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Apr 7, 2008 9:32 AM

Aug 2007
I enjoyed the first episode, I was so excited that I thought I will have to go to Japan and get the rest of the episodes. All though its not released yet xD.
I really thought that they could of had more bigger legs, instead of skinny sticks.
And also thought that Akira's seiyuu can be a teacher voice instead of a high schooler.~
wahh, so many thinks that i can point out.
Oh and the ears...? They kind of bothered me , if you didn't spot that.
But overall: 9.50 xD
Cause i'm a Special A fan, so i can't be disappointed by small stuff like that!
ohmiharuApr 7, 2008 3:34 PM
Apr 7, 2008 9:11 PM

Dec 2007
Goto Yuko on Hanazono Hikari
Apr 7, 2008 10:16 PM

Mar 2007
Ahh, episode 1 was cute :) The elongated xxxholic-like character designs were a bit distracting, but it was still a lot of fun. Fukuyama Jun was totally doing his Lelouch voice though, so when he was speaking arrogantly to those jerks, I expected him to suddenly bust out a geass and force them to all flunk the test :D I love his Lulu voice, but it's another really distracting thing, LOL :) FukuJun is busy this season o.o Lead in Special A, xxxHolic Kei, Amatsuki, and Code Geass 2, with roles in Vampire Knight and MAcross Frontier @_@
Apr 7, 2008 11:40 PM

Jan 2008
Episode wasn't as bad as I thought. Chara design was ok, I wasn't dissapointed at all, but I still cannot forgive Kei's hair change. Argh, where's my blonde no.1? T_T Backgrounds were very ok, the SA class was just as I thought.
Seiyuus were great. I really liked how Hiro Shimono voiced Tadashi, he's too perfect~ Also Kei has perfect voice. Before I watched the promo and 1st ep, I thought it would be better, if Suzumura Kenichi, who voiced Kei in drama cd, was Kei's seiyuu in anime too. But FukuJun has done his job very well~ <3 Yuko Goto was great as always, it's nice to hear her as Hikari. She wasn't annoying at all.

And the story was ok, I especially liked Kei's birthday present XD that was really really fun~ XD Poor boy~
imho 8,5/10

Apr 8, 2008 9:59 AM

Mar 2008
It was perfectt!!! except for the art :/... it kinda freaks me out. I hope i will get over it soon.
i think both hikaru and kei look MUCH better in manga plus, i too wanted a blonde kei >.<
Apr 9, 2008 10:51 AM

Apr 2008
I was eally witing for this one, and I was quite satisfied. I like the chara design as well as the voices. It was quite easy to understand so I don't really have to wait for subtitles (however that will be an opportunity to rewatch it... )The only thing that bother me is the romance's hints, which came a bit too soon.

Apr 9, 2008 2:24 PM

Feb 2008
It looks like the first episode combined chapters 1-3 of the manga. (the jumping competition reminded me a lot of the competition at the beginning of chapter 2, and they're celebrating Kei's birthday in the anime episode). I personally liked it, but the skinny legs bother me. That's about it^^.
Apr 9, 2008 3:56 PM

Jan 2007
i thought it was ok. not too fond of the art style choice. i really like it in the manga though.
Apr 9, 2008 4:23 PM

Dec 2007
Fukuyama is really busy owning all his roles this season, isn't he?

By far my favorite of the new Shoujo anime this season, and second only to Kurenai overall (so far, at least, I have high expectations for Crystal Blaze and Real Drive...)

I actually thought it was a lot more entertaining than the manga, although the art style really wasn't that great.Still, it doesn't make the show painful to watch or anything, and in this genre the animation doesn't seem to be hugely important- it's more about whether or not it's genuinely funny, which I thought this was.
世界は美しくなんかない。 そしてそれ故に、美しい
Apr 9, 2008 4:29 PM

Aug 2007
Cool first episode. I laughed a few times and I liked the art style. I do dislike Hikari's seiyu though since I think it doesn't suit her personality. Oh well.
Apr 9, 2008 4:50 PM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
I dunno, didn't really like it. Lots of things seem so average, audio and video.




