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As a Reincarnated Aristocrat, I'll Use My Appraisal Skill to Rise in the World
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Jun 9, 2024 8:03 AM

Nov 2011
Looks like this show is expanding more into its world fiction.

Mireilla was hilarious though. Turns out, she's a heavy drinker and seems to have some interest in Ars. Ths episode didn't have much action or drama but builds more into its world lore. But seriously, Mireilla might the be biggest drinker in the show LOL
Jun 9, 2024 9:46 AM

Mar 2016
Charlotte has some competition, and the intrigue between factions keeps growing, 20 minutes isn't enough for this series, please tell me this is getting a second season because we're heading to a big battle here and there are only two episodes left.
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Jun 9, 2024 9:59 AM
Dec 2023
Poor Charlotte got left behind at home lmao.
Ars' honesty might come to harm him, but it worked well for him this time.
Things are about to heat up as Ars recruits Mireilla, stealing her from his opponents. Gotta build up that team!
Those facial expressions from Ars are getting funnier.
Jun 9, 2024 10:41 AM
Jul 2019
Ars acting like a frightened 5-year-old child is incredibly annoying.

He's a grown man in a child's body, but instead we're supposed to believe he's cowering at meeting a lord. Stupid. And so tired of him looking dumb all the time.

Watching it at double-speed from now on, as it's just silly.
Jun 9, 2024 10:47 AM

May 2021
mireille is a op milf drunkard, sign Ars up fr. hope a season 2 has been decided for this anime. best scenario would be it gets announced after this has finished airing.
Jun 9, 2024 10:58 AM
Sep 2015
This anime is heavily meritocracy, but that's not what I concern. What I concern is that it seems to judge people based purely on numbers instead of actual achievements.
Jun 9, 2024 11:40 AM
Apr 2023
Fun episode! and I didn't expect them to introduce another strong female member of the team, and she's got a pretty funny dynamic going from the get go.

Will be entertaining to see what happens next time!
Jun 9, 2024 11:48 AM

May 2019
I thought that Ars was looking for more strong characters for Lord Couran so that new girl, Mireille, could work for him so I'm a little confused if he keeps her for his group. If she does end up working for Couran then I can see his brother get more upset since apparently he wanted to rehire her.
Jun 9, 2024 12:05 PM

Jul 2014
Getting sick of fake isekai where the MC acts like a stupid kid when he's like 40 or 50 years old at this point.
Jun 9, 2024 12:29 PM
Jul 2012
Reply to WienGirl
Ars acting like a frightened 5-year-old child is incredibly annoying.

He's a grown man in a child's body, but instead we're supposed to believe he's cowering at meeting a lord. Stupid. And so tired of him looking dumb all the time.

Watching it at double-speed from now on, as it's just silly.
Exactly this. Again and again, this series is hurt by its unnecessary isekai element. The premise is interesting without it, and episodes like this one would be far more enjoyable if Ars was reacting like an actual young person and not the 30-40 year old that he actually is.
Jun 9, 2024 12:34 PM

Nov 2017
Mireille’s VA also plays Chomusuke, that is absolutely awesome 😂
Jun 9, 2024 2:35 PM

Jul 2022
Ars continues to make progress and has already caught Couran's attention. It's even possible that he might become the lord of a city. If Mireille is hired by Ars, it will bring him quite a few problems with Vasmarque.

Jun 9, 2024 3:22 PM

Nov 2019
A decent episode, Ars and his group travel to Sempla to attend the conference on invitation from Lord Couran. He reveals that he plans to break off and form an individual territory from Missian and he needs to war against Vasmarque in order to do that. Couran asks Ars if he can join the war council because of his retainers and if they win the war Ars will get a promotion. We also see the Vasmarque faction planning their intent.

I feel like the pacing was just right this episode we got a little of everything. It felt a bit bland of an episode, more of a setup for the upcoming action. Ars felt like Rudeus Greyrat in this ep with all the territorial tasks he was left to handle. But Ars just feels too immature to watch with excitement, he suffers from isekai amnesia where he totally forgets that he is a modern man and is overly responsive to anything.
ST63LTHJun 9, 2024 3:26 PM
Jun 9, 2024 4:09 PM

Feb 2019
Finally get to meet Lord Couran! All this build up to the political power struggle with he and his brother, nice to finally see the man in the flesh.

Definitely understand why Revan and the others were backing him. Kind, thoughtful and just like Ars he believes in putting the most qualified and loyal people in positions of power. Lot of respect for him making sure that Ars was comfortable at the ceremony and received recognition for his deeds last episode.

Don’t blame Ars for needing a break from the party. Socialising is extremely taxing, but that was quite bold to stand on business and tell Couran he couldn’t have his retainers.

I gotta say tho, one thing that is a head scratcher is why ars keeps acting like a little kid when he’s a 40-50 year old soul on the inside. He gets really flustered and shy at times when it doesn’t make sense considering his background as a noble in his past life.

