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Jan 9, 6:26 AM

Apr 2014
This is too much for Mutsumi. Way way way too much for her. She can't handle it anymore. F... I really feel bad for her.

Taki: Please don't tell Tomori about Sakiko
Tomori: Know about it a few minutes afterward. lmao...

AkeZZZJan 9, 6:32 AM
Jan 9, 6:29 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Lots of drama again.

Mutsumi needs a hug. <3
Jan 9, 6:38 AM

Apr 2023
Reply to AkeZZZ
This is too much for Mutsumi. Way way way too much for her. She can't handle it anymore. F... I really feel bad for her.

Taki: Please don't tell Tomori about Sakiko
Tomori: Know about it a few minutes afterward. lmao...

@AkeZZZ Taki should have known that there is no way that would happen especially Sakiko being in the same school.
Jan 9, 6:42 AM

Jun 2015
these people are just looking at Mutsumi as her parents' daughter, I can see why she'd reach that point.

UiSaki moment was very wholesome, wish they open up more to each other (and Mutsumi too).

Another week of waiting for another episode, Im also losing it aaaaaaa
Jan 9, 6:44 AM

Jun 2020
Girl why are you making that face YOU CAUSED THIS SITUATION TO HAPPEN

Oh I really don't want to dislike Nyamu because I still know nothing about her but damn, her behavior so far is just too much for me to handle.

Saki girl please just spill the tea to everyone already, like at least with Uika? You made the situation worse for all of these miscommunication.
Jan 9, 6:56 AM

Aug 2022
Oh... is Mutsumi still alive?

Even now, the band's situation is still in disarray. Ever since they took off their masks, Mutsumi is the one who's been the most depressed here, and I understand why.

Emotions are running high after watching this episode and can't really turn on anyone right now, so that's it.

Jan 9, 7:13 AM

Jul 2020
Can't stop grinning watching this ep as I see the girls breaking down

It's expected for Nyamu---an influencer, someone that only wants to become popular and she finally about to pay the consequences of her actions.

And why didn't Sakiko say, consult anything, or asking for help to the other CRYCHIC members back then. It's kinda made my heart ached seeing the one who "will probably" save her is not Tomori considering the one who helped Tomori is Sakiko.
グレーテル // 라비 // 千石 撫子 // ヨハネ // 古明地こいし // ゼーレ

Jan 9, 8:04 AM

May 2023
Today is a tough day for Mutsumi fans.

Mutsumi I want you to reveal what's in your heart all this time, you've always held it in and this is what happens when you just keep silent and shut down what's in your heart. Finally in this episode we can see how perfective Mutsumi is but this is not what her fans expected. I felt very angry when Mutsumi called her mother Minamichan, it clearly shows that the relationship between Mutsumi and her mother is not as mother and daughter but her mother's status as a famous actress, poor Mutsumi.

One of the five dolls has been released from its string but will that give the doll freedom or...

Georgette Me, Georgette You is so PEAK. This ED song is my top 3 for this season, might be my favorite for this season but let's see. Really waiting for the next episode, hopefully we can get more clarity about Mutsumi.
Jan 9, 9:11 AM

Aug 2020
Poor little girl, she really need help...
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Jan 9, 9:14 AM

Mar 2023
Felt like GBC with Higurashi's vibe, dig it so far.
The OP was awesome
Jan 9, 9:15 AM

Oct 2016
i kinda liked Nyamu at first but now...
mods, please fulminate this Nyamu bitch! death penalty for intensifying Mutsumi's pain

(although i felt the same way with Anon at first in MyGo and now she's my favorite, so the writes tickle my fancy in unexpected ways)

who is the one doing the closing lines? like in this episode right before the ED "will dolls with cut strings gain freedom?"
Jan 9, 9:16 AM
Jun 2013
the intense pressure of expectations finally broke her down. Mutsumi bottled up most of her feelings than Saki. I wonder how will this go in the next ep
Jan 9, 9:42 AM

Nov 2015
Literally jaw dropped at the end episode. I can't believe this is a Bandori anime...
Jan 9, 9:57 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
What am i watching, Mutsumi noooo
Jan 9, 10:01 AM

Apr 2023
Reply to Miedori
Literally jaw dropped at the end episode. I can't believe this is a Bandori anime...
@Miedori Well we are only seeing just now the unseen side of that universe.
Jan 9, 10:02 AM

Oct 2024
This might be the Peakness of Peakness. I’m so excited to watch the rest of this anime, also I can’t wait for the album to release all of its songs.

