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Tsundere Akuyaku Reijou Liselotte to Jikkyou no Endou-kun to Kaisetsu no Kobayashi-san Episode 6 Discussion

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Feb 10, 2023 9:24 AM

Nov 2011
An actual date?! Funny how this episode had love in the air and near Valentine's week.

The amount of affection Siegwald showed to Lieselotte is impressive. They almost look like new married weds, like right out of a fantasy fairy tale. That big priness carry too!
Feb 10, 2023 10:39 AM
Jun 2020
And that's how, folks, Lieselotte's father put not only his daughter's love life but the fate of the entire world in jeopardy. A king's wife is not his 'subject'; she is called a queen. That said, atleast we got ourselves a tsundere thanks to his orthodox ideas.
Feb 10, 2023 10:42 AM

Jul 2017
Lieselotte's nightmare dream from the Witch of Yore, in preparation for the new semester, is definitely an omen forthcoming.

Liese and Fiene, now revealed as sisters, they're viewed by everyone as equals. But with Baldur's affection on Fiene wavering, Liese suggesting an audience with him to rectify love for nobility, it's a serious contempt that could alter his position as a noble. which Liese crushed his spirit like a tsundere and Fiene overhearing their conversation. Baldur's obsession becomes desperation, and as Fiene comes to terms with her thoughts, both of them can suddenly hear the voices of Endo and Kobayashi, just like Sieg. And that request to abandon nobility and date each other, it shows Baldur's confidence in his love for the younger sister, just as Liese gets the nightmare ringing in her head more frequently.

With Liese avoiding Sieg, there is a cause for concern that she's avoiding him, but it turns out that both Fiene and Baldur also knows what's going on in her private life enough to care for her. It's not even that Endo and Kobayashi can help them all in that case, and only Sieg can solve this by his own with his affections in full. Liese re-accounting her young life with Sieg and with the expectation of the royal marriage to come after the succession, it's painting doubt upon her life if the love is worth more together with the price of nobility, and not to mention Fiene that was once her rival. With the Voices of the Gods and Sieg managing to calm her down, the Witch of Yore is the main objective that would kill the world, starting from Liese herself. Only Sieg can solve this by continuing to love her, but it also makes sense when Endo and Kobayashi's objective from the very start, it wouldn't have made any pointer at all. And since now they know, they must act on it immediately.

If they want to aim for the "Happily Ever After" ending, Sieg has to give it his all.

Feb 10, 2023 10:51 AM

Feb 2007
Now there's a father who truly screwed up his daughter's life...
Feb 10, 2023 11:03 AM
Sep 2015
Such a dramatic episode! And it's like all the action that absent from episode 2-5 are packed in this episode alone. And more people hearing God's voice is always welcomed by me, in fact, it's like not only Fiene, but Lise is also on the verge of hearing the voice.
Feb 10, 2023 11:03 AM

Jul 2022
What a f*cked-up thing to say to your daughter. What a poor, misguided subject of the crown - I have a hard time relating to that sort of mentality but it's a different world, different culture. I'd never make it in a monarchy.

And now we have a witch attempting to infect our dear tsundere Liesolette? Our commentators really have their work cut out for them...
Feb 10, 2023 11:10 AM
Dec 2022
I blame Liselotte's father for this. If he didn't tell her to bottle up her feelings to "Protect Sieg's reputation." She wouldn't have to feel loathsome and become the vessel for the Witch of Yore! This is something I hate about nobles! But now that Sieg acknowledges his feelings for her and Fiene and Baldur are together, they might help Liselotte from dying!
Feb 10, 2023 11:13 AM

Jan 2018
At least Baldur is honest. He's smart enough to know when to confess his love and avoid making it seem fake. He doesn't want to look like he loves Fiene out of obligation or make her doubt whether he actually meant what he said or not. Respect.

Wait, Fiene's now "awakened" too? Well, she is supposed to be the main character of this game so I'm surprised she didn't get this sooner...

Witch of Yore is making its move... Poor Liese...

