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May 9, 2007 11:06 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Whoa, I'm first? o_0

Anyway, great episode. When Konata was all 'waku waku, waku waku', that was so kawaii~. And then she wanted to shoot that guy at the festival to get him as price xD. I noted something about 'Pokemon' while I was watching ep 5, but I forgot what that was about ^^. Also Bonta-kun is back... and Saber was on the magazine Kona-chan was reading :D.

Later, when she said 'desho, desho', it sounded like it came straight out of the Haruhi OP. Oh and Lucky Channel was awesome again, so hilarious. Last but not least, Aya went all out on the DBZ Karaoke... xD.

I think that's all :P.




[H+] ³  
May 9, 2007 11:10 AM

Nov 2004
Great episode loved it, that chat on the MMO when she got the sword, oh my, i laughed like hell
May 9, 2007 11:15 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Oh yeah, how could I forget that. That was so awesome, 'lololo RLY lolololo'. That was so hilarious, just by watching that scene I feel like I made my life last 4 days longer.




[H+] ³  
May 9, 2007 11:29 AM

Mar 2005
Cyruz said:
I noted something about 'Pokemon' while I was watching ep 5, but I forgot what that was about ^^.

lol the Pokemon reference was with Kagami catching the fish.

definitely an episode geared towards MMO gamers. ^^ so much more hilarious when you think about the same things happening in your life (well not my life, but the lives of my friends stuck in a similar rut) XD

oh man, and Konata humming Bouken Desho Desho was pure win.

awesome ep. noticed the effects of a director change too, much less extraneous references in this ep. already. jokes were better integrated too. Lucky Star is rising!
May 9, 2007 11:23 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Totally forgot to add this:





[H+] ³  
May 9, 2007 11:28 PM

Oct 2006
I loved that scene. And the police officer/cousin whose name I can't remember. And the new director joke at the end. Good stuff.
May 9, 2007 11:28 PM

Jan 2007
I liked the episode. The pacing was good and had a lot of great moments. The bouken desho part was awesome. However, i am probably one of the few that misses the old direction, not that i dont like this one. Lucky Channel clearly presented the problem about how most watchers didnt get a lot of the stuff, and now it the change will satisfy the majority. However i was one of the few that got most of the references so I really enjoyed the other episodes more (except the 1st). But this new change is still solid so w/e. Anyways looking forward to the next episode.

Also, Konata + Ponytail + Yukata = Awesome
May 10, 2007 12:12 AM

Jan 2007
Konata needs to stop resisting the yuri lovin'. >.> Plus come on, not only was it two girls, it was TWINS. That's like ultimate yuri win!

/yuri rant

The Policewoman is hilarious. The bit about her confusing everyone's ages was priceless, especially since she included the teacher with them.

Also, one of the bloggers I read pointed out something interesting: In her MMO, Konata used a lot of Kanji and proper grammar, whereas her teacher used mostly slang and internet abrevviations. wwwww. :3

May 10, 2007 12:19 AM

Oct 2006
My mom is that way - she works in a high school, and yet she uses the most ridiculous abbreviations and such. I even caught her abbreviating 'of' as 'uv.' It isn't even any shorter... -_-
May 10, 2007 12:27 AM

Jan 2007
Krelian said:
My mom is that way - she works in a high school, and yet she uses the most ridiculous abbreviations and such. I even caught her abbreviating 'of' as 'uv.' It isn't even any shorter... -_-

That would have provoked me to matricide. >.<
May 10, 2007 12:36 AM

Feb 2007
Dang, i would have made this thread if MAL wasn't taken away from us yesterday. I watched the ep 2 hours after the afk subs got released.

Yeah, i said i would watch the LC version first, but Crunchyroll didn't have it. Just the afk version. Well, i need to go find some download sites, don't ya think?

I loved this episode. Best one so far. I laughed at every scene Konata was in. Which is pretty much every scene. And i got all, (if not most) of the references!