Jan 9, 10:06 AM
May 2022
The more time we spend with these characters, the more I absolutely loathe them. Mutsumi is the only character worth investing in because everyone, including her own band, treat her like she’s not her own person. Plus it was pretty disgusting of the Japanese media to take one sentence out of context and spin it out of control for clicks without checking to see what Mutsumi meant
Jan 9, 10:29 AM

Jul 2024
Reply to Miedori
Literally jaw dropped at the end episode. I can't believe this is a Bandori anime...
@Miedori "Girls Band Party" they say, those bastards lied to me. But I'm liking Bandori's shift towards darker, edgier theme so far.

Anyway, I never hated any Bandori girls (heck, even Soyo after she admitted that she simply used Anon and Raana to bring CRYCHIC back), but Nyamu is making it hard not to. Girl just runs her mouth without ever stopping to think the consequences of her actions.
Jan 9, 10:39 AM
Sep 2022
In just two chapters I have already been more hooked on the Mujica bird than on mygo. The characters have many more edges, which makes it much more interesting. By the way, soyo still as bitch as ever . Great opening by the way, but I think everything is rushing too quickly, a lot of drama, to then see the light? . By the way, a sleeve has been announced for Mujica bird
Jan 9, 11:00 AM

Jun 2020
poor muuko T_T she doesn't deseve this... i can't wait to see how this unfolds in episode 3
a lot of the scenes in this episode were lovely. i particularly liked the scene at the end where mutsumi falls into her chair mid concert. and seeing mutsumi's face become more grim over time, gosh, i felt so bad for her... :-(

also, the ending song is beautiful! ave mujica has some of the best music to come out off bandori
Jan 9, 11:33 AM
Dec 2024
Poor Mutsumi, she seemed overwhelmed and exhausted the whole episode
It seems like characters took notice of this (except Nyamu but I don't expect an influencer of her sort to be emotionally perceptive) and yet didn't say anything
Also Uika being a good friend is always a welcome change of tone for the episode, and was likely welcome for Sakiko as well
Jan 9, 11:56 AM

Jun 2012
Ugh, it was hard to watch Mutsumi slowly fading away. So much was happening, and in the end, no one was really paying attention to her. And those who were didn’t have much they could do at the moment.

Uika-chan is our hope at the end of the tunnel 🙏

Jan 9, 1:22 PM

Jun 2024
I had feeling that stunt Nyamu played would backfire on them eventually.
It gave them lots of publicity and opportunities, but brought mental health problems among members.
I hope Mutsumi will recover soon, the songs are really good.
I have ADD, ADHD & AUTISM, but this won't stop me. Let's keep having fun together.
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Jan 9, 3:12 PM
Jan 2018
I'm really liking how they're trying to do something different with this Bang Dream and not getting stuck with the same formula unlike some other anime series, cough cough (love live)

Jan 9, 5:32 PM
Apr 2020
The moment I heard they play “Ave Mujica”, I knew something was wrong. Otherwise they wouldn’t have played that. Poor Mutsumi, as predicted she would have to face nepotism on the media. And the same media is so so over the top.
Jan 9, 5:45 PM

Nov 2020
Mutsumi gotta get her shit together and stop bein such a killjoy
Jan 9, 5:45 PM

Mar 2018
Mutsumi needs help asap

Sakiko needs to communicate

Nyamu needs some self-reflection

What about Umiri and Uika ? Can't wait to see more. The ending is beautiful and the tone change is top notch.
Jan 9, 5:55 PM

Jun 2016
Poor Mutsumi picked the wrong team. No I understand the dramatic tension, but she made it to the dressing room with the help of the wall and no one from the team or the staff noticed it. MyGo!!!!! characters are great, I hope they will be shown more often.
Jan 9, 6:13 PM
Dec 2015
This is peak fiction! Loving this new direction from Bushiroad with this and MyGO!!!
Jan 9, 6:14 PM

Mar 2022
First of all I'm quite puzzled at how Mutsumi really feel. She seem as someone who's at least honest when she does let her feelings slip out. So she truly never once enjoyed playing with CRYCHIC members. Then comes the question why. Did she get roped into CRYCHIC because she's a meek girl who had a hard time expressing herself? Did she join Ave Musica purely out of sympathy for Sakiko? Does she even enjoy playing guitar???

Now everything is inevitably falling apart.

