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will engage kiss get season 2 in this year or it is still not  confirmed by official sources

Mar 26, 2023 1:08 PM
Aug 2022
it is possible or not that engage kiss will get renowned for second season because I am waiting really hardly to find out if the season 2 will be confirmed 
Mar 26, 2023 1:16 PM
Sep 2022
I would like a season 2 but I think they left it off on a point where a season 2 isn’t really needed
Mar 26, 2023 1:18 PM
May 2022
I don't think so. I guess A-1 wanted to see which of their originals gained more attention and since lycoris recoil won, it was the one renewed.
Mar 26, 2023 1:19 PM
Aug 2022
not confirmed yet so not soon imo
Mar 26, 2023 1:25 PM

Jul 2022
 it's not confirmed yet and i dont think that there will never be a second season (unfortunately)
Mar 26, 2023 1:32 PM
Feb 2022
yes me Like New season
Mar 26, 2023 1:34 PM
Apr 2021
I hope it doesn’t. This show was mid asf
Mar 26, 2023 1:43 PM

Sep 2022
FL-SYNC said:
it is possible or not that engage kiss will get renowned for second season because I am waiting really hardly to find out if the season 2 will be confirmed 

I doubt it since it is likely that this anime served more to advertise the mobile game Engage Kill.

Mar 26, 2023 1:47 PM

Jul 2015
I would like it to get 2nd season, because I'd like to see more of Kanna, but nothing was confirmed as of yet.

Mar 26, 2023 1:51 PM
Aug 2022
but I still have hope that both lycoris and engage will get season 2 or I will die for waiting season2 because I want to see season 2 no matter what 
Mar 26, 2023 1:53 PM
Aug 2021
Nothing as of yet, and probably not ever, tbh. I'd like to see another season, but I just don't think it's gonna happen.
Mar 26, 2023 1:54 PM
Aug 2022
and there was rumor that season 2 will be confirmed in this year somewhere around 2023 
Mar 26, 2023 1:57 PM
Aug 2022
but why also engage kiss recived such a low rating here on myanimelist what is wrong with this anime 
Mar 26, 2023 2:00 PM
Aug 2022
Kast2 said:
FL-SYNC said:
it is possible or not that engage kiss will get renowned for second season because I am waiting really hardly to find out if the season 2 will be confirmed 

I doubt it since it is likely that this anime served more to advertise the mobile game Engage Kill.
bold but there was rumor that the game will serve as a sequel for the next season

and plus there is maga release which is still going 

Mod Edit: Merged double posts
KayKimiiMar 28, 2023 7:50 PM
Mar 26, 2023 2:23 PM

Apr 2021
Bruh_epic said:
I hope it doesn’t. This show was mid asf

Well looking at your favorites, it’s no surprise that you didn’t like.

Most of your favs are anime I thought were mid or below.

You like mid shows and can’t tell when there is above mid show.

I rated this at least a 8-9.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 26, 2023 2:25 PM

Apr 2021
FL-SYNC said:
but why also engage kiss recived such a low rating here on myanimelist what is wrong with this anime 

I never follow MAL ratings.

They do no Justice to anime.

Many good anime are ranked low.

Many lousy anime are ranked higher.

It is not a good representation of what a good anime is.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 26, 2023 2:26 PM
Apr 2021
ejleon said:
Bruh_epic said:
I hope it doesn’t. This show was mid asf

Well looking at your favorites, it’s no surprise that you didn’t like.

Most of your favs are anime I thought were mid or below.

You like mid shows and can’t tell when there is above mid show.

I rated this at least a 8-9.

Lol I don’t really care that you personally don’t like my favorite anime, but that doesn’t mean you can call them mid 💀. They all have way higher ratings than this mediocre anime. Like I’m not the type of person to say an anime is bad just because I don’t like it. But I know a bad anime when I watch one and this was definitely one of those anime.
Mar 26, 2023 2:43 PM

Apr 2021
Bruh_epic said:
ejleon said:

Well looking at your favorites, it’s no surprise that you didn’t like.

Most of your favs are anime I thought were mid or below.

You like mid shows and can’t tell when there is above mid show.

I rated this at least a 8-9.

