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Aug 19, 2021 8:59 AM

Nov 2011
A lot of responsibilty on Nozomi's shoulders....I mean, she does know how to operate that compass.

No time for fun or games this episodes as everyone is still anxious about their future. Something else that impressed me this episode is the melody of the music, capturing a sense of unique feeling of the show. It's about half way for the show now and there's been a lot of development. Looking forward to the second half especially after that ending.
Aug 19, 2021 8:59 AM

Jul 2017
Every episode of Sonny Boy has its weirdness, but it's interesting nonetheless.

Aki-sensei has pretty much formed her own Hateno Camp faction, and she's stil reliant on Asakaze to bring them where they need to be to hold Nagara guilty. And in what part of This World will you adrfit to a food warehouse. The black castaway dog that is Yamabiko Kunihiko (voiced by the unmistakable Kenjirou Tsuda), Mizuho spotted him ravaging amongst food, and in the dark black space eating with Rajdhani and Nagara. And apparently he's been adrift for 5000 years.

Nagara and Rajdhani rummaging through negative reels of film from Nagara's perspectives to get the former's powers working again. I love the fact that even the focus knob blurs the entire screen for a moment, that's creativity in the making again. Using the loads of negative film to create a movie sequence, and this in part creates a subservience of This World with the memories to create a Director's Cut of This World so far. It all hinges on Nagara's presence making an effect to insert the present and change their future, since they cannot edit their past.

Hoshi, Pony and Cap are pretty much doing their own thing, and Nozomi decides to join in while hopping in Nagara's different worlds to find pieces of their original world. But when shown the film, everyone has mixed feelings of whether is it truly worth to go back to their original world, especially Hoshi who finds it hard to be bought into this impediment of a random chance of what will happen, happen.

Hoshi's God-complex voice masking scares the hell outta me, knowing that it's the Principal of the school is God that told him so of the world that just so happens to be one. The soothnig soundtrack is so good, and that the mystic gem transports them back into another This World. The only exception being that Aki-sensei defies all order (that Yamabiko questions why she's there, because only students can go adrift), and for once, Nagara's power actually works to give them the navigation and utmost motivation to return to their original world.

AND RETURN THEY DID, back to the familiar world...BUT SOMETHING'S AMISS. This graduation film is only a copy figment of their imagination of the world they used to come from, and seeing their old selves really teared me up. It's just a shame that they missed the EXACT film reel to feel their true selves, and this is their karma from Principal God. Nothing has been achieved (except the graduation), and the class of 36 are back together again, but they do have hope to go forward now being new originals.

We're halfway there, and the mysteries are only getting deeper than the rabbit hole of greatness.
KANLen09Aug 19, 2021 10:47 AM
Aug 19, 2021 10:03 AM

Jul 2020
This anime just proves to me that I can feel both confused and entertained at the same time goddamn. Hoshi is honestly getting annoying, I get a feeling of a kind of microcosm the dream worlds are of the real world and its politics, kinda interesting!
Check out my channel @Criticiza on Youtube to watch my vids ;)

Aug 19, 2021 10:29 AM

May 2021
Every episode that comes out of Sonny boy makes me love it even more. It’s confusing but so interesting at the same time! Looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 19, 2021 10:33 AM

Jan 2009
i have to lower my score of this show for now

you need some basic quantum mechanics knowledge to understand this episode

so this episode shows the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics especially the time travel part that you cannot change the past and if you do go to the past you just gonna create another branch or possibility or new timeline while the old timeline is not gonna be affected so that is how time paradoxes are avoided

god plays dice is what quantum mechanics says so the world is about chances or probabilities rather than classical physics which is deterministic but Einstein famously said that god does not play dice though since his discovery the general relativity means reality is deterministic

i guess the ending will be they gonna exactly time travel to the past where a new timeline or branch of time will be created for all of them

also they might be in Schrodingers Cat state which means they are both dead and alive at the same time so they need self-awareness or observer of themselves or they need to start recognizing each other to finally break out and have a future or outcome

Nozomi is both dead and alive clearly in this episode she is a Schrodingers Cat for example

even Wikipedia has the film analogy of the Many Worlds (or This Worlds like the anime likes to call it)

so this show is not about structure vs agency of social science anymore but the multiverse and hard science too being a huge metaphor of yet another coming of age story

degAug 19, 2021 11:26 AM
Aug 19, 2021 10:37 AM

Jan 2021
Sonny boy was kind of slacking lately imo
This episode put it back on track tho
Just watch anime instead of looking at forums
Aug 19, 2021 10:47 AM

Jun 2019
I still don't like and trust that big-breasted Teacher. Well, at least they got the confirmation that they can go home as confirmed by their Senpai, the dog that adrifted long before they got there. Used to be a human, now living like a dog. Looks like they're looking to re-edit their world and possibly going to change their future the way they like.

