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Jan 1, 2021 6:54 AM

Mar 2014
This movie was like... The Seitokai Yakuindomo we know and love! There were scenes from the *ova so it was helpful if we forgot some things Happned in back seasons.
It was really funny! Laughed so many times in the Cinemes lol
No season 3 nor OVA announcements though, but it was the thing I expected, and got exactly what I wanted!
P.S. there were a lot of people who donated money through crowd funding!
Maybe there will be another ova or season 3 lol!
Jan 1, 2021 11:05 AM
May 2018
where do you watch this movie?
Jan 1, 2021 10:40 PM
Jan 2017
ShidoItsuka74739 said:
where do you watch this movie?

probably japan lmao
Jan 1, 2021 10:53 PM

Mar 2014
Blablablablitz said:
ShidoItsuka74739 said:
where do you watch this movie?

probably japan lmao
Yup,I live in Japan so...
Jan 2, 2021 9:07 AM

Aug 2010
Saw this on New Years Day (opening day). Solid 8/10 for me - some jokes fell flat, but some jokes also worked really well.
Wrote more detailed thoughts in my review.
My YouTube channel, where I do unboxings and show off my anime collection, merchandise, and other swag:
Feb 4, 2021 2:49 AM
Feb 2021
I wanna watch this but sadly I'm outside Japan
Feb 20, 2021 5:50 AM
Dec 2017
Usopp8000 said:
This movie was like... The Seitokai Yakuindomo we know and love! There were scenes from the *ova so it was helpful if we forgot some things Happned in back seasons.
It was really funny! Laughed so many times in the Cinemes lol
No season 3 nor OVA announcements though, but it was the thing I expected, and got exactly what I wanted!
P.S. there were a lot of people who donated money through crowd funding!
Maybe there will be another ova or season 3 lol!

If GoHands will keep making things like W'z or Scar on the Praeter they'll need to crowdfud their bankruptcy filing.
Feb 24, 2021 2:03 AM
Feb 2020
glantama said:
I wanna watch this but sadly I'm outside Japan
Saaame :/ I just binged watched all that there is to the series this past four days but big sad, this was delayed recently ;-;
Mar 6, 2021 12:17 PM

Dec 2019
When will be bluray come out?
Apr 9, 2021 8:50 AM
Apr 2021
i just finished this series, but haven't watched this yet.
On *ova 10 shino said that it was episode 26, does that mean episode 25 is this movie?
Apr 27, 2021 12:49 PM

May 2011
It finally got subbed and it was great.Seitokai Yakuindomo always gets a good laugh out of me,and watching this movie I had several of them.

I really hope we can get more Seitokai Yakuindomo in the near future.
''I was dead serious''

Apr 28, 2021 3:55 AM

Dec 2012
Fun watch as always, though didn't the last lot of OVAs end with Amakusa asking Tsuda out to some concert? didn't touch on that? though as I'm typing and remembering didn't it turn into she invited everyone? :P
Apr 28, 2021 9:35 AM

Feb 2008
Needed more Mori. That whole part needed to be fleshed out more.
Apr 30, 2021 2:56 PM

Aug 2018
Here's hoping for S3
"When There Is Evil In This World That Justice Cannot Defeat, Would You Taint Your Hands With Evil To Defeat Evil? Or Would You Remain Steadfast And Righteous Even If It Means Surrendering To Evil?"
May 1, 2021 6:19 PM

Jul 2017
I never want this series to change. I don't enjoy the manga much, but the anime's just a wild ride, whether in TV or OVA or movie form. Some jokes don't stick but I'm just refreshed by how free the show is with its kind of cheesy ass humor and having a good cast helps too. This was a pretty fun movie overall, only thing I wish was that the ending was a bit better. 7/10.
May 2, 2021 7:26 AM

May 2018
Wow, finally it was Hata's turn to be shipped (unfortunately only for very short period) with Tsuda.
May 3, 2021 10:39 AM

Nov 2017
loplop said:
Needed more Mori. That whole part needed to be fleshed out more.
I agree with that,I think a date with Mori is just what Tsuda needs :),along with more stalkers :)
All in all,I enjoyed this as much as an other movie/ep/ova/oad of this series.Yes,sometimes the gags get a bit old,but damn,Its Seitokai,you get what you pay for,and you get it in spades :)
Nice to see Aria "officially"in the running,instead of her just wanting to use Tsuda in various ways,but Hata,damn,only for a short time,but you had a shot there!
Enjoyable,good "clean" Seitokai fun!!!!
May it never end!!!!

