finally says the “I love you” but what I don’t understand is why did they not do the end I wanted! RAGE! They should have made Louise go there with Saito. Grrrrrrr, that sucks she stayed! Moreover the plan is to take some weapons or things to kill the dragon? Well that might be hard if it’s about smuggling missiles.

Furthermore I am not happy that Saito did not drag Louise back to his world and not only that. He get beaten by tugs? Lazy ass gangsters? Unbelievable but I can understand if it has to do with his power getting weaker due to powering up the Pope. Still he got one hit off but I though he would be stronger than that.

Really painful to see Louise crying like that being a fan of hers. At least they used a very nice BGM when everyone was there and Louise was surprised to see them.

That was really fucked up the way they got this guy at the end be obliterated by the Dragon. It was well done like you can feel and see the guy being burned off like those in the middle of a A-Bomb like in T2. Dragon has wings and can fly. GREAT! NOT! It’s a big problem. Has more freedom but it could = to his demise if that fighter plane gets fixed. May edit later.
Yumekichi11Mar 17, 2012 12:42 AM

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Mar 16, 2012 7:12 PM

Jul 2010
Feels pretty anti-climatic to just open a portal to Saito's world compared to the fighter plane attempt at the end of S1. Nonetheless, that was a pretty heart stopping moment when Louise let go and left Saito in his world.
Mar 17, 2012 12:36 AM

Oct 2010
Thatsjustpeachy said:
However, the "I love you" part was cute :)
Yeah that is what really got my hear going emotionally but alas I can't believe she let go of Saito's hand! This is a true disastrous move of the studio. I do not see anything else but a miracle but of how and what would be nice to see.

Logically it would have to center around Louise x Saito feelings. It would also have to be something major and should come from Saito himself. Since Louise finally affirmed her feelings he should be well off in having more confidence in him.

That being said, I still wonder how they are going to pull the fighter plane? They could involve the elder elf who served Joseph suddenly coming with the fighter plane but that would be out of the blue now. Really hard to say what will happen to make it end. Something big and miraculous.

- BLOG - My Club- Easiest way to reach the rest of my thoughts!
Mar 17, 2012 1:38 AM
Nov 2011
Well, it's time for the real fight to begin. I don't think it makes sense if Louise had gone with Saito especially with the dragon on the rise. Saito gets beaten up by the thugs.

What are they gonna do about the fighter plane? Can't wait for the next episode.
Mar 17, 2012 3:05 PM

Jan 2010
I can't believe there's only one ep left... and oh my god these otp feelings at this episode ;A;

But I'd like Louise to go to Saito's world~
Mar 17, 2012 3:13 PM

Jan 2010
Even if they did go with their original plan, how could Saito even get a fighter plane?
Mar 17, 2012 3:15 PM

Aug 2010
I'm predicting that by the end of next episode Saito will be embraced by another girl other than Louise and Louise will get mad and zap him, like always.
Mar 17, 2012 3:26 PM
Aug 2011
Wonder what would happen if all the void users went to Saito's world? It can't get them their.
Mar 17, 2012 3:30 PM

Feb 2012
Holy crap this ep was intense. I was going along with the plan about going to saitos world to get the plane to destroy the dragon but didnt expect louise to just leave saito like that. It was sad seeing louise cry and im not gonna lie i cryed a lil too at tht moment :V but thts the power of love right there yo. The dragon can fly now? Wow its huge. I wonder how the gang will fight it off. I guess the popes really gone for good.(not tht i cared or anything)
Back in Japan Saito got beat up. He knocked tht lil guy out though but still didnt hold em off. And besides that didnt the gate appear in the middle of a street?? I dont remeber the gate being in a alley way. :/ idk it was sad to see saito cry too, also to see him shouting her name ovr and ovr when its no use. Guess saito and louise wont see each other again..or not? who knows? We will just have to wait and see =)
Looking forward to the next and final episode
Mar 17, 2012 3:39 PM
Aug 2009
Just like Fairy Tail, the mangakka was running out of ideas and just thought "Hey I know, I'll just through in a dragon into the story! Genius!". I'm really getting tires of bad writing in anime series. This, Shakugan no Shana, Aquarion Evol, Guilty Crown, Zenki Sesshou Symphogear, and that's just from this season...
Mar 17, 2012 3:41 PM