[H+] ³  
Apr 9, 2008 5:10 PM

Oct 2007
i love the art style. I guess i'm really not all that picky when it comes to shoujo animation XD. but i also wanted kei to be blonde. i thought it was so funny when they had the jummping contest and the guy said it was like the twin towers. I laughed out loud. I think i'll be looking forward to this shoujo anime the most out of the ones that are airing :) yay~
Apr 9, 2008 5:15 PM
Jun 2007
The long legs scare me but i got used to them halfway through. Really good episode made me laugh a few
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Apr 9, 2008 6:02 PM

Nov 2006
meh. i like the premise but noodle people ftl. i think i'll get used to it...and i like hikari and kei. i am getting so sick of hearing fukujun in EVERYTHING though.
Apr 9, 2008 6:16 PM

Oct 2007
I like it a lot so far! I vaguely remember reading the first chapter of the manga in SB, but I didn't have the money to buy any of the volumes since I was too busy with other series, but I just may pick it up this time!

All the guys are adorable, especially Kei, simply for his seiyuu<333
In contrast to what someone else said, I love hearing Jun-sama so much! He must be so busy though; he's been in nearly every anime I started watching for the spring season XD
When Kei was speaking all darkly towards the end, he sounded like Zero/Lulu! =O
The rest of the seiyuu cast sounds great too~~

The characters are interesting. They're not too cliche and none of them particularly stand out as being annoying. I surprisingly liked Hikari, although I suspect I may become annoyed with her in future episodes (Kei, stop gawking at her so much! You look strange!).

The chibi were cute and funny X3 The art was alright overall, but everyone's so skinny!!! Who do they think they are, CLAMP characters but nowhere near as gorgeous?!
Apr 9, 2008 7:17 PM

Sep 2007
Quite an enjoyable first episode. It looks very much cliche, but I'm still looking forward to more episodes, hopefully it will pull off something original.
Apr 9, 2008 7:24 PM

Aug 2007
Thought that it was alright. Nothing special really. The long legs kind of weirded me out for a bit, but I got used to them at some point... I think. o.o

Felli disapproves of this thread.
Apr 9, 2008 7:24 PM

May 2007
kei's character design and voice was a bit diff from wat i expected >.<
but the ep was nontheless good
Apr 9, 2008 8:24 PM

Jun 2007
cyruz said:
I dunno, didn't really like it. Lots of things seem so average, audio and video.

I agree, I wasn't overly impressed. The story's a bit different but thats really all it has going for it so far.

I agree with whoever said the characters look weird lol. The super long legs freak me out.
Apr 9, 2008 8:31 PM

Oct 2007
Eh, it's not like crazy-stand-out-amazing or anything, but I doubt I'll be dropping it. The character designs didn't Totally freak me out haha.

Still an enjoyable/good episode imo.
Apr 9, 2008 8:32 PM

Jul 2007
Wow, Special A was kinda bad. I expected it to be ok, but I didn't see the major elitism to be there. I know I'm supposed to focus on the main characters and their romance but it's hard to look past a group of 7 students who get preferential treatment in everything no matter what. And the exaggeration of everything doesn't help it. But what really killed it was that the only person who brought about a complaint of the system, they had to turn him into a cheater and defame his character so any criticism that he made was moot.

Sam is my sweet peach
Apr 9, 2008 8:44 PM

Jan 2008
TheWestExit said:
Wow, Special A was kinda bad. I expected it to be ok, but I didn't see the major elitism to be there. I know I'm supposed to focus on the main characters and their romance but it's hard to look past a group of 7 students who get preferential treatment in everything no matter what. And the exaggeration of everything doesn't help it. But what really killed it was that the only person who brought about a complaint of the system, they had to turn him into a cheater and defame his character so any criticism that he made was moot.