Lol I don’t really care that you personally don’t like my favorite anime, but that doesn’t mean you can call them mid 💀. They all have way higher ratings than this mediocre anime. Like I’m not the type of person to say an anime is bad just because I don’t like it. But I know a bad anime when I watch one and this was definitely one of those anime.

You just admitted to following the crowd, being herded along like the other sheep by MAL ratings.

But I already could tell that, your anime favs, are what other people told you to like. Since you don’t use your mind to think for yourself, you do not have a personal opinion of your own.

Really doesn’t matter if you care or not, you are just part of the masses, meaning you are just like everyone else.

I stopped following MAL ratings once I realized it was not accurate at representing anime, it has unfair and unjust ratings.

Many good anime are ranked low, while lousy anime are ranked higher, it’s seems rigged that way.

I like to watch anime for myself and rate it based on how I think it was, so I have my own mind and personal opinions.
ejleonMar 26, 2023 2:57 PM
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 26, 2023 2:53 PM

Apr 2021
Cestlavie_ said:
ejleon said:

Well looking at your favorites, it’s no surprise that you didn’t like.

Most of your favs are anime I thought were mid or below.

You like mid shows and can’t tell when there is above mid show.

I rated this at least a 8-9.

Someone with Arifureta in their favorites shouldn't be calling out other people's favorites just saying 💀 like u have that throw away medicine Isekai there as well plus darling in the abyss lmao

People who speak like you about anime are also a part of the crowd, herded along by what others tell them to think about anime.

There is nothing wrong with isekai anime or Arifureta, in fact it was very enjoyable to watch, but I’m not controlled like you are by the masses, told to bash isekai anime, or which anime to like and not like, I think for myself.

In order to like Isekai Yakkyoku (Parallel World Pharmacy) & Darling in the Franxx, you need to have knowledge and understanding of Social Science & Science, so these are anime for intelligent people, less educated people wouldn’t realize how well made these anime were.

It says more about you that you don’t like these anime, meaning you really do not know what good anime are.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 26, 2023 3:34 PM

Apr 2021
Cestlavie_ said:
ejleon said:

People who speak like you about anime are also a part of the crowd, herded along by what others tell them to think about anime.

There is nothing wrong with isekai anime or Arifureta, in fact it was very enjoyable to watch, but I’m not controlled like you are by the masses, told to bash isekai anime, or which anime to like and not like, I think for myself.

In order to like Isekai Yakkyoku (Parallel World Pharmacy) & Darling in the Franxx, you need to have knowledge and understanding of Social Science & Science, so these are anime for intelligent people, less educated people wouldn’t realize how well made these anime were.

It says more about you that you don’t like these anime, meaning you really do not know what good anime are.

LoL ,i never said there was anything wrong with Isekai anime, Arifureta is just an objectively bad one.
and Darling in franx an intellectual anime ur too much😂, ur kidding me, that evangelion rip-off with ridiculous petty characters. Really said about Social Science lol, a show that started on land with minor conflicts but ended up in space with a toxic love triangle and the plot of saving an entire universe isn't an intellectual anime I'm sorry to tell u.

Ok, I apologize, I admit I misread what you wrote, you did just call Arifureta a bad isekai, but I still disagree.

Arifureta had a good plot, good MC and side characters, good humor / action, good music, and I had no problems with the art. I really don’t understand people dissing this anime just because of the graphics, it’s like that’s all they saw, it was ridiculous.

Evangelion was so annoyingly awful, pathetically predictable, frustratingly unenjoyable, I stopped watching that miserable anime, Darling in the Franxx kicked that lame anime’s butt.