That one Hoshi guy is really weird. Still don't like him. Senpai thinks that the busty woman is not a teacher which raises more questions. More weird shit happening in this show, as usual, that shouldn't happen but happening in this dimension. Well, it's a ride, better enjoy it before it's over.
Aug 19, 2021 10:56 AM
May 2021
I need help with finding the song that was in the background after the second half of the episode. I tried so hard to find the song but I couldn't. All I was able to make out was "oh I wonder why you closed the door that night", "castaway", "rather be a light", "just take me back from darkness", and few other words. The song starts exactly at 15:46. Please, please, please, tell me if you know the song's name. Pleeeaaassseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Onegai
Aug 19, 2021 10:58 AM

Jan 2021
A dog-student coming from the future, this can't surprise me anymore hahah

>Ahh, that takes me back...
-But you were a transfer student
> A

I felt lost the moment that the house started spinning with the music in the background xd
So if that's true that they're just copies, they won't be able to come back? They will have to create a world for themselves? All very mysterious now 0.0
Aug 19, 2021 10:58 AM

May 2018
I believe that big, gorgeous, canine (voiced by my husbando, Tsuda-Ken) is going to be the true savior. He's already sniffed something foul from Oppai-sensei, and she's rocking a school uniform underneath that lab coat.

"Are you intoxicated, or just insane?"
Aug 19, 2021 11:14 AM
Jan 2021
Best episode so far
Aug 19, 2021 11:21 AM

Jul 2017
That episode was a whole mind trip to experience, show's definitely picking up from the past few episodes after two strong back-to-back episodes.
Aug 19, 2021 11:29 AM

Jul 2019
NandhakumarNJ said:
I need help with finding the song that was in the background after the second half of the episode. I tried so hard to find the song but I couldn't. All I was able to make out was "oh I wonder why you closed the door that night", "castaway", "rather be a light", "just take me back from darkness", and few other words. The song starts exactly at 15:46. Please, please, please, tell me if you know the song's name. Pleeeaaassseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Onegai
The name is "Let there be light again" by sunset rollercoaster. Its released on vinyl, but i dont even know what that is, so good luck with that lol
Aug 19, 2021 11:46 AM
Jul 2021
Honestly my favorite episode so far, well it seems every episode has been my favorite episode so far (except that the monkey story was just metaphorical cover for a boring exposition dump), and it raises some really good questions. Of those questions the elephant in the room seems to be Nozomi's death.
Aug 19, 2021 12:21 PM

Jun 2017
Can't really say I know what's actually going on anymore now. I know for sure though that changing the past does not yield good results and that's about all I understood xD.

It's funny how the teacher seemed to be wearing a school uniform underneath? No idea if it's my eyes playing tricks or not though, but it matches with what TsudaKen-san's character dropped. Was this supposed to be foreshadowing hence?

Nozomi passing away surprised me a little though, please don't tell me that's the end result of the various timelines or whatever it is that's going on the show here.
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Aug 19, 2021 12:34 PM

May 2021
It was overwhelming to say the least. Everything was happening so fast. I just hope we are able to get some answers by the end.
Aug 19, 2021 12:37 PM

Jul 2011
Mizuho find the biggest fluffiest talking wolf , and become best friend already, her secondary power must be Beastmaster.

I need that bacon walkie talkie.

Now I have no idea about the next step. But now will have 2 more weird beings.
Aug 19, 2021 12:39 PM
Aug 2018
Half of this episode I was going "HOLY SHIT" and the other half I was going "WTF IS GOING ON?"

Pretty cool way to feel about an episode, imo.