Lucky Channel was great as always. She seem to have exploded at the very end. Good job Akira.
May 10, 2007 12:41 AM

Oct 2006
I love Akira, but I thought she was much funnier in prior episodes.
May 10, 2007 2:10 AM

Apr 2007
Dragonball Z OP for the ED, took me a while to figure out what it was since I saw it like 15 years ago.

Love the MMO stuff because I can definitely identify with that situation. :P
May 10, 2007 7:10 AM
Apr 2007
bettynoire said:
Konata needs to stop resisting the yuri lovin'. >.> Plus come on, not only was it two girls, it was TWINS. That's like ultimate yuri win!

/yuri rant

lmao...this is a legitimate point...

the mmo lingo in this episode was other people have posted, the lolololo was awesome as well as the roflcopterskates...and like dracil, it took me a while to get what the karaoke song was...i knew it sounded familiar but it hit me like an hour after watching the episode that it was dragon ball z...bonta-kun has been showing up in a lot of episodes as well... :D

best part about this ep is that cousin yui and the teacher get some decent screen time...
May 11, 2007 7:47 PM
May 2007
wildebeest0001 said:
Cyruz said:
I noted something about 'Pokemon' while I was watching ep 5, but I forgot what that was about ^^.

lol the Pokemon reference was with Kagami catching the fish.

definitely an episode geared towards MMO gamers. ^^ so much more hilarious when you think about the same things happening in your life (well not my life, but the lives of my friends stuck in a similar rut) XD

oh man, and Konata humming Bouken Desho Desho was pure win.

awesome ep. noticed the effects of a director change too, much less extraneous references in this ep. already. jokes were better integrated too. Lucky Star is rising!

I loved that MMO scene ^^ is hilarious when she finds the sword xD lol
Its funny that sometimes i do the same when i'm playing a MMO and finds a rare item >_>'

loved that ep too because of Kagami... She was soooo cute!

Konata doing "awww~" at the fan was cute too! xD~
(it was at ep 5 right? lol)
May 12, 2007 12:45 AM

Feb 2007
Aokaado said:
Great episode loved it, that chat on the MMO when she got the sword, oh my, i laughed like hell
Best Part

Not noticing anything new much about directors.. instead I noticed some odd problems with subbing it, but whatever. (I watched A.F.K.)... Well I lied.. Lucky Channel was good, but not as amazing.. I am not sure how this new director will sit with me.. I am undecided so far.

Also, I was really angry at someting when I watched this, so maybe I took out my anger on the director... Thinking back, it was quite amusing. *shrugs*
May 15, 2007 3:04 PM

Apr 2007
best scenes:
1 - the MMO chat
2 - kona-chan singing Cha La! so awesome! :D
Jun 11, 2007 11:46 PM

May 2007
I really liked this episode. I agree with nihil about the best two scenes. I would have loved to see Hirano Aya's face as she was singing the ending karaoke.
Jun 23, 2007 7:30 PM

Mar 2007
cyruz said:
Anyway, great episode. And then she wanted to shoot that guy at the festival to get him as price xD. I noted something about 'Pokemon' while I was watching ep 5, but I forgot what that was about ^^. Also Bonta-kun is back...

I need to catch up but yeah, good episode. I changed the score to a 7 from a 5.
Anyways, the thing with the fan was funny but the festival was my most favorite part. I love it when they put festivals in anime. Konata shooting the guy to get him as a prize, now that was hilarious. Thats something I would do(if the guy is hot). *lol*
I'm not a gaming person and know nothing about it, so I didn't laugh at those parts.
Loved the kareoke song from DBZ. I would like it more if they were shown singing the kareoke, instead of the door. *snore*
Dec 27, 2007 10:48 AM