You just repeated exactly what the unintelligent crowd’s opinion was of Franxx, while intelligent people saw discussions of philosophy, existence, population, resources, politics, government, indoctrination vs liberation, corruption, war, oppression, revolution, biology, genetics, cloning, bio-technological advancement, geology, developing relationships between soldiers / friends / men and women, and there was nothing wrong with the “love triangle” of Hiro, 02, and Ichigo, the complaints were unfounded.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 26, 2023 4:11 PM

Jul 2021
From the two shows they aired the same season last year, I’d rather see Lycoris Recoil 2nd season faster
Mar 26, 2023 4:21 PM
Mar 2023
I think it won't. First the anime kinda flopped, there's no point of continuing it. Second, the anime was made to promote the game, so it will most likely be like takt op, 1 season to promote the game and disappear forever. Third, A1 pictures is having a lot of problems now with their animes and releases so if it's to have a 2 season I'm 100% sure it's not going to be this year
Mar 26, 2023 4:37 PM
Jan 2022
well they did make a game we're still unsure if a second season will happen but who knows it was really good and the animation was top tier we just have to wait and find out
Mar 26, 2023 6:38 PM
Dec 2022
Prolly wont tbh just read the LN
Mar 26, 2023 8:43 PM
Oct 2019
King_Javon said:
Prolly wont tbh just read the LN

it's an original with no source material. the show was hyped because Tsunako (fairy fencer, Neptunia and Date a live) was making the characters design.
Mar 26, 2023 9:39 PM

Apr 2021
Cestlavie_ said:
ejleon said:

Ok, I apologize, I admit I misread what you wrote, you did just call Arifureta a bad isekai, but I still disagree.

Arifureta had a good plot, good MC and side characters, good humor / action, good music, and I had no problems with the art. I really don’t understand people dissing this anime just because of the graphics, it’s like that’s all they saw, it was ridiculous.

Evangelion was so annoyingly awful, pathetically predictable, frustratingly unenjoyable, I stopped watching that miserable anime, Darling in the Franxx kicked that lame anime’s butt.

You just repeated exactly what the unintelligent crowd’s opinion was of Franxx, while intelligent people saw discussions of philosophy, existence, population, resources, politics, government, indoctrination vs liberation, corruption, war, oppression, revolution, biology, genetics, cloning, bio-technological advancement, geology, developing relationships between soldiers / friends / men and women, and there was nothing wrong with the “love triangle” of Hiro, 02, and Ichigo, the complaints were unfounded.

agree to disagree with Arifureta but for DITF,
just cause a show has all that you mentioned doesn't make it a good show, since all those topics in franx were just surface level stuff and were either not explained enough or abandoned completely. if you've watched evangelion and Gurren Lagan you'll know how much Franx rips off from those shows.

Sure, each of us has a right to their own opinion, and I understand that you won’t like all the anime I like, and visa versa.

I was not laying out a standard for “good anime”, it’s dynamic, just listing what I thought about Arifureta, why I enjoyed the anime.

I tried to watch both Evangelion & Gurren Lagan, didn’t like either one and thought Franxx was far far better in its execution.


It’s a genre, not a ripoff, your claim is false.

Those Social Science & Science topics were at the core of this anime, not surface level, what was surface level was the humorous interactions between the characters, this was for comic relief, while the rest of the anime was about addressing the core topics.
ejleonMar 26, 2023 11:24 PM
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Mar 27, 2023 2:05 AM
Jan 2021
I really like to see s2 of it, but I could say there might be a 50-50 chance of getting a sequel.
Mar 27, 2023 6:23 AM
May 2022
FL-SYNC said:
it is possible or not that engage kiss will get renowned for second season because I am waiting really hardly to find out if the season 2 will be confirmed 

probably not as a game is coming out so assume that to be the sequel.
Mar 27, 2023 1:44 PM
Jun 2021
I don't know if there is even something left in the story for which they can think about making a sequel for this one

I didn't like this one personally but I won't mind watching if it ever gets a sequel either
Mar 27, 2023 1:49 PM

Jan 2021
There is a game "coming out", this is the same pattern as Takt Op Destiny, so the sequel will probably be the game unless they say "fuck it" to the game and go for a second season instead.
Mar 27, 2023 7:15 PM
Aug 2022
i think the continuation for this show is a game. Like, this anime was a trailer for a game.
Mar 27, 2023 9:27 PM
Apr 2022
It’s possible but only if the game and BDs see an extremely positive reception, which in all honesty, is unlikely. Not like it won’t make any money, but the anime is pretty didn’t really amass a large following compared to other breakout anime like Lycoris Recoil.
Mar 28, 2023 11:48 PM

Jan 2020
I had hopes that this series would’ve been the better of the 2 A-1 originals that season, but even though I didn’t really like Lycoris Recoil (which I didn’t have any expectations for), this one was a letdown. Mc was pathetic
Mar 29, 2023 6:22 AM
Aug 2021
I don’t think so, this was an anime original after all. So probably not.
Mar 29, 2023 6:23 AM
Aug 2021
ejleon said:
FL-SYNC said:
but why also engage kiss recived such a low rating here on myanimelist what is wrong with this anime 

I never follow MAL ratings.