Liese's cause of becoming a tsundere is a sad one. Now her personality makes more sense.
Feb 10, 2023 11:26 AM
Jul 2018
When they shouted “GANBARE” I got a little emotional… BEAUTIFUL! πŸ˜­πŸ‘Œ
Feb 10, 2023 12:16 PM

Dec 2013
Poor Liese-tan, she is always one step away from falling into darkness, her father really screwed everything up, she was having the time of her life and was told not to embrace her feelings, I liked a lot when Sieg was asking for an advice from Endou and Kobayashi but they told him to do it on his own, so 3 happy couples and maybe a 4th one will show up for the next episode.
Feb 10, 2023 12:23 PM

Oct 2017
Baldur maybe dumb but he's honest and said everything he could when he confessed to Fiene. I'm glad Fiene accepted his feelings. Lieselotte suffered quite a bit this episode but Sieg finally knows about her situation. Hopefully with his love they can avoid the bad end.
Feb 10, 2023 12:54 PM

Dec 2022
looks like bal and fiene are together
Feb 10, 2023 12:59 PM
Apr 2020
Final sequence and the ed right after that was  perfect ! Also can't take baldur seriously due to sugita lol
Feb 10, 2023 1:08 PM

Jul 2022
Damn... the romantic scenes of a prince and a princess in the anime will never happen in reality, seems to say that it's disappointing.

Feb 10, 2023 3:07 PM
Nov 2018
Ah, parenthood: fucking up your kids in ways you never intended. I think he meant to say, "Be careful how you conduct yourself in public with the prince," or "this is a political marriage and you're still kids, you should see how receptive he is before throwing feelings at him". But he didn't say that. He didn't give any context to this little girl, so she heard her orders as "do a 180 and convince your fiance that you hate him." Yeah, he couldn't have anticipated some cosmic entity using her insecure psyche to destroy the world, but he still wasn't setting her up for success.

And thus, the fate of the world depends on Sieg taking care of his high-maintenance girlfriend :P I like that Fiene can hear the Gods now, too, so it's easier to coordinate Lise's support network. I was worried no one would address her nightmares.
It was good thinking to hold back some info and mainly focus on nurturing the romances, but now that Endo and Kobayashi have explained, someone should knuckle down and research everything they can about the Witch of Yore. Maybe that's what the prodigy's for, we're apparently seeing him next ep. Maybe the professor too, or Artur.

I'm also looking forward to E+K doing commentary for their school's game! I did not think the framing story would get equal focus with the otome game plot, but I want to see Endo getting better at his technique and gain confidence. This show is so cute!
Feb 10, 2023 3:36 PM

Feb 2019
LETS GOOOOOOO. Everyone’s ships got some really good development today. About time Bahl just came out and told Fiene his real feelings. Bro was on his knees begging for his woman, that’s real.

Seeing Liese backstory made me feel really bad for her. That’s pretty shitty of her dad to basically force her to bottle up her emotions. If they’re going to be married she should be able to voice her mind to her fiancé, plus he’s a literal kid. What would her saying she loves him do to him but make him smile lmao? It’s no wonder she’s so emotionally stunted.

As for Sieg, no doubt he knows how she feels now and the two of them can hopefully move forward and take the next step together.

Now that those are sorted, need Endo and Kobayashi to get their act together lmao
Marinate1016Feb 10, 2023 3:41 PM
Feb 10, 2023 6:03 PM

Sep 2022
everyone now knows about Fiene and Liselotte being related and all that which is causing quite the talk around campus. 

We then see Liselotte asking Fiene to do something for her and we soon find out what. In the meantime Liselotte has a talk with Baldur over his feelings for Fiene and at the end he says that he loves her and hears a sound coming from the door. We find out that Liselotte told Fiene to hide in the wardrobe and she heard that entire talk including the love confession. After Fiene and Baldur have a talk over their feelings with Baldur saying more embarrassing things with a straight face, Fiene also begins to hear Endo and Kobayashi and after some few words, Fiene accepts his courtship and they begin dating much to Kobayashi and Endo's excitement!! We also see Baldur finally blush after he realized that Fiene is now dating him!

We also get a backstory as to how Sieg and Liselotte met, when they were young their parents introduced them to each other as future fiancés and from that point Liselotte was in love with Sieg. Liselotte's father however told her to bottle up those emotions for political reasons pretty much. From then on we see tsundere Liselotte from a very young age.

