Holy shit the opener looks better than ever. Love the beautiful cards for each of the groups.. my adorable Ra*bits and Switch, Knights, Trickstar (gotta admit they really look sharp with the plaid colors) each time I hear it I like the opener song more. Kudos to this anime for getting me hooked on the opener.
But geezus what happens in the episode is not good. The other half of the group Eve, Adam, has invited Trickstar to perform at their school and they accepted the challenge and jumped on a plane. Well what a mistake that turned out to be.
I found every one of the people at that school, and everything that happens in this episode deeply unpleasant, so therefore I expect this episode will probably be the most popular and probably has 5 out of 5 since zoomers seem to like anything a person with a brain would find distasteful, like a school where most of the students get treated like slaves. I found it deeply unpleasant, and the freak who stands there looking at a rock while Isara practiced to be the most dim and belongs in an asylum. If this is the kind of thing girls find attractive, all I can say is- get your cats now, you aren’t getting married.
I feel like poor Trickstar boys can’t catch a break. They are treated like enemies at their own school by an absolute trash fire of a student council who do not in any way represent the student body; and then when they go to another school- are treated like enemies by a bunch of psychopaths at that school. I don’t agree with what it’s portraying- showbiz is full of assholes but why make it look this horrible? Nobody with half a brain would want to be part of that. Too much leader-worship. And the people they put forward as the most talented- like Eichi and this mineral-obsessed freak- are NOT deserving. There is nothing about Eichi Tenshouin on stage that connects better with audiences than any of the other boys, I see that he’s dull and kind of an empty vessel. Being obsessed with power or born into a rich family is not talent. The only way someone like him could make it in showbiz is if he happens to perform a hit song that charts. He isn’t manly, he isn’t pretty, he isn’t intriguing, he isn’t mysterious, he isn’t anything interesting and he believes in nothing… he’s just a coat-tail rider. The mineral obsessed guy keeps saying “I want to be released from” and “isn’t that sad” and nobody tells him he’s a straight up loser. I’d tell him “Bruh, if you’re that sad, get out of my face. My teammates aren’t going to be dragged down by your weird attitude” and “If you wanna be released from this crap- the door is behind you. Walk through it and never darken that doorstep again with your pathetic whining face.”
Well the guy insults Isara, and it’s the way the rest of the group handles it that bothers me. They don’t defend him at all, they just grunt and stare at him and let him talk his rubbish. Then they leave the place and don’t even talk to Isara about it. It’s even worse they don’t try to console him at dinner, and are even Yuuki & Hokuto talking about wanting to join the agency and what opportunity it is?!?!!
Are these people that incoherent???
They don’t even respond properly to obvious hostility!! When Aoba tells them security checked the bedrooms- Anzu reacted but that didn’t even disturb anyone. SECURITY CHECKED THE BEDROOMS! For WHAT?? If someone told me that- or that they can't trust the food served at their school- there's only one thing I'd say and that would be- "That's it, pack it up LET'S GO. We're OUTTA HERE!!"
How would you even want to stay?
Then Anzu goes out while Isara is understandably shaken and offers him no consolation at all. So the show is signalling that this freak dude’s rudeness is correct and it should just be accepted. No delineation between right and wrong, no hint that anything wrong has happened, it’s just powerful people being powerful again! Oh remember they’re your betters! They have their reasons! That’s fucked up. No matter what his reasons were, they should have discussed it with each other, and shouldn’t be considering how to join an academy that is obviously a horrifying place. And yes I mean horrifying- if someone gives you a tour and says "most of the students get treated like slaves" are you kidding me? Get me the F&%^& outta here!!!!! |