Dec 2010
Didn't like that she left him like that; even tho i know why she did it...the scene i really didn't like tho was the cliche lets rally together, seemed so off or should i say it seemed so predictable and thats why it was annoying T_T. Series better not end bitter, i highly doubt it will but even so; after all the seasons anything except a SaitoxLouise ending would be a total troll; which how this "final" series has gone i dnt even care anymore about the ending being cliche as long as they get that detail right; also hopefully they give some good reason for him being able to go back (assuming he does, he better :/) since Louise calling him back would be contradictory to this whole entire episode.
Mar 17, 2012 4:01 PM

Jun 2010
Kinda cheesy right there when those mercenaries joined them.

Last episode next. I wonder what's going to happen.

Mar 17, 2012 4:11 PM
Nov 2011
GOD I KNEW IT! Since she was under those doors and listening their conversation, I KNEW she would leave him in his world. Dat look on her face.. ._.

Saito probably will save the situation. Steal the plane (on the preview.. isn't he on somekind of airport?), use the eclipse (probably he will hear about the eclipse, or some crazy-old guy will be talking about magical world, and Saito will be like 'how do you know, how did u get there?!', he will go back, save Louise, kiss & marriage and happy ending.
.. or not.

God, I have to admit, I cried a little during this farewell. But, as Tiffa said, Louise truly loved Saito, otherwise she wouldn't be able to do this..

I wonder if the 2 new void mages will be revealed..

edit: OR Louise will open the portal, letting others into Saito's world, as this f#cking dragon destroys everything around, and sacrifice herself, because without Saito's power she won't keep the gate too long. But that would be.. just sad ;_;
HwarraMar 17, 2012 4:23 PM
Mar 17, 2012 5:16 PM

Feb 2012
what the hecknoodle.
sometimes i despise Saito for being a pervy cheater despite the "comedy' that ensues from it, but when Louise let go of Saito's hand and left him in that world, i cried! granted, i'm an emotional person and i cry at everything but that's not the point! i knew she was going to leave him there. /: and i guess the thing that makes me sad the most is, as far as i know and seen, he can't get back there on his own; unless Louise brings him back.


i really hope the ending is happy. and not a harem ending. i hope it's a Saito x Louise ending, despite the world they live in. preferably Saito's world though. but i'm guessing i'll be a lucky if the ending just doesn't suck in general?

- _-;
Mar 17, 2012 5:34 PM

Nov 2010
hmm it got a bit better but i realy started to dislike this show :( (yes i myself find it a bit sad but that's how it is) oh well hope the ending will be satisfying.
Mar 17, 2012 5:40 PM
Oct 2011
prismheart said:
I'm predicting that by the end of next episode Saito will be embraced by another girl other than Louise and Louise will get mad and zap him, like always.

Please don't go there.
Mar 17, 2012 5:43 PM
Sep 2007
I saw the whole 1st season and a bit of the 2nd, & when this came along I figured I want to see how it ends and thus I watched the ep b4 the final. This really was a good episode and it reminds me of the old zero no tsukaima I came to like.

However, I can't help but feel since this isn't exaclty a tragic anime, the final episode will make a full 360 and the ending will be THE SAME AS ALWAYS "saito returns to save the day and all the girls crowed him while Louise is jelous"

If that's the case I'll be dissapointed but honeslty I'm not expecting anything different, so if the final episode proves me wrong I'll be very happy.
Mar 17, 2012 6:17 PM

Feb 2011
I kinda want that dragon to win...just cuz.
Mar 17, 2012 6:23 PM

Jul 2011
Uhm, that was...
Mar 17, 2012 6:33 PM

Mar 2012
Saito should have been holding on to Louise a little stronger and either pulled her through or at the very least keep the gate open... That's good ol' Zero no Tsukaima drama for ya. I'm going to guess Saito will find a way back, they would not spoiler anything good on the last episode preview. I wonder how they planned on acquiring military grade weapons in Saito's world, anyway. It isn't like you can just walk up somewhere and buy one..