They do no Justice to anime.

Many good anime are ranked low.

Many lousy anime are ranked higher.

It is not a good representation of what a good anime is.

THIS!! Exactly!!
Mar 30, 2023 12:53 AM

Apr 2021
bradyc_16 said:
ejleon said:

I never follow MAL ratings.

They do no Justice to anime.

Many good anime are ranked low.

Many lousy anime are ranked higher.

It is not a good representation of what a good anime is.

THIS!! Exactly!!

Thank you for your support!
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Apr 1, 2023 5:37 PM

Mar 2021
thunderkitten13 said:
It’s possible but only if the game and BDs see an extremely positive reception, which in all honesty, is unlikely. Not like it won’t make any money, but the anime is pretty didn’t really amass a large following compared to other breakout anime like Lycoris Recoil.
Lycoris Recoil itself is an objectively poorly written show that heavily defies logic. I have a review that proves it. The creator intended it to be a standalone 12 episode series. The show literally has no groundwork to be franchise material. But it got popular for poor reasons particulary yuri shippers/idol fans so now Aniplex is trying it make it some type of franchise

As for the gacha, it made like over 1 million on its first month so it is on good standing since a lot of anime gachas only make 100k and die a year later. But problem is with like almost all gachas is they shutdown so the story won't be available for people who cannot play it. So it does have good backing to easily have a season 2 but the current market where literally every anime has to have a gacha is ruining the industry
pastuch said:
From the two shows they aired the same season last year, I’d rather see Lycoris Recoil 2nd season faster
Lycoris literally ended with season 1 and the creator admitted it. What you are seeing next is pure milking like what happened to the Love Live and Fate with a bajillion spinoffs.
Gui_silva23 said:
I think it won't. First the anime kinda flopped, there's no point of continuing it. Second, the anime was made to promote the game, so it will most likely be like takt op, 1 season to promote the game and disappear forever. Third, A1 pictures is having a lot of problems now with their animes and releases so if it's to have a 2 season I'm 100% sure it's not going to be this year
The anime sold around 1.5 k discs per volume. So if Engage Kiss flopped, so did 86 and Kaguya Love is war since their sales weren't much higher and don't have games.
FL-SYNC said:
but why also engage kiss recived such a low rating here on myanimelist what is wrong with this anime 
Cuz it aired at the same time as Lycoris and people naturally compared those to. The toxic yuri shippers/idol fans botted Lycoris up and npc sites like ANN backed them up. Objectively quality there are pretty equal. I would say Engage Kiss had better animation and probably a better story. But Aniplex just chased trends and dumped all their marketing into Lycoris and left Engage Kiss, as well as Kaguya and 86, to sort of die due to Lycoris's absurd sales which isn't a metric of its quality.
icefirestone23Apr 1, 2023 5:41 PM
Apr 1, 2023 10:42 PM
Mar 2023
icefirestone23 said:
thunderkitten13 said:
It’s possible but only if the game and BDs see an extremely positive reception, which in all honesty, is unlikely. Not like it won’t make any money, but the anime is pretty didn’t really amass a large following compared to other breakout anime like Lycoris Recoil.
Lycoris Recoil itself is an objectively poorly written show that heavily defies logic. I have a review that proves it. The creator intended it to be a standalone 12 episode series. The show literally has no groundwork to be franchise material. But it got popular for poor reasons particulary yuri shippers/idol fans so now Aniplex is trying it make it some type of franchise

