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Oct 23, 2019 8:42 AM

Nov 2011
Heh, of course peace wouldn't be that easy to restored. I do kinda respect Kisaragi for trying to make up with everyone. It's not easy for someone in his shoes.

Kinda glad they are also introducing new characters besides just the main cast. Aoi is still such an airhead at school lol
Oct 23, 2019 9:10 AM

Jul 2014
Was it just me or did anyone else feel the 1st ep effect here but dialed up to 900? cause it literally had me bought that he just wanted to befriend them again with all the generic cliche thats been going on in the 1st half until the ending kicked in and this boi just went and got dirty again lol.

That being said what he did was still naive, I wouldn't forgive their asses that easily (but if I had a goal of making a harem out of em bitches then... maybe its not such a bad call, especially when what Im doing isnt 100% legit out of good heart)
One thing I am glad about this is they finished all the making up in 1 ep which means I wouldn't have to sit through each ep with him trying to befriend them, said it before and I'll say it again, this is the exact opposite of edgy school setting and it stays true to its core, a romcom troll with very quirky characters and fun banters.

While I don't like how cringey he befriended Himawari and especially Sun-chan, him making up with Cosmos was hilarious as shit, from the moment Pansy said "Its coming... its getting closer", all the dialogues in between were gold.

One thing I noticed in this show is it keeps Pansy its main heroine and Joro the main character's interactions to a minimal as much as they can, while it pisses me off because their banters and interactions are the best parts of the show it also leaves a feeling of "wanting more" because they don't give enough, they make me thirst for more, pretty smart, it makes their squabble a lot more memorable because they have less screen time together.

So overall its still a pretty solid episode, curious to where this is going with the new character and what drama she might bring, cause the one she was publishing near the end looked spicy.
PS. Anyone else misses the true troll bench-kun? and wow this is the first ep where we didn't get the flashback to the baseball match.
Oct 23, 2019 10:31 AM

Nov 2014
I was getting really worried as I watched this episode, but then Joro saved it!
And that last scene... here we go again?
Oct 23, 2019 10:36 AM
Jul 2018
uhh how did everyone in the show forgive sun-chan/ forgot about how he legit tried to rape a girl the last episode.....
Oct 23, 2019 10:38 AM
Dec 2017
Dilly1185 said:
uhh how did everyone in the show forgive sun-chan/ forgot about how he legit tried to rape a girl the last episode.....

Maybe because Sumireko didn't cared about it.
Oct 23, 2019 10:47 AM

Aug 2013
I love how Pansy is able to see through everything.

Joro managed to befriend everyone. Cosmos' part was hilarious.

That ending... things don't look good for Joro.

Oct 23, 2019 10:53 AM
May 2016
I don't get this show, their friendship seems pretty bogus, as does Pansy's liking Joro. He keeps proving over and over he's a scumbag (only liking Pansy for her big boobs, STILL just trying to hook up with the other two girls) yet all these people like him. If this new girl is doing the same thing Pansy did (using some master plan to get him to like her) I'm out. There's nothing likable about this guy.
And who is Pansy disguising herself for still? Don't get that either. This show is on thin ice with me.
Oct 23, 2019 10:57 AM

Feb 2017
y'all face this episode

MAL score and most user-based rating system are all joke, Imagine trusting plebs and hivemind. Find users who have good sense and rating and use them as a reference. Check my guide to rate
Your taste is trash. Cope, seethe, mald
Oct 23, 2019 11:09 AM

Sep 2009
Joro may be scum but he is the type of scum you can respect.
Oct 23, 2019 11:09 AM
Feb 2009
haha Joro still dreaming about his harem
Oct 23, 2019 11:13 AM
May 2019
i guess the first arc is completed, let's move on to the second arc then haha
Oct 23, 2019 11:18 AM

Jan 2016
I personally wouldn't have tried to make up with them, I would've just left them behind.
Waste of time to make friends with all of them again.

They all assholes.
Oct 23, 2019 11:19 AM
Jul 2018
MenchiK1 said:

And who is Pansy disguising herself for still? Don't get that either. This show is on thin ice with me.

