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Attack on Titan
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Apr 3, 2022 5:17 AM
Community Mod

Jan 2017
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anime-primeApr 3, 2022 8:39 AM
Apr 3, 2022 8:36 AM

May 2020
We got the best thing saved up for the last episode, that disguised trip to Marley, and for sure the last we’ve seen the whole crew together. I bet no one in their wildest dreams would’ve thought how unpleasantly the future will shape up from there… good ol’ days. Got that famed Eren-Mikasa scene too but in all honesty manga’s one felt more powerful.

Eren’s POV to conclude things off with Rumbling in its full throttle, and fuck yes that famed soundtrack after all these time... and it’s curtains to yet another final season which I for sure liked as much as the first one, though not sure I can say the same about the things which will come after this.

Mark the date, 2023.

Apr 3, 2022 8:36 AM

Jun 2019
Well, here it is. This is the end of the second part of the Final Season. LOL. And, we still have a lot to go through. But, what a journey it was. MAPPA really did their best job in Part 2 with the time they had and we saw so much improvement over Part 1 which was already quite good in my eyes. But, everyone who was involved in the project did a fantastic job.

HOLY FUCKING SHIT... The first half was so fucking good and the rest of the episode was probably the most hyped shit I've ever witnessed. MAPPA, I kneel. What an episode. Everything, from the animation to the direction, to the OST choices. It was the best shit ever. Thank you, MAPPA, and the staff for this amazing episode. WOW. What an end to the episode. And, now we wait for 2023 for Part 3. The actual final Final season of AOT. LMAO
Apr 3, 2022 8:36 AM

Jul 2021
Eremika shippers are in for a treat with this episode lmao but just let that flow as we appreciate how cannon the ship is in general though romance isn’t really centered in the overall story but the development between them is pretty much shown very well here before the rumbling takes place. Glad to see Sasha, damn that ice cream reminded me of that lobster episode she went crazy over with and the other people here are having their fun time. Also the fucking clown humiliating Levi’s height was comedy gold, also poor boy caught in 4k for that wallet shenanigan in the past but Levi was able to carry him and let him be in the first place.

Not gonna lie I legit teared up when Eren said to Mikasa, “What am I, to you?” that moment kinda hits different between them tbh as they went through the hardship since they were little and throughout difficult times in occasion, they protect one another too! and the moment where everyone is going drunk and sleep, this is probably the last time we get to see all the gang together enjoying the day until it lasts because of the society they live in TnT

I do like the visual on the 2nd half, it’s really beautiful when they were killing the titans through shooting, has a nice effect with a sunset ambience plus the OST playing was perfect in this moment! Now in the mean time, Eren fully knowing he is going to put an end to millions of people, those who he believes do and do not deserve it, but to complete his plan, it’s a must for his own to do.


Also a Part 3 announcement in 2023 I guess (?)!

CQLLISTApr 3, 2022 8:49 AM
Apr 3, 2022 8:36 AM

Jan 2009
they finally animated the Eren incel scene "im rejected by my love interest so i will destroy the world now"

if only Mikasa was honest about her feelings towards Eren, love could have saved the world

there it is Colossal Titans can swim but they added the scene where some of them get destroyed eh in the manga they are unaffected by cannon bombardments

as expected Final Season Part 3 is a TV series because if its a movie then it will have to cut a lot of contents

degApr 3, 2022 11:39 AM
Apr 3, 2022 8:36 AM

Aug 2017
A noticeable writing drop in quality after Eren was out of focus. The Alliance motivations already could made sense in paper but the execution is terrible, awful and WRONG. What a disaster :/. 4/10 for the anime.

S1: 7/10. S2: 6/10. S3 part 1: 5/10. S3 part 2: 8/10. S4 part 1: 8/10. S4 part 2: 4/10.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Apr 3, 2022 8:37 AM

Aug 2018
What a fucking amazing episode. This is what peak AoT was.
Apr 3, 2022 8:37 AM

Jun 2014
Nice, they went back and adapted that flashback part of chapter 123 that was skipped. I enjoyed seeing Sasha again and it was great to see them all having fun and enjoying themselves when they were drinking and partying.

Back in the present though, things aren't looking so good. They tried, but The Rumbling isn't gonna be stopped that easily. It was fucking dope to hear some OG OST during that final scene. Now with that cliffhanger, we have to wait until next year to see the conclusion to all this madness. Until then, farewell to another solid season of AOT.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Apr 3, 2022 8:37 AM

Jul 2019
This episode was crazy, omg. The Rumbling has taken full action now. Shit is gonna get fully wild now. Fr.

