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Aug 15, 2009 3:34 AM

Jul 2009
Dystopian Future, High Technology Low Life, Crime and Corruption, Megacorporations, Warlords, Technology N Arms race, Cybernetic parts that replaces the human body, Cyberspace and All those bright Neon lights and led advertisements that gave the city Life. Combine together you'll get CYBERPUNK. Frankly speaking i wasn't even born yet when cyberpunk era was so active during the 80s, Bladerunner, Akira and Neuromancer

Everything Sci Fic now seems to be drawing attention to Big Mechas and Technology combine with "magical powers". way too far beyond our timeline can even think of being real. To Be honest for a sci fi person like me i kinda hate titles like Code Geass, Gundam, Star Wars..

I've yet to enjoy any anime that is as good as Akira or Original Ghost in the shell. Probally the last few was Texnolyze and Ergo Proxy. Manga wise Biomega just keeps me going after Eden: Its an endless world

Is it me or am i the only one that find Battle Angel Alita: Last Order and GITS SAC not as instresting as their pre successors:?
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Aug 16, 2009 11:04 PM
Aug 2008
Yeah, classic cyberpunk is becoming very rare. SAC (haven't seen Alita) is definitely made in such a different style from it's predecessor that it doesn't seem so much cyberpunk as just a very good sci-fi action show. What we're missing is creativity that fits the cyberpunk theme. Don't let this season's anime (and non-anime for that matter) lineup discourage you, the genre will probably make a comeback at some point. It only takes one good series.

Still, anime wise, cyberpunk has a lot more going for it than steampunk, which is a very popular genre that is generally ignored for who knows what reasons.</wrongforumsoapbox>
Aug 23, 2009 2:55 PM

Jul 2009
Maybe it is in a coma....but deep down there the dirty trash future remains alive...yeah, many of sci-fi animes/movies/manga of this days keep going to the mecha, wierd guns and ultra-violence...

...but the "Neuromancer" movie it is coming up and i hope that it flame on the cyberpunk again...
Sep 1, 2009 3:33 AM
Sep 2009
To me SAC belongs to the growing 'Post Cyberpunk' genre that threaded off the original, where the high technology and some of the themes (such as powerful corporations and political intrigue) remain, but without the collapse of law and order, society or the environment and general dystopia that many cyberpunk writers foresaw happening and may not now come to pass. I just read there's yet another spinoff - 'Cyberprep' which is the exact opposite of cyberpunk, where everything is generally rosy and glowing thanks to the high tech. Out of the anime i've seen so far, Chobits seems to be the most 'cyberpreppy'

I do love the gritty futures of Bubblegum Crisis, Ghost in the Shell, Dominion Tank Police, Neuromancer, Blade Runner, Shadowrun and others most of all though and classic Cyberpunk will more than likely remain my favourite.
Sep 1, 2009 8:10 AM
Jun 2009
Blacksheath said:
SAC (haven't seen Alita) is definitely made in such a different style from it's predecessor that it doesn't seem so much cyberpunk as just a very good sci-fi action show.

What the fuck?

lol no

Also, Post Cyberpunk does not exist, like half of the other shit people on Wikipedia make up. (such as "alternative metal" and "post-metal")
Captain_GARlockSep 1, 2009 12:25 PM
Sep 2, 2009 2:08 AM
Sep 2009
Captain_GARlock said:
Blacksheath said:
SAC (haven't seen Alita) is definitely made in such a different style from it's predecessor that it doesn't seem so much cyberpunk as just a very good sci-fi action show.

What the fuck?

lol no

Also, Post Cyberpunk does not exist, like half of the other shit people on Wikipedia make up. (such as "alternative metal" and "post-metal")

Well, novels such as 'Rewired - The Post Cyberpunk Anthology' (Including stories by Bruce Sterling and William Gibson, who'd be the first person to jump up and down and point if it didn't really exist) and others written since the 90's, when the term was coined does seem to suggest that it's not just something cooked up recently by wiki writers wanting to look cool and different.