This guy. Handsome dude with two girls around him and isn't the main character? Literally scream evil
Oct 23, 2019 11:20 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm quite the curious reason for hiding her true self. Despite the strained bonds between Joro and his friends its high time that they reconcile for the longer it goes on the more pain it will cause to everyone involved. A class reporter huh. Hina is quite the interesting girl. The little makeup fight between Hina and Kisaragi sure was amusing. Hina and Kisaragi's tag team against Sun chan though was pretty cute. Damm thats quite the aura that Sakura was giving off as she watched Joro make peace with his friends. Thats the quite the list of ideas that she made to make up to Joro though. Once back to her usual self though Cosmo's sure is one hell of a tutor. Despite starting on a rather bad foot its nice seeing the girls get along so well not to mention seeing Joro reforge the bonds with his friends. Overall an entertaining ep that combined excellent comedy with character expansion Looks like a new trial for Joro and his friends are hot off the press and will be incoming next ep.
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Oct 23, 2019 11:20 AM

Jun 2017
Joro never newspaper girl was bad news all along.
Oct 23, 2019 11:22 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The reactions of some of the characters considering what they've been through recently are baffling in my opinion. Such phoneys, all of them.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 23, 2019 11:38 AM

Nov 2016
This article is about to stir some shit up again.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 23, 2019 11:55 AM

Jul 2014
I don't really have that many qualms with it, but I find it slightly odd that Joro would be willing to make up with all of them so quickly, especially Sun after last week's episode; sure, he's being scummy and aiming for a harem out of it, but it still seems strange that he would give in so easily. Also, I can't say I'm at all surprised that the newspaper girl is secretly scummy, partially because that's this entire show's "hook" but also because these newspaper characters typically are like that (albeit much more openly so).

I'm sure we'll get some drama out of that article she's publishing, but after how the show handled last week's drama I have faith that it won't get too tedious this time.
Oct 23, 2019 11:59 AM
May 2019
Kahei_110 said:
MenchiK1 said:

And who is Pansy disguising herself for still? Don't get that either. This show is on thin ice with me.

This guy. Handsome dude with two girls around him and isn't the main character? Literally scream evil
careful there haha, too early for them to know that this guy is a total a-hole
Oct 23, 2019 12:06 PM
May 2019
joro being able to make up with those three proves how fragile friendship is

p.s : there is a bigger a-hole than sun-chan, but it hasn't been revealed so just wait
Oct 23, 2019 12:16 PM

Feb 2019
And so MC starts building his own harem...
Oct 23, 2019 12:33 PM
Aug 2013
Well I guess the formular is pretty clear now, seemingly nice girl/boy turns out to be a scumbag they settle things and reconcile, new seemingly nice but actually evil girl/boy turns up and starts new drama.

The Mc thinks hes building a harem but none of the girls except pansy have any interest in him and it will likely stay that way.
Oct 23, 2019 1:10 PM

Mar 2018
Yep there we go.. I guess this would be one of those points where you should stop watching it and wait for what others experience over the course

They teasered quite a bit that it's going to get twisted yet again. Obviously

“I don’t like expending more effort than I have to.” – Ayanokouji Kiyotaka
Oct 23, 2019 1:55 PM

Apr 2018
Very captivating episode but I don't really liked it to be honest, I just can't bear other characters than Pansy.
The last frame smell the plot twist so much, another bad/evil character to add to this anime.
Oct 23, 2019 1:57 PM
May 2019
Well, I thought now it would just be a normal anime with wasted potential. But last minutes teased a big twist, which will be all the more fun since Sumire will quickly notice probably, as well as the school newspaper thing. Just one phrase summaries what I'm feeling right now: Ah shit, here we go again.
Oct 23, 2019 2:14 PM

Aug 2019
Relaxing episode, till the last scene.
Oct 23, 2019 2:39 PM

May 2018
Oh ho ho Asunaro comes into the picture, and she ain't going to be nice.
Oct 23, 2019 2:42 PM

Apr 2015
So Joro has made up with everyone, eventho parts of it was all an act. But damn that final scene, that was some juicy stuff!

Newspaper girl seems to be a load of trouble, that headline is gonna mess up a lot of shit! Can't wait!
Oct 23, 2019 3:02 PM
Sep 2011
Atavistic said:
I don't really have that many qualms with it, but I find it slightly odd that Joro would be willing to make up with all of them so quickly, especially Sun after last week's episode; sure, he's being scummy and aiming for a harem out of it, but it still seems strange that he would give in so easily.