Liselotte has had nightmares about the witch and because of these she begins to distance herself from everyone, that is until Fiene catches her with Sieg overhearing the whole conversation, with some advice from Endo and Kobayashi he makes a move and tells her that he will always be there for her but nothing is getting through so instead he kisses her on the cheek and she falls unconscious. Liselotte begins to even hear Endo and Kobayashi in her unconscious state as well. 

Endo and Kobayashi finally tell Fiene and Sieg about what fate awaits for Liselotte unless they can do something and that something can only be done within Sieg. With that all taken in Sieg figures out his feelings and says "Liselotte, no matter what happens, I will always be by your side." 

We got a lot this episode and I loved it all!! tonnes of progress made, hope we get to see more next week!!

Feb 10, 2023 7:10 PM

Feb 2021
Baldur's reason for not confessing is actually quite admirable
Also I feel like this is the first time I've seen a tsundere actually have a reason for being one lol
Feb 10, 2023 7:13 PM

Dec 2018
Wow, this one almost felt like a finale but I’m happy there’s still half the show to go, quite an awesome episode. Not only did we resolve the issues between Baldur and Fiene (that wink was great lol) we also got a fantastic moment between Sieg and Lieselotte and now the goal is clear to the game characters that they need to prevent the witch from taking over Lieselotte. The solution sounds simple but I’m sure there’s more than meets the eye with it, like when is Kuon gonna make a move. Also loved Kobayashi going crazy over the romance in the game and nearly strangling Endo lmao.

I also really loved Lieselotte’s backstory, she looked adorable and it was really cute how she fell for Sieg so quickly because of her love for romance stories involving princes, and it also explained why she’s such a tsundere and that really hurt to see, but the current tsundere moments we get with her and Sieg are so great it’s not all bad.
Feb 10, 2023 7:31 PM

Nov 2021
Such a great episode, I'm glad that the characters are getting more development and the misunderstandings are getting resolved
Feb 10, 2023 7:48 PM

Jul 2015
I love baldur man, way to go directly about it. No ifs and buts , straight to the point! I like that.
Feb 10, 2023 7:50 PM
Dec 2020
AAAAAAAAAAAA! So much good vibe from this episode! Now that's the kind of romance I like!

And to be perfectly honest, I was never, ever a fan of tsunderes. I never liked them, never saw the appeal, always thought they were aggravating at the very least. Needlessly hostile, annoying b*tches, whose whole personality was dictated by a strange fetish of some hikikimori mangaka who's never had any contact with the opposite gender (and I still think I'm probably not too far off there).

But now, thanks to this anime... I'm sort starting to see the appeal. Not towards the tsundere archetype as a whole, but the kind Liselotte represents. I'm still very much aware of the toxic implications that this archetype carries by default, but I think I know now why people gravitate towards it, at least in fiction. Liselotte is the cutest when she's playing tsun but is immediately exposed as dere. Love it.

As for Baldur and Fiene: AAAAAAAAAAAAA! That was a legitimate proposal! Too bad Fiene decided to take it slow, but can't fault her there. Take your time, girl. At least we know where they stand and they will enduptogethersohelpmegod.Theywillmarryandhavekidsandtheyllbesohappytogetheraaaaaaaaaaaaa!

That's what I call romance. Best romance this season.

Too cute.

This show is too cute. I can't take it, but I'll keep watching.
Feb 10, 2023 8:02 PM

Feb 2018
Great episode, I thought Sieg would really go in for the actual kiss lol.

Never ending plan to watch list...

Feb 10, 2023 10:22 PM

Nov 2019
That was like, some kind of severe delusion. How come she suspected everyone was out to harm her? :'( that's just not right.
Feb 11, 2023 1:36 AM

Mar 2012
Wow, so she treated him like that since childhood, I'm amazed that the prince didn't grow tired of her after all these years. Her reason for being a tsundere is incredibly stupid.

Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Feb 11, 2023 2:30 AM
Oct 2021
Tbh I’m loving this a lot. For once the Tsundere doesn’t feel insufferable
Feb 11, 2023 3:58 AM

May 2015
Yippee! Thanks to Lieselotte hiding Fiene in the closet, her and Baldur can finally confess to one another! Definitely sucks that the witch of yore is manipulating her feelings so much though. I believe with Siegward now fully aware of what's at stake, we have a much better chance of getting that good ending for Liese!
Feb 11, 2023 4:12 AM

May 2018
ah so Lise was a home grown and raised tsundere xD
Feb 11, 2023 6:19 AM

May 2015
Poor Liselotte. What a bullshit thing to say to a kid, no surprise she took it to an extreme. Her father could have worded it differently, really.
Feb 11, 2023 9:26 AM

Mar 2014
So Liselotte father is the one who turns into a tsundere !!? No disrespect but old man just be quiet
Feb 11, 2023 6:25 PM
Feb 2019
I love the soundtrack of this episode. Such a magnifique chose of melody 10/10
Feb 11, 2023 6:30 PM
Mar 2021
Poor Lieselotte 😒😒😒
I hope her heart grow stronger to beat that wizard!
Feb 12, 2023 1:04 AM
Aug 2022
The amount of affection and love Sieg-kun showed her, it should be fine as long as he's besides her.
I hope that witch of yores will disappear asap.
let's see what happens in the next episode.
can't wait so much excited
Feb 12, 2023 7:27 AM

Jun 2016
what a solid episode !!
kawaiii liselotte !!
Feb 12, 2023 7:51 AM

Feb 2019
Liselotte onee-sama!!! Shikkari shite!!! T-T ♥ ♥ ♥
Feb 12, 2023 7:45 PM

Dec 2022
Me molesta un poco que ahora Sieg no sea el único que pueda escuchar las voces de Endou y Kobayashi pero bueno... que se le va a hacer...
Buen capπŸ‘
Feb 13, 2023 1:51 AM

Apr 2020
goddddd bal is so painfully boring i fucking hate straight people
Feb 14, 2023 4:18 PM
Oct 2019
Bruhh it's the Father fault after all... LMAO

Not only Fiene-chan but also Lieselotte now can hear them?

Must protect Lieselotte at all cost.
Feb 15, 2023 9:54 PM

Sep 2010
Lieselotte's father! You could have said it differently, but what's done is done.

Whoa! Now most of the Magikoi characters know Lieselotte's fate. Everyone is on board now!

"to the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world." -a magnet
Feb 16, 2023 2:22 AM
Apr 2016
Feb 17, 2023 5:13 PM

May 2015
This felt like a last episode for this series. 

Interesting that theres an actual explained reason as to why Liselotte is a tsundere. Its all the father's fault. 

Its a shame cause it looks like the series might focus more on the drama rather than the wholesome stuff like the first 5 episodes. But since they addressed the witch thing at episode 6 which would normally be a episode 11/12 thing we might get more wholesome. 
Yuritopia FTW!!!!!!!!! BANZAI TO YURI !!!!!!!!!!!!
Feb 22, 2023 4:55 PM
Jul 2018
Very romantic gesture from Baldur getting on his knees for Fiene. Sieg was quite impressive as well with Liese. 🌹

Lieselotte is one of the most endearing tsun de rais for me.

This episode definitely did turn up the drama more than I expected, but I'm here for it.
Feb 24, 2023 11:53 AM

May 2020
Wow this was so dramatic lol. And the bits of opera from time to time just elevated the sentiment. Though they did sort out things in the end, it felt a tad too easy. I hope there's more to that.

Also is it like the first time in history, we actually got a reason behind someone's tsundere syndrome?
Mar 1, 2023 9:41 PM

Aug 2020
Nice developments, the "Gods" can now also talk to Fiene, but not a moment too soon, as Liselotte is still getting closer to falling into the clutches of that evil witch. Heartbreaking background story, explaining how the main girl turned "tsun de rais" to quote Sieg's interpretation of the word "tsundere". Scene where Fiene overheard Bal's confession due to Liselotte asking her "little sister" to silently wait in the room while interrogating Bal, was good too..

Not a perfect 10 episode, but it feels like 4/5 might be too low, out of 10 I might have rated it a 9, because of the plot progression for multiple characters and giving backstory on the main girl.
Mar 5, 2023 9:43 PM
Mar 2018
That was the best thing I've ever seen
Mar 11, 2023 2:05 AM

Jun 2015
Squeee. Another awakening, and I love my awakenings. Who would of imagined it would happen in an otomoe game like this! Love it.
To have you, Id give a billion lives A-Chan best girl
Mar 17, 2023 10:29 AM