I liked this one calm scene tho, when times were so fun...
Apr 3, 2022 8:37 AM

Nov 2011
The laughing, drinking, eating, and dancing scene in this finale gave me a laugh. It's obvious there's not enough content for this season yet of course, they build up for the next (actual final season's part 3)

Still, this episode was important to reinforce the events of the Rumbling and the future of humanity. Seems they're really gearing up for the final battle so we'll have to wait and see. Those ships were useless against the Colossal Titans lol

Bring on Final Season next year!
Apr 3, 2022 8:38 AM

Jun 2017
I knew they'd do this justice! I'm so glad this turned out to be the final episode. Normally, I would say you know something's going to go down when they don't play the Op and ED but this episode was more than that. One of my fav chapters despite things heading down simply because of how seamlessly it fits and enhances the whole experience.

All the drinking and partying there coupled with the lighthearted version of what seemed like ThanksAT, that is genius. Seriously though, Eren's mind being in a lost state was wonderfully portrayed and it kind of gives us some sort of an answer to Eren's motives. All being told from Mikasa's POV as well, how can I not like that xD.

First time trying ice-cream and seeing a vehicle, definitely not something we can relate to but it makes me feel warm seeing how they reacted lol. It's a pity that things quickly went downhill once the whole fiasco with the stealing boy came into play but leave it to Levi and Hange to save them from that pinch.

Another wonderful scene in my opinion were the action scenes in the end. Man, you can tell the world is fudged if they couldn't even chip away at the number of those colossal titans with a unified attempt like that. And Eren's introduction followed by a short flurry of flashbacks, brilliant!

Eren plotting to literally end the world with Floch. It's reassuring to see that Floch looked hella shocked when he first heard it, lol. Small meeting between Eren and Historia too. They've come to be really close but not enough to feel the same way about steps to take to tackle the global issue at hand, for sure.

Sasha ;-;

All in all, it's been a season of mixed feelings honestly. Manga readers know exactly where I'm going with this, lol. First 6 episodes were up therw with peak Shingeki no Kyojin but it dwindled from there on to some extent. No discredit to MAPPA though, they've been doing God's work and have certain elevated the story. Mad respect to the team whole team working behind the scenes, the direction, music and animation have been glorious from start to finish! Had it not been for their hard work, I would've genuinely considered to call it quits on the anime and not bother with the Final Final.

Episode Illustration:
_MushiRock11_Apr 3, 2022 8:56 AM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Apr 3, 2022 8:38 AM

Dec 2020
‘everything… is still ahead’

this episode is the first real look into eren’s psyche since the timeskip and it’s centred on two main concepts: his determination and his self loathing. his venture into the outside world changes his perspective but it doesn’t stop him from following through.

for this it’s important to note that his coldness in his conversations with floch and historia is BEFORE he crosses the ocean. he can still view them all as enemies who he is fighting but he’s forced to accept the reality that they’re ‘all the same’ once he sees them for himself

hence during the rumbling as he reaches marley, his words overlap with the words he spoke in season 1 regarding the titans. his psyche reverts to that of a child’s (black/white) in order to carry out the decision made by an adult who understands the grey.

this understanding leads to extreme self loathing which we see through the refugees. the boy we’ve already seen in eren’s memory shard, and is important because he is a reflection of eren himself. an innocent who had everything taken away, his freedom taken away.

eren becomes the person who takes that freedom. he goes from victim to perpetrator, emphasised by the parallel to s1 with the shot of the shadow. eren becomes the thing he despised above all and that is why he is crying when mikasa finds him. he saw himself in that boy.

all of his words to mikasa strengthen his conversation to reiner in the basement.