They're his childhood friends. Perhaps most of you haven't experienced it... From time to time, I find myself wishing I could make up properly with the people I cut off too... despite what happened between us... :(

"Sometimes you don't know what you got until it's gone."
evilcornOct 23, 2019 3:06 PM
Oct 23, 2019 3:29 PM

Oct 2018
I don't like how they forgave the douche Sun guy THAT easily. Is there supposed to be some sort of redemption development in the original source that they left out?
Oct 23, 2019 3:33 PM

Jul 2017
Ok, I've pretty much given up on trying to compare this to the manga, the anime is much better. Choosing to go the lighter theme is much better for this kinda series than the original darker one

That being said though, I don't really like Pansy all that much in this adaptation, she seems too...perfect I guess you could say? Her interactions with Joro were also turned down a bit

Also, assuming they're going straight into the newspaper girl arc, are we completely skipping Pansy

Atavistic said:
I don't really have that many qualms with it, but I find it slightly odd that Joro would be willing to make up with all of them so quickly, especially Sun after last week's episode; sure, he's being scummy and aiming for a harem out of it, but it still seems strange that he would give in so easily. Also, I can't say I'm at all surprised that the newspaper girl is secretly scummy, partially because that's this entire show's "hook" but also because these newspaper characters typically are like that (albeit much more openly so).

I'm sure we'll get some drama out of that article she's publishing, but after how the show handled last week's drama I have faith that it won't get too tedious this time.

Trust me, it's much worse in the manga. Joro got bullied to oblivion (whereas here it was only light bullying at best) so it made even less sense why Joro was so quick to want to make up with everyone

Kokosing said:
I don't like how they forgave the douche Sun guy THAT easily. Is there supposed to be some sort of redemption development in the original source that they left out?
Kokosing said:
I don't like how they forgave the douche Sun guy THAT easily. Is there supposed to be some sort of redemption development in the original source that they left out?

Nope, went more or less the same. In the manga though, their make up session was a more reverse psychology thing before directly blurting out I want to be friends again
Short_CircutOct 23, 2019 3:42 PM
Oct 23, 2019 4:16 PM
Jun 2013
Dilly1185 said:
uhh how did everyone in the show forgive sun-chan/ forgot about how he legit tried to rape a girl the last episode.....

People really thought that he was serious? lol it's pretty obvious that was just him playing, there's a big difference between a teenage asshole and being a actual rapist
Oct 23, 2019 4:20 PM

Dec 2016
A little disappointed in this episode, although the first three were a tough act to follow in fairness. It just seemed pedestrian after the 10000 IQ 4D chess of episode 3. Also, I'm not a fan of this turning into a harem; it doesn't make sense when the lead girl is so perfect. It's a combination of Sanshokuin basically being wish fulfillment material, and the main character not responding accordingly because that's what the story needs him to do.
Oct 23, 2019 4:23 PM

Nov 2018
There is a scene that they want to drop or not including in this series because of some particular reason that only the production knows about that... Anyways I don't mind about the portion scene but the most important is the Joro want to reconcile those three people who trying to avoid him due to what happened to him in the last episode..

I can't wait for the next episode because the MVP (bench kun) will appeared for the last moment that Joro will get more phobia than ever... You know whose the girl want to talk to Joro...😁😁😁😁
Oct 23, 2019 4:24 PM

Sep 2017
a bit sad that they didnt show us the flashback how pansy fell to joro in the baseball match because that scene was cute... well overall still solid episode, cant wait to see more pansy
Oct 23, 2019 4:27 PM

Feb 2019
Well, it’s all downhill from here. Becomes a generic harem SOL from now on. -LN
Oct 23, 2019 4:39 PM

Sep 2017
Short_Circut said:
Ok, I've pretty much given up on trying to compare this to the manga, the anime is much better. Choosing to go the lighter theme is much better for this kinda series than the original darker one

That being said though, I don't really like Pansy all that much in this adaptation, she seems too...perfect I guess you could say? Her interactions with Joro were also turned down a bit

