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Jun 23, 2010 2:30 AM

Apr 2009
This episode picked up right where the last one left off, surprisingly >_>. It was rather predictable that Noizumi would do something like that with the bloomers and tights. Though she did do it in attempt to make everyone happy, because her happiness apparently stems from the happiness of others (though sudden character development at this point is really... pointless). Overall this episode was a sad attempt to elaborate on Noizumi's past, and to explain her current disposition; ultimately it was LOLdeep at best. Of course all it took to fix this was Takumi to say that he likes Noizumi and that she'll always have a home at Stray Cats. It was both awkward and good that Noizumi cried, because her lack of emotion was getting irritating. I'm sure most of us expected there to be an open ending, and in the end nothing was really accomplished at any aspect. I was expecting Shimako to have more of a villainous appeal, but I suppose she was just another tool in Otome's grand keikaku. As far as this episode goes, 2/5.
It's a shame that out of 12 episodes, only 5 had any relevant or consistent plot. Though, to be fair, this show never really had a chance. It was obvious that it would be ridden with plot-holes, repetition, and terrible inconsistencies, but many characters were also very unlikable. It was a train-wreck from the start, and it couldn't have been ended conclusively. It might actually have been better if things were completely random from the start and scraped the plot altogether. Anyone who watched this series to the end deserve a medal, and if you liked it, even more so. Maybe something along the lines of "I survived Mayoi Neko Overrun! Apr 6, 2010 - Jun 22, 2010." Series get's a 1/10 from me, unwatchable.
ReaperEXEJun 23, 2010 12:03 PM
Jun 23, 2010 6:10 AM
Jan 2010
It kinda reminds me of the ending of Mahoromatic... an attempt to make it touching but extremely improvised. Well, at least it's better than the random episodes that had nothing to do with the storyline at all...
Jun 23, 2010 7:25 AM
May 2009
On animeseason this is listed as a 13 episode anime
Jun 23, 2010 8:11 AM
Jun 2008
Nyaaa!!! 9/10
This Anime give me a feeling of people living their life in a very exaggerated way and its even more enjoying when i try to compare it with some other school life Anime .
The ending plot is.....short, and Its kinda heartwarming when the moral of the story start to crawl out from the last two episode.

So I the end, when the lostcat can't drink the milk because there is not enough plate and can't get milk from it.The lost cat will just need to fight to get its milk.In the process of gaining the milk,the lostcat also must befriend to other cats and also make other cats not to fight each other over the milk.In the end,even the owner of the cats feel surprised and also happy at the same time because the lost cat who left from the previous owner have finally realize the lost cat has found a family.Finally the owner of the cats allow the lost cat to stay as long as it want.And they live happily under the roof .The END
related cast:
lost cat~Nozomi
milk~ Takumi
previous owner of the lost cat~ (forget name) LOL
I got this idea from last episode and I think it is brilliant to link it here.There is a bit flawesssss in it .If you notice,I fail to put the moral properly in it,but i have tried my best.I am very happy that everything has link perfectly in.
~The reason of why Nozomi didn't get enough attention
~The "endure" issue which Nozomi mention last episode
~the reason Otome always left house
Every thing is explain very clearly and nice but I still has some question mark on my head >.<. but I think I am still lacking of understanding on this series.heheheeh,who cares =P
.....and yes this story personified from a story of a Mayoi Neko( lost cat ) if you know what i mean ^^
Mayoi Neko Overrun! FINISH 12/12
Jun 24, 2010 4:27 AM
May 2009
Jun 25, 2010 6:19 AM

Dec 2007
I enjoyed some (very few) episodes, most were just blatantly mediocre and the rest were abymsal. Which leaves me kind of at a loss at how to rate it a 5/10....for now.
Jun 25, 2010 8:52 AM

Feb 2009
Is it me or did the episode count just changed to 13? We get one more episode? That being said, where are my subs for 12??
Jun 25, 2010 10:16 AM

Jul 2009
belatkuro said:
Is it me or did the episode count just changed to 13? We get one more episode? That being said, where are my subs for 12??