As for the gacha, it made like over 1 million on its first month so it is on good standing since a lot of anime gachas only make 100k and die a year later. But problem is with like almost all gachas is they shutdown so the story won't be available for people who cannot play it. So it does have good backing to easily have a season 2 but the current market where literally every anime has to have a gacha is ruining the industry
pastuch said:
From the two shows they aired the same season last year, I’d rather see Lycoris Recoil 2nd season faster
Lycoris literally ended with season 1 and the creator admitted it. What you are seeing next is pure milking like what happened to the Love Live and Fate with a bajillion spinoffs.
Gui_silva23 said:
I think it won't. First the anime kinda flopped, there's no point of continuing it. Second, the anime was made to promote the game, so it will most likely be like takt op, 1 season to promote the game and disappear forever. Third, A1 pictures is having a lot of problems now with their animes and releases so if it's to have a 2 season I'm 100% sure it's not going to be this year
The anime sold around 1.5 k discs per volume. So if Engage Kiss flopped, so did 86 and Kaguya Love is war since their sales weren't much higher and don't have games.
FL-SYNC said:
but why also engage kiss recived such a low rating here on myanimelist what is wrong with this anime 
Cuz it aired at the same time as Lycoris and people naturally compared those to. The toxic yuri shippers/idol fans botted Lycoris up and npc sites like ANN backed them up. Objectively quality there are pretty equal. I would say Engage Kiss had better animation and probably a better story. But Aniplex just chased trends and dumped all their marketing into Lycoris and left Engage Kiss, as well as Kaguya and 86, to sort of die due to Lycoris's absurd sales which isn't a metric of its quality.

Engaje kiss is just another harem based on hot Girls that tries to make a good story and fails miserably
86 had a final that looked like the story was finished, that's why they don't do a sequel, it doesn't need it, the final was perfect, they will ruin everything if they make a 2 season imo
Kaguya literally have 3 seasons and a movie, I don't know how that is "dying" for you

And lycoris finished with an open final with majima still alive giving away weapons and the commander saying that she have a mission for the main cast that we don't know what it is. Also when the last episode aired the creator said days after that if he continued to get the support of fans he would continue the series creating new projects. He never said that it ended with the 1 season.
Gui_silva23Apr 1, 2023 10:50 PM
Apr 2, 2023 6:04 AM

Mar 2021
Gui_silva23 said:
Engaje kiss is just another harem based on hot Girls that tries to make a good story and fails miserably
86 had a final that looked like the story was finished, that's why they don't do a sequel, it doesn't need it, the final was perfect, they will ruin everything if they make a 2 season imo
Kaguya literally have 3 seasons and a movie, I don't know how that is "dying" for you

And lycoris finished with an open final with majima still alive giving away weapons and the commander saying that she have a mission for the main cast that we don't know what it is. Also when the last episode aired the creator said days after that if he continued to get the support of fans he would continue the series creating new projects. He never said that it ended with the 1 season.
Usually on the feminazis complain about harems.
They wanted to make 86 a long running series which is why they adapted the light novel series and put insane marketing. But financially they cannot.
Kaguya didn't even adapt halfway through the manga and the sales kind of crashed despite heavy marketing. They needed quintuplets sales. Not to mention later half isn't good since you cannot stretch some romance that long.

Lycoris itself is a poorly written story. Those girls can perform feats even spider man cannot do which is textbook writing? Not to mention majority of LycoReco threads are shipping threads so majority of lyco Reco fans don't care about the joke of a story. It is a series that the author even confirm is over and yes it is milking. Narratively there is no way they can continue it long term without a dip in quality. It is like the Love Live series that eventually became trash after milking since they ran out of good ideas. It has no basis to be some type of universe/long running story since the story itself is overtly simplistic. Most people know LycoReco sales are not indicative of the writing quality. It literally cannot without them doing some insane retcons. Spider Lily aren't reputable writers and have less credentials than Fumiaki Maruto who is already pretty prominant in the VN industry.