But yeah, there is a ton of esque-science babble that might or might not have roots in actual scientific theories, but I'm least interested in that, and more in what does it all mean for our characters. The realization that they can't, indeed, come back to their worlds was harsh. And I feel like they haven't really developed Nozomi yet into a fully fleshed character, so I'm hoping the revelation of her being dead in the "alternative-future-real-world" can be a foundation to develop her more as a character. I'm thinking maybe she killed herself for some reason we will know in the future. I could be wrong, though.

Anyway, even though I'm past the point where I'm going to recommend this as I was after the first episode because honestly I know all this random shit will be too much for some people, I still think Natsume knows where he's taking this. God, I hope he knows where he's taking this.

Also, don't know if anybody noticed, but there was a very neat cut in the first episode where Nagara was speaking to the professor just as in this episode, and then we could see Nozomi peaking through the curtains. I thought it was a weird editing choice at the moment, so I knew it was building to something. We had the exact same cut in this episode, but behind the curtain there was no one, probably because Nozomi had died. I still think Nozomi's and Nagara's connection has something to do with this whole drifting thing.
Aug 19, 2021 1:00 PM
Jun 2017
If there are anime which are confusing but entertaining at the same time, it's one of them.

It's really getting interesting. I am just imagining how we might feel when the truth will be revealed.

This anime is really underrated.Furthermore, I don't really understand why ratings are dropping. The last two episodes were really good.
Aug 19, 2021 1:07 PM
Nov 2020
NandhakumarNJ said:
I need help with finding the song that was in the background after the second half of the episode. I tried so hard to find the song but I couldn't. All I was able to make out was "oh I wonder why you closed the door that night", "castaway", "rather be a light", "just take me back from darkness", and few other words. The song starts exactly at 15:46. Please, please, please, tell me if you know the song's name. Pleeeaaassseeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Onegai

I believe it's called Let there be light again by Sunset Rollercoaster but I'm not hundred percent sure about the artist
Aug 19, 2021 1:09 PM

Nov 2014
Best anime episode I've seen in a long time. Just wow
Aug 19, 2021 1:17 PM

Jan 2021
The characters in this show are so good. I am not so sure about the plot devices but they sure are creative. It's hella 4th wall-y with the movie theatre, I feel like I would have to watch it 10 times over to get a full appreciation of this episode.
Aug 19, 2021 1:23 PM

Dec 2018
Very good episode, this made me much more excited for what's next to come. And yeah I agreewith @nuttre , the characters are top tier and dont the fit the generic school anime archetypes.
Aug 19, 2021 1:28 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
I knew the talking dog's voice sounded familiar. It's the same person who voiced the Black Hooded character in "To Your Eternity", Kenjirou Tsuda.
Aug 19, 2021 1:36 PM

Jan 2009
Angel Beats much? err ye

Aug 19, 2021 2:20 PM

Aug 2021
Has any other anime moved on to (and then past, in this case) literal deconstruction of the medium this quickly?
Aug 19, 2021 2:38 PM

Apr 2018
Aki-sensei is leading a military group out of nowhere. Feels bad to be with her. Asakaze pretty much ended as her lapdog.
Radjhani and Nagara were close to bringing themselves back to the ''original world'' but sadly it was just a copy.
Seems like there will be some kind of time travel.

“You yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you!”
Aug 19, 2021 2:54 PM
Apr 2020
deg said:
i have to lower my score of this show for now

you need some basic quantum mechanics knowledge to understand this episode

so this episode shows the Many Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics especially the time travel part that you cannot change the past and if you do go to the past you just gonna create another branch or possibility or new timeline while the old timeline is not gonna be affected so that is how time paradoxes are avoided

god plays dice is what quantum mechanics says so the world is about chances or probabilities rather than classical physics which is deterministic but Einstein famously said that god does not play dice though since his discovery the general relativity means reality is deterministic

i guess the ending will be they gonna exactly time travel to the past where a new timeline or branch of time will be created for all of them

also they might be in Schrodingers Cat state which means they are both dead and alive at the same time so they need self-awareness or observer of themselves or they need to start recognizing each other to finally break out and have a future or outcome

Nozomi is both dead and alive clearly in this episode she is a Schrodingers Cat for example

even Wikipedia has the film analogy of the Many Worlds (or This Worlds like the anime likes to call it)

so this show is not about structure vs agency of social science anymore but the multiverse and hard science too being a huge metaphor of yet another coming of age story