Well they have worked to get where they are, but I agree a separte building just for them can be seen as preferntial treament.

As for the episode itself.....not bad but nothing impressive either. I didn't really have a reaction to it.
Apr 9, 2008 8:50 PM

Sep 2007
While I admit I really dislike Yuko Goto, Hikari is turning into the best lead character of the season so far. Interesting supporting cast, enough material to warrant a further look. The episodes started off terribly cliche, but the content in the 2nd half redeemed it. I look forward to seeing more.
Apr 9, 2008 9:15 PM

Aug 2007
DeathfireD said:
cyruz said:
I dunno, didn't really like it. Lots of things seem so average, audio and video.

I agree, I wasn't overly impressed. The story's a bit different but thats really all it has going for it so far.

I agree with whoever said the characters look weird lol. The super long legs freak me out.


Kinda boring for the first half. Megumi weirds me out with that written communication she
Apr 9, 2008 9:18 PM

Nov 2007
Not bad. Weird premise (wtf kind of school has an elite class in a totally separate caste?) but I enjoyed the first ep. Not stellar material, but I'll follow it.
Apr 9, 2008 10:22 PM

Mar 2007
Asako said:
Not bad. Weird premise (wtf kind of school has an elite class in a totally separate caste?) but I enjoyed the first ep. Not stellar material, but I'll follow it.

This happens in a LOT of shoujo manga these days. Heh, just look at Shugo Chara, for example. At least in Special A, they're smart students. ^_^ It seems to be trendy for the 'separate class' to have special uniforms and treatment. Vampire Knight does it too, as well as Shinshi Doumei Cross and La Corda d'Oro.
Apr 9, 2008 10:47 PM

Dec 2007
that was quite cute... i enjoyed it... especially the private recital by megumi. Haven't read the manga... so I'll be judging this only on the anime w/o comparisons...
that said... looks to be good later on.
Apr 9, 2008 11:33 PM

Sep 2007
Not as humorous as I had hoped, but it was only the first episode. I still have high hopes.

And my goodness @ the legs.

Did you know there's a Phantasy Star Club?
Apr 10, 2008 1:13 AM

Jul 2007
looks like clamp did this but im pretty sure they didn't...right? anyway, nice first ep. not that funny but not boring either :P
Apr 10, 2008 2:42 AM

Jun 2007
Liked it.

Even though I noticed the skinny legs immediately, it didn't really bothered me. After a few minutes I was already used to it.

Sometimes the jokes were a bit predictable...
but it was still funny.

Good anime, I'll surely continue watching it. :)
Apr 10, 2008 2:46 AM

Jan 2008
Long legs are creepy. Average episode I guess, though I wonder how it's gonna develop?


Apr 10, 2008 2:59 AM

Jul 2007
I liked it.. nothing special yet.. but good enough. What was really good was the voice acting imo. I guess it helps that I like Yuko Goto in general ;)

What bothered me a little tho is, that for some parts it seems like a Kare Kano ripoff >_< Must be hard to create original stories these day!
Apr 10, 2008 3:19 AM
Nov 2007
i always thought that Kei Takishima
was blond haha n_n'
anyway i really like special A *-*
so im looking forward the next episodess yay!
Apr 10, 2008 3:54 AM

Feb 2008
Found this 1st episode to be pretty good. The part where Megumi starts singing and then we see that explosion like effect, really reminded me of Evangelion xD
One thing I didn't liked about this was the long legs, they look so weird to me =P
Apr 10, 2008 4:06 AM

Dec 2007
So boring, another new show sent to the drop list. Animation, sound, character designs... pretty much everything was sub-par.
Apr 10, 2008 6:26 AM

Feb 2008
havnt read the manga so i cant really judge the changes they made. Ep didnt stand out in anything, not that i disliked it, but didnt like it very much either. Guess ill keep watching for a few eps and if it doesnt get better keep it on hold to watch when i have nothing else left to watch :p
Apr 10, 2008 9:11 AM