Jun 2007
awesome episode xD

gotta catch 'em all xD
desho, desho :D
and tsukasa thinking "balsamic vinegar" the whole day made me crack up xD

cha la head cha la xD
aya's voice is so lovely
Apr 17, 2008 12:36 AM

Feb 2008
really like their teacher, tho i think she might be gay considering her reaction to the cop ;)

btw, what was akira getting so upset about at the end?
Apr 29, 2008 1:02 AM

Mar 2008
I dont know why I like this show but I just do lol I have similar conversations like those girls do too XD
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Jun 23, 2008 2:17 AM

Jun 2008
Didnt really notice the change of directors but now that you mention it, it does get more "normal" in a way. Thats why im for the other director, even though i wont get most of the references i like it when they throw me off my normal rythm. I feel very accompanied when I see Konata play mmorpgs. I also liked the thing about balsamic vinegar a lot, especially when she is eating her loli. I recognized DBZ just when it started, my subs also got letters with dragon balls as "o"s. Am beginning to watch with high quality now... ah the movements are so much cuter now. And im beginning to like the shy guy in there... reminds me a little of the protagonist of haruhi, even though this guy is too blunt and normal.
It is kind of awkward being the only one here.. plz overlook my out-of-dateness
netoelgrandeJun 23, 2008 2:38 AM
Kirameite, yurameite, aoki yumi, maihanatsu, hana mo-e yu-kuuu!!!
Aug 9, 2008 6:45 AM

May 2008
I can't believe how realistic this show is. Konata does her homework the same way I do-"Oh god,this is hard,let's take a 30 min break!" and then it turns into 2-3 hours XD
The online conversations are epic win: Roflcopterskates? lololol
Aug 13, 2008 7:22 PM

Jun 2008
Wow I totally missed the Pokemon reference...

Aug 27, 2008 2:16 PM
Apr 2008
This episode was hilarious

Kona-chan shooting the man XD

The chat on the MMO after she found the rare sword (i also found out that japanese people write W where english people write lol)

Tsukasa thinking about balsamic vinegar

Talking about speaking into fans XD

Kona-chan singing bouken desho desho.... she's really kind of obsessed with Haruhi...

Sep 3, 2008 4:13 PM

Jul 2008
Easily my favorite episode so far!!! Being a former WoW-player myself (my god, those days....!!!!) it was so freaking hysterical watching Kona-chan sit there in the actual MMO talking in guild-chat... goodness, the memories, the memories! On top of that, my English professor actually played on the same server as I did back then, so he actually -did- message me with whispers of "So, have you started on your paper yet...?" or "Have you really been raiding all night??" stuff like that.

Oh. And the fact that they included roflcopter is utter -win-

"Did you just fart?"
"No." ... "This is the part where you ask me if I lied."
Sep 21, 2008 2:32 PM

Mar 2008
Cha La! Head Cha La!
Oct 1, 2008 1:28 PM

May 2008
the dragonball song was a win xDD
Oct 26, 2008 10:52 AM

Aug 2008
I went crossed eyed when she started singing Head Cha~La.

My fave parts were pretty much all @ the festival
Dec 7, 2008 8:03 PM

Jul 2008
bettynoire said:
Konata needs to stop resisting the yuri lovin'.

dirty Konata O_O;;

Jan 29, 2009 12:50 PM

Dec 2008
The similarity is scaring me lol.

The MMO Part, the Tank & Wizard part, I LOL'D
The leaving it all to the last minute studying, and still getting alright scores!!
Nyaaa, it's all too similiar lol.
Feb 15, 2009 4:44 AM

Dec 2008
I don't know why but this show is awesome
I love this crazy opening

The DBZ karaoke was great the Chala Head Chala line was so energetic
FabienneFeb 15, 2009 4:47 AM
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 17, 2009 4:26 AM

Nov 2008
Balsamic vinegar, depleted uranium... Good episode. It's finally as good as people were saying. Probably still not up to Azumanga standards, but enjoyable anyway.
Get a life and stop reading my signature...
May 24, 2009 1:39 AM

Jul 2008
MMO talk was reminding me of some of my younger days.
May 28, 2009 8:42 PM

May 2009
Dragonball Z's ending theme surprised me at the end, the rest of the episode felt like it was geared toward MMO gamers, liked it anyway.
Jun 16, 2009 4:50 PM

Mar 2009
Konata is awesome.