Addendum,damn,that after credits scene with Sakura-tan and Shino is so bloody funny,I keep re-watching it just to see the look on her face at the window when she realises she's an "S",well,a lot more "S" than before,is absolutely classic,Sheer SYD brilliance.
StarhammerMay 11, 2021 4:16 PM
May 3, 2021 3:04 PM
Mar 2019
any have info of continuation of seitokai yakuindomo?

ovas or other season?

i think this os a enjoy an good anime
May 6, 2021 7:50 AM

Feb 2020
Finished watching this. Nothing much changed, as wild as before. Aria always crazy af with the joke. Suzu kept amaze me with her cuteness when pairing joke with everyone. Shino joke and jealousy to be honestly already death on me. Good thing Tsuda part always good to fill what Shino can't be done in these movie.

The main story of the movie really a misleading one. I thought this one will be about the movie play, from A to Z. But mostly its just a usual dirty joke jumble from all the characters. Additionally, most part already told in the ova too (if i am not mistaken), and its not even the main story of this movie, ffs xd. A new part with Sakura-tan is unexpectedly the only serious part on this one. Too bad its just end with nothing. Hata also got more screen time here, which is very good. The new sound drama play, Tsuda choose Aria also a very good new scene. Too bad its just nothing in the end, due to the habit of these show that like to jumble the parts. The segments from sensei, Nene, and Aria, also not looking so good. Its just fine.

Overall, tbh, its kinda boring with how the movie almost half of it is using a recycle scenes from the ova part. While indeed a new part give me a good breeze, the movie duration felt too long to handle that i can't help but lost much interest around some boring parts. However, i still give this one at a solid 7, just because i am still liking Suzu scenes very much. Thats it all from me.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

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May 6, 2021 10:21 PM

Dec 2015
ok folks, as another discussion topic said, Sentai Filmworks picked this one up for official subtitles in English... and maybe other languages, IDK about that... but Sentai's HIDIVE streaming service showed Movie 2. as we all know, if it is out there on the interwebs in digital format somebody's gonna pay (or use a free trial), record it, and upload it online.

'the site' i use picked the file up in HIGHDEF in full-length from Sentai with EngSub April 28, 2021 and i just finished watching it and rewound it because like badabass noticed... there's re-used footage in the movie. so, here's my analysis. i HOPE!!! I DO NOT SPOIL ANYBODY! i was as vague as possible making this analysis of what's new and what's old to a CERTAIN point of the movie... from then on it's all new footage/scenes as far as i could remember... it has been QUITE A WHILE since i binged the whole franchise at once so i may be mistaken.

the scenes before the opening credits had been used before. but the cherry blossom joke and the Osai Academy Rules joke was new.

of course we've seen the OP in multiple episodes, so that's not new.

after the OP, the glued hands one, was old scenes.

the Judo Club's New Manager, was old scenes.

Aria's What's This?? was old scenes.

the Film Club's Movie, was old scenes.

the other High School's Ghost Member of the Student Council, was old scenes.

the Film Club's Movie Trailer, was old scenes played after the 'filming' wrapped.

the winning banners and Film Club short jokes, was old scenes.

the sakura petal in her tea joke, was NEW. :o they snuck one past me.

the Osai Student Body Meeting, was new.

the other High School Prez gets tendonitis, was old. i think.

Todoroki Nene's Extensive Knowledge, was new. on my file the timecode was 0:32:55. my file was 1:20:14 long.

Osai Student Council Goes On Night Watch, was new.

Hata's Hidden Camera, was new.

Lunchtime Radio Drama, was new.

ok so basically everything AT and AFTER timecode 0:32:55 is NEW and everything BEFORE that timecode is a mix of old scenes and only 4 new jokes/scenes.

remember!!! there's a scene AFTER the Japanese Credits finish but BEFORE the English Credits from Sentai Filmworks start that ties up SEVERAL Joke Set-Ups in the movie with a final punchline scene. also, there's a BONUS SCENE of another episode of Hata's Hidden Camera that finishes off the movie at 1:19:08. the English Credits and Sentai Filmworks credits roll from there till the file completed.

as usual from the Seitokai Yakuindomo crew... WONDERFUL work! hahahah! mmhmmm i love this franchise, it's my #1 favorite comedy franchise in anime for all time. :D

so sorry badabass "Overall, tbh, its kinda boring with how the movie almost half of it is using a recycle scenes from the ova part." you're not even close. on my file the Japanese Credits start at 1:10:36 and last till 1:14:30... so that's a little less than 4 minutes of credits... the After Credits Scenes starts there and ends at 1:19:08 that's nearly 5 minutes of new content and the part of the movie that is definitely ALL new starts at 0:32:55... so by my count that's approx. 37-38 minutes of new new content... it'd take me way way too much work to figure out how much of the movie before 32:55 was new. but simply put, cutting the movie off at 1:10:36, adding five minutes of new content with the After Credits Scenes put this movie at 1h 10m 36s approximately... so a 70m long movie where around 38m is definitely new content, there's 4 new jokes/scenes before 0:32:55... so no, MORE THAN HALF the movie is NEW content.

your statement is backwards.