No, it's not just you. Looks like we get one more episode (and here i thought it will be ended this week ...). The sub is already out, just check Tokyo Tosho.
Jun 25, 2010 11:59 AM
Jun 2010
There is going to be another episode, because at the end Chise's 2 maids said see you next time. When Nozomi started crying, I couldn't help but tear a little. Lmfao, if that woman brings Otome to court, that woman would soooooooooooo lose, because Umenomori is very wealthy and can beat anyone in court lmao.
Jun 25, 2010 12:33 PM
May 2008
Isn't the next episode just a recap special? If so, shouldn't the recap be posted as a separate entry, and this entry be set as "finished airing"?
Jun 25, 2010 12:40 PM
Feb 2010
ZZZZZzzzz No Kissing Scene At All

Jun 25, 2010 1:55 PM
Jun 2010
i didnt like a lot of eps in this series, esp after the first two, but im pretty satisfied with this episode. it quickly put an end to the whole bloomers v. spats nonsense from ep11 and tried to bring it back to what should have been the main theme of the series - orphans who would otherwise be lonely, but manage to be happy through love in their makeshift "family". and lets be real here, we knew we were gonna get the no resolution happy harem end for the three heroines and this ep brings it to that final conclusion nice and painlessly.

despite throwing together a backstory for nozomi in all of the bits and pieces of two episodes, its not a very complicated/unbelievable story that required much significant buildup. i thought nozomi was relatively charming this episode, esp. for a character that throughout the series i felt was more stereotype than cute, and i would say that positive carries the episode as a pretty decent ending for a series that had so many flaws previously.
Jun 25, 2010 2:03 PM
Jun 2010
ReaperEXE said:
Anyone who watched this series to the end deserve a medal, and if you liked it, even more so. Maybe something along the lines of "I survived Mayoi Neko Overrun! Apr 6, 2010 - Jun 22, 2010." Series get's a 1/10 from me, unwatchable.

Hah. Reminds me of finishing Endless Eight last summer.
Jun 25, 2010 2:20 PM

Sep 2008
risenforce12 said:
ZZZZZzzzz No Kissing Scene At All

Oh hey, you must be new to the world of anime endings.
Jun 25, 2010 2:38 PM

Aug 2009
Manga chapter 6 kinda lined up with this episode, so I kinda of knew what was going to happen already.

So the last episode is a recap?
Jun 25, 2010 2:38 PM

May 2008
Atleast the anime somewhat followed chapter 6 of the manga :3, I liked it ep 13 seems to be filler, because they talk about revisiting crap
Jun 25, 2010 2:44 PM

Jul 2008
mel said:
risenforce12 said:
ZZZZZzzzz No Kissing Scene At All

Oh hey, you must be new to the world of anime endings.

Agree with you mel
stil...there are some anime in which happens more than you'd expect(B gata H kei or 11eyes episode 11)-like thing you wish for and you don't expect them to happen yet they do happen...however this anime had the "because I like you" scene in episode 3(I think)-it's already more than they could do :D
Jun 25, 2010 2:58 PM

Nov 2008
Well, this was not a disappointing "end" considering that the first episode was enough for me to judge the series anyway.

I wonder what the last episode will be about. 100% certain it won't change the score anyway.

Jun 25, 2010 3:26 PM

Apr 2010
At the end of episode 12 the maids say that they are going to recap what all happened and that there was going to be one more episode. Watch after the credits
Jun 25, 2010 3:48 PM

Dec 2009
Oh the clicheness ! The whole episode was way too predictable , the randomness was better ! 1/10 overall .
Jun 25, 2010 3:49 PM

Aug 2008
Jun 25, 2010 4:24 PM
Jun 2010
5-6 Episodes were all fillers but the other 6-7 episodes were the main plot, read the manga and you'll understand it.
Jun 25, 2010 4:26 PM
Jun 2010
stoylz said:
This anime is running outta ideas. I hate over randomness, but being over predictable is just as worst.

It isn't running out of ideas, there are only 6 manga chapters each taking up an episode, also EVERY episode has a NEW director, that's why it's an unlinear storyline. Half of the anime was all fillers.
Jun 25, 2010 5:21 PM

Aug 2009
Nozomi spoke this ep more than all other eps combined
Jun 25, 2010 5:45 PM

Jan 2009
Anime: Fumino > Nozomi
Manga: Nozomi >> Fumino

Actually. No, but:
Manga-Nozomi > Anime-Nozomi

And also, suddenly, the retardedness of the previous episodes was blown away like it never existed. Huh? How'd that happen anyway?

Last episode'll be a kind of recap, amirite?
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Jun 25, 2010 6:04 PM

Jun 2010
Well I didnt hate it, and the ending was saved by Nozomis antics, and yet another romance with no closure, I wait for the day that happens. So were they hinting at a season 2, cause if so then damn, good luck.

Edit: Nevermind,ep 13 will be last.
Jun 25, 2010 6:31 PM

Apr 2008
Eh ?? not ending at episode 12 ?! o_o

Jun 25, 2010 8:16 PM

Apr 2010
This anime's getting a 6/10 based off of what I've seen so far...It seems that the next will only recap...Even though the plot in the manga hasn't had much time to develop...I think it will at least a little better than the anime...I don't care how bad the anime was, I still like Fumino :P
Jun 25, 2010 9:12 PM
Feb 2009
stil...there are some anime in which happens more than you'd expect(B gata H kei

Well, the goal in B gata H kei was sex...and that didn't happen. So basically they just raised (lowered?) the bar but still failed to deliver.