LycoReco animation and character design is subpar to engage kiss and only a blind person can say otherwise. Just gun action and generic school uniforms
icefirestone23Apr 2, 2023 2:28 PM
Apr 3, 2023 9:22 AM
Aug 2022
hey guys I have to admit that I dislike lycoris recoil because of the story and the manga I wish and hope that engage kiss will survive and get second season because I'd love to see how relationship between kanna,kisara and shu is going I want to see that so pls I wish that everyone will support engage kiss forever and forget about lycoris recoil A1-pictures surely will pay for that deed that they commited from that year because  they are trusting too much for their people I should  say that they choosed pretty bad audience to release those animes plus timing was pretty bad and plus engage kiss is N1 anime comparing to lycoris recoil I will say that lycoris isnt that bad but because of the story I dislike and plus animation wasnt top tier but engage kiss was top notch and it was pretty much an art piece so pls support engage kiss and someone make pettion about engage kiss and tell everyone to asign it this will help to convince A1-pictures to make sequel of engage kiss.
Apr 13, 2023 9:08 AM
Oct 2021
FL-SYNC said:
it is possible or not that engage kiss will get renowned for second season because I am waiting really hardly to find out if the season 2 will be confirmed 

I don't think so the anime wasn't popular enough
May 17, 2023 2:21 PM
Aug 2017
icefirestone23 said:
thunderkitten13 said:
It’s possible but only if the game and BDs see an extremely positive reception, which in all honesty, is unlikely. Not like it won’t make any money, but the anime is pretty didn’t really amass a large following compared to other breakout anime like Lycoris Recoil.
Lycoris Recoil itself is an objectively poorly written show that heavily defies logic. I have a review that proves it. The creator intended it to be a standalone 12 episode series. The show literally has no groundwork to be franchise material. But it got popular for poor reasons particulary yuri shippers/idol fans so now Aniplex is trying it make it some type of franchise

As for the gacha, it made like over 1 million on its first month so it is on good standing since a lot of anime gachas only make 100k and die a year later. But problem is with like almost all gachas is they shutdown so the story won't be available for people who cannot play it. So it does have good backing to easily have a season 2 but the current market where literally every anime has to have a gacha is ruining the industry
pastuch said:
From the two shows they aired the same season last year, I’d rather see Lycoris Recoil 2nd season faster
Lycoris literally ended with season 1 and the creator admitted it. What you are seeing next is pure milking like what happened to the Love Live and Fate with a bajillion spinoffs.
Gui_silva23 said:
I think it won't. First the anime kinda flopped, there's no point of continuing it. Second, the anime was made to promote the game, so it will most likely be like takt op, 1 season to promote the game and disappear forever. Third, A1 pictures is having a lot of problems now with their animes and releases so if it's to have a 2 season I'm 100% sure it's not going to be this year
The anime sold around 1.5 k discs per volume. So if Engage Kiss flopped, so did 86 and Kaguya Love is war since their sales weren't much higher and don't have games.
FL-SYNC said:
but why also engage kiss recived such a low rating here on myanimelist what is wrong with this anime 
Cuz it aired at the same time as Lycoris and people naturally compared those to. The toxic yuri shippers/idol fans botted Lycoris up and npc sites like ANN backed them up. Objectively quality there are pretty equal. I would say Engage Kiss had better animation and probably a better story. But Aniplex just chased trends and dumped all their marketing into Lycoris and left Engage Kiss, as well as Kaguya and 86, to sort of die due to Lycoris's absurd sales which isn't a metric of its quality.

I really love Engage Kiss a lot and it was the anime that I enjoyed the most last year. However, I have grown pessimistic about getting a renewal season as the ratings and viewership are lackluster (at least in the English and Japanese community). I have heard that it fared quite well among the Chinese community even being rated higher than Lycoris Recoil in BGM. Where did you get numbers on Engage Kill earning 1M on its first month, and also is 1500 discs per volume a good figure? I heard that 3000 is the 'Manabi Line' for a studio to break even. Thanks in advance.
May 19, 2023 5:04 AM
Mar 2022
DragonTheOne said:
icefirestone23 said:
Lycoris Recoil itself is an objectively poorly written show that heavily defies logic. I have a review that proves it. The creator intended it to be a standalone 12 episode series. The show literally has no groundwork to be franchise material. But it got popular for poor reasons particulary yuri shippers/idol fans so now Aniplex is trying it make it some type of franchise