Also, assuming they're going straight into the newspaper girl arc, are we completely skipping Pansy

mann i really hope they don't skip that part
Oct 23, 2019 5:30 PM

May 2018
Things are going well, I hope it will last for 12 episodes. Loved how Joro make up with everyone, and yeah he is really awkward everytime he do it. Asunaro at the same time looks like an enemy.
Oct 23, 2019 5:42 PM

Jan 2011
oh boy hard reset on everything and we are back to the typical harem shit Sad thing is everything Joro said at the end might end up being true, but it doesn't look like our scumbag is gonna have a easily life to the road of harem king which is fine as long as it keeps things interesting i haven't seen a single good character in this show yet so i doubt the reporter girl judging from the end will be kind to our dear MC.
Oct 23, 2019 5:52 PM
Jun 2009
Just wtf was that? It was fine episode, not especially great, but some moments were hilarious.

Oct 23, 2019 5:52 PM
Jul 2018
The comedy suddenly became really obnoxious, corny, and cringe in this episode. I'm glad that Joro is still kind of a dick. However, it's clear that this series wants to have its cake and eat it too: one one hand, it wants to be a twisted romcom that shakes things up, but on the other, it's clearly headed for a conventional direction where the MC will end up having a harem. I find it unbelievable how they can forgive Sun after everything he did, especially when he nearly raped Pansy.

Superns18 said:
Well, it’s all downhill from here. Becomes a generic harem SOL from now on. -LN

Wait, you read the light novel? You can confirm this is true?? Dang. In that case, should we drop the anime? Or will other exciting things happen.

Dilly1185 said:
uhh how did everyone in the show forgive sun-chan/ forgot about how he legit tried to rape a girl the last episode.....

My thoughts exactly.

MenchiK1 said:
I don't get this show, their friendship seems pretty bogus, as does Pansy's liking Joro. He keeps proving over and over he's a scumbag (only liking Pansy for her big boobs, STILL just trying to hook up with the other two girls) yet all these people like him. If this new girl is doing the same thing Pansy did (using some master plan to get him to like her) I'm out. There's nothing likable about this guy.
And who is Pansy disguising herself for still? Don't get that either. This show is on thin ice with me.

I mean, deep down, Joro seems to have some good in him, but it's a level of good that literally 90% of people have. It's ridiculous how someone could fall in love with someone because they once saw them helping out their friend. Actual romance is more complicated than that: people fall in love with others, usually, because not only are they attractive, but they have good chemistry. Joro and Pansy's chemistry is...barely there. Like, they don't have any common interests, their dialogue with each other revolves around a main conflict, rather than personnel interests, just like most romance anime.
removed-userOct 23, 2019 5:58 PM
Oct 23, 2019 6:37 PM
Feb 2017
Kahei_110 said:
MenchiK1 said:

And who is Pansy disguising herself for still? Don't get that either. This show is on thin ice with me.

This guy. Handsome dude with two girls around him and isn't the main character? Literally scream evil

Oh i want to know the real reason Pansy is disguised like this
If it is this guy then what does he want from her ?? Will she be forced to be with him if she is discovered or something ??
I do not mind the spoiler
Oct 23, 2019 6:51 PM

Aug 2018
Lmao that last scene with Joro xD
B O C C H I  S W E E P
Oct 23, 2019 7:09 PM
Mar 2015
Loved the 4th wall breach. Glad he was able to make up with his friends Of course he can't just let it be, Still dreams of harem Still a scumbag which his newspaper friend is about to reveal to everyone
Oct 23, 2019 7:24 PM
May 2019
Short_Circut said:
Ok, I've pretty much given up on trying to compare this to the manga, the anime is much better. Choosing to go the lighter theme is much better for this kinda series than the original darker one

That being said though, I don't really like Pansy all that much in this adaptation, she seems too...perfect I guess you could say? Her interactions with Joro were also turned down a bit

Also, assuming they're going straight into the newspaper girl arc, are we completely skipping Pansy

Atavistic said:
I don't really have that many qualms with it, but I find it slightly odd that Joro would be willing to make up with all of them so quickly, especially Sun after last week's episode; sure, he's being scummy and aiming for a harem out of it, but it still seems strange that he would give in so easily. Also, I can't say I'm at all surprised that the newspaper girl is secretly scummy, partially because that's this entire show's "hook" but also because these newspaper characters typically are like that (albeit much more openly so).