Couran and his brother could not be more differently holy shit. It’s imperative the younger brother gets nowhere near power because he seems like a classic villain. His retainers not suggesting he recruit Mireille is why you need to have smart people on your team. Now ars/couran will get her and that’ll probably be decisive lol.

Charlotte might have some competition for best girl now.. another mommy dommy added to the group lol.
Marinate1016Jun 9, 2024 4:38 PM
Jun 9, 2024 4:20 PM

Feb 2022
Best girl Mireille has officially arrived, i know we saw an odd glimpse or 2 before but now she is here
Jun 9, 2024 5:01 PM

Sep 2007
I think with Mireille we have now officially seen/met (well...we didn't "meet" the "enemy" side but y'know...) all the characters in the OP sequence.
Two eps left to hopefully not stop at an unbearable cliffhanger and I'm hoping there is another season...I was kind of annoyed at this series in the beginning but finally feel like it's getting interesting.

Though I do still wish the time would skip ahead 5 years or so....give or take....seeing Ars among the sea of all those other nobles still bothers me....that or give him a huge growth spurt cuz it wouldn't bother me so much if he wasn't so obviously shorter than everyone else?
Jun 9, 2024 5:04 PM

Aug 2019
At least this episode tells me why the leaders there are kind and understanding towards Ars. Indeed, their followers were not talented, but they respected their followers' loyalty, just like they treated Ars.
Jun 9, 2024 8:01 PM
May 2022
That was great! Loved it.
Jun 9, 2024 8:33 PM

Nov 2023
Vasmarque is the type of guy who would only auto resolve in Total War games and play zero battles.

Overall, a decent episode. There wasn't a lot of action or any of that stuff, but it wasn't boring.
Jun 9, 2024 9:30 PM
Apr 2023
Another onee-san character or rather a high-spec oba-san.
With how Ars collects talented people, the declining rule of the empire really is counting its days.
Jun 9, 2024 10:49 PM
Jan 2009
The plot in this episode is idiotic. Ars' primary, arguably only, special ability is to evaluate people's skills and find talented people just by looking at them. So, when asked find talented people does he:

1) use his ability which should let him do this perfectly, or
2) ask Pham, who has no such ability, to find people

Charlotte says "you can't find a great talent that quick." Yes. Yes you can, if you're Ars. No one ELSE can. This is a horrible task for him to delegate, which is ironic, because his one ability is supposed to be identifying what jobs people are good at.

Why does Ars not just walk through town looking at people? Why does he not ask the other lords to just let him look at their armies and civil servants? In fact, why hasn't he done that in HIS town? Why on earth would he not use his instant win ability to find dozens of people, instead of hoping that one or two skilled people just randomly wander into Pham's bar?

Also, now that I think about it, how has Ars only found 3 skilled people to recruit in his entire lifetime (5 even if you include the 2 hunters who we never see again)? How mediocre IS this region?

Is Ars just ignoring anyone below S rank? If so, that's a horrible plan. Sure, acquiring any available S ranks is a good idea, but the best use of his ability in 99% of situations is to find the A and B ranks and make sure they're doing what they're best at, essentially creating a perfectly optimized country. Remember what he did for the archer in episode 1? That, but for EVERYONE.

If he's ignoring dozens/hundreds of A and B rank people who are doing the wrong jobs because he's waiting for geniuses to fall into his lap, he's wasting his ability.

And before someone says it, yes, it could be happening in the background, but if so it's a MAJOR oversight to not even mention the main character's best use of his ability and the huge impacts it should be having. His region should have military, government, and a general workforce which is significantly more skilled and productive than other regions, to the point where it should be both noticeable generally and very much a part of the war's strategy.
amf85Jun 9, 2024 11:15 PM
Jun 10, 2024 3:42 AM

Feb 2008
Reply to ryoko6
mireille is a op milf drunkard, sign Ars up fr. hope a season 2 has been decided for this anime. best scenario would be it gets announced after this has finished airing.
@ryoko6 She does not have children, so she is not a MILF.
Jun 10, 2024 5:31 AM
Apr 2024
OArs is incredible, but I'm looking forward to seeing the new recruit to his army, because she's clearly a monster, but will she be useful? Will you be able to change even a person who is immutable?
Jun 12, 2024 5:49 PM
Oct 2019
very good episode, and I loved this drunk girl, I want to see more mommys
Jun 13, 2024 6:43 PM
Aug 2013
Reply to phantomfandom
This anime is heavily meritocracy, but that's not what I concern. What I concern is that it seems to judge people based purely on numbers instead of actual achievements.
@phantomfandom At first I found it interesting, but later it is strange how Ars finds only interesting people who are already suuuper talented and he doesn´t care about real progress.

This anime is good and entertaining but it seems a bit shallow sometimes... specially with the way they treat girls in the show. Just saying, Charlotte has missed lately the most important moments and she ended up being just a comical part of the story,which is sad.
I really like all the characters,including the new ones, they are all great, but the last episodes have been a bit different compared to the ones before that were really good. It seems the quality is not that great. I just hope it will improve...
Jun 13, 2024 8:48 PM
Sep 2016
I'm dropping out of this one. It's not bad, but it just isn't for me. The emotional beats haven't been hitting for me in the last several episodes.
Jun 16, 2024 4:21 AM

Jul 2017
Charlotte getting thrown on the wayside while everyone else is out, it's cruel, haha.