Nyamu pulling that stunt like a selfish view-craving influencer who'd do anything for the immediate attention but blind to the consequences.

Sakiko being the prideful leader she is, unable to account for the risk of including someone like Nyamu, trying to do everything herself in the name of resolve but really out of pride and failing to admit her inability to handle everything herself. Now she's also pushed to the edge and getting PTSD. Her one saving grace is having Uika by her side so I hope she's not gonna cast that aside too because of her pride. I admit she's quite capable and talented as someone her age, but still far from a professional who can make such a fast-rising band last.
Jan 9, 8:06 PM
Nov 2024
This EP makes me kind of hate sakiko more than nyamu, for nyamu it make sense for her being insensitive to everything considering one sakiko never told her why she is doing all this and two she isnt even close to any of these girls outside of "Business" so she going out of her way to try to make her the center piece againts all the "popular" one make sense.

But sakiko? idk man cant really forgive her much considering how close she is with Wakaba, THEIR CHILDHOOD FRIENDSS how can she not know her friend's mental state and how she is gonna react to all this its insane lmao

but overall i like this EP band dream finally touching on the drama and shit and me like it!
Jan 9, 8:13 PM

Sep 2015
Hello Despair World
Truth is absolute but human perception of truth is always relative.
Jan 9, 8:13 PM

Jan 2011
this was brutal we really haven't touched on Mutsumi and she's always seem too quiet and almost never happy but this really was a breaking point on her ,nobody gives her some room to breath and even her friends are hounding on her at all times the group vibes are beyond bad and even the ray of hope Uika seems to only have eyes on Sakiko

these are faces i never expected to see from Bandori...but MYGO has started this wild ride of pain
Jan 9, 8:24 PM
Sep 2018
Poor Mutsumi... 😢

The ED's also absolutely beautiful; both in terms of visuals and music. It's quite literally a work of art.
Jan 9, 8:26 PM
May 2024
Maybe many people think that the situation experienced by Sakiko, especially regarding her father, makes Sakiko's attitude so far, which tends to be grumpy and heartless, understandable. But for me, I don't know... I still think Sakiko is a shit girl! The fact that she still forces Mutsumi to act professionally even though her mental condition is not good makes me even more convinced that I really hate this girl. No matter what happens with her tragic life, she (Sakiko) still shouldn't vent or act coldly towards Mutsumi who even bothered to accompany Sakiko to leave her old band. If it continues like this, it's only a matter of time until this group is completely destroyed, especially if Sakiko is still selfish and involves her personal feelings.

At times like this, I hope Tomori/other MyGo members come to help Mutsumi, otherwise her heart, mind, and mentality will be damaged thanks to the girl who feels the most miserable. Fucking Sakiko
Jan 9, 11:02 PM
Feb 2021
someone help muts 😔
Jan 10, 12:08 AM

Nov 2022

Remember when Mutsumi said she'll join the band because Sakiko looked like she was going to break? Now my baby cucumber the one's who is broken beyond repair...
Jan 10, 12:44 AM
May 2021
I'm glad to see Uika throwing Sakiko a lifeline. But they are so wrapped up in making Ave Mujica work that they didn't notice Mutsumi is drowning under all the attention directed at her.
Jan 10, 12:48 AM
May 2021
Reply to chocomayu
Girl why are you making that face YOU CAUSED THIS SITUATION TO HAPPEN

Oh I really don't want to dislike Nyamu because I still know nothing about her but damn, her behavior so far is just too much for me to handle.

Saki girl please just spill the tea to everyone already, like at least with Uika? You made the situation worse for all of these miscommunication.
@chocomayu I agree, I think Matsumi cherished the anonymity not matter how thin it was. At the start you could see she was affected by the unmasking. I am beginning to think her talent for the guitar came from her desire to have her own thing apart from being a celebrity's daughter.
Jan 10, 1:09 AM

Mar 2023
Reply to Hitotsuyanagi27
Maybe many people think that the situation experienced by Sakiko, especially regarding her father, makes Sakiko's attitude so far, which tends to be grumpy and heartless, understandable. But for me, I don't know... I still think Sakiko is a shit girl! The fact that she still forces Mutsumi to act professionally even though her mental condition is not good makes me even more convinced that I really hate this girl. No matter what happens with her tragic life, she (Sakiko) still shouldn't vent or act coldly towards Mutsumi who even bothered to accompany Sakiko to leave her old band. If it continues like this, it's only a matter of time until this group is completely destroyed, especially if Sakiko is still selfish and involves her personal feelings.