KiliianSleipnirMay 6, 2021 10:33 PM
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

May 6, 2021 10:35 PM

Dec 2015
hacker09 said:
When will be bluray come out?

did Sentai Filmworks pick up Disk rights to any of the previous parts of this franchise? IDK. if so, maybe they'll pick this one up too. but as far as i'm aware no, Sentai hasn't announced they'll be printing disks of their English subbed version they streamed on HIDIVE anytime soon.
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

May 7, 2021 7:03 AM

Dec 2019

I've found it online and watchef it subbed these days,I don't care about the Blu-Ray,that's just another way if saying "online".

Usually when the BD is released someone rips them online
May 7, 2021 10:56 AM
Mar 2019
any know info about more anime of seitokai?
May 7, 2021 3:54 PM

Dec 2015
hacker09 said:

I've found it online and watchef it subbed these days,I don't care about the Blu-Ray,that's just another way if saying "online".

Usually when the BD is released someone rips them online

like i mentioned in my first post Sentai Filmworks got the English/other languages maybe?/ subtitle rights and streaming rights on their service HIDIVE for these regions, info quoted from their HIDIVE post: "The United States & Canada (US, GU, PR, AS, MP, VI, CA, PW, FM, MH), The United Kingdom (GB, AI, SH, BM, AQ, IO, VG, KY, FK, GI, MS, PN, TC, GS), Ireland (IE), Australia (AU), New Zealand (NZ), Latin America (AR, BZ, BO, BR, CL, CO, CR, CU, DO, EC, SV, FK, GY, GP, GT, HT, HN, MQ, MX, NI, PA, PY, PR, BL, GS, MF, SR, UY, VE, GY, PE), Scandinavia (FI, SE, NO, DK, IS, GL, SJ, FO), Netherlands (NL, AW, BQ, CW, SX), South Africa (ZA), Spain (ES), Portugal (PT)." my thanks to MAL member Sonikdium for the HIDIVE link.

that's the version i watched on 'the site' i use. it is easy to tell because Sentai translates (almost all the time) the Japanese credits into English as well as adds their Company's Credits after the Japanese Credits. Sentai's file streamed starting April 23rd and 'the site' i use got the file on April 28.

from what i can find online, August 16th 2021 Movie 2 will be released on DVD ONLY! as a 'bonus extra' attached to a copy of the Seitokai Yakuindomo Manga vol.21 when it is put on sale in Japan. the theatrical release was 1 Jan 2021, which means... the Sentai version came out even BEFORE the Japanese have a disk version. :>
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

May 12, 2021 9:12 AM

Mar 2016
Never change, Seitokai Yakuindomo. Never change.
May 28, 2021 5:33 AM
Jan 2020
This was probably my favorite installment of the series. A lot of the content, especially the OVAs, came off as really hit-or-miss for me. But this second movie was a lot more consistent in terms of rolling with the humor and building up to not necessarily as obscure jokes. It felt a little more accessible.

Overall still a really good series though, assuming you enjoy crude humor. I will probably go ahead and pick up the manga since who knows when another season, set of OVAs, or movie will drop for this.

"...Is your mother worried? Would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?"
Jun 4, 2021 11:23 PM

May 2012
Great stuff, great film, as a longtime fan of SYD since 2010 it is nice to see the casts is back together and at it again, I enjoyed it very much. I had a blast of delight nostalgia and a great laugh while watching this second SYD film. Although I'm ngl but this film does me give a little bit kind of different feels/aura than the first film at first.....

While the first film start of strong with an brand new fresh aura and definitely give me this feeling of a movie-like-aura stating that this is indeed an Anime Film, this second film doesn't.......This second film give me this feeling like I'm watching a regular anime but is 3-4 times longer instead, like a Extended Episode or some sorts. Although, I had no problem with it at all, as this film content is as good as the first film.

At first, this film feel that it is more fit to served as a "Full Version" or an "Extended Version" of OVA Episode 23 from Seitokai Yakuindomo* (The 8th of 10 OVA from Seitokai Yakuindomo* OVAs) with the first 26 mins is straight from OVA Episode 23 but then later the rest of the film is filled with completely brand new content.