Nov 2013
the summer is ending, but the memories were great, one of her favorite ever summers probably
but even after those happy days, the witch inside her is giving her nightmares to try to bring her closer to the doom ending

back at school, everyone is surprised to see Fiene and Liese walking together, and how different Fiene is behaving

the prince is finally here and showing off the ribbon Liese gave him, and no matter how happy Liese is ... she had to put an angry face, with the excuse of the ribbon not being perfectly tied up lols the other 2 are too used by now, so they just smile

Baldur appeared, but he is now avoiding Fiene, because of her being in Liese's family, making a move on her could make him look like someone who wants to make a move for money
Liese ofc just calls him a coward lol no one cares what people think, he needs to give it a try lol also, it's not like he changed his mind now, he already wanted to marry her before she turned into a noble
HAHAHAHA Liese telling him to not hide his feelings, while she is the tsundere
Bal then confessed his love for fiene, and Liese just left... Fiene will take it from here lol
since he has the chance, he just kneed and confessed his love again, just like he did before the summer break
her answer tho, too embarrassed and also thinking about other people's opinions lol

oh, Fiene now can listen to the 2 gods, this should be interesting now
they shouldn't be screaming inside her head tho lol they are kinda being bakas
but as expected, they know what she needed... and just a few words were enough to turn around this messing love talk as long as both of them want to stay together and not for any titles, Bal will have no problems kidnapping her out of the kingdom lols
well, they can think about all those complicated matters like marriage later, for now, she accepts being a couple

wow even when she is awake, Liese still has to hear that stupid voice
please, this is no longer the game, why would this Fiene steal the prince from her? unless she got possessed lol
well, at least that dream shows that she knows she can be annoying with her words
that being said, she is one of my f avorites this season, so seeing her crying, when it's not even her fault, it's sad

i was gonna say that she was doing great, still acting like herself despite all the dreams, but then she started to avoid the prince lol i feel cheated
Fiene noticed it and made sure to ask her what her problem was
actually, it was the gods that told her about the nightmares, having someone to talk about it is sure to help guide her in the right direction
Liese knowing how bad her behaviour is sometimes, thinks there's no way for the prince to actually care about her (and maybe he would give up without the 2 gods)... but the prince sure wants to make her believe his feelings and ... NICE KISS :D

tho, the kiss made her fall asleep, and remember the time when they met as kids
she fell in love with the prince but the father told her to behave and not impose, since he had a big burden as the future king
Jesus Christ, so that's how she became like that... her father is an idiot ... but then again, she didn't need to push him away so hard, she could still talk to him normally, as long as she didn't say stuff about love ... oh well, they were just kids

now that the gods can communicate with Liese as well, it's time to tell the prince and Fiene about her future, how the witch wants to break her and how the prince can save her just by loving her , that being said, they had to wait for him to love her by his own will and not for obligation
the prince vows to always stay with her, and will take her home with a princess carry, Liese, even unconcious is happy ... and Kobayashi can't stop fangirling
... and so the prince and princess loved happily ever after ...
or so we hope, it's still too early for that, we still have some more episodes, and i'm sure the novel has some more to show us
(lol actually just noticed the novel is only 2 volumes, wtf that's so short)
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Apr 2, 2023 10:58 AM
Mar 2023
Jun 14, 2023 8:28 PM

Nov 2009
huh, so apparently Kabayashi and Endo can't see "dreams", it doesn't even show up as text description on the game screen.


Hehe, Liese's now the wingman for Fiene and Bal.

And it awakened Fiene to hear Kobayashi and Endo's voice.

But.... apparently Liese's getting attacked by the "evil voice" and is going full Tsundere that avoids talking to others.

BTW... why did Kobayashi and Endo tell Fiene about Liese having nightmares, but didn't tell Sieg about it? huh....


AWWW, Little Liese is so cute.

And apparently she became a Tsundere cause she was "taught" by the dad to hide her true feelings... LOL

But also partly Dad's fault for having Liese feeling jelly cause she had to constantly pretend she isn't interested in Sieg.

Hmm... not sure if I should smack the Dad for making Liese feel bad or praise the Dad for turning Liese into a Tsundere...


amlgJun 14, 2023 8:36 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Aug 2, 2023 2:19 PM

May 2018
The flashback childhood of Liese and the Prince is somewhat sad. It is hurtful for the Prince to be rejected, and Liese is in pain while doing so. (T_T)
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