Mayoi Neko Overrun kept me entertained if nothing else. 6/10
Jun 25, 2010 9:20 PM

Sep 2008
Nozomi is such a loser. I would have gone back with Mamiko Noto.
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Jun 25, 2010 10:34 PM

Nov 2009
Nozomi was not a real main character; I am sorry. Episode 11-12 felt like they should be 4-5 as the rest had no relevance to the mysterious new character that shows up. This episode , the boat one, and the one where she ran away and we got our hopes up from that confession were all okay, but overall the other episodes failed. I score shows fairly nicely in a sense that as long as i didn't hate the show it won't score under a 5. Since i looked forward to turning off my brain i will give it a 6/10.
Jun 25, 2010 10:49 PM
Feb 2010
Oosran said:

And also, suddenly, the retardedness of the previous episodes was blown away like it never existed. Huh? How'd that happen anyway?

Last episode'll be a kind of recap, amirite?

Somehow the posts for this ep do not seem very favorable... but in fact this is one of my fav endings (I believe next time is just recap). A lot was explained, and brought to a closure. I am not surprised that this series will end as a harem (most harem series end as a harem anyway, or have abrupt conclusions) .

What's amazing about this ep is that the producer could have made Nozomi THE MAIN CHARACTER of this series. But the producer threw back the rest of the Cat Appreciation Society into the scene after dealing with Nozomi's past. I could happily accept this as the ending.

Btw Mahoromatic S2 had a seriously bad ending ep... cause thye completely changed the setting from the previous ep.
Jun 25, 2010 11:23 PM
Feb 2009
awe she finally confessed too, next ep Takumi should know everything !! caused every main character in a harem is dumb.
Jun 26, 2010 1:31 AM
Jun 2010
Dunkjoe said:
Oosran said:

And also, suddenly, the retardedness of the previous episodes was blown away like it never existed. Huh? How'd that happen anyway?

Last episode'll be a kind of recap, amirite?

Somehow the posts for this ep do not seem very favorable... but in fact this is one of my fav endings (I believe next time is just recap). A lot was explained, and brought to a closure. I am not surprised that this series will end as a harem (most harem series end as a harem anyway, or have abrupt conclusions) .

What's amazing about this ep is that the producer could have made Nozomi THE MAIN CHARACTER of this series. But the producer threw back the rest of the Cat Appreciation Society into the scene after dealing with Nozomi's past. I could happily accept this as the ending.

Btw Mahoromatic S2 had a seriously bad ending ep... cause thye completely changed the setting from the previous ep.

Umm, I thought the whole Stray Cat Society people were all main characters, or am I wrong...? I'm not sure, it just seemed like they were.
Setsia said:
awe she finally confessed too, next ep Takumi should know everything !! caused every main character in a harem is dumb.

Hahaha, that's is SOOO true, especially Hayate in Hayate no Gotoku.
Jun 26, 2010 1:39 AM
Feb 2010
Raigeki1993 said:

Umm, I thought the whole Stray Cat Society people were all main characters, or am I wrong...? I'm not sure, it just seemed like they were.

Well yea actually I think they are... but somehow right from the beginning till the end there are quite a lot of scenes Nozomi related. If you connect the first 3 eps with the last ep and a few in between that is.

Too bad Chizu's problems were not dwelled into.
Jun 26, 2010 3:47 AM
Jun 2010
Dunkjoe said:
Raigeki1993 said:

Umm, I thought the whole Stray Cat Society people were all main characters, or am I wrong...? I'm not sure, it just seemed like they were.

Well yea actually I think they are... but somehow right from the beginning till the end there are quite a lot of scenes Nozomi related. If you connect the first 3 eps with the last ep and a few in between that is.

Too bad Chizu's problems were not dwelled into.

First 3 and one episode in the middle and the last 2 episode are all main stories, the rest of the other episodes are fillers. That's why those first 3 are connected.
Jun 26, 2010 4:09 AM

Jun 2009
- Bloomers is love of lolwut! (I can't guess what he said either.)
- Oh Fujino? She's got role in anime after all.
- Go for it, Nozomi. You're a prodigy after all.
- Wait, what's this?

- Die thrice, takumi.

Nyande this anime is so weak? Oh, and next episode will be a recap, it seems...
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jun 26, 2010 4:40 AM

Apr 2010
LightningRamiel said:
Manga chapter 6 kinda lined up with this episode, so I kinda of knew what was going to happen already.