I'm sure we'll get some drama out of that article she's publishing, but after how the show handled last week's drama I have faith that it won't get too tedious this time.

Trust me, it's much worse in the manga. Joro got bullied to oblivion (whereas here it was only light bullying at best) so it made even less sense why Joro was so quick to want to make up with everyone

Kokosing said:
I don't like how they forgave the douche Sun guy THAT easily. Is there supposed to be some sort of redemption development in the original source that they left out?
Kokosing said:
I don't like how they forgave the douche Sun guy THAT easily. Is there supposed to be some sort of redemption development in the original source that they left out?

Nope, went more or less the same. In the manga though, their make up session was a more reverse psychology thing before directly blurting out I want to be friends again
i think joro's mom is a pretty important character, i guess we'll saw pansy visiting joro's house in the next episode
Oct 23, 2019 7:25 PM
May 2019
Imohammed206 said:
Kahei_110 said:

This guy. Handsome dude with two girls around him and isn't the main character? Literally scream evil

Oh i want to know the real reason Pansy is disguised like this
If it is this guy then what does he want from her ?? Will she be forced to be with him if she is discovered or something ??
I do not mind the spoiler
he has a long troubled past with pansy, a childhood friend of her. his character is on par with joro, but have two-faced personality
Oct 23, 2019 7:30 PM
May 2019
RealTheAbsurdist said:
The comedy suddenly became really obnoxious, corny, and cringe in this episode. I'm glad that Joro is still kind of a dick. However, it's clear that this series wants to have its cake and eat it too: one one hand, it wants to be a twisted romcom that shakes things up, but on the other, it's clearly headed for a conventional direction where the MC will end up having a harem. I find it unbelievable how they can forgive Sun after everything he did, especially when he nearly raped Pansy.

Superns18 said:
Well, it’s all downhill from here. Becomes a generic harem SOL from now on. -LN

Wait, you read the light novel? You can confirm this is true?? Dang. In that case, should we drop the anime? Or will other exciting things happen.

Dilly1185 said:
uhh how did everyone in the show forgive sun-chan/ forgot about how he legit tried to rape a girl the last episode.....

My thoughts exactly.

MenchiK1 said:
I don't get this show, their friendship seems pretty bogus, as does Pansy's liking Joro. He keeps proving over and over he's a scumbag (only liking Pansy for her big boobs, STILL just trying to hook up with the other two girls) yet all these people like him. If this new girl is doing the same thing Pansy did (using some master plan to get him to like her) I'm out. There's nothing likable about this guy.
And who is Pansy disguising herself for still? Don't get that either. This show is on thin ice with me.

I mean, deep down, Joro seems to have some good in him, but it's a level of good that literally 90% of people have. It's ridiculous how someone could fall in love with someone because they once saw them helping out their friend. Actual romance is more complicated than that: people fall in love with others, usually, because not only are they attractive, but they have good chemistry. Joro and Pansy's chemistry is...barely there. Like, they don't have any common interests, their dialogue with each other revolves around a main conflict, rather than personnel interests, just like most romance anime.
ramdit said:
Imohammed206 said:

Oh i want to know the real reason Pansy is disguised like this
If it is this guy then what does he want from her ?? Will she be forced to be with him if she is discovered or something ??
I do not mind the spoiler
he has a long troubled past with pansy, a childhood friend of her. his character is on par with joro, but have two-faced personality
RealTheAbsurdist said:
The comedy suddenly became really obnoxious, corny, and cringe in this episode. I'm glad that Joro is still kind of a dick. However, it's clear that this series wants to have its cake and eat it too: one one hand, it wants to be a twisted romcom that shakes things up, but on the other, it's clearly headed for a conventional direction where the MC will end up having a harem. I find it unbelievable how they can forgive Sun after everything he did, especially when he nearly raped Pansy.

Superns18 said:
Well, it’s all downhill from here. Becomes a generic harem SOL from now on. -LN

Wait, you read the light novel? You can confirm this is true?? Dang. In that case, should we drop the anime? Or will other exciting things happen.