Ars being all nervous from Couran Salamakhia's invitation to the party in his city Semplar, he's feeling all of the pressure as a country bumpkin lord, as he, Rietz and Rosell arrives at the huge town. And they have every right so, because his stats are quite astonishing as a ruler, though Vasmarque is not far behind in his own right as the antagonist of the matter, as the Missian Province is at stage of reform into a great nation. And for that, Ars is given the praise for thwarting his brother's plot, and is overwhelmingly swarmed by the other lords for his achievements, though Couran sees this as a way of him to appraise his men...and also challenge him in the process for their future battle against Vasmarque, succeeding that, he would be Canarre's headman. Couran's quite the joker, though he's just as impressed of someone of such caliber like Ars being a blessing to his nation. On the other hand, Vasmarque gaining Perreina's megistones is a given, though they need someone like Mireille, who may be a drunkard, but her skills would add value for them.

To find more talented people, Ars needs all the help, including asking Pham...who coincidentally encounters said drunkard herself who wanders into Pham's bar, which is more a coincidence than anything given her reckless tendency to those who know her too much. Thanks to his disguise, Mireille is able to share her relations with the Salamakhia family, notably with its last governor Armador, which raises eyebrows for him to recruit her to Ars's side.

The easy-going sister being on Ars's side rather than her own fallen brother, how will Vasmarque respond?
Jun 24, 2024 7:24 PM

Mar 2013
Here comes the drunkard woman.
It's finally getting more interesting with a new member.

P.S. No Lucia in this episode... 😭😭😭
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Jun 25, 2024 11:27 PM

Feb 2019
So if I get this right, Mireille will end up becoming the older brother's retainer instead of the younger one? But I think Mirielle doesn't like the younger Salamankiah son, so she might do well to side with Couran.
Jul 9, 2024 2:46 PM

Feb 2014
It doesn't feel like an Isekai... How does a middle age man die, reincarnate in another wolrd and has the mentality of the body he's in?? Your soul is 30+ you should have more maturity at this point not act like a child in distress all the time...
Jul 12, 2024 12:53 AM
Jul 2018
Mirreille is literally an "ara-ara gyaru"
Jul 30, 2024 6:19 AM

Apr 2011
Mireille looks interesting. Ars hit the jackpot on this one.
Sep 30, 2024 4:10 PM

Jan 2016
So we all knew she would be joining him, but that really sucks, if he just used his power in the street, he could have saved A LOT of gold (and saved Pham the shade of being called a little boy Q_Q)

Other than the mage, and maybe other little kids, most of his retainers seems to have various applicable abilities though primarily seems to be:
Swordsman, Mage, Strategist/Analyst, Diplomat/Feeling seer, Assassin/Spy (unofficially/indirectly), and now ???

5/5, Ars has potential to fix the districts problems (racism, sexism, slavery, poverty, et cetera) since the pretty good guy currently hasn't (likely due to lacking Ars's modern day morals/vision). Would be a shock to find out this stereotypical villains aren't villains. He apparently only wants guaranteed victory with his retainers not seeming to be very understanding of Ars's rise. Enemy apparently wanted this drunkard, but all we get in preview is her holding Ars up to... enemies?

Dec 19, 2024 11:30 PM

Jul 2013
Lol I think finally Ars met someone who has great stats but will be difficult to work with
Jan 18, 7:11 AM
Jan 2025
I wonder when MC have "Real" Achievement.
All his achievement are mostly from other person.
Licia his Fiance, his 3 OP servant, and one consultant from other leader.
They do all the work, like thinking, fighting, and negotiating.
But The MC that got all the praise.
And why MC still Act like a Naive kid? He is a "Leader", he from another world, his father is one of best leader.
One of his servant, The Orange haired kid is younger BUT MUCH MORE MATURE.
And he got one more person. He basically just a lucky person. Getting all S rank and doing nothing.
aangqi123Jan 18, 7:41 AM
Jan 18, 7:13 AM
Jan 2025
Reply to DreamAnimeCatch
It doesn't feel like an Isekai... How does a middle age man die, reincarnate in another wolrd and has the mentality of the body he's in?? Your soul is 30+ you should have more maturity at this point not act like a child in distress all the time...
@DreamAnimeCatch agreed, this doesn't feel like Isekai, he don't bring anything from previous world, like knowledge, or bravery of a man.
Jan 18, 7:22 AM
Jan 2025
Reply to Sokah
Getting sick of fake isekai where the MC acts like a stupid kid when he's like 40 or 50 years old at this point.
@Sokah Agree, what the point of "Isekai" genre, if the person act like he doesn't know anything. All his knowledge from previous world he didn't use, and solely only use his "skill".

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