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Apr 26, 2023 6:10 AM
May 2019
Always heard bad things about this but watched it and gave a 10/10.. anyone else?
Yui_Suzumiya69Apr 27, 2023 12:13 AM
Pages (2) [1] 2 »
Apr 26, 2023 6:21 AM

Jul 2015
A very strong 3/10 from me. And it's me being generous. I'm not even bothering watching 2nd season.
Guess it's just my anime burnout taking hold of me. :/
PiromyslApr 26, 2023 6:30 AM

Apr 26, 2023 6:22 AM
Feb 2021
for me its 7/10 i just think if it was a less childish it would be a 10
Apr 26, 2023 6:22 AM
Jan 2017
Im watching it and its not for me, but glad you like it so much. I was wondering how this anime managed to get a 2nd season tbh
Apr 26, 2023 6:23 AM
Feb 2018
me I love the series my only complaint is the voice acting especially the english cast and the skipping the assailants side story but as it a side story it was likely to happen
Apr 26, 2023 6:24 AM
Aug 2021
9/10 from me, but that’s because I score purely based off of personal enjoyment. As much as I love this show… I dunno. I think a lot of the hate is warranted.

Still, always happy to see other people who love this show like I do 👍🏾
Apr 26, 2023 6:24 AM
Nov 2022
Have already caught up with manga so I am not bothering myself with 2nd season but it's an 5.5/10 from me
Apr 26, 2023 6:27 AM
Sep 2021
there's nothing this anime that does great but also nothing it does particularly bad, People hate it for being an isekai, a harem and OP MC but like Series such as overlord, slime, eminence in shadow, etc

it's another case of : " it's bad because everyone says it's bad " mentality
Apr 26, 2023 6:37 AM

Jul 2015
Saimatsu_Fan said:
there's nothing this anime that does great but also nothing it does particularly bad, People hate it for being an isekai, a harem and OP MC but like Series such as overlord, slime, eminence in shadow, etc

it's another case of : " it's bad because everyone says it's bad " mentality

I wouldn't say it's bad per se, but it's just so damn generic and unoriginal.
There is just no reason why anyone should watch this, while there are already countless identical shows, that are slightly or much better.
PiromyslJul 16, 2023 5:05 PM

Apr 26, 2023 6:38 AM
Feb 2023
4/10 for me, means I'll watch if I have spare time and nothing else to watch
Apr 26, 2023 6:46 AM
Dec 2021
rated 6/10 first season

s2 is 1or2/10 as of now
Apr 26, 2023 6:56 AM
Oct 2021
4/10 for me. There's barely anything good except the concept.
Apr 26, 2023 7:03 AM
Jan 2021
2/10, waste of time, I’m surprised that there’s a second season
Apr 26, 2023 7:37 AM
Dec 2021
Saimatsu_Fan said:
there's nothing this anime that does great but also nothing it does particularly bad, People hate it for being an isekai, a harem and OP MC but like Series such as overlord, slime, eminence in shadow, etc

it's another case of : " it's bad because everyone says it's bad " mentality

ive only seen the first season, but i dont think its fair to compare this to overlord, slime and eminence. theres a lot of things that just feel low effort in this show, for example they literally just shoved an entire nation in that is just pre modern japan. idk appart from the magic system there doesnt seem to be anything all that fleshed out in this show. imo the only reason you could rate it as high as the previously mentioned shows is enjoyment factor
Apr 26, 2023 8:10 AM
Jun 2022
just watch more isekai and harem,that rating will drop on its own
Apr 26, 2023 8:17 AM
Aug 2022
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Always heard back things about this but watched it and gave a 10/10.. anyone else?

bro I am with you for sure!
surely 10/10
Apr 26, 2023 8:25 AM
Mar 2022
well I am a fan of this story but I won’t give it 10/10 I will max give it 8/10
Apr 26, 2023 8:29 AM
May 2021
I gave it a 9/10 long ago and I don't know why 😂😂. Now I think of it, 7/10 is enough for it
Apr 26, 2023 8:30 AM
Jul 2021
Throughout the show it was mid, but the end made it go all the way down for me when all the chicks were like no I wanna marry you too and now we are or something like that.

(Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure that’s the ending)
Apr 26, 2023 8:48 AM
Feb 2020
Not a 10/10. it's mediocre at best but I really enjoy watching it even though I know it's just another isekai clone. I enjoyed the 1st season back when I watched it in 2020 and now I'm enjoying the 2nd season too. When it comes to quality it's a 5 but when it comes to my enjoyment it's an 8
Apr 26, 2023 9:00 AM
Jan 2021
This anime is absolutely dog shit. Destroyed the sex slimes 1/10 and getting a season 2.
Apr 26, 2023 9:11 AM
Feb 2022
I'm just happy I get to watch anime so everything a 10(Masterpiece) for me.
Apr 26, 2023 9:37 AM
Jun 2016
This is peak fiction honestly the amount of dumb shit that keeps happening is absolute incredible and it fucking kills me every time one of them just pulls out a gun
Apr 26, 2023 9:45 AM
Feb 2022
It was a good isekai, so probably a 7/10 for me, if this was your first isekai that might be why you liked it so much.
Apr 26, 2023 10:04 AM
Jul 2018
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Always heard back things about this but watched it and gave a 10/10.. anyone else?

you need some serious anime recommendations
Apr 26, 2023 10:47 AM
May 2021
animelover2759 said:
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Always heard back things about this but watched it and gave a 10/10.. anyone else?

you need some serious anime recommendations

I gave it 06/10 ,for me it's not a great isekai series.
Shibam Dey
Apr 26, 2023 11:23 AM

Feb 2021
2/10 or 3/10 for me. it's just straight up boring.
Apr 26, 2023 1:03 PM
Oct 2021
AnosTheGod said:
just watch more isekai and harem,that rating will drop on its own

THIS!!!! honestly the highest score i give this is probably a 6
Apr 26, 2023 4:01 PM
Apr 2018
Saimatsu_Fan said:
there's nothing this anime that does great but also nothing it does particularly bad, People hate it for being an isekai, a harem and OP MC but like Series such as overlord, slime, eminence in shadow, etc

it's another case of : " it's bad because everyone says it's bad " mentality

Unfortunately that's not the case. This one just doesn't bring anything new and all it does is way below average (world building, characters, story, animation, etc.) so even if you turn your brain off it's unenjoyable if you've watched enough shows. For me it's a solid 1/10. Potentially the worst anime I've ever watched
Apr 26, 2023 4:02 PM
Jan 2021
for me i think that you are a stupid idiot lol
Apr 26, 2023 6:59 PM
Sep 2020
If I was a kid, I would 100% give it 10/10, but I'm not a kid, so I give it a 5/10
Apr 26, 2023 7:44 PM
Mar 2022
I don’t remember anything from this anime but I have it as an 8/10 it was pretty solid I guess
Apr 26, 2023 8:15 PM
Apr 2020
9/10 for me because this is like my type of guilty peasure, isekai op main with a strong harem build the world.
Apr 26, 2023 10:41 PM
Feb 2022
it is intresting to say the list
Apr 27, 2023 12:16 AM
May 2019
TheCupSlammer said:
Saimatsu_Fan said:
there's nothing this anime that does great but also nothing it does particularly bad, People hate it for being an isekai, a harem and OP MC but like Series such as overlord, slime, eminence in shadow, etc

it's another case of : " it's bad because everyone says it's bad " mentality

ive only seen the first season, but i dont think its fair to compare this to overlord, slime and eminence. theres a lot of things that just feel low effort in this show, for example they literally just shoved an entire nation in that is just pre modern japan. idk appart from the magic system there doesnt seem to be anything all that fleshed out in this show. imo the only reason you could rate it as high as the previously mentioned shows is enjoyment factor

I haven't watched Overlord or Imminence but I plan on it and Slime bored me.
Apr 27, 2023 12:18 AM
May 2019
AnosTheGod said:
just watch more isekai and harem,that rating will drop on its own

Just check out what I'm watching and what I've watched.. I've seen most harem because it's kinda my thing, lol
Apr 27, 2023 12:20 AM
Dec 2021
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
TheCupSlammer said:

ive only seen the first season, but i dont think its fair to compare this to overlord, slime and eminence. theres a lot of things that just feel low effort in this show, for example they literally just shoved an entire nation in that is just pre modern japan. idk appart from the magic system there doesnt seem to be anything all that fleshed out in this show. imo the only reason you could rate it as high as the previously mentioned shows is enjoyment factor

I haven't watched Overlord or Imminence but I plan on it and Slime bored me.

did you watch s2 of slime? coz tbh the first season is def more of a fantasy SoL except for like 5 eps, s2 made it much better.
Apr 27, 2023 12:22 AM
May 2019
ptero93 said:
for me i think that you are a stupid idiot lol