Jun 2007

pretty normal and average shojo anime.
I'll probably watch few more episodes and then drop it.
Apr 10, 2008 9:34 AM

Oct 2007
the legs were really creepy.

but the episode was cute... itll be a fun series to watch.
Apr 10, 2008 11:06 AM

Nov 2007
Liked it, and I think this anime is gonna be good.
Apr 10, 2008 12:10 PM

Sep 2007
didn't really like it but didn't dislike it either...guess I have to watch a few more episodes to make up my mind what to do with this show.
Apr 10, 2008 2:19 PM

Nov 2004
Finally got to watching it! Hmm. First off, I still can't stand the art. The character designs are pretty bad, animation is pretty bad (the 'action' isn't very fluid at all), the long legs are just scary (what's the point of doing that?). I don't actually like the soundtrack either, it makes certain parts sound a bit stupid. I hope they can work on that. I don't like Fukuyama Jun's portrayal of Kei either. It was just a bit off (that or the fact that Kei lost his blonde hair for some reason). I guess he sounds too much like Lelouch and it just seems off that this character is Takishima Kei. Tadashi was awesome though. Hikari's alright, but she's a lot cuter in the manga.

I should mention that I was horrified at Akira's voice cause I always envisioned her to sound a bit more deeper. Although I have forgotten that despite how she acts she is a pretty girly-ish girl at heart.
Apr 10, 2008 2:40 PM
Sep 2007
the only thing that somewhat surprised me was that it seems like kei is much more into hikari than the other way around
apart from that, standard stuff, not too bad but not outstanding
Apr 10, 2008 4:20 PM

Jul 2007
It's... werid. But I like it XD
Apr 10, 2008 4:30 PM

Jun 2007
The character design reminded me of XxxHolic o.o;
I liked the first episode, story is different from the usuall :D so that makes me happy. (well maby its not THAT different...)
Makes me want to pick up the manga...
Well anyway it looks promising

Apr 10, 2008 5:08 PM

Nov 2007
Ooohh Noodly!

I liked the characters and the comedy. Not too much into the other stuff. I will stick around, though.

Gonzo x AIC is a great partnership.
Apr 10, 2008 6:30 PM

Sep 2007
Hmm hmm, well I didn't mind this that much at all. In fact, I've been looking for something cute and possibly cliche (romance-wise) for awhile now so this is right up my alley. I've never read the manga so I can't compare (although I might pick it up after this finishes airing). Definitely looking forward to more of this. Although, since FukuJun had such a huge famous role as Lulu, it influences every other time you hear him. Kinda like Kugimiya Rie. I always think Shana whenever I hear her voice now. You just have to try to tune it out and forget about the similarities =P
Apr 10, 2008 9:00 PM

Jun 2007
It was okay. I didn't enjoy it as much as the few chapters of the manga I've read, but then I didn't expect to.

I don't like the animation very much, despite being fond of noodle people (look what you've done to me, xxxholic!); Hikari especially looked strange. Kei was okay, although I will say I laughed when he flung off his tie.

Not the best shojo of the season so far, but still enjoyable.
Ria-Apr 10, 2008 9:03 PM
Apr 10, 2008 9:57 PM

Dec 2007
To me, the overly ridiculous story kinda killed the first episode of this show. I know it's not meant to be serious, but they went way over the top...

Such is life...
Apr 10, 2008 10:03 PM

Jan 2008
i enjoyed the 1st ep, tough i kinda was bothered by how their legs are super super longer then normal.... haha i guess i have more manga to read now...
Apr 10, 2008 10:11 PM

May 2007
I'm holding off on judgment for a few more episodes. I'll cope with the art if I like the story/characters enough.

...I just found it amusing that he took his tie off and magically his shirt was unbuttoned. It reminds me of Hosaka. ;)
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