One thing dosn't exclude the other. I'm still seeing the social metaphors and critique in the new episode. The Quantum Mecanics isn't essencial for the interpretation of the other side. If you clone someone, both will think be the original, and you can see that way with the new discover, without using Shorindeger, just logic. Sorry if i did a grammatical mistake
Aug 19, 2021 3:14 PM

Mar 2018
this show blows my expectations out the water every time, amazing episode
Aug 19, 2021 3:53 PM
A sandwich

Jul 2020
Wow, just when I thought I was starting to understand what was going on, this episode happened. What a trip, I loved it!
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Aug 19, 2021 3:54 PM

Mar 2016
SideCharacterKal said:
Aki-sensei is leading a military group out of nowhere. Feels bad to be with her. Asakaze pretty much ended as her lapdog.
Radjhani and Nagara were close to bringing themselves back to the ''original world'' but sadly it was just a copy.
Seems like there will be some kind of time travel.

I think THEY are the copy, and what they saw is real. Doggo also said they had already graduate. But they never did.
Tachikoma saves the day !!!
Aug 19, 2021 3:58 PM

Mar 2016
Hmmm that's also mean doggo is a few years younger than them, but has also been stuck there for about 5000 years.

Clusterfuck time in coming.
imperator69Aug 19, 2021 4:05 PM
Tachikoma saves the day !!!
Aug 19, 2021 4:12 PM

Jun 2021
I was on the fence about this show up to this point, but this episode was done so well that I'm kind of sold on this show now.

Like most people, I still don't know what the fuck is going on, but the directing on this episode was perfect. The animation (love the blurred animation they used when Nagara adjusted the film spec), the song inserts and the way the episode ended was perfect.

I really hope they keep this up until the end.
Aug 19, 2021 4:13 PM
Review Moderator
Onii Chan

Mar 2018
This episode blew me away, I never expected the twist to be so good.
Aug 19, 2021 4:14 PM

Jan 2020
None of the previous episodes were as confusing to me as this episode was. So many thoughts crossed my mind, and more questions keep piling up. The thing that struck me the most in this episode though was the egocentrism and the disappointment that comes with not being the center of something or being mere copies, just like the characters in this episode. I liked that detail a lot.

In an alternative future, Nozomi is dead, but in their future or the present they came from leading to their future, they all might be dead, or alive for that matter.

I'm curious about Hoshi and the teacher.

We're halfway through the show.
I sometimes forget to finish my sentences.
Aug 19, 2021 4:18 PM
Jul 2018
This episode felt like it was the last episode, but the episode itself was good with Nagara's powers.
Aug 19, 2021 5:00 PM
Jan 2020
Everytime I think I just about understand this show, a new episode airs and it shows that I barely understand it at all (will definitely be running this show back for clarity when the full season has aired). Nice change of pace though, Dog senpai joined the school after they graduated but went adrift 5000 years before them? Time is confusing. Still don't trust Hoshi one bit, but no this mysterious principal/god character has been revealed I guess we see what happens. Also very curious about who/what their "teacher" is, if only students can go adrift. Something sinister is incoming I think.
Aug 19, 2021 5:05 PM

Oct 2020
A lot of twists in this episode. Nozomi's still probably the most interesting character. She'll probably have to make some important decisions in the future.
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Aug 19, 2021 5:20 PM
Jan 2016
The episode was for sure interesting, but does anyone knows the song that was playing during the scene where Nagara was about to try to take them back.
Aug 19, 2021 5:28 PM

Nov 2011
I feel like adding time travel to an anime could be hit or miss at times. So we will see how this turns out.

Aki-sensei may or may not be a Sensei. She's wearing a Uniform in the Island world but she was clearly a Teacher in the "Real"/"Copied" world. So shining some light on that situation soon would be nice.

Raj is seriously turning out to be one of my favorite characters in this series. How he's not considered a main Character at this point is absurd. I loved how he was actually not getting jealous about Nagara's powers. It's refreshing to see another male character support the main Male Character.

Mizuho teaching the dog to sit, stay, and beg had me rolling. She is still the best character.