Overall, I very much enjoyed it, although I wish that it would been even longer thb (Love the Tsuda x Mori moments but I need more. Also need more Tsuda x Uomi Screentime too). I'm just so glad to see SYD back again. Now I crave for Season 3.
Jun 15, 2021 5:23 AM

Oct 2017
This was a pretty fun movie. The dirty jokes were hilarious as usual and the part with Sakura tan was gold. It's always fun to watch more of this show so hoping for a new season/ova/movie, anything's fine basically.
Jun 18, 2021 8:07 AM

Nov 2016
I can feel the nostalgic feeling. One of my favorite comedic series.
Nice to meet you.......
Jun 19, 2021 7:21 AM
May 2021
What a great movie, I've already watched it like 3 times I guess(?)


It's doing really feel like Seitokai Yakuindomo anime but with a 1 hour long. The jokes are great and never changed. With a new art style on their eyes made me uncomfortable for a moment, but it only lasts for the first 5 minutes.

And I'm really happy to see such a new character like Yuu Hirose, she's one of my favorite rn. especially with that dialect and personality that made her different than the other girls.

Seeing Tsuda with Mori's relationship made me heartwarming tho, and Hata dating scene is totally awesome to watch. since Hata always be the side character who "supports" the love but never try the love itself (lol).

Totally awesome Movie, solid 8/10 from me.
Aug 19, 2021 5:30 PM

Aug 2020
as fun as ever, it never changed, one of the funniest anime I watched my whole life.

» [The World's Continuation【世界のつづき】- UTA/Ado ♪] «
0:00 〇────── 4:55
↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡

Come and Join us!
Evil Club ψ
FuwaFuwa Sanctuary ✿
✿ DeaD Blossoms ✿
Aug 28, 2021 11:22 AM

Dec 2020
This hit me with nostalgia even though I watched it like Jan 2021 or something...I had good fun watching this XD

Aug 30, 2021 5:33 AM

Jul 2012
He picked the Aria route!!!!!

In a show but still.
Sep 17, 2021 11:13 AM

Dec 2020
Tezsa said:
It finally got subbed and it was great.Seitokai Yakuindomo always gets a good laugh out of me,and watching this movie I had several of them.

I really hope we can get more Seitokai Yakuindomo in the near future.

Where did you watch it? I can't find the subbed one anywhere
Oct 10, 2021 3:50 AM

Jun 2017
that ending credit roll made me laugh
Oct 18, 2021 11:18 PM

Mar 2016
Always nice to get more Seitokai Yakuindomo (seasons 1 + 2 + 1st movie finally got a blu-ray release in the UK!...albiet without the OVAs which are essentially a series each themselves).
Flowing so well that it manages to make a mere 1hr 20 mins runtime feel so much longer. Seen some things about this reusing some of the OVA material, but the gap between the episode releases was so large I'd forgotten which were repeated, but it all worked so I don't care. Always love the school entrance scenes, because even with the stereotypical sakura trees, this series just manages to nail the entire colour palette during them.
A good amount of Hata in this film as well including a rare blushing Hata (even if it was just messing with Tsuda).
Was clear that the constant scenes of Shino in the council room on her own were going to lead to some punchline at the end, although was ever so slightly worried/curious/confused as to what it would actually be. Post-credits was an absolute treat I didn't know we deserved :3

If this ever continues to a S3 (or OVA 3), I guess we're looking at at least a 2 year wait :P
Dec 3, 2021 8:07 PM

May 2016
Whenever i watch this series it always makes me feel old and depressed.
but it is ok like all the other ones 7/10
Feb 9, 2022 9:45 PM

Jan 2011
I'm not misremembering, right? Some of that was reused content? That's a bit disappointing.
May 1, 2022 1:35 AM

Aug 2018
Oh my... Seitokai Yakuindomo.. just.. don't ever change xD This series is what hooked me into anime.
Jul 9, 2022 5:25 PM
Jul 2008
Seems like this is the end? The manga was already finished, the studio went into trouble and this movie was crowdfunded..

This show is better in episodic format for me, the movie duration is just too long for this kind of show
Jul 19, 2022 12:51 PM

Nov 2014
I can never get enough of SYD. I'm impressed that it manages to keep same high level all the time too.

It's been some time now, but I hope there will be more adaptations eventually.
Dec 26, 2022 6:12 AM

Apr 2013
Ah, I still love the humor in this show. Always makes me laugh, I'll miss this show.
Jan 17, 2024 11:12 PM

Feb 2021
I say it's Harem and it's pretty good

Not the usually harem plot
Dec 8, 2024 11:08 PM

Jul 2012
The first ⅓ is the same as the OVA* 😑

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