You're just jealous because you don't have a good career like me that allowed me the $5000 to get a Chizuru car wrap
Apr 27, 2023 12:39 AM
Sep 2021
Pablurp said:
Saimatsu_Fan said:
there's nothing this anime that does great but also nothing it does particularly bad, People hate it for being an isekai, a harem and OP MC but like Series such as overlord, slime, eminence in shadow, etc

it's another case of : " it's bad because everyone says it's bad " mentality

Unfortunately that's not the case. This one just doesn't bring anything new and all it does is way below average (world building, characters, story, animation, etc.) so even if you turn your brain off it's unenjoyable if you've watched enough shows. For me it's a solid 1/10. Potentially the worst anime I've ever watched

your entire counter argument is " it's generic so it's bad " which can describe many " good " anime

you may as well said nothing
Apr 27, 2023 12:40 AM
Jun 2022
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
AnosTheGod said:
just watch more isekai and harem,that rating will drop on its own

Just check out what I'm watching and what I've watched.. I've seen most harem because it's kinda my thing, lol

I don't have anything to say to a guy who has rated rent a girlfriend higher than Charlotte 💀
Apr 27, 2023 12:45 AM
Apr 2018
Saimatsu_Fan said:
Pablurp said:

Unfortunately that's not the case. This one just doesn't bring anything new and all it does is way below average (world building, characters, story, animation, etc.) so even if you turn your brain off it's unenjoyable if you've watched enough shows. For me it's a solid 1/10. Potentially the worst anime I've ever watched

your entire counter argument is " it's generic so it's bad " which can describe many " good " anime

you may as well said nothing

Sorry if you're unable to read. I said it's generic AND everything it does is bad. You can have something be generic but be entertaining because it has a good story, fun characters, intriguing plot, good action, etc. the thing with smartphone isekai is that it doesn't have a single good point WHILE being generic af. Also sorry but your taste sucks HARD
Apr 27, 2023 12:48 AM
Sep 2021
Pablurp said:
Saimatsu_Fan said:

your entire counter argument is " it's generic so it's bad " which can describe many " good " anime

you may as well said nothing

Sorry if you're unable to read. I said it's generic AND everything it does is bad. You can have something be generic but be entertaining because it has a good story, fun characters, intriguing plot, good action, etc. the thing with smartphone isekai is that it doesn't have a single good point WHILE being generic af. Also sorry but your taste sucks HARD

I'm sorry if you have to rely on ad hominem to get your point
Apr 27, 2023 12:52 AM
Apr 2018
Saimatsu_Fan said:
Pablurp said:

Sorry if you're unable to read. I said it's generic AND everything it does is bad. You can have something be generic but be entertaining because it has a good story, fun characters, intriguing plot, good action, etc. the thing with smartphone isekai is that it doesn't have a single good point WHILE being generic af. Also sorry but your taste sucks HARD

I'm sorry if you have to rely on ad hominem to get your point

Good job describing yourself. What I did was to explain my previous point in simpler terms because you were unable of reading comprehension. I will now ignore you because you have not given a single argument while ignoring mine because of a severe lack of intelligence. Go to school bozo
Apr 27, 2023 12:55 AM
Sep 2021
Literally your only arguments are " isn't generic and everything it does is below average " WITHOUT explaining why it's like that lol
Apr 27, 2023 2:16 AM
Aug 2022
It gets 8/10 from me
Apr 27, 2023 4:48 AM
Apr 2019
yes need more trash Isekai guilty pleasure anime recommendations lol
Some things can only be achieved through animation.
Apr 27, 2023 6:37 AM
Dec 2022
8 to the best. I feel it is childish even though there are scenes that are more mature. Moreover in this series is taking a lot of time in formatting a plot, hope it gets clearer soon whether there is solid plot or it is anime just for fun
Apr 27, 2023 6:58 AM
Apr 2021
2/10 not as interesting as before for me
Apr 27, 2023 7:00 AM
Dec 2021
K_Abhishek said:
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Always heard back things about this but watched it and gave a 10/10.. anyone else?

bro I am with you for sure!
surely 10/10

if I might ask, why are you rating this series a 10/10? I do not get why you guys rate it this high. For me, i gave it a 8/10 but i wouldn't go as far as to give it a 10, mostly because I compare them to other animes, which I think is better. I do not mean to shit on your opinion, I am just curious as to why you gave it this rating.
Apr 27, 2023 7:02 AM
Jan 2021
Yui_Suzumiya69 said:
Always heard bad things about this but watched it and gave a 10/10.. anyone else?

same here IT'S 10/10 for me too, don't know why people rate it so bad when in fact it's pretty good compared to other isekai series.
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