Since he still has his Gandalfr runes, I am going to predict a Gunda- I mean plane jack. If he gets a hold of any modern 4th/5th gen fighter aircraft (F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18, F-22 - But looking at the Japanese Air Force planes**, my guess would be the Mitsubishi F-15J or possibly Mitsubishi F-2) he will wreck that dragon's face. A nuke would do the job nicely... but I really really doubt they would use a nuclear weapon on a Japanese show.. just because of the implications and all. Still, some sidewinders and some AMRAAMs would at the very least greatly weaken the ancient dragon. Can you say dragon/fighter dogfight? My guess is he will have to eject at the end of the battle due to damage to his vehicle, Louise comes running up to his escape pod and they embrace.

And they lived happily ever after...

** - Look at the combat aircraft, they still have the F-4 Phantom (the one we saw in Lukshana's Oasis) in use... but the other two are much more powerful. Guess we'll see in a week.
styrMar 17, 2012 6:51 PM
Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work.
Mar 17, 2012 6:51 PM
Jun 2010
I find it really sad that a dude that killed thousands of soldiers a few seasons back would get beat it up 3 street thugs.

Only 1 episode left...I feel like its gonna be rushed as hell.
Mar 17, 2012 7:13 PM

Dec 2011
My speculations where spot on. The time Saito proposed the plan of taking a military plane and missile from his real world, I knew that Louise will make him stay there. Can't wait how this anime would end.
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Mar 17, 2012 8:06 PM

Apr 2011
styr said:
Saito should have been holding on to Louise a little stronger and either pulled her through or at the very least keep the gate open... That's good ol' Zero no Tsukaima drama for ya. I'm going to guess Saito will find a way back, they would not spoiler anything good on the last episode preview. I wonder how they planned on acquiring military grade weapons in Saito's world, anyway. It isn't like you can just walk up somewhere and buy one..

Since he still has his Gandalfr runes, I am going to predict a Gunda- I mean plane jack. If he gets a hold of any modern 4th/5th gen fighter aircraft (F-14, F-15, F-16, F-18, F-22 - But looking at the Japanese Air Force planes**, my guess would be the Mitsubishi F-15J or possibly Mitsubishi F-2) he will wreck that dragon's face. A nuke would do the job nicely... but I really really doubt they would use a nuclear weapon on a Japanese show.. just because of the implications and all. Still, some sidewinders and some AMRAAMs would at the very least greatly weaken the ancient dragon. Can you say dragon/fighter dogfight? My guess is he will have to eject at the end of the battle due to damage to his vehicle, Louise comes running up to his escape pod and they embrace.

And they lived happily ever after...

** - Look at the combat aircraft, they still have the F-4 Phantom (the one we saw in Lukshana's Oasis) in use... but the other two are much more powerful. Guess we'll see in a week.

All of that sounds SUPER SEXY. But wouldn't a nuclear missile cause a fallout? He'd be best off equipped with an FAEB. (Fuel Air Explosive Bomb) Now THAT would dominate the stupid dragon...piece of shit.
"Ogon’ po gotovnosti!"
Mar 17, 2012 8:09 PM

May 2011
DAMN!! I really loved Louise saying 'I love you'!!!
But I feel touched when she had to leave Saito behind with heavy thought.

So final week huh? Can't wait anymore!
Mar 17, 2012 8:10 PM

Dec 2011
Louise your so cruel. How could you do that to Saito? D: Get him back.
Mar 17, 2012 8:19 PM
Jan 2009
Geez, 1 more episode left...
It's going to be definitely going to feel rushed I bet
Hopefully the ending isn't going to be half-assed, else they're going to get a lot of flak, though after 4 seasons, they hopefully know not to make it suck.... maybe :|..

another week of waiting
Mar 17, 2012 8:40 PM

Nov 2011
Well, picking up from last time...looks like the cavalry has a plan to kick that dragon's ass.

I kinda predicted this:

Poor Saito :(

and LOL, look who's back:

Well, next week for the grand finale, can't fucking wait.
Mar 17, 2012 9:12 PM

Dec 2011
HammersFan10 said:
Just like Fairy Tail, the mangakka was running out of ideas and just thought "Hey I know, I'll just through in a dragon into the story! Genius!". I'm really getting tires of bad writing in anime series. This, Shakugan no Shana, Aquarion Evol, Guilty Crown, Zenki Sesshou Symphogear, and that's just from this season...

You do not know what you are talking about, do you?

First: It started from a light novel
Second: The last few episode is not following the light novel, as the sword was broken by an assassin sent to kill Saito instead in the light novel.

Thus, what have you been going on and on about since just now? Blame the studio if you want to blame, stop your tactless blaming of the writer, mongrel.