So yeah, whilst SAC is still cyberpunk, it's a different kind to that of the 80's, when the likes of Akira, Dominion Tank Police and GOTS projected their visions of the near future. Like a lot of sci-fi genres, such as 'Pulp scifi' and 'hard scifi' to move with the times and project realistic visions of the future from the time it's written in, it's split off into 'classic cyberpunk' and several other offshoots. Something like Post Cyberpunk may seem like a snazzy little title, but cyberpunk was coined just the same way, to capture people's attention and to put a layer of coolness and imagery on a new genre and if William Gibson has put the rubber stamp of approval on it by writing post cyberpunk stories, then that's good enough for me.
Sep 22, 2009 2:31 PM

Aug 2007
Post Cyberpunk does exist. And I read somewhere that 'Cyberprep' is just another term for it. Anyway, to put it simply, unlike cyberpunk that focuses on violent social struggles, cyber terrorism, all the gritty stuff, and generally shows a bleak, dystopian future, Post Cyberpunk (Cyberprep) has a pretty bright and optimistic version of it where people use cyber technologies mostly for entertainment and pleasure. Animewise some good examples of Post Cyberpunk (Cyberprep) would be Dennou Coil, Real Drive, Eve no Jikan, and yeah, Chobits :D
Sep 23, 2009 4:11 AM

Jun 2009
Xuchiel said:
Post Cyberpunk (Cyberprep) has a pretty bright and optimistic version of it where people use cyber technologies mostly for entertainment and pleasure.

Then what's the difference between this "Cyberprep" thing and just "futuristic sci-fi"? According to your words, Applessed and Paprika are also Post Cyberpunk :) .
Sep 23, 2009 7:13 AM

Aug 2007
BioMax said:
Then what's the difference between this "Cyberprep" thing and just "futuristic sci-fi"? According to your words, Applessed and Paprika are also Post Cyberpunk :) .
Well, cyberpunk, post-cyberpunk/cyberprep/whatever - they are all sci-fi after all, sub genres of it. Appleseed is cyberpunk because it shows postapocalyptic future with a lot of struggle - polotical and with high-tech terrorism, among social groups (bioroids and normal humans and contradictions that arise between them). Well, even the main characters are military/special police force. Anyway it doesn't fit the features of cyberprep.
Paprika is Post Cyberpunk/Cyberprep though :)
Sep 25, 2009 11:00 PM

Apr 2009
Pretty engaging discussion. I didn't even know terms like cyberprep existed. But in regards to the topic, when you consider Hollywood is attempting to remake Battle Angel and Akira, and movies like District Nine blurring classic scifi with post-cyberpunk dystopia, I would have to say its alive but actively being reinterpreted...or shat out and diluted--*cough*...Vexille... excuse me. ack! *COUGH*...Wonderful Days...*COUGH* COUUUUGH*....Aachi Wa Ssipak. phew*

That means the question "Is Cyberpunk Still Alive.." may beg for a return to a kind of purism? I think there is some need of creating a benchmark, like GITS, or what Aliens did to the sci-fi horror in its day, in order for the genre to codify a bit. Or maybe not, just a thought.

Was thinking some of you might like this a bit..

N. Katherine Hales -- How We Became Post-Human
Jan 13, 2010 3:15 PM
Jun 2009
Alright guys, I watched Ergo Proxy several months ago and I must agree that Post-cyberpunk definitely exists.

Sorry bros <3
Feb 14, 2010 10:46 AM

Feb 2010
From my point of view and taking reference on wikipedia, Cyberpunk is a futuristic history that uses a kind of philosophical content based on how the things that we do today will affect negatively on a future, strictly on the "high tech and low life" side.
This means that titles like Star Wars aren't a Cyberpunk history. I call them "Futuristic Fantasy", a history just for leisure, and without deep and intellectual content.

So, in my opinion, Cyberpunk is just not the classical history of megalopolis (But I have to say that the elements described in topic are the best on this stories :)). Cyberpunk is in full stories, or part of stories that show a futuristic style of life that contains a discussion about: Is always technology-based progress going to improve our lifes or could end in terrible consequences?

Having in mind this point of view I can say that Cyberpunk is still alive in anime, and in music (EBM, Future/Synth pop, Industrial) but I think that nowadays are less creations on full-dedicated films or novels than on 80's.
AnachronisticFeb 14, 2010 11:27 AM
Mar 10, 2010 5:12 PM

Aug 2007
Captain_GARlock said:
Alright guys, I watched Ergo Proxy several months ago and I must agree that Post-cyberpunk definitely exists.

Sorry bros <3

I think Ergo Proxy was the last cyberpunk anime, and that was almost half a decade ago. I haven't hear any studios announce plans to make any new series,and there are very few cyberpunk manga being released currently (the only one I know of is alita). I don't think its dead yet, but its certainly floundering.
Mar 31, 2010 7:05 PM
Jun 2009
ender650 said:
Captain_GARlock said:
Alright guys, I watched Ergo Proxy several months ago and I must agree that Post-cyberpunk definitely exists.