‘i’m the same as you’

reiner and eren both made choices that stem from their nature which, regardless of original intent, will harm innocents. they both feel the full weight of that choice.

it aligns with a big message in aot. regardless of race, nationality, or creed we are all the same. there are always victims, there are always perpetrators but one-sided perspectives born from environment can blind you to that fact. ie people like floch or the marleyan empire.

it’s why the alliance are functionally set up to oppose eren. they seek mutual understanding where he would wipe that out. this is due to his determination mentioned before, he will always ‘keep moving forward’. even at the cost of himself/others he follows the memories he saw.

however the best way to see eren’s psyche is through mikasa. he thinks mikasa’s care HAS to be for a reason, he can’t comprehend the notion that she can just love him freely because he views himself as the very worst, hence he asks her the question.Why you care so much for me Mikasa" Because I saved you when we were kids or ... because I'm family?What am I to you Mikasa"

it’s the same reason he asks zeke about a possible ‘ackerbond’ later which he quickly dismisses. zeke can easily understand that mikasa just loves eren, because he also sees him in a positive light, unlike how eren views himself.

it’s also telling that at his lowest point
he turns to the person he’s always viewed as ‘stronger’ than himself. mikasa’s response stems from the disconnect between her emotions and her rationalisation at this point in time. eren with the scarf provided warmth, and the only thing she can equate that to is ‘family’.

‘the world is cruel but also beautiful’. it’s the beauty that allows her to carry on and in this episode we see her fully come to terms with eren representing both sides of that equation. she has always fought to protect that childhood ‘beauty’ but it now seems impossible.

mikasa used to look at the past, while eren looked at the future. this is where his memories play an important role. even in this episode we see how vital they are. his memories from grisha leave him unable to find joy in things for himself, like the ice cream.

this takes away from a key part of who eren is, a boy attempting to become free by being able to experience anything he wants without restraints. his memories rob him of that, and his future memories trap him even further because everything he sees happens with 100% accuracy.

this means aot’s world is deterministic ie the future is set in stone. so just like the attack titan (an extension of eren’s own nature) has been following a predetermined path set up by eren, he is now doing the same thing. eren is crafted to be trapped in every way

that’s why the juxtaposition of mikasa’s monologue with eren’s is so perfect (the japanese is the same for the anime). where eren only looks to the future (everything is still ahead), mikasa thinks of the possibility of changing that future (what if i chose another answer).

it calls back to their s3 convo & brings up the idea that mikasa can be more free than eren as she isn’t bound by the future.

this is also the case functionally. as an ackerman & asain, shes made up of the 2 lines that arent controlled by the founding titan. she is born ‘free’

mikasa and eren have been at the forefront of some of aots biggest developments, so its great that these concepts gain more layers and prominence as the series begins to wrap up.

it’s also important to understand that the concept of a future set in stone doesn’t take away from the AGENCY of our characters. this is because aot aligns with the philosophy of compatibilism (img below) which we see through eren. the future is only set in stone because it ultimately aligns with his own desires.

as he says in this episode: ‘everything happened by my will’.

yes the future is set in stone but it doesn’t mean eren/others are any less culpable for their actions. simply put in erens own words after he thinks of where it all began (hints at causal determinism):

‘it doesn’t matter’

this is eren’s choice and nothing takes away from that

The episode was amazing,great ost, great backgrounds, colors,expressions.....I was not sure how this 123 rearrangement will play out but in the end it was fine .

I must say this is my fav Aot season and this was one of my fav episodes.
Overall rating 10/10

Can't wait for the final part
Part 3 teaser
Watchanime324Apr 3, 2022 10:19 PM
Apr 3, 2022 8:39 AM
Nov 2020
"It's the ratio Titan"
"I can't trust a website where csm is rated higher than hxh"
- Akira Toriyama

Apr 3, 2022 8:39 AM

Apr 2020
finally final episode is here
everyone was really dancing on thr palm of eren
so will they gonna adapt rest of content in movie?
Apr 3, 2022 8:39 AM

Oct 2021
Well, This episode surpassed all my expectations...
What a phenomenal way to end the Final episode(of part2 ofc).
The Cinematography, OST & Animation build such an intense hype literally made stuck my eyes on screen till the end.
They did a great job at showing Eren's expression while turning into Hobo.
I certainly liked the Eren's Attack titan, damn such a unique and cool titan design.

Overall, S4P2 is Peak-Fiction and deserves a 10/10 score.