Dilly1185 said:
uhh how did everyone in the show forgive sun-chan/ forgot about how he legit tried to rape a girl the last episode.....

My thoughts exactly.

MenchiK1 said:
I don't get this show, their friendship seems pretty bogus, as does Pansy's liking Joro. He keeps proving over and over he's a scumbag (only liking Pansy for her big boobs, STILL just trying to hook up with the other two girls) yet all these people like him. If this new girl is doing the same thing Pansy did (using some master plan to get him to like her) I'm out. There's nothing likable about this guy.
And who is Pansy disguising herself for still? Don't get that either. This show is on thin ice with me.

I mean, deep down, Joro seems to have some good in him, but it's a level of good that literally 90% of people have. It's ridiculous how someone could fall in love with someone because they once saw them helping out their friend. Actual romance is more complicated than that: people fall in love with others, usually, because not only are they attractive, but they have good chemistry. Joro and Pansy's chemistry is...barely there. Like, they don't have any common interests, their dialogue with each other revolves around a main conflict, rather than personnel interests, just like most romance anime.
well tbh, it will turn into a harem, joro already said that in episode 4 dude's craving for it, but is it gonna be that easy tho? i think that's the twist
Oct 23, 2019 7:45 PM

Jul 2017
RealTheAbsurdist said:
The comedy suddenly became really obnoxious, corny, and cringe in this episode. I'm glad that Joro is still kind of a dick. However, it's clear that this series wants to have its cake and eat it too: one one hand, it wants to be a twisted romcom that shakes things up, but on the other, it's clearly headed for a conventional direction where the MC will end up having a harem. I find it unbelievable how they can forgive Sun after everything he did, especially when he nearly raped Pansy.

This was my thoughts exactly. It's even worse in the manga (don't exactly know about the LN) since Joro gets treated even worse than in the anime and it overall had a much darker look on it compared to this, which made the whole transition into SoL rom-com even weirder to comprehend. I do think the anime did well in that regard, having the lighter tone from the get-go made this transition much more easy to comprehend
Oct 23, 2019 7:46 PM
Mar 2017
I swear that seeing Sumireko and Joro together is very pleasant, the chemistry between them is very adorable and fun, besides Sumireko is too perfect, I like the simple version of her, her real appearance with those big breasts I see her more as an extra, what matters is that Sumireko has a lot of love for Joro and it is only necessary that this asshole realize it, another thing I like about Sumireko is that she can easily see through Joro, she clearly saw that her beloved was complicated about how to reconcile with his friends and she knew how to give him the indicated advice that finally got the friendship back.
On the other hand Joro was hilarious today, first when he made clear his intention to rest his face on the soft and comfortable breasts of Sumireko, or the funny detail when Joro breaks the fourth wall, but the most important thing is that Joro managed to return to be friends with Sun, Himawari and Cosmos and each of the events to reconcile were for laughter, especially the reconciliation with Cosmos that was at first quite scary, but in the end it was the one that made me laugh the most and that final part in where we see the ambitious Joro imagining his harem with Sumireko, Cosmos and Himawri, I must admit that the imagination of Joro has good taste, Sumireko in swimsuit at the beginning and then the three girls hugging him, all of them only wearing underwear.
Today we met a new girl and personally she does not give me much confidence, Hina or Asurano is part of the school newspaper and from what Joro mentioned she is always aware of everything, in simple words a gossipy girl and that means problems, since the Gossip leads to rumors and Joro already went through problems thanks to rumors and his social life is already hanging by a thread.

The faces of the girls today were too funny, Himawari and her face that made her look like a squirrel was too adorable and Yandere Cosmos was too scary, but without a doubt the best are the details in Sumireko's eyes, I love them.

Anyway it seems that the friendship returns between Joro and his friends and I am very pleased that Sumireko shares with the girls, I hope they become friends, but the final scene with Asurano printing those suspicious newspapers only makes me think that the chaos will be provoked by her.
But what really worries me is who is the "demon" that Sumireko is hiding from? (Please do not use the damn cliche that he is the fiance and that he is a cretin and Sumireko does not love him)
Oct 23, 2019 8:28 PM

Aug 2018
Now it's getting interesting
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