Welp there goes Nozomi's what?
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Aug 19, 2021 5:54 PM

Jan 2009
Guibolas said:
One thing dosn't exclude the other. I'm still seeing the social metaphors and critique in the new episode. The Quantum Mecanics isn't essencial for the interpretation of the other side. If you clone someone, both will think be the original, and you can see that way with the new discover, without using Shorindeger, just logic. Sorry if i did a grammatical mistake

never said you can exclude the social metaphors i even said its just one big metaphor for another Coming of Age story that anime as an entertaintment loves to do

its just if you know some physics you will know what the hell is happening in this episode with all the science fiction stuff
Aug 19, 2021 5:58 PM

Feb 2017
i think im too dumb to watch this show. not sure if im still supposed to be confused at this point lol, kinda understanding what's happening from reading the comments in this thread tho

placeholder text
Aug 19, 2021 6:01 PM
Apr 2020
[quote=deg message=64171795] Now i understood. Maybe can be like evangelion that put a ton of complicated lore that you can ignore and take the more human part too. Unlike a bunny girl senpai, that the physic's metaphor almost disturb the interesting part.
Aug 19, 2021 6:07 PM
Jul 2020
i wish i could say i liked it but imo it was one of the worst ep in the show i had to skip because i couldnt really understand what was going on i give this ep a good 3/5 not bad but worse than every other ep imo
Aug 19, 2021 6:12 PM

Jan 2009
as for the copies revelation of the Principal or God

in a multiverse like many worlds interpretation there are many clones or infinite copies of yourself in each timeline so each of one of your versions are legitimate

so the obvious ending for now is that they have to create their own new future timeline via time travel to branch or split into 2 timelines some past timeline

Guibolas said:
Now i understood. Maybe can be like evangelion that put a ton of complicated lore that you can ignore and take the more human part too. Unlike a bunny girl senpai, that the physic's metaphor almost disturb the interesting part.

ye you can just go with the Evangelion way of interpretation by focusing on the human or social parts instead
Aug 19, 2021 6:13 PM
Apr 2021
R0rack said:
Half of this episode I was going "HOLY SHIT" and the other half I was going "WTF IS GOING ON?"

Pretty cool way to feel about an episode, imo.

But yeah, there is a ton of esque-science babble that might or might not have roots in actual scientific theories, but I'm least interested in that, and more in what does it all mean for our characters. The realization that they can't, indeed, come back to their worlds was harsh. And I feel like they haven't really developed Nozomi yet into a fully fleshed character, so I'm hoping the revelation of her being dead in the "alternative-future-real-world" can be a foundation to develop her more as a character. I'm thinking maybe she killed herself for some reason we will know in the future. I could be wrong, though.

Anyway, even though I'm past the point where I'm going to recommend this as I was after the first episode because honestly I know all this random shit will be too much for some people, I still think Natsume knows where he's taking this. God, I hope he knows where he's taking this.

Also, don't know if anybody noticed, but there was a very neat cut in the first episode where Nagara was speaking to the professor just as in this episode, and then we could see Nozomi peaking through the curtains. I thought it was a weird editing choice at the moment, so I knew it was building to something. We had the exact same cut in this episode, but behind the curtain there was no one, probably because Nozomi had died. I still think Nozomi's and Nagara's connection has something to do with this whole drifting thing.

Ohh that's a really cool theory! So in order for them all to find their optimal world where everyone is at their happiest and where Nagara and Nazumi can be together they need to find an alternate timeline where all that is possible and where they aren't just copies!
Aug 19, 2021 6:24 PM

Jan 2011
bruh nani the fuck i can't blame anyone for getting lost in the craziness that was this episode that was totally not a "final"

would it make any sense of current Aki-sensei being from the past because there was a cut of her skirt that made it seem like it was a uniform but the one in the other world showed her as a teacher.
Aug 19, 2021 6:30 PM
Feb 2021
I have no idea where this is going and I love it.
Aug 19, 2021 6:50 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
Another very entertaining episode! I don't watch this series for any type of continuity, I watch it for weekly entertainment. I can just sit and let my eyes just take in whatever the screen shows me. I don't need to understand or even anticipate what is going to happen. I just watch and let it all unfold. Very nicely done!
Aug 19, 2021 7:09 PM
Jul 2015
I'm beginning to think that somebody got a sake and medication party and after that wrote the script of this title.
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