FiremaxApr 3, 2022 10:27 AM
Apr 3, 2022 8:41 AM

May 2020
NaughtySempai said:
finally final episode is here
everyone was really dancing on thr palm of eren
so will they gonna adapt rest of content in movie?

the final of the final of the final season was announced. sad its not a movie
Apr 3, 2022 8:41 AM
Jul 2021
i think all the part of the flashback was so freaking good, it was very well assembled, the ost was insane, and the draws very beautiful, Also the colors and the ambientation fits so well.
the beginning of colossals arrive was amazing but then when the colossals came out of the water it looks... weird, the pacing was so strange and the draws speciely of the founding titán was i dont know... weird too i supposed.
but instead of that, the episode at writing and content section was 10/10
Apr 3, 2022 8:41 AM

May 2020
Apr 3, 2022 8:41 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
That was amazing finale. Everything was pretty much perfect.
Apr 3, 2022 8:41 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Yeah I won't be watching the final part now lol, AoE is dead and I'm not about to experience this train wreck again in anime form

Apr 3, 2022 8:41 AM
Sep 2013
10/10 chapter

Perfect music
Perfect animation
Perfect composition

it finally ended the debate on internet about Eren being the father, it was HISTORIA who said that

Mappa deserves that time to end the story on 2023, what they have to animate on those 9 chapters are way worse than animate the entire season 3/4 together
I'm not english, i'm spanish, so sorry for my mistakes when i write D:

I figured out the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin back in 2014 :)
Apr 3, 2022 8:42 AM

Sep 2020
Finally the Ratio Titan got animated.
Apr 3, 2022 8:43 AM

Apr 2013
MAPPA adapted chapters 123 (flashback) and 130 as expected. One thing I really enjoyed this episode were the soundtracks; I felt most if not all were solid and well edited in. The last ost made me nostalgic of season 1 and played beautifully to the moment it supported. The animation was decent this episode but nothing special for the amount of stills they used. The CG was also hit or miss.

We finally got to see the "what am I to you" moment adapted, aka where Mikasa shits the bed and cannot tell Eren how she really feels. The man you loved your entire life asks you how you feel about him during times of peace and quietness and you tell him he's family. I facepalmed reading it, I facepalmed watching it.

Then the group gets drunk with Halil and Ramzi's families, not the last time we see them ^_^ Sasha puking is still the best part of that moment.

But, 130 is was what I wanted to see adapted knowing we won't see 131 this season. I'm glad MAPPA kept the scenes of Eren telling Floch & Historia his plan and chatting with Zeke about the Ackermans. Also, Eren amputating his leg and piercing his eye with a bullet (censored) were really well acted by Yuki Kaji (similar to when he forced himself out of the chains in paths).

The swimming titans looked goofy but that was kind of expected. It still makes 0 sense how they're able to swim underwater only moving their feet with the amount of mass they're carrying. One thing the manga didn't show were titans underwater actually being destroyed by the first array of missiles. I'm not sure if I actually liked it because the ground canons were completely ineffective a couple of minutes later.

The arrival of the rumbling and founding titan/attack titan at the shores gave me chills, solid way to end the season. I'd give s4p2 an 8/10, MAPPA did good for the most part but couldn't overcome some of the weak writing they had to adapt.
Apr 3, 2022 8:44 AM

Jul 2012
Sad seeing those flashbacks from both Mikasa and Eren's perspective. It seems like Mikasa and Eren both have some regrets. I loved that personal moment between them and then the one final happy time they had afterward with everyone.

Excited for part 3.
Apr 3, 2022 8:45 AM

Mar 2014
I love how this was adapted, minus some scenes like eren and mikasa's in 123, it lacked impact compared to the manga but I don't mind much personally.

Overall I think MAPPA did a great job this season, they elevated some scenes with the cinematography, directing, original storyboards and the OST of course. I think they managed to capture well AOT's vibe.

I loved the first 5 eps and the last one, the rest was mid because I heavily dislike the alliance and also idgaf about them at this point. I was always fond of all these characters, but in the manga just like the anime, post-ts they have been pretty badly written, they are just so stagnant and bland in many ways and it just makes me roll my eyes.

The finale was great though, 130 is one of my top 5 chapters and I think Hayashi did a phenomenal job with it <3

Not really looking forward for part 3 and the garbage ending lying in wait, but I'll definitely tune in for 131, I am sure MAPPA won't let us down with this amazing chapter.
Apr 3, 2022 8:46 AM

Apr 2020
Wall titans looked real small in the ocean, but the second they stood up they turned like 300m tall
Apr 3, 2022 8:49 AM
Sep 2013
jaunis said:
Wall titans looked real small in the ocean, but the second they stood up they turned like 300m tall

well, ocean can be like 7500/10000m deep, so.. yeah, they're small, really small in comparison xD

and about the ending of the manga, i will just say something we say here in spain

"Honey is not made for the tongue of the donkeys"
I'm not english, i'm spanish, so sorry for my mistakes when i write D:

I figured out the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin back in 2014 :)
Apr 3, 2022 8:51 AM
Mar 2022
Holy fcking shit,no doubt 10/10 in my book
Apr 3, 2022 8:52 AM
Sep 2020
Holy hell ,now that what i call a cliffhanger!!