P.S: Light novel are not written by mangakka, mind you.
Vita-Mar 17, 2012 9:20 PM
Mar 17, 2012 9:50 PM

Apr 2011
With only one episode left, I'm sure it's going to be half-assed, and Louise and Saito will have their usual harem-hijinks. I really hope it's not, but knowing JC Staff, I wouldn't be surprised.
Louise really needs a hug right now, poor girl
Mar 17, 2012 9:52 PM
Jan 2012
benevolentfather said:
I kinda want that dragon to win...just cuz.
yep, it would certainly spice things up... worst season of them all so far :(
Mar 17, 2012 10:05 PM

Feb 2012
Oh god.. I have no idea how they are going to end this >.< But seriously, if they end this with the classic kiss and "we are going to be together forever" and then Saito gets chased by all the girls.. someone's going to get hit in the face :3
Mar 17, 2012 11:04 PM

Sep 2011

It was sad and i really feel sad but....i was pretty much saying this...

Soooooo unnecessary it,since its obvious that he will be back next episode and save the day they will kill the dragon and then Louise and Saito will hug maybe a kiss and then!!!! HAREM ENDING "YAY"!!!!

I think many people see this ending...and expect it since is JC.....

So good series could be but they just made mistake after mistake this season....o well hope at least i am wrong and get Louise ending......YOU BETTER DO IT AT LEAST JC if no...
Mar 17, 2012 11:51 PM

Oct 2011
Yeah, kind of expected this. Agreeing with the harem end and all.

One big issue with the whole "plan." Doesn't Saito remember that he's your average Japanese young adult, who has not joined the military? I'm smelling plot hole if he can just waltz in and steal a fighter jet that is armed as well as ready to go, mind you.

Actual military personnel wouldn't let him anywhere near the tarmac.

I'm seeing the getting back and saving the day like it's the size of the Moon, but I'd even take the "surprise, we have a FlaK 88 just lying around" over stupid way to jack plane and magic his way back.

On another note: he's been gone from Japan for quite awhile. Unless he was teleported back to the same day as well, there would either be no place for him (looking at this as if he's full on stuck there) to stay or he'd be missing for over a year (iirc). That would be fun to explain to those who know him.

Giving them one thing: Saito was unarmed against the thugs, nor did they really have a weapon for him to steal and use. His powers wouldn't help. Although, he should have done somewhat better due to training and the like, he may be having some effects from giving away his energy.

I still think the series was entertaining and I'll watch the ending as well as still be entertained, but this ending is just "Plotholes the Ending." If even I can call them, they're pretty obvious.
Mar 18, 2012 12:29 AM
Feb 2009
fuckk last ep gonna be rushed wtf@@@@
Mar 18, 2012 12:29 AM
Aug 2010
I liked the episode, and I even liked the fact that Saito finally made it back home.

HOWEVER....predictable ending is very predictable!!!

Saito will somehow make it back, help defeat the dragon, marry Louise and live happily ever after.


Saito will somehow make it back, help defeat the dragon, and we have a shitty Harem ending.

Mar 18, 2012 12:34 AM

Oct 2011
14'mon that was anit-climatic
but im hoping more for the last episode...i hope it wont disapoint me
Mar 18, 2012 1:47 AM

May 2010
Saito got beat up & here I thought that he has become stronger...
Mar 18, 2012 2:26 AM

Aug 2009
Why past tense Louise? I got teary-eyed. It was a bittersweet moment and I'm a sucker for those. With the piano version of I Say Yes, I can't help but feel sad.
Really curious as to what ending they will give us. Looking forward to the next episode.

The shota nii-san of the mercenaries was that friendly and smiling? Ehhh.
Mar 18, 2012 4:20 AM

Sep 2011
Like Someone Who Stated It, I Don't Know How Saito Will Get A Jet Fighter Or Etc Since He Doesn't Have A Military License To Begin With. ?_?

Also, HOW SAITO WILL MANAGE TO MAKE IT BACK? That's My Big Question For Me. I Bet Maybe Louise Will Go "Seed Mode" And Cast A World Door Then It Will Appear In Front Of Saito While Riding An Unknown Jet Plane. Tadaa~. Well That's My Prediction.

ichigo03 said:
I liked the episode, and I even liked the fact that Saito finally made it back home.