Sorry bros <3

I think Ergo Proxy was the last cyberpunk anime, and that was almost half a decade ago. I haven't hear any studios announce plans to make any new series,and there are very few cyberpunk manga being released currently (the only one I know of is alita). I don't think its dead yet, but its certainly floundering.

It's sad.


May 9, 2010 8:25 PM
May 2010
I’m sorry that I missed this forum topic in 09 but definitely cyberpunk is thriving in 2010!

Ergo Proxy, Serial Experiments Lain, Chobits even Macross Frontier (More Sci Fi) and Last Exile (Steampunk) are among my favourites.

I see a lot of the new Anime in Tokyo each year so I'll see if I can report back here and on my site:

Also feel free to download our free cyberpunk Ezine from the site:
May 27, 2010 3:23 PM
Sep 2009
Oct 19, 2010 9:57 PM

Nov 2008

I'd say so, barely.

(And no, Deus ex is not postcyberpunk).
ChthoniaOct 21, 2010 9:27 PM
May 10, 2011 11:08 AM
Jul 2018
I think that cyberpunk is almost dead. Cyberpunk is something that really fits in the 80s and early 90s. Recreating the style of classic cyberpunk anime today is very hard because it would look too clean (HD, CGI and stuff). What makes most classic cyberpunk anime interesting is this rough hand-drawn non-HD style and the detailed backgrounds. Megacities, crime, violence, technology, androids, cybernetic body parts and neon lights is what most cyberpunk is all about.
Bubblegum Crisis, A.D. Police Files and Armitage III are good examples.

It's hard to explain in words but i think that if the anime industry tries to revive this genre, it will look and feel very different from the classics.
Jul 11, 2011 7:39 PM
Jul 2011
Hey guys, remember the matrix movies? Also, some studio was comming out with a cgi Blame! Movie. The previews i saw looked so bad lol.
Jul 13, 2011 6:39 PM

Jun 2011
Hvesier said:

I'd say so, barely.

(And no, Deus ex is not postcyberpunk).

That's definitely cyberpunk.

Film adaptations of Battle Angel Alita and Akira are in production.
Remake of Appleseed is aired in this season.
Cyberpunk is still living.
I hope so ...
The threat is stronger than the execution.
Jul 14, 2011 7:40 PM
Oct 2008
Here are some cyberpunk anime movies from last year:


[It was actually pretty good, a bit dark as well.]

Eve no Jikan:

[Highly optimistic and laid back as far as cyberpunk goes, but it's a great look at the relationship between humans and humanoid robots. I've seen the 6-episode OVA, but not the movie version]

Mardock Scramble:

[Haven't seen this one yet, but I've been wanting to. They've planned for their to be two sequels]

No. 6 also looks like it has some cyberpunk in it:
Jul 29, 2012 12:45 PM
Jul 2012
The Chaos 6010 A.D. Role Playing Game is a gritty cyber-goth horror setting focused on a dark future in which magic has been rediscovered through the assistance of alien races, Earth has been rendered into a wasteland of horrors by an apocalyptic event, and corporations secretly control the galaxy.

Check it out:
Mar 21, 2013 10:58 PM
Feb 2013
Yep its still alive, look at the few games coming out this year Remember Me and Watch Dogs which I pre ordered on Amazon for the PS3 already....

I will also pre order Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out on Amazon.. Cyberpunk is still here..

heck look at the recent Anime Psycho Pass and I heard that a movie for Neuromancer is in the works.

and has anyone seen Total Recall 2012 ?
Apr 9, 2013 8:58 AM

Mar 2013
Cyberpunk 2077 could well revive the genre as a whole, we'll see. There is a lot more room for cyberpunk fiction just waiting to come out of its subterranean vault.

What about neo-cyberpunk? I'd classify Deus Ex Human Revolution as one of the the first which truly blends cyberpunk and post-cyberpunk elements. Look at the way it attempts to reconcile the two, and asks just where technology is taking humanity in the near future, with the possibility of an optimistic ending, whilst bringing to light the turbulent streets of Detroit, Montreal, and Hengsha Island; the corporate espionage of typical cyberpunk works, and rich architecture to go with it.
Snake_tartareApr 9, 2013 9:16 AM
Apr 19, 2013 10:51 AM
Jan 2011
I think it never really died (except, I guess from movies (Hollywood), though Elysium might be considered cyberpunk). One must understand that this a niche genre, not much money to be made. Generally, it's themes are deep and complex, which draw away people.
Though some approaches are usually considered amongst the best in most mediums (see Neuromancer in literature, Blade Runner in cinema, Deus Ex in video games and GITS in anime...)