Peak fiction 🔥🔥🔥 5/5 easy
Apr 3, 2022 8:54 AM

Sep 2020
that cliffhanger gave me chills and I'm a manga reader
Apr 3, 2022 8:55 AM

Oct 2020
Holy! I am shaking. There is no question in my mind this is the best AOT episode yet! And it's not even a contest!
Apr 3, 2022 8:58 AM
Jan 2021
anybody know when its coming out on funimation est?
Apr 3, 2022 8:59 AM
Sep 2020
I_Am_Freeballing said:
Holy! I am shaking. There is no question in my mind this is the best AOT episode yet! And it's not even a contest!

Agreed ,and it's sad to say we have to wait for a year for the episode that will beat this episode peak fiction, 🔥
Apr 3, 2022 9:01 AM

Apr 2013
I_Am_Freeballing said:
Holy! I am shaking. There is no question in my mind this is the best AOT episode yet! And it's not even a contest!
It's not even the best episode from this part, but yeah "not even a contest".
Apr 3, 2022 9:02 AM
Jun 2021
the colossal titan in the manga didn't get hit by bullets from the ship why did MAPPA change it so badly seeing the colossal titan shattered to pieces like torn paper come on let's play logic mappa the 50 meter tall colossal titan shattered to pieces by bullets even in water it's so unreasonable that's why I hate adaptation by mappa
Apr 3, 2022 9:02 AM

Oct 2020
KneelBeforeMe said:
I_Am_Freeballing said:
Holy! I am shaking. There is no question in my mind this is the best AOT episode yet! And it's not even a contest!
It's not even the best episode from this part, but yeah "not even a contest".

Ok my dude. Stay salty about everything. You live a sad life.
Apr 3, 2022 9:03 AM

Feb 2017
AOE chads, we lost....
Apr 3, 2022 9:05 AM

Sep 2020
KingFlochChad said:
the colossal titan in the manga didn't get hit by bullets from the ship why did MAPPA change it so badly seeing the colossal titan shattered to pieces like torn paper come on let's play logic mappa the 50 meter tall colossal titan shattered to pieces by bullets even in water it's so unreasonable that's why I hate adaptation by mappa

they're not bullets though...
to a colossal titan though, it is which makes you wonder what would happen if a bullet is shot at a human...
Apr 3, 2022 9:07 AM
Jul 2018
256k said:
10/10 chapter

Perfect music
Perfect animation
Perfect composition

it finally ended the debate on internet about Eren being the father, it was HISTORIA who said that

Mappa deserves that time to end the story on 2023, what they have to animate on those 9 chapters are way worse than animate the entire season 3/4 together

What did Historia say? The father is the farmer..
Apr 3, 2022 9:07 AM

Apr 2013
I_Am_Freeballing said:
KneelBeforeMe said:
It's not even the best episode from this part, but yeah "not even a contest".

Ok my dude. Stay salty about everything. You live a sad life.
Aw, straight to personal attacks and projecting. Sorry not everyone is as big a fanboy as you are.
Apr 3, 2022 9:09 AM
Sep 2013
Rimera said:
256k said:
10/10 chapter

Perfect music
Perfect animation
Perfect composition

it finally ended the debate on internet about Eren being the father, it was HISTORIA who said that

Mappa deserves that time to end the story on 2023, what they have to animate on those 9 chapters are way worse than animate the entire season 3/4 together

What did Historia say? The father is the farmer..

There was a lot of people who really thought that the child was Eren's child because of that line

She says "What would you think of me having a child?" a lot of people thought it was Eren who said that, lol
I'm not english, i'm spanish, so sorry for my mistakes when i write D:

I figured out the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin back in 2014 :)
Apr 3, 2022 9:11 AM
Jul 2020
one of my fav episodes what an adaptation it was amazing and i especially loved the use of the osts. i was happy to see the characters togther again it was refreshing.
Apr 3, 2022 9:11 AM

May 2020
ooo333 said:
I havent seen it, but a couple of questions to those who have, based on the comments Im reading

1- Did MAPPA announce that there will be a part 3 or a movie? If so, did they say when?