HOWEVER....predictable ending is very predictable!!!

Saito will somehow make it back, help defeat the dragon, marry Louise and live happily ever after.


Saito will somehow make it back, help defeat the dragon, and we have a shitty Harem ending.



The Ending Will Be:
Saito Will Somehow Manage To Make It Back, Helping To Defeat The Dragon, Marrying Louise And With A Harem Ending By Other Girls Hugging Him/Etc Because They Miss Saito, Etc, Etc. That's My Bet. :D

prismheart said:
I'm predicting that by the end of next episode Saito will be embraced by another girl other than Louise and Louise will get mad and zap him, like always.

Let's Hope JC Staff Won't Do That For The Sake Of The Fans. Even Just 1%. :X

Mar 18, 2012 7:20 AM
Jun 2010
Last episode next week, i dont want to loose Louise and Saito ;(
Mar 18, 2012 7:26 AM

Feb 2012
ahmed_great2005 said:
Saito got beat up & here I thought that he has become stronger...

I was thinking the same thing too but its probably from his lifdrasir power
But he might have won if he had somethig to fight with
Mar 18, 2012 7:34 AM

Mar 2012
I think its good that Saito is back in Japan because I want to see how Saitos family looks like
Mar 18, 2012 8:29 AM

May 2008
i guess its gonna be an originial anime ending! with Saito somehow returning at the end of next episode and saving everyone...
Mar 18, 2012 9:26 AM

Nov 2011
Ahmer said:
i guess its gonna be an originial anime ending! with Saito somehow returning at the end of next episode and saving everyone...

That's what I'm hoping and guessing.
Mar 18, 2012 9:40 AM

Dec 2011
I feel bad for Saito. But I also understand Louise, I just hope she knows how to get him back. Nah, of course she will.
Mar 18, 2012 10:06 AM

Jun 2010
There were two things that annoyed me about this episode.

1. I say yes piano version, it shouldve been used as saito was being sent back to his own world because in series 2 it was used at an emotion part like that.

2 and this really annoyed me, Saito got beat up by 3 punks, even without using his powers, he got trained to fight by that character i forget the name of ¬_¬.

Finally is it just me that hopes Saito will make it back help and then die... i want it to end badly.

Mar 18, 2012 11:31 AM
Dec 2009
First off,

I hate Louise, it really doesnt matter how you want to spin it she chose to be selfish and send saito away even though saito was probably ready to do what he could (die). She neglected to ask him how he felt and what he wanted to do and instead THOUGHT that it would be better off if he went back home. This is why is effed up

1) someone mentioned time, unless time flows differently there hes been gone for a while, the damage done to those he knew on earth in regards to him going missing has already been done. He likely wont have a home or stuff and nothing to eat so the reality of death still lingers regardless of the world its just in the other one at least he could be with louise until the end.

2) the old saying, sometimes its worse to not be able to do anything at all. well in this case they probably will die and he wont have been able to do anything instead hes just going to have to forget his feelings and experiences in that world... kinda messed up

3) They spent 4 seasons explaining why their bonds were so strong. if louise cant accept the fact that saito would rather be dead with her than forget her it was a great disservice to the people who sat through this and expected to see them work together.

Alot of people are going to be like "well she's right she loved him so much that she let him go," and to me thats nothing more than an excuse. If you really love someone then you would want to be with them NO MATTER WHAT why because love is unconditional. Obviously the last 3 seasons ordeals meant nothing since in the end she was ok with sending him back (she was because she did it no matter how sad she was she still did it and that means she was willing to cut ties to him)

i do dislike louise now

As for taking a military fighter, ha, while i admit it would be cool it would also NOT work. like many have said he wouldn't be able to get close to a jet let alone get it in the air before they blew him out of the sky.... realistically..... but this isnt reality, so i support him getting a cool jet and flying it back, this means he sneaks his way onto a military installation manages to get on the runway while it clear, avoid the jets that are probably diverted from their patrol to deal with him and make it back

not to mention the jet probably isnt armed, so hed have to operate something to carry his ordinance to the wing mounts all while being stealthy...

this is where the 2nd problem starts

Targets for jets are done through a network, a jet cannot just lock onto what it wants. so once it gets to the other world there is no IFF, there are no targets programmed into his targeting pod (unless he plans on using smart bombs not Air to Air Missiles).