As for the gacha, it made like over 1 million on its first month so it is on good standing since a lot of anime gachas only make 100k and die a year later. But problem is with like almost all gachas is they shutdown so the story won't be available for people who cannot play it. So it does have good backing to easily have a season 2 but the current market where literally every anime has to have a gacha is ruining the industry
Lycoris literally ended with season 1 and the creator admitted it. What you are seeing next is pure milking like what happened to the Love Live and Fate with a bajillion spinoffs.
The anime sold around 1.5 k discs per volume. So if Engage Kiss flopped, so did 86 and Kaguya Love is war since their sales weren't much higher and don't have games.
Cuz it aired at the same time as Lycoris and people naturally compared those to. The toxic yuri shippers/idol fans botted Lycoris up and npc sites like ANN backed them up. Objectively quality there are pretty equal. I would say Engage Kiss had better animation and probably a better story. But Aniplex just chased trends and dumped all their marketing into Lycoris and left Engage Kiss, as well as Kaguya and 86, to sort of die due to Lycoris's absurd sales which isn't a metric of its quality.

I really love Engage Kiss a lot and it was the anime that I enjoyed the most last year. However, I have grown pessimistic about getting a renewal season as the ratings and viewership are lackluster (at least in the English and Japanese community). I have heard that it fared quite well among the Chinese community even being rated higher than Lycoris Recoil in BGM. Where did you get numbers on Engage Kill earning 1M on its first month, and also is 1500 discs per volume a good figure? I heard that 3000 is the 'Manabi Line' for a studio to break even. Thanks in advance.
If I'm not mistaken, the mobile game that the anime was advertising, Engage Kill, is out now. I remember pre-registering for that back when I visited Japan but I couldn't download it when it finally launched since I returned to my home country. Here's the game's android store page:
Jun 3, 2023 5:34 PM

Mar 2021
DragonTheOne said:
icefirestone23 said:
Lycoris Recoil itself is an objectively poorly written show that heavily defies logic. I have a review that proves it. The creator intended it to be a standalone 12 episode series. The show literally has no groundwork to be franchise material. But it got popular for poor reasons particulary yuri shippers/idol fans so now Aniplex is trying it make it some type of franchise

As for the gacha, it made like over 1 million on its first month so it is on good standing since a lot of anime gachas only make 100k and die a year later. But problem is with like almost all gachas is they shutdown so the story won't be available for people who cannot play it. So it does have good backing to easily have a season 2 but the current market where literally every anime has to have a gacha is ruining the industry
Lycoris literally ended with season 1 and the creator admitted it. What you are seeing next is pure milking like what happened to the Love Live and Fate with a bajillion spinoffs.
The anime sold around 1.5 k discs per volume. So if Engage Kiss flopped, so did 86 and Kaguya Love is war since their sales weren't much higher and don't have games.
Cuz it aired at the same time as Lycoris and people naturally compared those to. The toxic yuri shippers/idol fans botted Lycoris up and npc sites like ANN backed them up. Objectively quality there are pretty equal. I would say Engage Kiss had better animation and probably a better story. But Aniplex just chased trends and dumped all their marketing into Lycoris and left Engage Kiss, as well as Kaguya and 86, to sort of die due to Lycoris's absurd sales which isn't a metric of its quality.

I really love Engage Kiss a lot and it was the anime that I enjoyed the most last year. However, I have grown pessimistic about getting a renewal season as the ratings and viewership are lackluster (at least in the English and Japanese community). I have heard that it fared quite well among the Chinese community even being rated higher than Lycoris Recoil in BGM. Where did you get numbers on Engage Kill earning 1M on its first month, and also is 1500 discs per volume a good figure? I heard that 3000 is the 'Manabi Line' for a studio to break even. Thanks in advance.
sensor tower but take numbers from a grain of salt. The Re Zero Gacha was making 1 million a month before they shut it down. There are a lot of factors to consider like licensing costs, developer costs, which country is developing it. Heck the entire gacha market is on its knees at this point, as the money has been made
May 14, 2024 2:42 AM
Jan 2023
Well I hope there will be season 2 cause technicaly they left open end after first season. But as to when is hard question since there is no manga prior to anime. Lets just hope there will be more in future sooner or later.
Jun 10, 2024 12:15 AM

Jan 2009
the mobile game engage kill is the sequel for engage kiss but it shutdown this year

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