At times like this, I hope Tomori/other MyGo members come to help Mutsumi, otherwise her heart, mind, and mentality will be damaged thanks to the girl who feels the most miserable. Fucking Sakiko
@Hitotsuyanagi27 ironic that Mutsumi joined so she can save Sakiko from breaking and then broke herself.

act coldly towards Mutsumi who even bothered to accompany Sakiko to leave her old band

Also Soyo said last season Mutsumi is the reason CRYCHIC broke and I am asuming Soyo is well informed, hence I suspect and could be wrong that Sakiko may have broken previous band to protect Mutsumi as one of her reasons.
This last episode a scene with Soyo and Mutsumi looked like it was cut short on purpose, meaning it had information it didn't yet want to reveal.
Jan 10, 1:21 AM
Sep 2022
Reply to Hitotsuyanagi27
Maybe many people think that the situation experienced by Sakiko, especially regarding her father, makes Sakiko's attitude so far, which tends to be grumpy and heartless, understandable. But for me, I don't know... I still think Sakiko is a shit girl! The fact that she still forces Mutsumi to act professionally even though her mental condition is not good makes me even more convinced that I really hate this girl. No matter what happens with her tragic life, she (Sakiko) still shouldn't vent or act coldly towards Mutsumi who even bothered to accompany Sakiko to leave her old band. If it continues like this, it's only a matter of time until this group is completely destroyed, especially if Sakiko is still selfish and involves her personal feelings.

At times like this, I hope Tomori/other MyGo members come to help Mutsumi, otherwise her heart, mind, and mentality will be damaged thanks to the girl who feels the most miserable. Fucking Sakiko
@Hitotsuyanagi27 Not to defend Sakiko but Sakiko's problems are more serious than Mutsumi's. She is a teenager who lost her mother, her grandfather forced her to decide between staying with him or with her Father and instead of choosing the easy way and staying with his grandfather, he decided not to abandon his ruined father and to make matters worse his father becomes an alcoholic who despises his daughter and Sakiko becomes He has to work to support both of them until in the end he has to abandon his father because of his father's contempt and be left with nothing, to the point that he has to sleep at work. I don't defend his attitude, but I understand it. Sakiko is very broken but she doesn't show it like mutsumi and her problems are much bigger than mutsumi's. Greetings
Jan 10, 2:44 AM
Jan 2020
Reply to chocomayu
Girl why are you making that face YOU CAUSED THIS SITUATION TO HAPPEN

Oh I really don't want to dislike Nyamu because I still know nothing about her but damn, her behavior so far is just too much for me to handle.

Saki girl please just spill the tea to everyone already, like at least with Uika? You made the situation worse for all of these miscommunication.
@chocomayu you're so right. Nyamu is great cuz of the drums like girlie defo puts in the work but now it's making Mutsumi paranoid and anxious and it's gonna be the end of Ave Mujica before they get back together again. Nyamu better change cuz the main thing she has going for her is that she puts in the effing work
Jan 10, 4:04 AM

Apr 2014
The one at the end of the episode?
The name of the song is Ave Mujica.
Jan 10, 5:25 AM
Feb 2022
Can't believe she wasn't fired after her mask stunt... then goes to her band mates house and basically begs her mom for an audition... it makes it unrealistic that they'd keep her on...
Jan 10, 5:28 AM
Jul 2022
It's only been 2 episodes so I really am trying my BEST not to hate on Nyamu but daammnnn-- girl if you keep going that way... I love your drum skills and all but 💀
I'm guessing she'll change in some kind of better way in the future but I hope it won't take took long because the more I watch her the more I lose patience
Jan 10, 11:21 AM

Sep 2020
Man, both Nyamu and Sakiko make this show hard to watch sometimes, genuinely annoying characters.

Poor Mutsumi though, she just wanted to stay hidden until Nyamu had to ruin it all.
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Jan 10, 1:25 PM
Apr 2024
Hasta ahora una obra maestra del cine
Jan 10, 4:56 PM
Mar 2022
Nyamu va a recapacitar
Jan 10, 5:13 PM
Sep 2020
absolute cinema!!!!!
Jan 10, 8:33 PM

Sep 2018
Bad things happening to terrible people

I love it

If this show ends with the band not breaking up, I'm not gonna be surprised, but I'm gonna be surprised by how they do it.
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