basically all his ordinance once in the new world would pretty much not fire making it kind of useless....

gg Zero no Tsukaima gg
Mar 18, 2012 11:33 AM

Mar 2012
With how small a hole the World Door is I wonder how they intend to bring anything back to Halkeginia in the next episode, even if Louise opens the door again how will Saito bring a fighter inside that tiny human sized door? Saito might have to do it another way, someone mentioned the solar eclipse, that may have to be how it is done. It is funny cause in the LN the Pope had the World Door spell and not Louise, and actually opened the door for Saito to go in but was concealing a pistol pointed at Saito's head and was going to shoot him if he went through it..

Ahh.. this wait is going to suck!

In the LNs when Louise tried to send Saito back she went off to fight a bunch of big golems instead of a dragon and Saito came back to save the day with a panzer tank, she also had her memories of Saito erased by Tiffania but the power of looove brought them all back with a kiss. My new non-drowsy prediction: the power of love will be the deus ex machina for ep12, either opening a gate somehow or, when Louise is near death again, they will both be thinking about each other and Saito saves the day again!

The fact that he still has his runes on Earth definitely means Saito will be back to save Louise, one way or another. I wouldn't be surprised if by the ending Louise x Saito go back to the Earth to live, but the fact Saito is held in such regards in Halkeginia means that possibility is very low imo. As the hero of Halkeginia a harem ending is possible, as much as I hate things like that...

@Kenshin - the only reason I think he could get his hands on a fighter aircraft is due to him still having his Gandalfr runes, but even still, you do not just walk up to an air base and take a multi-million dollar aircraft around for a joy ride, but I have a feeling that it will be glossed over due to his "powers" that he has as a legendary familiar or w/e.
styrMar 18, 2012 11:37 AM
Behold, as a wild ass in the desert, go I forth to my work.
Mar 18, 2012 11:43 AM
Dec 2009
styr said:

@Kenshin - the only reason I think he could get his hands on a fighter aircraft is due to him still having his Gandalfr runes, but even still, you do not just walk up to an air base and take a multi-million dollar aircraft around for a joy ride, but I have a feeling that it will be glossed over due to his "powers" that he has as a legendary familiar or w/e.

Probably and honestly it would be fun to watch. He'll fly it and go save the day like he always does and that will close out the anime and ill be satisfied.
Mar 18, 2012 12:42 PM
Jan 2012
I'm not sure how they are going to end this, but all the possibilities seem a little awkward.

1) Harem ending - this would obviously be the worst type of ending, but unfortunately its probably the most likely one.

2) Saito dies
addz-sapphire said:
Finally is it just me that hopes Saito will make it back help and then die... i want it to end badly.

I can't say that I want this to happen, but it is at least than a harem ending.

3) Saito marrying Louise - this ending would be good but there are a few problems with it.

Firstly, how are they going to stop the other girls from constantly interfering? I guess one way would be to have the dragon kill them but that's highly unlikely :P.

Secondly, where would they live? If they both stayed in Louise's world then wouldn't Saito's parents be sad? (in the light novels it shows that Saito's parents email him everyday and are still looking for him) they can't go between the worlds easily because that uses up Saito's powers. Also, if Louise went to Saito's world then her family would be sad.

4) The dragon winning - judging by the endings from the previous seasons, not likely.

5) Saito gets sent back to his own world after Tiffa erases everyone's memories of Saito and Saito's memory of Louise. - I doubt they would make the ending this depressing. At least I hope they won't.

Therefore the most probable ending is Harem ending where Saito stays in Louise's world. They will probably just ignore Saito's parents.

oh and also....

Thatsjustpeachy said:
Yumekichi11 said:
Yeah that is what really got my hear going emotionally but alas I can't believe she let go of Saito's hand! This is a true disastrous move of the studio. I do not see anything else but a miracle but of how and what would be nice to see.

I had that emotional outburst at first and then i was like "wait a second". I just think that the World Door can just allow them to rejoin together like when Saito was kidnapped by the elfs. So if Louise is like "hmm I miss Saito, lets have him come back" she can just use the portal again(I'm pretty sure this is possible). This just all feels flawed, maybe im the only that feels this way though.

me too!! That part was much better in the light novels. It feels less natural in the anime.
kyubey42Mar 18, 2012 12:53 PM
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