2- What chapter(s) did episode 12 adapt? How many chapters are now left?

use google.... duhhhh

maybe like 14 plus chp
Apr 3, 2022 9:12 AM

Aug 2020
Unusual_Kmc said:
What rubbish, dont @ me. Bad animation, bad voice acting, colour filters out the wazoo. Hopefully WIT's been making the movie these past two years.

9/10 for the whole season. AOT anime is ruined, the only thing holding it up at this point is the story (which inevitably will be the downfall of the movie, unless Isayama changes the ending). At least we got the masterpieces that were seasons 2 and 3, as well as a bearable S1.

OMG, HOW DARE YOU!!!!!- every 12 year old. but in all seriousness, I don't even know why MAPPA is going to animate part 3 they could've ended it here and delay some other of their minor projects. I mean nothing will change if it's going to come out next year. everything is still going to be rushed. ever since mappa started animating attack on titan it has always been rushed.
Apr 3, 2022 9:14 AM
Jul 2018
256k said:
Rimera said:

What did Historia say? The father is the farmer..

There was a lot of people who really thought that the child was Eren's child because of that line

She says "What would you think of me having a child?" a lot of people thought it was Eren who said that, lol

I was not sure if you meant that Eren is the father confirmed by Historia, but yeah, Historia said "of me having a child" like in the manga.

The debate will sadly never end because there are still a lot of people making theories about it that it's really Eren's despite of Historia's line. I don't believe in any of these, some are really absurd.
Apr 3, 2022 9:16 AM
Sep 2013
Rimera said:
256k said:

There was a lot of people who really thought that the child was Eren's child because of that line

She says "What would you think of me having a child?" a lot of people thought it was Eren who said that, lol

I was not sure if you meant that Eren is the father confirmed by Historia, but yeah, Historia said "of me having a child" like in the manga.

The debate will sadly never end because there are still a lot of people making theories about it that it's really Eren's despite of Historia's line. I don't believe in any of these, some are really absurd.

I mean that this finally confirms that he's not to everyone (I never doubted)

They though that it was Eren talking with Zeke on that line
I'm not english, i'm spanish, so sorry for my mistakes when i write D:

I figured out the ending of Shingeki no Kyojin back in 2014 :)
Apr 3, 2022 9:16 AM
Jun 2021
Zprotu said:
KingFlochChad said:
the colossal titan in the manga didn't get hit by bullets from the ship why did MAPPA change it so badly seeing the colossal titan shattered to pieces like torn paper come on let's play logic mappa the 50 meter tall colossal titan shattered to pieces by bullets even in water it's so unreasonable that's why I hate adaptation by mappa

they're not bullets though...
to a colossal titan though, it is which makes you wonder what would happen if a bullet is shot at a human...
yes it's a big bullet or a bomb but the animation of the colossal titan looks very small in the water while the explosive power of the large bullet of the ship is almost the size of the colossal body the manga doesn't have that scene, why does mappa have to bother making that scene if it ends up being ugly
Apr 3, 2022 9:18 AM

Sep 2020
another part confirmed for final season(turtle pacing)
money bag off mappa
s4 is 5 for me when s3 is 8
Apr 3, 2022 9:20 AM

Apr 2013
Rimera said:
256k said:

There was a lot of people who really thought that the child was Eren's child because of that line

She says "What would you think of me having a child?" a lot of people thought it was Eren who said that, lol

I was not sure if you meant that Eren is the father confirmed by Historia, but yeah, Historia said "of me having a child" like in the manga.

The debate will sadly never end because there are still a lot of people making theories about it that it's really Eren's despite of Historia's line. I don't believe in any of these, some are really absurd.
Most people that once believed Historia's child was also Eren's have accepted that it's really Farmer-kun's. Doesn't make it any less nonsensical and forced by Isayama. It goes against Historia's Uprising character arc where she finally becomes independent, strong-willed, and the Queen of Paradis. Her next move is then to get pregnant from the guy that bullied her as a kid and that she never thought of since and that we as readers/viewers have no clue of his existence; which effectively sidelines her for the rest of the story.
Apr 3, 2022 9:21 AM

Oct 2020
KneelBeforeMe said:
I_Am_Freeballing said:

Ok my dude. Stay salty about everything. You live a sad life.
Aw, straight to personal attacks and projecting. Sorry not everyone is as big a fanboy as you are.

I'd rather be a fanboy than a hater who comes here every week butthurt about others who like the ep. It's tiring.
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