Regarding video games there was a void after the 2nd Deus Ex (the not-so-great Invisible War) up until recently with Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Syndicate (the new one from EA). I agree with TimeTerrorist above, Cyberpunk 2077 might show there are people interested in this genre and I'm eagerly waiting for it to come out. Other games are also slated to come in near future like Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Remember me, Shadowrun Returns, Dreamfall Chapters, Net Gain, Black Annex, the GITS MMO...

Besides, what's this neo-cyberpunk, post-cyberpunk you're talking? I don't understand, this genre is so small and you want to divide into subgenres...
ExecutrApr 19, 2013 10:55 AM
Sep 19, 2013 8:58 PM
Nov 2008

The world of cyberpunk requires a certain air of mystery in atmosphere, created by contrasts between darkness and gloom, and artificial lights.

Neon signs, electronic displays, flickering lamps that strobe, vehicle flashes, and ambiance from office windows.....all set in the darkness and shadows of night time, diffused by rain and fog, caged in spiraling concrete towers and buildings that trap light.

It's about as much of what we don't see, as it is what we do, the gap between the two filled by our imagination.


The world of cyberpunk is challenged aesthetically by movement of modern architecture, where form and function is weighted by optimizing energy conservation and using as much natural light as possible.

Turn on the sunlight, use large windows, pickup all the garbage from the god...illusion shattered :(
Dec 28, 2013 12:06 PM
Jul 2018
I wouldn't say cyberpunk is dead, but the hype is definitely (and pretty damn sadly) gone. I think the whole "fear of the unknown" with regards to the future results of industrialisation and the dawn of the network society (cyberspace) which fuelled the genre back in the day is gone... at least it's still going fairly strong in Asia, although not as prevalent as it used to be.

I'll be fairly knee-deep in cyberpunk during 2014 for my final year project, so I'll update here if I get any nice info on the current state of things. It's such a rich genre, so hopefully it'll be revived big time at some point.

PS Akira was a worldwide trend on Twitter the other day - it's not much, but it's a start. :D
Apr 25, 2014 8:28 AM
Jul 2013
I'd say cyberpunk has evolved into other genres, but Cyberpunk itself is still a thing, the older and grittier stuff versus the lighter more smoother stuff. Akira and Appleseed had that very dirty and 80's feel that we all love, while stuff like the GiTS TV show goes for that Ultra-Modern and all the technology is very organic. But they still have the themes of corruption and and dystopia. Also it's very easy to confuse Cyberpunk and Post-Cyberpunk.
Aug 7, 2014 5:54 PM
Apr 2014
Is Cyberpunk still alive? Of course it is!! Living example is my sister who is an artist (painting) only cyberpunk style pictures!! Few resemble like those of G.I.T.S. The reporter asked her the same question... She said, No! The cyberpunk time is yet to come! I agree, cos humans are developing more and more higher teh. and soon we could really have chip implants in our bodys...
Aug 11, 2015 12:53 AM

Dec 2014
Yes it's still slug free
Devil-Styx said:
Is Cyberpunk still alive? Of course it is!! Living example is my sister who is an artist (painting) only cyberpunk style pictures!!.

This is a good point. I follow cyberpunk art on tumblr, DA and art station. There is more and more everyday. While there may not be a ton of anime or manga, and there may be and I haven't found it, still being produced there is a lot of artists out there still creating it.
Aug 11, 2015 1:26 AM

Dec 2014
GreatRumbler said:
Here are some cyberpunk anime movies from last year:


[It was actually pretty good, a bit dark as well.]

Eve no Jikan:

[Highly optimistic and laid back as far as cyberpunk goes, but it&#039;s a great look at the relationship between humans and humanoid robots. I&#039;ve seen the 6-episode OVA, but not the movie version]

Mardock Scramble:

[Haven&#039;t seen this one yet, but I&#039;ve been wanting to. They&#039;ve planned for their to be two sequels]

No. 6 also looks like it has some cyberpunk in it:

Thanks for the recommendations! I haven't seen any of these before. Starting Loups now. I see it's by Production IG which has yet to let me down. If like to see some more suggestions if you or anyone else wants to make some suggestions, please do. Especially more recent series and movies. I've seen most the classics I believe.
Feb 15, 2023 10:33 PM
Dec 2017
edgerunners and akudama drive really are pretty good 2020 cyberpunk stuff imo

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