Jul 14, 2009 12:00 AM

Nov 2007
Surprisingly good episode, in fact best so far. I could relate to a lot of the materials having played MMO myself and the friend talk on the MMO was "lololo" xD
Jul 17, 2009 8:33 AM
Jul 2009
Loved the Pokemon reference =D
'roflcopterskates' was funny.
The teacher is awesome, reminds me of the teacher in Azumanga Daioh except slightly quieter and less annoying.
Aug 18, 2009 1:28 AM

Jan 2009
Cha-la! Head-Cha-La!~
Sep 2, 2009 10:24 PM

Mar 2009
Lol funny episode. 5/5.
love the pokemon phrase when she was catching the fish. "GOTTA CATCH 'Em All"
and Konata is such a nerd on those MMO's. xD
Oh yea..Lol Love the singing of dragonball z.

Oct 25, 2009 9:46 AM

Sep 2009
Lucky Star gets better with every episode! Balsamic Vinegar... The end bit is my favourite part.

The statement below is true.
The statement above is false.
Nov 14, 2009 4:54 AM
Oct 2009
omg the in game chat was hilarious
Dec 24, 2009 2:28 AM

Nov 2008
konata playing a MMO game with her teacher is really funny thing XD
And those people on a chat: lololo RLY?
It's really funny

tnx to raylu for this set ^^
Dec 24, 2009 3:49 AM

Dec 2009
I remember this episode. I've seen the full series but this has to be one of my favourites.
I love how Konata acts when she's gaming and stuff. Really nerdy, those are my favourite bits. When she finds the sword and when she's fishing really makes me want to get into an MMO again. I played Maplestory but I feel like something where I have to gather things too, fishing etc. Anyone know one? It would have been awesome if the game Konata was playing was an actual game or a mock version of it.
Dec 24, 2009 11:33 AM

Oct 2009
Konata chatting with her teacher when playing an MMO game-hilarious!
This was another funny & great episode ^^
Jan 1, 2010 3:29 AM

Jan 2010
cyruz said:

Later, when she said 'desho, desho', it sounded like it came straight out of the Haruhi OP. Oh and Lucky Channel was awesome again, so hilarious. Last but not least, Aya went all out on the DBZ Karaoke... xD.

I think that's all :P.

LOL yup,Its the opening..But I really enjoyed the DBZ song :))
Its really funny :))
I always rewind it!
I really liked that part.
LOL i fell off my chair.
But I really Like Miyuki.
I remembered Konata..
"MOE~" LOL!!
she's really moe.

- I’m supposed to be the one who laughs last <3


Feb 20, 2010 3:52 PM

Jul 2007
I saw the pokemon one, some times there is so many references used, its hard to name them all. I am amazed you guys can clearly pick out all the references used in the show.

I used to play MMO's but i got bored of them. I might go back to japanese mmo's though with anime sprites. Watching this kind of got me in the mood of some good solid jrpg playing.

I still absolutely love the opening to this seires. It's one of my favorites thats for sure.

Mar 3, 2010 9:04 PM
Aug 2008
Richard_Omega said:

and tsukasa thinking "balsamic vinegar" the whole day made me crack up xD

Yeah, and thinking it the way the guy on TV said it: "Balsa-micvin-eGAR~" So cute. Like when she gets cotton candy on her nose and Kagami removes it and eats it. I like that they pretty much get along well. :)

I don't know how many people know the references from the liner notes (me, for most of them), and how many know them from the relevant media, but hey.
"Say, Tsukasa, how do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?"
Mar 21, 2010 8:53 AM

Dec 2009
XD The MMO chat was the best part . lololololololololololoLololOLlolo.
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