So the last episode is a recap?

ya it is. that ending was not very good. not a very good story. but the funny scenes and all the retardedness made up for that. 9/10
Jun 26, 2010 4:45 AM

Jun 2009
KazukiUchiha said:
LightningRamiel said:
Manga chapter 6 kinda lined up with this episode, so I kinda of knew what was going to happen already.
So the last episode is a recap?

ya it is. that ending was not very good. not a very good story. but the funny scenes and all the retardedness made up for that. 9/10

You serious?
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jun 26, 2010 5:58 AM

Jul 2008
Meh. I didn't mind this episode, but it still wasn't that great. I find it hard to believe that Shimako would just let her live at Stray Cats because Nozomi likes it there. Is it really Shimako's place to even make that decision? She is the principal and all, but Nozomi was chosen to be a Murasame, so wouldn't the company or whatever be more aggressive in getting her back?

And also, why can't it just be over? This show does not need a recap at all. Most of the episodes are so disjointed from one another I don't even know what they will be recapping.
Jun 26, 2010 6:30 AM

Jun 2010
well i liked the ep. and plus as i understood the company is like helping children with high IQ to join in society and stuff xD so since Nozumi was living happy at Stray cats, why not let her stay there?
And about another ep. i agree that that it should have just ended but also i think it'l be fun to watch ^^
Jun 26, 2010 6:52 AM
Jun 2008
Linke4 said:
well i liked the ep. and plus as i understood the company is like helping children with high IQ to join in society and stuff xD so since Nozumi was living happy at Stray cats, why not let her stay there?
And about another ep. i agree that that it should have just ended but also i think it'l be fun to watch ^^
Graduated Cat ^^
Jun 26, 2010 6:53 AM
Jul 2018
Better than the past few episodes, but dang that was a quick resolution. Episode 13 is just a recap episode I see :/.
Jun 26, 2010 7:21 AM
Jun 2010
GarLogan78 said:
Meh. I didn't mind this episode, but it still wasn't that great. I find it hard to believe that Shimako would just let her live at Stray Cats because Nozomi likes it there. Is it really Shimako's place to even make that decision? She is the principal and all, but Nozomi was chosen to be a Murasame, so wouldn't the company or whatever be more aggressive in getting her back?

And also, why can't it just be over? This show does not need a recap at all. Most of the episodes are so disjointed from one another I don't even know what they will be recapping.

The principal is the legal guardian of Nozomi because the institute adopted her, principal is the legal guardian of all the kids there. She let Nozomi live there because Nozomi wanted to and the principal knew how much she loved it there and that was the only time she saw Nozomi smile, Nozomi never had the expression of having fun or being happy in the institute, as a legal guardian she want her kids to be happy. If you paid attention to what Chise's maids said about what they're recapping then you will know what they are recapping...
Jun 26, 2010 8:30 AM

Apr 2010
i feel that this series was rushed and had no coordination in the planning because it didnt feel like it was following a story. this episode is a 8/10 but the whole series is a 7/10. and i dont understand why they wanted to make a 13th episode if it is just recaps. why dont they just put it as OVAs.
Jun 26, 2010 8:39 AM
Feb 2010
Raigeki1993 said:
Dunkjoe said:
Raigeki1993 said:

Umm, I thought the whole Stray Cat Society people were all main characters, or am I wrong...? I'm not sure, it just seemed like they were.

Well yea actually I think they are... but somehow right from the beginning till the end there are quite a lot of scenes Nozomi related. If you connect the first 3 eps with the last ep and a few in between that is.

Too bad Chizu's problems were not dwelled into.

First 3 and one episode in the middle and the last 2 episode are all main stories, the rest of the other episodes are fillers. That's why those first 3 are connected.

That's the thing. When you put all the mostly Nozomi was deeply involved with and exclude those other characters were deeply involved with you practically make Nozomi look like the main character, since this series is otherwise filled with fillers in which no character seem to be emphasized.
Jun 26, 2010 8:49 AM
Jun 2008
Even if you don't exclude the character out, Nozomi is still important inside the story.
Jun 26, 2010 9:17 AM

Aug 2008
Anyone notice the One Piece parody part at about 15:00-15:16? Somewhere there..
Jun 26, 2010 9:32 AM
Jun 2008
lzumi-chan said:
Anyone notice the One Piece parody part at about 15:00-15:16? Somewhere there..

I notice that too ^^
The race,Its hard not to notice that...
Jun 26, 2010 10:50 AM

Apr 2010
Maximatum99 said:
Well, this was not a disappointing "end" considering that the first episode was enough for me to judge the series anyway.

I wonder what the last episode will be about. 100% certain it won't change the score anyway.


they said it at the end the last ep is just a recap of what happened in the anime prob at the end of the ep they will do a little extra
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